
A just world is an equal world

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Goal 5: All individuals have the right and opportunity to contribute and participate in work for climate, energy and food security

Decorative illustration


  1. Women are acknowledged as agents of change, with genuine influence in decision-making processes in the green transition.
  2. Women’s rights, gender equality and participation are integrated into the preservation of biodiversity, sustainable management of natural resources, climate change adaptation and the prevention of climate- and environment-related disasters.
  3. Women’s rights and participation in renewable energy and food security is strengthened.
  4. Women’s role as food producers and contributors to food chains and food systems is strengthened.

Norway’s distinctive contribution lies in our dedicated support for inclusive climate action and the commitments we uphold at both national and global levels. The International Climate and Forest Initiative is central in this context. Our focus on transitioning to and facilitating access to renewable energy constitutes a significant aspect to curbing gas emissions. In addition, our commitment to gender equality is a key emphasis in Norway’s strategy for food security in development policy38 and in our strategy for climate adaptation, prevention of climate-related disasters and combating hunger.39


  • Incorporating gender equality considerations as a distinct criterion in assessments of partners involved in all climate, energy and food security initiatives. Partners will be required to report on the gendered impacts of their efforts on women and men.
  • Integrating gender equality into knowledge programmes focusing on fish, oceans, agriculture, and energy.
  • Supporting the integration of gender equality considerations in the development of government policy for climate change adaptation and emission reduction.
  • Supporting measures that strengthen women’s participation in decision-making processes related to climate issues at the local, national, and global levels.
  • Ensuring that girls and women have access to knowledge, enabling them to contribute effectively to work on climate, energy and food security.
  • Contributing to girls’ and women’s participation in transitional processes aimed at increasing access to renewable energy in households.
  • Amplifying the focus on energy sources that specifically advance gender equality, such as ensuring sufficient and affordable electricity for cooking, clean cookstoves and decentralised energy solutions.
  • Encouraging women’s involvement and participation in the planning, development and operation of renewable energy production, including through support for vocational training and higher education.
  • Supporting women’s participation in and access to disaster prevention programmes and weather forecasting services.
  • Supporting favourable framework conditions that facilitate female small-scale fishers’ access to fisheries and aquaculture.
  • Supporting the organisation of women small-scale producers in cooperatives, farmer and fishery organisations.
  • Supporting women food producers’ access to production methods, approaches, services, and innovation that provide climate-resilient food production.
  • Supporting women’s participation and leadership in sustainable forest management with a particular focus on indigenous peoples and indigenous women.
  • Supporting women’s participation and leadership in the sustainable management of natural resources.
  • Supporting initiatives that contribute to raising awareness of how climate change impacts access to sexual and reproductive health and rights and ensuring the inclusion of SRHR in national climate plans.
  • Following up Norfund’s efforts in advancing equal opportunities for women and men at all levels within the investments of the Climate Investment Fund.
  • Strengthening the knowledge base and supporting research on the interconnections between climate and gender equality.

Sustainable Development Goals we are contributing to:

1 No poverty, 2 Zero hunger, 5 Gender equality, 7 Affordable and clean energy, 13 Climate action, 14 Life below water and 15 Life on land.



 Combining forces against hunger – a policy to improve food self-sufficiency. Norway’s strategy for promoting food security in development policy. Available at: https://www.regjeringen.no/en/dokumenter/Food-security-strategy/id2948780/.


 Climate change, hunger and vulnerability: Strategy for climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and the fight against hunger. Available at: https://www.regjeringen.no/en/dokumenter/climate_vulnerability/id2963175/.