
A just world is an equal world

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Goal 1: All individuals have the right to bodily autonomy

Decorative illustration


  1. All individuals have access to sexual and reproductive health and rights30, including contraceptives and safe abortion.
  2. Children and adolescents receive age-appropriate and comprehensive sexuality education in and out-of-school.
  3. International acceptance of sexual rights.

Norway’s distinctive contribution lies in our national policy on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), coupled with our clear and unwavering international position in support of SRHR. This commitment is firmly rooted in the right to health, and work for SRHR as an integral component of universal health coverage. Norway has been a longstanding advocate on politically sensitive topics, including access to contraception and counselling, comprehensive sexuality education in and out- of- school and the right to safe abortion. Our commitment extends to substantial financial support for international initiatives in this field, with both civil society and multilateral organisations as key partners. We remain dedicated to this approach, aligned to the Foreign Service’s guidelines for SRHR work.31 The guidelines for freedom of religion and belief,32 along with Norway’s development policy strategy for inclusion of persons with disabilities33 are also relevant in this endeavour.


  • Promoting the right to decide over one’s own body (SRHR), bilaterally and internationally.
  • Supporting and advancing broad cross-regional alliances to co-ordinate efforts to promote SRHR. This includes bilateral and multilateral dialogue, as well as co-operation with relevant civil society organisations.
  • Collaborating with various actors to develop and share research-based knowledge about the value of SRHR and the costs of not ensuring access to SRHR for all.
  • Collaborating with global, national and local governments and stakeholders in spreading information and facilitating access to age- and gender-appropriate sexual and reproductive health services for individuals of all genders and ages, including contraception and safe abortion services.
  • Supporting organisations that promote safe sex, good health and sexual pleasure in their programmes, including young people.
  • Collaborating with faith-based organisations and networks to mobilise and support progressive voices, fostering proactive actions at local and national levels including contributing to dialogues aimed at ensuring safe abortion for women.
  • Supporting comprehensive sexuality education in and out-of-school.
  • Advocating for the incorporation of comprehensive sexuality education into primary and secondary school curricula, both within and outside the classroom.
  • Supporting advocacy for access to age and gender-appropriate sexual and reproductive health services and comprehensive sexuality education for adolescents, LGBT+ people, persons with disabilities and other marginalised or vulnerable groups.
  • Strengthening national health systems to include SRHR in primary health care and universal health coverage plans.
  • Strengthening access to sexual and reproductive health services and information in humanitarian efforts.

Sustainable Development Goals we are contributing to:

3 Good health and well-being, 4 Quality education and 5 Gender equality.



 See note 5.


 Norwegian guidelines for sexual and reproductive health and rights. Available at: https://www.regjeringen.no/contentassets/daaf87fe8aab47f18636e7dcb98c9511/srhr_veileder.pd.


 Veileder for utenrikstjenestens arbeid med tros- og livssynsfrihet [Guidelines for the Norwegian Foreign Service’s work on freedom of religion and belief]. Available at: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/ny-veileder-for-utenrikstjenestens-arbeid-med-tros-og-livssynsfrihet/id2983169/.


 Equality for all. Norway’s strategy for disability-inclusive development (2022–2025). Available at: https://www.regjeringen.no/en/dokumenter/equality_all/id2901152/.