
A just world is an equal world

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Goal 4: All individuals have equal political rights and opportunities to participate in public life

Decorative illustration


  1. Uphold and implement a robust global normative framework for women’s rights and gender equality that is maintained and implemented at national level.
  2. Women have full, equal and meaningful representation, with genuineinfluence in political processes and political bodies.
  3. All individuals are safe and have the opportunity to work for human rights.
  4. All girls and women, have the necessary skills to actively participate in society.

Norway’s distinctive contribution lies in our national expertise in women’s participation in politics and public life, coupled with a sustained and unwavering global commitment to gender equality. We have extensive experience in developing, implementing, organising and advocating for women’s representation and participation in political decision-making processes and public life at all levels. The foundation of Norway’s efforts to promote gender equality globally is rooted in a stable and enduring prioritisation. In addition, we have collaborative partnerships with multilateral organisations, authorities and civil society organisations with the legitimacy and knowledge to influence gender equality in society.

The strategy for freedom of expression in foreign and development policy35 has a clear gender equality profile. The Norwegian Foreign Service’s guidelines for supporting human rights defenders36 draws on extensive experience from our human rights work. Recognising the interdependence of women’s participation in political processes and their participation in peace and security efforts, Norway has consistently prioritised both nationally and globally. The National Action Plan for Women, Peace, and Security provides a detailed exploration of Norway’s commitment to fostering women’s participation in peace and security work.37

We will prioritise:

  • Supporting actors working to increase the representation of women, LGBT+ people and young people in political forums and decision-making processes at local, national and global levels.
  • Supporting government efforts to develop and implement non-discriminatory legislation, legal reforms and policies that ensure women’s and LGBT+ persons’ equal and meaningful participation in political public life.
  • Providing long-term and flexible support to local and South-based women’s, LGBT+ and youth organisations, including girl-led organisations and feminist and social movements.
  • Strengthening research communities working on gender equality for better knowledge-based policy making, including for and with young people.
  • Contributing to capacity development and protection schemes for women human rights defenders.
  • Strengthening access to safe communication and training in digital safety and security for girls, women and LGBT+ persons who speak out in public.
  • Ensuring that all girls and women have the knowledge and skills, including through public education, to enable them to actively participate in society.

Sustainable Development Goals we are contributing to:

4 Quality education, 5 Gender equality and 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions.



 International strategy for freedom of expression. Available at: https://www.regjeringen.no/en/dokumenter/international-strategy-for-freedom-of-expression2/id2866234/.


 Norwegian guidelines for support to human rights defenders. Available at: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/norwegian-guidelines-for-support-to-human-rights-defenders/id2992011/.


 See note 2.