
Historical archive

Changes to regional measures in Viken and in Gran municipality

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Health and Care Services

On 16 March, the Government introduced new regional measures in all Viken county’s municipalities and in Gran municipality of Innlandet county. All 52 municipalities were assigned response level A, the most restrictive level. As recommended by the Directorate of Health, the National Institute of Public Health and the County Governor, the Government has decided that 20 municipalities will stay at response level A, 19 municipalities will be moved to response level B, whereas 13 municipalities no longer need regional measures. The changes will take effect starting midnight before Monday 12 April and last until Sunday 25 April.

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–  Infection numbers in Viken have levelled off lately, indicating that the measures implemented on 16 March have had an impact. Nevertheless, several municipalities still have a high level of infection. Hence, the regional measures will be extended in these municipalities, either at the present level or at response level B, says Bent Høie, Minister of Health and Care Services.

The Directorate of Health, the National Institute of Public Health, the County Governor of Oslo and Viken and the affected municipalities have been in close contact on the matter. Most municipalities support the recommendation.

Response Level A is extended in these municipalities:

Asker, Bærum, Drammen, Eidsvoll, Enebakk, Fredrikstad, Gjerdrum, Lier, Lillestrøm, Lørenskog, Moss, Nannestad, Nes, Nordre Follo, Rakkestad, Rælingen, Råde, Sarpsborg, Ullensaker and Ås.

Click here for a description of Response Level A (Especially strict measures, as set out in the COVID-19 Regulations, Ch. 5A)

The Response Level will be scaled down from Level A to Level B in these municipalities:

Aurskog-Høland, Frogn, Halden, Hole, Hurdal, Hvaler, Indre Østfold, Jevnaker, Kongsberg, Lunner, Marker, Modum, Nesodden, Nittedal, Ringerike, Skiptvet, Vestby, Våler and Øvre Eiker.

Click here for a description of Response Level B (Strict measures, as set out in the COVID-19 Regulations, Ch. 5B)

Regional measures will be discontinued in these municipalities:

Aremark, Flesberg, Flå, Gol, Hemsedal, Hol, Krødsherad, Nesbyen, Nore og Uvdal, Rollag, Sigdal and Ål, all in Viken, as well as Gran municipality of Innlandet.

The municipalities moved from Response Level A (especially strict measures) to Response Level B (strict measures) will have changes, including the following:

  • Sports and leisure activities will be allowed, also indoors, for children and young people under 20. The ban on organised outdoor activities for persons older than 20 no longer applies.

  • Shops, shopping centres and department stores may stay open. Inhabitants are recommended to use local shopping centres and department stores.

  • Restaurants and bars etc. may stay open, but serving alcohol is not permitted.

  • Pools, water parks, spas, hotel pools and similar facilities may open up for school swimming, organised swimming lessons and training for those under 20, and swimming for elite athletes, rehabilitation, physical therapy and individual treatment.

Temporary adjustments to Response Level A, followed by an overall review of the response levels

The intention of Response Level A was to have a set of especially strict measures to implement for a period of two to three weeks in the event of complex and severe outbreaks in a region. Extending Response Level A in 20 municipalities in Viken means that these municipalities’ inhabitants will have to live with such a strict response level for nearly six more weeks.

– The extension of the strictest response level constitutes a heavy burden on the inhabitants of these 20 municipalities. Response Level A was not intended to last for such a long period. However, Response Level B would provide an insufficient level of measures, given the grave situation in these municipalities. Therefore, the Directorate of Health and the National Institute of Public Health have now been assigned to consider introducing temporary adjustments to Response Level A from next week to make up for this, Høie says.

The Directorate of Health and the National Institute of Public Health are also given a bit more time to make an overall review and adjustment of all three regional response levels (A, B and C).

–  We still need to keep Response Level A very strict to quickly and efficiently suppress outbreaks over a relatively short timespan, also in the future. This is especially important when faced with virus variants that may be more vaccine-resistant. At the same time, it is essential to reassess response levels B and C and consider whether these levels may, to a greater extent, be adjusted to situations such as we now have in parts of Viken, with a need for strict measures for an extended period, Høie says.

Click here for an overview of which measures apply at each level.