
National Transport Plan 2022–2033

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3 Recent advances in the Norwegian transport sector

The Government has introduced reforms in all parts of the transport sector. Steps have been taken to facilitate competitive tendering, thereby increasing efficiency and innovation, but cooperation has also been encouraged in cases where this contributes to more efficient use of resources. Another result of these reforms and the organisational changes the agencies have undergone is that the authorities’ role has become clearer and, in many cases, more distinct from other activities. The way the sector is organised is intended to preserve the strong expert knowledge environment in the transport sector, thereby ensuring that they can fulfil their societal missions.

  • Nye Veier has been established and builds main roads more efficiently.
  • Opening the rail sector to competition has resulted in more railways for the funds invested and better services.
  • The Norwegian Public Roads Administration now has a new and more efficient organisation.
  • The county authorities have been assigned administrative responsibility for the county roads.
  • The road toll reform reduced the number of road toll companies from 60 to five.
  • Entur has been established as a national travel planner for public transport.
  • New taxi regulations ensure forward-looking services in both urban and rural areas.
  • Commercial express bus services have been liberalised, and unnecessary needs assessments have been discontinued.
  • The Urban Growth Agreements lead to improved accessibility and more environmental-friendly transport solutions.
  • In the major urban areas, the Government covers a substantial part of the costs of large public transport projects.
  • The coastal route has been subject to tender.
  • The reorganisation of the Norwegian Coastal Administration aims to trigger rationalisation gains by common organisation of related fields.
  • As a result of public procurement requirements and support schemes, there are now around 70 low and zero-emission ferries in service in Norway.
  • The Government’s electric car policy has been a major force to achieving more than 50 per cent of new passenger cars sold in Norway now being zero-emission cars.
  • Avinor and the Civil Aviation Authority are working to make Norway a leading country in the phasing-in of aircraft with low or zero emissions.