1 Agreement between the EFTA States and The Kingdom of Morocco
The Republic of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Kingdom of Norway, the Swiss Confederation (hereinafter called the EFTA States)
the Kingdom of Morocco (hereinafter called Morocco),
Considering the importance of the links existing between the EFTA States and Morocco, in particular the Declaration on Co-operation signed in Zermatt in December 1995, and recognizing the common wish to strengthen these links, thus establishing close and lasting relations,
Recalling their intention to participate actively in the process of economic integration in the Euro-Mediterranean region, and expressing their preparedness to co-operate in seeking ways and means to strengthen this process,
Reaffirming their commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms, and recalling the principles of the United Nations Charter,
Desiring to create favourable conditions for the development and diversification of trade between them and for the promotion of commercial and economic co-operation in areas of common interest on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, non-discrimination and international law,
Recalling the membership of the EFTA States and Morocco in WTO and their commitment to comply with the rights and obligations arising from the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization, including the principles of most-favoured-nation and of national treatment,
Resolved to contribute to the strengthening of the multilateral trading system and to develop their relations towards free trade in compliance with WTO rules,
Considering that no provision of this Agreement may be interpreted as exempting the States Parties to this Agreement from their obligations under other international agreements, especially WTO,
Determined to implement this Agreement with the objective to preserve and protect the environment and to ensure an optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the principle of sustainable development,
Firmly convinced that this Agreement will contribute to the creation of an enlarged and harmonious free trade area between European and Mediterranean countries, thus constituting an important contribution to Euro-Mediterranean integration,
Noting the intention of EFTA States to support efforts to liberalize the Moroccan economy and in that way to contribute to the improvement of economic and social conditions in Morocco,
Declaring their readiness to examine, in the light of any relevant factor, the possibility of developing and deepening their economic relations in order to extend them to fields not covered by this Agreement,
Convinced that this Agreement provides an appropriate framework for exchange of information and views on economic developments and trade as well as related matters,
Also convinced that this Agreement will create conditions encouraging economic, trade and investment relations between them,
HAVE DECIDED, in pursuit of the above, to conclude the following Agreement (hereinafter called this Agreement):
Article 1 Objectives
The EFTA States and Morocco shall gradually establish a free trade area in accordance with the provisions of the present Agreement.
The objectives of this Agreement, which is based on trade relations between market economies and on the respect of democratic principles and human rights, are:
to promote, through the expansion of reciprocal trade, the harmonious development of the economic relations between the EFTA States and Morocco and thus to foster in the EFTA States and in Morocco the advance of economic activity, the improvement of living and employment conditions, and increased productivity and financial stability;
to provide fair conditions of competition for trade between the States Parties to this Agreement;
to contribute in this way, by the removal of barriers to trade, to Euro-Mediterranean economic integration and to the harmonious development and expansion of world trade.
Article 2 Scope
This Agreement shall apply:
to products falling within Chapters 25 to 97 of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), excluding the products listed in Annex I;
to products specified in Protocol A, with due regard to arrangements provided for in Protocol;
to fish and other marine products as provided for in Annex II;
originating in an EFTA State or Morocco.
Article 3 Rules of origin and co-operation in customs administration
Protocol B lays down the rules of origin and methods of administrative co-operation.
The States Parties to this Agreement shall take appropriate measures, including reviews by the Joint Committee and arrangements for administrative co-operation, to ensure that the provisions of Articles 4 (Customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect), 5 (Basic duties), 6 (Customs duties of a fiscal nature), 7 (Customs duties on exports and charges having equivalent effect), 8 (Quantitative restrictions on imports or exports and measures having equivalent effect), 13 (Internal taxation and regulations) and 22 (Re-export and serious shortage) of this Agreement and Protocol B are effectively and harmoniously applied, and to reduce, as far as possible, the formalities imposed in trade, and to achieve mutually satisfactory solutions to any difficulties arising from the operation of those provisions.
On the basis of the reviews referred to in paragraph 2, the States Parties to this Agreement shall decide on the appropriate measures to be taken.
Article 4 Customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect
No new customs duty on imports or charge having equivalent effect shall be introduced in trade between the EFTA States and Morocco.
The EFTA States shall abolish on the date of entry into force of this Agreement all customs duties on imports and any charges having equivalent effect on products originating in Morocco.
Morocco shall abolish on the date of entry into force of this Agreement all customs duties on imports and any charges having equivalent effect on products originating in an EFTA State, except as provided for in Tables A, B, C, D and E to Annex III.
Morocco shall abolish all reference prices on products listed in Table F to Annex III in accordance with its obligations within the WTO, in particular the Agreement on Customs Valuation, in any case at the latest three years after the entry into force of this Agreement.
Article 5 Basic duties
For each product the basic duty to which the successive reductions set out in this Agreement are to be applied, shall be the most-favoured-nation rate of duty applied on 1 January 1996.
If, before, by or after entry into force of this Agreement, any tariff reduction is applied on an erga omnes basis, in particular reductions in accordance with the commitments resulting from the Uruguay Round, such reduced duties shall replace the basic duties referred to in paragraph 1 as from the date when such reductions are applied, or from the entry into force of this Agreement if this is later.
The reduced duties calculated in accordance with Article 4 (Customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect) shall be applied rounded to the first decimal place or, in case of specific duties, to the second decimal place.
Article 6 Customs duties of a fiscal nature
The provisions of Article 4 (Customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect) shall also apply to customs duties of a fiscal nature.
Article 7 Customs duties on exports and charges having equivalent effect
No new customs duty on exports or charge having equivalent effect shall be introduced in trade between the EFTA States and Morocco.
The EFTA States and Morocco shall abolish on the date of entry into force of this Agreement all customs duties on exports and any charges having equivalent effect.
Article 8 Quantitative restrictions on imports or exports
and measures having equivalent effect
No new quantitative restriction on imports or exports and measures having equivalent effect shall be introduced in trade between the EFTA States and Morocco.
The EFTA States shall abolish on the date of entry into force of this Agreement quantitative restrictions on imports or exports and measures having equivalent effect.
Morocco shall abolish on the date of entry into force of this Agreement quantitative restrictions on imports or exports and measures having equivalent effect, except as provided for in Annex IV.
Article 9 General exceptions
This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public morality, public policy or public security; the protection of health and life of humans, animals or plants and the environment; the protection of national treasures possessing artistic, historic or archaeological value; the protection of intellectual property; rules relating to gold or silver; or the conservation of exhaustible natural resources, if such measures are made effective in conjunction with restrictions on domestic production or consumption. Such prohibitions or restrictions shall not, however, constitute a means of arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade between the States Parties to this Agreement.
Article 10 State monopolies
The EFTA States shall ensure that any state monopoly of a commercial character be adjusted, with the exceptions laid down in Protocol C, so that with the entry into force of this Agreement no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed will exist between nationals of theEFTA States and of Morocco. These goods shall be procured and marketed in accordance with commercial considerations.
Morocco will progressively adjust, without affecting commitments made under the WTO, any state monopoly of a commercial character so that at the latest by the end of the fifth year following the entry into force of this Agreement, no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed will exist between nationals of Morocco and the EFTA States. The Joint Committee will be informed of the measures adopted to implement these objectives.
The provisions of this Article shall apply to any body through which the competent authorities of the States Parties to this Agreement, in law or in fact, either directly or indirectly supervise, determine or appreciably influence imports or exports between the States Parties to this Agreement. These provisions shall likewise apply to monopolies delegated by the State to other bodies.
Article 11 Technical regulations
The States Parties to this Agreement shall co-operate in the field of technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment; and through appropriate measures promote in particular European-wide solutions. The Joint Committee shall establish guidelines for the implementation of this paragraph.
The States Parties to this Agreement agree to hold immediate consultations in the framework of the Joint Committee in case a State Party considers that another State Party has taken measures which are likely to create, or have created, a technical obstacle to trade, in order to find an appropriate solution.
The States Parties to this Agreement confirm the obligation to notify draft technical regulations in accordance with the provisions on the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.
Article 12 Trade in agricultural products
The States Parties to this Agreement declare their readiness to foster, in so far as their agricultural policies allow, harmonious development of trade in agricultural products.
In pursuance of this objective each individual EFTA State and Morocco concluded a bilateral arrangement providing for measures to facilitate trade in agricultural products.
The States Parties to this Agreement shall apply their regulations in sanitary and phytosanitary matters in a non-discriminatory fashion and shall not introduce any new measures that have the effect of unduly obstructing trade.
Article 13 Internal taxation and regulations
The States Parties to this Agreement commit themselves to apply any internal taxes and other charges and regulations in accordance with Article III of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 and other relevant WTO Agreements.
Exporters may not benefit from repayment of internal taxation in excess of the amount of direct or indirect taxation imposed on products exported to the territory of one of the States Parties to this Agreement.
Article 14 Payments and Transfers
Payments relating to trade between an EFTA State and Morocco and the transfer of such payments to the territory of the State Party to this Agreement where the creditor resides, shall be free from any restrictions.
The States Parties to this Agreement shall refrain from any currency exchange or administrative restrictions on the grant, repayment or acceptance of short and medium-term credits covering commercial transactions in which a resident participates.
No restrictive measures shall apply to transfers related to investments and in particular to the repatriation of amounts invested or reinvested and of any kind of revenues stemming therefrom.
Article 15 Public procurement
The States Parties to this Agreement consider the effective liberalization of their respective public procurement markets on the basis of non-discrimination and reciprocity, as an integral objective of this Agreement.
To this effect, the Parties shall elaborate rules within the framework of the Joint Committee with a view to ensuring such liberalization. Due account shall be given to developments under the auspices of the WTO.
Article 16 Protection of intellectual property
The States Parties to this Agreement shall grant and ensure adequate, effective and non-discriminatory protection of intellectual property rights, including measures for the enforcement of such rights against infringement thereof, counterfeiting and piracy, in accordance with the provisions of this Article, Annex V to this Agreement and the international agreements referred to therein.
The States Parties to this Agreement shall accord to each other»s nationals treatment no less favourable than that they accord to their own nationals. Exemptions from this obligation must be in accordance with the substantive provisions of Article 3 of the TRIPS Agreement.
The States Parties to this Agreement shall grant to each others' nationals treatment no less favourable than that accorded to nationals of any other State. Exemptions from this obligation must be in accordance with the substantive provisions of the TRIPS Agreement, in particular Articles 4 and 5 thereof.
The States Parties to this Agreement agree, upon request of any State Party, to review the provisions on the protection of intellectual property rights contained in the present Article and in Annex V, with a view to further improve levels of protection and to avoid or remedy trade distortions caused by actual levels of protection of intellectual property rights.
Article 17 Rules of competition concerning undertakings
The following are incompatible with the proper functioning of this Agreement in so far as they may affect trade between an EFTA State and Morocco:
all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices between undertakings which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition;
abuse by one or more undertakings of a dominant position in the territories of the States Parties to this Agreement as a whole or in a substantial part thereof.
The provisions of paragraph 1 shall also apply to the activities of public undertakings, and undertakings for which the States Parties to this Agreement grant special or exclusive rights, in so far as the application of these provisions does not obstruct the performance, in law or in fact, of the particular public tasks assigned to them.
If a State Party to this Agreement considers that a given practice is incompatible with the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2, it may take appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 25 (Procedure for the application of safeguard measures).
Article 18 State aid
Any aid granted by a State Party to this Agreement or through State resources in any form whatsoever which distorts or threatens to distort competition by favouring certain undertakings or the production of certain goods shall, in so far as it may affect trade between an EFTA State and Morocco, be incompatible with the proper functioning of this Agreement.
Any practices contrary to paragraph 1 should be assessed on the basis of the criteria set out in Annex VI.
The States Parties to this Agreement shall ensure transparency of state aid measures by exchanging information as provided in Annex VII.
If a State Party to this Agreement considers that a given practice is incompatible with the provisions of paragraph 1, it may take appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 25 (Procedure for the application of safeguard measures).
Article 19 Dumping
If an EFTA State finds that dumping within the meaning of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 is taking place in trade with Morocco, or if Morocco finds that dumping within this meaning is taking place in trade with an EFTA State, the State Party concerned may take appropriate measures against this practice in accordance with the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 and with the procedure laid down in Article 25 (Procedure for the application of safeguard measures).
Article 20 Emergency action on imports of particular products
Where any product is being imported in such increased quantities and under such conditions as to cause, or threaten to cause:
serious injury to domestic producers of like or directly competitive products in the territory of the importing State Party to this Agreement, or
serious disturbances in any related sector of the exonomy of difficulties which could bring about serious deterioration in the exonomic situation of a region,
the State Party concerned may take appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 25 (Procedure for the application of safeguard measures).
Article 21 Structural adjustment
Exceptional measures of limited duration which derogate from the provisions of Article 4 (Customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect) may be taken by Morocco in the form of increased customs duties.
These measures may only concern infant industries, or certain sectors undergoing restructuring or facing serious difficulties, particularly where these difficulties produce important social problems.
After the introduction of these measures, the total ad valorem customs duties applicable in Morocco to products originating in the EFTA States may not exceed 25 % and shall maintain an element of preference for products originating in the EFTA States. They may not exceed customs duties levied on imports to Morocco of similar goods from any other country. The total value of imports of the products which are subject to these measures may not exceed 15 % of total imports of industrial products from the EFTA States as defined in Article 2(a) during the last year for which statistics are available.
These measures shall be applied for a period not exceeding three years unless a longer duration is authorized by the Joint Committee. All exceptional measures regarding structural adjustment shall cease to apply at the latest eight years after the entry into force of this Agreement.
Morocco shall inform the Joint Committee of any exceptional measures it intends to take and, at the request of the EFTA States, consultations shall be held in the Joint Committee on such measures and the sectors to which they apply before they are applied. When taking such measures Morocco shall provide the Joint Committee with a schedule for the elimination of the customs duties introduced under this Article. This schedule shall provide for a phasing out of these duties at equal annual rates starting at the latest two years after their introduction. The Joint Committee may decide on a different schedule.
Article 22 Re-export and serious shortage
Where compliance with the provisions of Articles 7 (Customs duties on exports and charges having equivalent effect) and 8 (Quantitative restrictions on imports or exports and measures having equivalent effect) leads to:
re-export to a third country against which the exporting State Party to this Agreement maintains, for the product concerned, quantitative export restrictions, export duties or measures or charges having equivalent effect; or
a serious shortage, or threat thereof, of a product essential to the exporting State Party to this Agreement;
and where the situations referred to above give rise or are likely to give rise to major difficulties for the exporting State Party, that State Party may take appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 25 (Procedure for the application of safeguard measures). The measures shall be non-discriminatory and be eliminated when conditions no longer justify their maintenance.
Article 23 Balance of payments difficulties
The States Parties to this Agreement shall endeavour to avoid the imposition of restrictive measures for balance of payments purposes.
Where an EFTA State or Morocco is in serious balance of payments difficulties, or under imminent threat thereof, the EFTA State or Morocco, as the case may be, may, in accordance with the conditions established under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 and the Understanding on the Balance-of-Payments Provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, adopt trade restrictive measures, which shall be of limited duration and non-discriminatory, and may not go beyond what is necessary to remedy the balance of payments situation. Preference shall be given to price-based measures which shall be progressively relaxed as balance of payments conditions improve and eliminated when conditions no longer justify their maintenance. The EFTA State or Morocco, as the case may be, shall inform the other States Parties to this Agreement and the Joint Committee forthwith, if possible, prior to their introduction and shall provide a time schedule for their removal. The Joint Committee shall, upon the request of any other State Party, examine the need for maintaining the measures taken.
Article 24 Arbitration Procedure
Disbutes between States Parties to this Agreement, relating to the interpretation of rights and obligations of the States Parties to this Agreement, which have not been settled through consultation or in the Joint Committee within six months, may be referred to arbitration by any State party to the dispute by means of a written notification addressed to the other State party to the dispute. A copy of this notification shall be communicated to all States Parties to this Agreement.
The constitution and functioning of the arbitral tribunal is governed by Annex VIII.
The arbitral tribunal shall settle the dispute in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and applicable rules and principles of international law.
The award of the arbitral tribunal shall be final and binding upon the States parties to the dispute.
Article 25 Procedure for the application of safeguard measures
Before initiating the procedure for the application of safeguard measures set out in the following paragraphs of the present Article, the States Parties to this Agreement shall endeavour to solve any differences between them through direct consultations, and inform the other States Parties to this Agreement thereof.
Without prejudice to paragraph 6 of the present Article, a State Party which considers resorting to safeguard measures shall promptly notify the other States Parties and the Joint Committee thereof and supply all relevant information. Consultations between the States Parties to this Agreement shall take place without delay in the Joint Committee with a view to finding a commonly acceptable solution.
As regards Articles 17 (Rules of competition concerning undertakings) and 18 (State aid), the States Parties concerned shall give to the Joint Committee all the assistance required in order to examine the case and, where appropriate, eliminate the practice objected to. If the State Party in question fails to put an end to the practice objected to within the period fixed by the Joint Committee or if the Joint Committee fails to reach an agreement after consultations, or after thirty days following referral for such consultations, the State Party concerned may adopt the appropriate measures to deal with the difficulties resulting from the practice in question.
As regards Articles 19 (Dumping), 20 (Emergency action on imports of particular products) and 22 (Re-export and serious shortage), the Joint Committee shall examine the case or the situation and may take any decision needed to put an end to the difficulties notified by the State Party concerned. In the absence of such a decision within thirty days of the matter being referred to the Joint Committee, the State Party concerned may adopt the measures necessary in order to remedy the situation.
As regards Article 32 (Fulfilment of obligations), the State Party concerned shall supply the Joint Committee with all relevant information required for a thorough examination of the situation with a view to seeking a commonly acceptable solution. If the Joint Committee fails to reach such a solution or if a period of three months has elapsed from the date of notification, the State Party concerned may take appropriate measures.
The safeguard measures taken shall be notified immediately to the States Parties to this Agreement and to the Joint Committee. They shall be restricted with regard to their extent and to their duration to what is strictly necessary in order to rectify the situation giving rise to their application and shall not be in excess of the injury caused by the practice or the difficulty in question. Priority shall be given to such measures that will least disturb the functioning of this Agreement. The measures taken by Morocco against an action or an omission of an EFTA State may only affect the trade with that State. The measures taken against an action or omission of Morocco may be only taken by that or those EFTA States the trade of which is affected by the said action or omission.
The safeguard measures taken shall be the object of regular consultations within the Joint Committee with a view to their relaxation, substitution or abolition, when conditions no longer justify their maintenance.
Where exceptional circumstances requiring immediate action make prior examination impossible, the State Party concerned may, in the cases of Articles 19 (Dumping), 20 (Emergency action on imports of particular products) and 22 (Re-export and serious shortage) and in cases of state aid having a direct and immediate incidence on trade between the States Parties, apply forthwith the precautionary and provisional measures strictly necessary to remedy the situation. The measures shall be notified without delay and consultations between the States Parties to this Agreement shall take place as soon as possible within the Joint Committee.
Article 26 Security exceptions
Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a State Party to this Agreement from taking any measures which it considers necessary:
to prevent the disclosure of information contrary to its essential security interests;
for the protection of its essential security interests or for the implementation of international obligations or national policies
relating to the traffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war, provided that such measures do not impair the conditions of competition in respect of products not intended for specifically military purposes, and to such traffic in other goods, materials and services as is carried on directly or indirectly for the purpose of supplying a military establishment; or
relating to the non-proliferation of biological and chemical weapons, nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices; or
taken in time of war or other serious international tension.
Article 27 Evolutionary clause
The States Parties to this Agreement undertake to review the present Agreement in light of further developments in international economic relations, i.a. in the framework of WTO and to examine in this context, and in the light of any relevant factor, the possibility of further developing and deepening the co-operation under this Agreement and to extend it to areas not covered therein. The States Parties to this Agreement may instruct the Joint Committee to examine this possibility and, where appropriate, to make recommendations to them, particularly with a view to opening up negotiations.
Agreements resulting from the procedure referred to in paragraph 1 will be subject to ratification or approval by the States Parties to this Agreement in accordance with their own procedures.
Article 28 Services and Investments
The States Parties to this Agreement recognize the growing importance of certain areas, such as services and investments. In their efforts to gradually develop and broaden their co-operation, in particular in the context of Euro-Mediterranean integration, they will co-operate with the aim of further promoting investments and achieving a gradual liberalization and mutual opening of markets for trade in services, taking into account on-going work under the auspices of the WTO.
The EFTA States and Morocco shall review developments in the services sectors with a view to considering liberalization measures between the parties.
The EFTA States and Morocco will discuss this co-operation in the Joint Committee with the aim of developing and deepening their relations under this Agreement.
Article 29 Technical assistance
In order to facilitate the implementation of this Agreement the States Parties shall agree upon appropriate modalities for technical assistance and co-operation of their respective authorities in particular in the fields of intellectual property, customs matters and technical regulations. To this end, they shall co-ordinate efforts with relevant international organizations.
Article 30 The Joint Committee
The implementation of this Agreement shall be supervised and administered by a Joint Committee which shall simultaneously act under the Declaration signed in Zermatt in December 1995.
For the purpose of the proper implementation of this Agreement, the States Parties to this Agreement shall exchange information and, at the request of any State Party to this Agreement, shall hold consultations within the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee shall keep under review the possibility of further removal of the obstacles to trade between the EFTA States and Morocco.
The Joint Committee may take decisions in the cases provided for in this Agreement. On other matters the Joint Committee may make recommendations.
Article 31 Procedures of the Joint Committee
For the proper implementation of this Agreement the Joint Committee shall meet whenever necessary but normally once a year. Each State Party to this Agreement may request that a meeting be held.
The Joint Committee shall act by common agreement.
If a representative in the Joint Committee of a State Party to this Agreement has accepted a decision subject to the fulfilment of constitutional requirements, the decision shall enter into force, if no later date is contained therein, on the date the lifting of the reservation is notified.
For the purpose of this Agreement the Joint Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure which shall, inter alia, contain provisions for convening meetings and for the designation of the Chairman and his/her term of office.
The Joint Committee may decide to set up such sub-committees and working parties as it considers necessary to assist it in accomplishing its tasks.
Article 32 Fulfilment of obligations
The States Parties to this Agreement shall take all necessary measures to ensure the achievement of the objectives of this Agreement and the fulfilment of their obligations under this Agreement.
If an EFTA State considers that Morocco has, or if Morocco considers that an EFTA State has failed to fulfil an obligation under this Agreement, the State Party concerned may take the appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 25 (Procedure for the application of safeguard measures).
Article 33 Relation between this Agreement and the WTO Agreement
The States Parties to this Agreement commit themselves to ensure the consistency of the Agreement with their rights and obligations under the WTO. The States Parties shall extend to each other a treatment no less favourable than that granted under the WTO.
Article 34 Annexes and Protocols
The Annexes and the Protocols to this Agreement are an integral part of it. The Joint Committee may decide to amend the Annexes and Protocols.
Article 35 Trade relations governed by this Agreement
This Agreement applies to trade relations between, on the one side, the individual EFTA States and, on the other side, Morocco, but not to the trade relations between individual EFTA States, except if otherwise provided for in this Agreement.
Article 36 Territorial application
This Agreement shall apply to the territories of the States Parties to this Agreement except as provided for in Protocol E.
Article 37 Customs unions, free trade areas, frontier trade and other preferential agreements
This Agreement shall not prevent the maintenance or establishment of customs unions, free trade areas, arrangements for frontier trade and other preferential agreements in accordance with Article XXIV and Part IV of GATT 1994 to the extent that these do not negatively affect the trade regime provided for by this Agreement.
Article 38 Amendments
Amendments to this Agreement other than those referred to in Article 34 (Annexes and Protocols) which are approved by the Joint Committee shall be submitted to the States Parties to this Agreement for acceptance and shall enter into force when they have been accepted by all the States Parties. The text of the amendments as well as the instruments of acceptance shall be deposited with the Depositary.
Article 39 Accession
Any State, Member of the European Free Trade Association, may accede to this Agreement, provided that the Joint Committee decides to approve its accession, to be negotiated between the acceding State and the States Parties concerned, on such terms and conditions as may be set out in that decision. The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary.
In relation to an acceding State, this Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the third month following the deposit of its instrument of accession.
Article 40 Withdrawal and expiration
Each State Party to this Agreement may withdraw therefrom by means of a written notification to the Depositary. The withdrawal shall take effect six months after the date on which the notification is received by the Depositary.
If Morocco withdraws, this Agreement shall expire at the end of the notice period, and if all EFTA States withdraw it shall expire at the end of the latest notice period.
Any EFTA Member State which withdraws from the Convention establishing the European Free Trade Association shall ipso facto on the same day as the withdrawal takes effect cease to be a State Party to this Agreement.
Article 41 Entry into force
This Agreement is subject to ratification. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Depositary.
This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the deposit of all instruments of ratification.
Article 42 Depositary
The Government of Norway, acting as Depositary, shall notify all States that have signed or acceded to this Agreement of the deposit of any instrument of ratification or accession or of acceptance of amendments under Article 38, as well as of the entry into force of this Agreement and amendments thereto made under the procedure laid down in Article 38, of its expiration or of any withdrawal therefrom.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized thereto, have signed the present Agreement.
DONE at Geneva, this 19th day of June 1997, in single original in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic, which shall be deposited with the Government of Norway. The Depositary shall transmit certified copies to all Signatory States, and States acceding to this Agreement.
Annex I Referred to in sub-paragraph (a) of article 2 Products not covered by the agreement
Products falling within Chapters 25 - 97 of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) to which this Agreement does not apply when imported into the EFTA States as specified against each product.
HS Heading No. | Description of Products | Excluded when imported into |
35.01 | Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives; casein glues: | |
3501.10 | - Casein | Liechtenstein, Switzerland |
ex 3501.90 | - Other: | |
- - Other than casein glues | Liechtenstein, Switzerland | |
35.02 | Albumins (including concentrates of two or more whey proteins, containing by weight more than 80 % whey proteins, calculated on the dry matter), albuminates and other albumin derivatives: | |
- Egg albumin: | ||
ex 3502.11 | - - Dried, other than unfit, or to be rendered unfit, for human consumption | All EFTA States |
ex 3502.19 | - - Other, other than unfit, or to be rendered unfit, for human consumption | All EFTA States |
ex 3502.20 | - Milk albumin (lactalbumin), including concentrates of two or more whey proteins, other than unfit, or to be rendered unfit, for human consumption | All EFTA States |
Annex II Referred to in sub-paragraph c of article 2 Fish and other marine products
Article 1
Fish and other marine products, as listed in Table 1 below, are covered by the provisions of this Agreement, unless otherwise provided for in this Annex.
Upon the date of entry into force of this Agreement all customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect shall be abolished for products listed in Table 1 originating in an EFTA State or in Morocco, unless otherwise specified in Articles 3 and 4 of this Annex.
Tabell 1.1 Table 1
Heading No. | H.S. Code | Description of products |
02.08 | Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh, chilled or frozen. | |
ex | 0208.90 | - Other: |
- - Of whale1 | ||
Chapter 3 | Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates. | |
15.04 | Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish or marine mammals, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified.1 | |
15.16 | Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further prepared. | |
ex | 1516.10 | - Animal fats and oils and their fractions: |
- - Obtained entirely from fish or marine mammals2 | ||
16.03 | Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates: | |
ex | 1603.00 | - Extracts and juices of whale meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates2 |
16.04 | Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. | |
16.05 | Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved. | |
23.01 | Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption; greaves. | |
ex | 2301.10 | - Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal; greaves: |
- - Whale meat 2 | ||
2301.20 | - Flours, meals and pellets of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates | |
23.09 | Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding. | |
ex | 2309.90 | - Other: |
- - Fish solubles |
1 Import ban for whale products is applied by Liechtenstein and Switzerland on the basis of the CITES Convention
2 ban for whale products is applied by Liechtenstein and Switzerland on the basis of the CITES Convention
Article 2
Aid measures to the fishing sector shall fall under the disciplines of Article 18 of this Agreement and its interpretation in Annex VI, unless otherwise mentioned in this Article.
The following aid measures to the fishing sector are considered normally not to be in accordance with this Agreement:
General aid measures concerning the sector as a whole and which are not fully directed towards structural measures in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c)(ii) of Annex VI;
tax concessions other than those that directly offset cost disadvantages clearly linked to special conditions prevailing in the fishing sector;
social measures if the subsidy element of such measures exceeds what is generally applied in other sectors, taking into account the special conditions prevailing in the fishing sector.
The following aid measures shall normally be considered to be in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of this Agreement:
Aid measures in the form of lowest permitted domestic first hand sales prices for fish and the purchase of surpluses that are applied in order to offset serious market disturbances;
regional aid measures to the extent that they are necessary for maintaining fishing activities in regions that are to an above-average degree dependant on such activities and where income from fishing is clearly below the national average in the fishing sector. Such regional measures shall not more than offset cost disadvantages in relation to other locations for fisheries. States Parties to this Agreement introducing or maintaining such measures shall, in accordance with the provisions of Annex VI, provide sufficient information on the regional situation leading to the introduction or maintenance of such measures.
The following aid measures are considered not to be in accordance with this Agreement:
Aid in accordance with paragraph (c)(vi) of Annex VI, as concerns the fishing sector,
Aid in accordance with paragraph (c)(viii) of Annex VI, as concerns the fishing activities.
Article 3
1. Morocco may maintain customs duties on imports or charges having equivalent effect during transitional periods as provided for in this Article.
2. Morocco shall progressively abolish customs duties and charges having equivalent effect for products originating in an EFTA State and listed in Table 2 below in accordance with the following timetable:
Upon entry into force of this Agreement: | to 80 % of the basic duty or charge | |
One year after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to 60 % of the basic duty or charge | |
Two years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to 40 % of the basic duty or charge | |
Three years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to 20 % of the basic duty or charge | |
Four years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to zero. |
Tabell 1.2 Table 2
Heading No. | H.S. Code | Description of products |
03.02 | Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No. 03.04. | |
- Flat fish ( Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae), excluding livers and roes: | ||
0302.29 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0302.29 | - - - Turbot ( Psetta maxima) |
- Tunas (of the genus Thunnus) skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis), excluding livers and roes: | ||
0302.31 | - - Albacore or longfinned tunas ( Thunnus alalunga) | |
0302.32 | - - Yellowfin tunas ( Thunnus albacares) | |
0302.33 | - - Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito | |
0302.39 | - - Other | |
- Other fish, excluding livers and roes: | ||
0302.64 | - - Mackerel ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) | |
0302.69 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0302.69 | - - - Anchovies ( Engraulis spp.), tusk ( Brosme brosme), African cuttlefish, Common cuttlefish and Pink cuttlefish. |
03.03 | Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No. 03.04. | |
- Flat fish ( Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae), excluding livers and roes: | ||
0303.39 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0303.39 | - - Turbot ( Psetta maxima). |
- Tunas (of the genus Thunnus), skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis), excluding livers and roes: | ||
0303.41 | - - Albacore or longfinned tunas ( Thunnus alalunga) | |
0303.42 | - - Yellowfin tunas ( Thunnus albacares) | |
0303.43 | - - Skipjack or strip-bellied bonito | |
0303.49 | - - Other | |
- Other fish, excluding livers and roes: | ||
0303.74 | - - Mackerel ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) | |
0303.79 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0303.79 | - - - Anchovies ( Engraulis spp.), tusk ( Brosme brosme), African cuttlefish, Common cuttlefish and Pink cuttlefish. |
03.04 | Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh, chilled or frozen. | |
0304.10 | - Fresh or chilled: | |
ex | 0304.10 | - - Of tunas (of the genus Thunnus) skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis), incl. horse mackerel (bluefin tuna ( Thunnus thynnus)), anchovies ( Engraulis spp.), tusk ( Brosme brosme), turbots ( Psetta maxima), mackerel ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), African cuttlefish, Common cuttlefish and Pink cuttlefish excluding fillets |
0304.90 | - Other: | |
ex | 0304.90 | - - Of tunas (of the genus Thunnus) skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)pelamis), incl. horse mackerel (bluefin tuna ( Thunnus thynnus)), anchovies ( Engraulis spp.), tusk ( Brosme brosme), turbots Psetta maxima) and mackerel ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), African cuttlefish, Common cuttlefish and Pink cuttlefish. |
03.05 | Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process; flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption. | |
- Smoked fish, including fillets: | ||
0305.41 | - - Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar) and Danube salmon ( Hucho hucho) | |
0305.49 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.49 | - - - Tunas (of the genus Thunnus) skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)pelamis), incl. horse mackerel (bluefin tuna ( Thunnus thynnus)), anchovies ( Engraulis spp.), tusk ( Brosme brosme), turbots ( Psetta maxima), mackerel ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), African cuttlefish, Common cuttlefish and Pink cuttlefish, excluding fillets |
- Dried fish, whether or not salted but not smoked: | ||
0305.59 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.59 | - - - Tunas (of the genus Thunnus) skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)pelamis), incl. horse mackerel (bluefin tuna ( Thunnus thynnus)), anchovies ( Engraulis spp.), tusk ( Brosme brosme), turbots ( Psetta maxima), mackerel ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), African cuttlefish, Common cuttlefish and Pink cuttlefish. |
- Fish, salted but not dried or smoked and fish in brine: | ||
0305.63 | - - Anchovies ( Engraulis spp.) | |
0305.69 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.69 | - - - Tunas (of the genus Thunnus) skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)pelamis), incl. horse mackerel (bluefin tuna ( Thunnus thynnus)), tusk ( Brosme brosme), turbots ( Psetta maxima), mackerel ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), African cuttlefish, Common cuttlefish and Pink cuttlefish |
03.07 | Molluscs, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans, fit for human consumption. | |
- Scallops, including queen scallops, of the genera Pecten, Chlamysor Placopecten: | ||
0307.21 | - - Live, fresh or chilled | |
0307.29 | - - Other | |
- Cuttle fish ( Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp.) and squid ( Ommastrephes spp., Loligo spp., Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp.): | ||
0307.41 | - - Live, fresh or chilled | |
0307.49 | - - Other | |
- Octopus ( Octopus spp.): | ||
0307.51 | - - Live, fresh or chilled | |
0307.59 | - - Other | |
0307.60 | - Snails, other than sea snails | |
- Other, including flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans, fit for human consumption: | ||
0307.91 | - - Live, fresh or chilled: | |
ex | 0307.91 | - - - Other molluscs, excluding oysters and clams |
0307.99 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0307.99 | - - - Other molluscs, excluding oysters and clams |
16.04 | Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. | |
- Fish, whole or in pieces, but not minced: | ||
1604.11 | - - Salmon | |
ex | 1604.14 | - - Tunas, skipjack and bonito ( Sarda spp.), excluding canned |
ex | 1604.15 | - - Mackerel, excluding canned |
ex | 1604.16 | - - Anchovies, excluding canned |
1604.19 | - - Other: | |
ex | 1604.19 | - - - turbot ( Psetta maxima), tusk ( Brosme brosme), African cuttlefish, Common cuttlefish and Pink cuttlefish, excluding canned |
1604.20 | - Other prepared or preserved fish: | |
ex | 1604.20 | - - Tunas (of the genus Thunnus) skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)pelamis), incl. horse mackerel (bluefin tuna ( Thunnus thynnus)), anchovies ( Engraulis spp.), tusk ( Brosme brosme), turbots ( Psetta maxima), mackerel ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), African cuttlefish, Common cuttlefish and Pink cuttlefish, excluding canned |
ex | 1604.20 | - - Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar) and Danube salmon ( Hucho hucho) |
16.05 | Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved. | |
1605.90 | - Other: | |
ex | 1605.90 | - - Octopus ( Octopus spp.) |
ex | 1605.90 | - - Other molluscs, excluding oysters, mussels ( Mytilus spp., Perna spp.) and clams |
3. Morocco shall progressively abolish customs duties and charges having equivalent effect for products originating in an EFTA State and listed in Table 3 below in accordance with the following timetable:
Two years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to 80 % of the basic duty or charge | |
Three years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to 60 % of the basic duty or charge | |
Four years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to 40 % of the basic duty or charge | |
Five years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to 20 % of the basic duty or charge | |
Six years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to zero. |
Tabell 1.3 Table 3
Heading No. | H.S. Code | Description of products |
03.02 | Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No. 03.04. | |
- Flat fish ( Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidaeand Citharidae), excluding livers and roes: | ||
0302.21 | - - Halibut ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) | |
0302.22 | - - Plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa) | |
0302.23 | - - Sole ( Solea spp.) | |
- Other fish, excluding livers and roes: | ||
0302.61 | - - Sardines ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella ( Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats ( Sprattus sprattus): | |
ex | 0302.61 | - - - Brisling or sprats ( Sprattus sprattus) |
0302.69 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0302.69 | - - - Saithe (pollock ( Gadus virens)), ling ( Molva molva), wolf fish, sea bream, Bluefish, Axillary bream, Red pandora, Blackspot sea bream, Common pandora, Canary drum, Shidrums, Fusca drum, Gilthead sea bream, Redbanded sea bream, Blue spotted sea bream and Common sea bream |
03.03 | Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No. 03.04. | |
- Flat fish ( Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae,Scophthalmidaeand Citharidae), excluding livers and roes: | ||
0303.31 | - - Halibut ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) | |
0303.32 | - - Plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa) | |
0303.33 | - - Sole ( Solea spp.) | |
- Other fish, excluding livers and roes: | ||
0303.71 | - - Sardines ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella ( Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats ( Sprattus sprattus): | |
ex | 0303.71 | - - - Brisling or sprats ( Sprattus sprattus) |
0303.79 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0303.79 | - - - Saithe (pollock ( Gadus virens)), ling ( Molva molva), wolf fish, sea bream, Bluefish, Axillary bream, Red pandora, Blackspot sea bream, Common pandora, Canary drum, Shidrums, Fusca drum, Gilthead sea bream, Redbanded sea bream, Blue spotted sea bream and Common sea bream |
03.04 | Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh, chilled or frozen. | |
0304.10 | - Fresh or chilled: | |
ex | 0304.10 | - - Fish meat, other than fillets, of halibut ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa), sole ( Solea spp.), sprats ( Sprattus sprattus), saithe (pollock ( Gadus virens)), ling ( Molva molva), wolf fish and sea bream |
0304.90 | - Other: | |
ex | 0304.90 | - - Of halibut ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa), sole ( Solea spp.), sprats ( Sprattus sprattus), saithe (pollock ( Gadus virens)), ling ( Molva molva), wolf fish, sea bream, Bluefish, Axillary bream, Red pandora, Blackspot sea bream, Common pandora, Canary drum, Shidrums, Fusca drum, Gilthead sea bream, Redbanded sea bream, Blue spotted sea bream and Common sea bream |
03.05 | Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process; flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption. | |
- Smoked fish, including fillets: | ||
0305.49 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.49 | - - - Halibut ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa), sole ( Solea spp.), sprats ( Sprattus sprattus), saithe (pollock ( Gadus virens)), ling ( Molva molva), wolf fish, sea bream, Bluefish, Axillary bream, Red pandora, Blackspot sea bream, Common pandora, Canary drum, Shidrums, Fusca drum, Gilthead sea bream, Redbanded sea bream, Blue spotted sea bream and Common sea bream, excluding fillets |
- Dried fish, whether or not salted but not smoked: | ||
0305.59 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.59 | - - - Halibut ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa), sole ( Solea spp.), sprats ( Sprattus sprattus), saithe (pollock ( Gadus virens)), ling ( Molva molva), wolf fish, sea bream, Bluefish, Axillary bream, Red pandora, Blackspot sea bream, Common pandora, Canary drum, Shidrums, Fusca drum, Gilthead sea bream, Redbanded sea bream, Blue spotted sea bream and Common sea bream |
- Fish, salted but not dried or smoked and fish in brine: | ||
0305.69 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.69 | - - - Halibut ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa), sole ( Solea spp.), sprats ( Sprattus sprattus), saithe (pollock ( Gadus virens)), ling ( Molva molva), wolf fish, sea bream, Bluefish, Axillary bream, Red pandora, Blackspot sea bream, Common pandora, Canary drum, Shidrums, Fusca drum, Gilthead sea bream, Redbanded sea bream, Blue spotted sea bream and Common sea bream |
03.06 | Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; crustaceans, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, whether or not chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption. | |
- Frozen: | ||
0306.12 | - - Lobsters ( Homarus spp.) | |
0306.14 | - - Crabs | |
- Not frozen: | ||
0306.22 | - - Lobsters ( Homarus spp.) | |
0306.24 | - - Crabs | |
03.07 | Molluscs, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans, fit for human consumption. | |
- Mussels ( Mytilus spp., Perna spp.): | ||
0307.31 | - - Live, fresh or chilled | |
0307.39 | - - Other | |
- Other, including flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans, fit for human consumption: | ||
0307.91 | - - Live, fresh or chilled: | |
ex | 0307.91 | - - - Clams |
0307.99 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0307.99 | - - - Clams |
16.04 | Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. | |
- Fish, whole or in pieces, but not minced: | ||
1604.13 | - - Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats: | |
ex | 1604.13 | - - - Brisling or sprats ( Sprattus sprattus), excluding canned |
1604.19 | - - Other: | |
ex | 1604.19 | - - - Halibut ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa), sole ( Solea spp.), saithe (pollock ( Gadus virens)), ling ( Molva molva), wolf fish, sea bream, Bluefish, Axillary bream, Red pandora, Blackspot sea bream, Common pandora, Canary drum, Shidrums, Fusca drum, Gilthead sea bream, Redbanded sea bream, Blue spotted sea bream and Common sea bream, excluding canned |
1604.20 | - Other prepared or preserved fish: | |
ex | 1604.20 | - - Halibut ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), plaice ( Pleuronectes platessa), sole ( Solea spp.), sprats ( Sprattus sprattus), saithe (pollock ( Gadus virens)), ling ( Molva molva), wolf fish, sea bream, Bluefish, Axillary bream, Red pandora, Blackspot sea bream, Common pandora, Canary drum, Shidrums, Fusca drum, Gilthead sea bream, Redbanded sea bream, Blue spotted sea bream and Common sea bream, excluding canned |
16.05 | Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved. | |
1605.10 | - Crab | |
1605.30 | - Lobster ( Homarus spp.) | |
1605.90 | - Other: | |
ex | 1605.90 | - - Mussels ( Mytilus spp., Perna spp.) and clam |
4. Morocco shall progressively abolish customs duties and charges having equivalent effect for products originating in an EFTA State and listed in Table 4 below in accordance with the following timetable:
Four years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to 80 % of the basic duty or charge | |
Five years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to 60 % of the basic duty or charge | |
Six years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to 40 % of the basic duty or charge | |
Seven years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to 20 % of the basic duty or charge | |
Eight years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to 10 % of the basic duty or charge | |
Nine years after the entry into force of this Agreement: | to zero. |
Tabell 1.4 Table 4
Heading No. | H.S. Code | Description of products |
03.02 | Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No. 03.04. | |
- Other fish, excluding livers and roes: | ||
0302.61 | - - Sardines ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella ( Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats ( Sprattus sprattus): | |
ex | 0302.61 | - - - Sardines ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.) |
0302.69 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0302.69 | - - - Hake ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) and sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
03.03 | Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No. 03.04. | |
- Other fish, excluding livers and roes: | ||
0303.71 | - - Sardines ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella ( Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats ( Sprattus sprattus): | |
ex | 0303.71 | - - - Sardines ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.) |
0303.77 | - - Sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) | |
0303.78 | - - Hake ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) | |
03.04 | Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh, chilled or frozen. | |
0304.10 | - Fresh or chilled: | |
ex | 0304.10 | - - Sardines ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), hake ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) and sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
ex | 0304.10 | - - Fillets, exluding fillets of cod ( Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), herring ( Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), haddock ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and of Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar), Danube salmon ( Hucho hucho) and other freshwater fish |
0304.20 | - Frozen fillets: | |
ex | 0304.20 | - - Exluding fillets of cod ( Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), herring ( Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), haddock ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and of Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar), Danube salmon ( Hucho hucho) and other freshwater fish |
0304.90 | - Other: | |
ex | 0304.90 | - - Sardines ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), hake ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) and sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
03.05 | Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process; flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption. | |
0305.10 | - Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption | |
0305.30 | - Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked: | |
ex | 0305.30 | - - Exluding fillets of cod ( Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), herring ( Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), haddock ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and of Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar) Danube salmon ( Hucho hucho) and other freshwater fish |
- Smoked fish, including fillets : | ||
0305.49 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.49 | - - - Sardines ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), hake ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) and sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
ex | 0305.49 | - - - Fillets, exluding fillets of cod ( Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), haddock ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and of freshwater fish |
- Dried fish, whether or not salted but not smoked: | ||
0305.59 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.59 | - - - Sardines ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), hake ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) and sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
- Fish, salted but not dried or smoked and fish in brine: | ||
0305.69 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.69 | - - - Sardines ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), hake ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) and sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
03.06 | Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; crustaceans, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, whether or not chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption. | |
- Frozen: | ||
0306.13 | - - Shrimps and prawns | |
- Not frozen: | ||
0306.23 | - - Shrimps and prawns | |
03.07 | Molluscs, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans, fit for human consumption. | |
0307.10 | - Oysters | |
16.04 | Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. | |
- Fish, whole or in pieces, but not minced: | ||
1604.13 | - - Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats: | |
ex | 1604.13 | - - - Sardines ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.) |
ex | 1604.13 | - - - Other, canned |
1604.14 | - - Tunas, skipjack and bonito ( Sarda spp.): | |
ex | 1604.14 | - - - Canned |
1604.15 | - - Mackerel: | |
ex | 1604.15 | - - - Canned |
1604.16 | - - Anchovies: | |
ex | 1604.16 | - - - Canned |
1604.19 | - - Other: | |
ex | 1604.19 | - - - Hake ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) and sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
ex | 1604.19 | - - - Canned fish, excluding cod ( Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), haddock ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and freshwater fish |
1604.20 | - Other prepared or preserved fish: | |
ex | 1604.20 | - - Hake ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) and sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
ex | 1604.20 | - - Canned fish, excluding cod ( Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), herring ( Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), haddock ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar), Danube salmon ( Hucho hucho) and other freshwater fish |
16.05 | Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved. | |
1605.20 | - Shrimps and prawns | |
1605.90 | - Other: | |
ex | 1605.90 | - - Oysters |
23.01 | Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption; greaves. | |
2301.20 | - Flours, meals and pellets, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates: | |
ex | 2301.20 | - - Flours, meals and pellets, of fish |
5. Morocco shall grant annual duty-free import quotas for products originating in an EFTA State as specified in Table 5 below.
Tabell 1.5 Table 5
Heading | Description | Duty-free import quotas (in tonnes) for the years following the entry into force of this Agreement | ||||||||
No. | of products | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
ex 0305.41 | Smoked salmon | 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | free | free | free | free | free |
ex 2301.20 | Flours, meals and pellets, of fish | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000 | 1100 | 1200 | 1300 |
For HS heading No.ex 0305.41 the tariff quota shall be eliminated in the fifth year after the entry into force of this Agreement and for HS heading No. ex 2301.20 the tariff quota shall be eliminated in the ninth year after the entry into force of this Agreement, at the same time as the elimination of customs duties and charges having equivalent effect provided for in paragraph 2 and 4, respectively, of this Article.
6. Morocco shall, upon entry into force of this Agreement, reduce customs duties and charges having equivalent effect for products originating in an EFTA State and listed in Table 6 below to 2.5 per cent ad valorem.
Tabell 1.6 Table 6
Heading No. | H.S. Code | Description of products |
03.01 | Live fish. | |
- Other live fish: | ||
0301.91 | - - Trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | |
0301.93 | - - Carp | |
0301.99 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0301.99 | - - - Freshwater fish, excluding Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar) and Danube salmon ( Hucho hucho) |
03.02 | Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No. 03.04. | |
- Salmonidae, excluding livers and roes: | ||
0302.19 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0302.19 | - - - Freshwater fish |
- Other fish, excluding livers and roes: | ||
0302.69 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0302.69 | - - - Freshwater fish |
03.03 | Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No. 03.04. | |
- Other salmonidae, excluding livers and roes: | ||
0303.29 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0303.29 | - - - Freshwater fish |
- Other fish, excluding livers and roes: | ||
0303.79 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0303.79 | - - - Freshwater fish |
03.04 | Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh, chilled or frozen. | |
0304.10 | - Fresh or chilled: | |
ex | 0304.10 | - - Of freshwater fish, excluding Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar), Danube salmon ( Hucho hucho) and Trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
0304.20 | - Frozen fillets: | |
ex | 0304.20 | - - Of freshwater fish, excluding Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar), Danube salmon ( Hucho hucho) and Trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
0304.90 | - Other: | |
ex | 0304.90 | - - Of freshwater fish, excluding Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar), Danube salmon ( Hucho hucho) and Trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
03.05 | Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process; flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption. | |
0305.30 | - Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked: | |
ex | 0305.30 | - - Of freshwater fish, excluding Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar), Danube salmon ( Hucho hucho) and Trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
- Smoked fish, including fillets: | ||
0305.49 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.49 | - - - Freshwater fish, excluding trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
- Dried fish, whether or not salted but not smoked: | ||
0305.59 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.59 | - - - Freshwater fish, excluding Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar), Danube salmon ( Hucho hucho) and trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
- Fish, salted but not dried or smoked and fish in brine: | ||
0305.69 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.69 | - - - Freshwater fish, excluding Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar), Danube salmon ( Hucho hucho) and trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
7. Morocco shall, upon entry into force of this Agreement, reduce customs duties and charges having equivalent effect for products originating in an EFTA State and listed in Table 7 below to 40 per cent ad valorem.
Tabell 1.7 Table 7
Heading No. | H.S. Code | Description of products |
03.02 | Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No. 03.04. | |
- Salmonidae, excluding livers and roes: | ||
0302.11 | - - Trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | |
03.03 | Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No. 03.04. | |
- Other salmonidae, excluding livers and roes: | ||
0303.21 | - - Trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | |
03.04 | Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh, chilled or frozen. | |
0304.10 | - Fresh or chilled: | |
ex | 0304.10 | - - Trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
0304.20 | - Frozen fillets: | |
ex | 0304.20 | - - Trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
0304.90 | - Other: | |
ex | 0304.90 | - - Trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
03.05 | Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process; flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption. | |
0305.30 | - Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked: | |
ex | 0305.30 | - - Trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
- Smoked fish, including fillets: | ||
0305.49 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.49 | - - - Smoked trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
- Dried fish, whether or not salted but not smoked: | ||
0305.59 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.59 | - - - Trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
- Fish, salted but not dried or smoked and fish in brine: | ||
0305.69 | - - Other: | |
ex | 0305.69 | - - - Trout ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheand Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
8. The States Parties declare their readiness to foster, on a reciprocal basis, the harmonized development of trade in fish and other marine products. The arrangements in this Article shall be reviewed periodically.
The first review shall take place before 1 January 2000 when Morocco will reduce customs duties for trout to 30 per cent.
Article 4
Switzerland, including the territory of the Principality of Liechtenstein, may maintain customs duties on imports or charges having equivalent effect on the products originating in Morocco and listed in Table 8 below.
The arrangement for HS heading No. ex 03.01 to 03.05 shall be taken up for a review before 1 January 2000 with a view to endeavouring to improve trade in fish and other marine products.
Tabell 1.8 Table 8
Heading No. | Description of products |
ex 03.01 to 03.05 | Fish, except frozen fillets, other than saltwater fish, carp, eels and salmon |
ex 15.04 and 15.16.10 | Fats and oils for human consumption |
ex 23.01.10 and 23.01.20 | Feedingstuffs for production animals |
ex 23.09.90 | Feedingstuffs for production animals |
Annex III Referred to in article 4
Table A to Annex III Referred to in Paragraph 3 of Article 4 Customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect
Customs duties and charges having equivalent effect applicable on import into Morocco of the products originating in an EFTA State listed in Table A shall be progressively abolished in accordance with the following schedule:
on the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 75 % of the basic duty;
one year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 50 % of the basic duty;
two years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge shall be reduced to 25 % of the basic duty; three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement the remaining duties shall be abolished.
H.S. Code | Moroccan Heading No. | Description of Products | |
25.02 | Unroasted iron pyrites. | ||
25.03 | Sulphur of all kinds, other than sublimed sulphur, precipitated sulphur and colloidal sulphur. | ||
25.04 | Natural graphite. | ||
25.05 | Natural sands of all kinds, whether or not coloured, other than metalbearing sands of Chapter 26. | ||
25.06 | Quartz (other than natural sands); quartzite, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape. | ||
25.07 | Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined. | ||
25.08 | Other clays (not including expanded clays of heading No. 68.06), andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite, whether or not calcined; mullite; chamotte or dinas earths. | ||
25.09 | Chalk. | ||
25.10 | Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminium calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk. | ||
25.11 | Natural barium sulphate (barytes); natural barium carbonate (witherite), whether or not calcined, other than barium oxide of heading No 28.16. | ||
25.12 | Siliceous fossil meals (for example, kieselguhr, tripolite and diatomite) and similar siliceous earths, whether or not calcined, of an apparent specific gravity of 1 or less. | ||
25.13 | Pumice stone; emery; natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives, whether or not heat-treated. | ||
25.14 | Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape. | ||
25.16 | Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other monumental or building stone, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape. | ||
25.17 | Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast, shingle and flint, whether or not heat-treated; macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether or not incorporating the materials cited in the first part of the heading; tarred macadam; granules, chippings and powder, of stones of heading No. 25.15 or 25.16, whether or not heat-treated. | ||
25.18 | Dolomite, whether or not calcined; dolomite roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape; agglomerated dolomite (including tarred dolomite). | ||
25.19 | Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite); fused magnesia; dead-burned (sintered) magnesia, whether or not containing small quantities of other oxides added before sintering; other magnesium oxide, whether or not pure. | ||
25.21 | Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cement. | ||
25.23 | Portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement, supersulphate cement and similar hydraulic cements, whether or not coloured or in the form of clinkers. | ||
- Portland cement: | |||
2523.21 | - - White cement, whether or not artificially coloured | ||
2523.30 | - Aluminous cement | ||
2523.90 | - Other hydraulic cements | ||
25.24 | Asbestos. | ||
25.25 | Mica, including splittings; mica waste. | ||
25.26 | Natural steatite, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape; talc. | ||
25.27 | Natural cryolite; natural chiolite. | ||
25.28 | Natural borates and concentrates thereof (whether or not calcined), but not including borates separated from natural brine; natural boric acid containing not more than 85 % of H3 BO3 calculated on the dry weight. | ||
25.29 | Felspar; leucite, nepheline and nepheline syenite; fluorspar. | ||
25.30 | Mineral substances not elsewhere specified or included. | ||
2530.10 | - Vermiculite, perlite and chlorites, unexpanded | ||
2530.40 | - Natural micaceous iron oxides | ||
2530.90 | - Other | ||
27.01 | Coal; briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal. | ||
27.02 | Lignite, whether or not agglomerated, excluding jet. | ||
27.03 | Peat (including peat litter), whether or not agglomerated. | ||
27.04 | Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat, whether or not agglomerated; retort carbon. | ||
27.05 | Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases, other than petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons. | ||
27.06 | Tar distilled from coal, from lignite or from peat, and other mineral tars, whether or not dehydrated or partially distilled, including reconstituted tars. | ||
27.07 | Oils and other products of the distillation of high temperature coal tar; similar products in which the weight of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the non-aromatic constituents. | ||
27.08 | Pitch and pitch coke, obtained from coal tar or from other mineral tars. | ||
27.09 | Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude. | ||
ex 27.10 | Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70 % or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations. | ||
2710.0019 | - alkylene (alkylidene) mixed, in packages of a capacity exceeding 1 kg net | ||
2710.0021 | - white spirit | ||
2710.0060 | - oils called of petroleum jelly or of paraffin wax (type «water white») | ||
2710.0070 | - dielectric oils | ||
27.11 | Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons. | ||
- Liquefied: | |||
2711.14 | - - Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene | ||
2711.19 | - - Other | ||
- In gaseous state: | |||
2711.21 | - - Natural gas | ||
2711.29 | - - Other | ||
27.12 | Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, micro-crystalline petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerite, lignite wax, peat wax, other mineral waxes, and similar products obtained by synthesis or by other processes, whether or not coloured. | ||
27.13 | Petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen and other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals. | ||
27.14 | Bitumen and asphalt, natural; bituminous or oil shale and tar sands; asphaltites and asphaltic rocks. | ||
27.15 | Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, on natural bitumen, on petroleum bitumen, on mineral tar or on mineral tar pitch (for example, bituminous mastics, cut-backs). | ||
28.01 | Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. | ||
2801.20 | - Iodine | ||
2801.30 | - Fluorine; bromine | ||
28.03 | Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included). | ||
28.04 | Hydrogen, rare gases and other non-metals. | ||
- Rare gases: | |||
2804.21 | - - Argon | ||
2804.29 | - - Other | ||
2804.50 | - Boron; tellurium | ||
- Silicon: | |||
2804.61 | - - Containing by weight not less than 99.99 % of silicon | ||
2804.69 | - - Other | ||
2804.70 | - Phosphorus | ||
2804.80 | - Arsenic | ||
2804.90 | - Selenium | ||
28.05 | Alkali or alkaline-earth metals; rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium, whether or not intermixed or interalloyed; mercury. | ||
28.08 | Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids. | ||
28.10 | Oxides of boron; boric acids. | ||
28.11 | Other inorganic acids and other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals. | ||
- Other inorganic acids: | |||
2811.11 | - - Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid) | ||
2811.19 | - - Other | ||
- Other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals: | |||
2811.22 | - - Silicon dioxide | ||
2811.23 | - - Sulphur dioxide | ||
28.12 | Halides and halide oxides of non-metals. | ||
28.13 | Sulphides of non-metals; commercial phosphorus trisulphide. | ||
28.14 | Ammonia, anhydrous or in aqueous solution. | ||
28.16 | Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium; oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, of strontium or barium. | ||
ex 28.17 | Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide. | ||
2817.0090 | - zinc peroxide (ektogan) | ||
28.18 | Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined; aluminium oxide; aluminium hydroxide. | ||
28.19 | Chromium oxides and hydroxides. | ||
28.20 | Manganese oxides. | ||
28.21 | Iron oxides and hydroxides; earth colours containing 70 % or more by weight of combined iron evaluated as Fe2 O3. | ||
28.22 | Cobalt oxides and hydroxides; commercial cobalt oxides. | ||
28.23 | Titanium oxides. | ||
28.24 | Lead oxides; red lead and orange lead. | ||
28.25 | Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts; other inorganic bases; other metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides. | ||
28.26 | Fluorides; fluorosilicates, fluoroaluminates and other complex fluorine salts. | ||
28.27 | Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides; bromides and bromide oxides; iodides and iodide oxides. | ||
28.29 | Chlorates and perchlorates; bromates and perbromates; iodates and periodates. | ||
28.30 | Sulphides; polysulphides. | ||
28.31 | Dithionites and sulphoxylates. | ||
28.32 | Sulphites; thiosulphates. | ||
28.33 | Sulphates; alums; peroxosulphates (persulphates). | ||
- Sodium sulphates: | |||
2833.11 | - - Disodium sulphate | ||
2833.19 | - - Other | ||
- Other sulphates: | |||
2833.23 | - - Of chromium | ||
2833.24 | - - Of nickel | ||
2833.27 | - - Of barium | ||
2833.29 | - - Other | ||
2833.40 | - Peroxosulphates (persulphates) | ||
28.34 | Nitrites; nitrates. | ||
28.35 | Phosphinates (hypophosphites), phosphonates (phosphites), phosphates and polyphosphates. | ||
- Phosphates: | |||
2835.24 | - - Of potassium | ||
ex | 2835.29 | - - Other | |
2835.2990 | - - - other than triammonium orthophosphate ((NH4)3 PO3) | ||
- Polyphosphates: | |||
2835.31 | - - Sodium triphosphate (sodium tripolyphosphate) | ||
2835.39 | - - Other | ||
28.36 | Carbonates; peroxocarbonates (percarbonates); commercial ammonium carbonate containing ammonium carbamate. | ||
28.37 | Cyanides, cyanide oxides and complex cyanides. | ||
28.38 | Fulminates, cyanates and thiocyanates. | ||
28.40 | Borates; peroxoborates (perborates). | ||
28.41 | Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids. | ||
28.42 | Other salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids, excluding azides. | ||
2842.10 | - Double or complex silicates | ||
28.43 | Colloidal precious metals; inorganic or organic compounds of precious metals, whether or not chemically defined; amalgams of precious metals. | ||
28.44 | Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive isotopes (including the fissile or fertile chemical elements and isotopes) and their compounds; mixtures and residues containing these products. | ||
28.45 | Isotopes other than those of heading No. 28.44; compounds, inorganic or organic, of such isotopes, whether or not chemically defined. | ||
28.46 | Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth metals, of yttrium or of scandium or of mixtures of these metals. | ||
28.47 | Hydrogen peroxide, whether or not solidified with urea. | ||
28.48 | Phosphides, whether or not chemically defined, excluding ferrophosphorus. | ||
28.49 | Carbides, whether or not chemically defined. | ||
28.50 | Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides, whether or not chemically defined, other than compounds which are also carbides of heading No. 28.49. | ||
29.01 | Acyclic hydrocarbons. | ||
- Unsaturated: | |||
2901.21 | - - Ethylene | ||
2901.22 | - - Propene (propylene) | ||
2901.24 | - - Buta-1,3-diene and isoprene | ||
29.02 | Cyclic hydrocarbons. | ||
29.03 | Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons. | ||
29.04 | Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated. | ||
29.05 | Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. | ||
- Saturated monohydric alcohols: | |||
2905.11 | - - Methanol (methyl alcohol) | ||
2905.12 | - - Propan-1-ol (propyl alcohol) and propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol) | ||
2905.13 | - - Butan-1-ol (n-butyl alcohol) | ||
2905.14 | - - Other butanols | ||
2905.15 | - - Pentanol (amyl alcohol) and isomers thereof | ||
2905.16 | - - Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof | ||
2905.17 | - - Dodecan-1-ol (lauryl alcohol), hexadecan-1-ol (cetyl alcohol) and octadecan-1-ol (stearyl alcohol) | ||
ex | 2905.19 | - - Other | |
2905.1910 | - - - metal alcoholates | ||
- Unsaturated monohydric alcohols: | |||
2905.22 | - - Acyclic terpene alcohols | ||
2905.29 | - - Other | ||
- Diols: | |||
2905.31 | - - Ethylene glycol (ethanediol) | ||
2905.32 | - - Propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol) | ||
2905.39 | - - Other | ||
- Other polyhydric alcohols: | |||
2905.41 | - - 2-Ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)propane-1,3-diol (trimethylolpropane) | ||
2905.42 | - - Pentaerythritol | ||
2905.43 | - - Mannitol | ||
2905.44 | - - D-glucitol (sorbitol) | ||
2905.49 | - - Other | ||
2905.50 | - Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of acyclic alcohols | ||
29.06 | Cyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. | ||
29.07 | Phenols; phenol-alcohols. | ||
29.08 | Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols. | ||
29.09 | Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- phenols, alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides (whether or not chemically defined), and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. | ||
29.10 | Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a three-membered ring, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. | ||
29.11 | Acetals and hemiacetals, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. | ||
29.12 | Aldehydes, whether or not with other oxygen function; cyclic polymers of aldehydes; paraformaldehyde. | ||
29.13 | Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of products of heading No. 29.12. | ||
29.14 | Ketones and quinones, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. | ||
29.15 | Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. | ||
29.16 | Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. | ||
29.17 | Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. | ||
29.18 | Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. | ||
29.19 | Phosphoric esters and their salts, including lactophosphates; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. | ||
29.20 | Esters of other inorganic acids (excluding esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. | ||
29.21 | Amine-function compounds. | ||
29.22 | Oxygen-function amino-compounds. | ||
29.23 | Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids. | ||
29.24 | Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide-function compounds of carbonic acid. | ||
29.25 | Carboxyimide-function compounds (including saccharin and its salts) and imine-function compounds. | ||
29.26 | Nitrile-function compounds. | ||
29.27 | Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds. | ||
29.28 | Organic derivatives of hydrazine or of hydroxylamine. | ||
29.29 | Compounds with other nitrogen function. | ||
29.30 | Organo-sulphur compounds. | ||
29.31 | Other organo-inorganic compounds. | ||
29.32 | Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only. | ||
29.33 | Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only. | ||
29.34 | Nucleic acids and their salts; other heterocyclic compounds. | ||
29.35 | Sulphonamides. | ||
29.36 | Provitamins and vitamins, natural or reproduced by synthesis (including natural concentrates), derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, and intermixtures of the foregoing, whether or not in any solvent. | ||
29.37 | Hormones, natural or reproduced by synthesis; derivatives thereof, used primarily as hormones; other steroids used primarily as hormones. | ||
29.38 | Glycosides, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives. | ||
29.39 | Vegetable alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives. | ||
29.40 | Sugars, chemically pure, other than sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose; sugar ethers and sugar esters, and their salts, other than products of heading No. 29.37, 29.38 or 29.39. | ||
29.41 | Antibiotics. | ||
29.42 | Other organic compounds. | ||
30.02 | Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera and other blood fractions and modified immunological products, whether or not obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products. | ||
3002.10 | - Antisera and other blood fractions and modified immunological products, whether or not obtained by means of biotechnological processes | ||
3002.20 | - Vaccines for human medicine | ||
30.03 | Medicaments (excluding goods of heading No. 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of two or more constituents which have been mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. | ||
- Containing hormones or other products of heading No. 29.37 but not containing antibiotics: | |||
ex | 3003.39 | - - Other | |
3003.3920 | - - - oestradiol and progesterone (INN), other than for veterinary medicine | ||
ex | 3003.90 | - Other | |
3003.9091 | - - products presented in the form of micro- granulates (0,2 mm to 2 mm), other than for veterinary medicine | ||
30.04 | Medicaments (excluding goods of heading No. 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. | ||
ex | 3004.10 | - Containing penicillins or derivatives thereof, with a penicillanic acid structure, or streptomycins or their derivatives | |
3004.1020 | - - antimitotic, other than for veterinary use | ||
3004.1030 | - - other, streptomycines, cefixime (INN), cefpo-doxime (INN), cefotaxime (INN), ceftriaxone (INN) and cefotetan (INN), other than for veterinary use | ||
- - other, other than for veterinary use: | |||
3004.1091 | - - - in lyophilized state (freeze-dryed) | ||
3004.1092 | - - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
3004.1093 | - - - presented in form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
ex | 3004.20 | - Containing other antibiotics | |
3004.2020 | - - antimitotic, other than for veterinary use | ||
3004.2030 | - - other, containing imipeneme(INN) and cilastatine(INN), other than for veterinary use | ||
- - other, other than for veterinary use: | |||
3004.2091 | - - - in lyophilized state (freeze-dryed) | ||
3004.2092 | - - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
3004.2093 | - - - presented in form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
3004.2094 | - - - other, specified in suplementary note no. 2 to the present chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
- Containing hormones or other products of heading No 29.37 but not containing antibiotics: | |||
ex | 3004.31 | - - Containing insulin | |
3004.3110 | - - - biosynthetic human insulin | ||
- - - other, other than those of swine origin: | |||
3004.3191 | - - - - in lyophilized state (freeze-dryed) | ||
3004.3192 | - - - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
3004.3193 | - - - - presented in the form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
ex | 3004.32 | - - Containing adrenal cortical hormones | |
3004.3220 | - - - antimitotic, other than for veterinary use | ||
3004.3230 | - - - other, betamethazone (INN) its esters and salts, methyl prednisolone (INN) its esters and salts, paramethazone (INN) its esters and salts, triamcinolone acetonide (INN) its esters and salts, triamcinolone (INN) its esters and salts, hemisuccinate sodium hydrocortisone(INN), other than for veterinary use | ||
- - - other, other than for veterinary use: | |||
3004.3291 | - - - - in lyophilized state (freeze-dryed) | ||
3004.3292 | - - - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
3004.3293 | - - - - presented in the form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
3004.3294 | - - - - presented in the form of injectable suspension | ||
ex | 3004.39 | - - Other | |
3004.3920 | - - - antimitotic, other than for veterinary use | ||
3004.3930 | - - - other, calcitonine (INN), prostaglandines, oxytocine (INN), somatotropes hypophysaires hormones (STH)and sodic levothyroxine, other than for veterinary use | ||
3004.3940 | - - - other, testoserone (INN), enanthate, tetracosactide (INN), other than for veterinary use | ||
3004.3950 | - - - other, 17-beta estradiol (INN) + estriol (INN), 17 beta estradiol (INN) + estriol (INN) + norethisteron (INN) (or derivatives) estriol (INN), estrone (INN) + equiline (INN) + dihydroequilin (INN), equilenine (INN) + dihydroequilenine (INN), glucagon (INN), gonadoreline (INN), other than for veterinary use | ||
- - - other, other than for veterinary use: | |||
3004.3991 | - - - - in lyophilized state (freeze-dryed) | ||
3004.3992 | - - - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
3004.3993 | - - - - presented in theform of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
ex | 3004.40 | - Containing alkaloids or derivatives thereof but not containing hormones, other products of heading No. 29.37 or antibiotics | |
3004.4020 | - - antimitotic, other than for veterinary use | ||
3004.4030 | - - other, methylergometrine maleate(INN), other than for veterinary use | ||
3004.4040 | - - other, pilocarpin (INN), atropin and salts (INN), phenylephrin (INN), oxybuprocain (INN), other than for veterinary use | ||
3004.4050 | - - other, timolol (INN) + pilocarpin (INN), other than for veterinary use | ||
- - other, other than for veterinary use: | |||
3004.4091 | - - - in lyophilized state (freeze-dryed) | ||
3004.4092 | - - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
3004.4093 | - - - presented in the form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
ex | 3004.50 | - Other medicaments containing vitamins or other products of heading No. 29.36 | |
3004.5020 | - - other, injectable vitamin K 1, vitamins (A+B1+B2+B5+B6+ PP+C+D2+E) (INN), pyridoxine + glutamic acid + aspartic acid + cytochrome C + nicotinamide + adenosine + sorbitol + sodium cuccinate, etretinate (INN), isotretinoine (INN), tretinoine (INN), other than for veterinary use | ||
3004.5030 | - - other, calcium folinate (INN), anthocyanosidic extract of vaccinium myrtillus + tocopherol (INN), other than for veterinary use | ||
- - other, other than for veterinary use: | |||
3004.5091 | - - - in lyophilized state (freeze-dryed) | ||
3004.5092 | - - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
3004.5093 | - - - presented in the form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
ex | 3004.90 | - Other | |
3004.9020 | - - antimitotic, other than for veterinary use | ||
3004.9030 | - - other, artificial substitutes of human plasma, other than for veterinary use | ||
3004.9040 | - - other, morphinic analgesic, other than for veterinary use | ||
3004.9050 | - - other, anaesthesic,other than for veterinary use | ||
- - other, other than for veterinary use: | |||
3004.9091 | - - - in lyophilized state (freeze-dryed) | ||
3004.9092 | - - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
3004.9093 | - - - presented in the form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
3004.9094 | - - - other, specified in supplementary notes nos. 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d1, 3e, 3f, 3g1, 3h1, 3ij, 3k1, 3l, 3m1, 3n1, 3o1, 3p, 3q and 3s1 to the present chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
3004.9095 | - - - other, specified in supplementary notes nos 3d2, 3g2, 3h2, 3k2, 3m2, 3n2, 3o2, 3r and 3s2 to the present chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
30.05 | Wadding, gauze, bandages and similar articles (for example, dressings, adhesive plasters, poultices), impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical substances or put up in forms or packings for retail sale for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes. | ||
ex | 3005.10 | - Adhesive dressings and other articles having an adhesive layer | |
3005.1010 | - - impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical substances (including transdermic stickers or patches) | ||
30.06 | Pharmaceutical goods specified in Note 4 to this Chapter. | ||
3006.20 | - Blood-grouping reagents | ||
3006.30 | - Opacifying preparations for X-ray examinations; diagnostic reagents designed to be administered to the patient | ||
ex | 3006.60 | - Chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones or spermicides | |
- - chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones: | |||
3006.6011 | - - - pills with a mesured dose of 0,15 mg of levonorgestrel(INN) and 0,03 mg of ethinyloestradiol(INN) | ||
3006.6012 | - - - products presented in the form of implants | ||
31.01 | Animal or vegetable fertilisers, whether or not mixed together or chemically treated; fertilisers produced by the mixing or chemical treatment of animal or vegetable products. | ||
31.02 | Mineral or chemical fertilisers, nitrogenous. | ||
31.03 | Mineral or chemical fertilisers, phosphatic. | ||
31.04 | Mineral or chemical fertilisers, potassic. | ||
31.05 | Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing two or three of the fertilising elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; other fertilisers; goods of this Chapter in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight not exceeding 10 kg. | ||
32.01 | Tanning extracts of vegetable origin; tannins and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives. | ||
32.02 | Synthetic organic tanning substances; inorganic tanning substances; tanning preparations, whether or not containing natural tanning substances; enzymatic preparations for pre-tanning. | ||
32.03 | Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin (including dyeing extracts but excluding animal black), whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin. | ||
32.04 | Synthetic organic colouring matter, whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter based on synthetic organic colouring matter; synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agents or as luminophores, whether or not chemically defined. | ||
- Synthetic organic colouring matter and preparations based thereon as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter: | |||
3204.11 | - - Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon | ||
3204.13 | - - Basic dyes and preparations based thereon | ||
3204.14 | - - Direct dyes and preparations based thereon | ||
3204.15 | - - Vat dyes (including those usable in that state as pigments) and preparations based thereon | ||
3204.16 | - - Reactive dyes and preparations based thereon | ||
3204.17 | - - Pigments and preparations based thereon | ||
3204.19 | - - Other, including mixtures of colouring matter of two or more of the subheadings Nos. 3204.11 to 3204.19 | ||
3204.20 | - Synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agents | ||
3204.90 | - Other | ||
32.06 | Other colouring matter; preparations as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter, other than those of heading No. 32.03, 32.04 or 32.05; inorganic products of a kind used as luminophores, whether or not chemically defined. | ||
32.07 | Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers and prepared colours, vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes (slips), liquid lustres and similar preparations, of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry; glass frit and other glass, in the form of powder, granules or flakes. | ||
32.08 | Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in a non-aqueous medium; solutions as defined in Note 4 to this Chapter. | ||
ex | 3208.90 | - Other | |
3208.9010 | - - paints based on celluse of a kind used for the finishing of leather | ||
32.09 | Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium. | ||
ex | 3209.90 | - Other | |
3209.9010 | - - paints based on cellulose of a kind used for the finishing of leather | ||
32.10 | Other paints and varnishes (including enamels, lacquers and distempers); prepared water pigments of a kind used for finishing leather. | ||
32.12 | Pigments (including metallic powders and flakes) dispersed in non-aqueous media, in liquid or paste form, of a kind used in the manufacture of paints (including enamels); stamping foils; dyes and other colouring matter put up in forms or packings for retail sale. | ||
ex | 3212.90 | - Other | |
- - dyes put up in forms or packings for retail sale | |||
- - pearl essence | |||
- - other: | |||
3212.900091 | - - - with a basis of aluminium powder | ||
34.02 | Organic surface-active agents (other than soap); surface-active preparations, washing preparations (including auxiliary washing preparations) and cleaning preparations, whether or not containing soap, other than those of heading No. 34.01. | ||
- Organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale: | |||
3402.11 | - - Anionic | ||
3402.12 | - - Cationic | ||
3402.13 | - - Non-ionic | ||
3402.19 | - - Other | ||
34.03 | Lubricating preparations (including cutting-oil preparations, bolt or nut release preparations, anti-rust or anti-corrosion preparations and mould release preparations, based on lubricants) and preparations of a kind used for the oil or grease treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or other materials, but excluding preparations containing, as basic constituents, 70 % or more by weight of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals. | ||
- Other: | |||
ex | 3403.99 | - - Other | |
3403.9910 | - - - anti-adhesive preparations based on zinc stearate and silicates, in powder form, and liquid mould release preparations based on silicones, in containers of a content exceeding 1 kg net | ||
34.04 | Artificial waxes and prepared waxes. | ||
3404.20 | - Of polyethylene glycol | ||
35.07 | Enzymes; prepared enzymes not elsewhere specified or included. | ||
ex | 3507.90 | - Other | |
- - enzymes: | |||
3507.9011 | - - - proteolytic | ||
3507.9019 | - - - other | ||
36.06 | Ferro-cerium and other pyrophoric alloys in all forms; articles of combustible materials as specified in Note 2 to this Chapter. | ||
3606.90 | - Other | ||
37.01 | Photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant print film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, whether or not in packs. | ||
3701.10 | - For X-ray | ||
ex | 3701.20 | - Instant print film | |
3701.2010 | - - of other materials than paper, paperboard or textile fabrics | ||
- - other: | |||
3701.2099 | - - - other than for printing documents, technical drawings and the like | ||
3701.30 | - Other plates and film, with any side exceeding 255 mm | ||
- Other: | |||
3701.91 | - - For colour photography (polychrome) | ||
3701.99 | - - Other | ||
37.02 | Photographic film in rolls, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant print film in rolls, sensitised, unexposed. | ||
3702.10 | - For X-ray | ||
ex | 3702.20 | - Instant print film | |
3702.2010 | - - of other materials than paper, paperboard or textile fabrics | ||
- - other: | |||
3702.2099 | - - - other than for printing documents, technical drawings and the like | ||
- Other film, without perforations, of a width not exceeding 105 mm: | |||
3702.31 | - - For colour photography (polychrome) | ||
3702.32 | - - Other, with silver halide emulsion | ||
3702.39 | - - Other | ||
- Other film, without perforations, of a width exceeding 105 mm: | |||
3702.41 | - - Of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length exceeding 200 m, for colour photography (polychrome) | ||
3702.42 | - - Of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length exceeding 200 m, other than for colour photography | ||
3702.43 | - - Of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length not exceeding 200 m | ||
3702.44 | - - Of a width exceeding 105 mm but not exceeding 610 mm | ||
- Other film, for colour photography (polychrome): | |||
3702.51 | - - Of a width not exceeding 16 mm and of a length not exceeding 14 m | ||
3702.52 | - - Of a width not exceeding 16 mm and of a length exceeding 14 m | ||
3702.53 | - - Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m, for slides | ||
3702.54 | - - Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m, other than for slides | ||
3702.55 | - - Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length exceeding 30 m | ||
3702.56 | - - Of a width exceeding 35 mm | ||
- Other: | |||
3702.91 | - - Of a width not exceeding 16 mm and of a length not exceeding 14 m | ||
3702.92 | - - Of a width not exceeding 16 mm and of a length exceeding 14 m | ||
3702.93 | - - Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m | ||
3702.94 | - - Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding 35 mm and of a length exceeding 30 m | ||
3702.95 | - - Of a width exceeding 35 mm | ||
37.06 | Cinematographic film, exposed and developed, whether or not incorporating sound track or consisting only of sound track. | ||
ex | 3706.10 | - Of a width of 35 mm or more | |
3706.1093 | - - positives of publicity films containing sound track, other than intermediate positives for further work | ||
ex | 3706.90 | - Other | |
3706.9093 | - - positives of publicity films containing sound track, other than intermedate positives for further work | ||
37.07 | Chemical preparations for photographic uses (other than varnishes, glues, adhesives and similar preparations); unmixed products for photographic uses, put up in measured portions or put up for retail sale in a form ready for use. | ||
38.01 | Artificial graphite; colloidal or semi-colloidal graphite; preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of pastes, blocks, plates or other semi-manufactures. | ||
38.02 | Activated carbon; activated natural mineral products; animal black, including spent animal black. | ||
38.03 | Tall oil, whether or not refined. | ||
38.05 | Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine and other terpenic oils produced by the distillation or other treatment of coniferous woods; crude dipentene; sulphite turpentine and other crude para-cymene; pine oil containing alpha-terpineol as the main constituent. | ||
38.06 | Rosin and resin acids, and derivatives thereof; rosin spirit and rosin oils; run gums. | ||
38.07 | Wood tar; wood tar oils; wood creosote; wood naphtha; vegetable pitch; brewers' pitch and similar preparations based on rosin, resin acids or on vegetable pitch. | ||
38.12 | Prepared rubber accelerators; compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics, not elsewhere specified or included; anti-oxidising preparations and other compound stabilisers for rubber or plastics. | ||
38.13 | Preparations and charges for fire-extinguishers; charged fire-extinguishing grenades. | ||
38.14 | Organic composite solvents and thinners, not elsewhere specified or included; prepared paint or varnish removers. | ||
38.15 | Reaction initiators, reaction accelerators and catalytic preparations, not elsewhere specified or included. | ||
38.17 | Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes, other than those of heading No. 27.07 or 29.02. | ||
38.18 | Chemical elements doped for use in electronics, in the form of discs, wafers or similar forms; chemical compounds doped for use in electronics. | ||
38.21 | Prepared culture media for development of micro-organisms. | ||
38.22 | Diagnostic or laboratory reagents on a backing and prepared diagnostic or laboratory reagents whether or not on a backing, other than those of heading No. 30.02 or 30.06. | ||
38.24 | Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included; residual products of the chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere specified or included. | ||
3824.10 | - Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores | ||
3824.20 | - Naphthenic acids, their water-insoluble salts and their esters | ||
3824.30 | - Non-agglomerated metal carbides mixed together or with metallic binders | ||
3824.60 | - Sorbitol other than that of subheading No. 2905.44 | ||
- Mixtures containing perhalogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens: | |||
ex | 3824.90 | - Other | |
3824.9010 | - - preparations of inorganic compounds of thorium, of uranium depleted in U 235 and rare-earth metals, of yttrium and scandium, mixtures thereof | ||
3824.9020 | - - solvents and composite (mixte) inorganic diluents for varnishes or the like | ||
- - other: | |||
3824.9091 | - - - preparations of organic compounds of cobalt | ||
3824.9092 | - - - preparations based on carbon black and organosilanes | ||
3824.9093 | - - - sulphur impregnated with mineral oil | ||
39.01 | Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms. | ||
ex | 3901.10 | - Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less than 0.94 | |
3901.1090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3901.20 | - Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 or more | |
3901.2090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3901.30 | - Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers | |
3901.3020 | - - pellets and bulk forms, the biggest size not exceeding 4 cm | ||
3901.3090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3901.90 | - Other | |
3901.9020 | - - pellets and bulk forms, the biggest size not exceeding 4 cm | ||
3901.9090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
39.02 | Polymers of propylene or of other olefins, in primary forms. | ||
ex | 3902.10 | - Polypropylene | |
3902.1090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3902.20 | - Polyisobutylene | |
3902.2090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3902.30 | - Propylene copolymers | |
3902.3020 | - - pellets and bulk forms, the biggest size not exceeding 4 cm | ||
3902.3090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3902.90 | - Other | |
3902.9020 | - - pellets and bulk forms, the biggest size not exceeding 4 cm | ||
3902.9090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
39.03 | Polymers of styrene, in primary forms. | ||
- Polystyrene: | |||
ex | 3903.11 | - - Expansible | |
3903.1190 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3903.19 | - - Other | |
3903.1990 | - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3903.20 | - Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers | |
3903.2090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3903.30 | - Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers | |
3903.3090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3903.90 | - Other | |
3903.9090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
39.04 | Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, in primary forms. | ||
ex | 3904.30 | - Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers | |
3904.3090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3904.40 | - Other vinyl chloride copolymers | |
3904.4020 | - - pellets and bulk forms, the biggest size not exceeding 4 cm | ||
3904.4090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3904.50 | - Vinylidene chloride polymers | |
3904.5090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
- Fluoro-polymers: | |||
ex | 3904.61 | - - Polytetrafluoroethylene | |
3904.6190 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3904.69 | - - Other | |
3904.6920 | - - - pellets and bulk forms, the biggest size not exceeding 4 cm | ||
3904.6990 | - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3904.90 | - Other | |
- - polytetrahaloethylen: | |||
3904.9019 | - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
- - polysulfohaloethylen: | |||
3904.9029 | - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
- - other: | |||
3904.9095 | - - - pellets and bulk forms, the biggest size not exceeding 4 cm | ||
3904.9099 | - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powder) | ||
39.05 | Polymers of vinyl acetate or of other vinyl esters, in primary forms; other vinyl polymers in primary forms. | ||
- Polyvinyl acetate: | |||
ex | 3905.19 | - - Other | |
3905.1990 | - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
- Vinyl acetate copolymers: | |||
ex | 3905.29 | - - Other | |
- - - vinylacetat copolymer and vinylchlorid copolymer: | |||
3905.2919 | - - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
- - - other: | |||
3905.2995 | - - - - pellets and bulk forms, the biggest size not exceeding 4 cm | ||
3905.2999 | - - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3905.30 | - Polyvinyl alcohol, whether or not containing unhydrolysed acetate groups | |
3905.3090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | - Other: | ||
3905.99 | - - Other | ||
- - - acetals, ethers and other polyvinyl derivatives: | |||
3905.9930 | - - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powdes) | ||
- - - other: | |||
3905.9995 | - - - - pellets and bulk forms, the biggest size not exceeding 4 cm | ||
3905.9999 | - - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
39.06 | Acrylic polymers in primary forms. | ||
ex | 3906.10 | - Polymethyl methacrylate | |
3906.1090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3906.90 | - Other | |
- - acrylic polymers, methacrylic polymers, acrylomethacrylic- copolymers: | |||
3906.9019 | - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
- - other: | |||
3906.9095 | - - - pellets and bulk forms, the biggest size not exceeding 4 cm | ||
3906.9099 | - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
39.07 | Polyacetals, other polyethers and epoxide resins, in primary forms; polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl esters and other polyesters, in primary forms. | ||
3907.10 | - Polyacetals | ||
3907.20 | - Other polyethers | ||
3907.30 | - Epoxide resins | ||
3907.40 | - Polycarbonates | ||
ex | 3907.60 | - Polyethylene terephthalate | |
3907.6010 | - - granules | ||
- Other polyesters: | |||
ex | 3907.99 | - - Other | |
- - - blocks, lumps, bulk forms, granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders): | |||
3907.9991 | - - - - thermoplastic coating powder (pulverized varnishes) | ||
3907.9999 | - - - - other | ||
39.08 | Polyamides in primary forms. | ||
ex | 3908.10 | - Polyamide-6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or -6,12 | |
3908.1090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3908.90 | - Other | |
3908.9090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
39.09 | Amino-resins, phenolic resins and polyurethanes, in primary forms. | ||
ex | 3909.10 | - Urea resins; thiourea resins | |
3909.1011 | - - precondensated urea-formaldehyde 80 % minimum (23 % of urea minimum) | ||
ex | 3909.20 | - Melamine resins | |
3909.2090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3909.30 | - Other amino-resins | |
3909.3090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3909.40 | - Phenolic resins | |
3909.4090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3909.50 | - Polyurethanes | |
3909.5090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
39.10 | Silicones in primary forms. | ||
39.11 | Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides, polysulphones and other products specified in Note 3 to this Chapter, not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms. | ||
ex | 3911.10 | - Petroleum resins, coumarone, indene or coumarone-indene resins and polyterpenes | |
- - coumarone resins, indene resins and coumarone-indene resins: | |||
3911.1011 | - - - liquid or pasty products, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | ||
3911.1013 | - - - pellets and bulk forms, the biggest size not exceeding 4 cm | ||
3911.1019 | - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
- - other: | |||
3911.1091 | - - - liquid or pasty products, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | ||
3911.1093 | - - - pellets and bulk forms, the biggest size not exceeding 4 cm | ||
3911.1099 | - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
ex | 3911.90 | - Other | |
- - other than products of condensation, polycondensation or polyaddition: | |||
3911.9093 | - - - pellets and bulk forms, the biggest size not exceeding 4 cm | ||
3911.9099 | - - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powders) | ||
39.12 | Cellulose and its chemical derivatives, not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms. | ||
- Cellulose acetates: | |||
3912.11 | - - Not plasticized | ||
ex | 3912.20 | - Cellulose nitrates (including collodions) | |
3912.2010 | - - not plasticized | ||
- Cellulose ethers: | |||
ex | 3912.31 | - - Carboxymethylcellulose and its salts | |
3912.3110 | - - - not plasicized | ||
ex | 3912.39 | - - Other | |
3912.3910 | - - - not plasicized | ||
ex | 3912.90 | - Other | |
- - regenerated cellulose | |||
- - other cellulose esters or cellulose derivatives: | |||
3912.9021 | - - - not plasticized | ||
39.13 | Natural polymers (for example, alginic acid) and modified natural polymers (for example, hardened proteins, chemical derivatives of natural rubber), not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms. | ||
3913.10 | - Alginic acid, its salts and esters | ||
39.14 | Ion-exchangers based on polymers of headings Nos. 39.01 to 39.13, in primary forms. | ||
39.20 | Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, non-cellular and not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials. | ||
- Of polymers of vinyl chloride: | |||
ex | 3920.41 | - - Rigid | |
3920.4110 | - - - strips of a thickness not exceeding 0.5 mm | ||
ex | 3920.42 | - - Flexible | |
3920.4210 | - - - strips of a thickness not exceeding 0.5 mm | ||
39.21 | Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics. | ||
ex | 3921.90 | - Other | |
- - products of condensation, polycondensation or polyaddition: | |||
3921.9012 | - - - foil and strip formed with a core in saturated polyester, metallized under vaccuum and coloured, of a width exceeding 5 mm and of a thickness not exceeding 25 microns | ||
40.01 | Natural rubber, balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar natural gums, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip. | ||
40.02 | Synthetic rubber and factice derived from oils, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip; mixtures of any product of heading No. 40.01 with any product of this heading, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip. | ||
40.03 | Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip. | ||
ex 40.04 | Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and powders and granules obtained therefrom. | ||
4004.0010 | - waste and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) | ||
- - parings from goods of rubber (other than hard rubber), usable exclusively for the rubber recycling: | |||
- - - parings from old pneumatic tyres having been subjected abroad to the following treatment: | |||
4004.0021 | - - - - splitting (i.e. to remove the tread) | ||
4004.0022 | - - - - cutting into clearly separated pieces | ||
4004.0040 | - - - parings from all other goods of rubber | ||
4004.0090 | - powders obtained of rubber waste and parings (other than hard rubber) | ||
40.05 | Compounded rubber, unvulcanised, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip. | ||
ex | 4005.10 | - Compounded with carbon black or silica | |
4005.1010 | - - solutions and dispersions | ||
4005.20 | - Solutions; dispersions other than those of subheading No. 4005.10 | ||
- Other: | |||
ex | 4005.91 | - - Plates, sheets and strip | |
- - - other than balata, gutta-percha, similar natural gums or factice: | |||
4005.9191 | - - - - strips with a thickness not exceeding 5 mm composed of parallel steel cables agglomerated and completely covered with unvulcanised rubber, used in the manufacture of carcasses of pneumatic tyres and imported for industries specialised for this special activity | ||
4005.99 | - - Other | ||
40.06 | Other forms (for example, rods, tubes and profile shapes) and articles (for example, discs and rings), of unvulcanised rubber. | ||
ex | 4006.90 | - Other | |
- - of balata, gutta-percha, similar natural gums or factice: | |||
4006.9011 | - - - bare rubber thread and cord | ||
40.07 | Vulcanised rubber thread and cord. | ||
40.11 | New pneumatic tyres, of rubber. | ||
4011.30 | - Of a kind used on aircraft | ||
40.12 | Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid or cushion tyres, interchangeable tyre treads and tyre flaps, of rubber. | ||
ex | 4012.90 | - Other | |
- - tyre flaps: | |||
- - - for pneumatic tyres of aircrafts: | |||
4012.9021 | - - - - new | ||
40.14 | Hygienic or pharmaceutical articles (including teats), of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber, with or without fittings of hard rubber. | ||
40.15 | Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves), for all purposes, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber. | ||
- Gloves: | |||
4015.11 | - - Surgical | ||
40.16 | Other articles of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber. | ||
- Other: | |||
ex | 4016.99 | - - Other | |
- - - other than parts and accessories of vehicles of chapters 86, 87 and 88: | |||
4016.9992 | - - - - stoppers with a diameter of 20 mm or 32 mm | ||
4016.9993 | - - - - air cushions for the manufacture of pneumatics | ||
41.01 | Raw hides and skins of bovine or equine animals (fresh, or salted, dried, limed, pickled or otherwide preserved, but not tanned, parchment-dressed or further prepared), whether or not dehaired or split. | ||
41.02 | Raw skins of sheep or lambs (fresh, or salted, dried, limed, pickled or otherwise preserved, but not tanned, parchment-dressed or further prepared), whether or not with wool on or split, other than those excluded by Note 1 (c) to this Chapter. | ||
41.03 | Other raw hides and skins (fresh, or salted, dried, limed, pickled or otherwise preserved, but not tanned, parchment-dressed or further prepared), whether or not dehaired or split, other than those excluded by Note 1 (b) or 1 (c) to this Chapter. | ||
41.10 | Parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles; leather dust, powder and flour. | ||
43.01 | Raw furskins (including heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings, suitable for furriers' use), other than raw hides and skins of heading No. 41.01, 41.02 or 41.03. | ||
44.01 | Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms; wood in chips or particles; sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms. | ||
44.02 | Wood charcoal (including shell or nut charcoal), whether or not agglomerated. | ||
44.03 | Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared. | ||
ex 47.01 | Mechanical wood pulp. | ||
4701.0010 | - coniferous | ||
ex 47.02 | Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades. | ||
4702.0010 | - for the manufacture of artificial textile fibres | ||
- - other: | |||
- - - of sulphate or soda wood pulp: | |||
- - - - unbleached: | |||
4702.0021 | - - - - - coniferous | ||
4702.0029 | - - - - - other | ||
- - - - other: | |||
4702.0031 | - - - - - coniferous | ||
- - - of bisulphite: | |||
4702.0091 | - - - - unbleached | ||
47.03 | Chemical wood pulp, soda or sulphate, other than dissolving grades. | ||
- Unbleached: | |||
4703.11 | - - Coniferous | ||
ex | 4703.19 | - - Non-coniferous | |
4703.1910 | - - - fluffy paste for the manufacture of sanitary towels, paper napkins and napkin liners for babies | ||
- Semi-bleached or bleached: | |||
4703.21 | - - Coniferous | ||
ex | 4703.29 | - - Non-coniferous | |
4703.2910 | - - - fluffy paste for the manufacture of sanitary towels, paper napkins and napkin liners for babies | ||
47.04 | Chemical wood pulp, sulphite, other than dissolving grades. | ||
- Unbleached: | |||
4704.11 | - - Coniferous | ||
ex | 4704.19 | - - Non-coniferous | |
4704.1910 | - - - fluffy paste for the manufacture of sanitary towels, paper napkins and napkin liners for babies | ||
- Semi-bleached or bleached: | |||
4704.21 | - - Coniferous | ||
ex | 4704.29 | - - Non-coniferous | |
4704.2910 | - - - fluffy paste for the manufacture of sanitary towels, paper napkins and napkin liners for babies | ||
ex 47.05 | Semi-chemical wood pulp. | ||
4705.0010 | - coniferous | ||
47.06 | Pulps of fibres derived from recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard or of other fibrous cellulosic material. | ||
47.07 | Recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard. | ||
4707.10 | - Unbleached kraft paper or paperboard or corrugated paper or paperboard | ||
4707.30 | - Paper or paperboard made mainly of mechanical pulp (for example, newspapers, journals and similar printed matter) | ||
ex 48.01 | Newsprint, in rolls or sheets. | ||
4801.0010 | - for printing of newspapers, journals and periodicals subject to reglementation in force | ||
48.02 | Uncoated paper and paperboard, of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, and punch card stock and punch tape paper, in rolls or sheets, other than paper of heading No. 48.01 or 48.03; hand-made paper and paperboard. | ||
4802.20 | - Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base for photo-sensitive, heat-sensitive or electro-sensitive paper or paperboard | ||
4802.30 | - Carbonising base paper | ||
4802.40 | - Wallpaper base | ||
48.04 | Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, other than that of heading No. 48.02 or 48.03. | ||
- Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing 150 g/m2 or less: | |||
ex | 4804.31 | - - Unbleached | |
- - - paper for the manufacture of paper yarn (kraft for spinning, of a weight exceeding 40 g/m2, but not exceeding 45 g /m2, imported in rolls by match manufacturers and shiped directly to the place of production) | |||
- - - other: | |||
4804.3121 | - - - - of a weight exceeding 70 g/m2, but not exceeding 100 g/m2, in rolls of a minimum weight of 500 kg, of a width of 102 cm, for the packing industry (cement sacs), imported by the relevant manufacturers and shiped directly to the place of production | ||
48.13 | Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of booklets or tubes. | ||
48.16 | Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers (other than those of heading No. 48.09), duplicator stencils and offset plates, of paper, whether or not put up in boxes. | ||
4816.30 | - Duplicator stencils | ||
49.01 | Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets. | ||
4901.10 | - In single sheets, whether or not folded | ||
- Other: | |||
ex | 4901.91 | - - Dictionaries and encyclopaedias, and serial instalments thereof | |
4901.9190 | - - - other than bound in natural, arificial or reconstituted leather, shell, ivory, natural or simulated mother of pearl | ||
ex | 4901.99 | - - Other | |
- - - other than containing publicity material: | |||
4901.9999 | - - - - other than bound in natural, arificial or reconstituted leather, shell, ivory, natural or similated mother of pearl | ||
49.02 | Newspapers, journals and periodicals, whether or not illustrated or containing advertising material. | ||
ex | 4902.10 | - Appearing at least four times a week | |
4902.1090 | - - other than having the character of publicity | ||
ex | 4902.90 | - Other | |
4902.9090 | - - other than having the character of publicity | ||
ex 49.04 | Music, printed or in manuscript, whether or not bound or illustrated. | ||
4904.0090 | - other than bound in natural, arificial or reconstituted leather | ||
49.05 | Maps and hydrographic or similar charts of all kinds, including atlases, wall maps, topographical plans and globes, printed. | ||
49.06 | Plans and drawings for architectural, engineering, industrial, commercial, topographical or similar purposes, being originals drawn by hand; hand-written texts; photographic reproductions on sensitised paper and carbon copies of the foregoing. | ||
ex 49.07 | Unused postage, revenue or similar stamps of current or new issue in the country to which they are destined; stamp-impressed paper; banknotes; cheque forms; stock, share or bond certificates and similar documents of title. | ||
4907.0010 | - unused postage, revenue or similar stamps | ||
4907.0020 | - banknotes | ||
- - other: | |||
- - - other than signed and numbered: | |||
4907.0091 | - - - - stamp impressed papers | ||
49.08 | Transfers (decalcomanias). | ||
ex | 4908.10 | - Transfers (decalcomanias), vitrifiable | |
- - other than having arabic characters | |||
4908.1091 | - - - for industrial use | ||
ex | 4908.90 | - Other | |
- - other than having arabic characters | |||
4908.9091 | - - - for industrial use | ||
49.11 | Other printed matter, including printed pictures and photographs. | ||
ex | 4911.10 | - Trade advertising material, commercial catalogues and the like | |
4911.1010 | - - typed (including copies made with carbon paper) | ||
- - - other: | |||
4911.1091 | - - - - tourist propaganda | ||
- Other: | |||
ex | 4911.99 | - - Other | |
4911.9910 | - - - typed (including copies made with carbon paper) | ||
- - - other: | |||
- - - - unfolded papers, only with illustrations or engravings without text or legends for common editions | |||
- - - - other: | |||
4911.9991 | - - - - - forms for temporary admission or international car circulation form, sent to the tourist association in Morocco from the parent company abroad | ||
50.01 | Silk-worm cocoons suitable for reeling. | ||
50.02 | Raw silk (not thrown). | ||
50.03 | Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock). | ||
50.04 | Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail sale. | ||
50.05 | Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale. | ||
50.06 | Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste, put up for retail sale; silk-worm gut. | ||
50.07 | Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste. | ||
51.04 | Garnetted stock of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair. | ||
51.11 | Woven fabrics of carded wool or of carded fine animal hair. | ||
- Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool or of fine animal hair: | |||
ex | 5111.11 | - - Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m2 | |
5111.1110 | - - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - - other: | |||
5111.1191 | - - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
ex | 5111.19 | - - Other | |
5111.1910 | - - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - - other: | |||
5111.1991 | - - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
ex | 5111.20 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments | |
5111.2010 | - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - other: | |||
5111.2091 | - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
ex | 5111.30 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made staple fibres | |
5111.3010 | - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - other: | |||
5111.3091 | - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
ex | 5111.90 | - Other | |
5111.9010 | - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - other: | |||
5111.9091 | - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
51.12 | Woven fabrics of combed wool or of combed fine animal hair. | ||
- Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool or of fine animal hair: | |||
ex | 5112.11 | - - Of a weight not exceeding 200 g/m2 | |
5112.1110 | - - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - - other: | |||
5112.1191 | - - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
ex | 5112.19 | - - Other | |
5112.1910 | - - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - - other: | |||
5112.1991 | - - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
ex | 5112.20 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments | |
5112.2010 | - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - other: | |||
5112.2091 | - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
ex | 5112.30 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made staple fibres | |
5112.3010 | - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - other: | |||
5112.3091 | - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
ex | 5112.90 | - Other | |
5112.9010 | - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - other: | |||
5112.9091 | - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
52.01 | Cotton, not carded or combed. | ||
52.02 | Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock). | ||
52.03 | Cotton, carded or combed. | ||
53.01 | Flax, raw or processed but not spun; flax tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock). | ||
53.02 | True hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), raw or processed but not spun; tow and waste of true hemp (including yarn waste and garnetted stock). | ||
5302.10 | - True hemp, raw or retted | ||
ex | 5302.90 | - Other | |
5302.9010 | - - scutched hemp | ||
5302.9020 | - - combed hemp or hemp fibres otherwise prepared, generally in the form of slivers or rovings | ||
5302.9080 | - - waste | ||
53.03 | Jute and other textile bast fibres (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie), raw or processed but not spun; tow and waste of these fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock). | ||
53.04 | Sisal and other textile fibres of the genus Agave, raw or processed but not spun; tow and waste of these fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock). | ||
53.05 | Coconut, abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee), ramie and other vegetable textile fibres, not elsewhere specified or included, raw or processed but not spun; tow, noils and waste of these fibres (including yarn waste and garnetted stock). | ||
55.01 | Synthetic filament tow. | ||
55.02 | Artificial filament tow. | ||
55.03 | Synthetic staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning. | ||
55.04 | Artificial staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning. | ||
55.05 | Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres. | ||
55.06 | Synthetic staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning. | ||
55.07 | Artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning. | ||
56.01 | Wadding of textile materials and articles thereof; textile fibres, not exceeding 5 mm in length (flock), textile dust and mill neps. | ||
5601.30 | - Textile flock and dust and mill neps | ||
56.03 | Nonwovens, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated. | ||
- Of man-made filaments: | |||
ex | 5603.11 | - - Weighing not more than 25 g/m2 | |
5603.1110 | - - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
ex | 5603.12 | - - Weighing more than 25 g/m2 but not more than 70 g/m2 | |
5603.1210 | - - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
ex | 5603.13 | - - Weighing more than 70 g/m2 but not more than 150 g/m2 | |
5603.1310 | - - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
ex | 5603.14 | - - Weighing more than 150 g/m2 | |
5603.1410 | - - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
- Other: | |||
ex | 5603.91 | - - Weighing not more than 25 g/m2 | |
5603.9110 | - - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
ex | 5603.92 | - - Weighing more than 25 g/m2 but not more than 70g/m2 | |
5603.9210 | - - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard | ||
ex | 5603.93 | - - Weighing more than 70 g/m2 but not more than 150g/m2 | |
5603.9310 | - - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
ex | 5603.94 | - - Weighing more than 150 g/m2 | |
5603.9410 | - - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
56.04 | Rubber thread and cord, textile covered; textile yarn, and strip and the like of heading No. 54.04 or 54.05, impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics. | ||
ex | 5604.90 | - Other | |
- - other than covered or impregnated with natural or synthetic rubber, whether or not vulcanised: | |||
5604.9030 | - - - imitation catguts, manufactured from silk yarn | ||
- - - monofilaments, strips and the like of no. 54.04 and 54.05 and imitation catguts of man-made textile materials: | |||
5604.9041 | - - - - monofilaments of synthetic textile materials | ||
5604.9070 | - - - coconut yarn | ||
5604.9080 | - - - paper yarn | ||
58.11 | Quilted textile products in the piece, composed of one or more layers of textile materials assembled with padding by stitching or otherwise, other than embroidery of heading No. 58.10. | ||
59.02 | Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides, polyesters or viscose rayon. | ||
ex | 5902.10 | - Of nylon or other polyamides | |
5902.1010 | - - of plain-weave having a warp layer of parallel filament or monofilament yarns and held in place by a transparent holding weft consisting of a maximum of 13 yarns in a linear decimeter, whether or not dipped, but not impregnated or coated | ||
ex | 5902.20 | - Of polyesters | |
5902.2010 | - - of plain-weave having a warp layer of parallel filament or monofilament yarns and held in place by a transparent holding weft consisting of a maximum of 13 yarns in a linear decimeter, whether or not dipped, but not impregnated or coated | ||
ex | 5902.90 | - Other | |
5902.9010 | - - of plain-weave having a warp layer of parallel filament or monofilament yarns and held in place by a transparent holding weft consisting of a maximum of 13 yarns in a linear decimeter, whether or not dipped, but not impregnated or coated | ||
59.03 | Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, other than those of heading No. 59.02. | ||
ex | 5903.10 | - With polyvinyl chloride | |
5903.1010 | - - of monofilaments, yarns or strips of chapter 54, (dipped), used in the manufacture of conveyor or transmission belts | ||
ex | 5903.20 | - With polyurethane | |
5903.2010 | - - of monofilaments, yarns or strips of chapter 54, (dipped), used in the manufacture of conveyor or transmission belts | ||
ex | 5903.90 | - Other | |
5903.9010 | - - of monofilaments, yarns or strips of chapter 54, (dipped), used in the manufacture of conveyor or transmission belts | ||
59.06 | Rubberised textile fabrics, other than those of heading No. 59.02. | ||
- Other: | |||
ex | 5906.99 | - - Other | |
5906.9910 | - - - of monofilaments, yarns or strips of chapter 54, (dipped), used in the manufacture of conveyor or transmission belts | ||
5906.9920 | - - - transparent cloth and strip of single polyamide yarn, dipped, of a width not exceeding 165 cm, of a weight of more than 80 g/m2, but not exceeding 300 g/m2 | ||
ex 59.07 | Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, coated or covered; painted canvas being theatrical scenery, studio back-cloths or the like. | ||
5907.0010 | - of monofilaments, yarns or strips of chapter 54, (dipped), used in the manufacture of conveyor or transmission belts | ||
59.08 | Textile wicks, woven, plaited or knitted, for lamps, stoves, lighters, candles or the like; incandescent gas mantles and tubular knitted gas mantle fabric therefor, whether or not impregnated. | ||
59.09 | Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing, with or without lining, armour or accessories of other materials. | ||
59.10 | Transmission or conveyor belts or belting, of textile material, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, or reinforced with metal or other material. | ||
59.11 | Textile products and articles, for technical uses, specified in Note 7 to this Chapter. | ||
ex | 5911.10 | - Textile fabrics, felt and felt-lined woven fabrics, coated, covered or laminated with rubber, leather or other material, of a kind used for card clothing, and similar fabrics of a kind used for other technical purposes, including narrow fabrics made of velvet impregnated with rubber, for covering weaving spindles (weaving beams) | |
- - narrow fabrics made of velvet impregnated with rubber, for covering weaving spindles (weaving beams) | |||
5911.1090 | - - other | ||
5911.20 | - Bolting cloth, whether or not made up | ||
- Textile fabrics and felts, endless or fitted with linking devices, of a kind used in paper-making or similar machines (for example, for pulp or asbestos-cement): | |||
5911.31 | - - Weighing less than 650 g/m2 | ||
5911.32 | - - Weighing 650 g/m2 or more | ||
5911.40 | - Straining cloth of a kind used in oil presses or the like, including that of human hair | ||
ex | 5911.90 | - Other | |
5911.9010 | - - woven fabrics of monofilaments, yarns or strips of chapter 54, dipped , used in manufacture of conveyor or transmission belts | ||
5911.9020 | - - straining cloths for oil presses | ||
61.15 | Panty hose, tights, stockings, socks and other hosiery, including stockings for varicose veins and footwear without applied soles, knitted or crocheted. | ||
- Other: | |||
ex | 6115.91 | - - Of wool or fine animal hair | |
- - - knitted or crocheted fabrics, not elastic or rubberised | |||
- - - other: | |||
6115.9191 | - - - - stockings for varicose veins | ||
ex | 6115.92 | - - Of cotton | |
- - - knitted or crocheted fabrics, not elastic or rubberised | |||
- - - other: | |||
6115.9291 | - - - - stockings for varicose veins | ||
ex | 6115.93 | - - Of synthetic fibres | |
- - - knitted or crocheted fabrics, not elastic or rubberised | |||
- - - other: | |||
6115.9391 | - - - - stockings for varicose veins | ||
ex | 6115.99 | - - Of other textile materials | |
- - - knitted or crocheted fabrics, not elastic or rubberised | |||
- - - other: | |||
6115.9991 | - - - - stockings for varicose veins | ||
62.14 | Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like. | ||
6214.10 | - Of silk or silk waste | ||
62.15 | Ties, bow ties and cravats. | ||
6215.10 | - Of silk or silk waste | ||
63.10 | Used or new rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables, of textile materials. | ||
ex | 6310.10 | - Sorted | |
6310.1010 | - - for the manufacture of industrial goods or for industrial wipers | ||
ex | 6310.90 | - Other | |
6310.9010 | - - for the manufacture of industrial goods or for industrial wipers | ||
66.01 | Umbrellas and sun umbrellas (including walking-stick umbrellas, garden umbrellas and similar umbrellas). | ||
- Other: | |||
6601.91 | - - Having a telescopic shaft | ||
6601.99 | - - Other | ||
66.02 | Walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like. | ||
66.03 | Parts, trimmings and accessories of articles of heading No. 66.01 or 66.02. | ||
67.01 | Skins and other parts of birds with their feathers or down, feathers, parts of feathers, down and articles thereof (other than goods of heading No. 05.05 and worked quills and scapes). | ||
67.02 | Artificial flowers, foliage and fruit and parts thereof; articles made of artificial flowers, foliage or fruit. | ||
67.03 | Human hair, dressed, thinned, bleached or otherwise worked; wool or other animal hair or other textile materials, prepared for use in making wigs or the like. | ||
67.04 | Wigs, false beards, eyebrows and eyelashes, switches and the like, of human or animal hair or of textile materials; articles of human hair not elsewhere specified or included. | ||
69.09 | Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses; ceramic troughs, tubs and similar receptacles of a kind used in agriculture; ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods. | ||
69.14 | Other ceramic articles. | ||
70.01 | Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass; glass in the mass. | ||
70.02 | Glass in balls (other than microspheres of heading No. 70.18), rods or tubes, unworked. | ||
70.03 | Cast glass and rolled glass, in sheets or profiles, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise worked. | ||
70.04 | Drawn glass and blown glass, in sheets, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise worked. | ||
70.05 | Float glass and surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise worked. | ||
70.06 | Glass of heading No. 70.03, 70.04 or 70.05, bent, edge-worked, engraved, drilled, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materials. | ||
70.08 | Multiple-walled insulating units of glass. | ||
70.10 | Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials, ampoules and other containers, of glass, of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods; preserving jars of glass; stoppers, lids and other closures, of glass. | ||
- Other, of a capacity: | |||
ex | 7010.93 | - - Exceeding 0.15 l but not exceeding 0.33 l | |
- - - carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials for tablets and other containers of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods: | |||
- - - - of neutral glass, not engraved nor subjected to obscuring processes, only decorated by moulding, of a volume less than 260 centiliters: | |||
7010.9311 | - - - - - for retail sale packaging of pharmaceutical products manufactured in Morocco by industries registered for this special activity, imported on behalf of concerned industries and dispatched directly to its enterprises | ||
7010.9319 | - - - - - for the conservation of blood and human plasma and imported on behalf of the National Blood Transfusion Center or on its account | ||
7010.94 | - - Not exceeding 0.15 l | ||
- - - carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials for tablets and other containers of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods: | |||
- - - - of neutral glass, not engraved, nor subjected to obscuring processes, only decorated by moulding: | |||
7010.9411 | - - - - - for retail sale packaging of pharmaceutical products manufactured in Morocco by industries registered for this special activity, imported on behalf of concerned industries and dispatched directly to its enterprises | ||
7010.9419 | - - - - - for the conservation of blood and human plasma and imported on behalf of the National Blood Transfusion Center or on its account | ||
70.11 | Glass envelopes (including bulbs and tubes), open, and glass parts thereof, without fittings, for electric lamps, cathode-ray tubes or the like. | ||
70.12 | Glass inners for vacuum flasks or for other vacuum vessels. | ||
70.14 | Signalling glassware and optical elements of glass (other than those of heading No. 70.15), not optically worked. | ||
70.15 | Clock or watch glasses and similar glasses, glasses for non-corrective or corrective spectacles, curved, bent, hollowed or the like, not optically worked; hollow glass spheres and their segments, for the manufacture of such glasses. | ||
70.16 | Paving blocks, slabs, bricks, squares, tiles and other articles of pressed or moulded glass, whether or not wired, of a kind used for building or construction purposes; glass cubes and other glass smallwares, whether or not on a backing, for mosaics or similar decorative purposes; leaded lights and the like; multicellular or foam glass in blocks, panels, plates, shells or similar forms. | ||
70.18 | Glass beads, imitation pearls, imitation precious or semi-precious stones and similar glass smallwares, and articles thereof other than imitation jewellery; glass eyes other than prosthetic articles; statuettes and other ornaments of lamp-worked glass, other than imitation jewellery; glass microspheres not exceeding 1 mm in diameter. | ||
70.19 | Glass fibres (including glass wool) and articles thereof (for example, yarn, woven fabrics). | ||
71.01 | Pearls, natural or cultured, whether or not worked or graded but not strung, mounted or set; pearls, natural or cultured, temporarily strung for convenience of transport. | ||
71.02 | Diamonds, whether or not worked, but not mounted or set. | ||
71.03 | Precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones, whether or not worked or graded but not strung, mounted or set; ungraded precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones, temporarily strung for convenience of transport. | ||
71.04 | Synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones, whether or not worked or graded but not strung, mounted or set; ungraded synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones, temporarily strung for convenience of transport. | ||
71.05 | Dust and powder of natural or synthetic precious or semi-precious stones. | ||
71.06 | Silver (including silver plated with gold or platinum), unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form. | ||
71.07 | Base metals clad with silver, not further worked than semi-manufactured. | ||
71.08 | Gold (including gold plated with platinum) unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form. | ||
71.09 | Base metals or silver, clad with gold, not further worked than semi-manufactured. | ||
71.10 | Platinum, unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form. | ||
71.11 | Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured. | ||
71.12 | Waste and scrap of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal; other waste and scrap containing precious metal or precious metal compounds, of a kind used principally for the recovery of precious metal. | ||
71.13 | Articles of jewellery and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal. | ||
71.14 | Articles of goldsmiths' or silversmiths' wares and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal. | ||
71.15 | Other articles of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal. | ||
71.16 | Articles of natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed). | ||
71.17 | Imitation jewellery. | ||
71.18 | Coin. | ||
72.01 | Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms. | ||
72.02 | Ferro-alloys. | ||
72.03 | Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron ore and other spongy ferrous products, in lumps, pellets or similar forms; iron having a minimum purity by weight of 99.94 %, in lumps, pellets or similar forms. | ||
72.04 | Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel. | ||
72.05 | Granules and powders, of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel. | ||
72.06 | Iron and non-alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms (excluding iron of heading No. 72.03). | ||
72.07 | Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel. | ||
72.08 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated. | ||
72.09 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, cold-rolled (cold-reduced), not clad, plated or coated. | ||
72.10 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, clad, plated or coated. | ||
- Plated or coated with tin: | |||
ex | 7210.11 | - - Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more | |
- - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | |||
- - - other, cut in square or rectangular forms, but not further worked | |||
- - - other: | |||
- - - - tinplate having indentations | |||
7210.1199 | - - - - other | ||
ex | 7210.12 | - - Of a thickness of less than 0.5 mm | |
- - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | |||
- - - other, cut in square or rectangular forms, but not further worked | |||
- - - other: | |||
- - - - tinplate having indentations | |||
7210.1299 | - - - - other | ||
7210.50 | - Plated or coated with chromium oxides or with chromium and chromium oxides | ||
- Plated or coated with aluminium: | |||
7210.61 | - - plated or coated with aluminium-zinc alloys | ||
7210.69 | - - Other | ||
72.11 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of less than 600 mm, not clad, plated or coated. | ||
72.12 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of less than 600 mm, clad, plated or coated. | ||
7212.10 | - Plated or coated with tin | ||
ex | 7212.40 | - Painted, varnished or coated with plastics | |
- - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | |||
- - other, called «magnetic» | |||
- - other: | |||
- - - of a maximum width of 500 mm and of a maximum thickness not exceeding 6 mm but not more than one tenth of the width: | |||
7212.4031 | - - - - painted, varnished, plated or coated with plastics, whether or not corrugated, but not further worked | ||
ex | 7212.50 | - Otherwise plated or coated | |
7212.5010 | - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
7212.5020 | - - other, called «magnetic» | ||
- - other: | |||
- - - of a maximum width of 500 mm and of a maximum thickness not exceeding 6 mm but not more than one tenth of the width: | |||
- - - - simply plated or coated, whether or not corrugated, but not further worked: | |||
7212.5031 | - - - - - plated with precious metals | ||
7212.5032 | - - - - - enameled | ||
7212.5033 | - - - - - leaded | ||
7212.5039 | - - - - - other (copperplated, artificially oxidized, nickel-plated, parkerised, printed etc.) | ||
- - - other: | |||
- - - - other than plated or coated with lead, with a plane surface, but not further worked, of a width of less than 0,5 mm | |||
- - - - other than plated or coated with lead, corrugated, but not further worked, of a width of less than 0,5 mm | |||
- - - - other than plated or coated with lead, whether or not corrugated, but not further worked | |||
- - - - otherwise plated or coated, whether or not corrugated, but not further worked: | |||
7212.5061 | - - - - - plated with precious metals | ||
7212.5062 | - - - - - enameled | ||
- - - - - plated or coated with chromium and printed | |||
7212.5064 | - - - - - plated or coated with chromium | ||
7212.5069 | - - - - - other | ||
ex | 7212.60 | - Clad | |
7212.6010 | - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
- - other: | |||
- - - of a maximum width of 500 mm and of a maximum thickness not exceeding 6 mm but not more than one tenth of the width: | |||
- - - - clad, whether or not corrugated, but not further worked: | |||
7212.6021 | - - - - - hot-rolled | ||
7212.6029 | - - - - - cold-rolled (cold reduced) | ||
- - - other: | |||
7212.6091 | - - - - clad, whether or not corrugated, but not further worked | ||
72.13 | Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of iron or non-alloy steel. | ||
ex | 7213.10 | - Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process | |
7213.1010 | - - having a cross-section in the form of a flattened circle or of a modified rectangle | ||
7213.20 | - Other, of free-cutting steel | ||
- Other: | |||
ex | 7213.91 | - - Of circular cross-section measuring less than 14 mm in diameter | |
7213.9110 | - - - containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon | ||
7213.99 | - - Other | ||
72.14 | Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than forged, hot-rolled, hot-drawn or hot-extruded, but including those twisted after rolling. | ||
7214.10 | - Forged | ||
ex | 7214.20 | - Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process or twisted after rolling | |
7214.2020 | - - having a cross-section in the form of a flattened circle or of a modified rectangle | ||
7214.30 | - Other, of free-cutting steel | ||
- Other: | |||
7214.91 | - - Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section | ||
ex | 7214.99 | - - Other | |
7214.9910 | - - - having a cross-section in the form of a flattened circle | ||
- - - other: | |||
7214.9999 | - - - - other than reinforcing bars and rods | ||
72.15 | Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel. | ||
7215.10 | - Of free-cutting steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished | ||
ex | 7215.50 | - Other, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished | |
- - having a cross-section in the form of a flattened circle or of a modified rectangle: | |||
7215.5010 | - - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
7215.5090 | - - other | ||
ex | 7215.90 | - Other | |
- - having a cross-section in the form of a flattened circle or of a modified rectangle: | |||
7215.9011 | - - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
7215.9090 | - - other | ||
72.16 | Angles, shapes and sections of iron or non-alloy steel. | ||
72.17 | Wire of iron or non-alloy steel. | ||
ex | 7217.10 | - Not plated or coated, whether or not polished | |
7217.1010 | - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
ex | 7217.20 | - Plated or coated with zinc | |
7217.2010 | - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
- - other: | |||
7217.2091 | - - - of a diameter not exceeding 0.85 mm | ||
ex | 7217.30 | - Plated or coated with other base metals | |
7217.3010 | - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
- - other: | |||
7217.3099 | - - - other than plated or coated with copper for welding, imported in rolls | ||
ex | 7217.90 | - Other | |
7217.9010 | - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
7217.9020 | - - other, otherwise plated or coated | ||
72.18 | Stainless steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-finished products of stainless steel. | ||
72.19 | Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of 600 mm or more. | ||
72.20 | Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of less than 600 mm. | ||
72.21 | Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of stainless steel. | ||
72.22 | Other bars and rods of stainless steel; angles, shapes and sections of stainless steel. | ||
72.23 | Wire of stainless steel. | ||
72.24 | Other alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-finished products of other alloy steel. | ||
72.25 | Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more. | ||
72.26 | Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of less than 600 mm. | ||
72.27 | Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of other alloy steel. | ||
72.28 | Other bars and rods of other alloy steel; angles, shapes and sections, of other alloy steel; hollow drill bars and rods, of alloy or non-alloy steel. | ||
72.29 | Wire of other alloy steel. | ||
73.01 | Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched or made from assembled elements; welded angles, shapes and sections, of iron or steel. | ||
7301.10 | - Sheet piling | ||
73.02 | Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel, the following: rails, check-rails and rack rails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish-plates, chairs, chair wedges, sole plates (base plates), rail clips, bedplates, ties and other material specialized for jointing or fixing rails. | ||
ex | 7302.10 | - Rails | |
7302.1010 | - - current-conducting, with parts of non-ferrous metal | ||
7302.20 | - Sleepers (cross-ties) | ||
ex | 7302.90 | - Other | |
7302.9010 | - - check-rails | ||
7302.9020 | - - rack-rails | ||
73.03 | Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron. | ||
73.04 | Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless, of iron (other than cast iron) or steel. | ||
7304.10 | - Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines | ||
- Casing, tubing and drill pipe, of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas: | |||
7304.21 | - - Drill pipe | ||
7304.29 | - - Other | ||
- Other, of circular cross-section, of iron or non-alloy steel: | |||
7304.31 | - - Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | ||
7304.39 | - - Other | ||
- Other, of circular cross-section, of stainless steel: | |||
7304.41 | - - Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | ||
7304.49 | - - Other | ||
- Other, of circular cross-section, of other alloy steel: | |||
7304.51 | - - Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | ||
7304.59 | - - Other | ||
7304.90 | - Other | ||
73.05 | Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similarly closed), having circular cross-sections, the external diameter of which exceeds 406.4 mm, of iron or steel. | ||
- Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines: | |||
ex | 7305.11 | - - Longitudinally submerged arc welded | |
- - - of a thickness exceeding 4 mm | |||
7305.1199 | - - - - other than in conical form | ||
ex | 7305.12 | - - Other, longitudinally welded | |
- - - of a thickness exceeding 4 mm | |||
7305.1299 | - - - - other than in conical form | ||
ex | 7305.19 | - - Other | |
- - - of a thickness exceeding 4 mm | |||
7305.1999 | - - - - other than in conical form | ||
ex | 7305.20 | - Casing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas | |
- - of a thickness exceeding 4 mm | |||
7305.2099 | - - - other than in conical form | ||
- Other, welded: | |||
ex | 7305.31 | - - Longitudinally welded | |
- - - of an interior diameter exceeding 400 mm and of a wall thickness exceeding 10,5 mm | |||
- - - other, with a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |||
- - - other: | |||
- - - - in conical form | |||
7305.3199 | - - - - other | ||
ex | 7305.39 | - - Other | |
- - - of an interior diameter exceeding 400 mm and of a wall thickness exceeding 10,5 mm | |||
- - - other, with a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |||
- - - other: | |||
- - - - in conical form | |||
7305.3999 | - - - - other | ||
ex | 7305.90 | - Other | |
- - - of an interior diameter exceeding 400 mm and of a wall thickness exceeding 10,5 mm | |||
- - - other, with a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |||
- - - other: | |||
- - - - in conical form | |||
7305.9099 | - - - - other | ||
73.06 | Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles (for example, open seam or welded, riveted or similarly closed), of iron or steel. | ||
ex | 7306.10 | - Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines | |
- - of a thickness exceeding 4 mm | |||
7306.1099 | - - - other than in pyramidal form or conical form with a circular cross-section | ||
ex | 7306.20 | - Casing and tubing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas | |
- - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |||
7306.2099 | - - - other than in pyramidal form or conical form with a circular cross-section | ||
ex | 7306.30 | - Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of iron or non-alloy steel | |
- - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |||
7306.3099 | - - - other than in conical form | ||
ex | 7306.40 | - Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of stainless steel | |
- - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |||
7306.4099 | - - - other than in conical form | ||
ex | 7306.50 | - Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of other alloy steel | |
- - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |||
7306.5099 | - - - other than in conical form | ||
ex | 7306.60 | - Other, welded, of non-circular cross-section | |
- - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |||
7306.6099 | - - - other than in pyramidal form | ||
ex | 7306.90 | - Other | |
- - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |||
7306.9099 | - - - other than in pyramidal form or conical form with a circular cross-section | ||
73.12 | Stranded wire, ropes, cables, plaited bands, slings and the like, of iron or steel, not electrically insulated. | ||
ex | 7312.10 | - Stranded wire, ropes and cables | |
7312.1010 | - - ropes and cables consisting of steel wires plated or coated, of high resistance (120 kg for a square millimetre and more), of a diameter not exceeding 1,4 mm | ||
7312.1020 | - - stranded wire consisting of steel wires, brass-plated or coated, with a rupture tension higher than 200 kg for a square millimetre | ||
73.15 | Chain and parts thereof, of iron or steel. | ||
73.18 | Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of iron or steel. | ||
- Threaded articles: | |||
ex | 7318.12 | - - Other wood screws | |
7318.1210 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
ex | 7318.13 | - - Screw hooks and screw rings | |
7318.1310 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
ex | 7318.14 | - - Self-tapping screws | |
7318.1410 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
ex | 7318.15 | - - Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers | |
7318.1510 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
ex | 7318.16 | - - Nuts | |
7318.1610 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
ex | 7318.19 | - - Other | |
7318.1910 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
- Non-threaded articles: | |||
ex | 7318.21 | - - Spring washers and other lock washers | |
7318.2110 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
ex | 7318.22 | - - Other washers | |
7318.2210 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
ex | 7318.23 | - - Rivets | |
7318.2310 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
ex | 7318.24 | - - Cotters and cotter-pins | |
7318.2410 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
ex | 7318.29 | - - Other | |
7318.2910 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
73.21 | Stoves, ranges, grates, cookers (including those with subsidiary boilers for central heating), barbecues, braziers, gas-rings, plate warmers and similar non-electric domestic appliances, and parts thereof, of iron or steel. | ||
ex | 7321.90 | - Parts | |
7321.9010 | - - gas burners with 6, 8 or 12 rectilinear elements | ||
74.01 | Copper mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper). | ||
74.02 | Unrefined copper; copper anodes for electrolytic refining. | ||
74.03 | Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought. | ||
74.04 | Copper waste and scrap. | ||
74.05 | Master alloys of copper. | ||
74.06 | Copper powders and flakes. | ||
74.07 | Copper bars, rods and profiles. | ||
74.08 | Copper wire. | ||
- Of refined copper: | |||
7408.11 | - - Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 6 mm | ||
ex | 7408.19 | - - Other | |
7408.1990 | - - - other than obtained by extrusion or drawing | ||
- Of copper alloys: | |||
ex | 7408.21 | - - Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | |
- - - with a cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | |||
7408.2110 | - - - - with a rectangular cross-section of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm | ||
- - - - other: | |||
7408.2129 | - - - - - other than obtained by extrusion or drawing | ||
- - - other: | |||
7408.2130 | - - - - of copper alloys containing at least 10 % zinc | ||
- - - - other: | |||
- - - - - rolled, extruded or drawn but not further worked, peeled or not: | |||
7408.2141 | - - - - - - with a cross-section not exceeding 15 mm | ||
- - - - - other: | |||
7408.2191 | - - - - - - gold or silver-plated | ||
ex | 7408.22 | - - of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | |
7408.2210 | - - - containing more than 10 % of nickel | ||
- - - other: | |||
- - - - with a cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | |||
7408.2229 | - - - - - other than obtained by extrusion or drawing | ||
- - - - other: | |||
7408.2230 | - - - - - of copper alloys containing at least 10 % zinc | ||
- - - - - other: | |||
- - - - - - rolled, extruded or drawn butnot further worked, whether or not peeled: | |||
7408.2241 | - - - - - - - with a cross-section not exceeding 15 mm | ||
- - - - - - other: | |||
7408.2291 | - - - - - - - gold or silver-plated | ||
ex | 7408.29 | - - Other | |
7408.2910 | - - - alloys containing more than 10 % of nickel | ||
- - - other: | |||
- - - - with a cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | |||
7408.2929 | - - - - - other than obtained by extrusion or drawing | ||
- - - - other: | |||
7408.2931 | - - - - - of copper alloys containing at least 10 % zinc | ||
7408.2939 | - - - - - of beryllium copper alloy | ||
- - - - - other: | |||
- - - - - - rolled, extruded or drawn but not further worked, whether or not peeled: | |||
7408.2941 | - - - - - - - with a cross-section not exceeding 15 mm | ||
- - - - - - other: | |||
7408.2991 | - - - - - - - gold or silver-plated | ||
74.09 | Copper plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.15 mm. | ||
74.10 | Copper foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.15 mm. | ||
74.15 | Nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples (other than those of heading No. 83.05) and similar articles, of copper or of iron or steel with heads of copper; screws, bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of copper. | ||
- Other articles, not threaded: | |||
ex | 7415.21 | - - Washers (including spring washers) | |
7415.2110 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of interessed professions or for their account | ||
ex | 7415.29 | - - Other | |
7415.2910 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of interessed professions or for their account | ||
- Other threaded articles: | |||
ex | 7415.31 | - - Screws for wood | |
7415.3110 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of interessed professions or for their account | ||
ex | 7415.32 | - - Other screws; bolts and nuts | |
7415.3210 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of interessed professions or for their account | ||
ex | 7415.39 | - - Other | |
7415.3910 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of interessed professions or for their account | ||
74.19 | Other articles of copper. | ||
- Other: | |||
ex | 7419.91 | - - Cast, moulded, stamped or forged, but not further worked | |
7419.9130 | - - - brass plates, matrix and flans (matricées et «flans») of brass, matrix for the manufactue of watch dials | ||
ex | 7419.99 | - - Other | |
7419.9930 | - - - brass plates, matrix and flans (matricées et «flans») of brass, matrix for the manufacture of watch dials | ||
75.01 | Nickel mattes, nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate products of nickel metallurgy. | ||
75.02 | Unwrought nickel. | ||
75.03 | Nickel waste and scrap. | ||
75.04 | Nickel powders and flakes. | ||
75.05 | Nickel bars, rods, profiles and wire. | ||
75.06 | Nickel plates, sheets, strip and foil. | ||
75.07 | Nickel tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves). | ||
75.08 | Other articles of nickel. | ||
ex | 7508.90 | - Other | |
7508.9010 | - - anodes for electro-plating including those obtained by electrolytic deposition, not further worked | ||
- - nails, tacks, corrugated nails, eyes and the like, (articles for bolting or screwing) and washers including split washers and spring washers: | |||
7508.9021 | - - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of interessed professions or for their account | ||
76.01 | Unwrought aluminium. | ||
76.02 | Aluminium waste and scrap. | ||
76.03 | Aluminium powders and flakes. | ||
76.04 | Aluminium bars, rods and profiles. | ||
ex | 7604.10 | - Of aluminium, not alloyed | |
- - hollow profiles | |||
- - other,with a cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | |||
- - - rolled: | |||
7604.1031 | - - - - not coated nor covered | ||
- - other: | |||
- - - rolled, extruded or drawn but not further worked, whether or not peeled: | |||
7604.1040 | - - - - bars and rods with a cross-section not exceeding 15 mm | ||
- - - - other: | |||
7604.1051 | - - - - - bars and rods | ||
- - - other: | |||
7604.1091 | - - - - bars and rods | ||
- Of aluminium alloys: | |||
ex | 7604.29 | - - Other: | |
- - - products with a cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | |||
- - - - rolled: | |||
7604.2921 | - - - - - not coated nor covered | ||
- - - other: | |||
- - - - rolled, extruded or drawn but not further worked, whether or not peeled: | |||
7604.2930 | - - - - - bars and rods with a cross-section not exceeding 15 mm | ||
- - - - - other: | |||
7604.2941 | - - - - - - bars and rods | ||
- - - - other: | |||
7604.2991 | - - - - - bars and rods | ||
76.05 | Aluminium wire. | ||
- Of aluminium, not alloyed: | |||
7605.11 | - - Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 7 mm | ||
ex | 7605.19 | - - Other | |
- - - wire with a cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | |||
- - - - rolled: | |||
7605.1921 | - - - - - not coated nor covered | ||
7605.1990 | - - - other | ||
- Of aluminium alloys: | |||
7605.21 | - - Of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeds 7 mm | ||
ex | 7605.29 | - - Other | |
- - - wire with a cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | |||
- - - - rolled: | |||
7605.2921 | - - - - - not coated or covered | ||
7605.2990 | - - - other | ||
76.06 | Aluminium plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.2 mm. | ||
- Rectangular (including square): | |||
7606.11 | - - Of aluminium, not alloyed | ||
7606.12 | - - Of aluminium alloys | ||
- Other: | |||
7606.91 | - - Of aluminium, not alloyed | ||
7606.92 | - - Of aluminium alloys | ||
76.07 | Aluminium foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2 mm. | ||
- Not backed: | |||
7607.11 | - - Rolled but not further worked | ||
ex | 7607.19 | - - Other | |
7607.1910 | - - - not further worked than beaten or artifically oxidized | ||
76.16 | Other articles of aluminium. | ||
ex | 7616.10 | - Nails, tacks, staples (other than those of heading no. 83.05), screws, bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers and similar articles | |
7616.1010 | - - for the fastening of orthopaedic material or for surgical and/or medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
- Other: | |||
ex | 7616.99 | - - Other | |
7616.9910 | - - - shafts for corsets, for articles of apparel and clothing accessories and the like | ||
7616.9950 | - - - discs, washers, flans or small rings of a diameter exceeding 6 mm, for the manufacturing of tubular cases or of flexible tubes | ||
78.01 | Unwrought lead. | ||
78.02 | Lead waste and scrap. | ||
78.03 | Lead bars, rods, profiles and wire. | ||
78.04 | Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead powders and flakes. | ||
78.05 | Lead tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves). | ||
78.06 | Other articles of lead. | ||
79.01 | Unwrought zinc. | ||
79.02 | Zinc waste and scrap. | ||
79.03 | Zinc dust, powders and flakes. | ||
79.04 | Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire. | ||
79.05 | Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil. | ||
80.01 | Unwrought tin. | ||
80.02 | Tin waste and scrap. | ||
81.01 | Tungsten (wolfram) and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. | ||
81.02 | Molybdenum and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. | ||
81.03 | Tantalum and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. | ||
81.04 | Magnesium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. | ||
81.05 | Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; cobalt and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. | ||
81.06 | Bismuth and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. | ||
81.07 | Cadmium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. | ||
81.08 | Titaium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. | ||
81.09 | Zirconium and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. | ||
81.10 | Antimony and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. | ||
81.11 | Manganese and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. | ||
81.12 | Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium (columbium), rhenium and thallium, and articles of these metals, including waste and scrap. | ||
81.13 | Cermets and articles thereof, including waste and scrap. | ||
82.01 | Hand tools, the following: spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, forks and rakes; axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools; secateurs and pruners of any kind; scythes, sickles, hay knives, hedge shears, timber wedges and other tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry. | ||
8201.20 | - Forks | ||
8201.50 | - Secateurs and similar one-handed pruners and shears (including poultry shears) | ||
8201.60 | - Hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears and similar two-handed shears | ||
82.02 | Hand saws; blades for saws of all kinds (including slitting, slotting or toothless saw blades). | ||
8202.10 | - Hand saws | ||
82.05 | Hand tools (including glaziers' diamonds), not elsewhere specified or included; blow lamps; vices, clamps and the like, other than accessories for and parts of, machine tools; anvils; portable forges; hand or pedal-operated grinding wheels with frameworks. | ||
- Other hand tools (including glaziers' diamonds): | |||
8205.51 | - - Household tools | ||
8205.90 | - Sets of articles of two or more of the foregoing subheadings | ||
82.10 | Hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing 10 kg or less, used in the preparation, conditioning or serving of food or drink. | ||
82.12 | Razors and razor blades (including razor blade blanks in strips). | ||
82.13 | Scissors, tailors' shears and similar shears, and blades therefor. | ||
83.08 | Clasps, frames with clasps, buckles, buckle-clasps, hooks, eyes, eyelets and the like, of base metal, of a kind used for clothing, footwear, awnings, handbags, travel goods or other made up articles; tubular or bifurcated rivets, of base metal; beads and spangles, of base metal. | ||
84.07 | Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines. | ||
8407.10 | - Aircraft engines | ||
- Marine propulsion engines: | |||
8407.29 | - - Other | ||
- Reciprocating piston engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of Chapter 87: | |||
8407.33 | - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250 cc but not exceeding 1,000 cc | ||
8407.34 | - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,000 cc | ||
8407.90 | - Other engines | ||
84.08 | Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines). | ||
ex | 8408.10 | - Marine propulsion engines | |
8408.1010 | - - probulsion outboard motor engins | ||
84.50 | Household or laundry-type washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry. | ||
8450.20 | - Machines, each of a dry linen capacity exceeding 10 kg | ||
8450.90 | - Parts | ||
84.83 | Transmission shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing; ball or roller screws; gear boxes and other speed changers, including torque converters; flywheels and pulleys, including pulley blocks; clutches and shaft couplings (including universal joints). | ||
ex | 8483.10 | - Transmission shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts) and cranks | |
- - for engines of motor vehicles of heading nos. 84.07 and 84.08 | |||
- - - cam shafts and crank shafts: | |||
- - - - crank shafts for moped engines of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc | |||
8483.1019 | - - - - other | ||
- - - other: | |||
- - - - for moped engines of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc | |||
8483.1029 | - - - - other | ||
8483.1090 | - - other | ||
8483.20 | - Bearing housings, incorporating ball or roller bearings | ||
8483.30 | - Bearing housings, not incorporating ball or roller bearings; plain shaft bearings | ||
8483.40 | - Gears and gearing, other than toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately; ball or roller screws; gear boxes and other speed changers, including torque converters | ||
ex | 8483.60 | - Clutches and shaft couplings (including universal joints) | |
8483.6090 | - for engines, other than for moped engines of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cm3 | ||
85.04 | Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors. | ||
- Liquid dielectric transformers: | |||
ex | 8504.21 | - - Having a power handling capacity not exceeding 650 kVA | |
8504.2110 | - - - instrument transformers | ||
ex | 8504.22 | - - Having a power handling capacity exceeding 650 kVA but not exceeding 10,000 kVA | |
8504.2210 | - - - instrument transformers | ||
ex | 8504.23 | - - Having a power handling capacity exceeding 10,000 kVA | |
8504.2310 | - - - instrument transformers | ||
- Other transformers: | |||
ex | 8504.31 | - - Having a power handling capacity not exceeding 1 kVA | |
- - - designed for toys or reduced-size models for recreational purposes | |||
- - - other: | |||
8504.3191 | - - - - instrument transformers | ||
ex | 8504.32 | - - Having a power handling capacity exceeding 1 kVA but not exceeding 16 kVA | |
- - - designed for toys or reduced-size models for recreational purposes | |||
- - - other: | |||
8504.3291 | - - - - instrument transformers | ||
ex | 8504.33 | - - Having a power handling capacity exceeding 16 kVA but not exceeding 500 kVA | |
8504.3310 | - - - instrument transformers | ||
ex | 8504.34 | - - Having a power handling capacity exceeding 500 kVA | |
8504.3410 | - - - instrument transformers | ||
8504.90 | - Parts | ||
85.07 | Electric accumulators, including separators therefor, whether or not rectangular (including square). | ||
8507.90 | - Parts | ||
85.10 | Shavers, hair clippers and hair-removing appliances, with self-contained electric motor. | ||
85.11 | Electrical ignition or starting equipment of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (for example, ignition magnetos, magneto-dynamos, ignition coils, sparking plugs and glow plugs, starter motors); generators (for example, dynamos, alternators) and cut-outs of a kind used in conjunction with such engines. | ||
85.12 | Electrical lighting or signalling equipment (excluding articles of heading No. 85.39), windscreen wipers, defrosters and demisters, of a kind used for cycles or motor vehicles. | ||
8512.10 | - Lighting or visual signalling equipment of a kind used on bicycles | ||
8512.20 | - Other lighting or visual signalling equipment | ||
ex | 8512.30 | - Sound signalling equipment | |
- - sets for signalling appliances specified in the moroccan supplementary note no 3 of this chapter | |||
8512.3090 | - - other | ||
8512.40 | - Windscreen wipers, defrosters and demisters | ||
8512.90 | - Parts | ||
85.13 | Portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy (for example, dry batteries, accumulators, magnetos), other than lighting equipment of heading No. 85.12. | ||
85.16 | Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters; electric space heating apparatus and soil heating apparatus; electro-thermic hair-dressing apparatus (for example, hair dryers, hair curlers, curling tong heaters) and hand dryers; electric smoothing irons; other electro-thermic appliances of a kind used for domestic purposes; electric heating resistors, other than those of heading No. 85.45. | ||
- Electro-thermic hair-dressing or hand-drying apparatus: | |||
8516.31 | - - Hair dryers | ||
8516.32 | - - Other hair-dressing apparatus | ||
8516.33 | - - Hand-drying apparatus | ||
8516.40 | - Electric smoothing irons | ||
8516.50 | - Microwave ovens | ||
- Other electro-thermic appliances: | |||
8516.71 | - - Coffee or tea makers | ||
8516.72 | - - Toasters | ||
8516.79 | - - Other | ||
85.17 | Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems; videophones. | ||
85.18 | Microphones and stands therefor; loudspeakers, whether or not mounted in their enclosures; headphones, earphones and combined microphone/speaker sets; audio-frequency electric amplifiers; electric sound amplifier sets. | ||
85.19 | Turntables (record-decks), record-players, cassette-players and other sound reproducing apparatus, not incorporating a sound recording device. | ||
85.20 | Magnetic tape recorders and other sound recording apparatus, whether or not incorporating a sound reproducing device. | ||
8520.10 | - Dictating machines not capable of operating without an external source of power | ||
8520.20 | - Telephone answering machines | ||
- Other magnetic tape recorders incorporating sound reproducing apparatus: | |||
ex | 8520.32 | - - Digital audio type | |
8520.3210 | - - - fixed studio apparatus for television companies authorized by the Moroccan government and for the Maghreb Arab Press agency | ||
ex | 8520.33 | - - Other, cassette-type | |
8520.3310 | - - - fixed studio apparatus for television companies authorized by the Moroccan government and for the Maghreb Arab Press agency | ||
8520.39 | - - Other | ||
8520.90 | - Other | ||
85.21 | Video recording or reproducing apparatus, whether or not incorporating a video tuner. | ||
85.22 | Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of headings Nos. 85.19 to 85.21. | ||
85.23 | Prepared unrecorded media for sound recording or similar recording of other phenomena, other than products of Chapter 37. | ||
85.24 | Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices and masters for the production of records, but excluding products of Chapter 37. | ||
8524.10 | - Gramophone records | ||
- Discs for laser reading systems: | |||
ex | 8524.31 | - - For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image | |
- - - for computers (programmes) | |||
8424.3190 | - - - other | ||
8524.32 | - - For reproducing sound only | ||
ex | 8524.39 | - - Other | |
8524.3910 | - - - for television companies authorized by the Moroccan government and for the Maghreb Arab Press agency | ||
- - - other: | |||
- - - - CD-ROM discs | |||
8524.3999 | - - - - other | ||
ex | 8524.40 | - Magnetic tapes for reproducing phenomena other than sound or image | |
- - for computers (programmes) | |||
8524.4090 | - - other | ||
- Other magnetic tapes: | |||
8524.51 | - - Of a width not exceeding 4 mm | ||
8524.52 | - - Of a width exceeding 4 mm but not exceeding 6.5 mm | ||
8524.53 | - - Of a width exceeding 6.5 mm | ||
ex | 8524.60 | - Cards incorporating a magnetic stripe | |
8524.6010 | - - for television companies authorized by the Moroccan government and for the Maghreb Arab Press agency | ||
- - other: | |||
- - - for computers (programmes) | |||
8524.6099 | - - - other: | ||
- Other: | |||
ex | 8524.91 | - - For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image | |
- - - computer discs (programmes) | |||
8524.9190 | - - - other | ||
8524.99 | - - Other | ||
85.25 | Transmission apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy, radio-broadcasting or television, whether or not incorporating reception apparatus or sound recording or reproducing apparatus; television cameras; still image video cameras and other video camera recorders. | ||
85.26 | Radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and radio remote control apparatus. | ||
- Other: | |||
8526.92 | - - Radio remote control apparatus | ||
85.27 | Reception apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy or radio-broadcasting, whether or not combined, in the same housing, with sound recording or reproducing apparatus or a clock. | ||
85.28 | Reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus; video monitors and video projectors. | ||
85.29 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of headings Nos. 85.25 to 85.28. | ||
ex | 8529.10 | - Aerials and aerial reflectors of all kinds; parts suitable for use therewith | |
8529.1010 | - - for television companies authorized by the Moroccan governement and for the Maghreb Arab Press agency | ||
- - other: | |||
- - - aerials: | |||
- - - - for reception apparatus for television and its components | |||
8529.1022 | - - - - - parabolic reflectors and similar reflectors | ||
8529.1029 | - - - - other | ||
8529.1090 | - - - other | ||
8529.90 | - Other | ||
85.35 | Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, fuses, lightning arresters, voltage limiters, surge suppressors, plugs, junction boxes), for a voltage exceeding 1,000 volts. | ||
8535.40 | - Lightning arresters, voltage limiters and surge suppressors | ||
85.39 | Electric filament or discharge lamps, including sealed beam lamp units and ultra-violet or infra-red lamps; arc-lamps. | ||
85.40 | Thermionic, cold cathode or photo-cathode valves and tubes (for example, vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television camera tubes). | ||
85.44 | Insulated (including enamelled or anodised) wire, cable (including co-axial cable) and other insulated electric conductors, whether or not fitted with connectors; optical fibre cables, made up of individually sheathed fibres, whether or not assembled with electric conductors or fitted with connectors. | ||
- Winding wire: | |||
8544.19 | - - Other | ||
8544.30 | - - Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets of a kind used in vehicles, aircraft or ships | ||
8544.70 | - Optical fibre cables | ||
85.48 | Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators; spent primary cells, spent primary batteries and spent electric accumulators; electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter. | ||
87.01 | Tractors (other than tractors of heading No. 87.09). | ||
ex | 8701.20 | - Road tractors for semi-trailers | |
- - with spark-ignition reciprocation or rotary internal combustion piston engines or compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines: | |||
8701.2011 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
- - with other engines: | |||
8701.2091 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
87.02 | Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. | ||
ex | 8702.10 | - With compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) | |
- - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | |||
8702.1010 | - - - with a motor of a cylinder capacity less than 3.000 cc | ||
ex | 8702.90 | - Other | |
8702.9010 | - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
87.04 | Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. | ||
ex | 8704.10 | - Dumpers designed for off-highway use | |
8704.1010 | - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government,with spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines, apart from components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
- Other, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel): | |||
ex | 8704.21 | - - g.v.w. not exceeding 5 tonnes | |
8704.2110 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
ex | 8704.22 | - - g.v.w. exceeding 5 tonnes but not exceeding 20 tonnes | |
8704.2210 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
ex | 8704.23 | - - g.v.w. exceeding 20 tonnes | |
8704.2310 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
- Other, with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine: | |||
ex | 8704.31 | - - g.v.w. not exceeding 5 tonnes | |
8704.3110 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
ex | 8704.32 | - - g.v.w. exceeding 5 tonnes | |
8704.3210 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
ex | 8704.90 | - Other | |
8704.9010 | - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gears), imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
87.08 | Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of headings Nos. 87.01 to 87.05. | ||
8708.40 | - Gear boxes | ||
8708.50 | - Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components | ||
8708.60 | - Non-driving axles and parts thereof | ||
8708.70 | - Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof | ||
ex | 8708.80 | - Suspension shock-absorbers | |
- - for the assembling industry: pedestrian controlled tractors of no 87.01, motor vehicles designed for the transport of persons, including vehicles for mixed purposes, with less than 15 seats, motor vehicles designed for the transport of goods, with spark-ignition internal cumbustion reciprocating piston engine of a cylinder capacity less than 2.800 cc, or with compression- ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity less than 2.500 cc, special purpose motor vehicles of no 87.05 | |||
- - other: | |||
- - - assembled | |||
- - - spare parts: | |||
- - - - shafts , cylinders, corps and fonds de corps | |||
8708.8099 | - - - - other | ||
8708.93 | - - Clutches and parts thereof | ||
8708.94 | - - Steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes | ||
87.10 | Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, motorised, whether or not fitted with weapons, and parts of such vehicles. | ||
90.01 | Optical fibres and optical fibre bundles; optical fibre cables other than those of heading No. 85.44; sheets and plates of polarising material; lenses (including contact lenses), prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of any material, unmounted, other than such elements of glass not optically worked. | ||
9001.20 | - Sheets and plates of polarising material | ||
9001.30 | - Contact lenses | ||
9001.40 | - Spectacle lenses of glass | ||
9001.50 | - Spectacle lenses of other materials | ||
9001.90 | - Other | ||
90.02 | Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of any material, mounted, being parts of or fittings for instruments or apparatus, other than such elements of glass not optically worked. | ||
90.05 | Binoculars, monoculars, other optical telescopes, and mountings therefor; other astronomical instruments and mountings therefor, but not including instruments for radio-astronomy. | ||
90.06 | Photographic (other than cinematographic) cameras; photographic flashlight apparatus and flashbulbs other than discharge lamps of heading No. 85.39. | ||
9006.40 | - Instant print cameras | ||
- Other cameras: | |||
9006.51 | - - With a through-the-lens viewfinder (single lens reflex (SLR)), for roll film of a width not exceeding 35 mm | ||
9006.52 | - - Other, for roll film of a width less than 35 mm | ||
9006.53 | - - Other, for roll film of a width of 35 mm | ||
9006.59 | - - Other | ||
- Photographic flashlight apparatus and flashbulbs: | |||
9006.61 | - - Discharge lamp («electronic») flashlight apparatus | ||
9006.62 | - - Flashbulbs, flashcubes and the like | ||
9006.69 | - - Other | ||
- Parts and accessories: | |||
9006.99 | - - Other | ||
90.07 | Cinematographic cameras and projectors, whether or not incorporating sound recording or reproducing apparatus. | ||
- Cameras: | |||
9007.11 | - - For film of less than 16 mm width or for double-8 mm film | ||
9007.19 | - - Other | ||
ex | 9007.20 | - Projectors | |
- - for films of a width of less than 16 mm: | |||
9007.2011 | - - - for the Maghreb Arab Press Agency | ||
9007.2019 | - - - other | ||
- - other: | |||
9007.2020 | - - - for the Maghreb Arab Press Agency | ||
- Parts and accessories: | |||
9007.91 | - - For cameras | ||
ex | 9007.92 | - - For projectors | |
9007.9210 | - - - for the Maghreb Arab Press Agency | ||
90.08 | Image projectors, other than cinematographic; photographic (other than cinematographic) enlargers and reducers. | ||
90.28 | Gas, liquid or electricity supply or production meters, including calibrating meters therefor. | ||
ex | 9028.90 | - Parts and accessories | |
9028.9011 | - - mechanisms for water meters | ||
91.01 | Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches, including stop-watches, with case of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal. | ||
91.02 | Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches, including stop-watches, other than those of heading No. 91.01. | ||
91.03 | Clocks with watch movements, excluding clocks of heading No. 91.04. | ||
91.04 | Instrument panel clocks and clocks of a similar type for vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels. | ||
91.05 | Other clocks. | ||
91.06 | Time of day recording apparatus and apparatus for measuring, recording or otherwise indicating intervals of time, with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor (for example, time-registers, time-recorders). | ||
91.07 | Time switches with clock or watch movement or with synchronous motor. | ||
91.08 | Watch movements, complete and assembled. | ||
91.09 | Clock movements, complete and assembled. | ||
91.10 | Complete watch or clock movements, unassembled or partly assembled (movement sets); incomplete watch or clock movements, assembled; rough watch or clock movements. | ||
91.11 | Watch cases and parts thereof. | ||
91.12 | Clock cases and cases of a similar type for other goods of this Chapter, and parts thereof. | ||
91.13 | Watch straps, watch bands and watch bracelets, and parts thereof. | ||
91.14 | Other clock or watch parts. | ||
92.01 | Pianos, including automatic pianos; harpsichords and other keyboard stringed instruments. | ||
92.02 | Other string musical instruments (for example, guitars, violins, harps). | ||
92.03 | Keyboard pipe organs; harmoniums and similar keyboard instruments with free metal reeds. | ||
92.04 | Accordions and similar instruments; mouth organs. | ||
92.05 | Other wind musical instruments (for example, clarinets, trumpets, bagpipes). | ||
92.06 | Percussion musical instruments (for example, drums, xylophones, cymbals, castanets, maracas). | ||
92.07 | Musical instruments, the sound of which is produced, or must be amplified, electrically (for example, organs, guitars, accordions). | ||
92.08 | Musical boxes, fairground organs, mechanical street organs, mechanical singing birds, musical saws and other musical instruments not falling within any other heading of this Chapter; decoy calls of all kinds; whistles, call horns and other mouth-blown sound signalling instruments. | ||
92.09 | Parts (for example, mechanisms for musical boxes) and accessories (for example, cards, discs and rolls for mechanical instruments) of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes of all kinds. | ||
95.01 | Wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children (for example, tricycles, scooters, pedal cars); dolls' carriages. | ||
95.02 | Dolls representing only human beings. | ||
95.03 | Other toys; reduced-size («scale») models and similar recreational models, working or not; puzzles of all kinds. | ||
95.04 | Articles for funfair, table or parlour games, including pintables, billiards, special tables for casino games and automatic bowling alley equipment. | ||
9504.10 | - Video games of a kind used with a television receiver | ||
9504.20 | - Articles and accessories for billiards | ||
9504.30 | - Other games, coin- or disc-operated, other than bowling alley equipment | ||
9504.90 | - Other | ||
95.05 | Festive, carnival or other entertainment articles, including conjuring tricks and novelty jokes. | ||
95.06 | Articles and equipment for general physical exercise, gymnastics, athletics, other sports (including table-tennis) or outdoor games, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter; swimming pools and paddling pools. | ||
- Snow-skis and other snow-ski equipment: | |||
9506.11 | - - Skis | ||
9506.12 | - - Ski-fastenings (ski-bindings) | ||
9506.19 | - - Other | ||
- Water-skis, surf-boards, sailboards and other water-sport equipment: | |||
9506.21 | - - Sailboards | ||
9506.29 | - - Other | ||
- Golf clubs and other golf equipment: | |||
9506.31 | - - Clubs, complete | ||
9506.32 | - - Balls | ||
9506.39 | - - Other | ||
9506.40 | - Articles and equipment for table-tennis | ||
- Tennis, badminton or similar rackets, whether or not strung: | |||
9506.51 | - - Lawn-tennis rackets, whether or not strung | ||
9506.59 | - - Other | ||
- Balls, other than golf balls and table-tennis balls: | |||
9506.61 | - - Lawn-tennis balls | ||
9506.62 | - - Inflatable | ||
9506.69 | - - Other | ||
9506.70 | - Ice skates and roller skates, including skating boots with skates attached | ||
- Other: | |||
9506.99 | - - Other | ||
95.07 | Fishing rods, fish-hooks and other line fishing tackle; fish landing nets, butterfly nets and similar nets; decoy «birds» (other than those of heading No. 92.08 or 97.05) and similar hunting or shooting requisites. | ||
95.08 | Roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusements; travelling circuses, travelling menageries and travelling theatres. | ||
96.02 | Worked vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of these materials; moulded or carved articles of wax, of stearin, of natural gums or natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other moulded or carved articles, not elsewhere specified or included; worked, unhardened gelatin (except gelatin of heading No. 35.03) and articles of unhardened gelatin. | ||
96.05 | Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe or clothes cleaning. | ||
96.06 | Buttons, press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press-studs, button moulds and other parts of these articles; button blanks. | ||
96.12 | Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not on spools or in cartridges; ink-pads, whether or not inked, with or without boxes. | ||
96.13 | Cigarette lighters and other lighters, whether or not mechanical or electrical, and parts thereof other than flints and wicks. | ||
96.14 | Smoking pipes (including pipe bowls) and cigar or cigarette holders, and parts thereof. | ||
96.17 | Vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels, complete with cases; parts thereof other than glass inners. | ||
96.18 | Tailors' dummies and other lay figures; automata and other animated displays used for shop window dressing. |
Table B to Annex III Referred to in Paragraph 3 of Article 4 Customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect
Customs duties and charges having equivalent effect applicable on import into Morocco of the products originating in an EFTA State listed in Table B shall be progressively abolished in accordance with the following schedule:
three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 90 % of the basic duty;
four years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 80 % of the basic duty;
five years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 70 % of the basic duty;
six years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 60 % of the basic duty;
seven years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 50 % of the basic duty;
eight years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 40 % of the basic duty;
nine years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 30 % of the basic duty;
ten years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 20 % of the basic duty;
eleven years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 10 % of the basic duty;
twelve years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement the remaining duties shall be abolished.
Tabell 1.9 Table B to annex III
H.S. Code | Moroccan Heading No. | Description of Products |
25.01 | Salt (including table salt and denatured salt) and pure sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or containing added anti-caking or free-flowing agents; sea water. | |
25.15 | Marble, travertine, ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone of an apparent specific gravity of 2.5 or more, and alabaster, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape. | |
25.20 | Gypsum; anhydrite; plasters (consisting of calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate) whether or not coloured, with or without small quantities of accelerators or retarders. | |
25.22 | Quicklime, slaked lime and hydraulic lime, other than calcium oxide and hydroxide of heading No. 28.25. | |
25.23 | Portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement, supersulphate cement and similar hydraulic cements, whether or not coloured or in the form of clinkers. | |
2523.10 | - Cement clinkers | |
- Portland cement: | ||
2523.29 | - - Other | |
25.30 | Mineral substances not elsewhere specified or included. | |
2530.20 | - Kieserite, epsomite (natural magnesium sulphates) | |
ex 27.10 | Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70 % or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations. | |
- alkylene (alkylidene), mixed: | ||
2710.0011 | - - in packages with a net weight not exceeding 1 kg | |
- other: | ||
- - heavy oils: | ||
2710.0051 | - - - gasoil | |
- - - lubrication oils and other: | ||
- - - - oils called of petroleum jelly or paraffin wax (type «Water White») | ||
- - - - dielectric oils | ||
- - - - basic oils (huiles de base) | ||
2710.0090 | - - - - other | |
27.11 | Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons. | |
- Liquefied: | ||
2711.11 | - - Natural gas | |
2711.12 | - - Propane | |
2711.13 | - - Butanes | |
28.01 | Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. | |
2801.10 | - Chlorine | |
28.02 | Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulphur. | |
28.04 | Hydrogen, rare gases and other non-metals. | |
2804.10 | - Hydrogen | |
2804.30 | - Nitrogen | |
2804.40 | - Oxygen | |
28.06 | Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid); chlorosulphuric acid. | |
28.07 | Sulphuric acid; oleum. | |
28.09 | Diphosphorus pentaoxide; phosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acids. | |
28.11 | Other inorganic acids and other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals. | |
- Other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals: | ||
2811.21 | - - Carbon dioxide | |
2811.29 | - - Other | |
28.15 | Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda); potassium hydroxide (caustic potash); peroxides of sodium or potassium. | |
- Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda): | ||
2815.11 | - - Solid | |
2815.12 | - - In aqueous solution (soda lye or liquid soda) | |
2815.20 | - Potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) | |
2815.30 | - Peroxides of sodium or potassium | |
ex 28.17 | Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide. | |
2817.0010 | - zinc oxide (zinc white) | |
28.28 | Hypochlorites; commercial calcium hypochlorite; chlorites; hypobromites. | |
28.33 | Sulphates; alums; peroxosulphates (persulphates). | |
- Other sulphates: | ||
2833.21 | - - Of magnesium | |
2833.22 | - - Of aluminium | |
2833.25 | - - Of copper | |
2833.26 | - - Of zinc | |
2833.30 | - Alums | |
28.35 | Phosphinates (hypophosphites), phosphonates (phosphites), phosphates and polyphosphates. | |
2835.10 | - Phosphinates (hypophosphites) and phosphonates (phosphites) | |
- Phosphates: | ||
2835.22 | - - Of mono- or disodium | |
2835.23 | - - Of trisodium | |
2835.25 | - - Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate («dicalcium phosphate») | |
2835.26 | - - Other phosphates of calcium | |
ex | 2835.29 | - - Other |
2835.2910 | - - - triammonium orthophosphate ((NH4)3PO4) | |
28.39 | Silicates; commercial alkali metal silicates. | |
28.42 | Other salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids, excluding azides. | |
2842.90 | - Other | |
28.51 | Other inorganic compounds (including distilled or conductivity water and water of similar purity); liquid air (whether or not rare gases have been removed); compressed air; amalgams, other than amalgams of precious metals. | |
29.01 | Acyclic hydrocarbons. | |
2901.10 | - Saturated | |
- Unsaturated: | ||
2901.23 | - - Butene (butylene) and isomers thereof | |
2901.29 | - - Other | |
29.05 | Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives. | |
- Saturated monohydric alcohols: | ||
ex | 2905.19 | - - Other |
2905.1990 | - - - other than metal alcoholates | |
30.01 | Glands and other organs for organo-therapeutic uses, dried, whether or not powdered; extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions for organo-therapeutic uses; heparin and its salts; other human or animal substances prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not elsewhere specified or included. | |
30.02 | Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera and other blood fractions and modified immunological products, whether or not obtained by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products. | |
ex | 3002.30 | - Vaccines for veterinary medicine |
3002.3010 | - - vaccines against foot and mouth disease | |
3002.3091 | - - other vaccines described in the Moroccan supplementary note no 1 of this chapter | |
3002.90 | - Other | |
30.03 | Medicaments (excluding goods of heading No. 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of two or more constituents which have been mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. | |
3003.10 | - Containing penicillins or derivatives thereof, with a penicillanic acid structure, or streptomycins or their derivatives | |
3003.20 | - Containing other antibiotics | |
- Containing hormones or other products of heading No. 29.37 but not containing antibiotics: | ||
3003.31 | - - Containing insulin | |
ex | 3003.39 | - - Other |
3003.3910 | - - - for veterinary medicine | |
- - - other, oestradiol + progesterone (INN) | ||
3003.3990 | - - - other | |
3003.40 | - Containing alkaloids or derivatives thereof but not containing hormones or other products of heading No. 29.37 or antibiotics | |
ex | 3003.90 | - Other |
3003.9010 | - - for veterinary medicine | |
- - other: | ||
- - - products presented in form of micro-granules (0,2 mm à 2 mm) | ||
3003.9092 | - - - on the basis of lysine-acetyl salicylate (d'acétyl salicylate de lysine) in powder form | |
3003.9099 | - - - other | |
30.04 | Medicaments (excluding goods of heading No. 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale. | |
ex | 3004.10 | - Containing penicillins or derivatives thereof, with a penicillanic acid structure, or streptomycins or their derivatives |
3004.1010 | - - for veterinary medicine | |
- - other, antimitotic | ||
- - other, streptomycines, cefixime (INN), cefpodoxime (INN), cefotaxime (INN), ceftriaxone (INN) and cefotetan (INN) | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - lyophilized (freeze-dryed) | ||
- - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
- - - presented in form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
3004.1099 | - - - other | |
ex | 3004.20 | - Containing other antibiotics |
3004.2010 | - - for veterinary medicine | |
- - other, antimitotic | ||
- - other, containing imipeneme(INN) and cilastatine(INN) | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - lyophilized (freezeé-dryed) | ||
- - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
- - - presented in form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
- - - other, described in the Moroccan supplementary note no 2 of this chapter | ||
3004.2099 | - - - other | |
- Containing hormones or other products of heading No 29.37 but not containing antibiotics: | ||
ex | 3004.31 | - - Containing insulin |
- - - biosynthetic human insulin | ||
3004.3120 | - - - insulin of swine (suidians) origin | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - lyophilized (freeze-dryed) | ||
- - - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
- - - - presented in the form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
3004.3199 | - - - - other | |
ex | 3004.32 | - - Containing adrenal cortical hormones |
3004.3210 | - - - for veterinary medicine | |
- - - other, antimitotic | ||
- - - other, betamethazone (INN) its esters and salts, methyl prednisolone (INN) its esters and salts, paramethazone (INN) its esters and salts, triamcinolone acetonide (INN) its esters and salts, triamcinolone (INN) its esters and salts, hemisuccinate sodium hydrocortisone(INN) | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - lyophilized (freeze-dryed) | ||
- - - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
- - - - presented in form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
- - - - presented in form of injectable solutions | ||
3004.3299 | - - - - other | |
ex | 3004.39 | - - Other |
3004.3910 | - - - for veterinary medicine | |
- - - other, antimitotic | ||
- - - other, calcitonine (INN), prostaglandines, oxytocine (INN), somatotropes hypophysaires hormones(STH) and sodic levothyroxine(INN) | ||
- - - other, testosterone (INN) enanthate, tetracosactide (INN) | ||
- - - other, 17-beta estradiol (INN) + estriol (INN), 17-beta estradiol (INN) + estriol (INN) + norethisterone (INN) (or derivatives), estriol (INN), estrone (DCI) + equiline (INN) + dihydroequiline (INN) + equilenine (DCI) + dihydroequilenine (INN), glucagon (INN), gonadoreline (INN) | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - lyophilized (freeze-dryed) | ||
- - - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
- - - - presented in form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
3004.3999 | - - - - other | |
ex | 3004.40 | - Containing alkaloids or derivatives thereof but not containing hormones, other products of heading No. 29.37 or antibiotics |
3004.4010 | - - for veterinary medicine | |
- - other, antimitotic | ||
- - other, methylergometrine maleate(INN) | ||
- - other, pilocarpine(INN), atropine and its salts (INN), phenylephrine(INN), oxybuprocaine(INN) | ||
- - other, timolol(INN) + pilocarpine(INN) | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - lyophilized (freeze-dryed) | ||
- - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
- - - presented in form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
3004.4099 | - - - other | |
ex | 3004.50 | - Other medicaments containing vitamins or other products of heading No. 29.36 |
3004.5010 | - - for veterinary medicine | |
- - other, injectable vitamin K 1, vitamins (A+B1+B2+B5+B6+PP +C+D2+E) (INN), pyridoxine+ glutamic acid +aspartic acid + cytochrome C + nicotinamide + adenosine + sorbitol + sodium succinate, etretinate (INN), isotretinoine (INN), tretinoine (INN) | ||
- - other, calcium folinate (INN) extract of vaccinium myrtillus + tocopherol (INN) | ||
- - other | ||
- - - lyophilized (freeze-dryed) | ||
- - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
- - - presented in form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
3004.5099 | - - - other | |
ex | 3004.90 | - Other |
3004.9010 | - - for veterinary medicine | |
- - other, antimitotic | ||
- - other, artificial human plasma substitutes | ||
- - other, morphinic analgesic | ||
- - other, anesthetic | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - lyophilized (freeze-dryed) | ||
- - - presented in spray cans or soft capsules | ||
- - - presented in form of prefilled syringe-phials | ||
- - - other, specified in supplementary notes nos. 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d1, 3e, 3f, 3g1, 3h1, 3ij, 3k1, 3l, 3m1, 3n1, 3o1, 3p, 3q and 3s1 to the present chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
- - - other, specified in supplementary notes nos. 3d2, 3g2, 3h2, 3k2, 3m2, 3n2, 3o2, 3r and 3s2 to the present chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
3004.9099 | - - - other | |
30.05 | Wadding, gauze, bandages and similar articles (for example, dressings, adhesive plasters, poultices), impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical substances or put up in forms or packings for retail sale for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary purposes. | |
ex | 3005.10 | - Adhesive dressings and other articles having an adhesive layer |
- - impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical substances (including cutaneous dressings «timbres transdermiques» or «patch») | ||
- - other: | ||
3005.1091 | - - - wadding | |
3005.1099 | - - - other | |
3005.90 | - Other | |
30.06 | Pharmaceutical goods specified in Note 4 to this Chapter. | |
3006.10 | - Sterile surgical catgut, similar sterile suture materials and sterile tissue adhesives for surgical wound closure; sterile laminaria and sterile laminaria tents; sterile absorbable surgical or dental haemostatics | |
3006.40 | - Dental cements and other dental fillings; bone reconstruction cements | |
3006.50 | - First-aid boxes and kits | |
ex | 3006.60 | - Chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones or spermicides |
- - chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones: | ||
- - - pills with a mesured dose of 0,15 mg of lovonorgestrel (INN) and 0,03 mg of ethinyloestradiol (INN) | ||
- - - products presented in the form of implants | ||
3006.6019 | - - - other: | |
- - other: | ||
3006.6091 | - - - put up in forms or packings for retail sale or in packings with a capacity not exceeding 1 kg net | |
3006.6099 | - - - other | |
32.04 | Synthetic organic colouring matter, whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter based on synthetic organic colouring matter; synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agents or as luminophores, whether or not chemically defined. | |
- Synthetic organic colouring matter and preparations based thereon as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter: | ||
3204.12 | - - Acid dyes, whether or not premetallised, and preparations based thereon; mordant dyes and preparations based thereon | |
32.05 | Colour lakes; preparations as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter based on colour lakes. | |
32.08 | Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in a non-aqueous medium; solutions as defined in Note 4 to this Chapter. | |
3208.10 | - Based on polyesters | |
3208.20 | - Based on acrylic or vinyl polymers | |
ex | 3208.90 | - Other |
3208.9090 | - - other than paints based on cellulose of a kind used for the finishing of leather | |
32.09 | Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers, dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium. | |
3209.10 | - Based on acrylic or vinyl polymers | |
ex | 3209.90 | - Other |
3209.9090 | - - other than paints based on cellulose of a kind used for the finishing of leather | |
32.11 | Prepared driers. | |
32.12 | Pigments (including metallic powders and flakes) dispersed in non-aqueous media, in liquid or paste form, of a kind used in the manufacture of paints (including enamels); stamping foils; dyes and other colouring matter put up in forms or packings for retail sale. | |
ex | 3212.90 | - Other |
- - dyes put up in forms or packings for retail sale: | ||
- - - in liquid form: | ||
3212.900011 | - - - - without alcohol | |
3212.900019 | - - - - with alcohol | |
3212.900020 | - - - other | |
3212.900030 | - - pearl essence | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - with a base of aluminium powder | ||
3212.900099 | - - - - other | |
32.13 | Artists', students' or signboard painters' colours, modifying tints, amusement colours and the like, in tablets, tubes, jars, bottles, pans or in similar forms or packings. | |
32.14 | Glaziers' putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking compounds and other mastics; painters' fillings; non-refractory surfacing preparations for façades, indoor walls, floors, ceilings or the like. | |
33.01 | Essential oils (terpeneless or not), including concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, in fixed oils, in waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deterpenation of essential oils; aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions of essential oils. | |
33.02 | Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures (including alcoholic solutions) with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages. | |
33.03 | Perfumes and toilet waters. | |
33.04 | Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin (other than medicaments), including sunscreen or sun tan preparations; manicure or pedicure preparations. | |
33.05 | Preparations for use on the hair. | |
33.06 | Preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages. | |
33.07 | Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations, personal deodorants, bath preparations, depilatories and other perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations, not elsewhere specified or included; prepared room deodorisers, whether or not perfumed or having disinfectant properties. | |
34.01 | Soap; organic surface-active products and preparations for use as soap, in the form of bars, cakes, moulded pieces or shapes, whether or not containing soap; paper, wadding, felt and nonwovens, impregnated, coated or covered with soap or detergent. | |
34.02 | Organic surface-active agents (other than soap); surface-active preparations, washing preparations (including auxiliary washing preparations) and cleaning preparations, whether or not containing soap, other than those of heading No. 34.01. | |
3402.20 | - Preparations put up for retail sale | |
3402.90 | - Other | |
34.03 | Lubricating preparations (including cutting-oil preparations, bolt or nut release preparations, anti-rust or anti-corrosion preparations and mould release preparations, based on lubricants) and preparations of a kind used for the oil or grease treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or other materials, but excluding preparations containing, as basic constituents, 70 % or more by weight of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals. | |
- Containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals: | ||
3403.11 | - - Preparations for the treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or other materials | |
3403.19 | - - Other | |
- Other: | ||
3403.91 | - - Preparations for the treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or other materials | |
ex | 3403.99 | - - Other |
3403.9990 | - - - other than anti adhesive preparations on the basis of zinc stearate and of silicates, in powder form, liquid mould release preparations based on silicons, in containers of a content exceeding 1 kg net | |
34.04 | Artificial waxes and prepared waxes. | |
3404.10 | - Of chemically modified lignite | |
3404.90 | - Other | |
34.05 | Polishes and creams, for footwear, furniture, floors, coachwork, glass or metal, scouring pastes and powders and similar preparations (whether or not in the form of paper, wadding, felt, nonwovens, cellular plastics or cellular rubber, impregnated, coated or covered with such preparations), excluding waxes of heading No. 34.04. | |
34.06 | Candles, tapers and the like. | |
34.07 | Modelling pastes, including those put up for children's amusement; preparations known as «dental wax» or as «dental impression compounds», put up in sets, in packings for retail sale or in plates, horseshoe shapes, sticks or similar forms; other preparations for use in dentistry, with a basis of plaster (of calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate). | |
35.01 | Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives; casein glues. | |
35.02 | Albumins (including concentrates of two or more whey proteins, containing by weight more than 80 % whey proteins, calculated on the dry matter), albuminates and other albumin derivatives. | |
35.03 | Gelatin (including gelatin in rectangular (including square) sheets, whether or not surface-worked or coloured) and gelatin derivatives; isinglass; other glues of animal origin, excluding casein glues of heading No. 35.01. | |
35.04 | Peptones and their derivatives; other protein substances and their derivatives, not elsewhere specified or included; hide powder, whether or not chromed. | |
35.05 | Dextrins and other modified starches (for example, pregelatinised or esterified starches); glues based on starches, or on dextrins or other modified starches. | |
35.06 | Prepared glues and other prepared adhesives, not elsewhere specified or included; products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg. | |
35.07 | Enzymes; prepared enzymes not elsewhere specified or included. | |
3507.10 | - Rennet and concentrates thereof | |
ex | 3507.90 | - Other |
- - enzymes | ||
3507.9020 | - - enzymatic food preparations | |
- - other: | ||
3507.9091 | - - - put up in forms or packings for retail sale or in packings of a capacity not exceeding 1 kg net | |
3507.9099 | - - - other | |
36.05 | Matches, other than pyrotechnic articles of heading No. 36.04. | |
37.01 | Photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant print film in the flat, sensitised, unexposed, whether or not in packs. | |
ex | 3701.20 | - Instant print film |
3701.2091 | - - of paper, paperboard or textile fabrics for reprinting of documents, industrial design (technical drawings) and the like | |
37.02 | Photographic film in rolls, sensitised, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant print film in rolls, sensitised, unexposed. | |
ex | 3702.20 | - Instant print film |
3702.2091 | - - of paper, paperboard or textile fabrics for reprinting of documents, industrial design (technical drawings) and the like | |
37.03 | Photographic paper, paperboard and textiles, sensitised, unexposed. | |
37.04 | Photographic plates, film, paper, paperboard and textiles, exposed but not developed. | |
37.05 | Photographic plates and film, exposed and developed, other than cinematographic film. | |
37.06 | Cinematographic film, exposed and developed, whether or not incorporating sound track or consisting only of sound track. | |
ex | 3706.10 | - Of a width of 35 mm or more |
3706.1010 | - - without sound track | |
- - other: | ||
3706.1091 | - - - negatives; intermediary positives for work | |
- - - other positives: | ||
- - - - publicity films | ||
3706.1099 | - - - - other | |
ex | 3706.90 | - Other: |
3706.9010 | - - without sound track | |
- - other: | ||
3706.9091 | - - - negatives; intermediary positives for work | |
- - - other positives: | ||
- - - - publicity films | ||
3706.9099 | - - - - other | |
38.04 | Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp, whether or not concentrated, desugared or chemically treated, including lignin sulphonates, but excluding tall oil of heading No. 38.03. | |
38.08 | Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers). | |
38.09 | Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dyestuffs and other products and preparations (for example, dressings and mordants), of a kind used in the textile, paper, leather or like industries, not elsewhere specified or included. | |
38.10 | Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; fluxes and other auxiliary preparations for soldering, brazing or welding; soldering, brazing or welding powders and pastes consisting of metal and other materials; preparations of a kind used as cores or coatings for welding electrodes or rods. | |
38.11 | Anti-knock preparations, oxidation inhibitors, gum inhibitors, viscosity improvers, anti-corrosive preparations and other prepared additives, for mineral oils (including gasoline) or for other liquids used for the same purposes as mineral oils. | |
38.16 | Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions, other than products of heading No. 38.01. | |
38.19 | Hydraulic brake fluids and other prepared liquids for hydraulic transmission, not containing or containing less than 70 % by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals. | |
38.20 | Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icing fluids. | |
38.24 | Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included; residual products of the chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere specified or included. | |
3824.40 | - Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes | |
3824.50 | - Non-refractory mortars and concretes | |
- Mixtures containing perhalogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens: | ||
ex | 3824.90 | - Other |
- - preparations of inorganic compounds of thorium, of uranium depleted in U 235 and rare-earth metals, of yttrium and scandium, mixtures thereof | ||
- - solvents and composite (mixte) inorganic diluents for varnishes or the like | ||
3824.9030 | - - paste based on gelatine for graphic reprints, for press cylinders and similar use, whether or not on paper supports or textile materials | |
3824.9040 | - - ammoniacal water | |
3824.9050 | - - crude ammoniac | |
3824.9060 | - - other: presented in form of articles or in packages for retail sale or in packages of a net weight not exceeding 1 kg | |
- - other: | ||
- - - preparations of organic compounds of cobalt | ||
- - - preparations based on carbon black and organosilanes | ||
- - - sulphur impregnated with mineral oil | ||
- - - preparations based on nonanoyl oxybenzene sulfonate- NOBS - or iso-nonanoyl oxybenzene sulfonate- Iso NOBS | ||
- - - preparations based on Tetra Acetyl Ethylene Diamine TAED | ||
- - - preparations for the manufacture of washing preparations, based on pyrophosphate and sodium tripolyphosphate, optical fluorescent brightening agent containing anionic surface-active adjuvants and compounds of a secondary character, other than described in note 3 of chapter 34 in the Moroccan tariff | ||
3824.9099 | - - - other | |
39.01 | Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms. | |
ex | 3901.10 | - Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less than 0.94 |
3901.1010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3901.1020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3901.20 | - Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 or more |
3901.2010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3901.2020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3901.30 | - Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers |
3901.3010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3901.3030 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3901.90 | - Other |
3901.9010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3901.9030 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
39.02 | Polymers of propylene or of other olefins, in primary forms. | |
ex | 3902.10 | - Polypropylene |
3902.1010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3902.1020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3902.20 | - Polyisobutylene |
3902.2010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3902.2020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3902.30 | - Propylene copolymers |
3902.3010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3902.3030 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3902.90 | - Other |
3902.9010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3902.9030 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
39.03 | Polymers of styrene, in primary forms. | |
- Polystyrene: | ||
ex | 3903.11 | - - Expansible |
3903.1110 | - - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3903.1120 | - - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3903.19 | - - Other |
3903.1910 | - - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3903.1920 | - - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3903.20 | - Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers |
3903.2010 | - - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3903.2020 | - - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3903.30 | - Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers |
3903.3010 | - - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3903.3020 | - - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3903.90 | - Other |
3903.9010 | - - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3903.9020 | - - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
39.04 | Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, in primary forms. | |
3904.10 | - Polyvinyl chloride, not mixed with any other substances | |
- Other polyvinyl chloride: | ||
3904.21 | - - Non-plasticised | |
3904.22 | - - Plasticised | |
ex | 3904.30 | - Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers |
3904.3010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3904.3020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3904.40 | - Other vinyl chloride copolymers |
3904.4010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3904.4030 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3904.50 | - Vinylidene chloride polymers |
3904.5010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3904.5020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
- Fluoro-polymers: | ||
ex | 3904.61 | - - Polytetrafluoroethylene |
3904.6110 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3904.6120 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3904.69 | - - Other |
3904.6910 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3904.6930 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3904.90 | - Other |
3904.9011 | - - polytetrahaloethylene: liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3904.9015 | - - polytetrahaloethylene: blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
3904.9021 | - - polysulfohaloethylen: liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3904.9025 | - - polysulfohaloethylen: blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
3904.9091 | - - other plastics: liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3904.9096 | - - other plastics: blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
39.05 | Polymers of vinyl acetate or of other vinyl esters, in primary forms; other vinyl polymers in primary forms. | |
- Polyvinyl acetate: | ||
3905.12 | - - In aqueous dispersion | |
ex | 3905.19 | - - Other |
3905.1910 | - - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3905.1920 | - - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
- Vinyl acetate copolymers: | ||
3905.21 | - - In aqueous dispersion | |
ex | 3905.29 | - - Other |
- - - vinylacetat copolymer and vinylchlorid copolymer | ||
3905.2911 | - - - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3905.2915 | - - - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
- - - other: | ||
3905.2991 | - - - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3905.2996 | - - - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3905.30 | - Polyvinyl alcohol, whether or not containing unhydrolysed acetate groups |
- - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions: | ||
3905.3011 | - - - containing polyvinyl acetate | |
3905.3019 | - - - other | |
3905.3020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
- Other: | ||
3905.91 | - - Copolymers | |
ex | 3905.99 | - - Other |
- - - acetals, ether and other polyvinyl derivatives: | ||
- - - - liquid or pasty products, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions: | ||
3905.9911 | - - - - - containing polyvinyl acetate | |
3905.9919 | - - - - - other | |
3905.9920 | - - - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
- - - other: | ||
3905.9991 | - - - - liquid or pasty products, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3905.9996 | - - - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
39.06 | Acrylic polymers in primary forms. | |
ex | 3906.10 | - Polymethyl methacrylate |
3906.1010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3906.1020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3906.90 | - Other |
3906.9011 | - - acrylic polymers, methacrylic polymers, acrylomethacrylic copolymers: liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3906.9015 | - - acrylic polymers, methacrylic polymers, acrylomethacrylic copolymers: blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
3906.9091 | - - other than acrylic polymers, methacrylic polymers, acrylomethacrylic copolymers: liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3906.9096 | - - other than acrylic polymers, methacrylic polymers, acrylomethacrylic copolymers: blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
39.07 | Polyacetals, other polyethers and epoxide resins, in primary forms; polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl esters and other polyesters, in primary forms. | |
3907.50 | - Alkyd resins | |
ex | 3907.60 | - Polyethylene terephthalate |
3907.6020 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3907.6090 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms, flakes, powders (including moulding powder) | |
- Other polyesters: | ||
3907.91 | - - Unsaturated | |
ex | 3907.99 | - - Other |
3907.9910 | - - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
39.08 | Polyamides in primary forms. | |
ex | 3908.10 | - Polyamide-6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or -6,12 |
3908.1010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3908.1020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3908.90 | - Other |
3908.9010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3908.9020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
39.09 | Amino-resins, phenolic resins and polyurethanes, in primary forms. | |
ex | 3909.10 | - Urea resins; thiourea resins |
- - precondensated urea formaldehyde 80 % minimum (23 % of urea minimum) | ||
3909.1019 | - - other liquid and pasty products, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3909.1020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
3909.1090 | - - granules, flakes and powder (including moulding powder) | |
ex | 3909.20 | - Melamine resins |
3909.2010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3909.2020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3909.30 | - Other amino-resins |
3909.3010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3909.3020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3909.40 | - Phenolic resins |
3909.4010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3909.4020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3909.50 | - Polyurethanes |
3909.5010 | - - liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3909.5020 | - - blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
39.11 | Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides, polysulphones and other products specified in Note 3 to this Chapter, not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms. | |
ex | 3911.10 | - Petroleum resins, coumarone, indene or coumarone-indene resins and polyterpenes |
3911.1017 | - - coumarone, indene and coumarone-indene resins: blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
3911.1097 | - - other than coumarone, indene and coumarone- indene resins: blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
ex | 3911.90 | - Other |
3911.9010 | - - Products of condensation, polycondensation or polyaddition | |
3911.9091 | - - other than products of condensation, polycondensation or polyaddition: liquids and pastes, including emulsions, dispersions and solutions | |
3911.9097 | - - other than products of condensation, polycondensation or polyaddition: blocks of irregular shape, lumps and similar bulk forms | |
39.12 | Cellulose and its chemical derivatives, not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms. | |
- Cellulose acetates: | ||
3912.12 | - - Plasticised | |
ex | 3912.20 | - Cellulose nitrates (including collodions) |
- - not plasticised | ||
3912.2090 | - - other | |
- Cellulose ethers: | ||
ex | 3912.31 | - - Carboxymethylcellulose and its salts |
3912.3190 | - - - plasticised | |
ex | 3912.39 | - - Other |
3912.3990 | - - - plasticised | |
ex | 3912.90 | - Other |
3912.9010 | - - regenerated cellulose | |
- - other cellulose esters or cellulose derivatives: | ||
3912.9029 | - - - plasticised | |
3912.9090 | - - other | |
39.13 | Natural polymers (for example, alginic acid) and modified natural polymers (for example, hardened proteins, chemical derivatives of natural rubber), not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms. | |
3913.90 | - Other | |
39.15 | Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics. | |
39.16 | Monofilament of which any cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm, rods, sticks and profile shapes, whether or not surface-worked but not otherwise worked, of plastics. | |
39.17 | Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor (for example, joints, elbows, flanges), of plastics. | |
39.18 | Floor coverings of plastics, whether or not self-adhesive, in rolls or in the form of tiles; wall or ceiling coverings of plastics, as defined in Note 9 to this Chapter. | |
39.19 | Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics, whether or not in rolls. | |
39.20 | Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, non-cellular and not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials. | |
3920.10 | - Of polymers of ethylene | |
3920.20 | - Of polymers of propylene | |
3920.30 | - Of polymers of styrene | |
- Of polymers of vinyl chloride: | ||
ex | 3920.41 | - - Rigid |
3920.4190 | - - - other than strips of a thickness not exceeding 0.5 mm | |
ex | 3920.42 | - - Flexible |
3920.4290 | - - - other than strips of a thickness not exceeding 0.5 mm | |
- Of acrylic polymers: | ||
3920.51 | - - Of polymethyl methacrylate | |
3920.59 | - - Other | |
- Of polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl esters or other polyesters: | ||
3920.61 | - - Of polycarbonates | |
3920.62 | - - Of polyethylene terephthalate | |
3920.63 | - - Of unsaturated polyesters | |
3920.69 | - - Of other polyesters | |
- Of cellulose or its chemical derivatives: | ||
3920.71 | - - Of regenerated cellulose | |
3920.72 | - - Of vulcanised fibre | |
3920.73 | - - Of cellulose acetate | |
3920.79 | - - Of other cellulose derivatives | |
- Of other plastics: | ||
3920.91 | - - Of polyvinyl butyral | |
3920.92 | - - Of polyamides | |
3920.93 | - - Of amino-resins | |
3920.94 | - - Of phenolic resins | |
3920.99 | - - Of other plastics | |
39.21 | Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics. | |
- Cellular: | ||
3921.11 | - - Of polymers of styrene | |
3921.12 | - - Of polymers of vinyl chloride | |
3921.13 | - - Of polyurethanes | |
3921.14 | - - Of regenerated cellulose | |
3921.19 | - - Of other plastics | |
ex | 3921.90 | - Other |
- - condensation, polycondensation or polyaddition products: | ||
- - - foil and strip formed with a core in saturated polyester, metallized under vaccuum and coloured, of a width exceeding 5 mm and of a thickness not exceeding 25 microns | ||
- - - other: | ||
3921.9023 | - - - - of phenoplasts | |
3921.9024 | - - - - of unsaturated polyesters | |
3921.9028 | - - - - other | |
3921.9032 | - - of polymerisation and copolymerisation products | |
- - of regenerated cellulose, nitrates, acetats and other cellulose esters, cellulose ethers and other chemical derivatives of cellulose: | ||
- - - of regenerated cellulose: | ||
- - - - leaves, film, bands or strip, coiled up or not, of a thickness of less than 0,75 mm | ||
- - - - - of a thickness not exceeding 0,5 mm: | ||
3921.9042 | - - - - - - surface-worked | |
3921.9048 | - - - - - - other than surface-worked | |
3921.9052 | - - - - - of a thickness exceeding 0,5 mm, but not exceeding 0,75 mm | |
3921.9062 | - - - - other | |
3921.9072 | - - - other | |
- - other: | ||
3921.9094 | - - - of vulcanised fibres | |
3921.9095 | - - - of hardened albuminoidal substances (hardened casein, hardened gelatin etc.) | |
3921.9096 | - - - of chemical derivatives of natural rubber | |
3921.9098 | - - - other | |
39.22 | Baths, shower-baths, wash-basins, bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics. | |
39.23 | Articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics; stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics. | |
39.24 | Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of plastics. | |
39.25 | Builders' ware of plastics, not elsewhere specified or included. | |
39.26 | Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials of headings Nos. 39.01 to 39.14. | |
ex 40.04 | Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and powders and granules obtained therefrom. | |
- waste and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) | ||
- - parings from goods of rubber (other than hard rubber), usable exlusively for the rubber recycling: | ||
- - - parings from old pneumatic tyres having been subjected abroad to the following treatment: | ||
- - - - splitting (i.e. to remove the tread) | ||
- - - - cutting into pieces | ||
4004.0023 | - - - - cutting the tyre (cutting the tyre as close as possible to the tringle bead wires or the heel) | |
4004.0029 | - - - - otherwise treated | |
40.05 | Compounded rubber, unvulcanised, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip. | |
ex | 4005.10 | - Compounded with carbon black or silica |
4005.1020 | - - plates, sheets and strip | |
4005.1090 | - - other than solutions, dispersions, plates, sheets and strips | |
- Other: | ||
ex | 4005.91 | - - Plates, sheets and strips |
4005.9110 | - - - on the basis of balata, gutta-percha, similar natural gums or factice | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - strips with a thickness not exceeding 5 mm composed of parallel steel cables agglomerated and completely coverd with unvulcanised rubber, to be used in the manufacture of carcasses of pneumatic tyres and imported for industries specialised for this special activity | ||
4005.9199 | - - - - other | |
40.06 | Other forms (for example, rods, tubes and profile shapes) and articles (for example, discs and rings), of unvulcanised rubber. | |
4006.10 | - «Camel-back» strips for retreading rubber tyres | |
ex | 4006.90 | - Other |
- - of balata, gutta-percha, similar natural gums or factice: | ||
- - - bare rubber thread and cord | ||
4006.9012 | - - - Profile shapes (including the profile shapes of circular cross-section) | |
4006.9013 | - - - conveyor or transmission belts | |
4006.9019 | - - - other forms or articles | |
- - other: | ||
4006.9091 | - - - articles | |
4006.9099 | - - - other forms | |
40.08 | Plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile shapes, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber. | |
40.09 | Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber, with or without their fittings (for example, joints, elbows, flanges). | |
40.10 | Conveyor or transmission belts or belting, of vulcanised rubber. | |
40.11 | New pneumatic tyres, of rubber. | |
4011.10 | - Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars) | |
4011.20 | - Of a kind used on buses or lorries | |
4011.40 | - Of a kind used on motorcycles | |
4011.50 | - Of a kind used on bicycles | |
- Other: | ||
4011.91 | - - Having a «herring-bone» or similar tread | |
4011.99 | - - Other | |
40.12 | Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid or cushion tyres, interchangeable tyre treads and tyre flaps, of rubber. | |
ex | 4012.90 | - Other |
4012.9010 | - - solid tyres or cushion tyres (half-solid) and interchangeable tyre treads: | |
- - tyre flaps: | ||
- - - for pneumatic tyres of aircrafts: | ||
- - - other, for pneumatic tyres of a unit weight: | ||
- - - - exceeding 70 kg: | ||
4012.9031 | - - - - - new | |
ex | 4012.9040 | - - - - exceeding 15 kg, but not exceeding 70 kg: |
4012.904010 | - - - - - new | |
ex | 4012.9090 | - - - - not exceeding 15 kg: |
- - - - - exceeding 2 kg, but not exceeding 15 kg: | ||
4012.909011 | - - - - - - new | |
- - - - - not exceeding 2 kg: | ||
- - - - - - new | ||
4012.909021 | - - - - - - - for bicycles | |
4012.909029 | - - - - - - - for motorcyles | |
40.13 | Inner tubes, of rubber. | |
40.15 | Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves), for all purposes, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber. | |
- Gloves: | ||
4015.19 | - - Other | |
4015.90 | - Other | |
40.16 | Other articles of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber. | |
4016.10 | - Of cellular rubber | |
- Other: | ||
4016.91 | - - Floor coverings and mats | |
4016.92 | - - Erasers | |
4016.93 | - - Gaskets, washers and other seals | |
4016.94 | - - Boat or dock fenders, whether or not inflatable | |
4016.95 | - - Other inflatable articles | |
ex | 4016.99 | - - Other |
- - - parts and accessories of vehicles of chapter 86, 87 and 88: | ||
4016.9911 | - - - - for motorcycles and mopeds of chapter 87 (excluding invalid carriages) | |
4016.9919 | - - - - for barrows | |
- - - - for other vehicles of chapter 87 (excluding tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles and not motorised baby carriages and invalid vehicles) | ||
4016.9921 | - - - - - rubber mats | |
4016.9922 | - - - - - other articles, entierly of rubber | |
4016.9929 | - - - - - other | |
4016.9930 | - - - - for railway or tramway locomotives and rolling-stock; railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings of chapter 86; spare parts and accessories for aircrafts of chapter 88 | |
4016.9940 | - - - - for tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles | |
4016.9950 | - - - - for baby carriages | |
4016.9960 | - - - - for invalid vehicles | |
- - - other: | ||
4016.9991 | - - - - fans and hand screens and its settings and spare parts of settings | |
- - - - stoppers with a diameter of 20 mm or 30 mm | ||
- - - - air cushions for the manufacture of pneumatics | ||
4016.9998 | - - - - other | |
40.17 | Hard rubber (for example, ebonite) in all forms, including waste and scrap; articles of hard rubber. | |
41.04 | Leather of bovine or equine animals, without hair on, other than leather of heading No. 41.08 or 41.09. | |
41.05 | Sheep or lamb skin leather, without wool on, other than leather of heading No. 41.08 or 41.09. | |
41.06 | Goat or kid skin leather, without hair on, other than leather of heading No. 41.08 or 41.09. | |
41.07 | Leather of other animals, without hair on, other than leather of heading No. 41.08 or 41.09. | |
41.08 | Chamois (including combination chamois) leather. | |
41.09 | Patent leather and patent laminated leather; metallised leather. | |
41.11 | Composition leather with a basis of leather or leather fibre, in slabs, sheets or strip, whether or not in rolls. | |
42.01 | Saddlery and harness for any animal (including traces, leads, knee pads, muzzles, saddle cloths, saddle bags, dog coats and the like), of any material. | |
42.02 | Trunks, suit-cases, vanity-cases, executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels, spectacle cases, binocular cases, camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, holsters and similar containers; travelling-bags, toilet bags, rucksacks, handbags, shopping-bags, wallets, purses, map-cases, cigarette-cases, tobacco-pouches, tool bags, sports bags, bottle-cases, jewellery boxes, powder-boxes, cutlery cases and similar containers, of leather or of composition leather, of sheeting of plastics, of textile materials, of vulcanised fibre or of paperboard, or wholly or mainly covered with such materials or with paper. | |
42.03 | Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, of leather or of composition leather. | |
42.04 | Articles of leather or of composition leather, of a kind used in machinery or mechanical appliances or for other technical uses. | |
42.05 | Other articles of leather or of composition leather. | |
42.06 | Articles of gut (other than silk-worm gut), of goldbeater's skin, of bladders or of tendons. | |
43.02 | Tanned or dressed furskins (including heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings), unassembled, or assembled (without the addition of other materials) other than those of heading No. 43.03. | |
43.03 | Articles of apparel, clothing accessories and other articles of furskin. | |
43.04 | Artificial fur and articles thereof. | |
44.04 | Hoopwood; split poles; piles, pickets and stakes of wood, pointed but not sawn lengthwise; wooden sticks, roughly trimmed but not turned, bent or otherwise worked, suitable for the manufacture of walking-sticks, umbrellas, tool handles or the like; chipwood and the like. | |
44.05 | Wood wool; wood flour. | |
44.06 | Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood. | |
44.07 | Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or finger-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. | |
44.08 | Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood (whether or not spliced) and other wood sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or finger-jointed, of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm. | |
44.09 | Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed, beaded, moulded, rounded or the like) along any of its edges or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or finger-jointed. | |
44.10 | Particle board and similar board of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not agglomerated with resins or other organic binding substances. | |
44.11 | Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not bonded with resins or other organic substances. | |
44.12 | Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood. | |
44.13 | Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes. | |
44.14 | Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects. | |
44.15 | Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, of wood; cable-drums of wood; pallets, box pallets and other load boards, of wood; pallet collars of wood. | |
44.16 | Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products and parts thereof, of wood, including staves. | |
44.17 | Tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom or brush bodies and handles, of wood; boot or shoe lasts and trees, of wood. | |
44.18 | Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, including cellular wood panels, assembled parquet panels, shingles and shakes. | |
44.19 | Tableware and kitchenware, of wood. | |
44.20 | Wood marquetry and inlaid wood; caskets and cases for jewellery or cutlery, and similar articles, of wood; statuettes and other ornaments, of wood; wooden articles of furniture not falling in Chapter 94. | |
44.21 | Other articles of wood. | |
45.01 | Natural cork, raw or simply prepared; waste cork; crushed, granulated or ground cork. | |
45.02 | Natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates, sheets or strip, (including sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers). | |
45.03 | Articles of natural cork. | |
45.04 | Agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance) and articles of agglomerated cork. | |
46.01 | Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials, whether or not assembled into strips; plaiting materials, plaits and similar products of plaiting materials, bound together in parallel strands or woven, in sheet form, whether or not being finished articles (for example, mats, matting, screens). | |
46.02 | Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, made directly to shape from plaiting materials or made up from goods of heading No. 46.01; articles of loofah. | |
ex 47.01 | Mechanical wood pulp. | |
4701.0090 | - other than coniferous | |
ex 47.02 | Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades. | |
- for the manufacture of artificial textile fibres | ||
- other: | ||
- - of sulphat or soda wood pulp: | ||
- - - unbleached: | ||
- - - - coniferous | ||
- - - - other | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - coniferous | ||
4702.0039 | - - - - other | |
- - of bisulfite: | ||
- - - unbleached | ||
4702.0099 | - - - other | |
47.03 | Chemical wood pulp, soda or sulphate, other than dissolving grades. | |
- Unbleached: | ||
ex | 4703.19 | - - Non-coniferous |
4703.1990 | - - - other than «fluff» paste for the manufacture of sanitary towels and paper napkins and napkin liners for babies | |
- Semi-bleached or bleached: | ||
ex | 4703.29 | - - Non-coniferous |
4703.2990 | - - - other than «fluff» paste for the manufacture of sanitary towels and paper napkins and napkin liners for babies | |
47.04 | Chemical wood pulp, sulphite, other than dissolving grades. | |
- Unbleached: | ||
ex | 4704.19 | - - Non-coniferous |
4704.1990 | - - - other than «fluff» paste for the manufacture of sanitary towels and paper napkins and napkin liners for babies | |
- Semi-bleached or bleached: | ||
ex | 4704.29 | - - Non-coniferous |
4704.2990 | - - - other than «fluff» paste for the manufacture of sanitary towels and paper napkins and napkin liners for babies | |
ex 47.05 | Semi-chemical wood pulp. | |
4705.0090 | - non-coniferous | |
47.07 | Recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard. | |
4707.20 | - Other paper or paperboard made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, not coloured in the mass | |
4707.90 | - Other, including unsorted waste and scrap | |
ex 48.01 | Newsprint, in rolls or sheets. | |
4801.0090 | - other than for printing newspapers, journals and periodicals, subject to reglementation in force | |
48.02 | Uncoated paper and paperboard, of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, and punch card stock and punch tape paper, in rolls or sheets, other than paper of heading No. 48.01 or 48.03; hand-made paper and paperboard. | |
4802.10 | - Hand-made paper and paperboard | |
- Other paper and paperboard, not containing fibres obtained by a mechanical process or of which not more than 10 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of such fibres: | ||
4802.51 | - - Weighing less than 40 g/m2 | |
4802.52 | - - Weighing 40 g/m2 or more but not more than 150g/m2 | |
4802.53 | - - Weighing more than 150 g/m2 | |
4802.60 | - Other paper and paperboard, of which more than 10 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of fibres obtained by a mechanical process | |
48.03 | Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin stock and similar paper of a kind used for household or sanitary purposes, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, whether or not creped, crinkled, embossed, perforated, surface-coloured, surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or sheets. | |
48.04 | Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, other than that of heading No. 48.02 or 48.03. | |
- Kraftliner: | ||
4804.11 | - - Unbleached | |
4804.19 | - - Other | |
- Sack kraft paper: | ||
4804.21 | - - Unbleached | |
4804.29 | - - Other | |
- Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing 150 g/m2 or less: | ||
ex | 4804.31 | - - Unbleached |
(excluding 4804.3121: paper weighing 70 g/m2 or more, but not more than 100 g/m2, in rolls of a minimum weight of 500 kg, of a width of 102 cm, for the packing industry (cement sacs), imported by the relevant manufacturers and shiped directly to the place of production) | ||
4804.39 | - - Other | |
- Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing more than 150g/m2 but less than 225 g/m2: | ||
4804.41 | - - Unbleached | |
4804.42 | - - Bleached uniformly throughout the mass and of which more than 95 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood fibres obtained by a chemical process | |
4804.49 | - - Other | |
- Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing 225 g/m2 or more: | ||
4804.51 | - - Unbleached | |
4804.52 | - - Bleached uniformly throughout the mass and of which more than 95 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood obtained by a chemical process | |
4804.59 | - - Other | |
48.05 | Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, not further worked or processed than as specified in Note 2 to this Chapter. | |
48.06 | Vegetable parchment, greaseproof papers, tracing papers and glassine and other glazed transparent or translucent papers, in rolls or sheets. | |
48.07 | Composite paper and paperboard (made by sticking flat layers of paper or paperboard together with an adhesive), not surface-coated or impregnated, whether or not internally reinforced, in rolls or sheets. | |
48.08 | Paper and paperboard, corrugated (with or without glued flat surface sheets), creped, crinkled, embossed or perforated, in rolls or sheets, other than paper of the kind described in heading No. 48.03. | |
48.09 | Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers (including coated or impregnated paper for duplicator stencils or offset plates), whether or not printed, in rolls or sheets. | |
48.10 | Paper and paperboard, coated on one or both sides with kaolin (China clay) or other inorganic substances, with or without a binder, and with no other coating, whether or not surface-coloured, surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or sheets. | |
48.11 | Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated, covered, surface-coloured, surface-decorated or printed, in rolls or sheets, other than goods of the kind described in heading No. 48.03, 48.09 or 48.10. | |
48.12 | Filter blocks, slabs and plates, of paper pulp. | |
48.14 | Wallpaper and similar wall coverings; window transparencies of paper. | |
48.15 | Floor coverings on a base of paper or of paperboard, whether or not cut to size. | |
48.16 | Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers (other than those of heading No. 48.09), duplicator stencils and offset plates, of paper, whether or not put up in boxes. | |
4816.10 | - Carbon or similar copying papers | |
4816.20 | - Self-copy paper | |
4816.90 | - Other | |
48.17 | Envelopes, letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards, of paper or paperboard; boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, of paper or paperboard, containing an assortment of paper stationery. | |
48.18 | Toilet paper and similar paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres, of a kind used for household or sanitary purposes, in rolls of a width not exceeding 36 cm, or cut to size or shape; handkerchiefs, cleansing tissues, towels, tablecloths, serviettes, napkins for babies, tampons, bed sheets and similar household, sanitary or hospital articles, articles of apparel and clothing accessories, of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres. | |
48.19 | Cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres; box files, letter trays, and similar articles, of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like. | |
48.20 | Registers, account books, note books, order books, receipt books, letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries and similar articles, exercise books, blotting-pads, binders (loose-leaf or other), folders, file covers, manifold business forms, interleaved carbon sets and other articles of stationery, of paper or paperboard; albums for samples or for collections and book covers, of paper or paperboard. | |
48.21 | Paper or paperboard lables of all kinds, whether or not printed. | |
48.22 | Bobbins, spools, cops and similar supports of paper pulp, paper or paperboard (whether or not perforated or hardened). | |
48.23 | Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, cut to size or shape; other articles of paper pulp, paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres. | |
49.01 | Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets. | |
- Other: | ||
ex | 4901.91 | - - Dictionaries and encyclopaedias, and serial instalments thereof |
4901.9110 | - - - bound in natural, arificial or reconstructed leather, in shell, ivory, natural or simulated mother-of-pearl | |
ex | 4901.99 | - - Other |
4901.9910 | - - - containing publicity | |
- - - other: | ||
4901.9991 | - - - - bound in natural, arificial or reconstructed leather, in shell, ivory, natural or simulated mother-of-pearl | |
49.02 | Newspapers, journals and periodicals, whether or not illustrated or containing advertising material. | |
ex | 4902.10 | - Appearing at least four times a week |
4902.1010 | - - having the character of publicity | |
ex | 4902.90 | - Other |
4902.9010 | - - having the character of publicity | |
49.03 | Children's picture, drawing or colouring books. | |
ex 49.04 | Music, printed or in manuscript, whether or not bound or illustrated. | |
4904.0010 | - - bound in natural, arificial or reconstructed leather | |
ex 49.07 | Unused postage, revenue or similar stamps of current or new issue in the country to which they are destined; stamp-impressed paper; banknotes; cheque forms; stock, share or bond certificates and similar documents of title. | |
- postage stamps, revenue stamps and the like | ||
- banknotes | ||
- other: | ||
4907.0030 | - - signed and numbered | |
- - other: | ||
- - - stamped papers | ||
4907.0099 | - - - other | |
49.08 | Transfers (decalcomanias). | |
ex | 4908.10 | - Transfers (decalcomanias), vitrifiable |
4908.1010 | - - having arabic characters | |
- - other: | ||
- - - for industrial use | ||
4908.1099 | - - - other | |
ex | 4908.90 | - Other |
4908.9010 | - - having arabic characters | |
- - other: | ||
- - - for industrial use | ||
4908.9099 | - - - other | |
49.09 | Printed or illustrated postcards; printed cards bearing personal greetings, messages or announcements, whether or not illustrated, with or without envelopes or trimmings. | |
49.10 | Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocks. | |
49.11 | Other printed matter, including printed pictures and photographs. | |
ex | 4911.10 | - Trade advertising material, commercial catalogues and the like |
- - typed (including copies made with carbon paper) | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - tourist propaganda | ||
4911.1099 | - - - other | |
- Other: | ||
4911.91 | - - Pictures, designs and photographs | |
ex | 4911.99 | - - Other |
- - - typed (including copies made with carbon paper) | ||
- - - other: | ||
4911.9920 | - - - - unfolded sheets only with illustrations or designs without text or legends, for common editions | |
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - forms for temporary admission or international car circulation form, sent to the tourist association in Morocco from the parent company abroad | ||
4911.9999 | - - - - - other | |
51.06 | Yarn of carded wool, not put up for retail sale. | |
51.07 | Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale. | |
51.08 | Yarn of fine animal hair (carded or combed), not put up for retail sale. | |
51.09 | Yarn of wool or of fine animal hair, put up for retail sale. | |
51.10 | Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair (including gimped horsehair yarn), whether or not put up for retail sale. | |
51.11 | Woven fabrics of carded wool or of carded fine animal hair. | |
- Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool or of fine animal hair: | ||
ex | 5111.11 | - - Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m2 |
- - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
5111.1199 | - - - - other | |
ex | 5111.19 | - - Other |
- - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
5111.1999 | - - - - other | |
ex | 5111.20 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments |
- - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
5111.2099 | - - - other | |
ex | 5111.30 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made staple fibres |
- - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
5111.3099 | - - - other | |
ex | 5111.90 | - Other |
- - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
5111.9099 | - - - other | |
51.12 | Woven fabrics of combed wool or of combed fine animal hair. | |
- Containing 85 % or more by weight of wool or of fine animal hair: | ||
ex | 5112.11 | - - Of a weight not exceeding 200 g/m2 |
- - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
5112.1199 | - - - - other | |
ex | 5112.19 | - - Other |
- - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
5112.1999 | - - - - other | |
ex | 5112.20 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments |
- - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
5112.2099 | - - - - other | |
ex | 5112.30 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man-made staple fibres |
- - - elastic woven fabrics | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
5112.3099 | - - - - other | |
ex | 5112.90 | - Other |
- - elastic woven fibres | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - stitched on needleloom felt or on other fabrics, whether or not woven, of a kind used in the manufacture of slippers | ||
5112.9099 | - - - other | |
51.13 | Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair. | |
52.04 | Cotton sewing thread, whether or not put up for retail sale. | |
52.05 | Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale. | |
52.06 | Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing less than 85 % by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale. | |
52.07 | Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread) put up for retail sale. | |
52.08 | Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2. | |
52.09 | Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2. | |
52.10 | Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85 % by weight of cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man-made fibres, weighing not more than 200 g/m2. | |
52.11 | Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85 % by weight of cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man-made fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m2. | |
52.12 | Other woven fabrics of cotton. | |
53.06 | Flax yarn. | |
53.07 | Yarn of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading No. 53.03. | |
53.08 | Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn. | |
53.09 | Woven fabrics of flax. | |
53.10 | Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading No. 53.03. | |
53.11 | Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres; woven fabrics of paper yarn. | |
54.01 | Sewing thread of man-made filaments, whether or not put up for retail sale. | |
54.02 | Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex. | |
54.03 | Artificial filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including artificial monofilament of less than 67 decitex. | |
54.04 | Synthetic monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like (for example, artificial straw) of synthetic textile materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm. | |
54.05 | Artificial monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like (for example, artificial straw) of artificial textile materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm. | |
54.06 | Man-made filament yarn (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale. | |
54.07 | Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, including woven fabrics obtained from materials of heading No. 54.04. | |
54.08 | Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, including woven fabrics obtained from materials of heading No. 54.05. | |
55.08 | Sewing thread of man-made staple fibres, whether or not put up for retail sale. | |
55.09 | Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibres, not put up for retail sale. | |
55.10 | Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibres, not put up for retail sale. | |
55.11 | Yarn (other than sewing thread) of man-made staple fibres, put up for retail sale. | |
55.12 | Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85 % or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres. | |
55.13 | Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of a weight not exceeding 170 g/m2. | |
55.14 | Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of a weight exceeding 170 g/m2. | |
55.15 | Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres. | |
55.16 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres. | |
56.01 | Wadding of textile materials and articles thereof; textile fibres, not exceeding 5 mm in length (flock), textile dust and mill neps. | |
5601.10 | - Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin liners for babies and similar sanitary articles, of wadding | |
- Wadding; other articles of wadding: | ||
5601.21 | - - Of cotton | |
5601.22 | - - Of man-made fibres | |
5601.29 | - - Other | |
56.02 | Felt, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated. | |
56.03 | Nonwovens, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated. | |
- Of man-made filaments: | ||
ex | 5603.11 | - - Weighing not more than 25 g/m2 |
- - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
- - - other, in the piece or simply cut to square or rectangular shape: | ||
5603.1121 | - - - - coated | |
5603.1129 | - - - - other | |
5603.1190 | - - - other | |
ex | 5603.12 | - - Weighing more than 25 g/m2 but not more than 70 g/m2 |
- - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
- - - other, in the piece or simply cut to square or rectangular shape: | ||
5603.1221 | - - - - coated | |
5603.1229 | - - - - other | |
5603.1290 | - - - other | |
ex. | 5603.13 | - - Weighing more than 70 g/m2 but not more than 150 g/m2 |
- - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
- - - other, in the piece or simply cut to square or rectangular shape: | ||
5603.1321 | - - - - coated | |
5603.1329 | - - - - other | |
5603.1390 | - - - other | |
ex. | 5603.14 | - - Weighing more than 150 g/m2 |
- - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
- - - other, in the piece or simply cut to square or rectangular shape: | ||
5603.1421 | - - - - coated | |
5603.1429 | - - - - other | |
5603.1490 | - - - other | |
ex. | - Other: | |
ex. | 5603.91 | - - Weighing not more than 25 g/m2 |
- - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
- - - other, in the piece or simply cut to square or rectangular shape: | ||
5603.9121 | - - - - coated | |
5603.9129 | - - - - other | |
5603.9190 | - - - other | |
ex. | 5603.92 | - - Weighing more than 25 g/m2 but not more than 70 g/m2 |
- - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
- - - other, in the piece or simply cut to square or rectangular shape: | ||
5603.9221 | - - - - coated | |
5603.9229 | - - - - other | |
5603.9290 | - - - other | |
ex. | 5603.93 | - - Weighing more than 70 g/m2 but not more than 150 g/m2 |
- - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
- - - other, in the piece or simply cut to square or rectangular shape: | ||
5603.9321 | - - - - coated | |
5603.9329 | - - - - other | |
5603.9390 | - - - other | |
ex. | 5603.94 | - - Weighing more than 150 g/m2 |
- - - products containing at least 50 % of textile fibres, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, for the manufacture of bituminised paper and paperboard (products called bitumen felt or roofing felt) | ||
- - - other, in the piece or simply cut to square or rectangular shape: | ||
5603.9421 | - - - - coated | |
5603.9429 | - - - - other | |
5603.9490 | - - - other | |
56.04 | Rubber thread and cord, textile covered; textile yarn, and strip and the like of heading No. 54.04 or 54.05, impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics. | |
5604.10 | - Rubber thread and cord, textile covered | |
5604.20 | - High tenacity yarn of polyesters, of nylon or other polyamides or of viscose rayon, impregnated or coated | |
ex | 5604.90 | - Other |
5604.9010 | - - coated or impregnated with natural or synthetic rubber, not vulcanised | |
5604.9020 | - - coated or impregnated with vulcanised rubber | |
- - other: | ||
- - - imitation cutgut, manufactured from silk yarn | ||
- - - monofilaments, strips and the like of no 54.04 and 54.05 and imitation cutgut of man-made textile materials: | ||
- - - - monofilaments of synthetic filament yarn | ||
5604.9049 | - - - - other | |
- - - yarn of flax or ramie: | ||
5604.9051 | - - - - presented on cards, reels, tubes or similar supports, in balls, hanks, of a weight not exceeding 200 g (support included) | |
5604.9053 | - - - - presented in hanks or skeins, hanks or skeins comprising several smaller hanks or skeins, of a weight not exceeding 125 g | |
5604.9059 | - - - - other | |
5604.9060 | - - - yarn of true hemp | |
- - - coconut yarn | ||
- - - paper yarn | ||
5604.9090 | - - - other | |
56.05 | Metallised yarn, whether or not gimped, being textile yarn, or strip or the like of heading No. 54.04 or 54.05, combined with metal in the form of thread, strip or powder or covered with metal. | |
56.06 | Gimped yarn, and strip and the like of heading No. 54.04 or 54.05, gimped (other than those of heading No. 56.05 and gimped horsehair yarn); chenille yarn (including flock chenille yarn); loop wale-yarn. | |
56.07 | Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, whether or not plaited or braided and whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics. | |
56.08 | Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope; made up fishing nets and other made up nets, of textile materials. | |
- Of man-made textile materials: | ||
5608.19 | - - Other | |
ex | 5608.90 | - Other |
- - nettings made of twine, cordage or ropes, made up fishing nets made of twine, cordage or ropes: | ||
- - - fishing nets | ||
5608.9030 | - - - other | |
5608.9090 | - - other | |
56.09 | Articles of yarn, strip or the like of heading No. 54.04 or 54.05, twine, cordage, rope or cables, not elsewhere specified or included. | |
57.01 | Carpets and other textile floor coverings, knotted, whether or not made up. | |
57.02 | Carpets and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, including «Kelem», «Schumacks», «Karamanie» and similar hand-woven rugs. | |
57.03 | Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or not made up. | |
57.04 | Carpets and other textile floor coverings, of felt, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up. | |
57.05 | Other carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up. | |
58.01 | Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics, other than fabrics of heading No. 58.02 or 58.06. | |
58.02 | Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, other than narrow fabrics of heading No. 58.06; tufted textile fabrics, other than products of heading No. 57.03. | |
58.03 | Gauze, other than narrow fabrics of heading No. 58.06. | |
58.04 | Tulles and other net fabrics, not including woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics; lace in the piece, in strips or in motifs, other than fabrics of heading No. 60.02. | |
58.05 | Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, Flanders, Aubusson, Beauvais and the like, and needle-worked tapestries (for example, petit point, cross stitch), whether or not made up. | |
58.06 | Narrow woven fabrics, other than goods of heading No. 58.07; narrow fabrics consisting of warp without weft assembled by means of an adhesive (bolducs). | |
58.07 | Labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size, not embroidered. | |
58.08 | Braids in the piece; ornamental trimmings in the piece, without embroidery, other than knitted or crocheted; tassels, pompons and similar articles. | |
58.09 | Woven fabrics of metal thread and woven fabrics of metallised yarn of heading No. 56.05, of a kind used in apparel, as furnishing fabrics or for similar purposes, not elsewhere specified or included. | |
58.10 | Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs. | |
59.01 | Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances, of a kind used for the outer covers of books or the like; tracing cloth; prepared painting canvas; buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics of a kind used for hat foundations. | |
59.02 | Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides, polyesters or viscose rayon. | |
ex | 5902.10 | - Of nylon or other polyamides |
- - of plain-weave having a warp layer of parallel filament or monofilament yarns and held in place by a transparent holding weft consisting of a maximum of 13 yarns in a linear decimeter, whether or not dipped, but not impregnated or coated | ||
5902.1020 | - - rubberised | |
5902.1090 | - - other | |
ex | 5902.20 | - Of polyesters |
- - of plain-weave having a warp layer of parallel filament or monofilament yarns and held in place by a transparent holding weft consisting of a maximum of 13 yarns in a linear decimeter, whether or not dipped, but not impregnated or coated | ||
5902.2020 | - - rubberised | |
5902.2090 | - - other | |
ex | 5902.90 | - Other |
- - of plain-weave having a warp layer of parallel filament or monofilament yarns and held in place by a transparent holding weft consisting of a maximum of 13 yarns in a linear decimeter, whether or not dipped, but not impregnated or coated | ||
5902.9020 | - - rubberised | |
5902.9090 | - - other | |
59.03 | Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, other than those of heading No. 59.02. | |
ex | 5903.10 | - With polyvinyl chloride |
- - of monofilaments, yarns or strips of chapter 54, dipped, used in the manufacture of conveyor or transmission belts | ||
5903.1090 | - - other | |
ex | 5903.20 | - With polyurethane |
- - of monofilaments, yarns or strips of chapter 54, dipped, used in the manufacture of conveyor or transmission belts | ||
5903.2090 | - - other | |
ex | 5903.90 | - Other |
- - of monofilaments, yarns or strips of chapter 54, dipped, used in the manufacture of conveyor or transmission belts | ||
5903.9090 | - - other | |
59.04 | Linoleum, whether or not cut to shape; floor coverings consisting of a coating or covering applied on a textile backing, whether or not cut to shape. | |
59.05 | Textile wall coverings. | |
59.06 | Rubberised textile fabrics, other than those of heading No. 59.02. | |
5906.10 | - Adhesive tape of a width not exceeding 20 cm | |
- Other: | ||
5906.91 | - - Knitted or crocheted | |
ex | 5906.99 | - - Other |
- - - of monofilaments, yarns or strips of chapter 54, dipped, used in the manufacture of conveyor or transmission belts | ||
- - - transparent cloth and strip of single polyamide yarn, dipped, of a width not exceeding 165 cm, of a weight of more than 80 g/m2, but not exceeding 300 g/m2 | ||
5906.9990 | - - - other | |
ex 59.07 | Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, coated or covered; painted canvas being theatrical scenery, studio back-cloths or the like. | |
- of monofilaments, yarns or strips of chapter 54, dipped, used in the manufacture of conveyor or transmission belts | ||
5907.0020 | - oilcloth and other textile fabrics coated or impregnated with oil or preparations with basis of drying oil | |
5907.0090 | - textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, coated or covered; painted canvas being theatrical scenery, studio back-cloths or the like | |
59.11 | Textile products and articles, for technical uses, specified in Note 7 to this Chapter. | |
ex | 5911.10 | - Textile fabrics, felt and felt-lined woven fabrics, coated, covered or laminated with rubber, leather or other material, of a kind used for card clothing, and similar fabrics of a kind used for other technical purposes, including narrow fabrics made of velvet impregnated with rubber, for covering weaving spindles (weaving beams) |
5911.1010 | - - narrow woven pile fabrics, impregnated with rubber, for covering weaving spindles | |
60.01 | Pile fabrics, including «long pile» fabrics and terry fabrics, knitted or crocheted. | |
60.02 | Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. | |
61.01 | Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, knitted or crocheted, other than those of heading No. 61.03. | |
61.02 | Women's or girls' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, knitted or crocheted, other than those of heading No. 61.04. | |
61.03 | Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear), knitted or crocheted. | |
61.04 | Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear), knitted or crocheted. | |
61.05 | Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted. | |
61.06 | Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, knitted or crocheted. | |
61.07 | Men's or boys' underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted. | |
61.08 | Women's or girls' slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses, pyjamas, négligés, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted. | |
61.09 | T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted. | |
61.10 | Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waist-coats and similar articles, knitted or crocheted. | |
61.11 | Babies' garments and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. | |
61.12 | Track suits, ski suits and swimwear, knitted or crocheted. | |
61.13 | Garments, made up of knitted or crocheted fabrics of heading No. 59.03, 59.06 or 59.07. | |
61.14 | Other garments, knitted or crocheted. | |
61.15 | Panty hose, tights, stockings, socks and other hosiery, including stockings for varicose veins and footwear without applied soles, knitted or crocheted. | |
- Panty hose and tights: | ||
6115.11 | - - Of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex | |
6115.12 | - - Of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn 67 decitex or more | |
6115.19 | - - Of other textile materials | |
6115.20 | - Women's full-length or knee-length hosiery, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex | |
- Other: | ||
ex | 6115.91 | - - Of wool or fine animal hair |
6115.9110 | - - - knitted or crocheted, not elastic nor rubberised | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - stockings for varicose veins | ||
6115.9199 | - - - - other | |
ex | 6115.92 | - - Of cotton |
6115.9210 | - - - knitted or crocheted, not elastic nor rubberised | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - stockings for varicose veins | ||
6115.9299 | - - - - other | |
ex | 6115.93 | - - Of synthetic fibres |
6115.9310 | - - - knitted or crocheted, not elastic or rubberised | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - stockings for varicose veins | ||
6115.9399 | - - - - other | |
ex | 6115.99 | - - Of other textile materials |
6115.9910 | - - - knitted or crocheted, not elastic or rubberised | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - stockings for varicose veins | ||
6115.9999 | - - - - other | |
61.16 | Gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted. | |
61.17 | Other made up clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted; knitted or crocheted parts of garments or of clothing accessories. | |
62.01 | Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, other than those of heading No. 62.03. | |
62.02 | Women's or girls' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, other than those of heading No. 62.04. | |
62.03 | Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear). | |
62.04 | Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear). | |
62.05 | Men's or boys' shirts. | |
62.06 | Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses. | |
62.07 | Men's or boys' singlets and other vests, underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles. | |
62.08 | Women's or girls' singlets and other vests, slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses, pyjamas, négligés, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles. | |
62.09 | Babies' garments and clothing accessories. | |
62.10 | Garments, made up of fabrics of heading No. 56.02, 56.03, 59.03, 59.06 or 59.07. | |
62.11 | Track suits, ski suits and swimwear; other garments | |
62.12 | Brassières, girdles, corsets, braces, suspenders, garters and similar articles and parts thereof, whether or not knitted or crocheted. | |
62.13 | Handkerchiefs. | |
62.14 | Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like. | |
6214.20 | - Of wool or fine animal hair | |
6214.30 | - Of synthetic fibres | |
6214.40 | - Of artificial fibres | |
6214.90 | - Of other textile materials | |
62.15 | Ties, bow ties and cravats. | |
6215.20 | - Of man-made fibres | |
6215.90 | - Of other textile materials | |
62.16 | Gloves, mittens and mitts. | |
62.17 | Other made up clothing accessories; parts of garments or of clothing accessories, other than those of heading No. 62.12. | |
63.01 | Blankets and travelling rugs. | |
63.02 | Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen. | |
63.03 | Curtains (including drapes) and interior blinds; curtain or bed valances. | |
63.04 | Other furnishing articles, excluding those of heading No. 94.04. | |
63.05 | Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods. | |
63.06 | Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds; tents; sails for boats, sailboards or landcraft; camping goods. | |
63.07 | Other made up articles, including dress patterns. | |
6307.10 | - Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths | |
6307.90 | - Other | |
63.08 | Sets consisting of woven fabric and yarn, whether or not with accessories, for making up into rugs, tapestries, embroidered table cloths or serviettes, or similar textile articles, put up in packings for retail sale. | |
63.10 | Used or new rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables, of textile materials. | |
ex | 6310.10 | - Sorted |
6310.1090 | - - other than for the manufacture of industrial goods or for industrial wipers | |
ex | 6310.90 | - Other |
6310.9090 | - - other than for the manufacture of industrial goods or for industrial wipers | |
64.01 | Waterproof footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or of plastics, the uppers of which are neither fixed to the sole nor assembled by stitching, riveting, nailing, screwing, plugging or similar processes. | |
64.02 | Other footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics. | |
64.03 | Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather and uppers of leather. | |
64.04 | Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or composition leather and uppers of textile materials. | |
64.05 | Other footwear. | |
64.06 | Parts of footwear (including uppers whether or not attached to soles other than outer soles); removable in-soles, heel cushions and similar articles; gaiters, leggings and similar articles, and parts thereof. | |
65.01 | Hat-forms, hat bodies and hoods of felt, neither blocked to shape nor with made brims; plateaux and manchons (including slit manchons), of felt. | |
65.02 | Hat-shapes, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material, neither blocked to shape, nor with made brims, nor lined, nor trimmed. | |
65.03 | Felt hats and other felt headgear, made from the hat bodies, hoods or plateaux of heading No. 65.01, whether or not lined or trimmed. | |
65.04 | Hats and other headgear, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed. | |
65.05 | Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or made up from lace, felt or other textile fabric, in the piece (but not in strips), whether or not lined or trimmed; hair-nets of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed. | |
65.06 | Other headgear, whether or not lined or trimmed. | |
65.07 | Head-bands, linings, covers, hat foundations, hat frames, peaks and chinstraps, for headgear. | |
66.01 | Umbrellas and sun umbrellas (including walking-stick umbrellas, garden umbrellas and similar umbrellas). | |
6601.10 | - Garden or similar umbrellas | |
68.01 | Setts, curbstones and flagstones, of natural stone (except slate). | |
68.02 | Worked monumental or building stone (except slate) and articles thereof, other than goods of heading No. 68.01; mosaic cubes and the like, of natural stone (including slate), whether or not on a backing; artificially coloured granules, chippings and powder, of natural stone (including slate). | |
68.03 | Worked slate and articles of slate or of agglomerated slate. | |
68.04 | Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, without frameworks, for grinding, sharpening, polishing, trueing or cutting, hand sharpening or polishing stones, and parts thereof, of natural stone, of agglomerated natural or artificial abrasives, or of ceramics, with or without parts of other materials. | |
68.05 | Natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain, on a base of textile material, of paper, of paperboard or of other materials, whether or not cut to shape or sewn or otherwise made up. | |
68.06 | Slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools; exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays, foamed slag and similar expanded mineral materials; mixtures and articles of heat-insulating, sound-insulating or sound-absorbing mineral materials, other than those of heading No. 68.11 or 68.12 or of Chapter 69. | |
68.07 | Articles of asphalt or of similar material (for example, petroleum bitumen or coal tar pitch). | |
68.08 | Panels, boards, tiles, blocks and similar articles of vegetable fibre, of straw or of shavings, chips, particles, sawdust or other waste, of wood, agglomerated with cement, plaster or other mineral binders. | |
68.09 | Articles of plaster or of compositions based on plaster. | |
68.10 | Articles of cement, of concrete or of artificial stone, whether or not reinforced. | |
68.11 | Articles of asbestos-cement, of cellulose fibre-cement or the like. | |
68.12 | Fabricated asbestos fibres; mixtures with a basis of asbestos or with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonate; articles of such mixtures or of asbestos (for example, thread, woven fabric, clothing, headgear, footwear, gaskets), whether or not reinforced, other than goods of heading No. 68.11 or 68.13. | |
68.13 | Friction material and articles thereof (for example, sheets, rolls, strips, segments, discs, washers, pads), not mounted, for brakes, for clutches or the like, with a basis of asbestos, of other mineral substances or of cellulose, whether or not combined with textile or other materials. | |
68.14 | Worked mica and articles of mica, including agglomerated or reconstituted mica, whether or not on a support of paper, paperboard or other materials. | |
68.15 | Articles of stone or of other mineral substances (including carbon fibres, articles of carbon fibres and articles of peat), not elsewhere specified or included. | |
6815.20 | - Articles of peat | |
- Other articles: | ||
6815.91 | - - Containing magnesite, dolomite or chromite | |
6815.99 | - - Other | |
69.01 | Bricks, blocks, tiles and other ceramic goods of siliceous fossil meals (for example, kieselguhr, tripolite or diatomite) or of similar siliceous earths. | |
69.02 | Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods, other than those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths. | |
6902.20 | - Containing by weight more than 50 % of alumina (Al2O3), of silica (SiO2) or of a mixture or compound of these products | |
6902.90 | - Other | |
69.03 | Other refractory ceramic goods (for example, retorts, crucibles, muffles, nozzles, plugs, supports, cupels, tubes, pipes, sheaths and rods), other than those of siliceous fossil meals or of similar siliceous earths. | |
6903.20 | - Containing by weight more than 50 % of alumina (Al2O3) or of a mixture or compound of alumina and of silica (SiO2) | |
6903.90 | - Other | |
69.04 | Ceramic building bricks, flooring blocks, support or filler tiles and the like. | |
69.05 | Roofing tiles, chimney-pots, cowls, chimney liners, architectural ornaments and other ceramic constructional goods. | |
69.06 | Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipefittings. | |
69.07 | Unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles; unglazed ceramic mosaic cubes and the like, whether or not on a backing. | |
69.08 | Glazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles; glazed ceramic mosaic cubes and the like, whether or not on a backing. | |
69.10 | Ceramic sinks, wash basins, wash basin pedestals, baths, bidets, water closet pans, flushing cisterns, urinals and similar sanitary fixtures. | |
69.11 | Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, of porcelain or china. | |
69.12 | Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, other than of porcelain or china. | |
69.13 | Statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles. | |
70.07 | Safety glass, consisting of toughened (tempered) or laminated glass. | |
70.09 | Glass mirrors, whether or not framed, including rear-view mirrors. | |
70.10 | Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials, ampoules and other containers, of glass, of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods; preserving jars of glass; stoppers, lids and other closures, of glass. | |
7010.10 | - Ampoules | |
7010.20 | - Stoppers, lids and other closures | |
- Other, of a capacity: | ||
7010.91 | - - Exceeding 1 l | |
7010.92 | - - Exceeding 0.33 l but not exceeding 1 l | |
ex | 7010.93 | - - Exceeding 0.15 l but not exceeding 0.33 l |
- - - carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials for tablets and other containers of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods: | ||
- - - - of neutral glass, not engraved nor subjected to obscuring processes, only decorated by moulding, of a capacity less than 260 centiliters: | ||
- - - - - for retail sale packaging of pharmaceutical products, imported on behalf of concerned industries | ||
- - - - - for conservation of blood or human plasma, imported on behalf of the National Blood Transfusion Center | ||
7010.9320 | - - - - of ordinary glass, not engraved nor subjected to obscuring processes, only decorated by moulding, for retail sale packaging of pharmaceutical products, imported on behalf of concerned industries | |
7010.9330 | - - - - of glass with low coefficient of expansion | |
7010.9340 | - - - - other | |
7010.9390 | - - - other | |
ex | 7010.94 | - - Not exceeding 0.15 l |
- - - carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials for tablets and other containers of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods: | ||
- - - - of neutral glass, not engraved nor subjected to obscuring processes, only decorated by moulding, of a capacity less than 260 centiliters: | ||
- - - - - for retail sale packaging of pharmaceutical products, imported on behalf of concerned industries | ||
- - - - - for conservation of blood or human plasma, imported on behalf of the National Blood Transfusion Center | ||
7010.9420 | - - - - of ordinary glass, not engraved nor subjected to obscuring processes, only decorated by moulding, for retail sale packaging of pharmaceutical products, imported on behalf of concerned industries | |
7010.9430 | - - - - of glass with low coefficient of expansion | |
7010.9440 | - - - - other | |
7010.9490 | - - - other | |
70.13 | Glassware of a kind used for table, kitchen, toilet, office, indoor decoration or similar purposes (other than that of heading No. 70.10 or 70.18). | |
70.20 | Other articles of glass. | |
72.10 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, clad, plated or coated. | |
- Plated or coated with tin: | ||
ex | 7210.11 | - - Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more |
7210.1110 | - - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | |
7210.1120 | - - - other, cut in square or rectangular forms, but not further worked | |
- - - other: | ||
7210.1191 | - - - - tinplate having indentations | |
ex | 7210.12 | - - Of a thickness of less than 0.5 mm |
7210.1210 | - - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | |
7210.1220 | - - - other, cut in square or rectangular forms, but not further worked | |
- - - other: | ||
7210.1291 | - - - - tinplate having indentations | |
7210.20 | - Plated or coated with lead, including terne-plate | |
7210.30 | - Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc | |
- Otherwise plated or coated with zinc: | ||
7210.41 | - - Corrugated | |
7210.49 | - - Other | |
7210.70 | - Painted, varnished or coated with plastics | |
7210.90 | - Other | |
72.12 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of less than 600 mm, clad, plated or coated. | |
7212.20 | - Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc | |
7212.30 | - Otherwise plated or coated with zinc | |
ex | 7212.40 | - Painted, varnished or coated with plastics |
7212.4010 | - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | |
7212.4020 | - - other, called «magnetic» | |
- - other: | ||
- - - of a maximum width of 500 mm and of a maximum thickness not exceeding 6 mm but not more than one-tenth of the width: | ||
- - - - peinted, varnished, plated or coated with plastics, whether or not corrugated, but not further worked | ||
7212.4039 | - - - - other | |
- - - other: | ||
7212.4091 | - - - - peinted, varnished or coated with plastics, whether or not corrugated, but not further worked | |
7212.4099 | - - - - other | |
ex | 7212.50 | - Otherwise plated or coated |
- - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
- - other, called «magnetic» | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - of a maximum width of 500 mm and of a maximum thickness not exceeding 6 mm but not more than one tenth of the width: | ||
- - - - plated or coated, whether or not corrugated, but not furhter worked | ||
- - - - - plated with precious metals | ||
- - - - - enameled | ||
- - - - - leaded | ||
- - - - - other: (copper plated, artificially oxidized, nickel plated, parkerised, printed etc.) | ||
7212.5040 | - - - - other | |
- - - other: | ||
7212.5051 | - - - - plated or coated with lead, with a plane surface, but not further worked, of a width of less than 0,5 mm | |
7212.5052 | - - - - plated or coated with lead, corrugated, but not further worked, of a width of less than 0,5 mm | |
7212.5059 | - - - - other, plated or coated with lead, whether or not corrugated, but not further worked | |
- - - - otherwise plated or coated, whether or not corrugated, but not further worked | ||
- - - - - plated with precious metals | ||
- - - - - enameled | ||
7212.5063 | - - - - - plated or coated with chromium and printed | |
- - - - - plated or coated with chromium | ||
- - - - - other | ||
7212.5090 | - - - - other | |
ex | 7212.60 | - Clad |
- - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - of a maximum width of 500 mm and of a maximum thickness not exceeding 6 mm but not more than one-tenth of the width: | ||
- - - - clad, whether or not corrugated, but not further worked | ||
7212.6030 | - - - - other | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - clad, whether or not corrugated, but not further worked | ||
7212.6099 | - - - - other | |
72.13 | Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of iron or non-alloy steel. | |
ex | 7213.10 | - Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process |
7213.1090 | - - other than having a cross-section in the form of a flattened circle or of a modified rectangle | |
- Other: | ||
ex | 7213.91 | - - Of circular cross-section measuring less than 14 mm in diameter |
7213.9190 | - - - containing by weight less than 0,6 % of carbon | |
72.14 | Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than forged, hot-rolled, hot-drawn or hot-extruded, but including those twisted after rolling. | |
ex | 7214.20 | - Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process or twisted after rolling |
7214.2090 | - - other than having a cross-section in the form of a flattened circle or of a modified rectangle | |
- Other: | ||
ex | 7214.99 | - - Other |
- - - having a cross-section in the form of a flattened circle | ||
7214.9991 | - - - reinforcing bars or rods | |
72.15 | Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel. | |
ex | 7215.50 | - Other, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished |
- - having a cross-section in the form of a flattened circle or of a modified rectangle: | ||
- - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
- - - other: | ||
7215.5021 | - - - - not exceeding the maximum cross-section of 13 mm, drawn | |
7215.5029 | - - - - other | |
ex | 7215.90 | - Other |
- - having a cross-section in the form of a flattened circle or of a modified rectangle: | ||
- - - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
7215.9019 | - - - other | |
72.17 | Wire of iron or non-alloy steel. | |
ex | 7217.10 | - Not plated or coated, whether or not polished |
- - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
7217.1020 | - - other, of a diameter exceeding 4 mm but not exceeding 6,5 mm, of a carbon content less than 0,17 %, of a manganese content less than 0,5 %, of a sulphur content not exceeding 0,02 %, of a phosphorus content not exceeding 0.02 %, of a silicium content not exceeding 0,05 % | |
7217.1090 | - - other | |
ex | 7217.20 | - Plated or coated with zinc |
- - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
- - other | ||
- - - of a diameter not exceeding 0,85 mm | ||
7217.2099 | - - - other | |
ex | 7217.30 | - Plated or coated with other base metals |
- - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
- - other | ||
7217.3091 | - - - plated or coated with copper, for welding, in rolls | |
ex | 7217.90 | - Other |
- - of steel containing by weight 0,6 % or more of carbon, with a content of either sulphur or phosphorus of less than 0,04 % by weight each, and not exceeding 0,07 % together | ||
- - other, otherwise plated or coated | ||
7217.9090 | - - other | |
73.01 | Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched or made from assembled elements; welded angles, shapes and sections, of iron or steel. | |
7301.20 | - Angles, shapes and sections | |
73.05 | Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similarly closed), having circular crossions, the external diameter of which exceeds 406.4 mm, of iron or steel. | |
- Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines: | ||
ex | 7305.11 | - - Longitudinally submerged arc welded |
7305.1110 | - - - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - - other: | ||
7305.1191 | - - - - in conical form | |
ex | 7305.12 | - - Other, longitudinally welded |
7305.1210 | - - - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - - other: | ||
7305.1291 | - - - - in conical form | |
ex | 7305.19 | - - Other |
7305.1910 | - - - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - - other: | ||
7305.1991 | - - - - in conical form | |
ex | 7305.20 | - Casing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas |
7305.2010 | - - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - other: | ||
7305.2091 | - - - in conical form | |
- Other, welded: | ||
ex | 7305.31 | - - Longitudinally welded |
7305.3110 | - - - of an interior diameter exceeding 400 mm and of a wall thickness exceeding 10,5 mm | |
7305.3120 | - - - other, with a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - - other: | ||
7305.3191 | - - - - in conical form | |
ex | 7305.39 | - - Other |
7305.3910 | - - - of an interior diameter exceeding 400 mm and with a wall thickness exceeding 10,5 mm | |
7305.3920 | - - - other, with a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - - other: | ||
7305.3991 | - - - - in conical form | |
ex | 7305.90 | - Other |
7305.9010 | - - of an interior diameter exceeding 400 mm and with a wall thickness exceeding 10,5 mm | |
7305.9020 | - - other, with a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - other: | ||
7305.9091 | - - - in conical form | |
73.06 | Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles (for example, open seam or welded, riveted or similarly closed), of iron or steel. | |
ex | 7306.10 | - Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines |
7306.1010 | - - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - other: | ||
7306.1091 | - - - in pyramidal form; in conical form with a circular cross-section | |
ex | 7306.20 | - Casing and tubing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas |
7306.2010 | - - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - other: | ||
7306.2091 | - - - in pyramidal form; in conical form with a circular cross-section | |
ex | 7306.30 | - Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of iron or non-alloy steel |
7306.3010 | - - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - other: | ||
7306.3091 | - - - in conical form | |
ex | 7306.40 | - Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of stainless steel |
7306.4010 | - - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - other: | ||
7306.4091 | - - - in conical form | |
ex | 7306.50 | - Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of other alloy steel |
7306.5010 | - - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - other: | ||
7306.5091 | - - - in conical form | |
ex | 7306.60 | - Other, welded, of non-circular cross-section |
7306.6010 | - - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - other: | ||
7306.6091 | - - - in pyramidal form | |
ex | 7306.90 | - Other |
7306.9010 | - - of a thickness not exceeding 4 mm | |
- - other: | ||
7306.9091 | - - - in pyramidal form; in conical form with a circular cross-section | |
73.07 | Tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or steel. | |
73.08 | Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading No. 94.06) and parts of structures (for example, bridges and bridgeions, lock-gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frame-works, doors and windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, shutters, balustrades, pillars and columns), of iron or steel; plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron or steel. | |
ex 73.09 | Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment. | |
7309.0010 | - for transport and packing | |
7309.0020 | - other: | |
- - for gases | ||
- - for liquids | ||
- - - with heat insulating covering | ||
7309.0039 | - - - other | |
7309.0080 | - - for solids | |
73.10 | Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment. | |
ex 73.11 | Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel. | |
- weldless | ||
7311.0090 | - other | |
73.12 | Stranded wire, ropes, cables, plaited bands, slings and the like, of iron or steel, not electrically insulated. | |
ex | 7312.10 | - Stranded wire, ropes and cables |
- - ropes andcables consisting of steel wires plated or coated, of high resistance (120 kg/mm2 or more), of a diameter not exceeding 1,4 mm | ||
- - stranded wire consisting of steel wires, brass plated or coated, with a rupture tension higher than 200 kg/mm2 | ||
7312.1090 | - - other | |
7312.90 | - Other | |
73.13 | Barbed wire of iron or steel; twisted hoop or single flat wire, barbed or not, and loosely twisted double wire, of a kind used for fencing, of iron or steel. | |
73.14 | Cloth (including endless bands), grill, netting and fencing, of iron or steel wire; expanded metal of iron or steel. | |
73.17 | Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples (other than those of heading No. 83.05) and similar articles, of iron or steel, whether or not with heads of other material, but excluding such articles with heads of copper. | |
73.18 | Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of iron or steel. | |
- Threaded articles: | ||
7318.11 | - - Coach screws | |
ex | 7318.12 | - - Other wood screws |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7318.1290 | - - - other | |
ex | 7318.13 | - - Screw hooks and screw rings |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7318.1390 | - - - other | |
ex | 7318.14 | - - Self-tapping screws |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7318.1490 | - - - other | |
ex | 7318.15 | - - Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7318.1590 | - - - other | |
ex | 7318.16 | - - Nuts |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7318.1690 | - - - other | |
ex | 7318.19 | - - Other |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7318.1990 | - - - other | |
- Non-threaded articles: | ||
ex | 7318.21 | - - Spring washers and other lock washers |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7318.2190 | - - - other | |
ex | 7318.22 | - - Other washers |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7318.2290 | - - - other | |
ex | 7318.23 | - - Rivets |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
- - - other | ||
- - - - free-cut, with a shaft thickness of or a overall diameter not exceeding 6 mm | ||
7318.2321 | - - - - - headless rivets and similar articles | |
7318.2329 | - - - - - other | |
- - - - other: | ||
7318.2391 | - - - - - headless rivets and similar articles | |
7318.2399 | - - - - - other | |
ex | 7318.24 | - - Cotters and cotter-pins |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7318.2490 | - - - other | |
ex | 7318.29 | - - Other |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7318.2990 | - - - other | |
73.20 | Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel. | |
73.21 | Stoves, ranges, grates, cookers (including those with subsidiary boilers for central heating), barbecues, braziers, gas-rings, plate warmers and similar non-electric domestic appliances, and parts thereof, of iron or steel. | |
- Cooking appliances and plate warmers: | ||
7321.11 | - - For gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels (7321.1111 and 7321.1121: used gas cookers and used heaters see table E) | |
7321.12 | - - For liquid fuel | |
7321.13 | - - For solid fuel | |
- Other appliances: | ||
7321.81 | - - For gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels | |
7321.82 | - - For liquid fuel | |
7321.83 | - - For solid fuel | |
ex | 7321.90 | - Parts |
- - gas burners with 6, 8 or 12 rectilinear elements | ||
7321.9090 | - - other | |
73.22 | Radiators for central heating, not electrically heated, and parts thereof, of iron or steel; air heaters and hot air distributors (including distributors which can also distribute fresh or conditioned air), not electrically heated, incorporating a motor-driven fan or blower, and parts thereof, of iron or steel. | |
73.23 | Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of iron or steel; iron or steel wool; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of iron or steel. | |
73.24 | Sanitary ware and parts thereof, of iron or steel. | |
73.25 | Other cast articles of iron or steel. | |
73.26 | Other articles of iron or steel. | |
74.08 | Copper wire. | |
- Of refined copper: | ||
ex | 7408.19 | - - Other |
7408.1910 | - - - obtained by extrusion or drawing | |
- Of copper alloys: | ||
ex | 7408.21 | - - Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) |
- - - with maximum cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | ||
- - - - with a rectangular cross-section of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm | ||
- - - - other: | ||
7408.2121 | - - - - - obtained by extrusion or drawing | |
- - - - - other | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - of copper alloys, containing at least 10 % zinc | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - not further worked than rolled, extruded or drawn, whether or not pickled: | ||
- - - - - - with maximum cross-section not exceeding 15 mm: | ||
7408.2149 | - - - - - - other | |
- - - - - other: | ||
- - - - - - gold or silver plated | ||
7408.2199 | - - - - - - other | |
ex | 7408.22 | - - Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) |
- - - of nickel alloys, containing more than 10 % nickel | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - with maximum cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | ||
7408.2221 | - - - - - obtained by extrusion or drawing | |
- - - - - other | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of copper alloys, containing at least 10 % zinc | ||
- - - - - other: | ||
- - - - - - not further worked than rolled, extruded or drawn, whether or not pickled: | ||
- - - - - - - with a maximum cross-section not exceeding 15 mm: | ||
7408.2249 | - - - - - - - other | |
- - - - - - other: | ||
- - - - - - - gold or silver plated | ||
7408.2299 | - - - - - - - other | |
ex | 7408.29 | - - Other |
- - - alloys containing more than 10 % nickel | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - with a maximum cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | ||
7408.2921 | - - - - - obtained by extrusion or drawing | |
- - - - - other | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of copper alloys, containing at least 10 % zinc | ||
- - - - - of copper-beryllium alloys | ||
- - - - - other: | ||
- - - - - - not further worked than rolled, extruded or drawn, whether or not pickled: | ||
- - - - - - - with a maximum cross-section not exceeding 15 mm: | ||
7408.2949 | - - - - - - - other | |
- - - - - - other: | ||
- - - - - - - gold or silver plated | ||
7408.2999 | - - - - - - - other | |
74.11 | Copper tubes and pipes. | |
74.12 | Copper tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves). | |
74.13 | Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, of copper, not electrically insulated. | |
74.14 | Cloth (including endless bands), grill and netting, of copper wire; expanded metal of copper. | |
74.15 | Nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples (other than those of heading No. 83.05) and similar articles, of copper or of iron or steel with heads of copper; screws, bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of copper. | |
7415.10 | - Nails and tacks, drawing pins, staples and similar articles | |
- Other articles, not threaded: | ||
ex | 7415.21 | - - Washers (including spring washers) |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
- - - free-cut, with a shaft thickness of or a overall diameter not exceeding 6 mm | ||
7415.2121 | - - - - split washers and other spring washers | |
7415.2129 | - - - - other | |
- - - other | ||
7415.2191 | - - - - split washers and other spring washers | |
7415.2199 | - - - - other | |
ex | 7415.29 | - - Other |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
- - - free-cut, with a shaft thickness of or a overall diameter not exceeding 6 mm | ||
7415.2921 | - - - - headless rivets and similar articles | |
7415.2929 | - - - - other | |
- - - other: | ||
7415.2991 | - - - - headless rivets and similar articles | |
7415.2999 | - - - - other | |
- Other threaded articles: | ||
ex | 7415.31 | - - Screws for wood |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7415.3190 | - - - other | |
ex | 7415.32 | - - Other screws; bolts and nuts |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7415.3290 | - - - other | |
ex | 7415.39 | - - Other |
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7415.3990 | - - - other | |
74.16 | Copper springs. | |
74.17 | Cooking or heating apparatus of a kind used for domestic purposes, non-electric, and parts thereof, of copper. | |
74.18 | Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of copper; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of copper; sanitary ware and parts thereof, of copper. | |
74.19 | Other articles of copper. | |
7419.10 | - Chain and parts thereof | |
- Other: | ||
ex | 7419.91 | - - Cast, moulded, stamped or forged, but not further worked |
7419.9110 | - - - reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any materials (except for compressed or liquified gas) of copper, of a capacity exceeding 300 liters, not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment, whether or not lined or heat insulated | |
7419.9120 | - - - accessoires for power lines and traction(suspension pieces, fixation grips, lifting beams etc.) | |
- - - brass plates, matrix and flans of brass, for the manufacture of watch dials | ||
7419.9140 | - - - articles of fantasie | |
7419.9190 | - - - other | |
ex | 7419.99 | - - Other |
7419.9910 | - - - reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any materials (except for compressed or liquified gas) of copper, of a capacity exceeding 300 liters, not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment, whether or not lined or heat insulated | |
7419.9920 | - - - accessoires for power lines and traction(suspension pieces, fixation grips, lifting beams etc.) | |
- - - brass plates, matrix and flans of brass, for the manufacture of watch dials | ||
7419.9940 | - - - articles of fantasie | |
7419.9990 | - - - other | |
75.08 | Other articles of nickel. | |
7508.10 | - Cloth, grill and netting, of nickel wire | |
ex | 7508.90 | - Other |
- - anodes for electro plating including these obtained by electrolytic deposition, untreated or furhter worked | ||
- - nails, tracks, corrugated nails, screw hooks and the like, (articles for bolting or screwing) and washers inclucing the split washers and spring washers: | ||
- - - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7508.9029 | - - - other | |
7508.9030 | - - tableware and articles of fantasie | |
7508.9090 | - - other | |
76.04 | Aluminium bars, rods and profiles. | |
ex | 7604.10 | - Of aluminium, not alloyed |
7604.1010 | - - hollow profiles | |
- - other, with a maximum cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | ||
7604.1020 | - - - obtained by extrusion or drawing | |
- - - rolled: | ||
7604.1039 | - - - - coated or covered | |
- - other: | ||
- - - not further worked than rolled, extruded or drawn, whether or not pickled | ||
- - - - bars and rods with a cross-section not exceeding 15 mm | ||
- - - - other: | ||
7604.1059 | - - - - - profiles | |
- - - other: | ||
7604.1099 | - - - - profiles | |
- Of aluminium alloys: | ||
7604.21 | - - Hollow profiles | |
ex | 7604.29 | - - Other |
- - - products with a cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | ||
7604.2910 | - - - - not further worked than rolled, extruded or drawn, whether or not pickled | |
- - - - rolled: | ||
7604.2929 | - - - - - coated or covered | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - not further worked than rolled, extruded or drawn, whether or not pickled | ||
- - - - - bars and rods with a cross-section not exceeding 15 mm | ||
- - - - - other: | ||
7604.2949 | - - - - - - profiles | |
- - - - other: | ||
7604.2999 | - - - - - profiles | |
76.05 | Aluminium wire. | |
ex | 7605.19 | - - Other |
- - - with a maximum cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | ||
7605.1910 | - - - - obtained by extrusion or drawing | |
- - - - rolled: | ||
7605.1929 | - - - - - coated or covered | |
- Of aluminium alloys: | ||
ex | 7605.29 | - - Other |
- - - with a maximum cross-section not exceeding 6 mm: | ||
7605.2910 | - - - - obtained by extrusion or drawing | |
- - - - rolled: | ||
7605.2929 | - - - - - coated or covered | |
76.07 | Aluminium foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2 mm. | |
- Not backed: | ||
ex | 7607.19 | - - Other |
- - - not further worked than beaten or artificially oxidized | ||
7607.1990 | - - - other | |
7607.20 | - Backed | |
76.08 | Aluminium tubes and pipes. | |
76.09 | Aluminium tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves). | |
76.10 | Aluminium structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading No. 94.06) and parts of structures (for example, bridges and bridge-sections, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frameworks, doors and windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, balustrades, pillars and columns); aluminium plates, rods, profiles, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures. | |
76.11 | Aluminium reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of a capacity exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment. | |
76.12 | Aluminium casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers (including rigid or collapsible tubular containers), for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of a capacity not exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment. | |
76.13 | Aluminium containers for compressed or liquefied gas. | |
76.14 | Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, of aluminium, not electrically insulated. | |
76.15 | Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of aluminium; pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like, of aluminium; sanitary ware and parts thereof, of aluminium. | |
76.16 | Other articles of aluminium. | |
ex | 7616.10 | - Nails, tacks, staples (other than those of heading No. 83.05), screws, bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers and similar articles |
- - for the fastening of orthopaedic materials or for surgical/medical use, imported on behalf of professionals concerned or for their account | ||
7616.1020 | - - screws, nuts, rivets and washers, free-cut,with a shaft thickness of or a overall diameter not exceeding 6 mm | |
7616.1090 | - - other | |
- Other: | ||
7616.91 | - - Cloth, grill, netting and fencing, of aluminium wire | |
ex | 7616.99 | - - Other |
- - - shafts for corsets, for articles of apparel and clothing accessories and the like | ||
7616.9920 | - - - netting and fencing, expanded | |
7616.9930 | - - - spools, cops, bobbins, sewing thread reels and similar supports | |
7616.9940 | - - - accessoires for power lines and traction(suspension pieces, fixation grips, lifting beams) | |
- - - discs, washers, flans, cogs, with a diameter exceeding 6 mm | ||
7616.9960 | - - - articles of fantasie | |
7616.9990 | - - - other | |
79.06 | Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves). | |
79.07 | Other articles of zinc. | |
7907.0010 | - small rings and washers, including products of hexagonal forms, produced by drop forging or drop shaping from metal shapes on the conveyor line, products in the rough for die or drop forging, tubes of zinc, imported for the account of battery manufacturer | |
- anodes | ||
7907.0090 | - other | |
80.03 | Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire. | |
80.04 | Tin plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.2 mm. | |
80.05 | Tin foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials), of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2 mm; tin powders and flakes. | |
80.06 | Tin tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves). | |
80.07 | Other articles of tin. | |
82.01 | Hand tools, the following: spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, forks and rakes; axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools; secateurs and pruners of any kind; scythes, sickles, hay knives, hedge shears, timber wedges and other tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry. | |
8201.10 | - Spades and shovels | |
8201.30 | - Mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes | |
8201.40 | - Axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools | |
8201.90 | - Other hand tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry | |
82.02 | Hand saws; blades for saws of all kinds (including slitting, slotting or toothless saw blades). | |
8202.20 | - Band saw blades | |
- Circular saw blades (including slitting or slotting saw blades): | ||
8202.31 | - - With working part of steel | |
8202.39 | - - Other, including parts | |
8202.40 | - Chain saw blades | |
- Other saw blades: | ||
8202.91 | - - Straight saw blades, for working metal | |
8202.99 | - - Other | |
82.05 | Hand tools (including glaziers' diamonds), not elsewhere specified or included; blow lamps; vices, clamps and the like, other than accessories for and parts of, machine tools; anvils; portable forges; hand or pedal-operated grinding wheels with frameworks. | |
8205.20 | - Hammers and sledge hammers | |
ex | 8205.59 | - - Other |
8205.5910 | - - - trowel | |
- - - other: | ||
8205.5920 | - - - - watchmakers» tools | |
8205.5940 | - - - - glaziers» diamonds | |
82.09 | Plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools, unmounted, of cermets. | |
82.11 | Knives with cutting blades, serrated or not (including pruning knives), other than knives of heading No. 82.08, and blades therefor. | |
8211.10 | - Sets of assorted articles | |
- Other: | ||
8211.91 | - - Table knives having fixed blades | |
8211.92 | - - Other knives having fixed blades | |
8211.93 | - - Knives having other than fixed blades | |
8211.94 | - - Blades | |
82.14 | Other articles of cutlery (for example, hair clippers, butchers' or kitchen cleavers, choppers and mincing knives, paper knives); manicure or pedicure sets and instruments (including nail files). | |
82.15 | Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware. | |
83.01 | Padlocks and locks (key, combination or electrically operated), of base metal; clasps and frames with clasps, incorporating locks, of base metal; keys for any of the foregoing articles, of base metal. | |
83.02 | Base metal mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for furniture, doors, staircases, windows, blinds, coachwork, saddlery, trunks, chests, caskets or the like; base metal hat-racks, hat-pegs, brackets and similar fixtures; castors with mountings of base metal; automatic door closers of base metal. | |
83.03 | Armoured or reinforced safes, strong-boxes and doors and safe deposit lockers for strong-rooms, cash or deed boxes and the like, of base metal. | |
83.04 | Filing cabinets, card-index cabinets, paper trays, paper rests, pen trays, office-stamp stands and similar office or desk equipment, of base metal, other than office furniture of heading No. 94.03. | |
83.05 | Fittings for loose-leaf binders or files, letter clips, letter corners, paper clips, indexing tags and similar office articles, of base metal; staples in strips (for example, for offices, upholstery, packaging), of base metal. | |
83.06 | Bells, gongs and the like, non-electric, of base metal; statuettes and other ornaments, of base metal; photograph, picture or similar frames, of base metal; mirrors of base metal. | |
83.07 | Flexible tubing of base metal, with or without fittings. | |
83.09 | Stoppers, caps and lids (including crown corks, screw caps and pouring stoppers), capsules for bottles, threaded bungs, bung covers, seals and other packing accessories, of base metal. | |
83.10 | Sign-plates, name-plates, address-plates and similar plates, numbers, letters and other symbols, of base metal, excluding those of heading No. 94.05. | |
83.11 | Wire, rods, tubes, plates, electrodes and similar products, of base metal or of metal carbides, coated or cored with flux material, of a kind used for soldering, brazing, welding or deposition of metal or of metal carbides; wire and rods, of agglomerated base metal powder, used for metal spraying. | |
84.02 | Steam or other vapour generating boilers (other than central heating hot water boilers capable also of producing low pressure steam); super-heated water boilers. | |
ex | 8402.12 | - - Watertube boilers with a steam production not exceeding 45 t per hour |
- - - locomotive boilers and ship boilers | ||
- - - other: | ||
8402.1291 | - - - - of a pression of 10 kg/cm2 or more or generating 2000 kg or more of steam per hour | |
8402.1299 | - - - - other | |
ex | 8402.19 | - - Other vapour generating boilers, including hybrid boilers |
- - - locomotive boilers and ship boilers | ||
- - - other: | ||
8402.1991 | - - - - of a pression of 10 kg/cm2 or more or generating 2000 kg or more of steam per hour | |
8402.1999 | - - - - other | |
8402.20 | - Super-heated water boilers | |
84.03 | Central heating boilers other than those of heading No. 84.02. | |
84.07 | Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines. | |
- Reciprocating piston engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of Chapter 87: | ||
8407.31 | - - Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc | |
8407.32 | - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cc but not exceeding 250 cc | |
84.08 | Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines). | |
8408.20 | - Engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of Chapter 87 | |
8408.90 | - Other engines (8408.9090: see table E) | |
84.09 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the engines of heading No. 84.07 or 84.08. | |
- Other: | ||
ex | 8409.91 | - - Suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines |
- - - rough foundry sketch | ||
- - - cylinder blocs, casings, cylinder heads, cylinders: | ||
8409.9121 | - - - - for motorcycle engins with a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc | |
- - - - other | ||
- - - connecting-rods and pistons: | ||
8409.9130 | - - - - aluminium or light metal alloys pistons, including piston liners | |
- - - - other: | ||
8409.9141 | - - - - - for motorcycle engins with a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc | |
- - - - - other | ||
8409.9150 | - - - cylinder liners | |
- - - other | ||
ex | 8409.99 | - - Other |
- - - rough foundry sketch | ||
- - - cylinder blocs, casings, cylinder heads, cylinders: | ||
8409.9921 | - - - - for car engines | |
8409.9929 | - - - - other | |
- - - connecting-rods and pistons: | ||
8409.9930 | - - - - aluminium or light metal alloys pistons, including piston liners | |
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - for car engines | ||
- - - - - other | ||
8409.9950 | - - - motor liners | |
- - - other | ||
84.14 | Air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors and fans; ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters. | |
- Fans: | ||
ex | 8414.51 | - - Table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output not exceeding 125 W |
8414.5111 | - - - helicoidal and centrifugal roof fans, of a diameter of 75 cm or more | |
ex | 8414.59 | - - Other |
8414.5910 | - - - for domestic use | |
ex | 8414.60 | - Hoods having a maximum horizontal side not exceeding 120 cm |
8414.6010 | - - - for domestic use | |
84.17 | Industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, including incinerators, non-electric. | |
8417.20 | - Bakery ovens, including biscuit ovens | |
84.18 | Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading No. 84.15. | |
8418.10 | - Combined refrigerator-freezers, fitted with separate external doors (used products see table E) | |
- Refrigerators, household type: | ||
8418.21 | - - Compression-type (used products see table E) | |
8418.22 | - - Absorption-type, electrical (used products see table E) | |
8418.29 | - - Other (used products see table E) | |
8418.30 | - Freezers of the chest type, not exceeding 800 l capacity | |
8418.40 | - Freezers of the upright type, not exceeding 900 l capacity | |
8418.50 | - Other refrigerating or freezing chests, cabinets, display counters, show-cases and similar refrigerating or freezing furniture | |
- Parts: | ||
8418.91 | - - Furniture designed to receive refrigerating or freezing equipment | |
84.19 | Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, whether or not electrically heated, for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature such as heating, cooking, roasting, distilling, rectifying, sterilising, pasteurising, steaming, drying, evaporating, vaporising, condensing or cooling, other than machinery or plant of a kind used for domestic purposes; instantaneous or storage water heaters, non-electric. | |
- Instantaneous or storage water heaters, non-electric: | ||
8419.11 | - - Instantaneous gas water heaters | |
8419.19 | - - Other | |
- Other machinery, plant and equipment: | ||
ex | 8419.81 | - - For making hot drinks or for cooking or heating food |
8419.8120 | - - - hotel cookers and cookers for communities | |
ex | 8419.90 | - Parts |
8419.9010 | - - for instantaneous water and bath heaters | |
8419.9020 | - - for cookers | |
84.21 | Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids or gases. | |
- Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids: | ||
8421.23 | - - Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines | |
ex | 8421.29 | - - Other |
8421.2910 | - - - for engines | |
- Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for gases: | ||
8421.31 | - - Intake air filters for internal combustion engines | |
ex | 8421.39 | - - Other |
8421.3910 | - - - for engines | |
- Parts: | ||
ex | 8421.99 | - - Other |
8421.9921 | - - - filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids, for engines of motor vehicle engines | |
8421.9991 | - - - filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for gases, for motor vehicle engines | |
84.24 | Mechanical appliances (whether or not hand-operated) for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders; fire extinguishers, whether or not charged; spray guns and similar appliances; steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines. | |
8424.10 | - Fire extinguishers, whether or not charged | |
84.26 | Ships' derricks; cranes, including cable cranes; mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers and works trucks fitted with a crane. | |
- Overhead travelling cranes, transporter cranes, gantry cranes, bridge cranes, mobile lifting frames and straddle carriers: | ||
ex | 8426.11 | - - Overhead travelling cranes on fixed support |
8426.1110 | - - - overhead travelling cranes | |
84.31 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of headings Nos. 84.25 to 84.30. | |
- Of machinery of heading No. 84.28: | ||
ex | 8431.39 | - - Other |
8431.3910 | - - - drums or rollers for conveyors | |
- Of machinery of heading No. 84.26, 84.29 or 84.30: | ||
8431.41 | - - Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips | |
8431.42 | - - Bulldozer or angledozer blades | |
ex | 8431.49 | - - Other |
- - - of machinery of no 84.26: | ||
- - - - for mobile crans (on tracks or wheels, not fitted for rails): | ||
- - - - - crane basis and arm described in no 8426.91 | ||
- - - - - other | ||
- - - - other: | ||
8431.4921 | - - - - - for cranes with a lifting capacity not exceeding 10 tonnes | |
- - - - - for cranes with a lifting capacity exceeding 10 tonnes | ||
8431.4923 | - - - - - for portal cranes with a lifting capacity not exceeding 30 tonnes | |
8431.4924 | - - - - - for overhead travelling cranes | |
- - - - - other | ||
- - - hydraulic jack hammer and parts thereof | ||
8431.4990 | - - - other | |
84.32 | Agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation; lawn or sports-ground rollers. | |
8432.10 | - Ploughs | |
8432.90 | - Parts | |
84.38 | Machinery, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter, for the industrial preparation or manufacture of food or drink, other than machinery for the extraction or preparation of animal or fixed vegetable fats or oils. | |
ex | 8438.10 | - Bakery machinery and machinery for the manufacture of macaroni, spaghetti or similar products |
8438.1010 | - - mixing and shaping machines | |
8438.80 | - Other machinery | |
8438.8010 | - - for the manufacture or preparation of coffee and tea | |
84.42 | Machinery, apparatus and equipment (other than the machine-tools of headings Nos. 84.56 to 84.65), for type-founding or type-setting, for preparing or making printing blocks, plates, cylinders or other printing components; printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders and other printing components; blocks, plates, cylinders and lithographic stones, prepared for printing purposes (for example, planed, grained or polished). | |
ex | 8442.40 | - Parts of the foregoing machinery, apparatus or equipment |
8442.4010 | - - for type-founding and type-setting machinery for arabic characters | |
84.50 | Household or laundry-type washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry. | |
- Machines, each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 10 kg: | ||
8450.11 | - - Fully-automatic machines (8450.1110: used products see table E) | |
8450.12 | - - Other machines, with built-in centrifugal drier (8450.1210: used products see table E) | |
8450.19 | - - Other (8450.1910: used products see table E) | |
84.74 | Machinery for sorting, screening, separating, washing, crushing, grinding, mixing or kneading earth, stone, ores or other mineral substances, in solid (including powder or paste) form; machinery for agglomerating, shaping or moulding solid mineral fuels, ceramic paste, unhardened cements, plastering materials or other mineral products in powder or paste form; machines for forming foundry moulds of sand. | |
- Mixing or kneading machines: | ||
ex | 8474.31 | - - Concrete or mortar mixers |
8474.3111 | - - - concrete or mortar mixers with a capacity not exceeding 1 cubic meter | |
8474.90 | - Parts | |
84.81 | Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, including pressure-reducing valves and thermostatically controlled valves. | |
84.83 | Transmission shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing; ball or roller screws; gear boxes and other speed changers, including torque converters; flywheels and pulleys, including pulley blocks; clutches and shaft couplings (including universal joints). | |
ex | 8483.10 | - Transmission shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts) and cranks |
- - for engines of motor vehicles of no 84.07 and 84.08: | ||
- - - crankshafts and camshafts: | ||
8483.1011 | - - - - crankshafts for motorcycle engines of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc | |
- - - other: | ||
8483.1021 | - - - - for motorcycle engines of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc | |
8483.50 | - Flywheels and pulleys, including pulley blocks | |
ex | 8483.60 | - Clutches and shaft couplings (including universal joints) |
8483.6010 | - - for motorcycle engines of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc | |
8483.90 | - Parts | |
84.84 | Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal; sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings; mechanical seals. | |
84.85 | Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors, insulators, coils, contacts or other electrical features, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter. | |
8485.90 | - Other | |
85.02 | Electric generating sets and rotary converters. | |
- Generating sets with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines): | ||
8502.11 | - - Of an output not exceeding 75 kVA | |
85.04 | Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors. | |
8504.10 | - Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes | |
- Liquid dielectric transformers: | ||
ex | 8504.21 | - - Having a power handling capacity not exceeding 650 kVA |
- - - instrument transformers | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - with industrial frequency of 25 to 60 periods including per second, of a power: | ||
8504.2181 | - - - - - not exceeding 0.5 kVA | |
8504.2189 | - - - - - other | |
8504.2199 | - - - - other | |
ex | 8504.22 | - - Having a power handling capacity exceeding 650 kVA but not exceeding 10,000 kVA |
- - - instrument transformers | ||
- - - other: | ||
8504.2291 | - - - - with industrial frequency of 25 to 60 periods including per second, of a power | |
8504.2299 | - - - - other | |
ex | 8504.23 | - - Having a power handling capacity exceeding 10,000 kVA |
- - - instrument transformers | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - with industrial frequency of 25 to 60 periods including per second, of a power: | ||
8504.2381 | - - - - - not exceeding 20.000 kVA | |
8504.2389 | - - - - - other | |
8504.2399 | - - - - other | |
- Other transformers: | ||
ex | 8504.31 | - - Having a power handling capacity not exceeding 1 kVA |
8504.3110 | - - - designed for toys or reduced size models for recreational purposes | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - instrument transformers | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - with industrial frequency of 25 to 60 periods including per second, of a power: | ||
8504.3192 | - - - - - - not exceeding 0.5 kVA | |
8504.3193 | - - - - - - other | |
8504.3198 | - - - - - other | |
ex | 8504.32 | - - Having a power handling capacity exceeding 1 kVA but not exceeding 16 kVA |
8504.3210 | - - - designed for toys or reduced size models for recreational purposes | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - instrument transformers | ||
- - - - other: | ||
8504.3292 | - - - - - with industrial frequency of 25 to 60 periods including per second | |
8504.3298 | - - - - - other | |
ex | 8504.33 | - - Having a power handling capacity exceeding 16 kVA but not exceeding 500 kVA |
- - - instrument transformers | ||
- - - other: | ||
8504.3391 | - - - - with industrial frequency of 25 to 60 periods including per second | |
8504.3399 | - - - - other | |
ex | 8504.34 | - - Having a power handling capacity exceeding 500 kVA |
- - - instrument transformers | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - with industrial frequency of 25 to 60 periods including per second, of a power:: | ||
8504.3481 | - - - - - not exceeding 20.000 KVA | |
8504.3489 | - - - - - other | |
8504.3499 | - - - - other | |
8504.40 | - Static converters | |
8504.50 | - Other inductors | |
85.06 | Primary cells and primary batteries. | |
8506.10 | - Manganese dioxide | |
8506.30 | - Mercuric oxide | |
8506.40 | - Silver oxide | |
8506.50 | - Lithium | |
8506.60 | - Air-zinc | |
8506.80 | - Other | |
ex | 8506.90 | - Parts |
8506.9090 | - - other than dry batteries | |
85.07 | Electric accumulators, including separators therefor, whether or not rectangular (including square). | |
8507.10 | - Lead-acid, of a kind used for starting piston engines | |
8507.20 | - Other lead-acid accumulators | |
8507.30 | - Nickel-cadmium | |
8507.40 | - Nickel-iron | |
8507.80 | - Other accumulators | |
85.16 | Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters; electric space heating apparatus and soil heating apparatus; electro-thermic hair-dressing apparatus (for example, hair dryers, hair curlers, curling tong heaters) and hand dryers; electric smoothing irons; other electro-thermic appliances of a kind used for domestic purposes; electric heating resistors, other than those of heading No. 85.45. | |
8516.10 | - Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters | |
- Electric space heating apparatus and electric soil heating apparatus: | ||
8516.21 | - - Storage heating radiators | |
8516.29 | - - Other | |
8516.60 | - Other ovens; cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings, grillers and roasters (used products see table E) | |
8516.80 | - Electric heating resistors | |
8516.90 | - Parts | |
85.29 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of headings Nos. 85.25 to 85.28. | |
ex | 8529.10 | - Aerials and aerial reflectors of all kinds; parts suitable for use therewith |
- - for television companies authorized by the Moroccan government and for the Maghreb Arab Press agency | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - aerials: | ||
- - - - for reception apparatus for television, parts suitable for use therewith | ||
- - - - - parabolic reflectors and similar aerial reflectors | ||
8529.1023 | - - - - - other | |
85.35 | Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, fuses, lightning arresters, voltage limiters, surge suppressors, plugs, junction boxes), for a voltage exceeding 1,000 volts. | |
8535.10 | - Fuses | |
- Automatic circuit breakers: | ||
8535.21 | - - For a voltage of less than 72.5 kV | |
8535.29 | - - Other | |
8535.30 | - Isolating switches and make-and-break switches | |
8535.90 | - Other | |
85.36 | Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets, lamp-holders, junction boxes), for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 volts. | |
8536.10 | - Fuses | |
8536.20 | - Automatic circuit breakers | |
8536.30 | - Other apparatus for protecting electrical circuits | |
- Relays: | ||
8536.50 | - Other switches | |
- Lamp-holders, plugs and sockets: | ||
8536.61 | - - Lamp-holders | |
8536.69 | - - Other | |
ex | 8536.90 | - Other apparatus |
8536.9010 | - - connecting strips for making connection in electrical circuits, other than for telecommunication or for instumental use | |
- - connectors and connector elements for telecommunication and instumental use | ||
- - collections for tops of sparking plugs with incorporated anti-interference, described in supplementary note no 4 of the present chapter | ||
8536.9090 | - - other | |
85.37 | Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases, equipped with two or more apparatus of heading No. 85.35 or 85.36, for electric control or the distribution of electricity, including those incorporating instruments or apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical control apparatus, other than switching apparatus of heading No. 85.17. | |
85.38 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading No. 85.35, 85.36 or 85.37. | |
85.44 | Insulated (including enamelled or anodised) wire, cable (including co-axial cable) and other insulated electric conductors, whether or not fitted with connectors; optical fibre cables, made up of individually sheathed fibres, whether or not assembled with electric conductors or fitted with connectors. | |
- Winding wire: | ||
8544.11 | - - Of copper | |
8544.20 | - Co-axial cable and other co-axial electric conductors | |
- Other electric conductors, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V: | ||
8544.41 | - - Fitted with connectors | |
8544.49 | - - Other | |
- Other electric conductors, for a voltage exceeding 80 V but not exceeding 1,000 V: | ||
8544.51 | - - Fitted with connectors | |
8544.59 | - - Other | |
8544.60 | - Other electric conductors, for a voltage exceeding 1,000 V | |
86.05 | Railway or tramway passenger coaches, not self-propelled; luggage vans, post office coaches and other special purpose railway or tramway coaches, not self-propelled (excluding those of heading No. 86.04). | |
86.06 | Railway or tramway goods vans and wagons, not self-propelled. | |
8606.l0 | - tank wagons and the like | |
- Other: | ||
8606.91 | - - Covered and closed | |
8606.92 | - - Open, with non-removable sides of a height exceeding 60cm | |
8606.99 | - - Other | |
87.01 | Tractors (other than tractors of heading No. 87.09). | |
ex | 8701.20 | - Road tractors for semi-trailers |
- - with spark-ignition reciprocation or rotary internal combustion piston engines or compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines: | ||
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
8701.2019 | - - - other (used products see table E) | |
- - with other engines: | ||
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
8701.2099 | - - - other | |
ex | 8701.90 | - Other |
- - with spark-ignition reciprocation or rotary internal combustion piston engines or compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines: | ||
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
- - - - wheeled agricultural tractors | ||
- - - - other tractors: | ||
- - - - - tractors fitted with winches | ||
- - - - - other: | ||
- - - - - - road tractors, including tractors with subsidiary provisions for the transport of goods | ||
- - - - - - other | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - wheeled agricultural tractors | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - tractors fitted with winches | ||
ex | 8701.9042 | - - - - - road tractors, including tractors with subsidiary provisions for the transport of goods |
8701.904210 | - - - - - - new | |
87.02 | Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. | |
ex | 8702.10 | - With compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) |
- - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
- - other: | ||
8702.1091 | - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | |
ex | 8702.1092 | - - - buses designed for the transport of persons |
8702.109210 | - - - - new | |
ex | 8702.1099 | - - - other |
- - - - of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 3,000 cc | ||
8702.109911 | - - - - - new | |
- - - - other | ||
8702.109991 | - - - - - new | |
ex | 8702.90 | - with spark-ignition reciprocation or rotary internal combustion piston engines or compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines, other |
- - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - with spark-ignition reciprocation or rotary internal combustion piston engines | ||
8702.9021 | - - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | |
ex | 8702.9022 | - - - - buses designed for the transport of persons |
8702.902210 | - - - - - new | |
ex | 8702.9029 | - - - - other |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 3,000 cc | ||
8702.902911 | - - - - - - new | |
- - - - - other | ||
8702.902991 | - - - - - - new | |
8702.9090 | - - - vehicles with an electric engine or other engines | |
87.03 | Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading No. 87.02),including station wagons and racing cars. | |
8703.10 | - Vehicles specially designed for travelling on snow; golf cars and similar vehicles | |
- Other vehicles, with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engine: | ||
ex | 8703.21 | - - Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,000 cc |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
- - - other: | ||
8703.2120 | - - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | |
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed: | ||
8703.2131 | - - - - - new | |
8703.2139 | - - - - - used | |
ex | 8703.22 | - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,000 cc but not exceeding 1,500 cc |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
- - - other: | ||
8703.2220 | - - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | |
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed: | ||
8703.2231 | - - - - - new | |
8703.2239 | - - - - - used | |
ex | 8703.23 | - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,500 cc but not exceeding 3,000 cc |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
- - - other: | ||
8703.2320 | - - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | |
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed: | ||
8703.2331 | - - - - - new | |
8703.2339 | - - - - - used | |
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,800 cc | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,800 cc, but not exceeding 2.200 cc: | ||
- - - - - - equipped ambulances | ||
8703.2353 | - - - - - - other new vehicles | |
8703.2358 | - - - - - - other used vehicles | |
- - - - - other: | ||
- - - - - - equipped ambulances | ||
8703.2383 | - - - - - - other new vehicles | |
8703.2388 | - - - - - - other used vehicles | |
ex | 8703.24 | - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc (without 8703.2482: ambulances and 8703.2483: other new vehicles) |
8703.2410 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff: | |
- - - other: | ||
8703.2420 | - - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | |
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed: | ||
8703.2431 | - - - - - new | |
8703.2439 | - - - - - used | |
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - equipped ambulances | ||
8703.2483 | - - - - - other new vehicles | |
8703.2488 | - - - - - other used vehicles | |
- Other vehicles, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel): | ||
ex | 8703.31 | - - Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,500 cc |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff: | ||
- - - other: | ||
8703.3120 | - - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | |
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed: | ||
8703.3131 | - - - - - new | |
8703.3139 | - - - - - used | |
ex | 8703.32 | - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,500 cc but not exceeding 2,500 cc |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff: | ||
- - - other: | ||
8703.3220 | - - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | |
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed: | ||
8703.3231 | - - - - - new | |
8703.3239 | - - - - - used | |
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - with an engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,800 cc | ||
- - - - - with an engine of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,800 cc, but not exceeding 2.200 cc: | ||
- - - - - other: | ||
- - - - - - equipped ambulances | ||
8703.3283 | - - - - - - other new vehicles | |
8703.3288 | - - - - - - other used vehicles | |
8703.33 | - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,500 cc | |
8703.3310 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff: | |
- - - other: | ||
8703.3320 | - - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | |
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed: | ||
8703.3331 | - - - - - new | |
8703.3339 | - - - - - used | |
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - equipped ambulances | ||
8703.3383 | - - - - - other new vehicles | |
8703.3388 | - - - - - other used vehicles | |
87.04 | Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. | |
ex | 8704.10 | - Dumpers designed for off-highway use |
- - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
- - other: | ||
8704.1020 | - - - g.v.w. not exceeding 5 tonnes, with spark-ignition reciprocation or rotary internal combustion piston engines or compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines | |
- - - g.v.w. exceeding 5 tonnes, with spark-ignition reciprocation or rotary internal combustion piston engines or compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines | ||
8704.1030 | - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc | |
- - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more | ||
- - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 15 tonnes for mining and big quarries | ||
8704.1049 | - - - - - - used | |
8704.1050 | - - - - - other | |
8704.1080 | - - - vehicles with an electric engine or other engines | |
- Other, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel): | ||
ex | 8704.21 | - - g.v.w. not exceeding 5 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
ex | 8704.2190 | - - - other |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab: | ||
8704.219011 | - - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc | |
8704.219019 | - - - - - other | |
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed: | ||
8704.219021 | - - - - - new | |
8704.219029 | - - - - - used | |
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.219031 | - - - - - - - new | |
8704.219040 | - - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | |
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.219051 | - - - - - - - new | |
8704.219059 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - vans and pick-ups: | ||
8704.219061 | - - - - - - - new | |
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.219071 | - - - - - - - new | |
8704.219080 | - - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | |
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.219091 | - - - - - - - new | |
ex | 8704.22 | - - g.v.w. exceeding 5 tonnes but not exceeding 20 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
ex | 8704.2290 | - - - other |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab: | ||
8704.229011 | - - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc | |
8704.229019 | - - - - - other | |
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.229021 | - - - - - - - new | |
8704.229030 | - - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | |
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.229041 | - - - - - - - new | |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.229051 | - - - - - - - new | |
8704.229060 | - - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | |
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.229091 | - - - - - - - new | |
ex | 8704.23 | - - g.v.w. exceeding 20 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
ex | 8704.2390 | - - - other |
8704.239010 | - - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | |
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.239021 | - - - - - - - new | |
8704.239030 | - - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | |
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.239041 | - - - - - - - new | |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.239051 | - - - - - - - new | |
8704.239060 | - - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | |
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.239091 | - - - - - - - new | |
- Other, with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine: | ||
ex | 8704.31 | - - g.v.w. not exceeding 5 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
ex | 8704.3190 | - - - other |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab: | ||
8704.319011 | - - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc | |
8704.319019 | - - - - - other | |
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed: | ||
8704.319021 | - - - - - new | |
8704.319029 | - - - - - used | |
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.319031 | - - - - - - - new | |
8704.319040 | - - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | |
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.319051 | - - - - - - - new | |
8704.319059 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - vans and pick-ups: | ||
8704.319061 | - - - - - - - new | |
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.319071 | - - - - - - - new | |
8704.319080 | - - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | |
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.319091 | - - - - - - - new | |
ex | 8704.32 | - - g.v.w. exceeding 5 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
ex | 8704.3290 | - - - other |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab: | ||
8704.329011 | - - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc | |
8704.329019 | - - - - - other | |
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.329021 | - - - - - - - new | |
8704.329030 | - - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | |
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.329041 | - - - - - - - new | |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.329051 | - - - - - - - new | |
8704.329060 | - - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | |
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.329091 | - - - - - - - new | |
ex | 8703.90 | - Other |
- - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | ||
8704.9090 | - - other | |
87.05 | Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those principally designed for the transport of persons or goods (for example, breakdown lorries, crane lorries, fire fighting vehicles, concrete-mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries, mobile workshops, mobile radiological units). | |
ex | 8705.10 | - Crane lorries |
8705.100010 | - - new | |
ex | 8705.90 | - Other |
8705.9010 | - - equipped video buses for television companies authorized by the government and for the agency Maghred Arab Press | |
- - other: | ||
- - - ambulances equipped with an operating theatre | ||
ex | 8705.9099 | - - - other |
- - - - motor breakdown lorries and crane lorries: | ||
8705.909911 | - - - - - new | |
8705.909919 | - - - - - used | |
- - - - other: | ||
8705.909991 | - - - - - new | |
87.06 | Chassis fitted with engines, for the motor vehicles of headings Nos. 87.01 to 87.05. | |
87.07 | Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of headings Nos. 87.01 to 87.05. | |
87.08 | Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of headings Nos. 87.01 to 87.05. | |
8708.10 | - Bumpers and parts thereof | |
- Other parts and accessories of bodies (including cabs): | ||
8708.21 | - - Safety seat belts | |
8708.29 | - - Other | |
- Brakes and servo-brakes and parts thereof: | ||
8708.31 | - - Mounted brake linings | |
8708.39 | - - Other | |
ex | 8708.80 | - Suspension shock-absorbers |
8708.8010 | - - for the assembling industry: pedestrian controlled tractors of no 87.01, motor vehicles designed for the transport of persons, including vehicles for mixed purposes, with less than 15 seats, motor vehicles designed for the transport of goods, with spark-ignition internal cumbustion reciprocationg piston engine of a cylinder capacity less than 2.800 cc, or with compression-ignition internal combu- stion piston engine of a cylinder capacity less than 2.500 cc, special purpose motor vehicles of no 87.05 | |
- - other: | ||
8708.8020 | - - - assembled | |
- - - spare parts: | ||
8708.8091 | - - - - shafts, cylinders, bodies and bottoms of the bodies | |
- Other parts and accessories: | ||
8708.91 | - - Radiators | |
8708.92 | - - Silencers and exhaust pipes | |
8708.99 | - - Other | |
87.11 | Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side-cars. (8711.1011: used scooters and used disassembled motocycles see table E) | |
87.12 | Bicycles and other cycles (including delivery tricycles), not motorised. (used products see table E) | |
87.13 | Invalid carriages, whether or not motorised or otherwise mechanically propelled. | |
87.14 | Parts and accessories of vehicles of headings Nos. 87.11 to 87.13. | |
87.15 | Baby carriages and parts thereof. | |
87.16 | Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled; parts thereof. | |
8716.10 | - Trailers and semi-trailers of the caravan type, for housing or camping | |
8716.20 | - Self-loading or self-unloading trailers and semi-trailers for agricultural purposes | |
- Other trailers and semi-trailers for the transport of goods: | ||
ex | 8716.31 | - - Tanker trailers and tanker semi-trailers |
- - - imported disassembled and presented: | ||
8716.3111 | - - - - in form of (C.K.D.) components | |
8716.3119 | - - - - in form of (S.K.D) components | |
ex | 8716.3190 | - - - other |
8716.319010 | - - - - for transport of gas | |
- - - - other: | ||
8716.319091 | - - - - - new | |
ex | 8716.39 | - - Other |
- - - refrigerator semi-trailers | ||
- - - other, imported disassembled and presented: | ||
8716.3921 | - - - - in form of (C.K.D.) components | |
8716.3929 | - - - - in form of (S.K.D) components | |
ex | 8716.3980 | - - - other |
8716.398010 | - - - - new | |
8716.40 | - Other trailers and semi-trailers | |
8716.80 | - Other vehicles | |
8716.90 | - Parts | |
90.03 | Frames and mountings for spectacles, goggles or the like, and parts thereof. | |
90.04 | Spectacles, goggles and the like, corrective, protective or other. | |
90.21 | Orthopaedic appliances, including crutches, surgical belts and trusses; splints and other fracture appliances; artificial parts of the body; hearing aids and other appliances which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability. | |
- Artificial teeth and dental fittings: | ||
9021.21 | - - Artificial teeth | |
ex | 9021.30 | - Other artificial parts of the body |
9021.3010 | - - plastic sacks for urine | |
90.28 | Gas, liquid or electricity supply or production meters, including calibrating meters therefor. | |
9028.10 | - Gas meters | |
9028.20 | - Liquid meters | |
9028.30 | - Electricity meters | |
ex | 9028.90 | - Parts and accessories |
- - for water flow meters: | ||
- - - mechanisms | ||
9028.9019 | - - - other | |
9028.9090 | - - other | |
94.01 | Seats (other than those of heading No. 94.02), whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof. | |
94.03 | Other furniture and parts thereof. | |
94.04 | Mattress supports; articles of bedding and similar furnishing (for example, mattresses, quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, pouffes and pillows) fitted with springs or stuffed or internally fitted with any material or of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not covered. | |
94.05 | Lamps and lighting fittings including searchlights and spotlights and parts thereof, not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like, having a permanently fixed light source, and parts thereof not elsewhere specified or included. | |
94.06 | Prefabricated buildings. | |
95.04 | Articles for funfair, table or parlour games, including pintables, billiards, special tables for casino games and automatic bowling alley equipment. | |
9504.40 | - Playing cards | |
96.03 | Brooms, brushes (including brushes constituting parts of machines, appliances or vehicles), hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers, not motorised, mops and feather dusters; prepared knots and tufts for broom or brush making; paint pads and rollers; squeegees (other than roller squeegees). | |
96.04 | Hand sieves and hand riddles. | |
96.07 | Slide fasteners and parts thereof. | |
96.08 | Ball point pens; felt tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers; fountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens; duplicating stylos; propelling or sliding pencils; pen-holders, pencil-holders and similar holders; parts (including caps and clips) of the foregoing articles, other than those of heading No. 96.09. | |
96.09 | Pencils (other than pencils of heading No. 96.08), crayons, pencil leads, pastels, drawing charcoals, writing or drawing chalks and tailors' chalks. | |
96.10 | Slates and boards, with writing or drawing surfaces, whether or not framed. | |
96.11 | Date, sealing or numbering stamps, and the like (including devices for printing or embossing labels), designed for operating in the hand; hand-operated composing sticks and hand printing sets incorporating such composing sticks. | |
96.15 | Combs, hair-slides and the like; hairpins, curling pins, curling grips, hair-curlers and the like, other than those of heading No. 85.16, and parts thereof. | |
96.16 | Scent sprays and similar toilet sprays, and mounts and heads therefor; powder-puffs and pads for the application of cosmetics or toilet preparations. |
Table C to Annex III Referred to in Paragraph 3 of Article 4 Customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect
Customs duties and charges having equivalent effect applicable on import into Morocco of the products originating in an EFTA State listed in Table C shall be progressively abolished in accordance with the following schedule:
three years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 97 % of the basic duty;
four years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 94 % of the basic duty;
five years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 91 % of the basic duty;
six years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 88 % of the basic duty;
seven years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 73 % of the basic duty;
eight years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 58 % of the basic duty;
nine years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 43 % of the basic duty;
ten years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 28 % of the basic duty;
eleven years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty and charge having equivalent effect shall be reduced to 13 % of the basic duty;
twelve years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement the remaining duties shall be abolished.
Tabell 1.10 Table C to annex III
H.S. Code | Moroccan Heading No. | Description of Products |
87.03 | Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading No. 87.02),including station wagons and racing cars. | |
ex | 8703.21 | - - Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,000 cc |
8703.2110 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed: | ||
- - - - other: | ||
8703.2181 | - - - - - new vehicles | |
8703.2189 | - - - - - used vehicles | |
8703.22 | - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,000 cc but not exceeding 1,500 cc | |
ex | 8703.2210 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - equipped ambulances | ||
8703.2283 | - - - - - other new vehicles | |
8703.2288 | - - - - - other used vehicles | |
8703.23 | - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,500 cc but not exceeding 3,000 cc | |
8703.2310 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,800 cc: | ||
- - - - - - equipped ambulances | ||
8703.2343 | - - - - - - other new vehicles | |
8703.2348 | - - - - - - other used vehicles | |
- Other vehicles, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel): | ||
8703.31 | - - Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,500 cc | |
8703.3110 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,000 cc | ||
8703.3141 | - - - - - - new vehicles | |
8703.3149 | - - - - - - used vehicles | |
- - - - - other: | ||
8703.3181 | - - - - - - new vehicles | |
8703.3189 | - - - - - - used vehicles | |
8703.32 | - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,500 cc but not exceeding 2,500 cc | |
8703.3210 | - - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter in the Moroccan tariff | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - with an engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,800 cc: | ||
- - - - - - equipped ambulances | ||
8703.3243 | - - - - - - other new vehicles | |
8703.3248 | - - - - - - other used vehicles | |
- - - - - with an engine of a cylinder capacity less than 2,200 cc: | ||
- - - - - - equipped ambulances | ||
8703.3253 | - - - - - - other new vehicles | |
8703.3258 | - - - - - - other used vehicles |
Table D to Annex III Referred to in Paragraph 3 of Article 4 Customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect
The provisions of Article 4 shall not apply to the products appearing in Table D, without prejudice to the following:
the arrangements applying to the products listed in Table D shall be re-examined by the Joint Committee three years after the entry into force of this Agreement. At the time of re-examination, the Joint Committee shall establish a tariff-dismantling schedule for these products.
Tabell 1.11 Table D to annex III
H.S. Code | Moroccan Heading No. | Description of Products |
73.21 | Stoves, ranges, grates, cookers (including those with subsidiary boilers for central heating), barbecues, braziers, gas-rings, plate warmers and similar non-electric domestic appliances, and parts thereof, of iron or steel. | |
- Cooking appliances and plate warmers : | ||
ex | 7321.11 | - - For gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels |
7321.1111 | - - - used gas cooker | |
7321.1121 | - - - used gas heater | |
84.08 | Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines). | |
ex | 8408.90 | - Other engines |
- - of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 3,5 liters, in form of S.K.D. components, for the assembly industrie | ||
8408.9090 | - - other, used | |
84.18 | Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading No. 84.15. | |
8418.10 | - Combined refrigerator-freezers, fitted with separate external doors, used | |
- Refrigerators, household type : | ||
8418.21 | - - Compression-type, used | |
8418.22 | - - Absorption-type, electrical, used | |
8418.29 | - - Other, used | |
84.50 | Household or laundry-type washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry. | |
- Machines, each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 10 kg: | ||
ex | 8450.11 | - - Fully-automatic machines |
8450.1110 | - - - Of a unit capacity not exceeding 6 kg (of dry washing), used | |
ex | 8450.12 | - - Other machines, with built-in centrifugal drier |
8450.1210 | - - - Of a unit capacity not exceeding 6 kg (of dry washing), used | |
ex | 8450.19 | - - Other |
8450.1910 | - - - Of a unit capacity not exceeding 6 kg (of dry washing), used | |
85.16 | Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters; electric space heating apparatus and soil heating apparatus; electro-thermic hair-dressing apparatus (for example, hair dryers, hair curlers, curling tong heaters) and hand dryers; electric smoothing irons; other electro-thermic appliances of a kind used for domestic purposes; electric heating resistors, other than those of heading No. 85.45. | |
ex | 8516.60 | - Other ovens; cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings, grillers and roasters, used |
8516.60 | - - electric cookers and cookers with combined gas-electric appliances, used | |
87.11 | Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side-cars. | |
ex | 8711.10 | - With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc |
ex | 8711.1011 | - - assembled scooters and motorcycles, used |
87.12 | Bicycles and other cycles (including delivery tricycles), not motorised, used |
Table E to Annex III Referred to in Paragraph 3 of Article 4 Customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect
Customs duties shall not be abolished on products listed in Table E.
The arrangements provided for in Table E shall be re-examined by the Joint Committee.
Tabell 1.12 Table E to annex III
H.S. Code | Moroccan Heading No. | Description of Products |
40.12 | Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid or cushion tyres, interchangeable tyre treads and tyre flaps, of rubber. | |
4012.10 | - Retreaded tyres | |
4012.20 | - Used pneumatic tyres | |
ex | 4012.90 | - Other |
- - solid tyres or cushion tyres (half-solid) and interchangeable tyre treads: | ||
- - tyre flaps: | ||
- - - for pneumatic tyres of aircrafts: | ||
4012.9029 | - - - - used | |
- - - other, for pneumatic tyres of a unit weight: | ||
- - - - exceeding 70 kg: | ||
4012.9039 | - - - - - used | |
ex | 4012.9040 | - - - - exceeding 15 kg, but not exceeding 70 kg: |
4012.904090 | - - - - - used | |
ex | 4012.9090 | - - - - not exceeding 15 kg: |
- - - - - exceeding 2 kg, but not exceeding 15 kg: | ||
4012.909019 | - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - not exceeding 2 kg: | ||
4012.909090 | - - - - - - used | |
63.09 | Worn clothing and other worn articles. | |
87.01 | Tractors (other than tractors of heading No. 87.09). | |
ex | 8701.20 | - Road tractors for semi-trailers |
- - with spark-ignition reciprocation or rotary internal combustion piston engines or compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines: | ||
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart form the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter: | ||
8701.2019 | - - - other, used | |
ex | 8701.90 | - Other |
- - with spark-ignition reciprocation or rotary internal combustion piston engines or compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines: | ||
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart form the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter: | ||
- - - - wheeled agricultural tractors | ||
- - - - other tractors: | ||
- - - - - tractors fitted with winches | ||
- - - - - other: | ||
ex | 8701.9042 | - - - - - - road tractors, including tractors with subsidiary provisions for the transport of goods |
8701.904290 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - other: | ||
- - - - wheeled agricultural tractors | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - tractors fitted with winches | ||
- - - - - road tractors, including tractors with subsidiary provisions for the transport of goods | ||
ex | 8701.9049 | - - - - - other |
8701.904990 | - - - - - - used | |
87.02 | Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. | |
ex | 8702.10 | - With compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) |
- - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter: | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
ex | 8702.1092 | - - - buses designed for the transport of persons |
8702.109290 | - - - - used | |
ex | 8702.1099 | - - - other |
- - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
8702.109919 | - - - - - used | |
- - - - other: | ||
8702.109999 | - - - - - used | |
ex | 8702.90 | - Other |
- - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter: | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - with spark-ignition reciprocation or rotary internal combustion piston engines: | ||
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
ex | 8702.9022 | - - - - buses designed for the transport of persons |
8702.902290 | - - - - - used | |
ex | 8702.9029 | - - - - other |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc | ||
8702.902919 | - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - other: | ||
8702.902999 | - - - - - - used | |
87.04 | Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. | |
- Other, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) : | ||
ex | 8704.21 | - - g.v.w. not exceeding 5 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter: | ||
ex | 8704.2190 | - - - other |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab: | ||
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed: | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.219039 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - vans and pick-ups: | ||
8704.219069 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.219079 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.219099 | - - - - - - - used | |
ex | 8704.22 | - - g.v.w. exceeding 5 tonnes but not exceeding 20 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter | ||
ex | 8704.2290 | - - - other |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab: | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.229029 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.229049 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.229059 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.229099 | - - - - - - - used | |
ex | 8704.23 | - - g.v.w. exceeding 20 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter | ||
ex | 8704.2390 | - - - other |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.239029 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.239049 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.239059 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.239099 | - - - - - - - used | |
- Other, with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine : | ||
ex | 8704.31 | - - g.v.w. not exceeding 5 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter | ||
ex | 8704.3190 | - - - other |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed: | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.319039 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - vans and pick-ups: | ||
8704.319069 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.319079 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.319099 | - - - - - - - used | |
ex | 8704.32 | - - g.v.w. exceeding 5 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter | ||
ex | 8704.3290 | - - - other |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.329029 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.329049 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.329059 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.329099 | - - - - - - - used | |
87.05 | Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those principally designed for the transport of persons or goods (for example, breakdown lorries, crane lorries, fire fighting vehicles, concrete-mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries, mobile workshops, mobile radiological units). | |
ex | 8705.10 | - Crane lorries |
8705.100090 | - - used | |
ex | 8705.90 | - Other |
- - equipped video buses for television companies authorized by the government and for the agency Maghred Arab Press | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - ambulances equipped with an operating theatre | ||
ex | 8705.9099 | - - - other |
- - - - motor breakdown lorries and crane lorries | ||
- - - - other: | ||
8705.909999 | - - - - - used | |
87.16 | Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled; parts thereof. | |
- Other trailers and semi-trailers for the transport of goods : | ||
ex | 8716.31 | - - Tanker trailers and tanker semi-trailers |
- - - imported disassembled | ||
ex | 8716.3190 | - - - other |
- - - - for the transport of gas | ||
- - - - other: | ||
8716.319099 | - - - - - used | |
ex | 8716.39 | - - Other |
- - - refrigerator semi-trailers | ||
- - - other, imported disassembled | ||
ex | 8716.3980 | - - - other: |
8716.398090 | - - - - used |
Table F to Annex III Referred to in Paragraph 4 of Article 4 Reference prices
Morocco hereby undertakes to eliminate the reference prices applied on 1 July 1997 to the products originating in an EFTA State listed in Table F at the latest three years after the entry into force of this Agreement.
Tabell 1.13 Table F to annex III
HS | Description | Reference price |
40.11.10 40.11.20 40.11.40 40.11.50 40.11.91 40.11.99 | New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, of a kind used on motor cars, buses, lorries, motorcycles and bicycles; other tyres | 36 DH/KG |
40.13.10 | Inner tubes of a kind used on motor cars, buses and lorries | 36 DH/KG |
40.13.20 | Inner tubes of a kind used on bicycles and bicycles with auxiliary motors | 44 DH/KG | | Other inner tubes | 36 DH/KG |
51.06 | Yarn of carded wool, not put up for retail sale | 55 DH/KG |
51.07 | Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale | 100 DH/KG |
EX 51.11 | Woven fabrics of carded wool containing at least 85 % wool, not exceeding 300g/m2 in weight | 250 DH/KG |
EX 51.11 | Other woven fabrics of carded wool containing at least 85 % wool, exceeding 300g/m2 in weight | 200 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.11 | Woven fabrics of combed wool containing at least 85 % wool, not exceeding 200g/m2 in weight | 300 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.19 | Other woven fabrics of combed wool containing at least 85 % wool, exceeding 200g/m2 in weight | 300 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.20 | Other woven fabrics of combed wool containing less than 85 % wool, mixed with man-made filaments | 250 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.30 | Other woven fabrics of combed wool containing less than 85 % wool, mixed with man-made staple fibers, of a weight exceeding 200 g/m2 but not exceeding 375 g/m2 | 250 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.30 | Other woven fabrics of combed wool containing less than 85 % wool, mixed with synthetic or man-made staple fibers, of a weight not exceeding 200 g/m2 | 300 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.90 | Woven fabrics of combed wool containing less than 85 % wool, mixed with other materials, of a weight exceeding 375 g/m2 | 250 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.90 | Woven fabrics of combed wool containing less than 85 % wool, mixed with other materials, of a weight exceeding 200g/m2 but not exceeding 375g/m2 | 300 DH/KG |
52.05 52.06 | Cotton yarn not put up for retail sale | 55 DH/KG | | Woven fabrics of cotton containing 85 % or more of cotton, dyed or printed, plain weave, weighing more than 130 g/m2 but not more than 200 g/m2 , of a width exceeding 115 cm but not exceeding 165 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Woven fabrics of cotton containing 85 % or more of cotton, dyed or printed, plain weave, weighing more than 130 g/m2 but not more than 200 g/m2 , of a width exceeding 165 cm | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX | Other woven fabrics of cotton containing at least 85 % of cotton, dyed, weighing more than 100 g/m2 but not more than 130 g/m2 , of a width exceeding 115 cm | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX | Other woven fabrics of cotton containing at least 85 % of cotton, of yarns of different colours, weighing more than 100 g/m2 but not more than 165 g/m2 , of a width exceeding 85 cm | 250 DH/KG |
EX EX EX EX | Cotton fabrics containing at least 85 % of cotton, printed, weighing not more than 200 g/m2 , of a width exceeding 115 cm | 250 DH/KG | | Fabrics containing at least 85 % of cotton, dyed or printed, of a weight exceeding 200 g/m2 | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX EX | Fabrics containing at least 85 % of cotton, of yarns of different colours, of a weight exceeding 200 g/m2 and of a width exceeding 115 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Fabrics containing at least 85 % of cotton, printed, of a weight exceeding 200 g/m2 and of a width exceeding 115 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Unbleached fabrics containing less than 85 % of cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man-made fibers, of a weight not exceeding 200 g/m2 and of a width of 85 cm or more | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX EX EX EX | Fabrics containing less than 85 % of cotton, dyed or of yarns of different colours, of a weight not exceeding 200 g/m2 and of a width of 85 cm or more | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX | Fabrics containing less than 85 % of cotton, printed, of a weight not exceeding 200 g/m2 and of a width exceeding 115 cm | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX EX EX EX EX | Fabrics containing less than 85 % of cotton, dyed or of yarns of different colours, of a weight exceeding 200 g/m2 and of a width of 85 cm or more | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX | Fabrics containing less than 85 % of cotton, printed, of a weight exceeding 200 g/m2 and of a width exceeding 115 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Other cotton fabrics, dyed or of yarns of different colours, of a weight not exceeding 200 g/m2 and of a width of 85 cm or more | 200 DH/KG | | Other cotton fabrics, printed, of a weight not exceeding 200 g/m2 and of a width of 85 cm or more | 200 DH/KG | | Other cotton fabrics, dyed, printed or of yarns of different colours, of a weight exceeding 200 g/m2 and of a width of 85 cm or more | 200 DH/KG | | Woven fabrics of flax containing at least 85 % of flax, unbleached, of a width of 160 cm or more and of a weight not exceeding 400 g/m2 | 200 DH/KG | | Woven fabrics of flax containing less than 85 % of flax, of a width of no more than 160 cm, other than bleached or unbleached | 200 DH/KG | | Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading No 5303 | 10 DH/KG |
54.02.31 54.02.32 | Textured yarn of nylon or other polyamides | 32 DH/KG |
54.02.33 | Textured polyester yarn | 32 DH/KG | | Textured polyethylene or polypropylene yarn | 32 DH/KG | | Other textured yarns of man-made filaments other than acetate | 32 DH/KG | | Fabrics containing at least 85 % by weight of filaments of nylon or other polyamides, unbleached, clear, for glazing | 200 DH/KG | | Fabrics containing at least 85 % by weight of textured polyester filaments, bleached or unbleached, clear, for glazing | 200 DH/KG | | Fabrics containing at least 85 % by weight of non-textured polyester filaments, bleached, unbleached or scoured, clear, for glazing | 200 DH/KG | | Other fabrics containing at least 85 % by weight of synthetic filaments, bleached or unbleached, clear, for glazing | 200 DH/KG | | Fabrics containing at least 85 % of nylon or other polyamide filaments, dyed, printed or of yarns of different colours, clear, for glazing | 200 DH/KG | | Fabrics containing at least 85 % of nylon or other polyamide filaments, dyed, printed or of yarns of different colours, of a width exceeding 57 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Other fabrics containing at least 85 % of textured polyester filaments, dyed, printed or of yarns of different colours, of a width exceeding 57 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Other fabrics containing at least 85 % of non-textured polyester filaments, dyed, printed or of yarns of different colours, of a width exceeding 57 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Other fabrics containing at least 85 % of synthetic filaments, dyed, printed or of yarns of different colours, of a width exceeding 57 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Jacquard fabrics containing at least 85 % by weight of synthetic filaments | 200 DH/KG | | Jacquard fabrics containing less than 85 % by weight of synthetic filaments, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, dyed, printed or of yarns of different colours | 200 DH/KG | | Jacquard fabrics containing less than 85 % by weight of synthetic filaments, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, dyed, printed or of yarns of different colours | 200 DH/KG | | Other fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, dyed, printed or of yarns of different colours | 200 DH/KG | | Dyed fabrics containing at least 85 % by weight of filaments, strip and the like, artificial, of a width exceeding 57 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Jacquard fabrics containing at least 85 % by weight of filaments, strip and the like, artificial, of a width exceeding 115 cm but less than 140 cm, weighing over 250 g/m2 , of yarns of different colours | 200 DH/KG | | Fabrics containing at least 85 % by weight of filaments, strip and the like, artificial, of yarns of different colours, measuring 216,66 decitex or more, of a width of 140 cm or more (mattress ticking) | 200 DH/KG | | Fabrics of yarns of different colours, containing at least 85 % by weight of filaments, strip and the like, artificial, of a width of over 75 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Fabrics of yarns of different colours, containing at least 85 % by weight of filaments, strip and the like, artificial, of a width of over 57 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Other fabrics of artificial filament yarn, dyed, printed or of yarns of different colours | 200 DH/KG | | Other jacquard fabrics of artificial filament yarn, of a width exceeding 115 cm but less than 140 cm, weighing over 250 g/m2 | 200 DH/KG | | Other fabrics of artificial filament yarn, of yarns of different colours, measuring 216,66 decitex or more, of a width of 140 cm or more (mattress ticking) | 200 DH/KG |
55.09 55.10 | Yarn (other than sewing thread) of man-made staple fibres, not put up for retail sale | 85 DH/KG |
55.11 | Yarn (other than sewing thread) of man-made staple fibres, put up for retail sale | 55 DH/KG | | Printed fabrics containing at least 85 % by weight of synthetic staple fibres | 200 DH/KG | | Fabrics of yarns of different colours, containing at least 85 % by weight of synthetic staple fibres | 200 DH/KG | | Printed fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton | 200 DH/KG | | Other printed fabrics, of polyester staple fibres | 200 DH/KG | | Other printed fabrics, of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres | 200 DH/KG | | Other printed fabrics, of other staple fibres | 200 DH/KG | | Other fabrics of polyester staple fibres, jacquard, of a width exceeding 115 cm but less than 140 cm, weighing over 250 g/m2, or other, of yarns of different colours | 200 DH/KG | | Other fabrics of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, jacquard, of a width exceeding 115 cm but less than 140 cm, weighing over 250 g/m2 , or other fabrics, of yarns of different colours | 200 DH/KG | | Other fabrics of other synthetic staple fibres, jacquard, of a width exceeding 115 cm but less than 140 cm, weighing over 250 g/m2 , or other fabrics, of yarns of different colours | 200 DH/KG | | Printed fabrics containing at least 85 % by weight of artificial staple fibres | 200 DH/KG | | Fabrics of artificial staple fibres, containing at least 85 % by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or wholly with synthetic filaments, jacquard, of a width exceeding 115 cm but less than 140 cm, weighing over 250 g/m2 , of yarns of different colours | 200 DH/KG | | Fabrics of artificial staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or wholly with synthetic filaments, jacquard, of a width of 140 cm or more (mattress ticking), of yarns of different colours | 200 DH/KG | | Printed fabrics of artificial staple fibres containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres | 200 DH/KG |
56.05 (except | Metallised yarn, whether or not gimped, being textile yarn, or strip or the like of heading No 5404 or 5405, combined with metal in the form of thread, strip or powder, or covered with metal | 85 DH/KG | | Yarns of chenille, silk, waste silk other than noil, noil silk, spun yarn or yarn of heading No 5605, or metal yarn | 85 DH/KG | | Yarn, strip and the like of heading Nos 5404 or 5405 other than those of heading No 5605 and other than yarns of horsehair, gimped silk, waste silk other than noil or of noil silk | 85 DH/KG |
57.01.901 | Carpets, knotted, whether or not made up2 | 1600 DH/m2 |
57.02 (except 57.02.10 and 57.02.20) 57.03 EX 57.04 57.05 | Carpets and carpeting 2 | 800 DH/m2 400 DH/m2 |
EX 58.01 | Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics, other than fabrics of heading No 5806, impregnated, coated, or plastic-covered or -laminated | 40 DH/KG | | Uncut cotton weft pile fabrics | 200 DH/KG | | Woven pile fabrics weighing more than 350 g/m2 | 200 DH/KG | | Other woven cotton pile fabrics | 200 DH/KG | | Woven weft pile fabrics of man-made fibres | 200 DH/KG | | Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics, of jute or other textile bast fibres (other than articles of heading No 5806), referred to in note 2 to Chapter 58 | 10 DH/KG |
EX 58.02 | Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics other than those of heading No 5806; tufted textile fabrics, other than those of heading No 5703, impregnated, coated, or plastic-covered or -laminated | 200 DH/KG | | Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, of unbleached textiles | 200 DH/KG | | Gauze, other than that of heading No 5806, of jute or other textile bast fibres of heading No 5303 | 10 DH/KG |
EX 58.04 | Tulles and other net fabrics, not including woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics; lace in the piece, in strips or in motifs, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics | 40 DH/KG | | Textile products in the piece, composed of one or more layers of textile materials assembled by stitching or otherwise, other than embroidery of heading No 5810, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics | 40 DH/KG | | Textile products in the piece, composed of one or more layers of textile materials assembled with padding by stitching or otherwise, other than embroidery of heading No 5810, of fabrics of heading No 5310 | 10 DH/KG |
59.03 | Fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, other than those of heading 5902 | 40 DH/KG | | Textile wall coverings impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics | 40 DH/KG |
EX | Oil cloth and other textile fabrics coated with preparations with a basis of drying oil | 40 DH/KG |
EX 60.01.21 EX 60.01.22 EX 60.01.29 EX 60.01.91 EX 60.01.92 EX 60.01.99 | Pile fabrics, knitted or crocheted, other than «long pile» fabrics, other than unbleached | 200 DH/KG | | Other fabrics, warp knit (including those made on galloon knitting machines) | 200 DH/KG | | Other knitted or crocheted fabrics | 200 DH/KG |
61.04.11 61.04.12 61.04.13 61.04.19 61.04.21 61.04.22 61.04.31 61.04.32 61.04.33 61.04.39 (except 61.04.61 61.04.62 61.04.63 61.04.69 | Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers, bib-and-brace overalls, breeches and shorts, knitted or crocheted | 600 DH/KG |
61.04.41 61.04.42 61.04.43 61.04.44 61.04.49 61.04.51 61.04.52 61.04.53 61.04.59 | Dresses, skirts, divided skirts, knitted or crocheted | 600 DH/KG |
61.06 (except | Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, knitted or crocheted | 500 DH/KG |
EX 61.07 | Men's or boys' underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted | 350 DH/KG |
EX 61.08 | Women's or girls' slips, petticoats and négligés, knitted or crocheted | 350 DH/KG |
61.09 | T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted | 350 DH/KG |
61.10.10 61.10.20 61.10.30 61.10.90 (except | Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles, knitted or crocheted | 400 DH/KG |
61.12.11 61.12.12 61.12.19 | Track suits | 450 DH/KG |
62.03.31 62.03.32 62.03.33 62.03.39 62.04.31 62.04.32 62.04.33 62.04.39 | Men's or women's jackets and blazers | 1250 DH/UNIT |
62.03.11 62.03.12 62.03.19 62.03.21 62.03.22 62.03.23 62.03.29 62.04.11 62.04.12 62.04.13 62.04.19 62.04.21 62.04.22 62.04.23 62.04.29 | Men's or boys' suits or ensembles; women's or girls' suits or ensembles | 1750 DH/UNIT |
EX 62.03.41 EX 62.03.42 EX 62.03.43 EX 62.03.49 EX 62.04.61 EX 62.04.62 EX 62.04.63 EX 62.04.69 | Men's, boys', women's or girls' trousers or bib-and-brace overalls | 500 DH/UNIT |
EX 62.04.41 EX 62.04.42 EX 62.04.43 EX 62.04.44 EX 62.04.49 (except | Dresses, other than those of noil silk or silk waste other than noil | 1000 DH/UNIT |
62.05 62.06 (except 62.06.10) | Men's or boys' shirts; women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses | 200 DH/UNIT |
63.01 (except 63.01.10) | Blankets (other than electric blancets) | 150 DH/KG |
63.02 | Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen | 400 DH/KG |
EX 63.05.10 EX 63.05.20 | Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods, of jute or other textile bast fibres of heading No 5303, imported empty | 10 DH/KG |
EX 63.05.32 EX 63.05.33 EX 63.05.39 | Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods, of man-made textile materials, imported empty | 28 DH/KG |
EX 63.05.90 | Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods, of other textile materials, imported empty | 10 DH/KG |
63.06.11 63.06.12 63.06.19 | Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds | 40 DH/KG |
63.06.21 63.06.22 63.06.29 | Tents | 40 DH/KG |
EX EX EX EX EX | Footwear with outer soles and uppers of leather (not covering the ankle) | 300 DH/PAIR |
EX EX EX EX EX | Other footwear with leather uppers (not covering the ankle) | 300 DH/PAIR |
EX EX | Other footwear with leather or composition leather uppers | 300 DH/PAIR |
EX EX | Other footwear | 300 DH/PAIR |
68.13 | Friction material and articles thereof (for example, sheets, rolls, strips, segments, discs, washers, pads) not mounted, for brakes, for clutches or the like, with a basis of asbestos, of other mineral substances or of cellulose, whether or not combined with textile or other materials | 120 DH/KG |
69.07 (except | Unglazed ceramic (except stoneware) flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles: - in biscuit form for the use of the industries in question - other | 19 DH/m2 40 DH/m2 | | Unglazed stoneware flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles with a smallest side exceeding 5 cm: - imported by the entrepreneurs in question - other | 1,60 DH/KG 3,50 DH/KG |
69.08 (except | Glazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles | 3,50 DH/KG | | Glazed ceramic tiles, cubes and mosaic cubes with a smallest side not exceeding 5 cm | 60 DH/m2 |
69.10 | Ceramic sinks, wash basins, wash basin pedestals, baths, bidets, water closet pans, flushing cisterns, urinals and similar sanitary fixtures | 11 DH/KG | | Stemless glasses (tumblers), not cut, etched, engraved or decorated, of glass other than crystal and other than that having a low expansion coefficient: - with a capacity of under 250 ml - with a capacity of 250 ml or more | 26 DH/KG 13 DH/KG | | Cookers with maximum 4 burners Cookers with 5 burners, with an oven not exceeding a volume of 70 liters Cookers with 5 burners, with an oven exceeding a volume of 70 liters, or cookers with more than 5 burners | 2000 DH/U 3000 DH/U 4500 DH/U | | Mattocks and picks | 20 DH/KG |
EX | Hoes | 32 DH/KG |
8205.20.00.00 | Hammers and sledge hammers | 32 DH/KG |
83.01.30 83.01.40 | Locks | 50 DH/KG | | Cylinder blocks for mopeds of a cylinder capacity of 50 cc or less | 200 DH/KG | | Pistons for mopeds of a cylinder capacity of 50 cc or less | 300 DH/KG | | Refirigirators with one door Refirigirators with two doors | 2750 DH/U 3500 DH/U | | Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for gases and liquids, for engines | -80 DH/KG CAV TYPE -45 DH/KG OTHER | | Washing machines (4 to 6 kg of loundry) | 4000 DH/UNIT | | Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for buildings | 85 DH/KG |
EX | Cookers with maximum 4 burners Cookers with 5 burners, with an oven not exceeding a volume of 70 liters Cookers with 5 burners, with an oven exceeding a volume of 70 liters, or cookers with more than 5 burners | 2000 DH/U 3000 DH/U 4500 DH/U | | Publicity film entirely produced abroad5 | 50.000 DH/U | | Bars for connecting electrical circuits and parts of such circuits | 80 DH/KG | EX | Switches and parts of switches for household use | 80 DH/KG | | Lamp-holders and parts of lamp-holders | 120 DH/KG | EX | Plugs and sockets and parts of plugs and sockets for household use | 80 DH/KG |
EX 87.03 | New private motor cars Used private motor cars | 69500 DH/U 65000 DH/U |
EX 87.01 EX 87.02 EX 87.04 EX 87.05 | Used road tractors Used buses Used motor vehicles for the transport of goods Used special purpose motor vehicles | See schemes below a) |
87.08.31 87.08.39 | Mounted brake linings for motor vehicles | 120 DH/KG | | Motorcycle saddles | 70 DH/UNIT | | Bicycle saddles | 30 DH/UNIT |
EX EX | Hubs | 25 DH/PAIR |
EX EX | Crank-gear sets | 9 DH/SET |
EX EX | Steering gear | 9 DH/SET | | Low- and medium-voltage electricity meters: -for single phase -for three-phase | 185 DH/UNIT 412 DH/UNIT |
1 Minimum reference price for persian silk carpets and the like of heading no 57.01.90: 3800 DH/m2
2 No reference prices for carpets and carpetings in form of one or more precut pieces for bath rooms, kitchens or mats for vehicules are applicable.
The reference price of 800 DH/m2 for doormats of coconut fibres of heading no Ex 5702.20.00, Ex 5703.90.00 and Ex 5705.00.00 is not applicable
3 electric burners count as burners too.
4 electric burners count as burners too.
5 the reference price is applicable for all supports of publicity films, except for V.H.S. type video cassettes
IBasic value for road tractors with subsidiary provisions for the transport of goods
Weight of vehicle | tipper truck | open platform trucks | caisson trucks, pick-ups or insulated trucks without compressors | refrigirator trucks | refuse collectors with compression device | tank waggons | Mulit tipper trucks | Other lorries |
> 3,5 T | 170 | 160 | 180 | 230 | 380 | 220 | 360 | 300 |
3,5 T - 5,4 T | 210 | 210 | 230 | 310 | 410 | 250 | 390 | 340 |
5.5 T - 6,4 T | 270 | 260 | 290 | 390 | 450 | 270 | 410 | 370 |
6,5 T - 7,9 T | 290 | 270 | 350 | 460 | 480 | 330 | 430 | 430 |
8 T - 10,9 T | 370 | 350 | 530 | 710 | 580 | 390 | 470 | 490 |
11 T - 14,9 T | 400 | 390 | 710 | 950 | 630 | 530 | 510 | 580 |
15 T - 18,9 T | 690 | 630 | 890 | 1180 | 720 | 670 | 840 | 880 |
19 T - 25,9 T | 840 | 790 | 1070 | 1400 | 1040 | 850 | 1070 | 1250 |
26 T and more | 940 | 890 | 1260 | 1650 | 1140 | 1020 | 1190 | 1300 |
NB: the value is in thousands of dirhams
II Basic value for road tractors only 850.000 DH
III Basic value for motor cars
Vehicles | Value in Dirhams |
Less than 10 seats | 600.000 |
11 to 24 seats | 820.000 |
25 to 40 seats | 1.160.000 |
More than 40 seats | 1.340.000 |
IV Basic value for the vehicles for the transport of persons, other than motor cars (buses)
850.000 DH. vehicles without climatisation
1.100.000 DH vehicles with climatisation
Devaluation scheme for professional or industrial vehicles
Under one year None
one to two years 10 %
two to three years 20 %
three to four years 30 %
four to five years 40 %
over five yearsm 50 %
Annex IV Referred to in paragraph 3 of article 8 Quantitative restrictions on imports or exports and measures having equivalent effect
Quantitative restrictions shall not be abolished on products listed in this Annex.
The arrangements provided for in this Annex shall be re-examined by the Joint Commitee.
H.S. Code | Moroccan Heading No. | Description of Products |
40.12 | Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid or cushion tyres, interchangeable tyre treads and tyre flaps, of rubber. | |
4012.10 | - Retreaded tyres | |
4012.20 | - Used pneumatic tyres | |
ex | 4012.90 | - Other |
- - solid tyres or cushion tyres (half-solid) and interchangeable tyre treads: | ||
- - tyre flaps: | ||
- - - for pneumatic tyres of aircrafts: | ||
4012.9029 | - - - - used | |
- - - other, for pneumatic tyres of a unit weight: | ||
- - - - exceeding 70 kg: | ||
4012.9039 | - - - - - used | |
ex | 4012.9040 | - - - - exceeding 15 kg, but not exceeding 70 kg: |
4012.904090 | - - - - - used | |
ex | 4012.9090 | - - - - not exceeding 15 kg: |
- - - - - exceeding 2 kg, but not exceeding 15 kg: | ||
4012.909019 | - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - not exceeding 2 kg: | ||
4012.909090 | - - - - - - used | |
63.09 | Worn clothing and other worn articles. | |
87.01 | Tractors (other than tractors of heading No. 87.09). | |
ex | 8701.20 | - Road tractors for semitrailers |
- - with spark-ignition reciprocation or rotary internal combustion piston engines or compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines: | ||
- - - imported disassembled, in formof (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart form the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter: | ||
ex | 8701.2019 | - - - other, used |
ex | 8701.90 | - Other |
- - with spark-ignition reciprocation or rotary internal combustion piston engines or compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines: | ||
- - - imported disassembled, in formof (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart form the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter: | ||
- - - other: | ||
- - - - wheeled agricultural tractors | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - tractors fitted with winches | ||
ex | 8701.9042 | - - - - - road tractors, including tractors with subsidiary provisions for the transport of goods |
8701.904290 | - - - - - - used | |
ex | 8701.9049 | - - - - - other |
8701.904990 | - - - - - - used | |
87.02 | Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons, including the driver. | |
ex | 8702.10 | - With compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semidiesel) |
- - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter: | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
ex | 8702.1092 | - - - tourist buses |
8702.109290 | - - - - used | |
ex | 8702.1099 | - - - other |
- - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
8702.109919 | - - - - - used | |
- - - - other: | ||
8702.109999 | - - - - - used | |
ex | 8702.90 | - Other |
- - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter: | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - with spark-ignition reciprocation or rotary internal combustion piston engines: | ||
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
ex | 8702.9022 | - - - - tourist buses |
8702.902290 | - - - - - used | |
ex | 8702.9029 | - - - - other |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc | ||
8702.902919 | - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - other: | ||
8702.902999 | - - - - - - used | |
87.04 | Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. | |
- Other, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semidiesel): | ||
ex | 8704.21 | - - g.v.w. not exceeding 5 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter: | ||
ex | 8704.2190 | - - - other: |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab: | ||
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed: | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.219039 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - vans and pick-ups: | ||
8704.219069 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.219079 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.219099 | - - - - - - - used | |
ex | 8704.22 | - - g.v.w. exceeding 5 tonnes but not exceeding 20 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter | ||
ex | 8704.2290 | - - - other |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab: | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.229029 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.229049 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.229059 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.229099 | - - - - - - - used | |
ex | 8704.23 | - - g.v.w. exceeding 20 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter | ||
ex | 8704.2390 | - - - other |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.239029 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.239049 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.239059 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.239099 | - - - - - - - used | |
- Other, with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine: | ||
ex | 8704.31 | - - g.v.w. not exceeding 5 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter | ||
ex | 8704.3190 | - - - other |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
- - - - four wheel drive off-road vehicles (with differential gear box), with a payload of 500 kg or more but less than 900 kg, not entierly closed | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.319039 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - vans and pick-ups: | ||
8704.319069 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.319079 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.319099 | - - - - - - - used | |
ex | 8704.32 | - - g.v.w. exceeding 5 tonnes |
- - - imported disassembled, in form of (C.K.D.) components, dispatched for assembly lines authorized by the government, apart from the components listed in the supplementary note no 1 of this chapter | ||
ex | 8704.3290 | - - - other |
- - - - motor vehicle chassis with a cab | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity less than 3,000 cc: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.329029 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.329049 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc or more: | ||
- - - - - - tank waggons: | ||
8704.329059 | - - - - - - - used | |
- - - - - - waggons and trucks specially designed for the transport of highly radioactive products | ||
- - - - - - other: | ||
8704.329099 | - - - - - - - used | |
87.05 | Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those principally designed for the transport of persons or goods (for example, breakdown lorries, crane lorries, fire fighting vehicles, concrete-mixer lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries, mobile workshops, mobile radiological units). | |
ex | 8705.10 | - Crane lorries |
8705.100090 | - - used | |
ex | 8705.90 | - Other |
- - equipped video buses for television companies authorized by the government and for the agency Maghred Arab Press | ||
- - other: | ||
- - - ambulances equipped with an operating theatre | ||
ex | 8705.9099 | - - - other |
- - - - motor breakdown lorries and crane lorries | ||
- - - - other: | ||
8705.909999 | - - - - - used | |
87.16 | Trailers and semitrailers; other vehicles, not mechanically propelled; parts thereof. | |
- Other trailers and semitrailers for the transport of goods: | ||
ex | 8716.31 | - - Tanker trailers and tanker semitrailers |
- - - imported disassembled | ||
ex | 8716.3190 | - - - other |
- - - - for the transport of gas | ||
- - - - other: | ||
8716.319099 | - - - - - used | |
ex | 8716.39 | - - Other |
- - - refrigerator semitrailers | ||
- - - other, imported disassembled | ||
ex | 8716.3980 | - - - other: |
8716.398090 | - - - - used |
Annex V Referred to in Article 16 Protection of intellectual property
Article 1 Definition and scope of protection
«Intellectual property protection» comprises in particular protection of copyright and neighbouring rights, including computer programmes and databases, trademarks for goods and services, geographical indications, including appellations of origin, industrial designs, patents, plant varieties, topographies of integrated circuits, as well as undisclosed information.
Article 2 International conventions
The States Parties to this Agreement reaffirm their commitment to comply with the obligations set out in the following multilateral agreements:
WTO Agreement of 15 April 1994 on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement);
Paris Convention of 20 March 1883 for the Protection of Industrial Property (Stockholm Act, 1967);
Bern Convention of 9 September 1886 for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (Paris Act, 1971).
The States Parties to this Agreement which are not Parties to one or more of the agreements listed below shall undertake to obtain their adherence to the following multilateral agreements before 1 January 1999:
Patent Cooperation Treaty of 19 June 1970 (Washington Act, amended in 1979 and modified in 1984);
Protocol of 27 June 1989 relating to the Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of Marks;
Nice Agreement of 15 June 1957 Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration Marks (Geneva Act 1977 amended in 1979).
The States Parties to this Agreement which are not parties to one or more of the Agreements listed below shall undertake to obtain their adherence to the following multilateral agreements before 1 January 2000:
Budapest Treaty of 28 April 1977 on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Micro-organisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure;
International Convention of 2 December 1961 for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV Convention);
International Convention of 26 October 1961 for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations (Rome Convention);
The States Parties to this Agreement agree to promptly hold expert consultations, upon request of any State Party, on activities relating to the identified or to future international conventions on harmonization, administration and enforcement of intellectual property rights and on activities in international organizations, such as the WTO and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), as well as relations of the States Parties with third countries on matters concerning intellectual property.
Article 3 Additional substantive standards
The States Parties to this Agreement shall ensure in their national laws at least the following:
adequate and effective protection of copyright, including computer programmes and compilations of data, as well as of neighbouring rights;
adequate and effective protection of trademarks for goods and services, in particular of well-known trademarks;
adequate and effective protection of industrial designs by providing in particular a period of protection of five years from the date of application with a possibility of renewal for two consecutive periods of five years each;
adequate and effective patent protection for inventions in all fields of technology on a level similar to that prevailing in the European Patent Convention of 5 October 1973;
adequate and effective protection of undisclosed information;
compulsory licensing of patents shall only be granted under the conditions of Article 31 of the TRIPS Agreement. Licences granted on the grounds of non-working shall be used only to the extent necessary to satisfy the domestic market on reasonable commercial terms.
The States Parties to this Agreement shall ensure in their national laws at the latest before 1 January 2000 at least the following:
adequate and effective means to protect geographical indications, including appellations of origin, with regard to all products and services;
adequate and effective protection of topographies of integrated circuits;
Article 4 Acquisition and maintenance of intellectual property rights
Where the acquisition of an intellectual property right is subject to the right being granted or registered, the States Parties to this Agreement shall ensure that the procedures for grant or registration are of the same level as that provided in the TRIPS Agreement, in particular Article 62.
Article 5 Enforcement of intellectual property rights
The States Parties to this Agreement shall provide for enforcement provisions under their national laws of the same level as that provided in the TRIPS Agreement, in particular Articles 41 to 61.
Annex VI On the interpretation of article 18 State aid
The EFTA States and Morocco agree that the application of Article 18 shall be guided by the following criteria:
Only those measures can be classified as State aid which result in a net transfer of funds from State sources to the recipient through direct subsidies or which result in tax revenues foregone through tax concession; aid granted under schemes which are fully paid for by the beneficiaries are not State aid in the sense of Article 18; when assessing effects of State aid, the cumulative effects of all types of aid measures awarded to recipients are to be taken into consideration.
The following measures, in general fall outside, the scope of Article 18:
credits and loans from State sources or agencies, if the interest and capital repayments are in accordance with current market conditions;
guarantees given by States or State agencies, if the premiums cover the long-term cost of the scheme;
equity injections by States or State agencies if the rate of return on such investments can reasonably be expected to be at least equal to the cost of State borrowing;
tax measures including social security charges that are part of the general national income norm for tax purposes, available to all enterprises, and uniformly applied in a country.
The following measures are examples of types of aid normally consistent with the provisions of Article 18:
aid to research, development and innovation, provided it is clearly intended for the stimulation of such activities and that such activities are at a pre-competitive level; the pre-competitive level is understood to include applied research and development up to and including the development of a first prototype; such aid may be awarded up to a rate of 50 per cent of project costs or at differentiated tax rates of equivalent effect; basic research may be aided to a greater extent; the closer to the market place a project is, the lower the degree of subsidizations should be;
aid given to sectors with problems of overcapacity to rationalize the structure of industry by ensuring an orderly downscaling of production and employment; such measures should strictly be limited in duration and be accompanied by an adjustment programme; when evaluating problems of overcapacity the international situation as a whole and not merely in the country in question is to be taken into account;
general aid to export promotion such as national weeks, store promotion, industrial fairs, provided that such aid is not company-specific;
regional development aid to the extent that it does not interfere with conditions of fair competition; its purpose must be to put industries in regional development areas on an equal economic footing with industries in other parts of the country and not to increase capacity in sectors already suffering from problems of overcapacity; the definition of regional development areas, including areas in industrial decline, lies within the sole competence of the State Parties to this Agreement, which may be requested to furnish statistics detailing the reasons for the designation of such areas;
the aid in form of general public services to trade and industry on terms and conditions not favouring certain sectors and enterprises;
general aid for the creation of new employment opportunities provided such jobs are not in sectors already suffering from overcapacity;
environmental aid, under the general principle that the polluter-pays-principle is observed; investment specifically designated to reduce pollution may be aided up to a rate of 25 per cent or at differentiated tax rates of equivalent effect; recognizing the existence of different qualities of legislation or standards in other countries and their potential impact on trade and competition, the degree of subsidizations for specific industries shall be kept under constant review;
aid to small and medium-sized enterprises if intended to offset disadvantages directly linked to the size of the firm in question, such enterprises being understood as employing not more than 100 people and having an annual turnover of less than 10 million ECUs.
The following measures are examples of types of aid normally not consistent with Article 18:
aid to set against operating losses of enterprises, either directly or through the foregoing of payments due to public authorities;
the injection of equity capital in firms if it has the same effect as to set aid against operating losses;
aid to production in problem sectors suffering from structural overcapacity or to enterprises in difficulties if not accompanied by an adjustment programme and strictly limited in duration;
aid given as a rescue measure to specific firms if not given merely to provide time for the development of long-term solutions and to avoid acute social problems;
aid measures, including indirect taxes, that are applied in such a way as to discriminate in favour of domestically-produced goods and against like goods produced in another State Party to this Agreement;
the forms of aid to exports of goods to other State Parties to this Agreement as described in the Appendix.
Currency retention schemes or any similar practices which involve a bonus on exports or re-exports.
The provision by governments of direct subsidies to exporters.
The remission, calculated in relation to exports, of direct taxes or social welfare charges on industrial or commercial enterprises
The exemption, in respect of exported goods, from charges or taxes, other than charges in connection with importation or indirect taxes levied at one or several stages on the same goods if sold for internal consumption, or the payment, in respect of exported goods, of amounts exceeding those effectively levied at one or several stages on these goods in the form of indirect taxes or of charges in connection with importation or in borh forms.
In respect of deliveries by governments or governmental agencies of imported raw materials for export business on different terms than for domestic business, the charging of prices below world prices.
In respect of government export credit guarantees, the charging or premiums at rates which are manifestly inadequate to cover the long-term operating costs and losses of the credit insurance institutions.
The grant by governments (or special institutions controlled by governments) of export credits at rates below those which they have to pay in order to obtain the funds so employed.
The government bearing all or part of the costs incurred by exporters on obtaining credit.
Annex VII Rules for the implementation of article 18(3) State aid
I Annual reporting
1. The EFTA States and Morocco shall provide each other annually with complete data concerning the past State aid measures. The EFTA States may provide this information jointly.
2. The reports, covering aid by central and regional governments, shall contain information on aid by main categories, supplemented by data on main aid schemes and forms of aid used under each such category.
3. The report has to be submitted to the other party within one year following the fiscal year concerned. The first reports will cover the fiscal year after the entry into force of the Agreement.
4. The calculation of the net costs of aid measures shall be made in accordance with the methodology described in Appendix 1.
5. To the extent that certain measures are the result of laws or regulations passed at an earlier stage, the date relating to the receipt of the aid is the date on which it is received by the business enterprise concerned, not the date on which it is budgeted or paid into the funds of an intermediate agency.
II Procedure for notification of new aid schemes
6. With regard to the planned aid measures the State Parties to this Agreement shall provide data on suggested aid schemes or significant amendments of existing aid schemes as early as possible, and in any case not later than 60 days after the date of implementation of the measures in question, with the view to achieving as much transparency as possible.
7. The comprehensive notifications of new aid measures shall start as from the entry into force of this Agreement and shall be done in English by using the structure of the form reproduced at Appendix 2.
8. The notification shall be sent to the EFTA Secretariat who will forward it to Morocco in the case of a notification made by an EFTA State and to all the EFTA States in the case of a notification made by Morocco.
9. Each EFTA State shall have the right to request for further information on a measure proposed by Morocco as well as to comment upon it. Morocco shall have the same right as regards a measure proposed by an EFTA State. Such requests for information and comments as well as replies to them shall be sent to the EFTA Secretariat who will forward them to the State Party concerned as well as copies of the documents to other State Parties for information. A request for information or a comment made on a proposed aid scheme shall not prevent the initiation of consultations or any further steps of procedure under Article 25 of this Agreement.
III Requests for information
10. In addition to the right to request further information on notified aid schemes the EFTA States have an obligation to provide upon the request of Morocco information on any other aid schemes and individual cases. Morocco has the same obligation towards the EFTA States. The procedure provided in paragraph 9 above applies to these requests.
IV Other provisions
11. These procedures will be reviewed by the Joint Committee before the end of the year 2000 in the light of any relevant developments and experiences on the functioning of the system.
The net cost of grants is the amount actually paid out in any year. If some previously extended grants are reconverted and partially or fully paid back, the amount is deducted.
The net cost of loans is calculated by computing the (imputed) interest on loans outstanding during the year. The rate of interest used is the average cost of government borrowing for new loans in the year concerned, not the rate over the years over which the loans have already run. The amount of interest received by the public authorities is subtracted. Possible depreciations in the value of loans (write-offs) are added to the net costs.
The net cost of guarantees is equal to the cost of guarantees met in any one year, minus the fees received in that year and minus recoveries.
The net cost of equity is the difference between the cost of government borrowing and any dividends and/or repayments received. Reductions in the value of equity capital (e.g. write-offs) are added as a cost.
Title of aid scheme/aid measure.
Level of government responsible for scheme/aid measure:
central government,
regional government,
local authority or
Ministry or other administrative body with statutory responsibility for the scheme/aid measure and its implementation.
Legal basis:
e.g. law, ministerial decree etc. with title and references.
State whether a new scheme or an alteration to an existing one:
if a new scheme replaces an existing one, state which scheme.
If an alteration to an existing scheme give:
title of scheme,
date of previous notification
specify which rules and conditions are being changed and why.
Objective(s) of scheme/aid measure: Indicate only one category; state secondary objectives, if any. Horizontal:
rescue and restructuring
employment etc. Regional:
which regions, areas are eligible? Sectorial:
which sectors (NACE 3 digit or equivalent national nomenclature (specify)) 1are eligible?
Form(s) of aid:
soft loan (including details of the preferential interest rate and how the loan is secured)
interest subsidy
tax concession (e.g. deferred tax payments, lowered tax rates, exemptions of income from tax, reduced social security contributions etc.)
equity participation
guarantee (including details of how the guarantee is secured and any charges made for the guarantee)
aid tied to an R&D contract concluded with industrial firms (specify)
other (specify). Please state the following for each form of aid:
a precise description of its rules and conditions of application (in particular its intensity) and
its tax treatment.
State the eligible costs on which the aid is calculated for each form of aid (e.g. land, buildings, equipment, personnel, training, consultants' fees, etc.).
State other aid limitations or criteria for each form of aid:
specify any limits (no. of employees, turnover, balance sheet totals, other) on recipients of aid or any other positive conditions used to determine recipients;
state whether the aid is accorded automatically once certain objective criteria are fulfilled or whether there is an element of discretion by the awarding authorities.
Repayment and penalty arrangements:
repayment arrangements, if any, where projects are successful;
penalty arrangements, if any, where projects fail to comply with the conditions on which aid was granted.
Cumulation of aid:
where there is more than one form of aid, state to what extent a recipient may combine several forms of aid;
state to what extent the aid in question may be combined with other aid schemes in operation.
Duration of aid scheme/aid measure:
date of aid measure/scheme coming into force and date until which it will remain in force;
if an existing scheme for what period of time being extended.
Budget/expenditure: Give budget/expenditure figures in national currency:
total budget for the duration of the scheme/aid measure
if an existing aid scheme is to be altered, give for the last three years expenditure in the form of commitments made (including estimated revenue losses in the case of tax expenditure),
annual breakdown of the budget.
For schemes which do not have a specific sectoral or regional aim, specify any resulting sectoral or regional concentration of aid.
Estimated number of recipients.
Information/control measures envisaged to ensure that assisted projects comply with statutory objectives.
Fully reasoned justification of the compatibility of the aid scheme/aid measure backed by necessary statistical information.
Other relevant data (e.g. estimated number of jobs created and maintained).
Annex VIII Referred to in paragraph 2 of article 24 Constitution and functioning of the arbitral tribunal
In its written notification made pursuant to Article 24 of this Agreement, the State referring the dispute to arbitration shall designate one member, who may be its national.
Within thirty days from the receipt of the notification referred to in paragraph 1, the State to which it was addressed shall, in turn, designate one member, who may be its national.
Within sixty days from the receipt of the notification referred to in paragraph 1, the two members already designated shall agree on the designation of a third member who shall be confirmed by the States parties to the dispute within 15 days. The third member shall not be a national of either State party to the dispute, nor permanently reside on the territory of either State. The member thus appointed shall be the President of the arbitral tribunal.
If all three members have not been designated or appointed within sixty days from the receipt of the notification referred to in paragraph 1, the necessary designations shall be made, at request of either State party to the dispute, by the President of the International Court of Justice. If the President is unable to act under this paragraph or is a national of a State party to the dispute, the designations shall devolve on the Vice-President of the Court. If the latter, in turn, is unable to act or is a national of a State party to the dispute, the designations shall be effected by the next senior member of the Court who is neither unable to act nor a national of a State Party.
The tribunal shall lay down its own rules of procedure and take its decisions by majority vote.
The Tribunal may, at any stage of the proceedings, propose an amicable settlement to the dispute.
The arbitral award shall be rendered within six months of the date at which the President of the Tribunal was appointed. At the request of the tribunal the Joint Committee may grant an extension of this time period. up to six additional months. In the event of a dispute over the meaning and scope of the award, any State party to the dispute can, within 60 days from the communication of the arbitral award, ask for clarification by the tribunal. The tribunal shall deliver its clarification within 60 days from the day the issue was brought before it.
The expenses of the Tribunal, including the remuneration of its members, shall be borne by the parties to the dispute in equal shares.
Protocol A Referred to in sub-paragraph (b) of article 2 Processed agricultural products
Article 1
The provisions of this Agreement shall apply to the products listed in Table I.
Article 2
In order to take account of differences in the cost of the agricultural raw materials incorporated in the goods referred to in Articles 3 and 4 of this Protocol, this Agreement does not preclude:
the levying, upon import, of a fixed duty;
the application of measures adopted upon export.
The fixed duties, levied upon import, shall be based on, but not exceed, the differences between the domestic price and the world market price of the agricultural raw materials incorporated into the goods concerned.
Article 3
For products listed in Tables II, III and IV, originating in Morocco, respectively Iceland, Liechtenstein/Switzerland and Norway shall accord the concessions indicated in those Tables.
Taking into account the provisions laid down in Article 2 of Protocol A, Iceland, Liechtenstein/Switzerland and Norway shall, based on reviews that can be requested by either side, accord for products listed respectively in Tables II, III and IV, originating in Morocco, treatment not less favourable than that accorded to the European Community.
Article 4
Morocco shall accord treatment not less favourable than that accorded to the European Community to the products listed in table V originating in an EFTA State, or any other processed agricultural product to which Morocco has accorded a concession to the European Community.
Article 5
The EFTA States shall notify Morocco and Morocco shall notify the EFTA States at an early stage, at least before the entering into force, of all measures applied under Article 2 of this Protocol.
Morocco and the EFTA States shall inform each other of all changes in the treatment accorded to the European Community.
Article 6
The EFTA States and Morocco shall review every second year the development of their trade in products covered by this Protocol. A first review shall take place at the latest after the introduction of any changes in the relations with the European Community. In the light of these reviews and taking into account the arrangements between the State Parties and the European Community or in WTO, the EFTA States and Morocco shall decide on possible changes to Tables II, III, IV and V to this Protocol, as well as on possible developments of the measures applied under Article 2 of this Protocol.
Tabell 1.14 Table I to protocol A
Heading No. | H.S. Code | Description of products |
14.04 | Vegetable products not elsewhere specified or included: | |
1404.20 | - Cotton linters | |
15.16 | Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further prepared: | |
ex 1516.20 | - Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions: -- Hydrogenated castor oil, so called «opal-wax» | |
15.18 | Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled, oxidised, dehydrated, sulphurised, blown, polymerised by heat in vacuum or in inert gas or otherwise chemically modified, excluding those of heading No. 1516; inedible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this Chapter, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
ex 1518.00 | - Linoxyn |
Tabell 1.15 Table II to protocoll A Icland
HS Heading No. | Description of products | Rate of Duty |
ex 0403 | Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa: | |
- Yogurt: | ||
0403.1011 | - - Containing cocoa | * |
- - As beverage: | ||
0403.1021 | - - - Containing cocoa | * |
0403.1022 | - - - Containing fruit or nut | * |
- Other: | ||
0403.9011 | - - Containing cocoa | * |
- - As beverage: | ||
0403.9021 | - - - Containing cocoa | * |
0403.9022 | - - - Containing fruit or nut | * |
ex 1702 | Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel: | |
1702.5000 | - Chemically pure fructose | FREE |
- Other, including invert sugar: | ||
1702.9004 | - - Cemically pure maltose | FREE |
ex 1704 | Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa: | |
1704.1000 | - Chewing gum, whether or not sugar-coated | FREE |
- Other: | ||
1704.9002 | - - Paste of powdered almonds, with added sugar, and persipan (imitations of powdered almond paste) in units of less than 5 kg | FREE |
1704.9003 | - - Molded ornamental sugar | FREE |
1704.9007 | - - Preparations of gum Arabic | FREE |
1704.9009 | - - Other | FREE |
ex 1806 | Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa: | |
- Other preparations in blocks, slabs or bars weighing more than 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or other bulk form in containers or immediate packings, of a content exceeding 2 kg: | ||
1806.2003 | - - Cocoa powder, excluding goods of heading no. 1901, containing 30 % or more by weight of fresh milk powder and/or skimmed milk powder, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, but not mixed with other substances. | * |
1806.2004 | - - Cocoa powder, excluding goods of heading no. 1901, containing by weight less than 30 % of fresh milk powder and/or skimmed milk powder, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, but not mixed with other substances. | * |
- - Other: | ||
1806.2005 | - - - Other preparations, excluding goods of heading no. 1901, containing by weight 30 % or more of fresh milk powder and/or skimmed milk powder. | * |
1806.2006 | - - - Other preparations, excluding goods of heading no. 1901, containing by weight less than 30 % of fresh milk powder and/or skimmed milk powder. | * |
1806.2009 | - - Other | FREE |
- Other, in blocks, slabs or bars: | ||
- - Filled: | ||
1806.3101 | - - - Filled chocolate in slabs or bars | * |
1806.3109 | - - - Other | * |
- - Not filled: | ||
1806.3201 | - - - Chocolate composed solely of cocoa paste, sugar and not more than 30 % of cocoa butter, in slabs and bars | FREE |
1806.3203 | - - - Chocolate containing cocoa paste, sugar, cocoa butter and milk powder, in slabs or bars | * |
1806.3202 | - - - Imitation chocolate in slabs or bars | * |
1806.3209 | - - - Other | * |
- Other: | ||
- - Substances for the manufacture of beverages: | ||
1806.9011 | - - - Prepared substances for beverages, with a basis of goods of headings Nos. 0401 to 0404, containing 5 % or more by weight of cocoa powder calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included, sugar or other sweetening matter, in addition to other minor ingredients and flavouring matter | * |
1806.9012 | - - - Prepared substances for beverages, containing cocoa together with proteins and/or other nutritive elements, also vitamins, minerals, vegetable fibres, polyunsaturated fatty acids and flavouring matter | FREE |
1806.9019 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
1806.9022 | - - - Food specially prepared for dietetic purposes | * |
1806.9023 | - - - Easter eggs | * |
1806.9027 | - - - Breakfast cereal | FREE |
1806.9028 | - - - Cocoa powder, excluding goods of heading no. 1901, containing by weight 30 % or more of fresh milk powder and/or skimmed milk powder, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, but not mixed with other substances. | * |
1806.9029 | - - - Cocoa powder, excluding goods of heading no. 1901, containing by weight less than 30 % of fresh milk powder and/or skimmed milk powder, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, but not mixed with other substances. | * |
1806.9039 | - - - Other | * |
ex 1901 | Malt extract; food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing less than 40 % by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted bases, not elsewhere specified or included; food preparations of goods of headings Nos. 0401 to 0404, not containing cocoa or containing less than 5 % by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted bases, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
1901.1000 | - Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale | FREE |
- Mixes and dough»s for the preparation of bakers' wares of heading No. 1905: | ||
- - Containing a total of 3 % or more of fresh milk powder, skimmed milk powder, eggs, milkfat (such as butter), cheese or meat: | ||
1901.2011 | - - - For the preparation of crispbread of heading No. 1905.1000 | FREE |
1901.2012 | - - - For the preparation of gingerbread and the like of heading No. 1905.2000 | * |
1901.2013 | - - - For the preparation of sweet biscuits of heading No. 1905.3011 and 1905.3029 and the like | * |
1901.2014 | - - - For the preparation of ginger snaps of heading No. 1905.3021 | * |
1901.2015 | - - - For the preparation of waffles and wafers of heading No. 1905.3030 | * |
1901.2016 | - - - For the preparation of rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted bread of heading No. 1905.4000 | * |
1901.2017 | - - - For the preparation of bread of heading No. 1905.9011 with filling based on butter or dairy products | * |
1901.2018 | - - - For the preparation of bread of heading No. 1905.9019 | * |
1901.2019 | - - - For the preparation of plain biscuits of heading No. 1905.9020 | * |
1901.2021 | - - - For the preparation of savoury and salted biscuits of heading No. 1905.9030 | FREE |
1901.2022 | - - - For the preparation of cakes and pastry of heading No. 1905.9040 | * |
1901.2023 | - - - Mixes and doughs, containing meat, for the preparation of pizza and the like of heading No. 1905.9051 | * |
1901.2024 | - - - Mixes and doughs, containing ingredients other than meat, for the preparation of pizza and the like of heading No. 1905.9059 | * |
1901.2025 | - - - For the preparation of snacks, such as flakes, screws, rings, cones, sticks, and the like | FREE |
1901.2029 | - - - For the preparation of products of heading No. 1905.9090 | * |
- - Other: | ||
1901.2031 | - - - For the preparation of crispbread of heading No. 1905.1000 | FREE |
1901.2032 | - - - For the preparation of gingerbread and the like of heading No. 1905.2000 | FREE |
1901.2033 | - - - For the preparation of sweet biscuits of heading No. 1905.3011 and 1905.3029 and the like | FREE |
1901.2034 | - - - For the preparation of ginger snaps of heading No. 1905.3021 | FREE |
1901.2035 | - - - For the preparation of waffles and wafers of heading No. 1905.3030 | FREE |
1901.2036 | - - - For the preparation of rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted bread of heading No. 1905.4000 | FREE |
1901.2037 | - - - For the preparation of bread of heading No. 1905.9011 with filling based on butter or dairy products | FREE |
1901.2038 | - - - For the preparation of bread of heading No. 1905.9019 | FREE |
1901.2039 | - - - For the preparation of plain biscuits of heading No. 1905.9020 | FREE |
1901.2041 | - - - For the preparation of savoury and salted biscuits of heading No. 1905.9030 | FREE |
1901.2042 | - - - For the preparation of cakes and pastry of heading No. 1905.9040 | FREE |
1901.2043 | - - - Mixes and doughs, containing meat, for the preparation of pizza and the like of heading No. 1905.9051 | FREE |
1901.2044 | - - - Mixes and doughs, containing ingredients other than meat, for the preparation of pizza and the like of heading No. 1905.9059 | FREE |
1901.2045 | - - - For the preparation of snacks, such as flakes, screws, rings, cones, sticks, and the like | FREE |
1901.2049 | - - - For the preparation of products of heading No. 1905.9090 | FREE |
- Other : | ||
- - Substances for the manufacture of beverages: | ||
- - - Prepared substances for beverages, with a basis of goods of headings Nos. 0401 to 0404, not containing cocoa or containing by weight less than 5 % of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included, added sugar or other sweetening matter, in addition to other minor ingredients and flavouring matter: | ||
ex 1901.9011 | - - - - Food preparations of goods of headings Nos. 0401 to 0404, not containing cocoa | FREE |
1901.9019 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
ex 1901.9020 | - - - Malt extract | FREE |
ex 1901.9020 | - - - Powder for making desserts | FREE |
ex 1901.9020 | - - - Preparations of goods in headings Nos. 0401 to 0404 not containing cocoa | FREE |
ex 1901.9020 | - - - Powder for making ice-cream, not containing cocoa | FREE |
ex 1901.9020 | - - - Other, excluding preparations of goods in headings Nos. 0401 to 0404 containing cocoa | FREE |
ex 1902 | Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other substances) or otherwise prepared, such as spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, whether or not prepared: | |
- Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared: | ||
1902.1100 | - - Containing eggs | * |
1902.1900 | - - Other | FREE |
- Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared: | ||
- - With fish, crustaceans, mollucs and other aquatic invertebrates: | ||
1902.2019 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - With sausages, meat, meat offal or blood or mixtures thereof: | ||
1902.2022 | - - - Containing 3 % up to and including 20 % by weight of sausages, meat, meat offal or blood or mixtures thereof | * |
1902.2029 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Stuffed with cheese: | ||
1902.2031 | - - - Containing more than 3 % of cheese | * |
1902.2039 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Stuffed with meat and cheese: | ||
- - - In a proportion exceeding 20 % by weight of meat and cheese: | ||
ex 1902.2041 | - - - - Not containing more than 20 % by weight of meat | * |
1902.2042 | - - - Containing a total of 3 % up to and including 20 % by weight of meat and cheese | * |
1902.2049 | - - - Other | FREE |
1902.2050 | - - Other | FREE |
- Other pasta: | ||
1902.3010 | - - With fish, crustaceans, mollucs and other aquatic invertebrates | FREE |
- - With sausages, meat, meat offal or blood or mixtures thereof: | ||
1902.3021 | - - - In a proportion of 3 % up to and including 20 % by weight | * |
1902.3029 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - With cheese: | ||
1902.3031 | - - - In a proportion exeeding 3 % by weight | * |
1902.3039 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - With meat and cheese: | ||
1902.3041 | - - - In a proportion of 3 % up to and including 20 % by weight, total | * |
1902.3049 | - - - Other | FREE |
1902.3050 | - - Other | FREE |
- Couscous: | ||
1902.4010 | - - With fish, crustaceans, mollucs and other aquatic invertebrates | FREE |
- - With sausages, meat, meat offal or blood or mixtures thereof: | ||
1902.4021 | - - - In a proportion of 3 % up to and including 20 % by weight | * |
1902.4029 | - - - Other | FREE |
1902.4030 | - - Other | FREE |
1903 | Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or in similar forms: | |
1903.0001 | - In retail packings of 5 kilos or less | FREE |
1903.0009 | - Other | FREE |
ex 1904 | Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products (for example, corn flakes); cereals, (other than maize (corn)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour and meal), pre-cooked or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
- Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products: | ||
1904.1001 | - - Snacks, such as flakes, screws, rings, cones, sticks, and the like | FREE |
1904.1002 | - - Breakfast cereals | FREE |
1904.1009 | - - Other | FREE |
- Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or swelled cereals: | ||
1904.2001 | - - - Based on swelled or roasted cereals or cereal products | FREE |
- Other: | ||
1904.9001 | - - Containing meat in a proportion of 3 % up to and including 20 % by weigt | * |
1904.9009 | - - Other | FREE |
ex 1905 | Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products: | |
1905.1000 | - Crispbread | FREE |
1905.2000 | - Gingerbread and the like | * |
- Sweet biscuits; waffles and wafers: | ||
- - Coated or covered with chocolate or with fondants containing cocoa: | ||
1905.3011 | - - - Sweet biscuits (incl. cookies) | * |
1905.3019 | - - - Other | * |
- - Other; | ||
- - - Sweet biscuits (incl. cookies): | ||
1905.3021 | - - - - Ginger snaps | * |
1905.3022 | - - - - Sweet biscuits and cookies, containing less than 20 % of sugar | * |
1905.3029 | - - - - Other sweet biscuits and cookies | * |
1905.3030 | - - - Other | * |
1905.4000 | - Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products | * |
ex 2001 | Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid: | |
- Other: | ||
2001.9001 | - - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | FREE |
ex 2005 | Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading No. 20.06: | |
- Peas (Pisum sativum): | ||
ex 2005.4000 | - - Preparations solely of peas | FREE |
- Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.): | ||
- - Other: | ||
ex 2005.5900 | - - - Preparations based solely on bean flour | FREE |
2005.8000 | - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | FREE |
- Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables: | ||
- - Containing meat in a proportion of 3 % up to and including 20 % by weight: | ||
ex 2005.9001 | - - - Mixtures of vegetables wich have patato chips as a basic ingredient | * |
ex 2005.9001 | - - - Mixtures based on vegetables flour | * |
- - Other: | ||
ex 2005.9009 | - - - Mixtures of vegetables wich have patato chips as a basic ingredient | FREE |
ex 2005.9009 | - - - Mixtures based on vegetables flour | FREE |
ex 2006 | Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar (drained, glacé or crystallised): | |
- Other vegetables: | ||
2006.0021 | - - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | FREE |
ex 2008 | Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
- Other, including mixtures other than those of subheading No. 2008.19: | ||
2008.9100 | - - Palm hearts | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
- - - Other: | ||
ex 2008.9909 | - - - - Other edible parts of plants, n.e.s | FREE |
ex 2101 | Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or mate and preparations with a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee, tea or mate; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof: | |
- Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of coffee: | ||
- - Preparations with a basis of extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of coffee: | ||
- - - Containing by weight 1.5 % or more of milk fat, 2.5 % or more of milk protein, 5 % or more of sugar or 5 % or more of starch: | ||
ex 2101.1201 | - - - - Coffee pastes consisting of mixtures of ground, roasted coffee with vegetable fats and sometimes other ingredient | FREE |
- - - Other: | ||
ex 2101.1209 | - - - - Coffee pastes consisting of mixtures of ground, roasted coffee with vegetable fats and sometimes other ingredient | FREE |
- Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea or mate, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of tea or mate: | ||
- - Containing by weight 1.5 % or more of milk fat, 2.5 % or more of milk protein, 5 % or more of sugar or 5 % or more of starch: | ||
ex 2101.2001 | - - - Tea preparations consisting of a mixture of tea, milk powder and sugar | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
ex 2101.2009 | - - - Tea preparations consisting of a mixture of tea, milk powder and sugar | FREE |
- Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof: | ||
2101.3001 | - - Other roasted coffee substitutes, excluded chicory roots, and extracts, essences and concentrates of other roasted coffee substitutes, excluded chicory roots | FREE |
2101.3009 | - - Other | FREE |
ex 2102 | Yeasts (active or inactive); other single-cell micro-organisms, dead (but not including vaccines of heading No. 3002); prepared baking powders: | |
- Active yeasts: | ||
2102.1001 | - - Other than for baking of bread, excluded yeasts for use in animal fodder | FREE |
2102.1009 | - - Other | FREE |
- Inactive yeasts; other single-cell micro-organisms, dead: | ||
2102.2001 | - - Inactive yeasts | FREE |
- Prepared baking powders: | ||
2102.3001 | - - In retail packings of 5 kg or less | FREE |
2102.3009 | - - Other | FREE |
ex 2103 | Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard: | |
- Other: | ||
2103.9010 | - - Preparations of vegetable sauces with the basic ingredients of flour, meal, starch or malt extract | FREE |
ex 2104 | Soups and broths and preparations therefor; homogenised composite food preparations: | |
- Soups and broths and preparations therefor: | ||
2104.1001 | - - Preparations of vegetable soups with the basic ingredients of flour, meal, starch or malt extract | * |
- - Other soups: | ||
2104.1011 | - - - Containing meat in a proportion exceeding 20 % by weight | * |
2104.1012 | - - - Containing meat in a proportion of 3 % up to and including 20 % by weight | * |
2104.1019 | - - - Other | * |
- - Other: | ||
2104.1021 | - - - Containing meat in a proportion exceeding 20 % by weight | * |
2104.1022 | - - - Containing meat in a proportion of 3 % up to and including 20 % by weight | * |
2104.1029 | - - - Other | * |
ex 2106 | Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included: | |
2106.1000 | - Protein concentrates and textured protein substances | FREE |
- Other: | ||
- - Fruit juices, prepared or mixed more than specified in no. 2009: | ||
2106.9011 | - - - Unfermented and not containing sugar, in containers of 50 kg or more | FREE |
2106.9019 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Preparations for making beverages: | ||
2106.9021 | - - - Non-alcoholic preparations (concentrated extracts) | FREE |
2106.9022 | - - - Flavoured or coloured syrup | FREE |
2106.9023 | - - - Mixtures of plants or parts of plants, whether or not mixed with extracts from plants, for the preparations of plant broths | FREE |
2106.9024 | - - - Specially prepared as infant food or for dietetic purposes | FREE |
2106.9025 | - - - Prepared substances for beverages, containing proteins and/or other nutritive elements, also vitamins, minerals, vegetable fibres, polyunsaturated fatty acids and flavouring matter | FREE |
2106.9026 | - - - Prepared substances for beverages, of ginseng extract mixed with other ingredients, e. g. glucose or lactose | FREE |
- - - Compound alcoholic preparations, of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 0,5 %, of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages: | ||
2106.9031 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 0,5 % up to and including 2,25 % vol | FREE |
2106.9032 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of up to 15 % vol | FREE |
2106.9033 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of 15 % up to and including 22 % vol | FREE |
2106.9034 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 22 % up to and including 32 % vol | FREE |
2106.9035 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 32 % up to and including 40 % vol | FREE |
2106.9036 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 40 % up to and including 50 % vol | FREE |
2106.9037 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 50 % up to and including 60 % vol | FREE |
2106.9038 | - - - - Other | FREE |
2106.9039 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Powder for making desserts: | ||
2106.9041 | - - - In retail packings of 5 kg or less, containing milk powder, egg white or egg yolks | * |
2106.9042 | - - - In retail packings of 5 kg or less, not containing milk powder, egg white or egg yolks | FREE |
2106.9048 | - - - Other, containing milk powder, egg white or egg yolks | * |
2106.9049 | - - - Other, not containing milk powder, egg white or egg yolks | FREE |
2106.9061 | - - Candy, containing neither sugar nor cocoa | FREE |
2106.9062 | - - Fruit soups and porridge | FREE |
2202 | Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of heading No. 2009: | |
- Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured: | ||
2202.1001 | - - Carbonated beverages | FREE |
2202.1002 | - - Specially prepared as infant food or for dietetic purposes | FREE |
2202.1009 | - - Other | FREE |
- Other: | ||
2202.9001 | - - Of dairy products with other ingredients, provided that the dairy products are 75 % or more by weight excluding packings | * |
2202.9002 | - - Specially prepared as infant food or for dietetic purposes | FREE |
2202.9009 | - - Other | FREE |
2203 | Beer made from malt: | |
2203.0001 | - Beer of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 0,5 % up to and including 2,25 % vol | FREE |
2203.0002 | - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of up to 15 % vol | FREE |
2203.0009 | - Other | FREE |
ex 2204 | Wine of fresh grapes, including fortified wines; grape must other than that of heading No. 2009: | |
- Other wine; grape must with fermentation prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol: | ||
- - In containers holding 2 l or less: | ||
- - - Fortified grape must: | ||
2204.2111 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume of more than 0.5 % up to and including 2.25 % vol | FREE |
2204.2112 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of up to 15 % vol | FREE |
2204.2113 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of 15 % up to and including 22 % vol | FREE |
2204.2114 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 22 % up to and including 32 % vol | FREE |
2204.2119 | - - - - Other | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
- - - Fortified grape must: | ||
2204.2911 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume of more than 0.5 % up to and including 2.25 % vol | FREE |
2204.2912 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of up to 15 % vol | FREE |
2204.2913 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of 15 % up to and including 22 % vol | FREE |
2204.2914 | - - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 22 % up to and including 32 % vol | FREE |
2204.2919 | - - - - Other | FREE |
2205 | Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances: | |
- In containers holding 2 l or less: | ||
2205.1001 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 0,5 % up to and including 2,25 % vol | FREE |
2205.1002 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of up to 15 % vol | FREE |
2205.1003 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of 15 % up to and including 22 % vol | FREE |
2205.1009 | - - Other | FREE |
- Other: | ||
2205.9001 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 0,5 % up to and including 2,25 % vol | FREE |
2205.9002 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of up to 15 % vol | FREE |
2205.9003 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of 15 % up to and including 22 % vol | FREE |
2205.9009 | - - Other | FREE |
2208 | Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80 % vol; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages: | |
- Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape marc: | ||
- - Cognac: | ||
2208.2011 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 32 % up to and including 40 % vol | FREE |
2208.2012 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 40 % up to and including 50 % vol | FREE |
2208.2013 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 50 % up to and including 60 % vol | FREE |
2208.2019 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
2208.2091 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 32 % up to and including 40 % vol | FREE |
2208.2092 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 40 % up to and including 50 % vol | FREE |
2208.2093 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 50 % up to and including 60 % vol | FREE |
2208.2099 | - - - Other | FREE |
- Whiskies: | ||
2208.3001 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 32 % up to and including 40 % vol | FREE |
2208.3002 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 40 % up to and including 50 % vol | FREE |
2208.3003 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 50 % up to and including 60 % vol | FREE |
2208.3009 | - - Other | FREE |
- Rum and tafia: | ||
2208.4001 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 32 % up to and including 40 % vol | FREE |
2208.4002 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 40 % up to and including 50 % vol | FREE |
2208.4003 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 50 % up to and including 60 % vol | FREE |
2208.4009 | - - Other | FREE |
- Gin and Geneva: | ||
- - Gin: | ||
2208.5011 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 32 % up to and including 40 % vol | FREE |
2208.5012 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 40 % up to and including 50 % vol | FREE |
2208.5013 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 50 % up to and including 60 % vol | FREE |
2208.5019 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Geneva: | ||
2208.5021 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 32 % up to and including 40 % vol | FREE |
2208.5022 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 40 % up to and including 50 % vol | FREE |
2208.5023 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 50 % up to and including 60 % vol | FREE |
2208.5029 | - - - Other | FREE |
- Vodka: | ||
2208.6001 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 32 % up to and including 40 % vol | FREE |
2208.6002 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 40 % up to and including 50 % vol | FREE |
2208.6003 | - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 50 % up to and including 60 % vol | FREE |
2208.6009 | - - Other | FREE |
- Liqueurs and cordials: | ||
- - Containing by weight more than 5 % of added sugar: | ||
2208.7011 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 0,5 % up to and including 2,25 % vol | FREE |
2208.7012 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of up to 15 % vol | FREE |
2208.7013 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of 15 % up to and including 22 % vol | FREE |
2208.7014 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 22 % up to and including 32 % vol | FREE |
2208.7015 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 32 % up to and including 40 % vol | FREE |
2208.7016 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 40 % up to and including 50 % vol | FREE |
2208.7017 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 50 % up to and including 60 % vol | FREE |
2208.7019 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
2208.7091 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 0,5 % up to and including 2,25 % vol | FREE |
2208.7092 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of up to 15 % vol | FREE |
2208.7093 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of 15 % up to and including 22 % vol | FREE |
2208.7094 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 22 % up to and including 32 % vol | FREE |
2208.7095 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 32 % up to and including 40 % vol | FREE |
2208.7096 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 40 % up to and including 50 % vol | FREE |
2208.7097 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 50 % up to and including 60 % vol | FREE |
2208.7099 | - - - Other | FREE |
- Other: | ||
- - Aqua vitae (brennivín): | ||
2208.9011 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 32 % up to and including 40 % vol | FREE |
2208.9012 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 40 % up to and including 50 % vol | FREE |
2208.9013 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 50 % up to and including 60 % vol | FREE |
2208.9019 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Aqvavit: | ||
2208.9051 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 32 % up to and including 40 % vol | FREE |
2208.9052 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 40 % up to and including 50 % vol | FREE |
2208.9053 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 50 % up to and including 60 % vol | FREE |
2208.9059 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
2208.9091 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 0,5 % up to and including 2,25 % vol | FREE |
2208.9092 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of up to 15 % vol | FREE |
2208.9093 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of 15 % up to and including 22 % vol | FREE |
2208.9094 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 22 % up to and including 32 % vol | FREE |
2208.9095 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 32 % up to and including 40 % vol | FREE |
2208.9096 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 40 % up to and including 50 % vol | FREE |
2208.9097 | - - - Of an alcoholic strenght by volume of more than 50 % up to and including 60 % vol | FREE |
2208.9099 | - - - Other | FREE |
ex 2520 | Gypsum; anhydrite; plasters (consisting of calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate) whether or not coloured, with or without small quantities of accelerators or retarders: | |
- Plasters: | ||
2520.2001 | - - Plasters specially prepared for use in dentistry | FREE |
ex 2839 | Silicates; commercial alkali metal silicates: | |
ex 2839.9000 | - Other, excluding commercial alcali metal silicates (lithium-, rubidium-, ceasium- and francium silicates) | FREE |
ex 2905 | Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Saturated monohydric alcohols: | ||
2905.1200 | - - Propan-1-ol (propyl alcohol) and propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol) | FREE |
2905.1300 | - - Butan-1-ol ( n -butyl alcohol) | FREE |
2905.1400 | - - Other butanols | FREE |
2905.1500 | - - Pentanol (amyl alcohol) and isomers thereof | FREE |
2905.1600 | - - Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof | FREE |
2905.1700 | - - Dodecan-1-ol (lauryl alcohol), hexadecan-1-ol (cetyl alcohol) and octadecan-1-ol (stearyl alcohol) | FREE |
2905.1900 | - - Other | FREE |
- Unsaturated monohydric alcohols: | ||
2905.2200 | - - Acyclic terpene alcohols | FREE |
2905.2900 | - - Other | FREE |
- Diols: | ||
2905.3200 | - - Propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol) | FREE |
2905.3900 | - - Other | FREE |
- Other polyhydric alcohols: | ||
2905.4100 | - - 2-Ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)propane-1,3-diol (trimethylolpropane) | FREE |
2905.4200 | - - Pentaerythritol | FREE |
2905.4300 | - - Mannitol | FREE |
2905.4400 | - - D-glucitol (sorbitol) | FREE |
2905.4900 | - - Other | FREE |
2905.5000 | - Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of acyclic alcohols | FREE |
2911 | ||
2911.0000 | Acetals and hemiacetals, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | FREE |
ex 2915 | Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Formic acid, its salts and esters: | ||
2915.1200 | - - Salts of formic acid | FREE |
2915.1300 | - - Esters of formic acid | FREE |
- Acetic acid and its salts; acetic anhydride: | ||
2915.2100 | - - Acetic acid | FREE |
2915.2200 | - - Sodium acetate | FREE |
2915.2300 | - - Cobalt acetates | FREE |
2915.2400 | - - Acetic anhydride | FREE |
2915.2900 | - - Other | FREE |
- Esters of acetic acid: | ||
2915.3100 | - - Ethyl acetate | FREE |
2915.3200 | - - Vinyl acetate | FREE |
2915.3300 | - - n -Butyl acetate | FREE |
2915.3400 | - - Isobutyl acetate | FREE |
2915.3500 | - - 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate | FREE |
2915.3900 | - - Other | FREE |
2915.4000 | - Mono-, di- or trichloroacetic acids, their salts and esters | FREE |
2915.5000 | - Propionic acid, its salts and esters | FREE |
2915.6000 | - Butyric acids, valeric acids, their salts and esters | FREE |
2915.7000 | - Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their salts and esters | FREE |
2915.9000 | - Other | FREE |
2916 | Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives: | ||
2916.1100 | - - Acrylic acid and its salts | FREE |
2916.1200 | - - Esters of acrylic acid | FREE |
2916.1300 | - - Methacrylic acid and its salts | FREE |
2916.1400 | - - Esters of methacrylic acid | FREE |
2916.1500 | - - Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids, their salts and esters | FREE |
2916.1900 | - - Other | FREE |
2916.2000 | - Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives: | |
- Aromatic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives: | ||
2916.3100 | - - Benzoic acid, its salts and esters | FREE |
2916.3200 | - - Benzoyl peroxide and benzoyl chloride | FREE |
2916.3400 | - - Phenylacetic acid and its salts | FREE |
2916.3500 | - - Esters of phenylacetic acid | FREE |
2916.3900 | - - Other | FREE |
2917 | Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Acyclic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives: | ||
2917.1100 | - - Oxalic acid, its salts and esters | FREE |
2917.1200 | - - Adipic acid, its salts and esters | FREE |
2917.1300 | - - Azelaicic acid, sebacic acid, their salts and esters | FREE |
2917.1400 | - - Maleic anhydride | FREE |
2917.1900 | - - Other | FREE |
2917.2000 | - Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives: | |
- Aromatic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, per-oxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives: | ||
2917.3100 | - - Dibutyl orthophthalates | FREE |
2917.3200 | - - Dioctyl orthophthalates | FREE |
2917.3300 | - - Dinonyl or didecyl orthophthalates | FREE |
2917.3400 | - - Other esters of orthophthalatic acid | FREE |
2917.3500 | - - Phthalic anhydride | FREE |
2917.3600 | - - Terephthalic acid and its salts | FREE |
2917.3700 | - - Dimethyl terephthalate | FREE |
2917.3900 | - - Other | FREE |
2918 | Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Carboxylic acids with alcohol function but without other oxygen function, their anhydrides, halides, per-oxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives: | ||
2918.1100 | - - Lactic acid, its salts and esters | FREE |
2918.1200 | - - Tartaric acid | FREE |
2918.1300 | - - Salts and esters of tartaric acid | FREE |
2918.1400 | - - Citric acid | FREE |
2918.1500 | - - Salts and esters of citric acid | FREE |
2918.1600 | - - Gluconic acid, its salts and esters | FREE |
2918.1700 | - - Phenylglycolic acid (mandelic acid), its salts and esters | FREE |
2918.1900 | - - Other | FREE |
- Carboxylic acids with phenol function but without other oxygen function, their anhydrides, halides, per-oxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives: | ||
2918.2100 | - - Salicylic acid and its salts | FREE |
2918.2200 | - - O-Acetylsalicylic acid, its salts and esters | FREE |
2918.2300 | - - Other esters of salicylic acid and their salts | FREE |
2918.2900 | - - Other | FREE |
2918.3000 | - Carboxylic acids with aldehyde or ketone function but without other oxygen function, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives | FREE |
2918.9000 | - Other | FREE |
2932 | Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only: | |
- Compounds containing an unfused furan ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure: | ||
2932.1100 | - - Tetrahydrofuran | FREE |
2932.1200 | - - 2-Furaldehyde (furfuraldehyde) | FREE |
2932.1300 | - - Furfuryl alcohol and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol | FREE |
2932.1900 | - - Other | FREE |
- Lactones: | ||
2932.2100 | - - Coumarin, methylcoumarins and ethylcoumarins | FREE |
2932.2900 | - - Other lactones | FREE |
- Other: | ||
2932.9100 | - - Isosafrole | FREE |
2932.9200 | - - 1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)propan-2-one | FREE |
2932.9300 | - - Piperonal | FREE |
2932.9400 | - - Safrole | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
2932.9910 | - - - Benzofuran (coumarone) | FREE |
2932.9930 | - - - Internal ethers | FREE |
2932.9950 | - - - Expoxides with a four- membered ring | FREE |
- - - Cyclic acetals and internal hemiacetals, whether or not with other oxygen functions, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | ||
2932.9071 | - - - 3,4 Methylenedioxy phenylpropan-2-on | FREE |
2932.9079 | - - - Other | FREE |
2932.9090 | - - - Other | FREE |
ex 2933 | Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only; | |
- Compounds containing an unfused pyrazole ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure: | ||
2933.1100 | - - Phenazone (antipyrin) and its derivatives | FREE |
2933.1900 | - - Other | FREE |
- Compounds containing an unfused imidazole ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure: | ||
2933.2900 | - - Other | FREE |
- Compounds containing an unfused pyridine rin pyridine ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure: | ||
2933.3100 | - - Pyridine and its salts | FREE |
2933.3200 | - - Piperidine and its salts | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
2933.3910 | - - - Iproniazid: ketobemidone hydrochloride; pyridostigmine bromide | FREE |
2033.3980 | - - - Other | FREE |
2933.3990 | - - Other | FREE |
2933.4000 | - Compounds containing a quinoline or isoquinoline ring-system (whether or not hydrogenated), not further fused | FREE |
- Compounds containing a pyrimidine ring (whether or not hydrogenated) or piperazine ring in the structure: | ||
2933.5900 | - - Other | FREE |
- Compounds containing an unfused triazine ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure: | ||
2933.6100 | - - Melamine | FREE |
2933.6900 | - - Other | FREE |
- Lactams: | ||
2933.7100 | - - 6-Hexanelactam (epsilon-caprolactam) | FREE |
2933.7900 | - - Other lactams | FREE |
2933.9000 | - Other | FREE |
2934 | Nucleic acids and their salts; other heterocyclic compounds: | |
2934.1000 | - Compounds containing an unfused thiazole ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure | FREE |
2934.2000 | - Compounds containing a benzothiazole ring-system (whether or not hydrogenated), not further fused | FREE |
2934.3000 | - Compounds containing a phenothiazine ring-system (whether or not hydrogenated), not further fused | FREE |
2934.9000 | - Other | FREE |
2940 | ||
2940.0000 | Sugars, chemically pure, other than sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose; sugar ethers and sugar esters, and their salts, other than products of heading No. 2937, 2938 or 2939 | FREE |
2941 | Antibiotics: | |
2941.1000 | - Penicillins and their derivatives with a penicillanic acid structure; salts thereof | FREE |
2941.2000 | - Streptomycins and their derivatives; salts thereof | FREE |
2941.3000 | - Tetracyclines and their derivatives; salts thereof | FREE |
2941.4000 | - Chloramphenicol and its derivatives; salts thereof | FREE |
2941.5000 | - Erythromycin and its derivatives; salts thereof | FREE |
2941.9000 | - Other | FREE |
ex 3006 | Pharmaceutical goods specified in Note 4 to this Chapter: | |
- Dental cements and other dental fillings; bone reconstruction cements: | ||
3006.4002 | - - Silver amalgams for dental fillings | FREE |
- Chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones or spermicides: | ||
ex 3006.6000 | - - Chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones | FREE |
ex 3403 | Lubricating preparations (including cutting-oil preparations, bolt or nut release preparations, anti-rust or anti-corrosion preparations and mould release preparations, based on lubricants) and preparations of a kind used for the oil or grease treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or other materials, but excluding preparations containing, as basic constituents, 70 % or more by weight of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals: | |
- Containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals: | ||
- - Preparations for the treatment of textile materials, leather, furskins or other materials: | ||
ex 3403.1100 | - - - Waterdispersible textile lubricating preparations containing a high proportion of surface-active agents together with mineral oils and other chemicals | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
- - - Anti-rust and anti-corrosive preparations: | ||
ex 3403.1901 | - - - - Anti-rust preparations based on lanolin and dissolved in white spirit even if the content of white spirit is 70 % or more by weight | FREE |
ex 3407 | Modelling pastes, including those put up for children's amusement; preparations known as «dental wax» or as «dental impression compounds», put up in sets, in packings for retail sale or in plates, horseshoe shapes, sticks or similar forms; other preparations for use in dentistry, with a basis of plaster (of calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate): | |
3407.0001 | - Preparations for use in dentistry, with a basis of plaster | FREE |
3501 | Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives; casein glues: | |
3501.1000 | - Casein | FREE |
- Other: | ||
3501.9001 | - - For food preparation | FREE |
3501.9009 | - - Other | FREE |
3505 | Dextrins and other modified starches (for example, pregelatinised or esterified starches); glues based on starches, or on dextrins or other modified starches: | |
- Dextrins and other modified starches: | ||
3505.1001 | - - Starches, esterified or etherified | FREE |
3505.1009 | - - Other | FREE |
3505.2000 | - Glues | FREE |
3506 | Prepared glues and other prepared adhesives, not elsewhere specified or included; products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg: | |
3506.1000 | - Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg | FREE |
- Other: | ||
3506.9100 | - - Adhesives based on rubber or plastics (including artificial resins) | FREE |
3506.9900 | - - Other | FREE |
ex 3801 | Artificial graphite; colloidal or semi-colloidal graphite; preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of pastes, blocks, plates or other semi- manufactures: | |
- Colloidal or semi-colloidal graphite: | ||
ex 3801.2000 | - - Colloidal graphite suspended in oil and semi-colloidal graphite | FREE |
ex 3801.3000 | - Carbonaceous pastes for electrodes and similar pastes for furnace linings, excluding carbons for making carbon brushes | FREE |
- Other: | ||
ex 3801.9000 | - - Preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of pastes, mixed with oil | FREE |
ex3804 | ||
3804.0000 | Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp, whether or not concentrated, desugared or chemically treated, including lignin sulphonates, but excluding tall oil of heading No. 3803, excluding concentrated sulphite lye | FREE |
ex 3805 | Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine and other terpenic oils produced by the distillation or other treatment of coniferous woods; crude dipentene; sulphite turpentine and other crude para-cymene; pine oil containing alpha-terpineol as the main constituent: | |
- Other: | ||
ex 3805.9000 | - - Crude para-cymene other than sulphite terpentine | FREE |
3809 | Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dye-stuffs and other products and preparations (for example, dressings and mordants), of a kind used in the textile, paper, leather or like industries, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
3809.1000 | - With a basis of amylaceous substances | FREE |
- Other: | ||
3809.9100 | - - Of a kind used in the textile or like industries | FREE |
3809.9200 | - - Of a kind used in the paper or like industries | FREE |
3809.9300 | - - Of a kind used in the leather or like industries | FREE |
ex 3811 | Anti-knock preparations, oxidation inhibitors, gum inhibitors, viscosity improvers, anti-corrosive preparations and other prepared additives, for mineral oils (including gasoline) or for other liquids used for the same purposes as mineral oils: | |
- Anti-knock preparations: | ||
ex 3811.1100 | - - Based on lead compound, excluding for mineral oils, including gasoline | FREE |
ex 3811.1900 | - - Other, excluding for mineral oils, including gasoline | FREE |
- Additives for lubricating oils: | ||
ex 3811.2100 | - - Containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals, excluding for mineral oils | FREE |
ex 3811.2900 | - - Other, excluding for mineral oils | FREE |
ex 3811.9000 | - Other, excluding for mineral oils, including gasoline | FREE |
ex 3812 | Prepared rubber accelerators; compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics, not elsewhere specified or included; anti-oxidising preparations and other compound stabilisers for rubber or plastics: | |
3812.2000 | - Compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics | FREE |
3812.3000 | - Anti-oxidising preparations and other compound stabilisers for rubber or plastics | FREE |
3817 | Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes, other than those of heading No. 2707 or 2902: | |
3817.1000 | - Mixed alkylbenzenes | FREE |
3817.2000 | - Mixed alkylnaphthalenes | FREE |
3818 | ||
3818.0000 | Chemical elements doped for use in electronics, in the form of discs, wafers or similar forms; chemical compounds doped for use in electronics | FREE |
ex 3824 | Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included; residual products of the chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
ex 3824.1000 | - Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores, excluding foundry core binders based on natural resinous products | FREE |
3824.3000 | - Non-agglomerated metal carbides mixed together or with metallic binders | FREE |
3824.5000 | - Non-refractory mortars and concretes | FREE |
3824.6000 | - Sorbitol other than that of subheading No. 2905.44 | FREE |
- Mixtures containing perhalogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens: | ||
3824.7100 | - - Containing acyclic hydrocarbons perhalogenated only with fluorine and chlorine | FREE |
3824.7900 | - - Other | FREE |
- Other: | ||
- - Other: | ||
3823.9001 | - - - Raw materials or auxiliary preparations for the production of industrial goods. | FREE |
3823.9002 | - - - Compound hardening agents | FREE |
3823.9003 | - - - Inorganic composite solvents and thinners | FREE |
3823.9004 | - - - Anti-rust preparations | FREE |
3823.9005 | - - - Refrigerants | FREE |
3823.9006 | - - - Residual products of the chemical or allied industries, n.e.s. . | FREE |
3823.9007 | - - - Mixture of saccharine or its salts and chemical substances, such as sodium bicarbonate and tartaric acid, in retail packings of 1 kg or less | FREE |
3823. 9009 | - - - Other | FREE |
ex 3919 | Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, of plastics, whether or not in rolls: | |
- Other: | ||
3919.9010 | - - Wall and ceiling covering | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
3919.9021 | - - - Of vulcanised fibre | FREE |
3919.9022 | - - - Printed with advertisement in foreign languages | FREE |
3919.9029 | - - - Other | FREE |
3920 | Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, non-cellular and not reinforced, laminated, supported or similarly combined with other materials: | |
- Of polymers of ethylene: | ||
3920.1001 | - - Printed wrapping foil for foodstuffs | FREE |
3920.1002 | - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.1009 | - - Other | FREE |
- Of polymers of propylene: | ||
3920.2001 | - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more, n.e.s. | FREE |
3920.2002 | - - Strips of a kind used for packaging, of a thickness 0.50 mm to 1 mm and of a width 7 to 15 mm | FREE |
3920.2009 | - - Other | FREE |
- Of polymers of styrene: | ||
3920.3001 | - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.3009 | - - Other | FREE |
- Of polymers of vinyl chloride: | ||
- - Rigid: | ||
3920.4101 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.4102 | - - - Plates for photoengravings | FREE |
3920.4109 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Flexible: | ||
3920.4201 | - - - For conveyor belts | FREE |
3920.4202 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.4203 | - - - Plates for photoengravings | FREE |
3920.4209 | - - - Other | FREE |
- Of acrylic polymers: | ||
- - Of polymethyl methacrylate: | ||
3920.5101 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.5109 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
3920.5901 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.5909 | - - - Other | FREE |
- Of polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl esters or other polyesters: | ||
- - Of polycarbonates: | ||
3920.6101 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.6109 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Of polyetylene terephthalate: | ||
3920.6201 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.6209 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Of unsaturated polyesters: | ||
3920.6301 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.6309 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Of other polyesters: | ||
3920.6901 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.6909 | - - - Other | FREE |
- Of cellulose or its chemical derivatives: | ||
- - Of regenerated cellulose: | ||
3920.7101 | - - - Of a thicknes of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.7109 | - - - Other | FREE |
3920.7200 | - - Of vulcanised fibre | FREE |
- - Of cellulose acetate: | ||
3920.7301 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.7309 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Of other cellulose derivatives: | ||
3920.7901 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.7909 | - - - Other | FREE |
- Of other plastics: | ||
- - Of polyvinyl butyral: | ||
3920.9101 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.9109 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Of polyamides: | ||
3920.9201 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.9209 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Of amino-resins: | ||
3920.9301 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.9309 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Of phenolic resins: | ||
3920.9401 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.9409 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Of other plastics: | ||
3920.9901 | - - - For conveyor belts | FREE |
3920.9902 | - - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3920.9909 | - - - Other | FREE |
3921 | Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics: | |
- Cellular: | ||
- - Of polymers of styrene: | ||
3921.1101 | - - - For heat insulation | FREE |
3921.1109 | - - - Other | FREE |
- - Of polymers of vinyl chloride: | ||
3921.1201 | - - - For paneling or heat insulation | FREE |
3921.1209 | - - - Other | FREE |
3921.1300 | - - Of polyurethanes | FREE |
3921.1400 | - - Of regenerated cellulose | FREE |
- - Of other plastics: | ||
3921.1901 | - - - Draught excluders of expanded polyester | FREE |
3921.1902 | - - - For paneling or heat insulation | FREE |
3921.1909 | - - - Other | FREE |
- Other: | ||
3921.9001 | - - For conveyor belts | FREE |
3921.9002 | - - Of a thickness of 0.2 mm or more | FREE |
3921.9003 | - - Plates for photoengravings | FREE |
3921.9004 | - - Of vulcanised fibre | FREE |
3921.9009 | - - Other | FREE |
Tabell 1.16 Table III to protocol A Liechtenstein, Switzerland
HS Heading No. | Description of products | Rate of Duty fr/100 kg gross |
0403 | Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa: | |
- Yogurt: | ||
10.10 | - - Containing cocoa | * |
10.20 | - - Flavoured or containing added fruit | 100.- |
0710 | Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling water), frozen: | |
40.00 | - Sweet corn | * |
1302 | Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products: | |
- Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products: | ||
ex31.00 | - - Agar-agar | |
- Modified | FREE | |
- - Mucilages and thickeners, derived locust beans, locust bean seeds or guar seeds: | ||
ex32.10 | - For technical uses | |
- Modified | FREE | |
ex32.90 | - Other | |
- Modified | FREE | |
ex39.00 | - - Other | |
- Modified | FREE | |
1702 | Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel: | |
50.00 | - Chemically pure fructose | FREE |
- Other, including invert sugar: | ||
- - Solid: | ||
ex90.29 | - Other | |
- Chemically pure maltose | FREE | |
1704 | Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa: | |
- Chewing gum, whether or not sugar-coated: | ||
10.10 | - - Containing more than 70 % by weight of sucrose | * |
10.20 | - - Containing more than 60 % but not more than 70 % by weight of sucrose | * |
10.30 | - - Containing not more than 60 % by weight of sucrose | * |
- Other: | ||
90.10 | - - White chocolate | * |
90.20 | - - Sugar confectionery of all kinds, containing fruit (including fruit pastes, nougat, marzipan and the like) | * |
- - Sugar confectionery of all kinds from licquorice juice, containing, by weight of sucrose: | ||
90.31 | - More than 10 % | * |
- - Other moulded sugar confectionery: | ||
- Not containing milk fats or vegetable fats, containing by weight of sucrose: | ||
90.41 | - - More than 70 % | * |
90.42 | - - More than 50 % but not more than 70 % | * |
90.43 | - - Not more than 50 % | * |
90.50 | - Containing vegetable fats but not containing milk fats | * |
90.60 | - Containing milk fats | * |
- - Other, containing by weight of sucrose: | ||
90.91 | - More than 70 % | * |
90.92 | - More than 50 % but not more than 70 % | * |
90.93 | - Not more than 50 % | * |
1806 | Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa: | |
- Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter: | ||
10.10 | - - Containing 65 % or more by weight of sucrose | * |
10.20 | - - Containing not more than 65 % by weight of sucrose | * |
- Other preparations in blocks or slabs weighing more than 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or other bulk form in containers or packings, of a content exceeding 2 kg: | ||
- - Other: | ||
- In bulk blocks: | ||
- - Containing ingredients derived from milk, containing by weight of milk fats: | ||
20.91 | - - - More than 6 % | * |
20.92 | - - - More than 3 % but not more than 6 % | * |
20.93 | - - - Not more than 3 % | * |
20.94 | - - Not containing ingredients derived from milk | * |
- Other: | ||
- - Containing ingredients derived from milk: | ||
20.95 | - - - Containing fats other than milk fats (whether or not containing milk fats) | * |
20.96 | - - - Other | * |
- - Not containing ingredients derived from milk: | ||
20.97 | - - - Containing fats | * |
20.99 | - - - Other | * |
- Other, in blocks, slabs or bars: | ||
- - Filled: | ||
- Containing ingredients derived from milk: | ||
31.11 | - - Containing fats other than milk fats (whether or not containing milk fats) | * |
31.19 | - - Other | * |
- Not containing ingredients derived from milk: | ||
31.21 | - - Containing fats | * |
31.29 | - - Other | * |
- - Not filled: | ||
- Milk chocolate, containing by weight of milkfats: | ||
32.11 | - - More than 6 % | * |
32.12 | - - More than 3 % but not more than 6 % | * |
32.13 | - - Not more than 3 % | * |
32.90 | - Other | * |
- Other: | ||
- - Containing ingredients derived from milk: | ||
90.11 | - Containing fats other than milk fats (whether or not containing milk fats) | * |
90.19 | - Other | * |
- - Not containing ingredients derived from milk: | ||
90.21 | - Containing fats | * |
90.29 | - Other | * |
1901 | Malt extract; food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract, not con- taining cocoa or containing less than 40 % by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included; food preparations of goods of headings Nos. 0401 to 0404, not containing cocoa or containing less than 5 % by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
- Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale: | ||
- - Containing goods of headings Nos. 0401 to 0404: | ||
10.11 | - Containing by weight more than 12 % of milkfats | * |
10.12 | - Containing by weight more than 3 % but not more than 12 % of milkfats | * |
10.13 | - Not containing milkfats or containing by weight not more than 3 % of milkfats | * |
- - Not containing goods of headings Nos. 0401 to 0404: | ||
10.21 | - Containing sugar | * |
10.22 | - Not containing sugar | * |
- Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers' wares of heading No. 1905: | ||
- - Other, containing goods of headings Nos. 0401 to 0404: | ||
ex20.81 | - Containing by weight more than 25 % of milkfats | |
- In containers of a weight not exceeding 2 kg | * | |
ex20.82 | - Containing by weight more than 12 % but not more than 25 % of milkfats | |
- In containers of a weight not exceeding 2 kg | * | |
20.83 | - Containing by weight not more than 12 % of milkfats | * |
- - Other, not containing goods of headings Nos. 0401 to 0404: | ||
ex20.91 | - Containing by weight more than 25 % of milkfats | |
- In containers of a weight not exceeding 2 kg | * | |
ex20.92 | - Containing by weight more than 12 % but not more than 25 % of milkfats | |
- In containers of a weight not exceeding 2 kg | * | |
- Not containing milkfats or containing by weight not more than 12 % of milkfats: | ||
20.93 | - - Containing fats | * |
20.99 | - - Other | * |
- - Other: | ||
- Malt extracts, of a dry content of: | ||
90.51 | - - More than 80 % | * |
90.52 | - - Not more than 80 % | * |
- Food preparations of goods of headings Nos. 0401 to 0404, other than in powder, granules or other solid forms: | ||
- - Other: | ||
- - - Containing milkfats, of a milkfat content by weight of: | ||
90.71 | - - More than 50 % | * |
90.72 | - - More than 20 % but not more than 50 % | * |
90.73 | - - More than 3 % but not more than 20 % | * |
90.74 | - - Not more than 3 % | * |
90.75 | - - - Not containing milkfats | * |
- Preparations of goods of headings Nos. 0401 to 0404 (other than preparations of tariff items 1901.9061 to 1901.9075): | ||
ex90.81 | - - Containing by weight more than 25 % of milkfats | |
- In containers of a weight not exceeding 2 kg | * | |
ex90.82 | - - Containing by weight more than 12 % but not more than 25 % of milkfats | |
- In containers of a weight not exceeding 2 kg | * | |
90.89 | - - Other | * |
- Other preparations: | ||
ex90.91 | - - Containing by weight more than 25 % of milkfats | |
- In containers of a weight not exceeding 2 kg | * | |
ex90.92 | - - Containing by weight more than 12 % but not more than 25 % of milkfats | |
- In containers of a weight not exceeding 2 kg | * | |
- - Not containing milkfats or containing by weight less than 12 % of milkfats: | ||
- - - Of cereal flours, meals, starch or malt extracts: | ||
90.93 | - - Containing fats | * |
90.94 | - - Not containing fats | * |
- - - Other: | ||
90.95 | - - Containing fats | * |
- - Not containing fats: | ||
90.96 | - Containing sugar or eggs | * |
90.99 | - Other | * |
1902 | Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other substances) or otherwise prepared, such as spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni, couscous, whether or not prepared: | |
- Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared: | ||
11.00 | - - Containing eggs | * |
19.00 | - - Other | * |
20.00 | - Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared | * |
30.00 | - Other pasta | * |
- Couscous: | ||
40.10 | - - Unprepared | * |
40.90 | - - Other | * |
1903 00.00 | Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or in similar forms | 2.- |
1904 | Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products (for example, corn flakes); cereals (other than maize (corn)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour and meal), pre-cooked, or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
- Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products: | ||
10.10 | - - «Müesli« type preparations | * |
10.90 | - - Other | 20.- |
20.00 | - Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or swelled cereals | * |
- Other: | ||
- - Other: | ||
90.20 | - Parboiled rice | 24.- |
- Other: | ||
90.91 | - - Bulgur | 110.- |
90.99 | - - Other | * |
1905 | Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products: | |
- Crispbread: | ||
10.10 | - - Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | * |
10.20 | - - Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | * |
- Gingerbread and the like: | ||
20.10 | - - Containing milkfats | * |
20.20 | - - Containing other fats | * |
20.30 | - - Not containing fat | * |
- Sweet biscuits; waffles and wafers: | ||
- - Sweet biscuits: | ||
30.11 | - Containing milkfats | * |
30.19 | - Other | * |
- - Waffles and wafers: | ||
30.21 | - Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | * |
30.22 | - Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | * |
- Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products: | ||
40.10 | - - Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | * |
- - Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter: | ||
40.21 | - Rusks | * |
40.29 | - Other | * |
- Other: | ||
- - Bread and other ordinary bakers' wares, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, honey, eggs, fats, cheese or fruit: | ||
- Not put up for retail sale: | ||
90.11 | - - Bread crumbs | * |
90.12 | - - Other | * |
- Put up for retail sale: | ||
90.13 | - - Matzos | * |
90.14 | - - Bread crumbs | * |
90.19 | - - Other | * |
90.20 | - - Communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice papers and similar products | 32.- |
- - Other: | ||
90.92 | - Other, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | * |
- Other, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter: | ||
90.93 | - - Containing milkfat | * |
90.94 | - - Containing other fats | * |
90.95 | - - Not containing fat | * |
2001 | Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid: | |
- Other: | ||
- - Vegetables and other edible parts of plants: | ||
90.20 | - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | * |
2004 | Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, other than products of heading No. 2006: | |
- Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables: | ||
- - In containers, of a weight not exceeding 5 kg: | ||
90.43 | - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | * |
2005 | Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading No. 2006: | |
- Potatoes: | ||
- - Preparations in the form of flour, meal or flakes, consisting mainly of potatoes: | ||
20.11 | - Containing by weight more than 80 % of potatoes | * |
20.12 | - Containing by weight not more than 80 % of potatoes | * |
80.00 | - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | * |
2008 | Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
- Nuts, ground-nuts and other seeds, whether or not mixed together: | ||
- - Ground-nuts: | ||
11.10 | - Peanut butter | * |
- Other, including mixtures other than those of subheading No. 2008.19: | ||
91.00 | - - Palm hearts | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
- Other: | ||
99.98 | - - Corn, other than sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | * |
2101 | Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or maté and preparations with a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee, tea or maté; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof: | |
- Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of coffee: | ||
- - Preparations with a basis of extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of coffee: | ||
12.90 | - Other | * |
- Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea or maté, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of tea or maté: | ||
20.90 | - - Other | * |
ex30.00 | - Roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof, excluded roasted chicory, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof: | |
- Whole or in pieces | 1.60 | |
- Other | * | |
2102 | Yeasts (active or inactive); other single- cell micro-organisms, dead (but not including vaccines of heading No. 3002); prepared baking powders: | |
ex20.19 | - Inactive yeasts; other single-cell micro-organisms, dead: | |
- - Yeasts, natural, dead | 4.- | |
2103 | Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard: | |
10.00 | - Soya sauce | FREE |
20.00 | - Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces | FREE |
90.00 | - Other | FREE |
2104 | Soups and broths and preparations therefor; homogenised composite food preparations: | |
10.00 | - Soups and broths and preparations therefor | FREE |
2105 | Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa | |
- Containing cocoa | * | |
- Other | * | |
2106 | Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included: | |
- Protein concentrates and textured protein substances: | ||
10.11 | - - Containing milkfats, other fats or sugar | * |
10.19 | - - Other | * |
- Other: | ||
- - Mixtures of extracts and concentrates of vegetable substances, of a kind used in the preparation of beverages: | ||
- Non alcoholic: | ||
90.21 | - - Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, containing by weight more than 60 % of sucrose | * |
90.22 | - - Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, containing by weight more than 50 % but not more than 60 % of sucrose | * |
90.23 | - - Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, containing by weight not more than 50 % of sucrose | * |
90.24 | - - Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | * |
90.30 | - - Protein hydrolysates and yeast autolysates | 20.- |
90.40 | - - Chewing-gum and sweets, tablets, pastilles and similar products, not containing sugar | * |
- - Other food preparations: | ||
- Other: | ||
- - Containing by weight, of milkfats: | ||
90.81 | - - - More than 50 % | * |
90.82 | - - - More than 20 % but not more than 50 % | * |
90.83 | - - - More than 3 % but not more than 20 % | * |
90.84 | - - - Not more than 3 %, not including articles of heading No. 2106.9091 | * |
- - Containing other fats, of a fat content of: | ||
90.91 | - - - More than 40 % | * |
90.92 | - - - More than 10 %, but not more than 40 % | * |
90.93 | - - - Not more than 10 % | * |
- - Not containing fats: | ||
- - - Containing by weight, of sugar: | ||
90.94 | - - More than 50 % | * |
90.95 | - - Not more than 50 % | * |
90.96 | - - - Containing cereals, malt extracts or eggs (not containing sugar) | * |
90.99 | - - - Other | * |
2202 | Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of heading No. 2009: | |
10.00 | - Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured | 6.40 |
- Other: | ||
90.90 | - - Other | 6.40 |
2203 | Beer made from malt | |
00.10 | - In containers holding more than 2 hl | 6.- |
00.20 | - In containers holding more than 2 l but not more than 2 hl | 3.50 |
- In containers holding not more than 2 l: | ||
00.31 | - - In glass bottles | 6.- |
00.39 | - - Other | 8.- |
2205 | Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances: | |
- In containers holding 2 l or less: | ||
10.10 | - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 18 % vol | FREE |
10.20 | - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 18 % vol | FREE |
- Other: | ||
90.10 | - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 18 % vol | FREE |
90.20 | - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 18 % vol | FREE |
2208 | Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80 % vol; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages; compound alcoholic preparations of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages: | |
ex70.00 | - Liqueurs containing sugar or eggs | 45.- |
- Other: | ||
ex90.99 | - - Other sweetened alcoholic beverages, even flavoured spirits: containing sugar or eggs | 45.- |
2905 | Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Other polyhydric alcohols: | ||
43.00 | - - Mannitol | * |
44.00 | - - D-glucitol (sorbitol) | * |
ex2915 | Saturated acycylic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Esters of mannitol or sorbitol | FREE | |
ex2916 | Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Esters of mannitol or sorbitol | FREE | |
2917 | Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Acyclic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives: | ||
ex19.90 | - - Other | |
- Itacon acids, its salts and esters | FREE | |
2918 | Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Carboxylic acids with alcohol function but without other oxygen function, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives: | ||
- - Lactic acid, its salts and esters: | ||
11.10 | - Ciclactate | FREE |
11.90 | - Other | FREE |
14.00 | - - Citric acid | FREE |
15.00 | - - Salts and esters of citric acid | FREE |
16.90 | - - Gluconic acid, its salts and esters | FREE |
ex19.90 | - - Other: | |
- Glycerin acid, glycol acid, sugar acid, isosugar acid, hepta sugar acid, their salts and esters | FREE | |
2932 | Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero- atom(s) only: | |
- Compounds containing an unfused furan ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure: | ||
ex19.00 | - - Other: | |
- Anhydrates of mannite or sorbite (e.g.sorbitan) not including maltol and isomaltol | FREE | |
2940 | Sugars, chemically pure, other than sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose; sugar ethers and sugar esters, and their salts, other than products of headings Nos. 2937, 2938 or 2939: | |
ex00.10 | - Alphamethylglucosid | FREE |
ex00.90 | - Sorbose, its salts and esters | FREE |
2941 | Antibiotics: | |
ex10.00 | - Penicillins and their derivatives with a penicillanic acid structure; salts thereof: | |
- Penicillin | FREE | |
3001 | Glands and other organs for organo- therapeutic uses, dried, whether or not powdered; extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions for organo-therapeutic uses; heparin and its salts; other animal substances prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
ex90.00 | - Other: | |
- Heparin and its salts | FREE | |
3501 | Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives; casein glues: | |
- Other: | ||
ex90.10/90.90 | - Casein glues | 15.- |
3505 | Dextrins and other modified starches (for example, pregelatinised or esterified starches); glues based on starches, or on dextrins or other modified starches: | |
- Dextrins and other modified starches | ||
10.90 | - - Other | |
- Esterified or etherified starches | FREE | |
- Other | 4.80 | |
- Glues | ||
20.90 | - - Other | 4.80 |
3506 | Prepared glues and other prepared adhesives, not elsewhere specified or included; products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg: | |
ex10.00 | - Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg | |
- On the basis of emulsions of sodium silicates | FREE | |
- Other: | ||
- - Other: | ||
ex99.90 | - Other | |
- On the basis of emulsions of sodium silicates | FREE | |
3507 | Enzymes; prepared enzymes not elsewhere specified or included: | |
ex90.90 | - Other | |
- Prepared enzymes containing substances with nutritive value | * | |
3809 | Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dyestuffs and other products and prep- arations (for example, dressings and mordants), of a kind used in the textile, paper, leather or like industries, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
- With a basis of amylaceous substances: | ||
ex10.90 | - - Other | |
- Prepared saizing agents; prepared primer | FREE | |
3823 | Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining; industrial fatty alcohols: | |
- Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids: | ||
13.00 | - - Tall oil fatty acids | FREE |
3824 | Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included; residual products of the chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
- Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores: | ||
ex10.90 | - - Other | |
- On the basis of artificial resins | FREE | |
60.00 | - Sorbitol other than that of subheading No. 2905.44 | FREE |
- Other: | ||
- - Other: | ||
ex90.99 | - Other | |
- Products of cracking of sorbitol | FREE | |
3911 | Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides, polysulphones and other products specified in Note 3 to this Chapter, not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms: | |
- Petroleum resins, coumarone-resins, indene-resins, coumarone-indene resins and polyterpenes: | ||
ex10.10 | - - In dispersion or solution not in watermedium | |
- Glues on the basis of emulsions of these resins | FREE | |
ex10.90 | - - Other | |
- Glues on the basis of emulsions of these resins | FREE | |
ex90.90 | - Other | |
- Glues on the basis of emulsions of these resins | FREE | |
3913 | Natural polymers (for example, alginic acid) and modified natural polymers (for example, hardened proteins, chemical derivatives of natural rubber), not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms: | |
ex90.90 | - Other | |
- Dextrins and other products than hardened protein | FREE |
Tabell 1.17 Table IV to protocol A Norway
HS heading No. | Description of products | Rate of Duty NOK pr kg/ % ad valorem |
04.03 | Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa: | |
- Yogurt: | ||
- - Containing added fruit, nuts or berries: | ||
10.2 | - In powder, granules or other solid form | * + 0,50 |
10.3 | - Other | * + 0,50 |
ex 10.9 | - - Other: | |
- Flavoured or containing cocoa | * | |
ex 90.0 | - Other: | |
- - Flavoured or containing cocoa | * | |
- - Containing added fruit, nuts or berries | * + 0,50 | |
07.10 | Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen: | |
40.9 | - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | FREE |
07.11 | Vegetables provisionally preserved (for example, by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions), but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption: | |
- Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables: | ||
90.2 | - - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | FREE |
13.02 | Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products: | |
- Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products: | ||
ex 31.0 | - - Agar-agar: | |
- Modified | FREE | |
ex 32.0 | - - Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from locust beans, locust bean seeds or guar seeds: | |
- Modified | FREE | |
ex 39.0 | - - Other: | |
- Modified | FREE | |
17.02 | Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel: | |
50.9 | - Chemically pure fructose | FREE |
- Other, including invert sugar: | ||
ex 90.9 | - - Other: | |
- Chemically pure maltose | FREE | |
17.04 | Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa | * |
18.06 | Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa: | |
10.0 | - Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | * |
- Other preparations in blocks or slabs weighing more than 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or other bulk form in containers or immediate packings, of a content exceeding 2 kg: | ||
20.1 | - - Ice cream powders and table cream powders | * |
20.9 | - - Other | * |
- Other, in blocks, slabs or bars: | ||
31.0 | - - Filled | * |
32.0 | - - Not filled | * |
- Other: | ||
90.1 | - - Other chocolate | * |
90.2 | - - Ice cream powders and table cream powders | * |
90.9 | - - Other edible preparations | * |
19.01 | Malt extract; food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing less than 40 % by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included; food preparations of goods of headings Nos. 0401 to 0404, not containing cocoa or containing less than 5 % by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
- Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale: | ||
10.1 | - - Of goods of headings Nos. 04.01 - 04.04 | * + 0,50 |
10.9 | - - Other | * + 0,50 |
- Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers' wares of heading No. 19.05: | ||
20.1 | - - In containers of a net content of not more than 2 kg | * |
20.9 | - - Other | * + 0,50 |
- Other: | ||
90.1 | - - Malt extract | FREE |
90.9 | - - Other | * + 0,50 |
19.02 | Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other substances) or otherwise prepared, such as spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, whether or not prepared: | |
- Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared: | ||
11.0 | - - Containing eggs | * + 0,20 |
19.0 | - - Other | * + 0,20 |
- Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared: | ||
20.9 | - - Other | * |
30.0 | - Other pasta | * |
40.0 | - Couscous | * + 0,20 |
19.03 | Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or in similar forms | * + 0,20 |
19.04 | Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products (for example, corn flakes); cereals (other than maize (corn)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour and meal), pre-cooked, or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
- Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products: | ||
10.1 | - - «Corn flakes» | * |
10.9 | - - Other | * |
- Other: | ||
- - Pre-cooked rice not containing added ingredients: | ||
90.2 | - Other than for feed purpose | * |
90.9 | - - Other | * |
19.05 | Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products: | |
10.0 | - Crispbread | * + 10 % |
20.0 | - Gingerbread and the like | * |
30.0 | - Sweet biscuits; waffles and wafers | * |
40.0 | - Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products | * |
- Other: | ||
- - Pizza (including portion pizza and the like): | ||
90.1 | - Containing sausage, meat or edible meat offal | * |
90.2 | - Other, including pizza bases | * |
90.3 | - - Other cakes, thin wafer crisp- bread, Vienna bread (including Vienna bread sticks and the like) and biscuits, except those falling within subheading 1905.3001 | * |
90.9 | - - Other | * |
20.01 | Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid: | |
- Other: | ||
- - Vegetables: | ||
90.4 | - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | FREE |
20.04 | Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, other than products of heading No. 20.06: | |
- Potatoes: | ||
- - Preparations in the form of flour, meal or flakes, based on potatoes: | ||
10.1 | - Containing 75 % or more of potatoes | * + 0,20 |
10.2 | - Other | * + 0,20 |
- Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables: | ||
90.2 | - - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | * |
20.05 | Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading No. 20.06: | |
- Potatoes: | ||
- - Preparations in the form of flour, meal or flakes, based on potatoes: | ||
20.1 | - Containing 75 % or more of potatoes | * + 0,20 |
20.2 | - Other | * + 0,20 |
80.9 | - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | * |
20.08 | Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
- Nuts, ground-nuts and other seeds, whether or not mixed together: | ||
- - Ground-nuts: | ||
11.1 | - Peanut butter | FREE |
21.01 | Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or maté and preparations with a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee, tea or maté; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof: | |
- Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of coffee: | ||
ex 12.0 | - - Preparations with a basis of coffee (including coffee pastes) | FREE |
- Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea or maté, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of tea or maté: | ||
ex 20.9 | - - Preparations with a basis of tea or maté | FREE |
30.0 | - Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof | FREE |
21.02 | Yeasts (active or inactive); other single-cell micro-organisms, dead (but not including vaccines of heading No. 30.02); prepared baking powders: | |
- Active yeasts: | ||
10.1 | - - Wine yeasts | * |
10.9 | - - Other | * |
- Inactive yeasts; other single-cell micro-organisms, dead: | ||
20.1 | - - Yeasts for feed purpose | FREE |
20.2 | - - Other inactive yeasts | * |
21.03 | Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard: | |
10.0 | - Soya sauce | FREE |
- Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces: | ||
20.1 | - - Tomato ketchup | * |
20.2 | - - Other tomato sauces | * |
- Other: | ||
90.1 | - - Mayonnaise and remulades | * |
90.9 | - - Other: | |
- Mango chutney, liquid | FREE | |
- Other | * | |
21.04 | Soups and broths and preparations therefor; homogenised composite food preparations: | |
- Soups and broths and preparations therefor: | ||
- - In airtight containers: | ||
10.1 | - Meat broth | * |
10.2 | - Vegetable soups and broth, concentrated or not, containing neither meat nor meat-extracts | * |
10.3 | - Fish soup (containing not less than 25 % by weight of fish) | * |
10.4 | - Other | * |
- - Other: | ||
10.5 | - Containing meat or meat-extracts | * |
10.6 | - Fish soup (containing not less than 25 % by weight of fish) | * |
10.9 | - Other | * |
21.05 | Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa: | |
00.1 | - Containing cocoa | *+ 0,90 |
- Other: | ||
00.2 | - - Containing fatty substances | *+ 1,70 |
00.9 | - - Other | * |
21.06 | Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included: | |
10.0 | - Protein concentrates and textured protein substances | * |
- Other: | ||
90.1 | - - Non-alcoholic compound preparations on the basis of extracts of heading No. 13.02 for the manufacture of beverages | * |
90.2 | - - Preparations of juices of apple or blackcurrant, for the manufacture of beverages | * + 10 % |
90.3 | - - Preparations of other juices, for the manufacture of beverages | * |
90.4 | - - Sweets and chewing gum, not containing sugar | * |
- - Other: | ||
90.5 | - Cream substitutes | * |
90.6 | - Fat emulsions and similar preparations containing more than 15 % by weight of milkfats | * + 25 % |
90.9 | - - Other | * |
22.02 | Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of heading No. 20.09 | * |
22.03 | Beer made from malt | * |
22.05 | Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances | FREE |
22.08 | Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80 % vol; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages: | |
ex 70.0 | - Other: | |
- - Liqueurs, containing eggs or egg yolks and/or sugar (sucrose or invert sugar) | FREE | |
29.05 | Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Other polyhydric alcohols: | ||
43.0 | - - Mannitol | FREE |
44.0 | - - D-glucitol (sorbitol) | FREE |
29.15 | Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Formic acid, its salts and esters: | ||
ex 13.0 | - - Esters of formic acid: | |
- Esters of mannitol and esters of sorbitol | FREE | |
- Esters of acetic acid: | ||
ex 39.0 | - - Other: | |
- Esters of mannitol and esters of sorbitol | FREE | |
- Mono-, di- or trichloroacetic acids, their salts and esters: | ||
ex 40.2 | - - Salts and esters: | |
- Esters of mannitol and esters of sorbitol | FREE | |
- Propionic acid, its salts and esters: | ||
ex 50.2 | - - Salts and esters of propionic acid: | |
- Esters of mannitol and esters of sorbitol | FREE | |
- Butyric acids, valeric acids, their salts and esters: | ||
ex 60.2 | - - Salts and esters of butyric and valeric acids: | |
- Esters of mannitol and esters of sorbitol | FREE | |
- Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their salts and esters: | ||
ex 70.2 | - - Salts and esters of palmitic and stearic acids: | |
- Esters of mannitol and esters of sorbitol | FREE | |
- Other: | ||
ex 90.9 | - - Other: | |
- Esters of mannitol and esters of sorbitol | FREE | |
29.16 | Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives: | ||
ex 12.0 | - - Esters of acrylic acid: | |
- Esters of mannitol and esters of sorbitol | FREE | |
ex 14.0 | - - Esters of methacrylic acid: | |
- Esters of mannitol and esters of sorbitol | FREE | |
- - Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids, their salts and esters: | ||
ex 15.2 | - Salts and esters of oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids: | |
- - Esters of mannitol and esters of sorbitol | FREE | |
- - Other: | ||
ex 19.9 | - Other: | |
- - Esters of mannitol and esters of sorbitol | FREE | |
29.17 | Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Acyclic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives: | ||
- - Other: | ||
ex 19.1 | - Itaconic acid and its salts | FREE |
ex 19.9 | - Esters of itaconic acid | FREE |
29.18 | Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |
- Carboxylic acids with alcohol function but without other oxygen function, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives: | ||
- - Lactic acid, its salts and esters: | ||
11.1 | - Lactic acid and its salts | FREE |
11.2 | - Esters of lactic acid | FREE |
14.0 | - - Citric acid | FREE |
- - Salts and esters of citric acid: | ||
15.1 | - Salts | FREE |
15.2 | - Esters | FREE |
- - Other: | ||
- Glyceric acid, glycolic acid, saccharic acid, isosaccharic acid, heptasaccharic acid, their salts and esters: | ||
ex 19.1 | - - Acids and salts | FREE |
ex 19.9 | - - Esters | FREE |
29.32 | Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only: | |
- Compounds containing an unfused furan ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure: | ||
ex 19.0 | - - Other: | |
- Anhydrous mannitol and sorbitol compounds, excluding maltol and isomaltol | FREE | |
ex 99.0 | - Other: | |
- - Methylglucosides | FREE | |
- - Anhydrous mannitol and sorbitol compounds, excluding maltol and isomaltol | FREE | |
29.40 | Sugars, chemically pure, other than sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose; sugar ethers and sugar esters, and their salts, other than products of heading No. 29.37, 29.38 or 29.39: | |
ex 00.0 | - Other than rhamnose, raffinose and mannose | FREE |
29.41 | Antibiotics: | |
10.0 | - Penicillins and their derivatives with a penicillanic acid structure; salts thereof | FREE |
30.01 | Glands and other organs for organo-therapeutic uses, dried, whether or not powdered; extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions for organo-therapeutic uses; heparin and its salts; other human or animal substances prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
ex 90.0 | - Other: | |
- - Heparin and its salts | FREE | |
35.01 | Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives; casein glues: | |
10.0 | - Casein | * |
- Other: | ||
90.1 | - - Caseinates and other casein derivatives | * |
90.2 | - - Casein glues | FREE |
35.05 | Dextrins and other modified starches (for example, pregelatinised or esterified starches); glues based on starches, or on dextrins or other modified starches: | |
10.0 | - Dextrins and other modified starches | * |
20.0 | - Glues | FREE |
35.06 | Prepared glues and other prepared adhesives, not elsewhere specified or included; products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg: | |
ex 10.0 | - Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg: | |
- - With a basis of sodium silicate emulsion | FREE | |
- Other: | ||
ex 99.0 | - - Other: | |
- With a basis of sodium silicate emulsion or of resin emulsions | FREE | |
35.07 | Enzymes; prepared enzymes not else- where specified or included: | |
ex 90.0 | - Other: | |
- - Prepared enzymes containing foodstuffs | FREE | |
38.09 | Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dyestuffs and other products and preparations (for example, dressing and mordants), of a kind used in the textile, paper, leather or like industries, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
10.0 | - With a basis of amylaceous substances | FREE |
- Other: | ||
ex 91.0 | - - Of a kind used in the textile or like industries: | |
- Containing starch or products derived from starch | FREE | |
ex 92.0 | - - Of a kind used in the paper or like industries: | |
- Containing starch or products derived from starch | FREE | |
ex 93.0 | - - Of a kind used in the leather or like industries: | |
- Containing starch or products derived from starch | FREE | |
38.23 | Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining; industrial fatty alcohols: | |
- Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining: | ||
- - Tall oil fatty acids: | ||
13.1 | - For feed purpose | FREE |
13.9 | - Other | FREE |
38.24 | Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included; residual products of the chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere specified or included: | |
ex 10.0 | - Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores: | |
- - Based on synthetic resins | FREE | |
60.0 | - Sorbitol other than that of subheading No. 2905.44 | FREE |
ex 90.0 | - Other: | |
- - Products of sorbitol cracking | FREE | |
39.11 | Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides, polysulphones and other products specified in Note 3 to this Chapter, not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms: | |
ex 10.0 | - Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene or coumarone-indene resins and polyterpenes: | |
- - Adhesives with a basis of resin emulsions | FREE | |
- Other: | ||
ex 90.9 | - - Other: | |
- Adhesives with a basis of resin emulsions | FREE | |
39.13 | Natural polymers (for example, alginic acid) and modified natural polymers (for example, hardened proteins, chemical derivatives of natural rubber), not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms: | |
90.0 | - Other | FREE |
Tabell 1.18 Table V to protocol A Morocco
HS Heading No. | Description of products | Quotas (in T) |
04.03 | Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa. | |
07.10 | Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen. | |
40 | - Sweet corn | |
07.11 | Vegetables provisionally preserved (for example, by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions), but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption. | |
- Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables | ||
ex 9094 | - - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) other than preserved by sulphur dioxide gas | |
15.05 | Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom (including lanolin). | |
15.06 | Other animal fats and oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified. | |
15.17 | Margarine; edible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this Chapter, other than edible fats or oils or their fractions of heading No. 15.16. | |
15.18 | Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled, oxidised, dehydrated, sulphurised, blown, polymerised by heat in vacuum or in inert gas or otherwise chemically modified, excluding those of heading No. 15.16; inedible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this Chapter, not elsewhere specified or included. | |
15.20 | Glycerol, crude; glycerol waters and glycerol lyes. | |
15.22 | Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes. | |
17.02 | Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel. | |
50 | - Chemically pure fructose | |
- Other, including invert sugar | ||
ex 9021 | - - Chemically pure maltose | |
17.04 | Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa. | 13 |
18.03 | Cocoa paste, whether or not defatted. | |
18.04 | Cocoa butter, fat and oil. | |
18.05 | Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter. | |
18.06 | Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa. | 45 |
19.01 | Malt extract; food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or containing less than 40 % by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included; food preparations of goods of headings Nos. 04.01 to 04.04, not containing cocoa or containing less than 5 % by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included. | |
19.02 | Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other substances) or otherwise prepared, such as spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, whether or not prepared. | 305 |
19.03 | Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or in similar forms. | |
19.04 | Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products (for example, corn flakes); cereals (other than maize (corn)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour and meal), pre-cooked, or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included. | 21 |
19.05 | Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products. | 77 |
20.01 | Vegetables, fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid. | |
20.04 | Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, other than products of heading No. 20.06. | |
- Potatoes | ||
- - Homogenised preparations | ||
- - Other: | ||
- Simply cooked | ||
- Other: | ||
ex 1091 | - - Preparations on the basis of flour, meal and flakes | |
- Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables: | ||
ex 9020 | - - Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata), in form of grains or corn on the cob precooked or otherwise prepared | |
20.05 | Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading No. 20.06. | |
20.08 | Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, not elsewhere specified or included. | |
21.01 | Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or maté and preparations with a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee, tea or maté; roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof. | |
21.02 | Yeasts (active or inactive); other single-cell micro-organisms, dead (but not including vaccines of heading No 30.02); prepared baking powders. | |
21.03 | Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard. | |
21.04 | Soups and broths and preparations therefor; homogenised composite food preparations. | |
21.05 | Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa. | 19 |
21.06 | Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included. | |
22.01 | Waters, including natural or artificial mineral waters and aerated waters, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter nor flavoured; ice and snow. | |
10 | - Mineral waters and aerated waters | |
22.02 | Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of heading No. 20.09. | |
22.03 | Beer made from malt. | 134 |
22.05 | Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances. | |
22.07 | Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80 % vol or higher; ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength. | |
22.08 | Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80 % vol; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages. | |
22.09 | Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar obtained from acetic acid. | |
24.02 | Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of tobacco or of tobacco substitutes. | |
24.03 | Other manufactured tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes; «homogenised» or «reconstituted» tobacco; tobacco extracts and essences. | |
38.23 | Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining; industrial fatty alcohols. |
Protocol B Concerning the definition of the concept of «originating products»and methods of administrative co-operation
Article 1 Definitions
For the purposes of this Protocol:
«manufacture» means any kind of working or processing including assembly or sepcific operations;
«material» means any ingredient, raw matierial, component or part, etc., used in the manufacture of the product;
«product» means the product being manufactured, even if it is intended for later use in another manufacturing operation;
«goods» means both materials and products;
«customs value» means the value as dtermined in accordance with the Agreement on implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 1994 (WTO Agreement on Customs Valuation);
«ex-works price» means the price paid for the product ex-works to the manufacturer in whose undertaking the last working or processing is carried out, including the value of all the materials used, minus all internal taxes which are, or may be, repaid when the product obtained is exproted;
«value of materials» means the customs value at the time of importation of the non-originating materials used, or, if this is not known and cannot be ascertained, the first ascertainable price paid for the materials in the territories concerned;
«value of originating materials» means the customs value of such materials as defined in point g) applied mutatis mutandis;
«chapters» and «headings» means the chapters ande the headings (four-digit codes) used in the nomenclature which makes up the Harmonized Commodity Descriptin and Coding System, referred to in this Protocol as «the Harmonized System» or «HS»;
«classified» refers to the classification of a product or material under a particular heading;
«consignment» means products which are either sent simultaneously from one exporter to one consignee or covered by single transport document covering their shipment from the exproter to the consignee or, in the absence of such a document, by a single invoice.
Article 2 Origin criteria
For the purpose of implementing this Agreement and without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 of this Protocol, the following products shall be considered as:
products originating in an EFTA State:
products wholly obtained in an EFTA State, within the meaning of Article 5 of this Protocol;
products obtained in an EFTA State which contain materials not wholly obtained there, provided that the said materials have undergone sufficient working and processing in this EFTA State within the meaning of Article 6 of this Protocol;
products originating in Morocco:
products wholly obtained in Morocco within the meaning of Article 5 of this Protocol;
products obtained in Morocco which contain materials not wholly obtained there provided that the said materials have undergone sufficient working or processing in Morocco within the meaning of Article 6 of this Protocol.
Article 3 Bilateral cumulation
Notwithstanding Article 2(1)(b)and 2(2)(b), materials originating in a State Party within the meaning of this Protocol shall be considered as materials originating in another State Party and it shall not be necessary that such materials have undergone sufficient working or processing there, provided however that they have undergone working or processing going beyond that referred to in Article 7 of this Protocol.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 2, products originating in a State Party within the meaning of this Protocol, and exported from one State to another in the same state or having undergone in the exporting State no working or processing going beyond that referred to in Article 7, retain their origin.
For the purpose of implementing paragraph (2), where products originating in two or more of the States Parties are used and those products have undergone no working or processing in the exporting State going beyond that referred to in Article 7, the origin is determined by the product with the highest customs value or, if this is not known and cannot be ascertained, with the highest first ascertainable price paid for the products in that State.
Article 4 Diagonal Cumulation with materials originating in Tunisia
Not with standing Article 2(1)(b) and subject to the provisions of paragraph 3, materials originating in Tunisia within the meaning of Protocol B of the Agreement between the EFTA States and Tunisia shall be considered as originating in an EFTA State and it shall not be necessary that such materials have undergone sufficient working or processing, on condition however that they have undergone working or processing beyond that referred to in Article 7 of this Protocol.
Notwithstanding Article 2(2)(b) and subject to the provisions of paragraph 3, materials originating in Tunisia within the meaning of the origin Protocol of the Agreement between Morocco and Tunisia shall be considered as originating in Morocco and it shall not be necessary that such materials have undergone sufficient working or processing, on condition however that they have undergone working or processing beyond that referred to in Article 7 of this Protocol.
Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), products originating in Tunisia within the meaning of the Agreement between the EFTA States and Tunisia, and exported from one State Party to another in the same state or having undergone in the exporting State no working or processing going beyond that referred to in Article 7, retain their origin.
The provisions set out in paragraphs 1 to 3 concerning materials originating in Tunisia are only applicable to the extent that trade between the EFTA States and Tunisia, and between Morocco and Tunisia, is governed by identical rules of origin.
Article 5 Wholly obtained products
Within the meaning of Article 2(1)(a) and Article 2(2)(a), the following shall be considered as «wholly obtained» either in an EFTA State or in Morocco:
mineral products extracted from their soil or from their seabed;
vegetable products harvested there;
live animals born and raised there;
products from live animals raised there;
products obtained by hunting or fishing there;
products of sea fishing and other products taken from the sea by their vessels;
products made aboard their factory ships exclusively from products referred to in subparagraph (f);
used articles collected there fit only for the recovery of raw materials, including used tyres fit only for retreading or use as waste;
waste and scrap resulting from manufacturing operations conducted there;
products extracted from marine soil or subsoil outside their territorial waters provided that they have sole rights to work that soil or subsoil;
goods produced exclusively from products specified in subparagraphs (a) to (j).
The terms «their vessels» and «their factory ships» in paragraph 1(f) and (g) shall apply only to vessels and factory ships:
which are registered or recorded in an EFTA State or in Morocco,
which sail under the flag of an EFTA State or of Morocco,
which are owned to the extent of at least 50 per cent by nationals of an EFTA State or of Morocco, or by a company with its head office in an EFTA State or in Morocco, of which the manager or managers, chairman of the board of directors or the supervisory board and the majority of the members of such boards are nationals of EFTA States or of Morocco and of which, in addition, in the case of partnerships or limited companies, at least half the capital belongs to EFTA States or Morocco, to public bodies or to nationals of the EFTA States or Morocco,
of which the master and officers are nationals of EFTA States or of Morocco,
of which at least 75 % of the crew are nationals of EFTA States or of Morocco.
The terms «EFTA States» and «Morocco» shall also cover the territorial waters which surround the EFTA States and Morocco.
Vessels operating on the high seas, including factory ships on which the fish caught is worked or processed, shall be considered as part of the territory of the EFTA States or of Morocco provided that they satisfy the conditions set out in paragraph 2.
Article 6 Sufficiently worked or processed products
For the purposes of Article 2, non-originating materials are considered to be sufficiently worked or processed when the product obtained is classified in a heading which is different from that in which all the non-originating materials used in its manufacture are classified, subject to paragraph 2 and Article 7.
For a product mentioned in columns 1 and 2 of the list in Annex II, the conditions set out in column 3 for the product concerned must be fulfilled instead of the rule set out in paragraph 1.For the products falling under Chapters 84 to 91, as an alternative to satisfying the conditions set out in column 3, the exporter may opt to apply the conditions set out in column 4 instead.Where in the list in Annex II a percentage rule is applied in determining the originating status of a product obtained in an EFTA State or in Morocco the value added by the working or processing shall correspond to the ex-works price of the product obtained, less the value of third-country materials imported into the EFTA State concerned or Morocco.
These conditions indicate, for all products covered by the Agreement, the working or processing which must be carried out on the non-originating materials used in the manufacture of these products, and apply only in relation to such materials. Accordingly, it follows that if a product, which has acquired originating status by fulfilling the conditions set out in the list for that product, is used in the manufacture of another product, the conditions applicable to the product in which it is incorporated do not apply to it, and no account shall be taken of the non-originating materials which may have been used in its manufacture.
Article 7 Insufficient working or processing operations
For the purpose of implementing Article 6 the following shall be considered as insufficient working or processing to confer the status of originating products, whether or not there is a change of heading:
operations to ensure the preservation of products in good condition during transport and storage (ventilation, spreading out, drying, chilling, placing in brine, sulphur dioxide or other aqueous solutions, removal of damaged parts and like operations);
simple operations consisting of removal of dust, sifting or screening, sorting, classifying, matching (including) the making-up of sets of articles), washing, painting, cutting up;
changes of packaging and division and assembly of packages;
simple placing in bottles, flasks, bags, cases, boxes, fixing on cards or boards etc., and all other simple packaging operations;
affixing marks, labels and other like distinguishing signs on products or their packaging;
simple mixing of products, whether or not of different kinds, where one or more components of the mixture do not meet the conditions laid down int this Protocol to enable them to be considered as originating in an EFTA State or in Marocco;
simple assembly of parts to constiture a complete prodcuct;
a combination of two or more operations specified in subparagraphs (a) to (f);
slaughter of animals.
Article 8 Unit of qualification
The unit of qualification for the application of the provisions of this protocol shall be the particular product which is considered as the basic unit when determining classification using the nomenclature of the Harmonized System. Accordingly, it follows that:
when a product composed of a group or assembly of articles is classified under the terms of the Harmonized System under a single heading, the whole constitutes the unit of qualification;
when a consignment consists of a number of identical products classified under the same heading of the Harmonized System, each product must be taken individually when applying the provisions of this Protocol.
Where, under general rule 5 of the Harmonized System, packaging is included with the product for classification purposes, it shall be considered to form a whole with the product for the purposes of determining origin.
Article 9 Accessories, spare parts and tools
Accessories, spare parts and tools dispatched with a piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle, which are part of the normal equipment and included in the price thereof or which are not separately invoiced, shall be regarded as forming a whole with the piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle in question.
Article 10 Sets
Sets, as defined in general rule 3 of the Harmonized System, shall be regarded as originating when all component products are originating. Nevertheless, when a set is composed of originating and non-originating products, the set as a whole shall be regarded as originating, provided that the value of the non-originating products does not exceed 15 per cent of the ex-works price of the set.
Article 11 Neutral elements
In order to determine whether a product originates in an EFTA State or in Morocco it shall not be necessary to establish whether the electrical energy, fuel, plant and equipment as well as machines and tools used to obtain such product, or whether any goods, used in the course of production which do not enter and which were not intended to enter into the final composition of the product, are originating or not.
Article 12 Principle of territoriality
The conditions set out in Title II relative to the acquisition of originating status must be fulfilled without interruption in an EFTA State or in Morocco without prejudice to the provisions of Article 4.
Article 13 Reimportation of goods
If originating products exported from an EFTA State or Morocco to another country are returned, except insofar as provided for in Article 4 they must be considered as non-originating, unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that:
the goods returned are the same goods as those exproted; and
they have not undergone any operation beyond that necessary to preserve them in good condition while in that country or while being exported.
Article 14 Direct transport
The preferential treatment provided for under the Agreement applies only to products or materials which are transported between the territories of the EFTA States and Morocco or, when the provisions of Article 4 are applied, of Tunisia, without entering any other territory. However, goods originating in an EFTA State or in Morocco and constituting one single consignment which is not split up may be transported through territory other than that of the EFTA States or Morocco or, when the provisions of Article 4 apply, of Tunisia with, should the occasion arise, transhipment or temporary warehousing in such territory, provided that the goods have remained under the surveillance of the customs authorities in the country of transit or of warehousing and that they have not undergone operations other than unloading, reloading or any operation designed to preserve them in good condition. Products originating in an EFTA State or in Morocco may be transported by pipeline across territory other than that of the EFTA States or that of Morocco.
Evidence that the conditions set out in paragraph 1 have been fulfilled may be supplied to the customs authorities of the importing country by the production of:
a through bill of lading issued in the exporting country covering the passage through the country of transit; or
a certificate issued by the customs authorities of the country of transit:
giving an exact description of the products;
stating the dates of unloading and reloading of the products and, where applicable, the names of the ships used; and
certifying the conditions under which the products remained in the transit country; or
failing these, any substantiating documents.
Article 15 Exhibitions
Products sent from one of the Contracting Parties for exhibition in a third country and sold after the exhibition for importation in another Contracting Party shall benefit on importation from the provisions of the Agreement on condition that the products meet the requirements of this Protocol entitling them to be recognized as originating in an EFTA State or in Morocco and provided that it is shown to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that:
an exporter has consigned these products from one of the Contracting Parties to the country in which the exhibition is held and has exhibited them there;
the products have been sold or otherwise disposed of by that exporter to a person in another Contracting Party;
the products have been consigned during the exhibition or immediately thereafter to the latter Contracting Party in the state in which they were sent for exhibition; and
the products have not, since they were consigned for exhibition, been used for any purpose other than demonstration at the exhibition.
A proof of origin must be issued or made out in accordance with the provisions of Title IV and submitted to the customs authorities of the importing country in the normal manner. The name and address of the exhibition must be indicated thereon. Where necessary, additional documentary evidence of the nature of the products and the conditions under which they have been exhibited may be required.
Paragraph 1 shall apply to any trade, industrial, agricultural or crafts exhibition, fair or similar public show or display which is not organized for private purposes in shops or business premises with a view to the sale of foreign products and during which the products remain under customs control.
Article 16 Movement certificate EUR.1
Evidence of originating status of products, within the meaning of this Protocol, shall be given by a Movement certificate EUR.1, a specimen of which appears in Annex III to this Protocol.
Article 17 Normal procedure for the issue of a Movement certificate EUR.1
A Movement certificate EUR.1 shall be issued by the customs authorities of the exporting country on application having been made in writing by the exporter or, under the exporter's responsibility, by his authorized representative.
For this purpose, the exporter or his authorized representative shall fill out both the Movement certificate EUR.1 and the application form, specimens of which appear in Annex III.These forms shall be completed in one of the official languages of the State Parties or in English, in accordance with the provisions of the domestic law of the exporting country. If they are handwritten, they shall be completed in ink in printed characters. The description of the products must be given in the box reserved for this purpose without leaving any blank lines. Where the box is not completely filled a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description, the empty space being crossed through.
The exporter applying for the issue of a Movement certificate EUR.1 shall be prepared to submit at any time, at the request of the customs authorities of the exporting country where the Movement certificate EUR.1 is issued, all appropriate documents proving the originating status of the products concerned as well as the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Protocol.
The Movement certificate EUR.1 shall be issued by the customs authorities of an EFTA State if the goods to be exported can be considered as products originating in the EFTA State concerned within the meaning of Article 2 (1) of this Protocol. The Movement certificate EUR.1 shall be issued by the customs authorities of Morocco if the goods to be exported can be considered as products originating in Morocco within the meaning of Article 2(2) of this Protocol.
Where the cumulation provisions of Articles 3 and 4 are applied, the customs authorities of the EFTA States or of Morocco may issue Movement certificates EUR.1 under the conditions laid down in this Protocol if the goods to be exported can be considered as originating products within the meaning of this Protocol and provided that the goods covered by the Movement certificates EUR.1 are in that Contracting Party. In these cases Movement certificates EUR.1 shall be issued subject to the presentation of the proof of origin previously issued or made out. This proof of origin must be kept for at least three years by the customs authorities of the exporting State.
The issuing customs authorities shall take any steps necessary to verify the originating status of the products and the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Protocol. For this purpose, they shall have the right to call for any evidence and to carry out any inspection of the exporter's accounts or any other check which they consider appropriate. The issuing customs authorities shall also ensure that the forms referred to in paragraph 2 are duly completed. In particular, they shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions.
The date of issue of the Movement certificate EUR.1 shall be indicated in the part of the certificate reserved for the customs authorities.
A Movement certificate EUR.1 shall be issued by the customs authorities of the exporting country when the products to which it relates are exported. It shall be made available to the exporter as soon as actual exportation has been effected or ensured.
Article 18 Movement certificates EUR.1 issued retrospectively
Notwithstanding Article 17(8), a Movement certificate EUR.1 may exceptionally be issued after exportation of the products to which it relates if:
it was not issued at the time of exportation because of errors or involuntary omissions or special circumstances; or
it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that a Movement certificate EUR.1 was issued but was not accepted at importation for technical reasons.
For the implementation of paragraph 1, the exporter must indicate in this application the place and date of exportation of the products to which the Movement certificate EUR.1 relates, and state the reasons for his request.
The customs authorities may issue a Movement certificate EUR.1 retrospectively only after verifying that the information supplied in the exporter's application agrees with that in the corresponding file.
Movement certificates EUR.1 issued retrospectively must be endorsed with one of the following phrases:
«Arabic version».
The endorsement referred to in paragraph 4 shall be inserted in the «Remarks» box of the Movement certificate EUR.1.
Article 19 Issue of a duplicate Movement certificate EUR.1
In the event of theft, loss or destruction of a Movement certificate EUR.1, the exporter may apply to the customs authorities which issued it for a duplicate made out on the basis of the export documents in their possession.
The duplicate issued in this way must be endorsed with one of the following words:
«Arabic version».
The endorsement referred to in paragraph 2, the date of issue and the serial number of the original certificate shall be inserted in the «Remarks» box of the duplicate Movement certificate EUR.1.
The duplicate, which must bear the date of issue of the original Movement certificate EUR.1, shall take effect as from that date.
Article 20 Replacement of certificates
It shall at any time be possible to replace one or more Movement certificates EUR.1 by one or more other certificates provided that this is done by the customs office responsible for controlling the goods.
The replacement certificate shall be regarded as a definite Movement certificate EUR.1 for the purpose of the application of this Protocol, including the provisions of this Article.
The replacement certificate shall be issued on the basis of a written request from the re-exporter, after the authorities concerned have verified the information supplied in the applicant's request. The date and serial number of the original Movement certificate EUR.1 shall be given in box 7.
Article 21 Simplified procedure for the issue of Movement certificates EUR. 1
By way of derogation from Articles 17, 18 and 19 of this Protocol, a simplified procedure for the issue of Movement certificates EUR.1 can be used in accordance with the following provisions.
The customs authorities in the exporting State may authorise any exporter, hereinafter referred to as «approved exporter», making frequent shipments for which Movement certificates EUR.1 may be issued and who offers, to the satisfaction of the customs authorities, all guarantees necessary to verify the originating status of the products, not to submit at the time of export to the customs office of the exporting State or territory either the goods or the application for a movement certificate EUR.1 relating to those goods, for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate EUR.1 under the conditions laid down in Article 17 of this Protocol.
The authorization referred to in paragraph 2 shall stipulate, at the choice of the customs authorities, that box No 11 «Customs endorsement» of the Movement certificate EUR.1 must:
either be endorsed beforehand with the stamp of the competent customs office of the exporting State and the signature, which may be a facsimile, of an official of that office; or
be endorsed by the approved exporter with a special stamp which has been approved by the customs authorities of the exporting State and corresponds to the specimen given in Annex V of this Protocol. Such stamp may be pre-printed on the forms.
In the cases referred to in paragraph 3(a), one of the following phrases shall be entered in box No 7 «Remarks» of the Movement certificate EUR.1:
«Arabic version».
Box No 11 «Customs endorsement» of the movement certificate EUR.1 shall be completed if necessary by the approved exporter.
The approved exporter shall, if necessary, indicate in box No 13 «Request for verification» of the movement certificate EUR.1 the name and address of the authority competent to verify such a movement certificate.
Where the simplified procedure is applied, the customs authorities of the exporting State may prescribe the use of the movement certificate EUR.1 bearing a distinctive sign by which they may be identified.
In the authorization referred to in paragraph 2 the customs authorities shall specify in particular:
the conditions under which the applications for movement certificates EUR.1 are to be made;
the conditions under which these applications are to be kept for at least three years;
in the cases referred to in paragraph 3(b) the authority competent to carry out the subsequent verification referred to in Article 31 of this Protocol.
The customs authorities of the exporting State may declare certain categories of goods ineligible for the special treatment provided for in paragraph 2.
The customs authorities shall refuse the authorization referred to in paragraph 2 to exporters who do not offer all the guarantees which they consider necessary. The competent authorities may withdraw the authorization at any time. They must do so where the approved exporter no longer satisfies the conditions or no longer offers these guarantees.
The approved exporter may be required to inform the customs authorities, in accordance with the rules which they lay down, of the goods to be dispatched by him, so that such authorities may make any verification they think necessary before the departure of the goods.
The customs authorities of the exporting State may carry out any check on approved exporters which they consider necessary. Such exporters must allow this to be done.
The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to the application of the rules of the States parties concerning customs formalities and the use of customs documents.
Article 22 Validity of proof of origin
A Movement certificate EUR.1 shall be valid for four months from the date of issue in the exporting country, and must be submitted within the said period to the customs authorities of the importing country.
Movement certificates EUR.1 which are submitted to the customs authorities of the importing country after the final date for presentation specified in paragraph 1 may be accepted for the purpose of applying preferential treatment, where the failure to submit these documents by the final date set is due to reasons of force majeure or exceptional circumstances.
In other cases of belated presentation, the customs authorities of the importing country may accept the Movement certificates EUR.1 where the products have been submitted to them before the said final date.
Article 23 Submission of proof of origin
Movement certificates EUR.1 shall be submitted to the customs authorities of the importing country in accordance with the procedures applicable in that country. The said authorities may require a translation of a Movement certificate EUR.1 or an invoice declaration. They may also require the import declaration to be accompanied by a statement from the importer to the effect that the goods meet the conditions required for the implementation of the Agreement.
Article 24 Importation by instalments
Where, at the request of the importer and on the conditions laid down by the customs authorities of the importing country, dismantled or non-assembled products within the meaning of general rule 2(a) of the Harmonized System falling within Chapters 84 and 85 of the Harmonized System are imported by instalments, a single proof of origin for such products shall be submitted to the customs authorities upon importation of the first instalment.
Article 25 Invoice declaration
Notwithstanding Article 16, the evidence of originating status, within the meaning of this Protocol, may be given by an invoice declaration, the text of which appears in Annex IV to this Protocol, made by the exporter on an invoice, a delivery note or other commercial document (hereafter referred to as «invoice declaration») describing the products concerned in sufficient detail as to permit the identification of consignments containing only originating products and whose value does not exceed 6.000 units of accout per consignment.
The invoice declaration shall be completed and signed by the exporter in accordance with this Protocol .
An invoice declaration shall be completed for each consignment.
The exporter who applied for the invoice declaration shall submit at the request of the customs authorities of the exporting country all supporting documents concerning the use of this invoice declaration.
Articles 22 and 23 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the invoice declaration.
Article 26 Exemptions from formal proof of origin
Products sent as small packages from private persons to private persons or forming part of travellers' personal luggage shall be admitted as originating products without requiring the submission of a formal proof of origin, provided that such products are not imported by way of trade and have been declared as meeting the requirements of this Protocol and where there is no doubt as to the veracity of such a declaration. In the case of products sent by post, this declaration can be made on the customs declaration C2/CP3 or on a sheet of paper annexed to that document.
Imports which are occasional and consist solely of products for the personal use of the recipients or travellers or their families shall not be considered as imports by way of trade if it is evident from the nature and quantity of the products that no commercial purpose is in view
Furthermore, the total value of these products must not exceed 500 units of account in the case of small packages or 1.200 units of account in the case of products forming part of travellers' personal luggage.
Article 27 Preservation of proof of origin and supporting documents
The exporter applying for the issue of a Movement certificate EUR.1 shall keep for at least three years the documents referred to in Article 17(1) and (3).
The exporter making out an invoice declaration shall keep for at least three years a copy of this invoice declaration as well as the documents referred to in Article 25(1).
The customs authorities of the exporting country issuing a Movement certificate EUR.1 shall keep for at least three years the application form referred to in Article 17(2).
The customs authorities of the importing country shall keep for at least three years the Movement certificates EUR.1 and the invoice declarations submitted to them.
Article 28 Discrepancies and formal errors
The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in a Movement certificate EUR.1, or in an invoice declaration and those made in the documents submitted to the customs office for the purpose of carrying out the formalities for importing the products shall not ipso facto render the Movement certificate EUR.1, or the invoice declaration null and void if it is duly established that this document does correspond to the products submitted.
Obvious formal errors such as typing errors on a Movement certificate EUR.1, or an invoice declaration should not cause this document to be rejected if these errors are not such as to create doubts concerning the correctness of the statements made in this document.
Article 29 Amounts expressed in units of account
Amounts in the national currency of the exporting country equivalent to the amounts expressed in units of account shall be fixed by the exporting country and communicated to the other Contracting Parties. When the amounts exceed the corresponding amounts fixed by the importing country, the latter shall accept them if the products are invoiced in the currency of the exporting country or in the currency of another country referred to in Article 4 of this Protocol.If the goods are invoiced in the currency of another State Party the importing State shall recognize the amount notified by the country concerned.
Up to and including 30 April 2002, the amounts to be used in any given national currency shall be the equivalent in that national currency of the amounts expressed in units of account as at 1 October 1997.For each successive period of five years, the amounts expressed in units of account and their equivalents in the national currencies of the States Parties shall be reviewed by the Joint Committee on the basis of the exchange rates of the units of account on the first working day of October in the year immediately preceding that five-year period.When carrying out this review, the Joint Committee shall ensure that there will be no decrease in the amounts to be used in any national currency and shall furthermore consider the desirability of preserving the effects of the limits concerned in real terms. For this purpose, it may decide to modify the amounts expressed in units of account.
Article 30 Communication of stamps and addresses
The customs authorities of the EFTA States and of Morocco shall provide each other, through the EFTA Secretariat, with specimen impressions of stamps used in their customs offices for the issue of movement certificates EUR.1 and with the addresses of the customs authorities responsible for issuing Movement certificates EUR.1 and for verifying those certificates and invoice declarations.
Article 31 Verification of movement certificates EUR.1 and invoice declarations
Subsequent verification of Movement certificates EUR.1 and invoice declaration shall be carried out randomly or whenever the customs authorities of the importing state have reason to doubt the authenticity of such documents, the originating status of the products concerned or the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Protocol.
For the purposes of implementing, the provisions of paragraph 1, the customs authorities of the importing country shall return the Movement certificate EUR.1 ,the invoice declaration, or a copy of these documents, to the customs authorities of the exporting country giving, where appropriate, the reasons of substance or form for an inquiry. In order to assist with the verification, the customs authorities shall provide all the necessary documents and any information collected which indicate that the information on the movement certificate EUR.1 or the invoice declaration are incorrect.
The verification shall be carried out by the customs authorities of the exporting country. For this purpose, they shall have the right to call for any evidence and to carry out any inspection of the exporter»s accounts or any other check which they consider appropriate.
If the customs authorities of the importing country decide to suspend the granting of preferential treatment to the products concerned while awaiting the results of the verification, they shall offer to release the products to the importer subject to any precautionary measures judged necessary.
The customs authorities requesting the verification shall be informed of the results of this verification within a maximum of ten months. These results must indicate clearly whether the documents are authentic and whether the products concerned can be considered as originating products and fulfil the other requirements of this Protocol.
If in cases of reasonable doubt there is no reply within ten months or if the reply does not contain sufficient information to determine the authenticity of the document in question or the real origin of the products, the requesting customs authorities shall, except in exceptional circumstances, refuse entitlement to the preferences.
Article 32 Dispute settlement
Where disputes arise in relation to the verification procedures of Article 31 which cannot be settled between the customs authorities requesting a verification and the customs authorities responsible for carrying out this verification or where they raise a question as to the interpretation of this Protocol, they shall be submitted to the Joint Committee.
In all cases the settlement of disputes between the importer and the customs authorities of the importing State shall be under the legislation of the said State.
Article 33 Penalties
Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products.
Article 34 Free zones
The EFTA States and Morocco shall take all necessary steps to ensure that products traded under cover of a Movement certificate EUR.1 or an invoice declaration, which in the course of transport use a free zone situated in their territory, are not substituted by other goods and that they do not undergo handling other than normal operations designed to prevent their deterioration.
By means of an exemption to the provisions contained in paragraph 1, when products originating in an EFTA State or in Morocco and imported into a free zone under cover of a Movement certificate EUR.1 or an invoice declaration undergo treatment or processing, the authorities concerned must issue a new Movement certificate EUR.1 at the exporter's request, if the treatment or processing undergone is in conformity with the provisions of this Protocol.
Article 35 Sub-Committee of experts on customs and origin matters
A Sub-Committee of experts on customs and origin matters shall be set up under the Joint-Committee in accordance with Article 31 (5) of this Agreement to assist it in carrying out its duties and to ensure a continuous information and consultation process between experts.
It shall be composed of experts from the States Parties responsible for questions related to customs and origin matters.
Article 36 Annexes
The Annexes to this Protocol shall form an integral part thereof.
Article 37 Arrangements with Tunisia
The Contracting Parties shall take any measures necessary for the conclusion of arrangements with Tunisia enabling this Protocol to be applied. The Contracting Parties shall notify each other of measures taken to this effect.
Article 38 Goods in transit or storage
The provisions of the Agreement may be applied to goods which comply with the provisions of this Protocol and which on the date of entry into force of the Agreement are either in transit or are in an EFTA State or in Morocco or, insofar as the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 are applicable, in Tunisia in temporary storage in bonded warehouses or in free zones, subject to the submission to the customs authorities of the importing State, within four months of that date, of a movement certificate EUR.1 endorsed retrospectively by the competent authorities of the exporting State together with the documents showing that the goods have been transported directly.
Annex I to Protocol B Introductory notes
These notes shall apply, where appropriate to, all manufactured products using non-originating materials even if they are not subject to specific conditions contained in the list in Annex II but are subject instead to the change of heading rule set out in Article 6(1).
Note 1:
1.1 The first two columns in the list describe the product obtained. The first column gives the heading number or the chapter number, used in the Harmonized System and the second column gives the description of goods used in that system for that heading or chapter. For each entry in the first two columns a rule is specified in columns 3 or 4. Where, in some cases, the entry in the first column is preceded by an «ex», this signifies that the rule in columns 3 or 4 only applies to the part of that heading or chapter as described in column 2.
1.2 Where several heading numbers are grouped together in column 1 or a chapter number is given and the description of product in column 2 is therefore given in general terms the adjacent rule in columns 3 or 4 applies to all products which, under the Harmonized System, are classified within headings of the chapter or within any of the headings grouped together in column 1.
Note 2
2.1 In the case of any heading not in the list or any part of a heading that is not in the list, the «change of heading» rule set out in Article 7(1) applies. If a «chance of heading» condition applies to any entry in the list, then it is contained in the rule in column 3.
2.2 The working or processing required by a rule in column 3 has to be carried out only in relation to the non-originating materials used. The restrictions contained in a rule in column 3 likewisc apply only to the non-originating materials used.
2.3 Where a rule states that «materials of any heading» may be used, materials of the same heading as the product may also be used, subject, however, to any specific limitations which may also be contained in the rule. However, the expression «manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No....» means that only materials classified in the same heading as the product of a different description than that of the product as given in column 2 of the list may be used.
2.4 If a product made from non-originating materials which has acquired originating status during manufacture by virtue of the change of heading rule or its own list rule is used as a material in the process of manufacture of another product, then the rule applicable to the product in which it is incorporated does not apply to it.
For example:
An engine heading No 8407, for which the rule states that the value of the non-originating materials which may be incorporated may not exceed 40% of the ex-works price, is made from «other alloy steel roughly shaped by forging» of heading No 7224.
If this forging has been forged in the country concerned from a non-originating ingot then the forging has already acquired origin by virtue of the rule for heading No ex 7224 in the list. It can then count as originating in the value calculation for the engine regardless of whether it was produced in the same factory or another. The value of the non-originating ingot is thus not taken into account when adding up the value of the non-originating materials used.
2.5 Even if the change of heading rule or the other rules contained in the list are satisfied, a product shall not acquire originating status if the processing carried out, taken as a whole, is insufficient within the meaning of Article 7.
Note 3
3.1 The rule in the list represents the minimum amount of working or processing required and the carrying out of more working or processing also confers originating status; conversely the carrying out of less working or processing cannot confer origin. Thus if a rule says that non-originating material at a certain level of manufacture may be used, the use of such material at an earlier stage of manufacture is allowed and the use of such material at a later stage is not.
3.2 When a rule in the list specifies that a product may be manufactured from more than one material, this means that any one or more materials may be used. It does not require that all be used.
For example:
The rule for fabrics say that natural fibres may be used and that chemical materials, among other materials, may also be used. This does not mean that both have to be used; one can use one or the other or both.
If, however a restriction applies to one material and other restrictions apply to other materials in the same rule, then the restrictions only apply to the materials actually used.
For example:
The rule for sewing machines specifies that both the thread tension mechanism used and the zigzag mechanism used must originate; these two restrictions only apply if the mechanisms concerned are actually incorporated into the sewing machine.
3.3 When a rule in the list specifies that a product must be manufactured from a particular material the condition obviously does not prevent the use of other materials which, because of their inherent nature cannot satisfy the rule.
For example:
The rule for heading No 1904 which specifically excludes the use of cereals or their derivatives does not prevent the use of mineral salts, chemicals and other additives which are not produced from cereals.
For example:
In the case of an article made from non-woven materials, if the use of only non-originating yarn is allowed for this class of article, it is not possible to start from non-woven cloth even if non-woven cloths cannot normally be made from yarn. In such cases, the starting material would normally be at the stage before yarn that is the fibre stage.
See also Note 6.3 in relation to textiles.
3.4 If in a rule in the list two or more percentages are given for the maximum value of non-originating materials that can be used, then these percentages may not be added together. The maximum value of all the non-originating materials used may never exceed the highest of the percentages given. Furthermore, the individual percentages must not be exceeded in relation to the particular materials they apply to.
Note 4
4.1 The term «natural fibres» in the list to refer to fibres other than artificial or synthetic fibres and is restricted to the stages before spinning takes place, including waste, and, unless otherwise specified, the term «natural fibres» includes fibres that have been carded, combed or otherwise processed but not spun.
4.2 The term «natural fibre» includes horsehair of heading No 0503, silk of heading Nos 5002 and 5003 as well as the wool fibres, fine or coarse animal hair of heading Nos 5101 to 5105, the cotton fibres of heading Nos 5201 to 5203 and the other vegetable fibres of heading Nos 5301 to 5305.
4.3 The terms «textile pulp «chemical materials» and «paper-making materials» are used in the list to describe the materials not classified in Chapters 50 to 63, which can be used to manufacture artificial, synthetic or paper fibres or yarns.
4.4 The term «man-made staple fibres» is used in the list to refer to synthetic or artificial filament tow, staple fibres or waste, of headings Nos 5501 to 5507.
Note 5
5.1 In the case of the products classified within those headings in the list to which a reference is made to this Note, the conditions set out in column 3 of the list shall not be applied to any basic textile materials used in their manufacture which, taken together, represent 10% or less of the total weight of all the basic textile materials used (but see also Notes 5.3 and 5.4 below).
5.2 However, this tolerance may only be be applied to mixed products which have been made from two or more basic textile materials.
The following are the basic textile materials:
coarse animal hair,
fine animal hair,
paper-making materials and paper,
true hemp,
jute and other textile bast fibres,
sisal and other textile fibres of genus Agave,
coconut, abaca, ramie and other vegetable textile fibres,
synthetic man-made filaments,
artificial man-made filaments,
synthetic man-made staple fibres,
artificial man-made staple fibres,
For example:
A yarn of heading No 5205 made from cotton fibres of heading No 5203 and synthetic staple fibres of heading No 5506 is a mixed yarn. Therefore, non-originating synthetic staple fibres that do not satisfy the origin rules (which require manufacture from chemical materials or textile pulp) may be used up to a weight of 10% of the yarn.
For example:
A woollen fabric of heading No 5112 made from woollen yarn of heading No 5107 and synthetic yarn of staple fibres of heading No 55O9 is a mixed fabric. Therefore synthetic yarn which does not satisfy the origin rules (which require manufacture from chemical materials or textile pulp) or woollen yarn that does not satisfy the origin rules (which require manufacture from natural fibres, not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning) or a combination of the two may be used up to a weight of 10% of the fabric.
For example:
Tufted textile fabric of heading No 5802 made from cotton yarn of heading No 5205 and cotton fabric of heading No 5210 is only a mixed product if the cotton fabric is itself a mixed fabric being made from yarns classified in two separate headings or if the cotton yarns used are themselves mixtures.
For example:
If the tufted textile fabric concernes had been made from cotton yarn of heading No 5205 and synthetic fabric of heading No 5407, then, obviously, the yarns used are two separate basic textile materials and the tufted textile fabric is accordingly a mixed product.
For example:
A carpet with tufts made from both artificial yarns and cotton yarns and with a jute backing is a mixed product because three basic textile materials are used. Thus, any non-originating materials that are at a later stage of manufacture than the rule allows may be used provided their total weight taken together does not exceed 10% of the weight of the textile materials in the carpet. Thus, both the jute backing and/or the artilficial yarns could be imported at that stage of manufacture, provided the weight conditions are met.
5.3 In the case of fabrics incorporating «yarn made of polyurethane segmentes with flexible segments of polyether whether or not gimped» this tolerance is 20% in respect of this yarn.>
5.4 In the case of fabrics incorporating strip consisting of a core of aluminium foil or of a core of plastic film whether or not coated with aluminium powder, of width not exceeding, 5 mm, sandwiched by means of an adhesive between two films of plastic film, this tolerance is 30% in respect of this strip.
Note 6
6.1 In the case of those textile products which are marked in the list by a footnote referring to this note, textile materials with the exception of linings and interlinings which do not satisfy the rule set out in the list in column 3 for the made up products concerned may be used provided that they are classified in a heading other than that of the product and that their value does not exceed 8% of the ex-works price of the product.
6.2 Materials which are not classified within Chapters 50 to 63 may be used freely, whether or not they contain textiles.
If a rule in the list provides that for a particular textile item, such as trousers, yarn must be used, this does not prevent the use of metal items, such as buttons because buttons are not classified within Chapters 50 to 63. For the same reason, it does not prevent the use of slide-fasteners even though slide-fasteners normally contain textiles.
6.3 Where a percentage rule applies, the value of trimmings and accessories must be taken into account when calculating the value of the non-originating materials incorporated.
Note 7
7.1 For the purposes of heading Nos ex 2707, 2713 to 1715, ex 2901, ex 2902 and ex 3403, the «specific processes» are the following;
vacuum distillation:
redistillation by a very thorough fractionation process;
extraction by means of selective solvents;
the process comprising all the following operations: processing with concentrated sulphuric acid, oleum or sulphuric anhydride; neutralization with alkaline agents; decolorization and purification with naturally active earth, activated earth, activated charcoal or bauxite;
7.2 For the purposes of heading Nos 2710, 2711 and 2712, the «specific processes» are the following:
vacuum distillation:
redistillation by a very thorough fractination process;
extraction by means of selective solvents;
the process comprising all the following operations: processing with concentrated sulphuric acid, oleum or sulphuric anhydride; neutralization with alkaline agents: decolorization and purification with naturally active earth, activated earth, activated charcoal or bauxite;
(in respect of heavy oils falling within heading No ex 2710 only) desulphurization with hydrogen resulting in a reduction of at least 85% of the sulphur content of the products processed (ASTM D 1266-59 T method);
(in respect of products falling within heading No 2710 only) deparaffining by a process other than filtering;
(in respect of heavy oils falling within heading No ex 2710 only) treatment with hydrogen at a pressure of more than 20 bar and a temperature of more than 250°C with the use of a catalyst, other than to effect desulphurization, when the hydrogen constitutes an active element in a chemical reaction. The further treatment with hydrogen of lubricating oils of heading No ex 2710 (e.g. hydrofinishing or decolorization) in order, more especially, to improve colour or stability shall not, however, be deemed to be a specific process:
(in respect of fuel oils falling within heading No ex 2710 only) atmospheric distillation, on condition that less than 30% of these products distils, by volume, including losses, at 300°C by the ASTM D 86 method;
(in respect of heavy oils other than gas oils and fuel oils falling within heading No ex 2710 only) treatment by means of a high-frequency electrical brush-discharge.
7.3 For the purposes of heading Nos ex 2707, 2713 to 2715, ex 2901 ex 2902 and ex, simple operation such as cleaning, decanting, desalting, water separation, filtering, coloring, marketing obtaining a sulphur content as a result of mixing products with different sulphar contents, any combination of these operations or like operations do not confer origin.
Annex II to Protocol B List of working or processing required to be carried out on non-originating materials in order that the product manufactured can obtain originating status
0201 | Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | Manufacture from materials of any heading except meat of bovine animals, frozen of heading No 0202 | |
0202 | Meat of bovine animals, frozen | Manufacture from materlals of any heading except meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled of heading No 0201 | |
0206 | Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen | Manufacture from materials of any heading except carcases of headings Nos 0201 to 0205 | |
0210 | Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal | Manufacture from materials of any heading except meat and offal of heading Nos 0201 to 0206 and 0208 or poultry liver of heading No 0207 | |
0302 to 0305 | Fish, other than live fish | Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 3 used must be wholly obtained | |
0402, 0404 to 0406 | Dairy products | Manufacture from materials of any heading except milk or cream of heading No 0401 or 0402 | |
0403 | Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated of containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit or cocoa | Manufacture in which: - all the materials of Chapter 4 used must be wholly obtained, - any fruit juice (except those of pineapple, lime or grapefruit) of heading No 2009 used must be wholly obtained, and - the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
0408 | Birds' eggs, not in shell and egg yolks, fresh, dried, cooked, by steaming or by boiling in water, moulded, frozen or otherwise preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | Manufacture from materials of any heading except birds' eggs of heading No 0407 | |
ex 0502 | Prepared pigs'. hogs' or boars' bristles and hair | Cleaning, disinfecting, sorting and straightening of bristles and hair | |
ex 0506 | Bones and horn-cores unworked | Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 2 used must be wholly obtained | |
ex 0710 to ex 0713 | Edible vegetables, frozen or dried, provisionally preserved except for heading Nos ex 0710 and ex 0711 for which the rules are set out below | Manufacture in which all the vegetable materials used must be wholly obtained | |
ex 0710 | Sweet corn (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen | Manufacture from fresh or chilled sweet corn | |
ex 0711 | Sweet corn, provisionally preserved | Manufacture from fresh or chilled sweet corn | |
0811 | Fruit and nuts, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter: | ||
- containing added sugar | Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30% of the value of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- other | Manufacture in which all the fruit or nuts used must be wholly obtained | ||
0812 | Fruit and nuts provisionally preserved (for example, by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions), but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption | Manufacture in which all the fruit or nuts used must be wholly obtained | |
0813 | Fruit, dried, other than that of heading Nos 0801 to 0806; mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of this chapter | Manufacture in which all the fruit or nuts used must be wholly obtained | |
0814 | Peel of citrus fruit or melons (including water-melons), fresh, frozen, dried or provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions | Manufacture in which all the fruit or nuts used must be wholly obtained | |
ex Chap.11 | Products of the milling industry; malt, starches; inulin; wheat gluten, except for heading No ex 1106 for which the rule is set out below | Manufacture in which all the cereals, edible vegetables, roots and tubers of heading No 0714 or fruit used must be wholly obtained | |
ex 1106 | Flour and meal of the dried, shelled leguminous vegetables of heading No 0713 | Drying and milling of leguminous vegetables of heading No 0708 | |
1301 | Lac; natural gums, resins, gum-resins and balsams | Manufacture in which the value-of any materials of heading No 1301 used may not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
1501 | Lard; other pig fat and poultry fat, rendered, whether or not pressed or solvent-extracted: | ||
- Fats from bones or waste | Manufacture from materials of any heading except those of heading Nos 0203,0206 or 0207 or bones of heading No 0506 | ||
- Other | Manufacture from meat or edible offal of swine of heading No 0203 or 0206 or of meat and edible offal of poultry of heading No 0207 | ||
1502 | Fats of bovine animals; sheep or goats, raw or rendered, whether or not pressed or solvent-extracted: | ||
- Fats from bones or waste | Manufacture from materials of any heading except those of heading Nos 0201, 0202, 0204 or 0206 or bones of heading No 0506 | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which all the animal materials of Chapter 2 used must be wholly obtained | ||
1504 | Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish or marine mammals whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: | ||
- Solid fractions of fish oils and fats and oils of marine mammals | Manufacture from materials of any heading including other materials of heading No 1504 | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which all the animal materials of Chapters 2 and 3 used must be wholly obtained | ||
ex 1505 | Refined lanolin | Manufacture from crude wool grease of heading No 1505 | |
1506 | Other animal fats and oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: | ||
- Solid fractions | Manufacture from materials of any heading including other materials of heading No 1506 | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which all the animal materials of Chapter 2 used must be wholly obtained | ||
ex 1507 to 1515 | Fixed vegetable oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified: | ||
- Solid fractions, except for that of Jojoba oil | Manufacture from other materials of heading Nos 1507 to 1515 | ||
- Other, except for: - - Lung oil; myrtle wax and Japan wax - - Those for technical or industrial uses other than the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption | Manufacture in which all the vegetable materials used must be wholly obtained | ||
ex 1516 | Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, re-esterified, whether or not refined but not further prepared | Manufacture in which all the animal and vegetable materials used must be wholly obtained | |
ex 1517 | Edible liquid mixtures of vegetable oils of heading Nos 1507 to 1515 | Manufacture in which all the vegetable materials used must be wholly obtained | |
ex 1519 | Industrial fatty alcohols having the character of artificial waxes | Manufacture from materials of any heading including fatty acids of heading No 1519 | |
1601 | Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood; food preparations based on these products | Manufacture from animals of Chapter 1 | |
1602 | Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood | Manufacture from animals of Chapter 1 | |
1603 | Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates | Manufacture from animals of Chapter 1. However, all fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates used must be wholly obtained | |
1604 | Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs | Manufacture in which all the fish or fish eggs used must be wholly obtained | |
1605 | Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved | Manufacture in which all the crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates used must be wholly obtained | |
ex 1701 | Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form, flavoured or coloured | Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30% of the ex. works price of the product | |
1702 | Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltos, glucose and fructose, in solid form; sugar syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel: | ||
- Chemically pure maltose and fructose | Manufacture from materials of any heading including other materials of heading No 1702 | ||
- Other sugars in solid form, flavoured or coloured | Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price, of the product | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which all the materials used must already be originating | ||
ex 1703 | Molasses resulting from the extraction of refining of sugar, flavoured or coloured | Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
1704 | Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoas | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified in a heading other than that of the product, provided the value of any other materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
1806 | Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified in a heading other than that of the product, provided the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product | |
1901 | Malt extract; food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa powder or containing cocoa powder in a proportion by weight of less than 50%, not elsewhere specified or included; food preparations of goods of heading Nos 0401 to 0404, not containing cocoa powder or containing cocoa powder in a proportion by weight of less than 10%, not elsewhere specified or included: | ||
- Malt extract | Manufacture from cereals of Chapter 10 | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified in a heading other than that of the product, provided the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30 % of the ex-works price of the product | ||
1902 | Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other substances) or otherwise prepared, such as spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, whether or not prepared | Manufacture in which all the cereals (except durum wheat), meat, meat offal, fish, crustaceans or molluscs used must be wholly obtained | |
1903 | Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or in similar forms | Manufacture from materials of any heading except potato starch of heading No 1108 | |
1904 | Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products (for example, corn flakes); cereals, other than maize (corn), in grain form, pre-cooked or otherwise prepared: | ||
- Not containing cocoa | Manufacture in which: - all the cereals and flour (except maize of the species Zea indurata and durum wheat and their derivatives) used must be wholly obtained and - the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Containing cocoa | Manufacture from materials not classified in heading No 1806, provided the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
1905 | Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communication wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products | Manufacture from materials of any heading, except those of Chapter 11 | |
2001 | Vegetables, fruit nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid | Manufacture in which all the fruit, nuts or vegetables used must be wholly obtained | |
2002 | Tomatoes prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid | Manufacture in which all the tomatoes used must be wholly obtained | |
2003 | Mushrooms and truffles, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid | Manufacture in which all the mushrooms or truffles used must be wholly obtained | |
2004 and 2005 | Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen or not frozen | Manufacture in which all the vegetables used must be wholly obtained | |
2006 | Fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar (drained, glacé or crystallized) | Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
2007 | Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut purée and fruit or nut pastes, being cooked preparations, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used must not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
2008 | Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, not elsewhere specified or included: | ||
- Fruit and nuts cooked otherwise than by steaming or boiling in water, not containing added sugar, frozen | Manufacture in which all the fruit and nuts used must be wholly obtained | ||
- Nuts, not containing added sugar or spirits | Manufacture in which the value of the originating nuts and oil seeds of heading Nos 0801, 0802 and 1202 to 1207 used exceeds 60% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Others | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified in a heading other than that of the product, provided the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
ex 2009 | Fruit juices (including grape must), unfermented and not containing added spirit, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified in a heading other than that of the product, provided the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 2101 | Roasted chicory and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof | Manufacture in which all the chicory used must be wholly obtained | |
ex 2103 | Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified in a heading other than that of the product. However, mustard flour or meal or prepared mustard may be used | |
- Prepared mustard | Manufacture from mustard flour or meal | ||
ex 2104 | - Soups and broths and preparations therefor: | Manufacture from materials of any heading except prepared or preserved vegetables of heading Nos 2002 to 2005 | |
ex 2104 | - Homogenized composite food preparations | The rule for the heading in which the product would be classified in bulk shall apply | |
ex 2106 | Sugar syrups, flavoured or coloured | Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used must not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
2201 | Waters, including natural or artificial mineral waters and aerated waters, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter nor flavoured; ice and snow | Manufacture in which all the water used must be wholly obtained | |
2202 | Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of heading No 2009 | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified in a heading other than that of the product, provided the value of any materials of Chapter 17 used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product and any fruit juice used (except for pineapple, lime and grapefruit juices) must be wholly obtained | |
ex 2204 | Wine of fresh grapes, including fortified wines, and grape must with the addition of alcohol | Manufacture from other grape must | |
2205 ex 2207 ex 2208 and ex 2209 | The following, containing grape materials: - Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances; - ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured or not; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages; compound alcoholic preparations of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages; - vinegar | Manufacture from materials of any heading, except grapes or any material derived from grapes | |
ex 2208 | Whiskies of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 50% vol | Manufacture in which the value of any cereal based spirits used does not exceed 15% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 2303 | Residues from the manufacture of starch from maize (excluding concentrated steeping liquors), of a protein content, calculated on the dry product, exceeding 40% by weight | Manufacture in which all the maize used must be wholly obtained | |
ex 2306 | Oil cake and other solid residues resulting from the extraction of olive oil, containing more than 3% of olive oil | Manufacture in which all the olives used must be wholly obtained | |
2309 | Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding | Manufacture in which all the cereals, sugar or molasses, must or milk used must be wholly obtained | |
2402 | Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of tobacco or of tobacco substitutes | Manufacture in which at least 70% by weight of the unmanufactured tobacco or tobacco refuse of heading No 2401 used must be wholly obtained | |
ex 2403 | Smoking tobacco | Manufacture in which at least 70% by weight of the unmanufactured tobacco or tobacco refuse of heading No 2401 used must be wholly obtained | |
ex Chap.25 | Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials; lime and cement; except for heading Nos ex 2504, ex 2515, ex 2516, ex 2518, ex 2519, ex 2520, ex 2524, ex 2525 and ex 2530 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 2504 | Natural crystalline graphite, with enriched carbon content, purified and ground | Enriching of the carbon content, purifying and grinding of crude crystalline graphite | |
ex 2515 | Marble, merely cut by sawing or otherwise into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape, of a thickness not exceeding 25 cm | Cutting, by sawing or otherwise, of marble (even if already sawn) of a thickness exceeding 25 cm | |
2516 | Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone end other monumental and building stone, merely cut by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape, of a thickness not exceeding 25 cm | Cutting, by sawing or otherwise, of stone (even if already sawn) of a thickness exceeding 25 cm | |
ex 2518 | Calcined dolomite | Calcination of dolomite not calcined | |
ex 2519 | Crushed natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite), in hermetically sealed containers, and magnesium oxide, whether or not pure, other than fused magnesia or dead burned (sintered) magnesia | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite) may be used | |
ex 2520 | Plasters specially prepared for dentistry | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 2524 | Natural asbestos fibres | Manufacture from asbestos concentrate | |
ex 2525 | Mica powder | Grinding of mica or mica waste | |
ex 2530 | Earth colours, calcined or powdered | Calcination or grinding of earth colours | |
Chap.26 | Ores. slag and ash | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex Chap 27 | Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes; except for heading Nos ex 2707 and 2709 to 2715 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 2707 | Oils in which the weight of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the non-aromatic constituents, being oils similar to mineral oils obtained by distillation of high temperature coal tar, of which more than 65% by volume distils at a temperature of up to 250°C (including mixtures of petroleum spirit and benzole), for use as power or heating fuels | Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es)1 Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 2709 | Crude oils obtained from bituminous minerals | Destructive distillation of bituminous materials | |
2710 to 2712 | Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous materials, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous materials, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations | Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es)2 | |
Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons | Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, microcrystalline petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerite, lignite wax, peat wax, other mineral waxes and similar products obtained by synthesis or by other processes, whether or not coloured | |||
2713 to 2715 | Petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen and other residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous materials | Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es)2 | |
Bitumen and asphalt, natural; bituminous or oil shale and tar sands; asphaltites and asphaltic rocks Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, on natural bitumen, on petroleum bitumen, on mineral tar or on mineral tar pitch | Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
ex Chap.28 | Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds or precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes; except for heading Nos ex 2805, ex 2811, ex 2833 and ex 2840 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 2805 | «Mischmetall« | Manufacture by electrolytic or thermal treatment in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 2811 | Sulphur trioxide | Manufacture from sulphur dioxide | |
ex 2833 | Aluminium sulphate | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 2840 | Sodium perborate | Manufacture from disodium tetraborate pentahydrate | |
ex Chap.29 | Organic chemicals; except for heading Nos ex 2901, ex 2902, ex 2905, 2915, 2932, 2933 and 2934, for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 2901 | Acyclic hydrocarbons for use as power or heating fuels | Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es)3 Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 2902 | Cyclanes and cyclenes (other than azulenes), benzene, toluene, xylenes, for use as power or heating fuels | Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es)3 Other operations in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used, provided their value does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 2905 | Metal alcoholates of alcohols of this heading and of ethanol or glycerol | Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 2905. However, metal alcoholates of this heading may be used, provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
2915 | Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | Manufacture from materials of any heading. However, the value of all the materials of heading Nos 2915 and 2916 used may not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
2932 | Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen heteroatom(s) only: | ||
- Internal ethers and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | Manufacture from materials of any heading. However, the value of all the materials of heading No 2909 used may not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Cyclic acetals and internal hemiacetals and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | Manufacture from materials of any heading | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
2933 | Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only: nucleic acids and their salts | Manufacture from materials of any heading. However, the value of all the materials of heading Nos 2932 and 2933 used may not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
2934 | Other heterocyclic compounds | Manufacture from materials of any heading. However, the value of all the materials of heading Nos 2932, 2933 and 2934 used may not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.30 | Pharmaceutical products; except for heading Nos 3002. 3003 and 3004, for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
3002 | Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; antisera and other blood fractions; vaccines, toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products: | ||
- Products consisting of two or more constituents which have been mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses or unmixed products for these uses, put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale | Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3002. The materials of this description may also be used, provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other: | |||
- - human blood | Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3002. The materials of this description may also be used, provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- - animal blood prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses | Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3002. The materials of this description may also be used, provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- - blood fractions other than antisera, haemoglobin and serum globulin | Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3002. The materials of this description may also be used, provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- - haemoglobin, blood globulin and serum globulin | Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3002. The materials of this description may also be used, provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- - other | Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3002. The materials of this description may also be used, provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
3003 and 3004 | Medicaments (excluding goods of heading No 3002, 3005 and 3006) | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials of heading No 3003 or 3004 may be used provided their value, taken together, does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.31 | Fertilizers; except for heading No ex 3105 for which the rule is set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 3105 | Mineral or chemical fertilizers containing two or three of the fertilizing elements nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium; other fertilizers; goods of this Chapter, in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight not exceeding 10 kg, except for: - sodium nitrate - calcium cyanamide - potassium sulphate - magnesium potassium sulphate | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.32 | Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other colouring matter; paints and varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks; except for: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 3201 | Tannins and their salts, esters, ethers, and other derivatives | Manufacture from tanning extracts of vegetable origin | |
3205 | Colour lakes; preparations as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter based on colour lakes4 | Manufacture from materials of any heading, except heading Nos 3203, 3204 and 3205. However, materials from heading No 3205 may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.33 | Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations; except for heading No 3301, for which the rule is set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
3301 | Essential oils (terpeneless or not), including concretes and absolutes; resinoids; concentrates of essential oils in fats, in fixed oils, in waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products of the deterpenation of essential oils; aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions of essential oils | Manufacture from materials of any heading, including materials of a different «group»5 in this heading. However, materials of the same group may be used, provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap 34 | Soap, organic surface-active agents, washing preparations, lubricating preparations, artificial waxes, prepared waxes, polishing or scouring preparations, candles and similar articles, modelling pastes, «dental waxes» and dental preparations with a basis of plaster; except for heading Nos ex 3403 and 3404, for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 3403 | Lubricating preparations containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals, provided they represent less than 70% by weight | Operations of refining and/or one or more specific process(es)6 | |
Other operations in which all the materials used are classifiedwithin a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |||
ex 3404 | Artificial waxes and prepared waxes: | ||
- Artificial waxes and prepared waxes with a basis of paraffin, petroleum waxes, waxes obtained from bituminous minerals, slack wax or scale wax | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other | Manufacture from materials of any heading, except: - hydrogenated oils having the character of waxes of heading No 1516 - fatty acids not chemically defined or industrial fatty alcohols having the character of waxes of heading No 3823 - materials of heading No 3404 | ||
However, these materials may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |||
ex Chap.35 | Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes; except for heading Nos 3505 and ex 3507 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
3505 | Dextrins and other modified starches (for example, pregelatinized or esterified starches); glues based on starches, or on dextrins or other modified starches: | ||
- Starch ethers and esters | Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 3505 | ||
- Other | Manufacture from materials of any heading, except those of heading No 1108 | ||
ex 3507 | Prepared enzymes not elsewhere specified or included | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
Chap.36 | Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain combustible preparations | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.37 | Photographic or cinematographic goods; except for heading Nos 3701, 3702 and 3704 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
3701 | Photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitized, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant print film in the flat, sensitized, unexposed, whether or not in packs: | ||
- Instant print film for colour photography, in packs | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than heading Nos 3701 or 3702. However, materials from heading No 3702 may be used provided their value does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than heading No 3701 or 3702. However, materials from heading Nos 3701 and 3702 may be used provided their value taken together, does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
3702 | Photographic film in rolls, sensitized, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant print film in rolls, sensitized, unexposed | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than heading Nos 3701 or 3702 | |
3704 | Photographic plates, film paper, paperboard and textiles, exposed but not developed | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than heading Nos 3701 to 3704 | |
ex Chap.38 | Miscellaneous chemical products; except for heading Nos 3801, ex 3803, ex 3805, ex 3806, ex 3807, 3808 to 3814,3818 to 3820, 3822 and 3823 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the mataterials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
3801 | Artificial graphite; colloidal or semi-colloidal graphite; preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of pastes or other semi-manufactures: | ||
- Colloidal graphite in suspension in oil and semi-colloidal graphite; carbonaceous pastes for electrodes | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Graphite in paste form, being a mixture of more than 30% by weight of graphite with mineral oils | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials of heading No 3403 used does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
ex 3803 | Refined tall oil | Refining of crude tall oil | |
ex 3805 | Spirits of sulphate turpentine, purified | Purification by distillation or refining of raw spirits of sulphate turpentine | |
ex 3806 | Ester gums | Manufacture from resin acids | |
ex 3807 | Wood pitch (wood tar pitch) | Distillation of wood tar | |
3808 | Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms of packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphurtreated bands, wicks and candles, and fly-papers) | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the products | |
3809 | Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dyestuffs and other products and preparations (for example, dressings and mordants) of a kind used in the textile, paper, leather or like industries, not elsewhere specified or included | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the products | |
3810 | Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; fluxes and other auxiliary preparations for soldering, brazing or welding; soldering, brazing or welding powders and pastes consisting of metal and other materials; preparations of a kind used as cores or coatings for welding electrodes or rods | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the products | |
3811 | Anti-knock preparations, oxidation inhibitors, gum inhibitors, viscosity improvers, anti-corrosive preparations and other prepared additives, for mineral oils (including gasoline) or for other liquids used for the same purposes as mineral oils: | ||
- Prepared additives for lubricating oil, containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials of heading No 3811 used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
3812 | Prepared rubber accelerators; compound plasticizers for rubber or plastics, not elsewhere specified or included; anti-oxidizing preparations and other compound stabilizers for rubber or plastics | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
3813 | Preparations and charges for fire-extinguishers; charged fire-extinguishing grenades | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
3814 | Organic composite solvents and thinners, not elsewhere specified or included; prepared paint or vanish removers | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
3818 | Chemical elements doped for use in electronics, in the form of discs, wafers or similar forms; chemical compounds doped for use in electronics | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
3819 | Hydraulic brake fluids and other prepared liquids for hydraulic transmission, not containing or containing less than 70% by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
3820 | Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icing fluids | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
3822 | Composite diagnostic or laboratory reagents, other than those of heading No 3002 or 3006 | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
3823 | Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products). not elsewhere specified or included; residual products of the chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere specified or included: | ||
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |||
- The following of this heading: | |||
- - Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores based on natural resinous products | |||
- - Naphthenic acids, their water insoluble salts and their esters | |||
- - Sorbitol other than that of heading No 2905 | |||
- - Petroleum sulphonates.excluding petroleum sulphonates of alkali metals, of ammonium or of ethanolamines; thiophenated sulphonic acids of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, and their salts | |||
- - Ion exchangers | |||
- - Getters for vacuum tubes | |||
- - Alkaline iron oxide for the purification of gas | |||
- - Ammoniacal gas liquors and spent oxide produced in coal gas purification | |||
- - Sulphonaphthenic acids, their water insoluble salts and their esters | |||
- - Fusel oil and Dippelk's oil | |||
- - Mixtures of salts having different onion | |||
- - Copying pastes with a basis of gelatin, whether or not on a paper or textile backing | |||
- Other | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
ex 3901 to 3915 | Plastics in primary forms, waste. parings and scrap, of plastic; except for heading No ex 3907 for which the rule is set out below: | ||
- Addition homopolymerization products | Manufacture in which: - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product, and - the value of any materials of Chapter 39 used does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product7 | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which the value of the materials of Chapter 39 used does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product7 | ||
ex 3907 | Copolymer, made from polycarbonate and acrylonitrile-butadienestyrene copolymer (ABS) | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However. materials classified within the same heading may be used provided their value does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product7 | |
ex 3916 to 3921 | Semi-manufactures and articles of plastics; except for heading Nos ex 3916, ex 3917, ex 3920 and ex 3921, for which the rules are set out below: | ||
- Flat products, further worked than only surface-worked or cut into forms other than rectangular or square; other products. further worked than only surface-worked | Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 39 used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other: | |||
- - Addition homopolymerization products | Manufacture in which: - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product, and - the value of any materials of Chapter 39 used does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product8 | ||
- - Other | Manufacture in which the value of any materials of Chapter 39 used does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product8 | ||
ex 3916 and ex 3917 | Profile shapes and tubes | Manufacture in which: - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product, and - the value of any materials classified within the same heading as the product does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 3920 | Ionomer sheet or film | Manufacture from a thermoplastic partial salt which is a copolymer of ethylene and metacrylic acid partly neutralized with metal ions, mainly zinc and sodium | |
ex 3921 | Foils of plastic, metallized | Manufacture from highly transparent polyester foils with a thickness of less than 23 micron9 | |
3922 to 3926 | Articles of plastics | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.40 | Rubber and articles thereof; except for heading Nos ex 4001, 4005, 4012 and ex 4017 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 4001 | Laminated slabs or crepe rubber for shoes | Lamination of sheets of natural rubber | |
4005 | Compound rubber, unvulcanized, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used, except natural rubber, does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
4012 | Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid or cushion tyres, interchangeable tyre treads and tyre flaps, of rubber: | ||
- Retreaded pneumatic, solid or cushion tyres, of rubber | Retreading of used tyres | ||
- Other | Manufacture from materials of any heading, except those of heading Nos 4011 or 4012 | ||
ex 4017 | Articles of hard rubber | Manufacture from hard rubber | |
ex Chap.41 | Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather; except for heading Nos ex 4102, 4104 to 4107 and 4109 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 4102 | Raw skins of sheep or lambs, without wool on | Removal of wool from sheep or lamb skins, with wool on | |
4104 to 4107 | Leather, without hair or wool, other than leather of heading Nos 4108 or 4109 | Retanning of pre-tanned leather or Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
4109 | Patent leather and patent laminated leather; metallized leather | Manufacture from leather of heading Nos 4104 to 4107 provided its value does not exceed 50%,of the ex-works price of the product | |
Chap.42 | Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk worm gut) | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex Chap.43 | Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof; except for heading Nos ex 4302 and 4303 for which the rules are set out below | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 4302 | Tanned or dressed furskins, assembled: | ||
- Plates, crosses and similar forms | Bleaching or dyeing, in addition to cutting and assembly of non assembled tanned or dressed furskins | ||
- Other | Manufacture from non-assembled, tanned or dressed furskins | ||
4303 | Articles of apparel, clothing accessories and other articles of furskin | Manufacture from non-assembled tanned or dressed furskins of heading No 4302 | |
ex Chap.44 | Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal; except for heading Nos ex 4403, ex 4407, ex 4408, 4409, ex 4410 to ex 4413, ex 4415, ex 4416, 4418 and ex 4421 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 4403 | Wood roughly squared | Manufacture from wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of its bark or merely roughed down | |
ex 4407 | Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm, planed, sanded or finger-jointed | Planing, sanding or finger-jointing | |
ex 4408 | Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood, of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm, spliced, and other wood sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm, planed, sanded or finger-jointed | Splicing, planing, sanding or finger-jointing | |
4409 | Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-joined, beaded, moulded, rounded or the like) along any of its edges or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or finger-jointed: | ||
- Sanded or finger-jointed | Sanding or finger-jointing | ||
- Beadings and mouldings | Beading or moulding | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than of the product | ||
ex 4410 to ex 4413 | Beadings and mouldings, including moulded skirting and other moulded boards | Beading or moulding. | |
ex 4415 | Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, of wood | Manufacture from boards not cut to size | |
ex 4416 | Casks, barrels, vats. tubs and other coopers products and parts thereof, of wood | Manufacture from riven staves, not further worked than sawn on the two principal surfaces | |
4418 | Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, including cellular wood panels, assembled parquet panels, shingles and shakes: | ||
- Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, cellular wood panels, shingles and shakes may be used | ||
- Beadings and mouldings | Beading or moulding | ||
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |||
ex 4421 | Match splints; wooden pegs or pins for footwear | Manufacture from wood of any heading except drawn wood of heading No 4409 | |
ex Chap.45 | Cork and articles of cork; except for heading No 4503 for which the rule is set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heding other than that of the product | |
4503 | Articles of natural cork | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
Chap.46 | Manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware and wickerwork | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
Chap.47 | Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap of paper or paperboard | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex Chap.48 | Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard; except for heading Nos ex 4811, 4816, 4817, ex 4818, ex 4819, ex 4820 and ex 4823 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 4811 | Paper and paperboard, ruled, lined or squared only | Manufacture from paper-making materials of Chapter 47 | |
4816 | Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers (other than those of heading No 4809), duplicator stencils and offset plates, of paper, whether or not put up in boxes | Manufacture from paper-making materials of Chapter 47 | |
4817 | Envelopes, letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards, of paper or paperboard; boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, of paper or paperboard, containing an assortment of paper stationery | Manufacturing in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 4818 | Toilet paper | Manufacture from paper-making materials of Chapter 47 | |
ex 4819 | Cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 4820 | Letter pads | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 4823 | Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, cut to size or shape | Manufacture from paper-making materials of Chapter 47 | |
ex Chap.49 | Printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plans; except for heading Nos 4909 and 4910 for which the. rules are set out below | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
4909 | Printed or illustrated postcards; printed cards bearing personal greetings, messages or announcements, whether or not illustrated, with or without envelopes or trimmings | Manufacture from materials not classified within heading Nos 4909 or 4911 | |
4910 | Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocks: | ||
- Calendars of the «perpetual» type» or with replaceable blocks mounted on bases other than paper or paperboard | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the material used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other | Manufacture from materials not classified in heading Nos. 4909 or 4911 | ||
ex Chap.50 | Silk; except for heading Nos ex 5003, 5004 to ex 5006 and 5007 for which the rules are set out below | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 5003 | Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock), carded or combed | Carding or combing of silk waste | |
5004 to ex 5006 | Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste | Manufacture from10: - raw silk or silk waste carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - other natural fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper-making materials | |
5007 | Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste: | ||
- incorporating rubber thread | Manufacture from single yarn11 | ||
- Other | Manufacture from11: - coir yarn, - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerizing, heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatizing, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric sed does not exceed 47,5% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
ex Chap.51 | Wool, fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric; except for heading Nos 5106 to 5110 and 5111 to 5113 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
5106 to 5110 | Yarn of wool, of fine or coarse animal hair or of horsehair | Manufacture from11: - raw silk or silk waste carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - natural fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper-making materials | |
5111 to 5113 | Woven fabrics of wool, of fine or coarse animal hair or of horsehair: | ||
- Incorporating rubber thread | Manufacture from single yarn11: | ||
- Other | Manufacture from12: - coir yarn, - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerizing, heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatizing, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
ex Chap.52 | Cotton; except for heading Nos 5204 to 5207 and 5208 to 5212 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
5204 to 5207 | Yarn and thread of cotton | Manufacture from12: - raw silk or silk waste carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - natural fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - chemicalmaterials or textile pulp, or - paper-making materials | |
5208 to 5212 | Woven fabrics of cotton: | ||
- incorporating rubber thread | Manufacture from single yarn12 | ||
- Other | Manufacture from13: - coir yarn, - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerizing, heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatizing, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
ex Chap.53 | Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn; except for heading Nos 5306 to 5308 and 5309 to 5311 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
5306 to 5308 | Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn | Manufacture from13: - raw silk or silk waste carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - natural fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper-making materials | |
5309 to 5311 | Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres; woven fabrics of paper yarn: | ||
- incorporating rubber thread | Manufacture from single yarn13 | ||
- Other | Manufacture from14: - coir yarn, - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerizing, heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatizing, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
5401 to 5406 | Yarn, monofilament and thread of man-made filaments | Manufacture from14: - raw silk or silk waste carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - natural fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper-making materials | |
5407 to 5408 | Woven fabrics of man-made filament yarn: | ||
- incorporating rubber thread | Manufacture from single yarn14 | ||
- Other | Manufacture from15: - coir yarn, - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerizing, heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatizing, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47.5% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
5501 to 5507 | Man-made staple fibres | Manufacture from chemical materials or textile pulp | |
5508 to 5511 | Yarn and sewing thread | Manufacture from15: - raw silk or silk waste carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - natural fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper-making materials | |
5512 to 5516 | Woven fabrics of man-made staple fibres: | ||
- incorporating rubber thread | Manufacture from single yarn15 | ||
- Other | Manufacture from16: - coir yarn, - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerizing, heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing, permanent finishing. decatizing impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
ex Chap.56 | Wadding, felt and non-wovens; special yarns; twine, cordage, ropes and cables and articles thereof; except for heading Nos 5602, 5604, 5605 and 5606, for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture from16: - coir yarn, - natural fibres, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper making materials | |
5602 | Felt, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated: | ||
- Needleloom felt | Manufacture from16: - natural fibres, - chemical materials or textile pulp However: - polypropylene filament of heading No 5402, - polypropylene fibres of heading No 5503 or 5506 or - polypropylene filament tow of heading No 5501, of which the denomination in all-cases of a single filament or fibre is less than 9 decitex may be used provided their value does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other | Manutacture from17: - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres made from casein, or - chemical materials or textile pulp | ||
5604 | Rubber thread and cord, textile covered; textile yarn, and strip and the like of heading No 5404 of 5405, impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics: | ||
- Rubber thread and cord, textile covered | Manufacture from rubber thread and cord, not textile cover | ||
- Other | Manufacture from17: - natural fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper-making materials | ||
5605 | Metallized yarn, whether or not gimped, being textile yarn, or strip or the like of heading No 5404 or 5405, combined with metal in the form of thread, strip or powder or covered with metal | Manufacture from17: - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper-making materials | |
5606 | Gimped yarn, and strip and the like of heading No 5404 or 5405, gimped, otherthan those of heading No 5605 and gimped horsehair yarn; chenille yarn; loop wale-yarn | Manufacture from17: - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwiseprocessed for spinning, - chemical materials or textile pulp, or - paper-making materials | |
Chap.57 | Carpets and other textile floor coverings: | Manufacture from17: - natural fibres, or - chemical materials or textile pulp | |
- Of needleloom felt | However: - polypropylene filament of heading No 5402, - polypropylene fibres of heading No 5503 or 5506 or - polypropylene filament tow of heading No 5501, of which the denomination in all cases of a single filament or fibre is less than 9 decitex may be used provided their value does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Of other felt | Manufacture from18: - natural fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning, or - chemical materials or textile pulp | ||
- Other textile coverings | Manufacture from18: - coir yarn, - synthetic or artificial filament yarn, - natural fibres, or - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning | ||
Chap.58 | Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; embroidery; except for heading Nos 5805 and 5810 for which the rules are set out below: | ||
- Combined with rubber thread | Manufacture from single yarn18 | ||
- Other | Manufacture from19: - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning, or - chemical materials or textile pulp, or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerizing, heat setting, raising, calendering. shrink resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatizing, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
5805 | Hand-woven tapestries of the types gobelins, flanders, aubusson, beauvais and the like, and needle-worked tapestries (for example, petit point, cross stitch). whether or not made up | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
5810 | Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
5901 | Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances of a kind used for the outer covers of books or the like; tracing cloth; prepared painting canvas; buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics of a kind used for hat foundations | Manufacture from yarn | |
5902 | Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides, polyesters or viscose rayon: | ||
- containing not more than 90 % by weight of textile materials | Manufacture from yarn | ||
- Other | Manufacture from chemical materials or textile pulp | ||
5903 | Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, other than those of heading No 5902 | Manufacture from yarn | |
5904 | Linoleum, Whether or not cut to shape; floor coverings consisting of a coating or covering applied on a textile backing, whether or not cut to shape | Manufacture from yarn20 | |
5905 | Textile wall coverings: | ||
- Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with rubber, plastics or other materials | Manufacture from yarn: | ||
- Other | Manufacture from20: - coir yarn, - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed forspinning, or - chemical materials or textile pulp, or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatising, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47,5% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
5906 | Rubberized textile fabrics, other than those of heading No 5902: | ||
- Knitted or crocheted fabrics | Manufacture from21: - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning, or - chemical materials or textile pulp | ||
- Other fabrics made of synthetic filament yarn, containing more than 90% by weight of textile materials | Manufacture from chemical materials | ||
- Other | Manufacture from yarn | ||
5907 | Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, coated or covered; painted canvas being theatrical scenery, studio backcloths or the like | Manufacture from yarn | |
5908 | Textile wicks, woven, plaited or knitted, for lamps, stoves, lighters, candles or the like; incandescent gas mantles and tubular knitted gas mantle fabric therefor, whether or not impregnated: | ||
- Incandescent gas mantles, impregnated | Manufacture from tubular knitted gas mantle fabric | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | ||
5909 to 5911 | Textile articles of a kind suitable for industrial use: | ||
- Polishing discs or rings other than of felt of heading No 5911 | Manufacture from yarn or waste fabrics or rags of heading No 6310 | ||
- Other | Manufacture from21: - coir yarn, - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not,carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning, or - chemical materials or textile pulp | ||
Chap.60 | Knitted or crocheted fabrics | Manufacture from22: - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning, or - chemical materials or textile pulp | |
Chap.61 | Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted: | ||
- Obtained by sewing together or otherwise assembling, two or more pieces of knitted or crocheted fabric which have been either cut to form or obtained directly to form | Manufacture from yarn23 | ||
- Other | Manufacture from22: - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning, or - chemical materials or textile pulp | ||
ex Chap.62 | Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted; except for heading Nos ex 6202, ex 6204, ex 6206, ex 6209, ex 6210, 6213, 6214, ex 6216 and 6217 f or which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture from yarn22, 23 | |
ex 6202, ex 6204, ex 6206 and ex 6209 | Women's, girls and babies clothing and clothing accessories for babies, embroidered | Manufacture from yarn22 or Manufacture from unembroidered fabric provided the value of the unembroidered fabric used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product22 | |
ex 6210 and ex 6216 | Fire-resistant equipment of fabric covered with foil of aluminized polyester | Manufacture from yam22 or Manufacture from uncoated fabric provided the value of the uncoated fabric used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product22 | |
6213 and 6214 | Handkerchiefs, shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like: | ||
- Embroidered | Manufacture from unbleached single yarn24, 25 or Manufacture from unembroidered fabric provided the value of the unembroidered fabric used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product24 | ||
- Other | Manufacture from unbleached single yarn24, 25 | ||
6217 | Other made up clothing accessories; parts of garments or of clothing accessories, other than those of heading No 6212: | ||
- Embroidered | Manufacture from yarn24 or Manufacture from unembroidered fabric provided the value of the unembroidered fabric used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product24 | ||
- Fire resistant equipment of fabric covered with foil of aluminized polyester | Manufacture from yarn24 or Manufacture from uncoated fabric provided the value of the uncoated fabric used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product24 | ||
- Interlinings for collars and cuffs, cut out | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other | Manufacture from yarn24 | ||
ex Chap.63 | Other made-up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags; except for heading Nos 6301 to 6304, 6305, 6306, ex 6307 and 6308 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
6301 to 6304 | Blankets, travelling rugs, bed linen etc.; curtains etc.; other furnishing articles: | ||
- Of felt, of non-wovens | Manufacture from:26 - natural fibres, or - chemical materials or textile pulp | ||
- Other | |||
- - Embroidered | Manufacture from unbleached single yarn26, 27 or Manufacture from unembroidered fabric (other than knitted or crocheted) provided the value of the unembroidered fabric used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- - Other | Manufacture from unbleached single yarn26, 27 | ||
6305 | Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods | Manufacture from27: - natural fibres, - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning, or - chemical materials or textile pulp | |
6306 | Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds; tents; sails for boats, sailboards or landeraft; camping goods: | ||
- Of non - wovens | Manufacture from27: - natural fibres, or - chemical materials or textile pulp | ||
- Other | Manufacture from unbleached single yarn27 | ||
6307 | Other made-up articles, including dress patterns | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
6308 | Sets consisting of woven tabric and yarn, whether or not with accessories, for making up into rugs, tapestries, embroidered tablecloths or serviettes or similar textile articles, put up in packings for retail sale | Each item in the set must satisfy the rule which would apply to it if it were not included in the set. However, non-originating articles may be incorporated provided their total value does not exceed 15% of the ex-works price of the set | |
6401 to 6405 | Footwear | Manufacture from materials of any heading except for assemblies of uppers affixed to inner soles or to other sole components of heading No 6406 | |
6406 | Parts of footwear; removable in-soles, heel cushions and similar articles; gaiters, leggings and similar articles, and parts thereof | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex Chap.65 | Headgear end parts thereof, except for heading Nos 6503 and 6505 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
6503 | Felt hats and other felt headgear, made from the hat bodies, hoods or plateaux of heading No 6501, whether or not lined or trimmed | Manufacture from yarn or textile fibres28 | |
6505 | Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or made up from lace,felt or other textile fabric, in the piece (but not in strips), whether or not lined or trimmed; hair-nets of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed | Manufacture from yarn or textile fibres28 | |
ex Chap.66 | Umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking-sticks, seat sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; except for heading No 6601 for which the rule is set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
6601 | Umbrellas and sun umbrellas (including walking-stick umbrellas, garden umbrellas and similar umbrellas) | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
Chap.67 | Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial flowers; articles of human hair | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex Chap.68 | Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials; except for heading Nos ex 6803, ex 6812 and ex 6814 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 6803 | Articles of slate or of agglomerated slate | Manufacture from worked slate | |
ex 6812 | Articles of asbestos; articles of mixtures with a basis of asbestos or of mixtures with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonate | Manufacture from materials of any heading | |
ex 6814 | Articles of mica, including agglomerated or reconstituted mica, on a support of paper, paperboard or other materials | Manufacture from worked mica (including agglomerated or reconstituted mica) | |
Chap.69 | Ceramic products | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex Chap.70 | Glass and glassware; except for heading Nos 7006, 7007 7008, 7009, 7010, 7013 and ex 7019 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
7006 | Glass of heading Nos 7003, 7004 or 7005,bent, edgeworked, engraved, drilled, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materials | Manufacture from materials of heading No 7001 | |
7007 | Safety glass, consisting of toughened (tempered) or laminated glass | Manufacture from materials of heading No 7001 | |
7008 | Multiple-walled insulating units of glass | Manufacture from materials of heading No 7001 | |
7009 | Glass mirrors, whether or not framed, including rear view mirrors | Manufacture from materials of heading Nor 7001 | |
7010 | Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials, ampoules and other containers, of glass, of a kind used for the conveyance or packing of goods; preserving jars of glass; stoppers, lids and other closures, of glass | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product or Cutting of glassware, provided the value of the uncut glassware does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
7013 | Glassware of a kind used for table, kitchen, toilet, office, indoor decoration or similar purposes (other than that of heading No 7010 or 7018) | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within aheading other than that of the product or Cutting of glassware, provided the value of the uncut glassware does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product or Hand-decoration (with the exception of silk-screen printing) of hand-blown glassware, provided the value of the hand-blown glassware does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 7019 | Articles (other than yarn) of glass fibres | Manufacture from: - uncoloured slivers, rovings, yarn or chopped strands, or - glass wool | |
ex Chap.71 | Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal, and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin; except for heading Nos ex 7102, ex 7103, ex 7104, 7106, ex 7107, 7108, ex 7109, 7110, ex 7111,7116 and 7117 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 7102 ex 7103 and ex 7104 | Worked precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) | Manufacture from unworked precious or semi-precious stones | |
7106, 7108 and 7110 | Precious metals: | ||
- Unwrought | Manufacture from materials not classified within heading No 7106, 7108 or 7110 or Electrolytic, thermal or chemical separation of precious metals of heading No 7106, 7108 or 7110 or Alloying of precious metals of heading No 7106, 7108 or 7110 with each other or with base metals | ||
- Semi - manufactured or in powder form | Manufacture from unwrought precious metals | ||
ex 7107, ex 7109 and ex 7111 | Metals clad with precious metals, semi manufactured | Manufacture from metals clad with precious metals, unwrought | |
7116 | Articles of natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
7117 | Imitation jewellery | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product or Manufacture from base metal parts, not plated or covered with precious metals, provided the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.72 | Iron and steel; except for heading Nos 7207, 7208 to 7216. 7217, ex 7218, 7219 to 7222, 7223, ex 7224, 7225 to 7227, 7228 and 7229 for which the rules are set out. below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
7207 | Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel | Manufacture from materials of heading No 7201, 7202, 7203, 7204 or 7205 | |
7208 to 7216 | Flat rolled products, bars and rods, angles, shapes and sections of iron or non-alloy steel | Manufacture from ingots or other primary forms of heading No 7206 | |
7217 | Wire of iron or non-alloy steel | Manufacture from semi-finished materials of heading No 7207 | |
ex 7218, 7219 to 7222 | Semi-finished products, flat rolled products, bars and rods, angles, shapes and sections of stainless steel | Manufacture from ingots or other primary forms of heading No 7218 | |
7223 | Wire of stainless steel | Manufacture from semifinished materials of heading No 7218 | |
ex 7224, 7225 to 7227 | Semi-finished products, flat rolled products, in irregularly wound coils, of other alloy steel | Manufacture from ingots or other primary forms of heading No 7224 | |
7228 | Bars and rods of other alloy steel; angles, shapes and sections, of other alloy steel; hollow drill bars and rods, of alloy or non-alloy steel | Manufacture from ingots or other primary forms of heading No 7206, 7218 or 7224 | |
7229 | Wire of other alloy steel | Manufacture from semi-finished materials of heading No 7224 | |
ex Chap.73 | Articles of iron or steel; except for heading Nos ex 7301, 7302, 7304, 7305, 7306, ex 7307, 7308 and ex 7315 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 7301 | Sheet piling | Manufacture from materials of heading No 7206 | |
7302 | Railway or tramway track construction materials of iron or steel, the following: rails, checkrail: and rackrails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fishplates, chairs, chair wedges, sole plates (base plates), rail clips, bedplates, ties and other material specialized for jointing or fixing rails | Manufacture from materials of heading No 7206 | |
7304, 7305 and 7306 | Tubes. pipes and hollow profiles, of iron (other than cast iron) or steel | Manufacture from materials of heading No 7206, 7207, 7218 or 7224 | |
ex 7307 | Tube or pipe fittings of stainless steel (ISO No X5CrNiMo 1712), consisting of several parts | Turning, drilling, reaming, threading, deburring and sandblasting of forged blanks the value of which does not exceed 35% of the ex-works price of the product | |
7308 | Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading No 9406) and parts of structures (for example, bridges and bridge-sections, lockgates, towers, lattice masts, roots, rooting frameworks, doors and windows and their frames arid thresholds for doors, shutters, balustrades, pillars and columns), of iron or steel; plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron or steel | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, welded angles, shapes and sections of heading No 7301 may not be used | |
ex 7315 | Skid chains | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials of heading No 7315 used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.74 | Copper and articles thereof; except for heading Nos 7401, 7402, 7403, 7404 and 7405 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
7401 | Copper mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper) | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
7402 | Unrefined copper; copper anodes for electrolytic refining | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
7403 | Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought: | ||
- Refined copper | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | ||
- Copper alloys and refined copper containing other elements | Manufacture from refined copper, unwrought, or waste and scrap | ||
7404 | Copper waste and scrap | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
7405 | Master alloys of copper | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex Chap.75 | Nickel and articles thereof; except for heading Nos 7501 to 7503 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
7501 to 7503 | Nickel mattes, nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate products of nickel metallurgy; unwrought nickel; nickel waste and scrap | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex Chap.76 | Aluminium and articles thereof; except for heading Nos 7601, 7602 and ex 7616 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
7601 | Unwrought aluminium | Manufacture by thermal or electrolytic treatment from unalloyed aluminium or waste and scrap ot aluminium | |
7602 | Aluminium waste or scrap | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 7616 | Aluminium articles other than gauze, cloth, grill, netting, fencing, reinforcing fabric and similar materials (including endless bands) of aluminium wire, and expanded metal of aluminium | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, gauze, cloth, grill, netting, fencing, reinforcing fabric and similar materials (including endless bands) of aluminium wire, or expanded metal of aluminium may be used, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.78 | Lead and articles thereof; except for heading Nos 7801 and 7802 the rules for which are set out below: | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
7801 | Unwrought lead: | ||
- Refined lead | Manufacture from «bullion or «work» lead | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, waste and scrap of heading No 7802 may not be used | ||
7802 | Lead waste and scrap | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex Chap.79 | Zinc and articles thereof; except for heading Nos 7901 and 7902 the rules for which are set out below: | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value ot all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
7901 | Unwrought zinc | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, waste and scrap of heading No 7902 may not be used | |
7902 | Zinc waste and scrap | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex Chap.80 | Tin and articles thereof; except for heading Nos 8001, 8002 and 8007 the rules for which are set below: | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8001 | Unwrought tin | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a-heading other than that of the product. However, waste and scrap of heading No 8002 may not be used | |
8002 and 8007 | Tin waste and scrap; other articles of tin | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
Chap 81 | Other base metals; cermets; articles thereof: | ||
- Other base metals, wrought; articles thereof | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials classified within the same heading as the product used does riot exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | ||
ex Chap.82 | Tools, implements, cutlery, spoons and forks, of base metal; parts thereof of base metal; exceptfor heading Nos 8206, 8207, 8208, ex 8211,8214 and 8215 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
8206 | Tools of two or more of the heading Nos 8202 to 8205, put up in sets for retail sale | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than heading Nos 8202 to 8205. However, tools of heading Nos 8202 to 8205 may be incorporated into the set provided their value does not exceed 15% of the ex-works price of the set | |
8207 | Interchangeable tools for hand tools, whether or not power-operated, or for machine-tools (for example, for pressing, stamping, punching, tapping, threading, drilling, boring, broaching, milling, turning, or screwdriving), including dies for drawing or extruding metal, and rock drilling or earth boring tools | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8208 | Knives and cutting blades, for machines or for mechanical appliances | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 8211 | Knives with cutting blades, serrated or not (including pruning knives), other than knives of heading No 8208 | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, knife blades and handles of base metal may be used | |
8214 | Other articles of cutlery (for example, hair clippers, butchers' or kitchen cleavers, choppers and mincing knives, paper knives); manicure or pedicure sets and instruments (including nail files) | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, handles of base metal may be used | |
8215 | Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, handles of base metal may be used | |
ex Chap.83 | Miscellaneous articles of base metal; except for heading No ex 8306 for which the rule is set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 8306 | Statuettes and other ornaments, of base metal | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, the other materials of heading No 8306 may be used provided their value does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.84 | Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof; except for heading Nos Cx 8401, 8402, 8403, ex 8404, 8406 to 8409, 8411, 8412,ex 8413, ex 8414, 8415,8418, Cx 8419, 8420, 8423, 8425 to 8430, Cx 8431, 8439, 8441, 8444 to 8447, cx 8448, 8452, 8456 to 8466, 8469 to 8472, 8480, 8482, 8484 and 8485 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8401 | Nuclear fuel elements29 | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product29 | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8402 | Steam or other vapour generating boilers (other than central heating hot water boilers capable also of producing low pressure steam); super heated water boilers | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
8403 and ex 8404 | Central heating boilers other than those of heading No 8402 and auxiliary plant for central heating boilers | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than heading No 8403 or 8404 | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product |
8406 | Steam turbines and other vapour turbines | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8407 | Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8408 | Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines) | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8409 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the engines of heading No 8407 or 8408 | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8411 | Turbo-jets. turbo propellers and other gas turbines | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
8412 | Other engines and motors | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 8413 | Rotary positive displacement pumps | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8414 | Industrial fans, blowers and the like | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
8415 | Air conditioning machines comprising a motor-driver fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8418 | Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading No 8415 | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value ot the originating materials used | Manufacture in whith the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8419 | Machines for the wood, paper pulp and paperboard industries | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where, within the above limit, the materials classified within the same heading as the product are only used up to value of 25% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8420 | Calendering or other rolling machines, other than for metals or glass, and cylinders therefor | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where, within the above limit, the materials classified within the same heading as the product are only used up to a value of 25% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value ofall the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8423 | Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
8425 to 8428 | Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where, within the above limit, the materials classified within heading No 8431 are only used up to a value of 10% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8429 | Self-propelled bulldozers, angledozers, graders, levellers, scrapers, mechanical shovels, excavators, shovel loaders, tamping machines and road rollers: | ||
- Road rollers | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where, within the above limit, the materials classified within heading No 8431 are only used up to a value of 10% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8430 | Other moving, grading, levelling, scraping excavating, tamping, compacting, extracting or boring machinery, for earth, minerals or ores; pile-drivers and pile-extractors; snow-ploughs and snow-blowers | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where, within the above limit, the value of the materials classified within heading No 8431 are only used up to a value of 10% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8431 | Parts for road rollers | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8439 | Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where, within the above limit, the materials classified within the same heading as the product are only used up toa value of 25% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8441 | Other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where, within the above limit, the materials classified within the same heading as the product are only used up to a value of 25% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8444 to 8447 | Machines of these headings for use in the textile industry | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 8448 | Auxiliary machinery for use with machines of heading Nos 8444 and 8445 | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8452 | Sewing machines, other than book-sewing machines of heading No 8449; furniture, bases and covers specially designed for sewing machines; sewing machine needles: | ||
- Sewing machines (lock stitch only) with heads of a weight not exceeding 16 kg without motor or 17 kg with motor | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, - where the value of all the non-originating materials used in assembling the head (without motor) does not exceed the value of the originating materials used, and - the thread tension, crochet and zigzag mechanisms used are already originating | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
8456 to 8466 | Machine-tools and machines and their parts and accessories of headings Nos 8456 to 8466 | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product. | |
8469 to 8472 | Office machines (for example, typewriters, calculating machines, automatic data processing machines, duplicating machines, stapling machines) | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8480 | Moulding boxes for metal foundry; mould bases; moulding patterns; mould for metal (other than ingot moulds), metal carbides, glass, mineral materials, rubber or plastics | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8482 | Ball or roller bearings | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
8484 | Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal; sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exced 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8485 | Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors, insulators, coils, contacts or other electrical features, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.85 | Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles; except for heading Nos 8501, 8502, ex 8518, 8519 to 8529, 8535 to 8537, ex 8541, 8542, 8544 to 8548 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8501 | Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets) | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where, within the above limit, the materials classified within heading No 8503 are only used up to a value of 10% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8502 | Electric generating sets and rotary converters | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where, within the above limit, the materials classified within heading No 8501 or 8503, taken together, are only used up to a value of 10% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8518 | Microphones and stands therefor; loudspeakers, whether or not mounted in their enclosures; audio-frequency electric amplifiers; electric sound amplifier sets | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
8519 | Turntables (record-decks), record-players, cassette-players and other sound reproducing apparatus, not incorporating a sound recording device: | ||
- Electric gramophones | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product | |
- Other | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the material used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8520 | Magnetic tape recorders and other sound recording apparatus, whether or not incorporating a sound reproducing device | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8521 | Video recording or reproducing apparatus, whether or not incorporating a video tuner | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8522 | Parts and accessories of apparatus of heading Nos, 8519 to 8521 | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8523 | Prepared unrecorded media for sound recording or similar recording of other phenomena, other than products of Chapter 37 | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8524 | Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, including matrices and masters for the production of records, but excluding products of Chapter 37: | ||
- Matrices and masters for the production of records | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where, within the above limit, the materials classified within heading No 8523 are only used up to a value of 10% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8525 | Transmission apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy. radio-broadcasting or televislon, whether or not incorporating reception apparatus or sound recording or reproducing apparatus; television cameras | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
8526 | Radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and radio remote control apparatus | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
8527 | Reception apparatus for radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy or radio broadeasting, whether or not combined, in the same housing, with sound recording or reproducing apparatus or a clock | Manutacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does-not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
8528 | Television receivers (including video monitors and video projectors), whether ornot incorporating radio broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus | ||
- Video recording or reproducing apparatus incorporating a video tuner | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
- Other | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8529 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading Nos. 8525 to 8528: | ||
- Suitable for use solely or principally with video recording or reproducing apparatus | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8535 and 8536 | Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where, within the above limit, the materials classified within heading No 8538 are only used up to a value of 10% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not excced 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8537 | Boards, panels (including numerical control panels), consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases, equipped with two or more apparatus of heading No 8535 or 8536, for electric control or the distribution of electricity. including those incorporating instruments or apparatus of Chapter 90, other than switching apparatus of heading No 8517 | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where, within the above limit, the materials classified within heading No 8538 are only used up to a value of 10% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8541 | Diodes, transistors and similar semi-conductor devices, except waters not yet cut into chips | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
8542 | Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product. and - where, within the above limit, the materials classified within heading No 8541 or 8542, taken together, are only used up to a value of 10% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
8544 | Insulated (including enamelled or anodised) wire, cable (including coaxial cable) and other insulated electric conductors, whether or not fitted with connectors; optical fibres cables, made up of individually sheathed fibres, whether or not assembled with electric conductors or fitted with connectors | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8545 | Carbon electrodes, carbon brushes, lamp carbons. battery carbons and other articles of graphite or other carbon, with or without metal. of a kind used for electrical purposes | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8546 | Electrical insulators of any material | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8547 | Insulating fittings for electrical machines, appliances or equipment, being fittings wholly of insulating materials apart from any minor components of metal (for example, threaded sockets) incorporated during moulding solely for purposes of assembly other than insulators of heading No 8546; electrical conduit tubing and joints therefor, of base metal lined with insulating material | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8548 | Electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8601 to 8607 | Railway or tramway locomotives, rolling-stock and parts thereof | Manufacture in which the value of all materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8608 | Railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings; mechanical (including electro-mechanical) signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways. roads. inland waterways. Parking facilities. port installations or airfields; parts of the foregoing | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8609 | Containers (including containers for the transport of fluids) especially designed and equipped for carriage by one or more modes of transport | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.87 | Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-stock, and parts and accessories thereof; except for heading Nos 8709 to 8711, ex 8712. 8715 and 8716 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8709 | Works trucks, self-propelled, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factories, warehouses, dock areas or airports for short distance transport of goods: tractors of the type used on railway station platforms; parts of the foregoing vehicles | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8710 | Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, motorized, whether or not fitted with weapons, and parts of such vehicles | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8711 | Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side-cars: | ||
- With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity: | |||
- Not exceeding 50 cm3 | Manufacture in which: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 20% of the ex-works price of the product | |
- Exceeding 50 cm3 | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product | |
- Other | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product. and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 8712 | Bicycles without ball bearings | Manufactures from materials not classified in heading No 8714 | Manufacturs which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
8715 | Baby carriages and parts thereof | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
8716 | Trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles. Not mechanically propelled; parts thereof | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chap.88 | Aircraft, spacecraft, and parts thereof; except for heading Nos ex 8804 and 8805 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 8804 | Rotochutes | Manufacture from materials of any heading including other materials of heading No 8804 | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product- |
8805 | Aircraft launching gear; deck-arrestor or similar gear; ground flying trainers; parts of the foregoing articles | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
Chap. 89 | Ships, boats and floating structures | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, hulls of heading No 8906 may not be used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product |
ex Chap.90 | Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking. precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof; except for heading Nos 9001, 9002, 9004, ex 9005, ex 9006, 9007, 9011, ex 9014, 9015 to 9020 and 9024 to 9033 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
9001 | Optical fibres and optical fibre bundles; optical fibre cables other than those of heading No 8544; sheets and plates of polarizing material, lenses (including contact lenses), prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of any material, unmounted, other than such elements of glass not optically worked | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9002 | Lenses, prisms, mirrors and other optical elements, of any materials, mounted, being parts of or fittings for instruments or apparatus, other than such elements of glass not optically worked | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9004 | Spectacles, goggles and the like, corrective, protective or other | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 9005 | Binoculars, monoculars, other optical telescopes, and mountings therefor, except for astronomical refracting telescopes and mountings therefor | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value-of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 9006 | Photographic (other than cinematographic) cameras; photographic flashlight apparatus and flashbulbs other than electrically ignited flashbulbs | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
9007 | Cinematographic cameras and projectors, whether or not incorporating sound recording or reproducing apparatus | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
9011 | Compound optical microscopes, including those for photomicrography, cinephotomicrography or microprojection | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
ex 9014 | Other navigational instruments and appliances | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9015 | Surveying (including photogrammetrical surveying), hydrographic, oceanographic, hydrological, meteorological or geophysical instruments and appliances, excluding compasses; rangefinders | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9016 | Balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better, with or without weights | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9017 | Drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating instruments (for example, drafting machines, pantographs, protractors, drawing sets, slide rules, disc calculators); instruments 'for measuring length, for use in the hand (for example, measuring rods and tapes, micrometers, callipers), not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9018 | Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus and sight-testing instruments: | ||
- Dentists chairs incorporating dental appliances or dentists spittoons | Manufacture from materials of any heading, including other materials of heading No 9018 | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
- Other | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9019 | Mechano-therapy appliances; massage apparatus; psychological aptitude-testing apparatus; ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, artificial respiration or other therapeutic respiration apparatus | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
9020 | Other breathing appliances and gas masks, excluding protective masks having neither mechanical parts nor replaceable filters | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product |
9024 | Machines and appliances for testing the hardness, strength, compressibility, elasticity or other mechanical properties of materials (for example, metals, wood, textiles, paper, plastics) | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9025 | Hydrometers and similar floating instruments, thermometers, pyrometers, barometers, hygrometers and psychrometers, recording or not. and any combination of these instruments | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9026 | Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases (for example, flow meters, level gauges, manometers, heat meters), excluding instruments and apparatus of heading No 9014, 9015, 9028 or 9032 | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not . exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9027 | Instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis (for example, polarimeters, .refractometers, spectrometers, gas or smoke analysis apparatus); instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking viscosity, porosity, expansion, surface tension or the like; instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking quantities of heat, sound or light (including exposure meters); microtomes | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not.exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9028 | Gas, liquid or electricity supply or production meters, including calibrating meters therefor: | ||
- Parts and accessories | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
- Other | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9029 | Revolution counters, production counters, taximeters, milometers, pedometers and the like; speed indicators and tachometers, other than those of heading Nos 9104 or 9015; stroboscopes | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9030 | Oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and other instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities, excluding meters of heading No 9028; instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other ionizing radiations | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9031 | Measuring or checking instruments, appliances and machines, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter; profile projectors | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9032 | Automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus | Manufacture in which the value of all thematerials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9033 | Parts and accessories (not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter) for machines, appliances, instruments or apparatus of Chapter 90 | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.91 | Clocks and watches and parts thereof; except for heading Nos 9105 and 9109 to 9113 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9105 | Other clocks | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
9109 | Clock movements, complete and assembled | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does no; exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product, and - where the value of all the non-originating materials used does not exceed the value of the originating materials used | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
9110 | Complete watch or clock movements. unassembled or partly assembled (movement sets); incomplete watch or clock movements, assembled; rough watch-or clock movements | Manufacture: - in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product and - where, within the above limit, the materials classified within heading No 9114 are only used up to a value of 10% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
9111 | Watch cases and parts thereof | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
9112 | Clock cases and cases of a similar type for other goods of this Chapter, and parts thereof | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product |
9113 | Watch straps, watch bands and watch bracelets, and parts thereof: | ||
- Of base metal, whether or not plated, or of clad precious metal | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex works price of the product | ||
- Other | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | ||
Chap.92 | Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price of the product | |
Chap.93 | Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.94 | Furniture; bedding, mattresses, mattress supports, cushions and similar stuffed furnishings; lamps and lighting fittings, not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated nameplates and the like; prefabricated buildings; except for heading Nos 9401, ex 9403, 9405 and 9406 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 9401 and ex 9403 | Base metal furniture, incorporating unstuffed cotton cloth of a weight of 300 g/m2 or less | Manufacture in which all the materials used are other than that of the product or Manufacture from cotton cloth already made up in a form ready for use bf heading No 9401 or 9403, provided: - its value does not exceed 25% of the ex-works price of the product, and - all the other materials used are already originating and are classified in a heading other than heading No 9401 or 9403 | |
9405 | Lamps and lighting fittings including searchlights and spotlights and parts thereof, not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like, having a permanently fixed light source, and parts thereof not elsewhere specified or included | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9406 | Prefabricated buildings | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex Chap.95 | Toys, games and sports requisites; parts and accessories thereof; except for heading Nos 9503 and 9606 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
9503 | Other toys; reduced-size («scale«) models and similar recreational models, working or not; puzzles of all kinds | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 9506 | Articles and equipment for gymnastics, athletics, other sports (excluding table tennis) or outdoor games not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; swimming pools and paddling pools | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product. However, roughly shaped blocks, for making golf club heads may be used | |
ex Chap.96 | Miscellaneous manufactured articles; except for heading Nos ex 9601. ex 9602, ex 9603. 9605, 9606, 9612, ex 9613 and ex 9614 for which the rules are set out below: | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product | |
ex 9601 and ex 9602 | Articles of animal, vegetable or mineral carving materials | Manufacture from «worked» carving materials of the same heading | |
ex 9603 | Brooms and brushes (except for besoms and the like and brushes made from marten or squirrel hair), hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers, not motorized, paint pads and rollers, squeegees and mops | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9605 | Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe or clothes cleaning | Each item in the set must satisfy the rule, which would apply to it if it were not included in the set. However, non-originating articles may be incorporated, provided their total value does not exceed 15% of the ex-works price of the set | |
9606 | Buttons, press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press-studs, button moulds and other parts of these articles; button blanks | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
9612 | Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions, whether or not on spools or in cartridges; ink-pads, whether or not inked, with or without boxes | Manufacture in which: - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product, and - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 9613 | Lighters with piezo-igniter | Manufacture in which the value of all the materials of heading No 9613 used does not exceed 30% of the ex-works price of the product | |
ex 9614 | Smoking pipes and pipe bowls | Manufacture from roughly shaped blocks | |
Chap. 97 | Works of art, collectors pieces and antiques | Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product |
1 Introductory Note 7 - Annex I.
2 Introductory Note 7 - Annex I.
3 Introductory Note 7 - Annex I.
4 3 to Chapter 32 says that these preparations are those of a kind used for colouring any material or used as ingredients in the manufacturing of colouring preparations, provided they are not classified in another heading in Chapter 32.
5 «group» is regarded as any part of the heading separated from the lest by a semi-colon. (page 4)
6 Introductory Note 7 - Annex I.
7 case of the products composed of materials classified within both heading Nos 3901 to 3906, on the one hand, and within heading Nos 3907 to 3911, on the other hand, this restriction only applies to that group of materials which predominates by weight in the product.
8 case of the products composed of materials classified within both heading Nos 3901 to 3906, on the one hand, and within heading Nos 3907 to 3911, on the other hand, this restriction only applies to that group of materials which predominates by weight in the product.
9 following foils shall be considered as highly transparent: foils, the optical dimming of which - measured according to ASTM-D 1003-16 by Gardner Hazemeter (i.e. Hazefactor) - is less than 2 %.
10 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
11 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
12 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
13 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
14 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
15 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
16 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
17 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
18 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
19 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
20 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
21 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
22 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
23 Introductory Note 6
24 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
25 Introductory Note 6
26 Introductory Note 6
27 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
28 special conditions relating to products made of mixture of textile materials, see Introductory Note 5)
29 rule shall apply until 31 December 1998
Annex III to protocol B
Movement certificate EUR. 1 and application for a movement certificate EUR. 1
Movement certificates EUR.1 shall be made out on the form of which a specimen appears in this Annex. This form shall be printed in one or more of the official languages of the States Parties or in English. Certificates shall be made out in one of these languages and in accordance with the provisions of the domestic law of the exporting State. If they are handwritten, they shall be completed in ink and in capital letters.
Each form shall measure 210 x 297 mm; a tolerance of up to minus 5 mm or plus 8 mm in the length may be allowed. The paper used must be white, sized for writing, not containing mechanical pulp and weighing not less than 25 g/m2. It shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye.
The competent authorities of an EFTA State and of Morocco may reserve the right to print the forms themselves or may have them printed by approved printers. In the latter case, each form must include a reference to such approval. Each form must bear the name and address of the printer or a mark by which the printer can be identified. It shall also bear a serial number, either printed or not, by which it can be identified.

Figur 1-1E

Figur 1-2E

Figur 1-3E

Figur 1-4E
Annex IV to protocol B
Declaration referred to in Article 25
I the undersigned exporter of the goods covered by this document declare that except where otherwise indicated 2) the goods meet the conditions required to obtain originating status in preferential trade with 3) and that the country of origin of the goods is 4)
(Place and date)
(The signature must be followed by the name of the signatory in clear script.)
Declaration referred to in Article 25 in Arabic, French, German, Icelandic, Italian and Norwegian languages
Je soussigné, exportateur des marchandises couvertes par le présent document, déclare que, sauf indication contraire, ces marchandises répondent aux conditions fixées pour obtenir le caractère originaire dans les échanges préférentiels avec ......... et sont originaires de/du ......
Der Unterzeichnete, Ausführer der Waren, auf die sich diese Handelsrechnung bezieht, erklärt, dass diese Waren, soweit nicht anders angegeben, die Voraussetzungen für die Erlangung der Ursprungseigenschaft im präferenzbegünstigten Warenverkehr mit ....... erfüllen und dass das Ursprungsland der Waren ......... ist.
Undirritaður, útflytjandi vara sem skjal þetta tekur til, lysir þvi yfir að vörurnar, nema annars sé getið, uppfylla skilyrði til að hljóta upprunaréttindi i friðindaviðskiptum við ...... og upprunaland varanna er .........
Io sottoscritto, esportatore delle merci contemplati nel presente documento, dichiaro che, salvo indicazione contraria, le merci rispondono alle condizione fissate per ottenere il carattere originario negli scambi preferenziali con .......... e sono originarie di ..........
Undertegnede eksportør av de i dette dokument omfattede varer erklærer at varene, med mindre annet er angitt, oppfyller betingelsene for å oppnå opprinnelsestatus i preferansesamhandelen med ........... og har opprinnelse i ............
Annex V to protocol B
Specimen impression of the stamp mentioned in Article 21: (3)(b)

Figur 1-5E
1 Initials or coat of arms of the exporting State.
2 Such information as is necessary for the identification of the approved exporter.
Protocol C Monopolies not adjusted in accordance with article 10 Liechtenstein/Switzerland
Article 10 of this Agreement shall apply to Liechtenstein and Switzerland with regard to State monopolies concerning salt and gunpowder only to the extent that these States will have to fulfil corresponding obligations under their trade relations with the European Community and EFTA States.
Protocol D Concerning the treatment that may be applied by Liechtenstein and Switzerland to imports of certain products subject to the scheme for building up compulsory reserves
Liechtenstein and Switzerland may subject to a scheme of compulsory reserves products which are indispensable for the survival of the population, and in the case of Switzerland for the army. Liechtenstein and Switzerland shall apply this scheme in a manner that does not involve discrimination, direct or indirect, between the products imported and like or substitute national products.
Protocol E Referred to in article 36 Territorial application
When ratifying this Agreement, the Kingdom of Norway shall have the right to exempt the territory of Svalbard from the application of this Agreement with the exception of trade in goods.
Avtale mellom EFTA-statane og Marokko
Republikken Island, Fyrstedømmet Liechtenstein, Kongeriket Noreg, Det sveitsiske eidsforbundet (heretter kalla EFTA-statane)
Kongeriket Marokko (heretter kalla Marokko),
Som tek omsyn til verdien av dei banda som eksisterer mellom EFTA-statane og Marokko, særleg samarbeidserklæringa som vart underteikna i Zermatt i desember 1995, og som erkjenner det felles ønsket om å styrkje desse banda og såleis opprette nært og varig samkvem,
Som minner om sin intensjon om å delta aktivt i den økonomiske integrasjonsprosessen i Euro-Middelhavsregionen, og seier seg reie til å samarbeide om å finne nye måtar og middel som kan styrkje denne prosessen,
Som på ny stadfester sin oppslutnad om pluralistisk demokrati grunnlagt på rettstryggleik, menneskerettar og grunnleggjande fridomar, og minner om prinsippa i FN-charteret,
Som ønskjer å skape eigna vilkår for utvikling og auka mangfald i handelen seg imellom og for utvida kommersielt og økonomisk samarbeid på område av felles interesse på grunnlag av likeverd, gjensidig nytte, ikkje-diskriminering og folkerett,
Som minner om at EFTA-statane og Marokko er medlemer i WTO og forplikta til å etterleve dei rettar og plikter som følgjer av Avtalen om oppretting av Verdshandelsorganisasjonen, mellom anna prinsippa for bestevilkårsbehandling og nasjonal behandling,
Som er fast bestemte på å medverke til styrking av det multilaterale handelssystemet og å utvikle samkvemmet seg imellom i retning av frihandel i samsvar med WTO-reglane,
Som tek omsyn til at inga føresegn i denne avtalen kan tolkast slik at ho fritek statane som er part i denne avtalen frå plikter etter andre internasjonale avtalar, særleg WTO,
Som er bestemte på å gjennomføre denne avtalen med det mål å ta vare på og verne om miljøet og å sikre optimal bruk av naturressursane i samsvar med prinsippa for berekraftig utvikling,
Som er fast overtydde om at denne avtalen vil medverke til å skape eit utvida og harmonisk frihandelsområde mellom europeiske land og middelhavsland, og såleis vere eit viktig tilskot til integrasjon i Euro-Middelhavsregionen,
Som merkjer seg EFTA-statane sin intensjon om å støtte innsatsen for å liberalisere den marokkanske økonomien og såleis medverke til ei forbetring av dei økonomiske og sosiale tilhøva i Marokko,
Som seier seg reie til å vurdere, i lys av alle relevante faktorar, i kva mon dei kan utvikle og utdjupe det økonomiske samkvemmet seg imellom slik at det dekkjer område som ikkje kjem inn under denne avtalen,
Som er overtydde om at denne avtalen dannar ei passande ramme for utveksling av opplysningar og synsmåtar som gjeld økonomisk utvikling og handel og andre saker,
Som òg er overtydde om at denne avtalen vil skape vilkår som oppmuntrar til samkvem dei imellom når det gjeld økonomi, handel og investeringar,
Har, for å nå dei måla som er nemnde ovanfor, vedteke å inngå følgjande avtale (heretter kalla denne avtalen):
Artikkel 1 Mål
EFTA-statane og Marokko skal gradvis opprette eit frihandelsområde i samsvar med føresegnene i denne avtalen.
Denne avtalen, som er basert på handelssamkvem mellom marknadsøkonomiar og respekt for demokratiske prinsipp og menneskerettar, har som mål:
å fremje ei harmonisk utvikling av dei økonomiske banda mellom EFTA-statane og Marokko gjennom ei utviding av samhandelen, og såleis medverke til framgang i den økonomiske aktiviteten, betra leve- og arbeidsvilkår og større produktivitet og økonomisk stabilitet i EFTA-statane og Marokko,
å sikre rettferdige konkurransevilkår i handelen mellom statane som er part i denne avtalen;
å medverke til økonomisk integrasjon mellom Europa og Middelhavsområdet og til ei harmonisk utvikling og utviding av verdshandelen ved å fjerne handelshindringar.
Artikkel 2 Verkeområde
Avtalen skal gjelde:
for produkt som høyrer inn under kapittel 25 til 97 i Det harmoniserte system for beskriving og koding av varer (HS), med unntak av dei produkta som er oppførte i vedlegg I;
for produkt som er spesifiserte i protokoll A, idet det vert teke tilbørleg omsyn til føresegnene i denne protokollen;
for fisk og andre marine produkt i samsvar med vedlegg II;
som har sitt opphav i ein EFTA-stat eller i Marokko.
Artikkel 3 Opphavsreglar og tolladministrativt samarbeid
Protokoll B inneheld opphavsreglar og metodar for administrativt samarbeid.
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, skal setje i verk eigna tiltak, mellom anna vurderingar i Den blanda komiteen og reglar for administrativt samarbeid, for å sikre at føresegnene i artikkel 4 (Importtoll og avgifter med tilsvarande verknad), 5 (Basistoll), 6 (Toll av fiskal karakter), 7 (Eksporttoll og avgifter med tilsvarande verknad), 8 (Kvantitative import- og eksportrestriksjonar og tiltak med tilsvarande verknad), 13 (Innanlands skattlegging og forskrifter) og 22 (Vidareeksport og alvorleg varemangel) i denne avtalen og protokoll B vert brukte effektivt og harmonisk, for mest mogeleg å redusere formalitetane som handelen er underlagd og for å finne gjensidig tilfredsstillande løysingar på vanskar som måtte oppstå som følgje av gjennomføringa av desse føresegnene.
På grunnlag av dei vurderingar som er nemnde i nr. 2, skal statane som er part i denne avtalen, avgjere kva for eigna tiltak som skal iverksetjast.
Artikkel 4 Importtoll og avgifter med tilsvarande verknad
Det skal ikkje innførast nokon ny importtoll eller avgift med tilsvarande verknad i handelen mellom EFTA-statane og Marokko.
EFTA-statane skal på ikraftsetjingsdatoen for denne avtalen avskaffe all importtoll og andre avgifter med tilsvarande verknad på produkt som har sitt opphav i Marokko.
Marokko skal på ikraftsetjingsdatoen for denne avtalen avskaffe all importtoll og andre avgifter med tilsvarande verknad på produkt som har sitt opphav i ein EFTA-stat, med dei unntak som går fram av tabell A, B, C, D og E i vedlegg III.
Marokko skal avskaffe alle referanseprisar på produkt oppførte i tabell F i vedlegg III i samsvar med sine plikter innanfor WTO, særleg Avtalen om tollverdi, i alle tilfelle seinast tre år etter at denne avtalen tek til å gjelde.
Artikkel 5 Basistoll
Basistollen for kvart produkt, som dei gradvise reduksjonane etter denne avtalen skal gjelde for, skal vere gjeldande bestevilkårssats pr. 1. januar 1996.
Dersom det vert gjennomført reduksjonar i tollsatsane på erga-omnes-basis (overfor alle) før, når eller etter at denne avtalen tek til å gjelde, særleg reduksjonar i samsvar med plikter som er resultat av Uruguay-runden, skal slike reduserte tollsatsar erstatte basistollen som er nemnd i nr. 1 frå den datoen då slike reduksjonar vert tekne i bruk, eller frå ikraftsetjingsdatoen for denne avtalen dersom denne kjem seinare.
Dei reduserte tollsatsane som vert utrekna i samsvar med artikkel 4 (Importtoll og avgifter med tilsvarande verknad), skal rundast av til første desimal eller, når det gjeld spesifikk toll, til andre desimal.
Artikkel 6 Toll av fiskal karakter
Føresegnene i artikkel 4 (Importtoll og avgifter med tilsvarande verknad) skal òg gjelde for fiskaltoll.
Artikkel 7 Eksporttoll og avgifter med tilsvarande verknad
Det skal ikkje innførast nokon ny eksporttoll eller avgift med tilsvarande verknad i handelen mellom EFTA-statane og Marokko.
EFTA-statane og Marokko skal på ikraftsetjingsdatoen for denne avtalen avskaffe all eksporttoll og avgifter med tilsvarande verknad.
Artikkel 8 Kvantitative import- og eksportrestriksjonar og tiltak med tilsvarande verknad
Det skal ikkje innførast nokon ny kvantitativ import- eller eksportrestriksjon eller tiltak med tilsvarande verknad i handelen mellom EFTA-statane og Marokko.
EFTA-statane skal på ikraftsetjingsdatoen for denne avtalen avskaffe kvantitative import- og eksportrestriksjonar og tiltak med tilsvarande verknad.
Marokko skal på ikraftsetjingsdatoen for denne avtalen avskaffe kvantitative import- og eksportrestriksjonar og tiltak med tilsvarande verknad, med dei unntak som går fram av vedlegg IV.
Artikkel 9 Generelle unntak
Denne avtalen skal ikkje vere til hinder for forbod eller restriksjonar på import, eksport og varer i transitt av omsyn til offentleg moral, politikk eller tryggleik; vern om liv og helse for menneske, dyr og planter; miljøet; vern om nasjonale skattar av kunstnarleg, historisk eller arkeologisk verdi; vern av immaterielle rettar; reguleringar som gjeld gull og sølv; eller bevaring av ikkje-fornybare naturressursar, dersom slike tiltak vert sette i verk i samband med restriksjonar på innanlandsk produksjon eller forbruk. Slike forbod eller restriksjonar skal likevel ikkje kunne brukast som eit middel til vilkårleg diskriminering eller som ein skjult restriksjon i handelen mellom statane som er part i denne avtalen.
Artikkel 10 Statsmonopol
EFTA-statane skal sikre at alle statsmonopol som driv handelsverksemd vert tilpassa, med dei unntak som er fastsette i protokoll C, slik at det når denne avtalen tek til å gjelde, ikkje vert gjort skilnad på borgarar av EFTA-land og av Marokko med omsyn til innkjøps- og marknadsføringsvilkår for varer. Desse varene skal innkjøpast og marknadsførast i samsvar med forretningsmessige omsyn.
Marokko skal gradvis, utan at det skal ha innverknad på plikter innanfor WTO, tilpasse alle statsmonopol som driv handelsverksemd slik at det seinast innan fem år etter at denne avtalen tek til å gjelde, ikkje vert gjort skilnad på borgarar av Marokko og av EFTA-statane med omsyn til innkjøps- og marknadsføringsvilkår for varer.
Føresegnene i denne artikkelen skal gjelde for alle organ som vedkommande styresmakter hos avtalestatane nyttar, etter lova eller i praksis, direkte eller indirekte, til å halde oppsyn med, fastslå eller i vesentleg grad påverke importen og eksporten mellom statane som er part i denne avtalen. Desse føresegnene skal sameleis gjelde for monopol som staten gjev til andre organ.
Artikkel 11 Tekniske forskrifter
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, skal samarbeide når det gjeld tekniske forskrifter, standardar og samsvarsvurdering, og skal gjennom eigna tiltak særleg fremje all-europeiske løysingar. Den blanda komiteen skal fastsetje retningsliner for gjennomføringa av dette nr.
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, er samde om straks å halde konsultasjonar innanfor rammene av Den blanda komiteen dersom ein stat som er part meiner at ein annan stat som er part har iverksett tiltak som kan ventast å skape eller har skapt ei teknisk handelshindring, for såleis å finne ei eigna løysing.
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, forpliktar til å kunngjere utkast til tekniske forskrifter i samsvar med føresegnene om tekniske handelshindringar i WTO-avtalen.
Artikkel 12 Handel med landbruksvarer
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, seier seg reie til, så langt landbrukspolitikken deira tillet det, å fremje ei harmonisk utvikling i handelen med landbruksvarer.
For å nå dette målet har kvar av EFTA-statane og Marokko inngått ein bilateral avtale som omfattar tiltak for å lette handelen med landbruksvarer.
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, skal bruke sine forskrifter om veterinære og plantesanitære tilhøve på ein ikkje-diskriminerande måte, og skal ikkje innføre nokon nye tiltak som medfører unødige handelshindringar.
Artikkel 13 Innanlands skattlegging og reguleringar
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, forpliktar seg til å praktisere innanlands skattlegging og andre avgifter og reguleringar i samsvar med artikkel III i Generalavtalen om tolltariffar og handel 1994 og andre relevante WTO-avtalar.
Eksportørar kan ikkje få refundert innanlandske skattar som er større enn dei skattar som direkte eller indirekte er pålagde varer som vert eksporterte til territoriet til ein av statane som er part i denne avtalen.
Artikkel 14 Betalingar og overføringar
Betalingar i samband med handel mellom ein EFTA-stat og Marokko og overføring av slike betalingar til territoriet til den avtalestaten der fordringshavaren er busett, skal vere fritekne for alle restriksjonar.
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, skal avstå frå alle valutarestriksjonar eller administrative restriksjonar på tildeling, tilbakebetaling eller godkjenning av kortsiktige og mellomlangsiktige kredittar til dekning av handelstransaksjonar der ein valutainnlending deltek.
Ingen restriktive tiltak skal gjelde for overføringar i samband med investeringar, særleg for heimføring av beløp som er investerte eller reinvesterte og av alle slag inntekter som stammar frå slike.
Artikkel 15 Offentlege innkjøp
Partane i denne avtalen ser det som eit integrert mål med denne avtalen å få i stand ei effektiv liberalisering av dei respektive offentlege innkjøpsmarknadene deira på grunnlag av like og gjensidige vilkår.
For å oppnå dette skal partane innanfor Den blanda komiteen utarbeide reglar med sikte på å sikre slik liberalisering. Det skal takast tilbørleg omsyn til utviklinga under oppsyn av WTO.
Artikkel 16 Immaterielt rettsvern
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, skal garantere og sikre tilstrekkeleg, effektivt og ikkje-diskriminerande vern av immaterielle rettar, også tiltak for å handheve slike rettar mot krenkingar, forfalskingar og piratverksemd, i samsvar med føresegnene i denne artikkelen, vedlegg V til denne avtalen og dei internasjonale avtalane som det er vist til her.
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, skal gje kvarandres borgarar minst like god behandling som dei gjev sine eigne borgarar. Fritak frå denne plikta må vere i samsvar med dei materielle føresegnene i artikkel 3 i TRIPS-avtalen.
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, skal gje kvarandres borgarar minst like god behandling som dei gjev borgarar av nokon annan stat. Fritak frå denne plikta må vere i samsvar med dei materielle føresegnene i TRIPS-avtalen, særleg artikkel 4 og 5.
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, er samde om at dei på oppmoding frå ein avtalepart vil gå gjennom føresegnene om immaterielt rettsvern i denne artikkelen og i vedlegg V, med sikte på å betre vernet ytterlegare og å unngå eller rette opp handelsvridingar som skuldast den aktuelle vernegraden for immaterielle rettar.
Artikkel 17 Konkurransereglar for føretak
I den mon det kan påverke handelen mellom ein EFTA-stat og Marokko, er følgjande i strid med ein tilbørleg bruk av denne avtalen:
alle avtalar mellom føretak, alle avgjerder tekne av samanslutningar av føretak og alle former for samordna praksis mellom føretak når dei har som mål eller som resultat å hindre, avgrense eller vri konkurransen;
at eitt eller fleire føretak misbrukar ei dominerande stilling på territoria til avtalestatane sett under eitt eller på ein vesentleg del av desse territoria.
Føresegnene i nr. 1 skal òg gjelde for verksemda til offentlege føretak og føretak som avtalestatane gjev særskilde rettar eller einerettar, så sant bruken av desse føresegnene ikkje etter lova eller i praksis hindrar dei i å utføre dei offentlege oppgåvene dei er sette til.
Dersom ein stat som er part i denne avtalen, meiner at ein praksis er i strid med føresegnene i nr. 1 og 2, kan han setje i verk eigna tiltak på dei vilkår og etter dei framgangsmåtar som er fastsette i artikkel 25 (Framgangsmåte ved bruk av vernetiltak).
Artikkel 18 Statsstøtte
All støtte som vert gjeven av ein stat som er part i denne avtalen eller med statlege midlar av noko slag, og som vrir eller trugar med å vri konkurransen ved å favorisere visse føretak eller produksjonen av visse varer, er i strid med ein tilbørleg bruk av denne avtalen dersom slik støtte kan påverke handelen mellom ein EFTA-stat og Marokko.
All praksis som er i strid med nr. 1, må vurderast på grunnlag av kriteria som er fastsette i vedlegg VI.
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, skal sikre innsyn i statlege støttetiltak ved å utveksle opplysningar som fastsett i vedlegg VII.
Dersom ein stat som er part i denne avtalen, meiner at ein praksis er i strid med føresegnene i nr. 1, kan han setje i verk høvelege tiltak på dei vilkår og etter dei framgangsmåtar som er fastsette i artikkel 25 (Framgangsmåte for bruk av vernetiltak).
Artikkel 19 Dumping
Dersom ein EFTA-stat slår fast at det i handelen med Marokko går føre seg dumping etter definisjonen i artikkel VI i Generalavtalen om tolltariffar og handel 1994, eller dersom Marokko slår fast at det går føre seg dumping etter denne definisjonen i handelen med ein EFTA-stat, kan vedkommande avtalestat setje i verk høvelege tiltak mot denne praksisen i samsvar med Avtalen om gjennomføring av artikkel VI i Generalavtalen om tolltariffar og handel 1994 og med framgangsmåten som er fastsett i artikkel 25 (Framgangsmåte ved bruk av vernetiltak).
Artikkel 20 Krisetiltak mot import av visse produkt
Dersom eit produkt vert importert i slikt auka omfang og på slike vilkår at det valdar eller trugar med å valde:
alvorleg skade for innanlandske produsentar av like eller direkte konkurrerande produkt på territoriet til den importerande avtalestaten, eller
alvorlege forstyrringar i tilknytte sektorar av økonomien eller vanskar som kan skape alvorleg forverring i den økonomiske situasjonen i ein region,
kan den aktuelle avtalestaten setje i verk høvelege tiltak på dei vilkår og etter den framgangsmåten som er fastsett i artikkel 25 (Framgangsmåte ved bruk av vernetiltak).
Artikkel 21 Strukturtilpassing
Ekstraordinære tiltak som bryt med føresegnene i artikkel 4 (Importtoll og avgifter med tilsvarande verknad), kan for eit avgrensa tidsrom setjast i verk av Marokko i form av auka tollsatsar.
Slike tiltak kan berre gjelde nye næringsgreiner eller visse sektorar som er under omstrukturering eller står overfor alvorlege vanskar, særleg når desse vanskane skaper alvorlege sosiale problem.
Etter at desse tiltaka er iverksette, må samla ad-valorem-toll som gjeld i Marokko for produkt med opphav i EFTA-statane, ikkje overstige 25 %, og skal innehalde ein viss preferanse for produkt med opphav i EFTA-statane. Denne tollen må ikkje vere høgre enn tollen som vert lagde på import til Marokko av liknande varer frå noko anna land. Den samla importverdien av dei produkta desse tiltaka gjeld for, må ikkje overstige 15 % av samla import av industriprodukt frå EFTA-statane som definert i artikkel 2 a) i det siste året som det ligg føre statistikk for.
Desse tiltaka skal gjelde for eit tidsrom på høgst tre år, med mindre Den blanda komiteen godkjenner eit lengre tidsrom. Alle ekstraordinære tiltak i samband med omstrukturering skal opphøyre seinast åtte år etter at denne avtalen tek til å gjelde.
Marokko skal informere Den blanda komiteen om alle ekstraordinære tiltak landet aktar å setje i verk, og det skal på oppmoding frå EFTA-statane haldast konsultasjonar i Den blanda komiteen om slike tiltak og dei sektorane dei gjeld for før dei vert sette i verk. Når slike tiltak vert sette i verk, skal Marokko leggje fram for Den blanda komiteen ein timeplan for avskaffing av den tollen som vert innført i medhald av denne artikkelen. Timeplanen skal omfatte ei nedtrapping av tollen i like årlege trinn, med start seinast to år etter at tollen er innført. Den blanda komiteen kan fastsetje annan timeplan.
Artikkel 22 Vidareeksport og alvorleg varemangel
Dersom etterleving av føresegnene i artikkel 7 (Eksporttoll og avgifter med tilsvarande verknad) og 8 (Kvantitative import- og eksportrestriksjonar og tiltak med tilsvarande verknad) fører til:
vidareeksport til eit tredjeland som den eksporterande avtalestaten har innført kvantitative eksportrestriksjonar, eksporttoll eller tiltak eller avgifter med tilsvarande verknad mot med omsyn til vedkommande produkt, eller
ein alvorleg mangel eller fare for mangel på eit produkt som er vesentleg for den eksporterande avtalestaten;
og dersom dei situasjonane det er vist til ovanfor gjev opphav til større vanskar for den eksporterande avtalestaten, kan denne staten setje i verk høvelege tiltak på dei vilkår og etter dei framgangsmåtar som er fastsette i artikkel 25 (Framgangsmåte ved bruk av vernetiltak). Tiltaka skal vere ikkje-diskriminerande og skal avviklast når tilhøva ikkje lenger gjev grunn til å vidareføre dei.
Artikkel 23 Vanskar med betalingsbalansen
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, skal streve etter å unngå å innføre restriktive tiltak av omsyn til betalingsbalansen.
Dersom ein EFTA-stat eller Marokko har alvorlege vanskar med betalingsbalansen eller det er overhengande fare for det, kan EFTA-staten eller eventuelt Marokko, i samsvar med vilkåra som er fastsette i Generalavtalen om tolltariffar og handel 1994 og Avtalen om føresegnene om betalingsbalanse i Generalavtalen om tolltariffar og handel 1994, innføre handelsavgrensande tiltak, som skal gjelde for eit avgrensa tidsrom og vere ikkje-diskriminerande, og ikkje vere meir omfattande enn det som krevst for å rette opp situasjonen i handelsbalansen. Det skal helst nyttast prisbaserte tiltak, som skal tillempast etter kvart som handelsbalansen betrar seg og avviklast når situasjonen ikkje lenger gjev grunn til å vidareføre dei. EFTA-staten eller eventuelt Marokko skal straks, om mogeleg før tiltaka vert innførte, informere dei andre avtalestatane og Den blanda komiteen, og skal leggje fram ein timeplan for avvikling av tiltaka. Den blanda komiteen skal på oppmoding frå ein annan avtalestat undersøkje behovet for å vidareføre dei iverksette tiltaka.
Artikkel 24 Skilsdomsbehandling
Tvistar mellom statar som er part i denne avtalen om tolkinga av avtalestatane sine rettar og plikter, som ikkje er løyste gjennom konsultasjonar eller i Den blanda komiteen innan seks månader, kan leggjast fram for skilsdomsbehandling ved at ein stat som er part i tvisten, gjev skriftleg underretning til den andre staten som er part i tvisten. Ein kopi av denne underretninga skal oversendast alle statar som er part i denne avtalen.
Vedlegg VIII regulerer korleis skilsdomstolen skal opprettast og arbeide.
Skilsdomstolen skal avgjere tvisten i samsvar med føresegnene i denne avtalen og gjeldande reglar og prinsipp i folkeretten.
Skilsdomstolen si avgjerd skal vere endeleg og bindande for statane som er part i tvisten.
Artikkel 25 Framgangsmåte ved bruk av vernetiltak
Før framgangsmåten for bruk av vernetiltak som er fastsett i dei følgjande nr. i denne artikkelen vert igangsett, skal statane som er part i denne avtalen, freiste å løyse eventuell usemje seg imellom gjennom direkte konsultasjonar, og informere dei andre statane som er part i avtalen om dette.
Med atterhald for nr. 6 i denne artikkelen skal ein avtalestat som vurderer å ty til vernetiltak, straks varsle dei andre avtalestatane og Den blanda komiteen om dette og leggje fram alle relevante opplysningar. Det skal straks haldast konsultasjonar i Den blanda komiteen mellom statane som er part i denne avtalen med sikte på å finne ei løysing som alle partar kan godta.
Med omsyn til artikkel 17 (Konkurransereglar for føretak) og 18 (Statsstøtte) skal dei aktuelle avtalestatane gje Den blanda komiteen all hjelp som trengst for å undersøkje saka og eventuelt avskaffe den påklaga praksisen. Dersom den aktuelle avtalestaten ikkje avskaffar den påklaga praksisen innan det tidsrommet Den blanda komiteen fastset, eller dersom Den blanda komiteen ikkje kjem til semje etter konsultasjonar, eller etter tretti dagar frå saka vart lagde fram for slike konsultasjonar, kan den aktuelle avtalestaten vedta eigna tiltak for å handtere dei vanskane som har oppstått som følgje av den nemnde praksisen.
Med omsyn til artikkel 19 (Dumping), 20 (Krisetiltak mot import av visse produkt) og 22 (Vidareeksport og alvorleg varemangel), skal Den blanda komiteen undersøkje saka eller situasjonen, og kan treffe dei vedtak som trengst for å gjere slutt på vanskane som vedkommande avtalestat har gjeve underretning om. Dersom slikt vedtak ikkje er gjort innan tretti dagar etter at saka er fremja for Den blanda komiteen, kan vedkommande avtalestat vedta dei tiltak som trengst for å rette opp situasjonen.
Med omsyn til artikkel 32 (Oppfylling av plikter) skal vedkommande avtalestat leggje fram for Den blanda komiteen alle relevante opplysningar som trengst til ein grundig gjennomgang av situasjonen med sikte på å finne ei løysing som alle partar kan godta. Dersom Den blanda komiteen ikkje kjem fram til ei slik løysing, eller dersom det har gått tre månader frå datoen då det vart gjeve underretning, kan vedkommande avtalestat setje i verk eigna tiltak.
Dei vernetiltak som vert sette i verk, skal straks meldast til statane som er part i denne avtalen og til Den blanda komiteen. Dei skal vere avgrensa i omfang og tidslengd til det som er strengt nødvendig for å rette på den situasjonen som ligg til grunn for at dei vert iverksette, og skal ikkje vere meir omfattande enn skadeverknadene av den aktuelle praksisen eller vansken. Dei tiltak som verkar minst forstyrrande inn på bruken av denne avtalen, skal prioriterast. Tiltak som Marokko set i verk mot ei handling eller ei forsøming frå ein EFTA-stat si side, må berre ha verknad for handelen med denne staten. Tiltak mot ei handling eller forsøming frå Marokko si side kan berre setjast i verk av den eller dei EFTA-statane som får sin handel påverka av nemnde handling eller forsøming.
Dei vernetiltak som vert sette i verk, skal vere emne for jamlege konsultasjonar i Den blanda komiteen med sikte på å tillempe, erstatte eller avskaffe dei når tilhøva ikkje lenger gjev grunn til å vidareføre dei.
Når spesielle omstende som krev strakstiltak gjer det umogeleg å undersøkje saka på førehand, kan vedkommande avtalestat i tilfelle som er omtala I artikkel 19 (Dumping), 20 (Krisetiltak mot import av visse produkt) og 22 (Vidareeksport og alvorleg varemangel) og ved statsstøtte har ein direkte og omgåande innverknad på handelen mellom avtalestatane, straks setje i verk dei førebyggjande og mellombels tiltak som er heilt nødvendige for å rette på situasjonen. Det skal straks gjevast underretning om tiltaka, og det skal snarast råd haldast konsultasjonar i Den blanda komiteen mellom statane som er part i denne avtalen.
Artikkel 26 Unntak av tryggingsgrunnar
Inga føresegn i denne avtalen skal hindre ein stat som er part i denne avtalen i å setje i verk tiltak som han finn nødvendige:
for å hindre spreiing av opplysningar i strid med hans vesentlege tryggingsinteresser;
for å verne om sine vesentlege tryggingsinteresser eller for å oppfylle internasjonale plikter eller nasjonal politikk
som gjeld handel med våpen, ammunisjon og krigsutstyr, føresett at slike tiltak ikkje forringar konkurransevilkåra med omsyn til produkt som ikkje er tenkte til spesifikt militære føremål, og handel med andre varer, materiell og tenester som direkte eller indirekte vert driven for å forsyne eit militæranlegg; eller
som vedkjem ikkje-spreiing av biologiske og kjemiske våpen, kjernevåpen eller andre innretningar for kjernefysisk sprenging; eller
som han har vedteke i krigstid eller i andre tilfelle med alvorleg internasjonal spenning.
Artikkel 27 Utviklingsklausul
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, forpliktar seg til å gå gjennom avtalen i lys av den vidare utviklinga i dei internasjonale økonomiske relasjonane, mellom anna innanfor WTO, og i denne samanhengen og i lys av alle relevante faktorar å undersøkje utsiktene for vidare utvikling og utdjuping av samarbeidet etter denne avtalen, og å utvide avtalen til område som ikkje er dekte. Statane som er part i denne avtalen, kan påleggje Den blanda komiteen å undersøkje utsiktene til dette, og å leggje fram tilrådingar for dei der det er aktuelt, særleg med sikte på å innleie forhandlingar.
Avtalar som er eit resultat av framgangsmåten som er nemnd i nr. 1, skal ratifiserast eller godkjennast av statane som er part i denne avtalen i samsvar med deira eigne prosedyrar.
Artikkel 28 Tenester og investeringar
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, erkjenner at visse område, mellom anna tenester og investeringar, vert stadig viktigare. I strevet etter gradvis å utvikle og utdjupe samarbeidet seg imellom, særleg i samanheng med integrasjonen i Euro-Middelhavsområdet, vil dei samarbeide med det mål å fremje investeringar og å oppnå ei gradvis liberalisering og gjensidig opning av marknadene for handel med tenester, idet det vert teke omsyn til pågåande arbeid i regi av WTO.
EFTA-statane og Marokko skal følgje utviklinga i tenestesektorane med sikte på å vurdere liberaliseringstiltak mellom partane.
EFTA-statane og Marokko vil diskutere dette samarbeidet i Den blanda komiteen med sikte på å utvikle og utdjupe samkvemmet etter denne avtalen.
Artikkel 29 Teknisk assistanse
For å lette gjennomføringa av denne avtalen skal avtalestatane einast om høvelege reglar for teknisk bistand og samarbeid mellom deira respektive styresmakter, særleg på områda immaterialrett, tollspørsmål og tekniske forskrifter. For å få til dette skal dei samordne innsatsen med aktuelle internasjonale organisasjonar.
Artikkel 30 Den blanda komiteen
Gjennomføringa av denne avtalen skal overvakast og administrerast av ein blanda komité som samstundes skal handle i samsvar med erklæringa som vart underteikna i Zermatt i desember 1995.
For at denne avtalen skal kunne gjennomførast på tiltenkt vis, skal statane som er part i avtalen utveksle opplysningar, og når ein avtalepart oppmodar om det, halde konsultasjonar innanfor Den blanda komiteen. Den blanda komiteen skal fortløpande vurdere om det er rom for ytterlegare avskaffing av handelshindringar mellom EFTA-statane og Marokko.
Den blanda komiteen kan gjere vedtak i dei saker som denne avtalen gjev heimel for. I andre saker kan Den blanda komiteen leggje fram tilrådingar.
Artikkel 31 Forretningsorden for Den blanda komiteen
For at denne avtalen skal kunne gjennomførast på tiltenkt vis, skal Den blanda komiteen møtast når det er nødvendig, men normalt ein gong i året. Kvar stat som er part i denne avtalen, kan be om at det vert halde møte.
Den blanda komiteen skal handle i gjensidig forståing.
Dersom ein avtaleparts representant i Den blanda komiteen har godteke ei avgjerd med atterhald om oppfylling av konstitusjonelle krav, skal avgjerda, dersom det i denne ikkje er fastsett nokon seinare dato, få verknad den dagen det vert gjeve underretning om at atterhaldet er oppheva.
I samband med denne avtalen skal Den blanda komiteen vedta sin eigen forretningsorden, som mellom anna skal innehalde føresegner om møteinnkalling, om utpeiking av formann og kor lenge formannsvervet varer.
Den blanda komiteen kan vedta å opprette dei underkomitear og arbeidsgrupper som han finn at han treng til hjelp i å oppfylle sine oppgåver.
Artikkel 32 Oppfylling av plikter
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, skal setje i verk alle tiltak som trengst for sikre at måla med denne avtalen vert nådde og at dei kan oppfylle sine plikter etter denne avtalen.
Dersom ein EFTA-stat meiner at Marokko har, eller Marokko meiner at en EFTA-stat har unnlate å oppfylle ei plikt etter denne avtalen, kan den aktuelle avtalestaten setje i verk eigna tiltak på dei vilkår og etter dei framgangsmåtar som er fastsette i artikkel 25 (Framgangsmåte ved bruk av vernetiltak).
Artikkel 33 Tilhøve mellom denne avtalen og WTO-avtalen
Statane som er part i denne avtalen, forpliktar seg til å sikre at avtalen er i samsvar med dei rettar og plikter dei har etter WTO-avtalen. Partane skal behandle kvarandre på ein måte som ikkje er mindre gagnleg enn den som følgjer av WTO-avtalen.
Artikkel 34 Vedlegg og protokollar
Vedlegga og protokollane til denne avtalen er ein integrert del av avtalen. Den blanda komiteen kan vedta å endre vedlegga og protokollane.
Artikkel 35 Handelssamkvem som vert regulert av denne avtalen
Denne avtalen gjeld for handelssamkvem mellom dei einskilde EFTA-statane på den eine sida og Marokko på den andre sida, men ikkje for handelssamkvem mellom einskilde EFTA-statar, med mindre anna er fastsett i denne avtalen.
Artikkel 36 Territoriell rekkevidd
Denne avtalen skal gjelde for territoria til statane som er part i denne avtalen med dei unntak som går fram av protokoll E.
Artikkel 37 Tollunionar, frihandelsområde, grensehandel og andre preferanseavtalar
Denne avtalen skal ikkje hindre oppretthalding eller inngåing av tollunionar, frihandelsområde, grensehandelsordningar eller andre preferanseavtalar i samsvar med artikkel XXIV og del IV i GATT 1994, i den mon desse ikkje verkar negativt inn på handelssystemet som er fastsett i denne avtalen.
Artikkel 38 Endringar
Endringar i denne avtalen som vert godkjende av Den blanda komiteen, med unntak av dei som er nemnde i artikkel 34 (Vedlegg og protokollar), skal leggjast fram for statane som er part i denne avtalen for godkjenning, og skal tre i kraft når dei er godkjende av alle statane som er part i denne avtalen. Både teksten til endringane og godkjenningsdokumenta skal deponerast hos depositaren.
Artikkel 39 Tiltreding
Alle statar som er medlemer av Det europeiske frihandelsforbundet kan tiltre denne avtalen, føresett at Den blanda komiteen vedtek å godkjenne tiltredinga, som skal forhandlast mellom tiltredande stat og dei aktuelle avtalestatane på vilkår som kan vere fastsette i vedtaket. Tiltredingsdokumentet skal deponerast hos depositaren.
For ein stat som tiltrer denne avtalen, skal avtalen ta til å gjelde første dagen i tredje månaden etter at staten har deponert tiltredingsdokumentet sitt.
Artikkel 40 Oppseiing og opphøyr
Kvar stat som er part i denne avtalen, kan seie opp avtalen ved skriftleg underretning til depositaren. Oppseiinga får verknad seks månader etter datoen då underretninga er motteken av depositaren.
Dersom Marokko seier opp avtalen, skal han opphøyre når oppseiingsperioden går ut, og dersom alle EFTA-statane seier opp avtalen, skal han opphøyre når siste oppseiingsperioden går ut.
Ein EFTA-stat som seier opp Konvensjonen om oppretting av Det europeiske frihandelsforbundet, skal ipso facto opphøyre å vere part i denne avtalen den dagen oppseiinga får verknad.
Artikkel 41 Ikraftsetjing
Denne avtalen krev ratifikasjon. Ratifikasjonsdokumenta skal deponerast hos depositaren.
Denne avtalen skal ta til å gjelde første dagen i andre månaden etter at alle ratifikasjonsdokument er deponerte.
Artikkel 42 Depositar
Regjeringa i Noreg, som er depositar, skal underrette alle statar som har underteikna eller tiltrådd denne avtalen om deponering av alle ratifikasjons- eller tiltredingsdokument eller godkjenningsdokument for endringar etter artikkel 38, og om ikraftsetjinga av avtalen og om endringar i avtalen som vert gjorde etter framgangsmåten som er fastsett i artikkel 38, om opphøyr og om alle oppseiingar av avtalen.
SOM STADFESTING AV DETTE har dei underteikna etter tilbørleg fullmakt skrive under denne avtalen.
UTFERDA i Genève 19. juni 1997 i ein engelsk og ein fransk original, som begge er like gyldige, og som skal deponerast hos regjeringa i Noreg. Depositaren skal sende rettkjende kopiar til alle signatarstatar og statar som tiltrer denne avtalen.
Vedlegg I Omtalt i artikkel 2, punkt (a) Produkter som ikke er omfattet av avtalen
Produkter som hører under kapitlene 25 - 97 i Det harmoniserte system (HS) som ikke er omfattet av denne avtale ved innførsel til de EFTA-stater som er spesifisert ut for hvert vareslag.
Posisjon i tolltariffen (HS) | Varebeskrivelse | Unntatt ved innførsel til |
35.01 | Kasein, kaseinater og andre kaseinderivater; kaseinlim | |
3501.10 | - kasein | Liechtenstein, Sveits |
ex 3501.90 | - ellers: | |
- - annet enn kaseinlim | Liechtenstein, Sveits | |
35.02 | Albuminer (herunder konsentrater av to eller flere myseproteiner som inneholder mer enn 80 vektprosent myseproteiner, beregnet av tørrstoffet), albuminater og andre albuminderivater: | |
- eggalbumin: | ||
ex 3502.11 | - - tørket, andre enn de som er, eller skal gjøres utjenlig til menneskeføde | Alle EFTA-stater |
ex 3502.19 | - - ellers, andre enn de som er, eller skal gjøres utjenlig til menneskeføde | Alle EFTA-stater |
ex 3502.20 | melkealbumin (lactalbumin), herunder konsentrater av to eller flere myseproteiner, andre enn de som er, eller skal gjøres utjenlig til menneskeføde | Alle EFTA-stater |
Vedlegg II Omtalt i artikkel 2, punkt c Fisk og andre marine produkter
Artikkel 1
Med mindre annet er bestemt i dette vedlegg, omfattes fisk og andre marine produkter, som spesifisert i tabell 1 nedenfor, av avtalens bestemmelser.
Ved avtalens ikrafttredelse skal all importtoll og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning avskaffes for produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat eller i Marokko og spesifisert i tabell 1, med mindre annet er spesifisert i artikkel 3 og 4 i dette vedlegget.
Tabell 1.19 Tabell 1
Kap.nr. HS | Pos. HS | Varebeskrivelse |
02.08 | Annet kjøtt og spiselig slakteavfall, fersk, kjølt eller fryst | |
ex | 0208.90 | - Annet: |
- - av hval1 | ||
Kap.3 | Fisk og krepsdyr, bløtdyr og andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann | |
15.04 | Fett og oljer samt deres fraksjoner, av fisk eller sjøpattedyr, også raffinerte, men ikke kjemisk omdannede1 | |
15.16 | Animalske eller vegetabilske fettsstoffer og oljer, samt deres fraksjoner, helt eller delvis hydrogenerte, interforestrede, reforestrede eller elaidiniserte, også raffinerte, men ikke videre bearbeidde | |
ex | 1516.10 | - animalske fettstoffer og oljer samt deres fraksjoner: |
- - i sin helhet fra fisk og sjøpattedyr2 | ||
16.03 | Ekstrakter og safter av kjøtt, flesk, fisk, krepsdyr, bløtdyr og andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann: | |
ex | 1603.00 | - ekstrakter og safter av hvalkjøtt, fisk eller krepsdyr, bløtdyr eller andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann2 |
16.04 | Fisk, tilberedt eller konservert; kaviar og kaviaretterlikninger av rogn | |
16.05 | Krepsdyr, bløtdyr og andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, tilberedte eller konserverte | |
23.01 | Mel og pelleter av kjøtt, flesk, slakteavfall, fisk, krepsdyr, bløtdyr eller av andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, utjenelig til menneskeføde; grakse: | |
ex | 2301.10 | - mel og pelleter av kjøtt, flesk eller slakteavfall; grakse: |
- - mel av hval2 | ||
2301.20 | - mel og pelleter av fisk, krepsdyr, bløtdyr eller av andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann | |
23.09 | Tilberedte produkter av det slag som brukes til dyrefôr | |
ex | 2309.90 | - ellers: |
- - fiskelim |
1 Import av hvalprodukter er forbudt i Liechtenstein og Sveits i samsvar med CITES-konvensjonen
2 av hvalprodukter er forbudt i Liechtenstein og Sveits i samsvar med CITES-konvensjonen
Artikkel 2
Med mindre annet er nevnt i denne artikkel skal støtten til fiskerinæringen høre under disiplinene i artikkel 18 i avtalen og avtalens fortolkning i vedlegg VI.
Følgende støtteordninger til fiskerinæringen betraktes normalt ikke å være i samsvar med avtalen:
alminnelig støtte til fiskerinæringen som helhet og som ikke helt er rettet mot strukturelle forhold i samsvar med bestemmelsene i paragraf (c)(ii) of Annex VI;
andre skattelettelser enn de som direkte kompenserer kostnadsulemper som klart er forbundet med spesielle vilkår innenfor fiskerinæringen;
sosiale ordninger dersom subsidie-elementet i slike ordninger overstiger det som vanligvis gjelder i andre næringer etter at de spesielle vilkårene for fiskerinæringen er tatt i betraktning.
Følgende støtteordninger skal normalt anses å være i samsvar med bestemmelsene i artikkel 18 i avtalen:
Støtteordninger i form av lavest tillatte førstehånds salgspris på hjemmemarkedet for fisk samt innkjøp av overskuddslagre som er nødvendig for å kompensere alvorlige markedsforstyrrelser;
regionale støtteordninger i den utstrekning de er nødvendige for å opprettholde aktiviteten i områder som i mer enn gjennomsnittlig grad er avhengige av slik aktivitet og hvor inntekten fra fiske klart er lavere enn det nasjonale gjennomsnittet i fiskerinæringen. Slike regionale støtteordninger skal ikke mer enn utjevne kostnadsulempene i forhold til annen fiskerilokalisering. Stater som er parter i denne avtale, som innfører eller opprettholder slike støtteordninger, skal i samsvar med bestemmelsene i vedlegg VI, skaffe til veie tilstrekkelig informasjon om lokale forhold som leder til innføring eller opprettholdelse av slike støtteordninger.
Følgende støtteordninger anses ikke å være i samsvar med avtalen:
støtte i samsvar med paragraf (c)(vi) i vedlegg VI, hva angår fiskerinæringen,
støtte i samsvar med paragraf (c)(viii) i vedlegg VI, hva angår fiskerinæringen.
Artikkel 3
1. Marokko kan opprettholde importtoll eller avgifter med tilsvarende virkning i overgangsperioder spesifisert i denne artikkel.
2. Marokko skal gradvis avskaffe importtoll og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning for produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat og spesifisert i tabell 2 nedenfor. Nedtrappingen skal skje i samsvar med følgende tidsskjema:
Ved ikrafttredelse av denne avtalen: | til 80 % av basis tollsatsen eller avgiften | |
Ett år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 60 % av basis tollsatsen eller avgiften | |
To år etter ikraft tredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 40 % av basis tollsatsen eller avgiften | |
Tre år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 20 % av basis tollsatsen eller avgiften | |
Fire år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 0. |
Tabell 1.20 Tabell 2
Kap.nr. HS | Pos. HS | Varebeskrivelse |
03.02 | Fisk, fersk eller kjølt, unntatt fiskefileter og annet fiskekjøtt som hører under posisjon 03.04 | |
- Flyndrefisk ( Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidaeand Citharidae), unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0302.29 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0302.29 | - - - Piggvar ( Psetta maxima) |
- Størje (tunfisk) (av slekten Thunnus), stripet pelamide ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)pelamis), unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0302.31 | - - Albakor eller langfinnet tunfisk ( Thunnus alalunga) | |
0302.32 | - - Gulfinnet tunfisk ( Thunnus albacares) | |
0302.33 | - - Stripet pelamide | |
0302.39 | - - Annen tunfisk | |
- Annen fisk, unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0302.64 | - - Makrell ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) | |
0302.69 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0302.69 | - - - Ansjos ( Engraulis spp.), brosme ( Brosme brosme) og tiarmet blekksprut («African cuttlefish», «Common cuttlefish», «Pink cuttlefish») |
03.03 | Fisk, fryst, unntatt fiskefileter og annet fiskekjøtt som hører under posisjon 03.04 | |
- Flyndrefisk ( Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidaeand Citharidae), unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0303.39 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0303.39 | - - Piggvar ( Psetta maxima). |
- Størje (tunfisk) (av slekten Thunnus), stripet pelamide ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)pelamis), unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0303.41 | - - Albakor eller langfinnet tunfisk ( Thunnus alalunga) | |
0303.42 | - - Gulfinnet tunfisk ( Thunnus albacares) | |
0303.43 | - - Stripet pelamide | |
0303.49 | - - Annet | |
- Annen fisk, unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0303.74 | - - Makrell ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) | |
0303.79 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0303.79 | - - - Ansjos ( Engraulis spp.), brosme ( Brosme brosme) og tiarmet blekksprut («African cuttlefish», «Common cuttlefish», «Pink cuttlefish») |
03.04 | Fiskefileter og annet fiskekjøtt (også opphakket), fersk, kjølt eller fryst | |
0304.10 | - Fersk eller kjølt: | |
ex | 0304.10 | - - Størje (tunfisk)(av slekten Thunnus), stripet pelamide ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)pelamis), hestemakrell, blåfinnet tunfisk ( Thunnus thynnus)), ansjos ( Engraulis spp.), brosme ( Brosme brosme), piggvar ( Psetta maxima), makrell ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus)og tiarmet blekksprut («African cuttlefish», «Common cuttlefish», «Pink cuttlefish»), unntatt fileter |
0304.90 | - Ellers: | |
ex | 0304.90 | - - Størje (tunfisk)(av slekten Thunnus), stripet pelamide ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)pelamis), hestemakrell, blåfinnet tunfisk ( Thunnus thynnus), ansjos ( Engraulis spp.), brosme ( Brosme brosme), piggvar ( Psetta maxima), makrell ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) og tiarmet blekksprut («African cuttlefish», «Common cuttlefish», «Pink cuttlefish») |
03.05 | Fisk, tørket, saltet eller i saltlake; røykt fisk, også varmrøykt; mel og pelleter av fisk egnet til menneskeføde | |
- røykt fisk, herunder fileter: | ||
0305.41 | - - Stillehavslaks ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), atlantisk laks ( Salmo salar) og Donau laks ( Hucho hucho) | |
0305.49 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.49 | - - - Størje (tunfisk)(av slekten Thunnus), stripet pelamide ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)pelamis), hestemakrell, blåfinnet tunfisk ( Thunnus thynnus), ansjos ( Engraulis spp.), brosme ( Brosme brosme), piggvar ( Psetta maxima), makrell ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus)og tiarmet blekksprut («African cuttlefish», «Common cuttlefish», «Pink cuttlefish») |
- Tørket fisk, også saltet, men ikke røykt: | ||
0305.59 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.59 | - - - Størje (tunfisk)(av slekten Thunnus), stripet pelamide ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)pelamis), hestemakrell, blåfinnet tunfisk ( Thunnus thynnus), ansjos ( Engraulis spp.), brosme ( Brosme brosme), piggvar ( Psetta maxima), makrell ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) og tiarmet blekksprut («African cuttlefish», «Common cuttlefish», «Pink cuttlefish»), unntatt fileter |
- Saltet fisk, men ikke tørket eller røykt, og fisk i saltlake: | ||
0305.63 | - - Ansjos ( Engraulis spp.) | |
0305.69 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.69 | - - - Størje (tunfisk)(av slekten Thunnus), stripet pelamide ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)pelamis), hestemakrell, blåfinnet tunfisk ( Thunnus thynnus), brosme ( Brosme brosme), piggvar ( Psetta maxima), makrell ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) og tiarmet blekksprut («African cuttlefish», «Common cuttlefish», «Pink cuttlefish») |
03.07 | Bløtdyr, med eller uten skall, levende, ferske, kjølte, fryste, tørkede, saltede eller i saltlake; virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, andre enn krepsdyr og bløtdyr, levende, ferske, kjølte, fryste, tørkede, saltede eller i saltlake; mel og pelleter av virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, andre ennn krepsdyr, egnet til menneskeføde | |
- Kamskjell, herunder harpeskjell og haneskjell, av slektene Pecten, Chlamysor Placopecten: | ||
0307.21 | - - Levende, ferske eller kjølte | |
0307.29 | - - Ellers | |
- Tiarmet blekksprut, herunder akkar ( Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp.,Ommastrephes spp., Loligo spp., Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp.): | ||
0307.41 | - - Levende, ferske eller kjølte | |
0307.49 | - - Ellers | |
- Åttearmet blekksprut ( Octopus spp.): | ||
0307.51 | - - Levende, ferske eller kjølte | |
0307.59 | - - Ellers | |
0307.60 | - Snegler, andre enn sjøsnegler | |
- Andre bløtdyr, herunder mel og pelleter av virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, andre enn krepsdyr, egnet til menneskeføde: | ||
0307.91 | - - Levende, ferske eller kjølte: | |
ex | 0307.91 | - - - Andre bløtdyr, unntatt østers og sandskjell |
0307.99 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0307.99 | - - - Andre bløtdyr, unntatt østers og sandskjell |
16.04 | Fisk, tilberedt eller konservert; kaviar og kaviaretterlikninger av rogn | |
- Fisk, hel eller i stykker, men ikke opphakket: | ||
1604.11 | - - Laks | |
ex | 1604.14 | - - Størje (tunfisk), stripet pelamide og pelamide ( Sarda spp.), unntatt konservert |
ex | 1604.15 | - - Makrell, unntatt konservert |
ex | 1604.16 | - - Ansjos, unntatt konservert |
1604.19 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 1604.19 | - - - Piggvar ( Psetta maxima), brosme ( Brosme brosme), tiarmet blekksprut («African cuttlefish», «Common cuttlefish», «Pink cuttlefish»), unntatt konservert |
1604.20 | - Annen tilberedt/konservert fisk: | |
ex | 1604.20 | - - Størje (tunfisk)(av slekten Thunnus), stripet pelamide ( Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)pelamis), hestemakrell, blåfinnet tunfisk ( Thunnus thynnus), ansjos ( Engraulis spp.), brosme ( Brosme brosme), piggvar ( Psetta maxima), makrell ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), tiarmet blekksprut («African cuttlefish», «Common cuttlefish», «Pink cuttlefish»), unntatt konservert |
ex | 1604.20 | - - Stillehavslaks ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), atlantisk laks ( Salmo salar), Donau laks ( Hucho hucho) |
16.05 | Krepsdyr, bløtdyr og andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, tilberedte eller konserverte | |
1605.90 | - Ellers : | |
ex | 1605.90 | - - Åttearmet blekksprut ( Octopus spp.) |
ex | 1605.90 | - - Andre bløtdyr, unntatt østers, blåskjell ( Mytilus spp., Perna spp.) og sandskjell |
3. Marokko skal gradvis avskaffe importtoll og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning for produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat og spesifisert i tabell 3 nedenfor. Nedtrappingen skal skje i samsvar med følgende tidsskjema:
To år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 80 % av basis tollsatsen eller avgiften | |
Tre år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 60 % av basis tollsatsen eller avgiften | |
Fire år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 40 % av basis tollsatsen eller avgiften | |
Fem år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 20 % av basis tollsatsen eller avgiften | |
Seks år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 0. |
Tabell 1.21 Tabell 3
Kap.nr. HS | Pos. HS | Varebeskrivelse |
03.02 | Fisk, fersk eller kjølt, unntatt fiskefileter og annet fiskekjøtt som hører under posisjon 03.04 | |
- Flyndrefisk ( Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidaeand Citharidae), unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0302.21 | - - Kveite ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) | |
0302.22 | - - Rødspette ( Pleuronectes platessa) | |
0302.23 | - - Tunge ( Solea spp.) | |
- Annen fisk, unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0302.61 | - - Sardin ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella ( Sardinella spp.), brisling ( Sprattus sprattus): | |
ex | 0302.61 | - - - Brisling ( Sprattus sprattus) |
0302.69 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0302.69 | - - - Sei (pollock ( Gadus virens), lange ( Molva molva), steinbit, havkarusser («Sea bream», «Axillary bream», «Blackspotted sea bream», «Gilthead sea bream», «Redbranded sea bream», «Blue spotted sea bream», «Common sea bream»), «Bluefish», pagell («Red pandora», «Common pandora»), «Canary drum», «Shidrums» og «Fusca drum» |
03.03 | Fisk, fryst, unntatt fileter og annet fiskekjøtt som hører under posisjon 03.4 | |
- Flyndrefisk ( Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidaeand Citharidae), unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0303.31 | - - Kveite ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) | |
0303.32 | - - Rødspette ( Pleuronectes platessa) | |
0303.33 | - - Tunge ( Solea spp.) | |
- Annen fisk, unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0303.71 | - - Sardin ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella ( Sardinella spp.), brisling ( Sprattus sprattus): | |
ex | 0303.71 | - - - Brisling ( Sprattus sprattus) |
0303.79 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0303.79 | - - - Sei (pollock ( Gadus virens), lange ( Molva molva), steinbit, havkarusser («Sea bream», «Axillary bream», «Blackspotted sea bream», «Gilthead sea bream», «Redbranded sea bream», «Blue spotted sea bream», «Common sea bream»), «Bluefish», pagell («Red pandora», «Common pandora»), «Canary drum», «Shidrums» og «Fusca drum» |
03.04 | Fiskefileter og annet fiskekjøtt (også opphakket), fersk, kjølt eller fryst | |
0304.10 | - Fersk eller kjølt: | |
ex | 0304.10 | - - Fiskekjøtt, unntatt fileter, av kveite ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), rødspette ( Pleuronectes platessa), tunge( Solea spp.), brisling ( Sprattus sprattus), sei (pollock ( Gadus virens)), lange ( Molva molva), steinbit og havkarusser («sea bream») |
0304.90 | - Ellers: | |
ex | 0304.90 | - - av kveite ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), rødspette ( Pleuronectes platessa), tunge ( Solea spp.), brisling ( Sprattus sprattus), sei (pollock ( Gadus virens)), lange ( Molva molva), steinbit, havkarusser («Sea bream», «Axillary bream», «Blackspotted sea bream», «Gilthead sea bream», «Redbranded sea bream», «Blue spotted sea bream», «Common sea bream»), «Bluefish», pagell («Red pandora», «Common pandora»), «Canary drum», «Shidrums» og «Fusca drum» |
03.05 | Fisk, tørket, saltet eller i saltlake; røykt fisk, også varmrøykt; mel og pelleter av fisk, egnet til menneskeføde | |
- røykt fisk, herunder fileter: | ||
0305.49 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.49 | - - - av kveite ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), rødspette ( Pleuronectes platessa), tunge ( Solea spp.),brisling ( Sprattus sprattus), sei(pollock ( Gadus virens)), lange ( Molva molva), steinbit, havkarusser («Sea bream», «Axillary bream», «Blackspotted sea bream», «Gilthead sea bream», «Redbranded sea bream», «Blue spotted sea bream», «Common sea bream»), «Bluefish», pagell («Red pandora», «Common pandora»), «Canary drum», «Shidrums» og «Fusca drum», unntatt filet |
- Tørket fisk, også saltet, men ikke røykt: | ||
0305.59 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.59 | - - - Kveite ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), rødspette ( Pleuronectes platessa), tunge ( Solea spp.),brisling ( Sprattus sprattus), sei (pollock ( Gadus virens)), lange ( Molva molva), steinbit, havkarusser («Sea bream», «Axillary bream», «Blackspotted sea bream», «Gilthead sea bream», «Redbranded sea bream», «Blue spotted sea bream», «Common sea bream»), «Bluefish», pagell («Red pandora», «Common pandora»), «Canary drum», «Shidrums» og «Fusca drum» |
- Saltet fisk, men ikke tørket eller røykt, og fisk i saltlake: | ||
0305.69 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.69 | - - - Kveite ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), rødspette ( Pleuronectes platessa), tunge ( Solea spp.), brisling ( Sprattus sprattus), sei (pollock ( Gadus virens)), lange ( Molva molva), steinbit, havkarusser («Sea bream», «Axillary bream», «Blackspotted sea bream», «Gilthead sea bream», «Redbranded sea bream», «Blue spotted sea bream», «Common sea bream»), «Bluefish», pagell («Red pandora», «Common pandora»), «Canary drum», «Shidrums» og «Fusca drum» |
03.06 | Krepsdyr, med eller uten skall, levende, ferske, kjølte, fryste, tørkede, saltede eller i saltlake;krepsdyr med skall, dampkokt eller kokt i vann, også kjølte, fryste, tørkede, saltede eller i saltlake; mel og pelleter av krepsdyr, egnet til menneskeføde. | |
- Fryste: | ||
0306.12 | - - Hummer ( Homarus spp.) | |
0306.14 | - - Krabber | |
- Ikke fryste: | ||
0306.22 | - - Hummer ( Homarus spp.) | |
0306.24 | - - Krabber | |
03.07 | Bløtdyr, med eller uten skall, levende, ferske, kjølte, fryste, tørkede, saltede eller i saltlake; virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, andre enn krepsdyr og bløtdyr, levende, ferske, kjølte, fryste, tørkede, saltede eller i saltlake; mel og pelleter av virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, andre ennn krepsdyr, egnet til menneskeføde | |
- Blåskjell ( Mytilus spp., Perna spp.): | ||
0307.31 | - - Levende, ferske eller kjølte | |
0307.39 | - - Ellers | |
- Andre bløtdyr, herunder mel og pelleter av virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, andre ennn krepsdyr, egnet til menneskeføde: | ||
0307.91 | - - Levende, ferske eller kjølte: | |
ex | 0307.91 | - - - Sandskjell |
0307.99 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0307.99 | - - - Sandskjell |
16.04 | Fisk, tilberedt eller konservert; kaviar og kaviaretterlikninger av rogn. | |
- Fisk, hel eller i stykker, men ikke opphakket: | ||
1604.13 | - - Sardiner, sardinella og brisling: | |
ex | 1604.13 | - - - Brisling ( Sprattus sprattus), unntatt konservert |
1604.19 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 1604.19 | - - - Kveite ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), rødspette ( Pleuronectes platessa), tunge ( Solea spp.), brisling ( Sprattus sprattus), sei (pollock ( Gadus virens)), lange ( Molva molva), steinbit, havkarusser («Sea bream», «Axillary bream», «Blackspotted sea bream», «Gilthead sea bream», «Redbranded sea bream», «Blue spotted sea bream», «Common sea bream»), «Bluefish», pagell («Red pandora», «Common pandora»), «Canary drum», «Shidrums» og «Fusca drum»,unntatt konservert |
1604.20 | - Annen tilberedt/konservert fisk: | |
ex | 1604.20 | - - Kveite ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis), rødspette( Pleuronectes platessa), tunge ( Solea spp.), brisling ( Sprattus sprattus), sei (pollock ( Gadus virens)), lange ( Molva molva), steinbit, havkarusser («Sea bream», «Axillary bream», «Blackspotted sea bream», «Gilthead sea bream», «Redbranded sea bream», «Blue spotted sea bream», «Common sea bream»), «Bluefish», pagell («Red pandora», «Common pandora»), «Canary drum», «Shidrums» og «Fusca drum», unntatt konservert |
16.05 | Krepsdyr, bløtdyr og andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, tilberedte eller konserverte. | |
1605.10 | - Krabber | |
1605.30 | - Hummer ( Homarus spp.) | |
1605.90 | - Ellers: | |
ex | 1605.90 | - - Blåskjell ( Mytilus spp., Perna spp.), sandskjell |
4. Marokko skal gradvis avskaffe importtoll og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning for produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat og spesifisert i tabell 4 nedenfor. Nedtrappingen skal skje i samsvar med følgende tidsskjema:
Fire år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 80 % av basis tollsatsen eller avgiften | |
Fem år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 60 % av basis tollsatsen eller avgiften | |
Seks år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 40 % av basis tollsatsen eller avgiften | |
Syv år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 20 % av basis tollsatsen eller avgiften | |
Åtte år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 10 % av basis tollsatsen eller avgiften | |
Ni år etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen: | til 0. |
Tabell 1.22 Tabell 4
Kap.nr. HS | Pos. HS | Varebeskrivelse |
03.02 | Fisk, fersk eller kjølt, unntatt fiskefileter og annet fiskekjøtt som hører under posisjon 03.04. | |
- Annen fisk, unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0302.61 | - - Sardin ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella ( Sardinella spp.), brisling ( Sprattus sprattus): | |
ex | 0302.61 | - - - Sardin ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.) |
0302.69 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0302.69 | - - - Lysing ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.), havabbor ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
03.03 | Fisk, fryst, unntatt fiskefileter og annet fiskekjøtt som hører under posisjon 03.04. | |
- Annen fisk, unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0303.71 | - - Sardin ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella ( Sardinella spp.), brisling ( Sprattus sprattus): | |
ex | 0303.71 | - - - Sardin ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.) |
0303.77 | - - Havabbor ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) | |
0303.78 | - - Lysing ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) | |
03.04 | Fiskefileter og annet fiskekjøtt (også opphakket), fersk, kjølt eller fryst | |
0304.10 | - Fersk eller kjølt: | |
ex | 0304.10 | - - Sardin ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), lysing ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.), havabbor ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
ex | 0304.10 | - - Fileter, unntatt fileter av torsk ( Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), sild ( Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), hyse ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus), stillehavslaks ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), atlantisk laks ( Salmo salar), Donau laks ( Hucho hucho) og annen ferskvannsfisk |
0304.20 | - Fryste fileter: | |
ex | 0304.20 | - - Unntatt fileter av torsk ( Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), sild ( Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), hyse ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus), stillehavslaks ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), atlantisk laks ( Salmo salar), Donau laks ( Hucho hucho) og annen ferskvannsfisk |
0304.90 | - Ellers: | |
ex | 0304.90 | - - Sardin ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), lysing ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.og havabbor ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
03.05 | Fisk, tørket, saltet eller i saltlake; røykt fisk, også varmrøykt; mel og pelleter av fisk, egnet til menneskeføde | |
0305.10 | - Mel og pelleter av fisk, egnet til menneskeføde | |
0305.30 | - Fiskefileter, saltede eller i saltlake, men ikke røykt: | |
ex | 0305.30 | - - Unntatt fileter av torsk ( Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), sild ( Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), hyse ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus), stillehavslaks ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), atlantisk laks ( Salmo salar), Donau laks ( Hucho hucho) og annen ferskvannsfisk |
- Røykt fisk, herunder fileter: | ||
0305.49 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.49 | - - - Sardin ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.)og lysing ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.), havabbor ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
ex | 0305.49 | - - - Filet, unntatt fileter av torsk ( Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), hyse ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus) og av ferskvannsfisk |
- Tørket fisk, også saltet, men ikke røykt: | ||
0305.59 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.59 | - - - Sardin ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), lysing ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) og havabbor ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
- Saltet fisk, men ikke tørket eller røykt, og fisk i saltlake: | ||
0305.69 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.69 | - - - Sardin ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), lysing ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) og havabbor ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
03.06 | Krepsdyr, med eller uten skall, levende, ferske, kjølte, fryste, tørkede, saltede eller i saltlake;krepsdyr med skall, dampkokt eller kokt i vann, også kjølte, fryste, tørkede, saltede eller i saltlake; mel og pelleter av krepsdyr, egnet til menneskeføde. | |
- Fryste: | ||
0306.13 | - - Reker | |
- Ikke fryste: | ||
0306.23 | - - Reker | |
03.07 | Bløtdyr, med eller uten skall, levende, ferske, kjølte, fryste, tørkede, saltede eller i saltlake; virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, andre enn krepsdyr og bløtdyr, levende, ferske, kjølte, fryste, tørkede, saltede eller i saltlake; mel og pelleter av virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, andre enn krepsdyr, egnet til menneskeføde | |
0307.10 | - Østers | |
16.04 | Fisk, tilberedt eller konservert; kaviar og kaviaretterlikninger av rogn. | |
- Fisk, hel eller i stykker, men ikke opphakket: | ||
1604.13 | - - Sardin, sardinella og brisling: | |
ex | 1604.13 | - - - Sardin ( Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.) |
ex | 1604.13 | - - - Ellers, konservert |
1604.14 | - - Størje (tunfisk), stripet pelamide og pelamide ( Sarda spp.): | |
ex | 1604.14 | - - - Konservert |
1604.15 | - - Makrell: | |
ex | 1604.15 | - - - Konservert |
1604.16 | - - Ansjos: | |
ex | 1604.16 | - - - Konservert |
1604.19 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 1604.19 | - - - Lysing ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) og havabbor ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
ex | 1604.19 | - - - Konservert fisk, unntatt torsk ( Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), hyse ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus) og ferskvannsfisk |
1604.20 | - Annen tilberedt/konservert fisk: | |
ex | 1604.20 | - - Lysing ( Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) og havabbor ( Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus) |
ex | 1604.20 | - - Konservert fisk, unntatt torsk ( Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus), sild ( Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), hyse ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus), stillehavslaks ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouand Oncorhynchus rhodurus), atlantisk laks ( Salmo salar), Donau laks ( Hucho hucho), og annen ferskvannsfisk |
16.05 | Krepsdyr, bløtdyr og andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, tilberedte eller konserverte. | |
1605.20 | - Reker | |
1605.90 | - Ellers: | |
ex | 1605.90 | - - Østers |
23.01 | Mel og pelleter av kjøtt, flesk, slakteavfall, fisk, krepsdyr, bløtdyr eller av andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, utjenelig til menneskeføde; grakse: | |
2301.20 | - Mel og pelleter, av fisk,skalldyr eller bløtdyr, eller av andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann: | |
ex | 2301.20 | - - Mel og pelleter av fisk |
5. Marokko skal innrømme årlige, tollfrie kvoter for produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat i samsvar med tabell 5 nedenfor.
Tabell 1.23 Tabell 5
Kap.nr | Varebeskrivelse | Tollfrie kvoter (i tonn) for årene etter ikrafttredelse av denne avtalen | ||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ||
ex 0305.41 | Røykt laks | 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | fri | fri | fri | fri | fri |
ex 2301.20 | Mel og pelleter av fisk | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000 | 1100 | 1200 | 1300 |
Den tollfrie kvoten for røykt laks (ex 0305.41) skal avskaffes fra det femte året etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen og den tollfrie kvoten for mel og pelleter av fisk (ex 2301.20) skal avskaffes fra det niende året etter ikrafttredelsen av denne avtalen. Avskaffelsene skal finne sted samtidig som importtoll og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning avskaffes som bestemt i henholdsvis paragraf 2 og 4 i denne artikkel.
6. Marokko skal ved avtalens ikrafttredelse redusere importtoll og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning for produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat og spesifisert i tabell 6 nedenfor til 2.5 prosent ad valorem.
Tabell 1.24 Tabell 6
Kap.nr. HS | Pos. HS | Varebeskrivelse |
03.01 | Levende fisk. | |
- Annen levende fisk: | ||
0301.91 | - - Ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | |
0301.93 | - - Karpe | |
0301.99 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0301.99 | - - - Ferskvannsfisk, unntatt stillehavslaks ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouog Oncorhynchus rhodurus), atlantisk laks ( Salmo salar) og Donau laks ( Hucho hucho) |
03.02 | Fisk, fersk eller kjølt, unntatt fiskefileter og annet fiskekjøtt som hører under posisjon 03.04. | |
- Laksefisk (Salmonidae), unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0302.19 | - - Annen laksefisk: | |
ex | 0302.19 | - - - Ferskvannsfisk |
- Annen fisk, unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0302.69 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0302.69 | - - - Ferskvannsfisk |
03.03 | Fisk,fryst, unntatt fileter og annet fiskekjøtt som hører under posisjon 03.04. | |
- Annen laksefisk, unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0303.29 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0303.29 | - - - Ferskvannsfisk |
- Annen fisk, unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0303.79 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0303.79 | - - - Ferskvannsfisk |
03.04 | Fiskefileter og annet fiskekjøtt (også opphakket), fersk, kjølt eller fryst | |
0304.10 | - Fersk eller kjølt: | |
ex | 0304.10 | - - Av ferskvannsfisk, unntatt stillehavslaks ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouog Oncorhynchus rhodurus), atlantisk laks ( Salmo salar), Donau laks ( Hucho hucho) og ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
0304.20 | - Fryste fileter: | |
ex | 0304.20 | - - Av ferskvannsfisk, unntatt stillehavslaks ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouog Oncorhynchus rhodurus), atlantisk laks ( Salmo salar), Donau laks ( Hucho hucho) og ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
0304.90 | - Ellers: | |
ex | 0304.90 | - - Av ferskvannsfisk, unntatt stillehavslaks ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouog Oncorhynchus rhodurus), atlantisk laks ( Salmo salar), Donau laks ( Hucho hucho) og ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
03.05 | Fisk, tørket, saltet eller i saltlake; røykt fisk, også varmrøykt; mel og pelleter av fisk egnet til menneskeføde | |
0305.30 | - Fiskefileter, saltede eller i saltlake, men ikke røykt: | |
ex | 0305.30 | - - Av ferskvannsfisk, unntatt stillehavslaks ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouog Oncorhynchus rhodurus), atlantisk laks ( Salmo salar), Donau laks ( Hucho hucho) og ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
- Røykt fisk, herunder fileter: | ||
0305.49 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.49 | - - - Ferskvannsfisk, unntatt ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
- Tørket fisk, også saltet, men ikke røykt: | ||
0305.59 | - - Annen: | |
ex | 0305.59 | - - - Ferskvannsfisk, unntatt stillehavslaks ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouog Oncorhynchus rhodurus), atlantisk laks ( Salmo salar), Donau laks ( Hucho hucho)og ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
- Saltet fisk, men ikke tørket elller røykt, og fisk i saltlake: | ||
0305.69 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.69 | - - - Ferskvannsfisk, unntatt stillehavslaks ( Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masouog Oncorhynchus rhodurus), atlantisk laks ( Salmo salar), Donau laks ( Hucho hucho)og ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
7. Marokko skal ved avtalens ikrafttredelse redusere importtoll og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning for produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat og spesifisert i tabell 7 nedenfor til 40 % ad valorem.
Tabell 1.25 Tabell 7
Kap.nr. HS | Pos. HS | Varebeskrivelse |
03.02 | Fisk, fersk eller kjølt, unntatt fiskefileter og annet fiskekjøtt som hører under posisjon 03.04. | |
- Laksefisk (Salmonidae), unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0302.11 | - - Ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | |
03.03 | Fisk, fryst, unntatt fiskefileter og annet fiskekjøtt som hører under posisjon 03.04. | |
- Annen laksefisk (Salmonidae), unntatt lever, rogn og melke: | ||
0303.21 | - - Ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | |
03.04 | Fiskefileter og annet fiskekjøtt (også opphakket), fersk, kjølt eller fryst | |
0304.10 | - Fersk eller kjølt: | |
ex | 0304.10 | - - Ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
0304.20 | - Fryste fileter: | |
ex | 0304.20 | - - Ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
0304.90 | - Ellers: | |
ex | 0304.90 | - - Ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
03.05 | Fisk, tørket, saltet eller i saltlake; røykt fisk, også varmrøykt; mel og pelleter av fisk, egnet til menneskeføde | |
0305.30 | - Fiskefileter, saltede eller i saltlake, men ikke røykt: | |
ex | 0305.30 | - - Ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
- Røykt fisk, herunder fileter: | ||
0305.49 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.49 | - - - Røykt ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
- Tørket fisk, også saltet, men ikke røykt: | ||
0305.59 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.59 | - - - Ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
- Saltet fisk, men ikke tørket eller røykt, og fisk i saltlake: | ||
0305.69 | - - Ellers: | |
ex | 0305.69 | - - - Ørret ( Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apacheog Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) |
8. Avtalepartene erklærer at de er rede til på gjensidig basis å fremme en harmonisert handel med fisk og andre marine produkter. Ordningene i denne artikkel skal tas opp til vurdering med jevne mellomrom. Den første gjennomgangen skal finne sted før 1 januar 2000 når Marokko reduserer importtollen for ørret til 30 %.
Artikkel 4
Sveits og Liechtenstein kan opprettholde importtoll og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning for produkter med opprinnelse i Marokko og spesifisert i tabell 8 nedenfor.
Ordningen for HS nr. ex 03.01 til 03.05 skal tas opp til vurdering før 1 januar 2000 med det mål for øyet å forbedre handel med fisk og andre marine produkter.
Tabell 1.26 Tabell 8
Posisjon HS | Varebeskrivelse |
ex 03.01 til 3.05 | Fisk, unntatt frosne fileter, annet enn saltvannsfisk, karpe, ål og laks |
ex 15.04 og 15.16.10 | Fett og oljer til menneskeføde |
ex 23.01.10 og 23.01.20 | Mel og pelleter til dyrefôr |
ex 23.09.90 | Andre tilberedte produkter av det slag som brukes til dyrefôr |
Vedlegg III Omtalt i artikkel 4
Tabell A til vedlegg III omtalt i artikkel 4, punkt 3 tollavgifter ved innførsel og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning
Tollavgifter og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning skal ved innførsel til Marokko av produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat, nevnt i Tabell A, gradvis avskaffes i samsvar med følgende tidstabell:
fra Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift reduseres med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 75 % av basistollsatsen;
ett år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 50 % av basistollsatsen;
to år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 25 % av basistollsatsen;
tre år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning avskaffes.
H.S. Pos. nr. | Pos. nr. Marokkansk tolltariff | Varebeskrivelse |
25.02 | Urøstet svovelkis. | |
25.03 | Svovel, alle slags, unntatt sublimert, utfelt eller kolloidalt svovel. | |
25.04 | Naturlig grafitt. | |
25.05 | Naturlig sand, alle slags, også farget, unntatt metallholdig sand som hører under kapittel 26. | |
25.06 | Kvarts (unntatt naturlig sand); kvartsitt, også grovt bearbeidd eller bare oppdelt ved saging eller på annen måte i kvadratiske eller rektangulære blokker eller plater. | |
25.07 | Kaolin og annen kaolinholdig leire, også brent | |
25.08 | Annen leire (unntatt ekspandert leire som hører under posisjon 68.06), andalusitt, cyanitt og sillimanitt, også brent; mulitt; chamotte- eller dinasjord. | |
25.09 | Kritt. | |
25.10 | Naturlige kalsiumfosfater, naturlige kalsiumaluminiumfosfater og fosfatholdig kritt. | |
25.11 | Naturlig bariumsulfat (tungspat, barytt), naturlig bariumkarbonat (witheritt), også brent, unntatt bariumoksid som hører under posisjon 28.16. | |
25.12 | Kiselholdig fossilmel (f.eks. kiselgur, trippel og diatomejord) og liknende kiselholdige jordarter, også brente, med en tilsynelatende spesifikk vekt av 1 eller mindre. | |
25.13 | Pimpstein; smergel; naturlig korund, naturlig granat og andre naturlige slipestoffer, også varmebehandlede. | |
25.14 | Skifer, også grovt bearbeidd eller bare oppdelt ved saging eller på annen måte i kvadratiske eller rektangulære blokker eller plater. | |
25.16 | Granitt, porfyr, basalt, sandstein og annen monument- eller bygningsstein, også grovt bearbeidd eller bare oppdelt ved saging eller på annen måte i kvadratiske eller rektangulære blokker eller plater. | |
25.17 | Småstein, grus og knust stein av det slag som vanligvis brukes som tilslag i betong, til vegbygging, til jernbanebygging eller liknende, samt singel og flint, også varmebehandlet; makadam av slagg eller liknende industrielle avfallsprodukter, også med innhold av materialer som er nevnt i første del av denne posisjon; tjæremakadam; korn, splinter og pulver av steinarter som hører under posisjon 25.15 eller 25.16, også varmebehandlet. | |
25.18 | Dolomitt, også brent; dolomitt, grovt bearbeidd eller bare oppdelt ved saging eller på annen måte i kvadratiske eller rektangulære blokker eller plater; agglomerert dolomitt (herunder tjæredolomitt). | |
25.19 | Naturlig magnesiumkarbonat (magnesitt); sammensmeltet magnesia; sintret magnesia, også med innhold av små mengder andre oksider tilsatt før sintring; annen magnesiumoksid, også i ren tilstand. | |
25.21 | Kalkstein til bruk som flussmiddel; kalkstein og annen kalkholdig stein av det slag som vanligvis brukes til fremstilling av kalk eller sement. | |
25.23 | Portlandsement, aluminatsement, slaggsement, supersulfatsement og liknende hydraulisk sement, også farget eller i form av klinker. | |
- portlandsement: | ||
2523.21 | - - hvit sement, også kunstig farget | |
2523.30 | - aluminatsement | |
2523.90 | - annen hydraulisk sement | |
25.24 | Asbest | |
25.25 | Glimmer, herunder splittings; glimmeravfall. | |
25.26 | Naturlig steatitt, også grovt bearbeidd eller bare oppdelt ved saging eller på annen måte i kvadratiske eller rektangulære blokker eller plater; talkum. | |
25.27 | Naturlig kryolitt; naturlig chiolitt | |
25.28 | Naturlige borater og konsentrater derav (også brente), unntatt borater utfelt av naturlige saltoppløsninger; naturlig borsyre med innhold av høyst 85 vektprosent H3BO3, beregnet av tørrstoffet. | |
25.29 | Feltspat; leucitt; nefelin og nefelinsyenitt; flusspat. | |
25.30 | Mineralske stoffer ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
2530.10 | - vermikulitt, perlitt og kloritter, uekspanderte | |
2530.40 | - naturlige, glimmerholdige jernoksider | |
2530.90 | - andre | |
27.01 | Steinkull; briketter og liknende fast brensel fremstilt av steinkull. | |
27.02 | Brunkull, også agglomerert, unntatt gagat (jett). | |
27.03 | Torv (herunder torvstrø), også agglomerert. | |
27.04 | Koks og halvkoks av steinkull, brunkull eller torv, også agglomerert; retortkull. | |
27.05 | Lysgass, vanngass, generatorgass og liknende gasser, unntatt jordoljegasser og andre gassformige hydrokarboner. | |
27.06 | Steinkull-, brunkull- og torvtjære samt annen mineralsk tjære, også dehydrert eller delvis destillert, herunder rekonstituert tjære. | |
27.07 | Oljer og andre destillasjonsprodukter av høytemperaturtjære av steinkull; liknende produkter, hvor vekten av de aromatiske bestanddeler overstiger vekten av de ikke-aromatiske bestanddeler. | |
27.08 | Bek og bekkoks fremstilt av steinkulltjære eller annen mineralsk tjære. | |
27.09 | Jordolje og oljer utvunnet av bituminøse mineraler, rå. | |
ex 27.10 | Jordolje og oljer utvunnet av bituminøse mineraler, unntatt råoljer; produkter ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted, som inneholder minst 70 vektprosent jordolje eller oljer utvunnet av bituminøse mineraler, og med disse oljer som basis for produktene. | |
2710.0019 | - blandede alkylener, i pakninger med nettovekt større enn 1 kg | |
2710.0021 | - mineralterpentin (white spirit) | |
2710.0060 | - oljer utvunnet av vaselin eller parafinvoks (type «fargeløs») | |
2710.0070 | - dielektriske oljer | |
27.11 | Jordoljegasser og andre gassformige hydrokarboner. | |
- gjort flytende: | ||
2711.14 | - - etylen, propylen, butylen og butadien | |
2711.19 | - - andre | |
- i gassform: | ||
2711.21 | - - naturgass | |
2711.29 | - - andre | |
27.12 | Vaselin; parafinvoks, mikrokrystallinsk jordoljevoks, «slack wax», ozokerett, montanvoks, torvvoks og annen mineralsk voks samt liknende produkter fremstilt syntetisk eller på annen måte, også farget. | |
27.13 | Petrolkoks, jordoljebitumen og andre reststoffer fra jordolje eller fra oljer utvunnet av bituminøse mineraler. | |
27.14 | Naturlig bitumen og naturasfalt; bituminøs skifer eller oljeskifer samt tjæresand; asfaltitter og asfaltholdige bergarter. | |
27.15 | Bituminøse blandinger på basis av naturasfalt, naturlig bitumen, jordoljebitumen, mineralsk tjære eller mineraltjærebek (f.eks. bituminøs mastiks, «cut-backs»). | |
28.01 | Fluor, klor, brom og jod. | |
2801.20 | - jod | |
2801.30 | - fluor; brom | |
28.03 | Karbon («Carbon black» og andre former av karbon som ikke er nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted). | |
28.04 | Hydrogen, edelgasser og andre ikke-metaller. | |
- edelgasser: | ||
2804.21 | - - argon | |
2804.29 | - - andre | |
2804.50 | - bor; tellur | |
- silisium: | ||
2804.61 | - - med innhold av minst 99,99 vektprosent silisium | |
2804.69 | - - annet | |
2804.70 | - fosfor | |
2804.80 | - arsen | |
2804.90 | - selen | |
28.05 | Alkalimetaller eller jordalkalimetaller; sjeldne jordmetaller, scandium og yttrium, også blandede eller legerte innbyrdes; kvikksølv. | |
28.08 | Salpetersyre; nitrersyrer. | |
28.10 | Boroksider; borsyrer. | |
28.11 | Andre uorganiske syrer og andre uorganiske oksygenforbindelser av ikke-metaller. | |
- andre uorganiske syrer: | ||
2811.11 | - - hydrogenfluorid (flussyre) | |
2811.19 | - - andre | |
- andre uorganiske oksygenforbindelser av ikke-metaller: | ||
2811.22 | - - silisiumdioksid | |
2811.23 | - - svoveldioksid | |
28.12 | Halogenider og oksidhalogenider av ikke-metaller. | |
28.13 | Sulfider av ikke-metaller; kommersiell fosfortrisulfid. | |
28.14 | Ammoniakk, vannfri eller i vandig oppløsning. | |
28.16 | Hydroksid og peroksid av magnesium; oksider, hydroksider og peroksider av strontium eller barium. | |
ex 28.17 | Sinkoksid; sinkperoksid. | |
2817.0090 | - sinkperoksid | |
28.18 | Kunstig korund, også kjemisk definert; aluminiumoksid; aluminiumhydroksid. | |
28.19 | Kromoksider og kromhydroksider. | |
28.20 | Manganoksider. | |
28.21 | Jernoksider og jernhydroksider; jordfarger som inneholder minst 70 vektprosent bundet jern beregnet som Fe2O3. | |
28.22 | Koboltoksider og kobolthydroksider; kommersielle koboltoksider. | |
28.23 | Titanoksider. | |
28.24 | Blyoksider; blymønje og oransjemønje. | |
28.25 | Hydrazin og hydroksylamin samt deres uorganiske salter; andre uorganiske baser; andre metalloksider, metallhydroksider og metallperoksider. | |
28.26 | Fluorider; fluorosilikater, fluoroaluminater og andre komplekse fluorsalter. | |
28.27 | Klorider, oksidklorider og hydroksidklorider; bromider og oksidbromider; jodider og oksidjodider. | |
28.29 | Klorater og perklorater; bromater og perbromater; jodater og perjodater. | |
28.30 | Sulfider; polysulfider. | |
28.31 | Ditionitter og sulfoksylater. | |
28.32 | Sulfitter; tiosulfater. | |
28.33 | Sulfater; aluner; peroksosulfater (persulfater). | |
- natriumsulfater: | ||
2833.11 | - - dinatriumsulfat | |
2833.19 | - - andre | |
- andre sulfater: | ||
2833.23 | - - av krom | |
2833.24 | - - av nikkel | |
2833.27 | - - av barium | |
2833.29 | - - andre | |
2833.40 | - peroksosulfater (persulfater) | |
28.34 | Nitritter; nitrater. | |
28.35 | Fosfinater (hypofosfitter), fosfonater (fosfitter), fosfater og polyfosfater. | |
- fosfater: | ||
2835.24 | - - av kalium | |
ex | 2835.29 | - - andre |
2835.2990 | - - - andre enn triammoniumortofosfat (tribasisk fosfat ((NH4)3PO3) | |
- polyfosfater: | ||
2835.31 | - - natriumtrifosfat (natriumtripolyfosfat) | |
2835.39 | - - andre | |
28.36 | Karbonater; peroksokarbonater (perkarbonater); kommersielt ammoniumkarbonat som inneholder ammoniumkarbamat. | |
28.37 | Cyanider, oksidcyanider og komplekse cyanider. | |
28.38 | Fulminater, cyanater og tiocyanater. | |
28.40 | Borater; peroksoborater (perborater). | |
28.41 | Salter av metalloksidsyrer eller metallperoksidsyrer. | |
28.42 | Andre salter av uorganiske syrer eller peroksosyrer, unntatt azider. | |
2842.10 | - doble eller komplekse silikater | |
28.43 | Kolloidale, edle metaller; uorganiske eller organiske forbindelser av edle metaller, også om de ikke er kjemisk definerte; amalgamer av edle metaller. | |
28.44 | Radioaktive, kjemiske grunnstoffer og radioaktive isotoper (herunder spaltbare og fertile, kjemiske grunnstoffer og isotoper) samt deres forbindelser; blandinger og reststoffer som inneholder disse produkter. | |
28.45 | Isotoper som ikke hører under posisjon 28.44; uorganiske eller organiske forbindelser av slike isotoper, også om de ikke er kjemisk definerte. | |
28.46 | Uorganiske eller organiske forbindelser av sjeldne jordmetaller, av yttrium eller av scandium eller av blandinger av disse metaller. | |
28.47 | Hydrogenperoksid, også i fast form i forbindelse med urea. | |
28.48 | Fosfider, unntatt ferrofosfor, også om de ikke er kjemisk definerte. | |
28.49 | Karbider, også om de ikke er kjemisk definerte. | |
28.50 | Hydrider, nitrider, azider, silisider og borider, også om de ikke er kjemisk definerte, unntatt forbindelser som også er karbider som hører under posisjon 28.49. | |
29.01 | Asykliske hydrokarboner. | |
- umettede: | ||
2901.21 | - - etylen | |
2901.22 | - - propen (propylen) | |
2901.24 | - - buta-1,3-dien og isopren | |
29.02 | Sykliske hydrokarboner. | |
29.03 | Halogenderivater av hydrokarboner. | |
29.04 | Sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater av hydrokarboner, også halogenerte. | |
29.05 | Asykliske alkoholer og deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
- mettede, enverdige alkoholer: | ||
2905.11 | - - metanol (metylalkohol) | |
2905.12 | - - propan-1-ol (propylalkohol) og propan-2-ol (isopropylalkohol) | |
2905.13 | - - butan-1-ol (n - butylalkohol) | |
2905.14 | - - andre butanoler | |
2905.15 | - - pentanol (amylalkohol) og isomerer derav | |
2905.16 | - - oktanol (oktylalkohol) og isomerer derav | |
2905.17 | - - dodekan-1-ol (laurylalkohol), heksadekan- 1-ol (cetylalkohol) og oktadekan-1-ol (stearylalkohol) | |
ex | 2905.19 | - - andre |
2905.1910 | - - - metallalkoholater | |
- umettede, enverdige alkoholer: | ||
2905.22 | - - asykliske terpenalkoholer | |
2905.29 | - - andre | |
- toverdige alkoholer: | ||
2905.31 | - - etylenglykol (etandiol) | |
2905.32 | - - propylenglykol (propan-1,2-diol) | |
2905.39 | - - andre | |
- andre flerverdige alkoholer: | ||
2905.41 | - - 2-etyl-2 (hydroksymetyl)propan-1,3-diol (trimetylolpropan) | |
2905.42 | - - pentaerytritol | |
2905.43 | - - mannitol | |
2905.44 | - - D-glucitol (sorbitol) | |
2905.49 | - - andre | |
2905.50 | - halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater av asykliske alkoholer | |
29.06 | Sykliske alkoholer og deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
29.07 | Fenoler; fenolalkoholer. | |
29.08 | Halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater av fenoler eller fenolalkoholer. | |
29.09 | Etere, eteralkoholer, eterfenoler, eteralkoholfenoler, alkoholperoksider, eterperoksider, ketonperoksider (også om de ikke er kjemisk definerte), og deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
29.10 | Epoksider, epoksyalkoholer, epoksyfenoler og epoksyetere med 3-leddet ring, samt deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
29.11 | Acetaler og hemiacetaler, også med annen oksygenfunksjon, samt deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater | |
29.12 | Aldehyder, også med annen oksygenfunksjon; sykliske polymerer av aldehyder; paraformaldehyd. | |
29.13 | Halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater av produkter som hører under posisjon 29.12. | |
29.14 | Ketoner og kinoner, også med annen oksygenfunksjon, samt deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
29.15 | Mettede, asykliske monokarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-; sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
29.16 | Umettede, asykliske monokarboksylsyrer, sykliske monokarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
29.17 | Polykarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
29.18 | Karboksylsyrer som i tillegg har annen oksygenfunksjon og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
29.19 | Fosforsyreestere og deres salter, herunder laktofosfater; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
29.20 | Estere av andre uorganiske syrer (unntatt estere av hydrogenhalogenider), og deres salter; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
29.21 | Forbindelser med aminfunksjon. | |
29.22 | Aminoforbindelser med oksygenfunksjon. | |
29.23 | Kvaternære ammoniumsalter og ammoniumhydroksider; lecitiner og andre fosfoaminolipider. | |
29.24 | Forbindelser med karboksyamidfunksjon; forbindelser av karbonsyre (kullsyre) med amidfunksjon. | |
29.25 | Forbindelser med karboksyimidfunksjon (herunder sakkarin og dets salter) og forbindelser med iminfunksjon. | |
29.26 | Forbindelser med nitrilfunksjon. | |
29.27 | Diazo-, azo- eller azoksyforbindelser. | |
29.28 | Organiske derivater av hydrazin eller hydroksylamin. | |
29.29 | Forbindelser med annen nitrogenfunksjon. | |
29.30 | Organiske svovelforbindelser. | |
29.31 | Andre uorganisk-organiske forbindelser. | |
29.32 | Heterosykliske forbindelser med bare oksygen som heteroatom(er). | |
29.33 | Heterosykliske forbindelser med bare nitrogen som heteroatom(er). | |
29.34 | Nukleinsyrer og deres salter; andre heterosykliske forbindelser. | |
29.35 | Sulfonamider. | |
29.36 | Provitaminer og vitaminer, naturlige eller syntetisk reproduserte (herunder naturlige konsentrater), derivater derav som hovedsakelig brukes som vitaminer, samt innbyrdes blandinger av nevnte stoffer; oppløsninger av disse produkter, uansett oppløsningsmiddel. | |
29.37 | Hormoner, naturlige eller syntetisk reproduserte; derivater derav som hovedsakelig brukes som hormoner; andre steroider som hovedsakelig brukes som hormoner. | |
29.38 | Glykosider, naturlige eller syntetisk reproduserte og deres salter, etere, estere og andre derivater. | |
29.39 | Vegetabilske alkaloider, naturlige eller syntetisk reproduserte og deres salter, etere, estere og andre derivater. | |
29.40 | Sukkerarter, kjemisk rene, unntatt sakkarose, laktose, maltose, glukose og fruktose; sukkeretere, sukkerestere og deres salter, unntatt produkter som hører under posisjon 29.37, 29.38 eller 29.39. | |
29.41 | Antibiotika. | |
29.42 | Andre organiske forbindelser. | |
30.02 | Blod fra mennesker; blod fra dyr tilberedt for terapeutisk, profylaktisk eller diagnostisk bruk; immunsera og andre bestanddeler av blod samt modifiserte immunologiske produkter, også fremstilt ved bioteknologiske prosesser; vaksiner, toksiner, kulturer av mikroorganismer (unntatt gjær) og liknende produkter. | |
3002.10 | - immunsera og andre bestanddeler av blod samt modifiserte immunologiske produkter, også fremstilt ved bioteknologiske prosesser | |
3002.20 | - vaksiner for mennesker | |
30.03 | Legemidler (unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 30.02, 30.05 eller 30.06) som består av to eller flere bestanddeler som er blandet sammen for terapeutisk eller profylaktisk bruk, men ikke i doser eller i former eller pakninger for detaljsalg. | |
- med innhold av hormoner eller andre produkter som hører under posisjon 29.37, men uten innhold av antibiotika: | ||
ex | 3003.39 | - - andre |
3003.3920 | - - - østradiol og progesteron, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
ex | 3003.90 | - andre |
3003.9091 | - - produkter i form av mikrogranulater (0,2 mm til 2 mm), andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
30.04 | Legemidler (unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 30.02, 30.05 eller 30.06) som består av blandede eller ublandede produkter for terapeutisk eller profylaktisk bruk, i doser eller i former eller pakninger for detaljsalg. | |
ex | 3004.10 | - med innhold av penicillin eller derivater derav, med penicillinsyrestruktur, eller streptomyciner eller deres derivater |
3004.1020 | - - mitosegifter, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
3004.1030 | - - andre, streptomyciner, cefixim (INN), cefpo-doxim (INN), cefotaxim (INN), ceftriaxon (INN) og cefotetan (INN), andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
- - andre, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | ||
3004.1091 | - - - lyofiliserte (frysetørrede) | |
3004.1092 | - - - i spraybokser eller myke kapsler | |
3004.1093 | - - - i form av ampuller for sprøyter | |
ex | 3004.20 | - med innhold av andre antibiotika |
3004.2020 | - - mitosegifter, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
3004.2030 | - - andre, inneholdende imipenem (INN) og cilastatin (INN), andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
- - andre, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | ||
3004.2091 | - - - lyofiliserte (frysetørrede) | |
3004.2092 | - - - i spraybokser eller myke kapsler | |
3004.2093 | - - - i form av ampuller for sprøyter | |
3004.2094 | - - - andre, nevnt i tilleggsnote 2 til kap. 30 i Marokkos tolltariff | |
- med innhold av hormoner eller andre produkter som hører under posisjon 29.37, men uten innhold av antibiotika: | ||
ex | 3004.31 | - - med innhold av insulin |
3004.3110 | - - - biosyntetisk humant insulin | |
- - - andre, andre enn fremstilt av svin | ||
3004.3191 | - - - - lyofiliserte ( frysetørrede ) | |
3004.3192 | - - - - i spraybokser eller myke kapsler | |
3004.3193 | - - - - i form av ampuller for sprøyter | |
ex | 3004.32 | - - med innhold av binyrebarkhormoner |
3004.3220 | - - - mitosegifter, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
3004.3230 | - - - andre, betametason (INN)samt dens estere og salter, prednisolon (INN) samt dens estere og salter,parametason (INN) samt dens estere og salter,triamcinolon (INN) samt dens estere og salter, triamcinolon acetonid (INN) samt dens estere og salter,hemisuccinat natrium hydrokortison (INN), andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
- - - andre, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | ||
3004.3291 | - - - - lyofiliserte (frysetørrede) | |
3004.3292 | - - - - i spraybokser eller myke kapsler | |
3004.3293 | - - - - i form av ampuller for sprøyter | |
3004.3294 | - - - - i form av injeksjons-væske | |
ex | 3004.39 | - - andre |
3004.3920 | - - - mitosegifter, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
3004.3930 | - - - andre, calcitonin (INN), prostaglandiner, oxytocin (INN), somatrope hypofysære hormoner (STH) og sodic levotyroksin, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
3004.3940 | - - - andre, testosteron (INN), enanthatotetracosactid (INN), andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
3004.3950 | - - - andre, 17-beta østradiol (INN)+østriol (INN), 17-beta østradiol (INN) + østriol (INN), 17 beta østradiol (INN) + østriol (INN) + norethisteron (INN) (eller derivater) østriol (INN), østrone (INN) + equiline (INN) + dihydroequilin (INN), equilenine (INN) + dihydroequilenine (INN), glukagon (INN), gonadorelin (INN), andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
- - - andre, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | ||
3004.3991 | - - - - lyofilisert (frysetørrede) | |
3004.3992 | - - - - i spraybokser eller myke kapsler | |
3004.3993 | - - - - i form av ampuller for sprøyter | |
ex | 3004.40 | - med innhold av alkaloider eller derivater derav, men uten innhold av hormoner, andre produkter som hører under posisjon 29.37, eller antibiotika |
3004.4020 | - - mitosegifter, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
3004.4030 | - - andre, methylergometrin maleat (INN), andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
3004.4040 | - - andre, pilokarpin (INN), atropin og salter (INN), fenylephrin (INN), oxybuprokain (INN), andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
3004.4050 | - - andre, timolol (INN) + pilokarpin (INN), andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
- - andre, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål: | ||
3004.4091 | - - - lyofiliserte (frysetørrede) | |
3004.4092 | - - - på spraybokser eller i myke kapsler | |
3004.4093 | - - - i form av ampuller for sprøyter | |
ex | 3004.50 | - andre legemidler med innhold av vitaminer eller andre produkter som hører under posisjon 29.36 |
3004.5020 | - - andre, injiserbart vitamin K 1, vitaminene (A+B1+B2+B5+B6+ PP+C+D2+E) (INN), pyridoxin + glutamin syre + asparagin syre + cytokrom C + nikotinamid + adenosin + sorbitol + natrium ravsyre, etretinat (INN), isotretinoin (INN), tretinoin (INN), andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
3004.5030 | - - andre, kalcium folinat (INN), anthocyanosidic ekstrakt av vaccinium myrtillus + tokoferol (INN), andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
- - andre, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål: | ||
3004.5091 | - - - lyofilisert (frysetørrede) | |
3004.5092 | - - - på spraybokser eller i myke kapsler | |
3004.5093 | - - - i form av ampuller for sprøyter | |
ex | 3004.90 | - andre |
3004.9020 | - - mitosegifter, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
3004.9030 | - - andre, kunstige substitutter for humant blodplasma, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
3004.9040 | - - andre, morfinsk analgetikum, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
3004.9050 | - - andre, bedøvelsesmidler, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål | |
- - andre, andre enn for veterinærmedisinske formål: | ||
3004.9091 | - - - lyofilisert (frysetørrede) | |
3004.9092 | - - - på spraybokser eller i myke kapsler | |
3004.9093 | - - - i form av ampuller for sprøyter | |
3004.9094 | - - - andre, nevnt i tilleggsnotene 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d1, 3e, 3f, 3g1, 3h1, 3ij, 3k1, 3l, 3m1, 3n1, 3o1, 3p, 3q og 3s1 til kapittel 30 i Marokkos tolltariff | |
3004.9095 | - - - andre, nevnt i tilleggsnotene 3d2, 3g2, 3h2, 3k2, 3m2, 3n2, 3o2, 3r and 3s2 til kapittel 30 i Marokkos tolltariff | |
30.05 | Vatt, gas, bind og liknende artikler (f.eks. bandasjer, heftplastre og omslag) impregnert eller belagt med farmasøytiske stoffer eller i former eller pakninger for detaljsalg til medisinsk, kirurgisk, dental eller veterinær bruk. | |
ex | 3005.10 | - heftplaster og andre artikler belagte med klebestoff |
3005.1010 | - - impregnert eller belagt med farmasøytiske preparater (inkludert hudplaster) | |
30.06 | Farmasøytiske varer som er nevnt i note 4 til dette kapittel. | |
3006.20 | - - blodtypereagenser | |
3006.30 | - røntgenkontrastmidler; diagnostiske reagenser bestemt til bruk på pasient | |
ex | 3006.60 | - kjemiske, befruktningshindrende preparater på basis av hormoner eller spermicider |
- - kjemiske, befruktningshindrende preparater på basis av hormoner | ||
3006.6011 | - - - tabletter med doser på 0,15 mg av levonorgestrel (INN) og 0,03 mg av etinyloøstradiol (INN) | |
3006.6012 | - - - produkter i form av implantater | |
31.01 | Animalsk eller vegetabilsk gjødsel, også innbyrdes blandet eller kjemisk behandlet; gjødsel fremstilt ved blanding eller kjemisk behandling av animalske eller vegetabilske produkter. | |
31.02 | Nitrogengjødsel, mineralsk eller kjemisk. | |
31.03 | Fosfatgjødsel, mineralsk eller kjemisk. | |
31.04 | Kaligjødsel, mineralsk eller kjemisk. | |
31.05 | Mineralsk eller kjemisk gjødsel som inneholder to eller tre av gjødselelementene nitrogen, fosfor og kalium; annen gjødsel; varer som hører under dette kapittel, i form av tabletter eller liknende former eller i pakninger med bruttovekt høyst 10 kg. | |
32.01 | Garvestoffekstrakter av vegetabilsk opprinnelse; tanniner og deres salter, etere, estere og andre derivater. | |
32.02 | Syntetiske, organiske garvestoffer; uorganiske garvestoffer; tilberedte garvestoffer, også med innhold av naturlige garvestoffer; enzymholdige preparater for forgarving. | |
32.03 | Fargestoffer av vegetabilsk eller animalsk opprinnelse (herunder fargeekstrakter, men ikke animalsk kull), også kjemisk definerte; preparater som nevnt i note 3 til dette kapittel, på basis av fargestoffer av vegetabilsk eller animalsk opprinnelse. | |
32.04 | Syntetiske, organiske fargestoffer, også kjemisk definerte; preparater som nevnt i note 3 til dette kapittel, på basis av syntetiske, organiske fargestoffer; syntetiske, organiske produkter av det slag som brukes som fluorescerende hvitemidler eller som luminoforer, også kjemisk definerte. | |
- syntetiske, organiske fargestoffer og preparater som nevnt i note 3 til dette kapittel, på basis av slike fargestoffer: | ||
3204.11 | - - dispersjonsfargestoffer samt preparater på basis av slike fargestoffer | |
3204.13 | - - basiske fargestoffer samt preparater på basis av slike fargestoffer | |
3204.14 | - - direktfargestoffer samt preparater på basis av slike fargestoffer | |
3204.15 | - - kypefargestoffer (herunder de som i foreliggende tilstand er brukbare som pigmenter) samt preparater på basis av slike fargestoffer | |
3204.16 | - - reaktivfargestoffer samt preparater på basis av slike fargestoffer | |
3204.17 | - - pigmenter samt preparater på basis av pigmenter | |
3204.19 | - - andre, herunder blandinger av to eller flere fargestoffer som hører under under varenumrene 32.04.11 - 32.04.19 | |
3204.20 | - syntetiske, organiske produkter av det slag som brukes som fluorescerende hvitemidler | |
3204.90 | - ellers | |
32.06 | Andre fargestoffer; preparater som nevnt i note 3 til dette kapittel, unntatt de som hører under posisjon 32.03, 32.04 eller 32.05; uorganiske produkter av det slag som brukes som luminoforer, også kjemisk definerte. | |
32.07 | Tilberedte pigmenter, tilberedte opakiseringsmidler og tilberedte farger, smeltbare emaljer og glasurer, engober, flytende lusterfarger og liknende preparater av det slag som brukes i keramikk-, emalje- eller glassindustrien; fritte og annet glass, i form av pulver, granulater eller flak. | |
32.08 | Malinger og lakker (herunder lakkmalinger) på basis av syntetiske polymerer eller kjemisk omdannede, naturlige polymerer, dispergerte eller oppløste i ikke-vandig medium; oppløsninger som nevnt i note 4 til dette kapittel. | |
ex | 3208.90 | - andre |
3208.9010 | - - malinger, basert på cellulose brukt til preparering av lær | |
32.09 | Malinger og lakker (herunder lakkmalinger) på basis av syntetiske polymerer eller kjemisk omdannede, naturlige polymerer, dispergerte eller oppløste i ikke-vandig medium; oppløsninger som nevnt i note 4 til dette kapittel. | |
ex | 3209.90 | - andre |
3209.9010 | - - malinger, basert på cellulose brukt til preparering av lær | |
32.10 | Andre malinger og lakker (herunder lakkmalinger og limmalinger); tilberedte vannpigmentfarger av det slag som brukes til farging av lær. | |
32.12 | Pigmenter (herunder pulver og flak av metall) dispergerte i ikke-vandige media, i flytende form eller pastaform, av det slag som brukes til fremstilling av malinger (herunder lakkmalinger); pregefolier («stamping foils»); fargestoffer i former eller pakninger for detaljsalg. | |
ex | 3212.90 | - ellers |
- - fargestoffer i former eller pakninger for detaljsalg | ||
- - perle essens | ||
- - andre | ||
3212.900091 | - - - på basis av aluminiums-pulver | |
34.02 | Organiske, overflateaktive stoffer (unntatt såpe); overflateaktive preparater, vaskemidler (herunder vaskehjelpemidler) og rengjøringsmidler, med eller uten innhold av såpe, unntatt de som hører under posisjon 34.01. | |
- organiske, overflateaktive stoffer, også i pakninger for detaljsalg: | ||
3402.11 | - - anionaktive | |
3402.12 | - - kationaktive | |
3402.13 | - - ikke-ionogene | |
3402.19 | - - andre | |
34.03 | Tilberedte smøremidler (herunder tilberedte bore- og skjæreoljer, preparater til løsning av bolter eller muttere, rusthindrende eller korrosjonshindrende preparater og formslippmidler, på basis av smøremidler) samt preparater av det slag som brukes til olje- eller fettbehandling av tekstilmaterialer, lær, pelsskinn eller andre materialer, men unntatt produkter som inneholder som grunnbestanddel minst 70 vektprosent jordolje eller oljer utvunnet av bituminøse mineraler. | |
- ellers: | ||
ex | 3403.99 | - - andre |
3403.9910 | - - - anti-klebende preparater basert på sink-stearat og silikater, i pulverform, samt silikon-baserte for støpeformer, flytende, i beholdere over 1 kg | |
34.04 | Kunstig voks og tilberedt voks. | |
3404.20 | - av polyetylenglykol | |
35.07 | Enzymer; tilberedte enzymer ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
ex | 3507.90 | - andre |
- - enzymer: | ||
3507.9011 | - - - proteolytisk | |
3507.9019 | - - - andre | |
36.06 | Ferrocerium og andre pyrofore legeringer, uansett form; brennbare preparater og produkter som beskrevet i note 2 til dette kapittel. | |
3606.90 | - ellers | |
37.01 | Fotografiske plater og fotografisk planfilm, sensitive for lys eller annen bestråling, ueksponerte, av andre materialer enn papir, papp eller tekstilstoff; øyeblikksplanfilm, sensitiv for lys eller annen bestråling, ueksponert, også i kassetter. | |
3701.10 | - for røntgenfotografering | |
ex | 3701.20 | - øyeblikksplanfilm («instant print film») |
3701.2010 | - - av andre materialer enn papir, kartong eller tekstiler | |
- - andre: | ||
3701.2099 | - - - andre enn for utskrift av dokumenter, tekniske tegninger og lignende | |
3701.30 | - andre plater og annen planfilm, hvor størrelsen av en av sidene overstiger 255 mm | |
- andre: | ||
3701.91 | - - for fargefotografering (polykrom) | |
3701.99 | - - andre | |
37.02 | Fotografisk film, sensitiv for lys eller annen bestråling, ueksponert, i ruller, av andre materialer enn papir, papp eller tekstilstoff; øyeblikksfilm i ruller, sensitiv for lys eller annen bestråling, ueksponert. | |
3702.10 | - for røntgenfotografering | |
ex | 3702.20 | - øyeblikksfilm («instant print film») |
3702.2010 | - - av andre materialer enn papir, kartong eller tekstiler | |
- - andre | ||
3702.2099 | - - - andre enn for utskrift av dokumenter, tekniske tegninger og lignende | |
- annen film, uten perforering, av bredde ikke over 105mm | ||
3702.31 | - - for fargefotografering (polykrom) | |
3702.32 | - - annen, med sølvhalogenidemulsjon | |
3702.39 | - - annen | |
- annen film, ikke perforert, med bredde over 105 mm: | ||
3702.41 | - - med bredde over 610 mm og lengde over 200 m, for fargefotografering (polykrom) | |
3702.42 | - - med bredde over 610 mm og lengde over 200 m, ikke for fargefotografering (polykrom) | |
3702.43 | - - med bredde over 610 mm og lengde høyst 200 m | |
3702.44 | - - med bredde over 105 mm, men høyst 610 mm | |
- annen film, for fargefotografering ( polykrom ) | ||
3702.51 | - - med bredde høyst 16 mm og lengde høyst 14 m | |
3702.52 | - - med bredde høyst 16 mm og lengde over 14 m | |
3702.53 | - - med bredde over 16 mm, men høyst 35 mm og lengde høyst 30 m, for slides | |
3702.54 | - - med bredde over 16 mm, men høyst 35 mm og lengde høyst 30 m, ikke for slides | |
3702.55 | - - med bredde over 16 mm, men høyst 35 mm og lengde over 30 m | |
3702.56 | - - med bredde over 35 mm | |
- ellers: | ||
3702.91 | - - med bredde høyst 16 mm og lengde høyst 14 m | |
3702.92 | - - med bredde høyst 16 mm og lengde over 14 m | |
3702.93 | - - med bredde over 16 mm, men høyst 35 mm og lengde høyst 30 m | |
3702.94 | - - med bredde over 16 mm, men høyst 35 mm og lengde over 30 m | |
3702.95 | - - med bredde over 35 mm | |
37.06 | Kinematografisk film, eksponert og fremkalt, med eller uten lydspor eller utelukkende med lydspor. | |
ex | 3706.10 | - med bredde minst 35 mm |
3706.1093 | - - positiv reklamefilm med lydspor, andre enn positiv film, halvfabrikata, for videre bearbeiding | |
ex | 3706.90 | - annen |
3706.9093 | - - positiv reklamefilm med lydspor, andre enn positiv film, halvfabrikata, for videre bearbeiding | |
37.07 | Kjemiske preparater til fotografisk bruk (unntatt lakker, lim og andre klebemidler og liknende preparater); ublandede produkter til fotografisk bruk i porsjoner eller pakninger for detaljsalg, ferdig til bruk. | |
38.01 | Kunstig grafitt; kolloidal eller halvkolloidal grafitt; preparater på basis av grafitt eller annet kull i form av pastaer, blokker, plater eller andre halvfabrikater. | |
38.02 | Aktivkull; aktiverte, naturlige, mineralske produkter; animalsk kull, herunder brukt, animalsk kull. | |
38.03 | Tallolje, også raffinert. | |
38.05 | Balsam-, tre- eller sulfatterpentin og andre terpentinholdige oljer fremstilt ved destillasjon eller annen behandling av bartrær; rå dipenten; rå cymen (cymol) og annen rå paracymen; «pine oil» med innhold av alfaterpineol som hovedbestanddel. | |
38.06 | Kolofonium og harpikssyrer, samt derivater derav; lette og tunge harpiksoljer; smelteharpikser («run gums»). | |
38.07 | Tretjære; tretjæreoljer; trekreosot; rå metanol; vegetabilsk bek; bryggeribek og liknende preparater på basis av kolofonium, harpikssyrer eller vegetabilsk bek. | |
38.12 | Tilberedte vulkaniseringsakseleratorer; sammensatte myknere for gummi eller plast, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; antioksidasjonsmidler og andre sammensatte stabilisatorer for gummi eller plast. | |
38.13 | Preparater og ladninger for brannslokningsapparater; brannslokningsgranater og brannslokningsbomber. | |
38.14 | Sammensatte, organiske oppløsnings- og fortynningsmidler, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; tilberedte maling- og lakkfjernere. | |
38.15 | Reaksjonsinitiatorer, reaksjonsakseleratorer og tilberedte katalysatorer, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
38.17 | Blandede alkylbenzener og blandede alkylnaftalener, unntatt produkter som hører under posisjon 27.07 eller 29.02. | |
38.18 | Kjemiske grunnstoffer dopet for elektronisk bruk, i form av skiver eller liknende; kjemiske forbindelser dopet for elektronisk bruk. | |
38.21 | Næringspreparater for dyrking av mikroorganismer. | |
38.22 | Reagenser for diagnostisk bruk eller laboratoriebruk på et underlag samt tilberedte reagenser for diagnostisk bruk eller laboratoriebruk, også på et underlag, unntatt slike som hører under posisjon 30.02 eller 30.06. | |
38.24 | Tilberedte bindemidler for støpeformer eller støpekjerner; kjemiske produkter og preparater fra kjemiske eller beslektede industrier (herunder slike som består av blandinger av naturprodukter), ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; restprodukter fra kjemiske eller beslektede industrier, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
3824.10 | - tilberedte bindemidler for støpeformer eller støpekjerner | |
3824.20 | - naftensyrer, deres ikke-vannoppløselige salter samt deres estere | |
3824.30 | - ikke-agglomererte metallkarbider, blandet innbyrdes eller med metalliske bindemidler | |
3824.60 | - sorbitol, unntatt sorbitol som hører under varenummer 29.05.44 | |
- blandinger som inneholder perhalogenerte derivater av asykliske hydrokarboner, og som inneholder to eller flere forskjellige halogener: | ||
ex | 3824.90 | - ellers |
3824.9010 | - - mellomprodukter av ikke-organiske forbindelser av Thorium, av Uran tynnet ut i U 235 og sjeldne jord-metaller, av Yttrium og Scandium, blandinger derav | |
3824.9020 | - - løsninger og kompositter av ikke-organiske løsninger for blankemidler eller lignende | |
- - andre: | ||
3824.9091 | - - - mellomprodukter av organiske forbindelser av Kobolt | |
3824.9092 | - - - mellomprodukter basert på sot og organosilaner | |
3824.9093 | - - - svovel impregnert med mineralolje | |
39.01 | Polymerer av etylen i ubearbeidde former. | |
ex | 3901.10 | - polyetylen med spesifikk vekt under 0,94 |
3901.1090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3901.20 | - polyetylen med spesifikk vekt minst 0,94 |
3901.2090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3901.30 | - kopolymerer av etylen-vinylacetat |
3901.3020 | - - pellets og i form av bulkvare, med største mål ikke over 4 cm | |
3901.3090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3901.90 | - andre |
3901.9020 | - - pellets og i form av bulkvare, med største mål ikke over 4 cm | |
3901.9090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
39.02 | Polymerer av propylen eller av andre olefiner, i ubearbeidde former. | |
ex | 3902.10 | - polypropylen |
3902.1090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3902.20 | - polyisobutylen |
3902.2090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3902.30 | - kopolymerer av propylen |
3902.3020 | - - pellets og i form av bulkvare, med største mål ikke over 4 cm | |
3902.3090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3902.90 | - andre |
3902.9020 | - - pellets og i form av bulkvare, med største mål ikke over 4 cm | |
3902.9090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
39.03 | Polymerer av styren i ubearbeidde former. | |
- polystyren: | ||
ex | 3903.11 | - - utvidbar |
3903.1190 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3903.19 | - - andre |
3903.1990 | - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3903.20 | - kopolymerer av styren-akrylnitril (SAN) |
3903.2090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3903.30 | - kopolymerer av akrylnitril-butadienstyren (ABS) |
3903.3090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3903.90 | - Andre |
3903.9090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
39.04 | Polymerer av vinylklorid eller av andre halogenerte olefiner, i ubearbeidde former. | |
ex | 3904.30 | - kopolymerer av vinylklorid-vinylacetat |
3904.3090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3904.40 | - andre kopolymerer av vinylklorid |
3904.4020 | - - pellets og i form av bulkvare, med største mål ikke over 4 cm | |
3904.4090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3904.50 | - polymerer av vinylidenklorid |
3904.5090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
- fluorholdige polymerer: | ||
ex | 3904.61 | - - polytetrafluoretylen |
3904.6190 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3904.69 | - - andre |
3904.6920 | - - - pellets og i form av bulkvare, med største mål ikke over 4 cm | |
3904.6990 | - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3904.90 | - ellers |
- - polytetrahaloethylen: | ||
3904.9019 | - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
- - polysulfohaloethylen: | ||
3904.9029 | - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
- - andre: | ||
3904.9095 | - - - pellets og i form av bulkvare, med største mål ikke over 4 cm | |
3904.9099 | - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
39.05 | Polymerer av vinylacetat eller av andre vinylestere, i ubearbeidde former; andre polymerer av vinyl i ubearbeidde former. | |
- polyvinyl acetat: | ||
ex | 3905.19 | - - annen |
3905.1990 | - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
- kopolymerer av vinylacetat: | ||
ex | 3905.29 | - - andre |
- - - kopolymerer av vinylacetat og kopolymerer av vinylklorid: | ||
3905.2919 | - - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
- - - andre: | ||
3905.2995 | - - - - pellets og i form av bulkvare, med største mål ikke over 4 cm | |
3905.2999 | - - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3905.30 | - polyvinylalkohol, også med innhold av ikke-hydrolyserte acetatgrupper |
3905.3090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | - ellers: | |
3905.99 | - - andre | |
- - - acetal, eter og andre polyvinylderivater | ||
3905.9930 | - - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
- - - andre: | ||
3905.9995 | - - - - pellets og i form av bulkvare, med største mål ikke over 4 cm | |
3905.9999 | - - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
39.06 | Akrylpolymerer i ubearbeidde former. | |
ex | 3906.10 | - polymetylmetakrylat |
3906.1090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3906.90 | - andre |
- - akryl-polymerer, metakryl-polymerer, kopolymerer av akrylmetakryl: | ||
3906.9019 | - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
- - ellers: | ||
3906.9095 | - - - pellets og i form av bulkvare, med største mål ikke over 4 cm | |
3906.9099 | - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
39.07 | Polyacetaler, andre polyetere og epoksyharpikser, i ubearbeidde former; polykarbonater, alkydharpikser, polyallylestere og andre polyestere, i ubearbeidde former. | |
3907.10 | - polyacetaler | |
3907.20 | - andre polyetere | |
3907.30 | - epoksyharpikser | |
3907.40 | - polykarbonater | |
ex | 3907.60 | - polyetylentereftalat |
3907.6010 | - - granulater | |
- andre polyestere: | ||
ex | 3907.99 | - - andre |
- - - blokker, klumper, i form av bulkvare, granulat, flak og pulver (også formmasser): | ||
3907.9991 | - - - - termoplastisk belegg i pulverform (blankemiddel i form av pulver) | |
3907.9999 | - - - - andre | |
39.08 | Polyamider i ubearbeide former. | |
ex | 3908.10 | - polyamid-6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 eller -6,12 |
3908.1090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3908.90 | - andre |
3908.9090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
39.09 | Aminoharpikser, fenolharpikser og polyuretaner, i ubearbeidde former. | |
ex | 3909.10 | - ureaharpikser; tioureaharpikser |
3909.1011 | - - prekondensert urea-formaldehyd 80 % minimum (minimum 23 % urea) | |
ex | 3909.20 | - melaminharpikser |
3909.2090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3909.30 | - andre aminoharpikser |
3909.3090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3909.40 | - fenolharpikser |
3909.4090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3909.50 | - polyuretaner |
3909.5090 | - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
39.10 | Silikoner i ubearbeidde former. | |
39.11 | Petroleumsharpikser, kumaron-indenharpikser, polyterpener, polysulfider, polysulfoner og andre produkter nevnt i note 3 til dette kapittel, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted, i ubearbeidde former. | |
ex | 3911.10 | - petroleumsharpikser, kumaronharpikser, indenharpikser, kumaron-indenharpikser og polyterpener |
- - kumaronharpikser, indenharpikser og kumaron-indenharpikser: | ||
3911.1011 | - - - produkter flytende eller pastaform, også emulsjoner dispersjoner og solusjoner | |
3911.1013 | - - - pellets og i form av bulkvare, med største mål ikke over 4 cm | |
3911.1019 | - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
- - andre: | ||
3911.1091 | - - - produkter flytende eller pastaform, også emulsjoner dispersjoner og solusjoner | |
3911.1093 | - - - pellets og i form av bulkvare, med største mål ikke over 4 cm | |
3911.1099 | - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
ex | 3911.90 | - andre |
- - andre produkter av kondensasjon, polykondensasjon eller polyaddisjon: | ||
3911.9093 | - - - pellets og i form av bulkvare, med største mål ikke over 4 cm | |
3911.9099 | - - - granulater, flak og pulver (også formmasse) | |
39.12 | Cellulose og kjemiske derivater derav, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted, i ubearbeidde former. | |
- Cellulose acetater: | ||
3912.11 | - - ikke mykgjorte | |
ex | 3912.20 | - cellulosenitrater (herunder kollodium) |
3912.2010 | - - ikke mykgjorte | |
- Cellulose etere: | ||
ex | 3912.31 | - - karboksymetylcellulose og dens salter |
3912.3110 | - - - ikke mykgjorte | |
ex | 3912.39 | - - andre |
3912.3910 | - - - ikke mykgjorte | |
ex | 3912.90 | - ellers |
- - regenerert cellulose | ||
- - andre cellulose estere eller cellulose derivater: | ||
3912.9021 | - - - ikke mykgjorte | |
39.13 | Naturlige polymerer (f.eks. alginsyre) og modifiserte, naturlige polymerer (f.eks. herdede proteiner, kjemiske derivater av naturgummi), ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted, i ubearbeidde former. | |
3913.10 | - alginsyre samt salter og estere derav | |
39.14 | Ionebyttere på basis av polymerer som hører under posisjonene 39.01 - 39.13, i ubearbeidde former. | |
39.20 | Andre plater, duk, film, folier og bånd, av plast, unntatt skumplast og ikke forsterket, laminert eller på liknende måte forbundet med andre materialer og uten underlag. | |
- av polymerer av vinylklorid: | ||
ex | 3920.41 | - - stive |
3920.4110 | - - - bånd med største tykkhet 0,5 mm | |
ex | 3920.42 | - - bøyelige |
3920.4210 | - - - bånd med største tykkhet 0,5 mm | |
39.21 | Andre plater, duk, film, folier og bånd, av plast. | |
ex | 3921.90 | - ellers |
- - produkter av kondensasjon, polykondensasjon eller polyaddisjon: | ||
3921.9012 | - - - folie og bånd formet med en kjerne av gjennomtrukket polyester, støpt inn under vakuum og farget, med bredde over 5 mm og tykkelse ikke over 25 mikromillimeter | |
40.01 | Naturgummi (kautsjuk), balata, gutta-perka, guayule-gummi, chicle og liknende naturlige gummier, i ubearbeidde former eller i form av plater, duk eller bånd. | |
40.02 | Syntetisk gummi og faktis fremstilt av oljer, i ubearbeidde former eller i form av plater, duk eller bånd; blandinger av produkter som hører under posisjon 40.01, med produkter som hører under posisjon 40.02, i ubearbeidde former eller i form av plater, duk eller bånd. | |
40.03 | Gummiregenerat i ubearbeidde former eller i form av plater, duk eller bånd. | |
ex 40.04 | Avfall, klipp og skrap av gummi (unntatt hardgummi), også pulverisert eller granulert. | |
4004.0010 | - avfall og skrap av gummi (annet enn hard gummi) | |
- - klipp av gummivarer (annet enn hard gummi), kun anvendelig for gjenbruk av gummi | ||
- - - klipp fra brukte gummihjul gjort gjenstand for følgende behandling i utlandet: | ||
4004.0021 | - - - - deling (for å fjerne korden) | |
4004.0022 | - - - - delt, fysisk adskilt i flere deler | |
4004.0040 | - - - klipp fra alle andre varer av gummi | |
4004.0090 | - pulver utvunnet av avfall og klipp av gummi (annet enn hard gummi) | |
40.05 | Blandet gummi, uvulkanisert, i ubearbeidde former eller i form av plater, duk eller bånd. | |
ex | 4005.10 | - blandet med carbon black eller silisiumdioksid |
4005.1010 | - - oppløsninger og dispersjoner | |
4005.20 | - oppløsninger og dispersjoner andre enn de under 4005.10 | |
- ellers: | ||
ex | 4005.91 | - - plater, duk og bånd |
- - - andre enn balata, guttaperka, lignende naturlige gummier eller imitert kautsjuk: | ||
4005.9191 | - - - - bånd med tykkelse ikke over 5 mm bestående av parallelle stålkabler, agglomerert og helt dekket med ikke-vulkanisert gummi, brukt til fremstilling av stammer til gummihjul importert industriforetak spesialisert for denne type produksjon | |
4005.99 | - - annen | |
40.06 | Uvulkanisert gummi i andre former (f.eks. stenger, rør og profiler) og varer av uvulkanisert gummi (f.eks. skiver og ringer). | |
ex | 4006.90 | - annen |
- - av balata, guttaperka, lignende naturlige gummier eller imitert kautsjuk: | ||
4006.9011 | - - - gummitråd og kord | |
40.07 | Tråd og snorer av vulkanisert gummi. | |
40.11 | Nye, pneumatiske dekk av gummi. | |
4011.30 | - av det slag som brukes på luftfartøyer | |
40.12 | Regummierte eller brukte, pneumatiske dekk av gummi; massiv- eller hulkammerringer, utskiftbare slitebaner og felgbånd av gummi. | |
ex | 4012.90 | - andre |
- - felgbånd: | ||
- - - for gummihjul til fly: | ||
4012.9021 | - - - - nye | |
40.14 | Hygieniske eller farmasøytiske artikler (herunder tåtesmokker) av vulkanisert bløtgummi, også med deler av hardgummi. | |
40.15 | Klær og tilbehør dertil (herunder hansker), til ethvert bruk, av vulkanisert bløtgummi. | |
- hansker: | ||
4015.11 | - - til kirurgisk bruk | |
40.16 | Andre varer av vulkanisert bløtgummi. | |
- ellers: | ||
ex | 4016.99 | - - andre |
- - - andre enn deler og utstyr til kjøretøyer under kapitlene 86, 87 og 88: | ||
4016.9992 | - - - - stoppere med en diameter av 20 mm eller 32 mm | |
4016.9993 | - - - - luftputer for fremstilling av pneumatikk | |
41.01 | Rå huder og skinn av storfe eller dyr av hesteslekten (ferske eller saltede, tørkede, kalkede, piklede eller preserverte på annen måte, men ikke garvede, pergamentbehandlede eller videre beredte), også avhåret eller spaltet. | |
41.02 | Rå huder og skinn av sau eller lam (ferske eller saltede, tørkede, kalkede, piklede eller preserverte på annen måte, men ikke garvede, pergamentbehandlede eller videre beredte), også med ull eller spaltet, bortsett fra de som er unntatt i henhold til note 1.c. til dette kapittel. | |
41.03 | Andre rå huder og skinn (ferske eller saltede, tørkede, kalkede, piklede eller preserverte på annen måte, men ikke garvede, pergamentbehandlede eller videre beredte), også avhåret eller spaltet, bortsett fra de som er unntatt i henhold til note 1.b. eller 1.c. til dette kapittel. | |
41.10 | Klipp og annet avfall av lær eller kunstlær, ikke anvendelig til fremstilling av lærvarer; støv, pulver og mel av lær. | |
43.01 | Rå pelsskinn (herunder hoder, haler, labber og andre stykker eller klipp egnet til buntmakerarbeid), unntatt rå huder og skinn som hører under posisjon 41.01, 41.02 eller 41.03. | |
44.01 | Ved til brensel i form av stokker, kubber, vedtrær, kvister, kvistbunter eller liknende; tre i form av fliser eller spon; sagflis og treavfall, også agglomerert til briketter, pelleter eller liknende former. | |
44.02 | Trekull (herunder kull av nøtter eller nøtteskall), også agglomerert. | |
44.03 | Tømmer, også befridd for bark eller splintved eller grovt tilhogd eller tilskåret. | |
ex 47.01 | Mekanisk tremasse. | |
4701.0010 | - av bartrær | |
ex 47.02 | Kjemisk tremasse av typen dissolvingmasse. | |
4702.0010 | - til framstilling av kunstige tekstilfibre | |
- - andre: | ||
- - - av sulfat eller soda tremasse: | ||
- - - - ubleket: | ||
4702.0021 | - - - - - av bartrær | |
4702.0029 | - - - - - andre | |
- - - - andre: | ||
4702.0031 | - - - - - av bartrær | |
- - - av bisulfitt: | ||
4702.0091 | - - - - ubleket | |
47.03 | Kjemisk soda- eller sulfattremasse, unntatt dissolvingmasse. | |
- ubleket: | ||
4703.11 | - - av bartrær | |
ex | 4703.19 | - - av lauvtrær |
4703.1910 | - - - dunaktig masse for framstilling av sanitetsbind, papirbleier og bleiefôr for spedbarn | |
- halv-bleket eller bleket: | ||
4703.21 | - - av bartrær | |
ex | 4703.29 | - - av lauvtrær |
4703.2910 | - - - dunaktig masse for framstilling av sanitetsbind, papirbleier og bleiefôr for spedbarn | |
47.04 | Kjemisk sulfittremasse, unntatt dissolvingmasse. | |
- ubleket: | ||
4704.11 | - - av bartrær | |
ex | 4704.19 | - - av lauvtrær |
4704.1910 | - - - dunaktig masse for framstilling av sanitetsbind, papirbleier og bleiefôr for spedbarn | |
- halv-bleket eller bleket: | ||
4704.21 | - - av bartrær | |
ex | 4704.29 | - - av lauvtrær |
4704.2910 | - - - dunaktig masse for framstilling av sanitetsbind, papirbleier og bleiefôr for spedbarn | |
ex 47.05 | Halvkjemisk tremasse. | |
4705.0010 | - av bartrær | |
47.06 | Fibermasse fremstilt av papir eller papp for resirkulasjon (avfall) eller av andre celluloseholdige fibermaterialer. | |
47.07 | Papir eller papp for resirkulasjon (avfall). | |
4707.10 | - av ubleiket kraftpapir eller kraftpapp eller av bølgepapir eller bølgepapp | |
4707.30 | - av papir eller papp fremstilt hovedsakelig av mekanisk masse (f.eks. aviser, tidsskrifter og liknende trykksaker) | |
ex 48.01 | Avispapir i ruller eller ark. | |
4801.0010 | - for trykking av aviser, magasiner og tidsskrifter underlagt gjeldende regelverk | |
48.02 | Ubestrøket papir og papp av det slag som brukes som skrivepapir, trykkpapir eller til andre grafiske formål, samt papir og papp til fremstilling av hullkort eller hullbånd, i ruller eller ark, unntatt papir som hører under posisjon 48.01 eller 48.03; håndlaget papir og papp. | |
4802.20 | - papir og papp, av det slag som brukes som basis for lys-, varme- eller elektrosensitivt papir eller papp | |
4802.30 | - karbonråpapir | |
4802.40 | - tapetråpapir | |
48.04 | Ubestrøket kraftpapir og kraftpapp, i ruller eller ark, unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 48.02 eller 48.03. | |
- Annet kraftpapir og kartong med flatevekt inntil 150 g pr. m2: | ||
ex | 4804.31 | - - ubleket |
- - - papir for framstilling av papir garn (kraftpapir for spinning, med flatevekt over 40 g pr. m2, men ikke over 45 g pr. m2, importert i ruller av fyrstikk-fabrikanter og skipet direkte til produksjonsstedet) | ||
- - - andre: | ||
4804.3121 | - - - - med flatevekt over 70 g pr. m2, men ikke over 100 g pr. m2, i ruller med minimum vekt 500 kg, med bredde 102 cm, for produksjon av emballasje (sement sekker), importert av relevant produsent og skipet direkte til produksjonsstedet | |
48.13 | Sigarettpapir, også ferdig tilskåret eller i form av hefter eller hylser. | |
48.16 | Karbonpapir, selvkopierende papir og annet kopipapir eller overføringspapir (unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 48.09), stensiler og offsetplater av papir, også i esker. | |
4816.30 | - stensiler | |
49.01 | Bøker, hefter, brosjyrer og liknende trykksaker, også som enkle blad. | |
4901.10 | - som enkle blad, også brettet | |
- ellers: | ||
ex | 4901.91 | - - ordbøker og leksika, samt periodisk utkomne hefter til slike |
4901.9190 | - - - andre enn innbundet i ekte, kunstig eller rekondisjonert lær, skall, elfenben, naturlig eller etterlignet perlemor | |
ex | 4901.99 | - - andre |
- - - annet enn reklamemateriell: | ||
4901.9999 | - - - - andre enn innbundet i ekte, kunstig eller rekondisjonert lær, skall, elfenben, naturlig eller etterlignet perlemor | |
49.02 | Aviser, journaler og tidsskrifter, også illustrerte og med innhold av reklame. | |
ex | 4902.10 | - som utkommer minst fire ganger i uken |
4902.1090 | - - andre enn med karakter av reklame | |
ex | 4902.90 | - andre |
4902.9090 | - - andre enn med karakter av reklame | |
ex 49.04 | Noter, håndskrevne eller trykte, med eller uten illustrasjoner, også innbundne. | |
4904.0090 | - andre enn innbundet i naturlig, kunstig eller rekondisjonert lær | |
49.05 | Trykte kart, alle slags, herunder atlas, veggkart og topografiske kart samt trykte glober. | |
49.06 | Plantegninger, andre tegninger og utkast for arkitektoniske, tekniske, industrielle, kommersielle, topografiske eller liknende formål, som originaler utført for hånd; håndskrevne tekster; fotografiske reproduksjoner på papir som er sensitivt for lys eller annen bestråling, og karbonkopier av ovennevnte varer. | |
ex 49.07 | Ubrukte frimerker, stempelmerker og liknende, gyldige i bestemmelseslandet; stempelpapir; pengesedler; sjekkblanketter; aksjer, obligasjoner og liknende verdipapirer. | |
4907.0010 | - ubrukt porto, stempelavgift og lignende stempler | |
4907.0020 | - pengesedler | |
- - andre: | ||
- - - andre enn signerte og nummererte: | ||
4907.0091 | - - - - papirer med stempelavtrykk | |
49.08 | Overføringstrykk (dekalkomanier). | |
ex | 4908.10 | - overføringstrykk som kan forglasses |
- - andre enn med arabiske skrifttegn | ||
4908.1091 | - - - for industriell bruk | |
ex | 4908.90 | - andre |
- - andre enn med arabiske skrifttegn | ||
4908.9091 | - - - for industriell bruk | |
49.11 | Andre trykksaker, herunder trykte bilder og fotografier. | |
ex | 4911.10 | - reklametrykksaker, handelskataloger og liknende |
4911.1010 | - - maskinskrevet (også kopier gjort med karbon papir) | |
- - - andre: | ||
4911.1091 | - - - - turist propaganda | |
- andre: | ||
ex | 4911.99 | - - andre |
4911.9910 | - - - maskinskrevet (også kopier gjort med karbon papir) | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - utbrettede papirer, kun med illustrasjoner eller stikk uten tekst eller randskrift for alminnelige utgivelser | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
4911.9991 | - - - - - skjemaer for midlertidig adgang eller skjema for internasjonal bruk av bil, sendt til turist foreningen i Marokko fra det utenlandske moderselskap | |
50.01 | Silkekokonger anvendelige til avhesping. | |
50.02 | Råsilke (ikke tvunnet). | |
50.03 | Silkeavfall (herunder kokonger ikke anvendelige til avhesping, garnavfall og opprevne filler): | |
50.04 | Garn av silke (unntatt garn spunnet av silkeavfall), ikke i detaljopplegging. | |
50.05 | Garn spunnet av silkeavfall, ikke i detaljopplegging. | |
50.06 | Garn av silke og garn spunnet av silkeavfall, i detaljopplegging; wormgut. | |
50.07 | Vevnader av silke eller silkeavfall. | |
51.04 | Opprevne filler av ull eller av fine eller grove dyrehår | |
51.11 | Vevnader av kardet ull eller kardede, fine dyrehår. | |
- som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent ull eller fine dyrehår: | ||
ex | 5111.11 | - - med vekt høyst 300 gram pr. m2 |
5111.1110 | - - - vevde elastiske stoffer | |
- - - andre | ||
5111.1191 | - - - - påsydd filt eller på andre tekstilmaterialer, vevd også ikke vevd, av typen beregnet for tøfler | |
ex | 5111.19 | - - andre |
5111.1910 | - - - vevde elastiske stoffer | |
- - - andre: | ||
5111.1991 | - - - - påsydd filt eller på andre tekstilmaterialer, vevd også ikke vevd, av typen beregnet for tøfler | |
ex | 5111.20 | - andre, blandet utelukkende eller hovedsaklig med syntetiske eller kunstige filamenter |
5111.2010 | - - vevde elastiske stoffer | |
- - andre: | ||
5111.2091 | - - - påsydd filt eller på andre tekstilmaterialer, vevd også ikke vevd, av typen beregnet for tøfler | |
ex | 5111.30 | - andre, blandet utelukkende eller hovedsaklig med syntetiske eller kunstige filamenter |
5111.3010 | - - vevde elastiske stoffer | |
- - andre: | ||
5111.3091 | - - - påsydd filt eller på andre tekstilmaterialer, vevd også ikke vevd, av typen beregnet for tøfler | |
ex | 5111.90 | - andre |
5111.9010 | - - vevde elastiske stoffer | |
- - andre: | ||
5111.9091 | - - - påsydd filt eller på andre tekstilmaterialer, vevd også ikke vevd, av typen beregnet for tøfler | |
51.12 | Vevnader av kjemmet ull eller kjemmede, fine dyrehår. | |
- som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent ull eller fine dyrehår: | ||
ex | 5112.11 | - - med vekt høyst 200 gram pr. m2 |
5112.1110 | - - - vevde elastiske stoffer | |
- - - andre: | ||
5112.1191 | - - - - påsydd filt eller på andre tekstilmaterialer, vevd også ikke vevd, av typen beregnet for tøfler | |
ex | 5112.19 | - - andre |
5112.1910 | - - - vevde elastiske stoffer | |
- - - andre: | ||
5112.1991 | - - - - påsydd filt eller på andre tekstilmaterialer, vevd også ikke vevd, av typen beregnet for tøfler | |
ex | 5112.20 | - andre, blandet utelukkende eller hovedsaklig med syntetiske eller kunstige filamenter |
5112.2010 | - - vevde elastiske stoffer | |
- - andre: | ||
5112.2091 | - - - påsydd filt eller på andre tekstilmaterialer, vevd også ikke vevd, av typen beregnet for tøfler | |
ex | 5112.30 | - andre, blandet utelukkende eller hovedsaklig med syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibre |
5112.3010 | - - vevde elastiske stoffer | |
- - andre: | ||
5112.3091 | - - - påsydd filt eller på andre tekstilmaterialer, vevd også ikke vevd, av typen beregnet for tøfler | |
ex | 5112.90 | - andre |
5112.9010 | - - vevde elastiske stoffer | |
- - andre: | ||
5112.9091 | - - - påsydd filt eller på andre tekstilmaterialer, vevd også ikke vevd, av typen beregnet for tøfler | |
52.01 | Bomull, ikke kardet eller kjemmet. | |
52.02 | Avfall av bomull (herunder garnavfall og opprevne filler). | |
52.03 | Bomull, kardet eller kjemmet. | |
53.01 | Lin, ubearbeidd eller bearbeidd, men ikke spunnet; stry og avfall av lin (herunder garnavfall og opprevne filler). | |
53.02 | Hamp (Cannabis sativa L.), ubearbeidd eller bearbeidd, men ikke spunnet; stry og avfall av hamp (herunder garnavfall og opprevne filler) | |
5302.10 | - hamp, ubearbeidd eller røytet | |
ex | 5302.90 | - andre |
5302.9010 | - - skakehamp | |
5302.9020 | - - kjemmet hamp eller hampefibre bearbeidet på annen måte, hovedsakelig i form av fliser eller forgarn | |
5302.9080 | - - avfall | |
53.03 | Jute og andre tekstilfibrer av bast (unntatt lin, hamp og rami), ubearbeidde eller bearbeidde, men ikke spunnet; stry og avfall av disse fibrer (herunder garnavfall og opprevne filler): | |
53.04 | Sisal og andre tekstilfibrer av slekten Agave, ubearbeidde eller bearbeidde, men ikke spunnet; stry og avfall av disse fibrer (herunder garnavfall og opprevne filler). | |
53.05 | Kokosfibrer, abaca (manilahamp eller Musa textilis Nee), rami og andre vegetabilske tekstilfibrer, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted, ubearbeidde eller bearbeidde, men ikke spunnet; stry, noils og avfall av disse fibrer (herunde garnavfall og opprevne filler). | |
55.01 | Syntetisk fiberkabel. | |
55.02 | Kunstig fiberkabel | |
55.03 | Syntetiske stapelfibrer, ikke kardet, kjemmet eller bearbeidd på annen måte for spinning. | |
55.04 | Kunstige stapelfibrer, ikke kardet, kjemmet eller bearbeidd på annen måte for spinning. | |
55.05 | Avfall (herunder noils garnavfall og opprevne filler) av syntetiske eller kunstige tekstilfibrer. | |
55.06 | Syntetiske stapelfibrer, kardet, kjemmet eller bearbeidd på annen måte for spinning. | |
55.07 | Kunstige stapelfibrer, kardet, kjemmet eller bearbeidd på annen måte for spinning. | |
56.01 | Vatt av tekstilmaterialer og varer derav; tekstilfibrer med lengde høyst 5 mm (fnugg), støv og nupping av tekstilmaterialer. | |
5601.30 | - fnugg, støv og nupping av tekstilmaterialer | |
56.03 | Fiberduk («nonwovens»), også impregnert, overtrukket, belagt eller laminert. | |
- av syntetiske eller kunstige filamenter | ||
ex | 5603.11 | - - med vekt høyst 25 gram pr.m2 |
5603.1110 | - - - produkter inneholdende minst 50 % tekstil fibrer, ikke impregnert, belagt, dekket eller laminert, for produksjon av tjærepapir og kartong (produkter kalt tjærefilt eller takfilt | |
ex | 5603.12 | - - med vekt over 25 gram pr. m2, men høyst 70 gram pr. m2 |
5603.1210 | - - - produkter inneholdende minst 50 % tekstil fibrer, ikke impregnert, belagt, dekket eller laminert, for produksjon av tjærepapir og kartong (produkter kalt tjærefilt eller takfilt | |
ex | 5603.13 | - - med vekt over 70 gram pr. m2, men høyst 150 gram pr. m2 |
5603.1310 | - - - produkter inneholdende minst 50 % tekstil fibrer, ikke impregnert, belagt, dekket eller laminert, for produksjon av tjærepapir og kartong (produkter kalt tjærefilt eller takfilt | |
ex | 5603.14 | - - med vekt over 150 gram pr. m2 |
5603.1410 | - - - produkter inneholdende minst 50 % tekstil fibrer, ikke impregnert, belagt, dekket eller laminert, for produksjon av tjærepapir og kartong (produkter kalt tjærefilt eller takfilt | |
- annen: | ||
ex | 5603.91 | - - med vekt over 25 gram pr.m2 |
5603.9110 | - - - produkter inneholdende minst 50 % tekstil fibrer, ikke impregnert, belagt, dekket eller laminert, for produksjon av tjærepapir og kartong (produkter kalt tjærefilt eller takfilt | |
ex | 5603.92 | - - med vekt over 25 gram pr. m2, men høyst 70 gram pr. m2 |
5603.9210 | - - - produkter inneholdende minst 50 % tekstil fibrer, ikke impregnert, belagt, dekket eller laminert, for produksjon av tjærepapir og kartong (produkter kalt tjærefilt eller takfilt | |
ex | 5603.93 | - - med vekt over 70 gram pr. m2, men høyst 150 gram pr. m2 |
5603.9310 | - - - produkter inneholdende minst 50 % tekstil fibrer, ikke impregnert, belagt, dekket eller laminert, for produksjon av tjærepapir og kartong (produkter kalt tjærefilt eller takfilt | |
ex | 5603.94 | - - med vekt over 150 gram pr. m2 |
5603.9410 | - - - produkter inneholdende minst 50 % tekstil fibrer, ikke impregnert, belagt, dekket eller laminert, for produksjon av tjærepapir og kartong (produkter kalt tjærefilt eller takfilt | |
56.04 | Tråd og snor av gummi overtrukket med tekstilmateriale; tekstilgarn samt strimler og liknende som hører under posisjon 54.04 eller 54.05, impregnert, overtrukket, belagt eller omsluttet med gummi eller plast. | |
ex | 5604.90 | - ellers |
- - andre enn dekket eller impregnert med naturlig eller syntetisk gummi, også vulkaniserte: | ||
5604.9030 | - - - imitert katgut, fremstilt av silke tråd | |
- - - monofilamenter, bånd og tilsvarende under posisjonene 54.04 og 54.05 og imitert katgut av kunstige eller syntetiske tekstilmaterialer: | ||
5604.9041 | - - - - monofilamenter av syntetiske tekstile materialer | |
5604.9070 | - - - kokosnøtt garn | |
5604.9080 | - - - papir garn | |
58.11 | Tekstilprodukter som metervare, bestående av ett eller flere lag tekstilmateriale sammenføyd med stopningsmateriale ved søm eller på annen måte, unntatt broderier som hører under posisjon 58.10. | |
59.02 | Kordvev for dekk av høystyrkegarn av nylon eller andre polyamider, polyestere eller viskoserayon: | |
ex | 5902.10 | - av nylon eller andre polyamider |
5902.1010 | - - av lerretsbinding med et varp lag med tråder av parallelle filamenter eller monofilamenter som er holdt på plass av en gjennomsiktig veft bestående av høyst 13 tråder pr dm, også dyppet, men ikke impregnerte eller belagt | |
ex | 5902.20 | - av polyestere |
5902.2010 | - - av lerretsbinding med et varp lag med tråder av parallelle filamenter eller monofilamenter som er holdt på plass av en gjennomsiktig veft bestående av høyst 13 tråder pr dm, også dyppet, men ikke impregnerte eller belagt | |
ex | 5902.90 | - andre |
5902.9010 | - - av lerretsbinding med et varp lag med tråder av parallelle filamenter eller monofilamenter som er holdt på plass av en gjennomsiktig veft bestående av høyst 13 tråder pr dm, også dyppet, men ikke impregnerte eller belagt | |
59.03 | Tekstilstoff impregnert, overtrukket, belagt eller laminert med plast, unntatt tekstilstoff som hører under posisjon 59.02. | |
ex | 5903.10 | - med polyvinylklorid |
5903.1010 | - - av monofilamenter, garn eller bånd fra kapittel 54, (dyppet), til fremstilling av transportbånd eller transmisjonsbelter | |
ex | 5903.20 | - med polyuretan |
5903.2010 | - - av monofilamenter, garn eller bånd fra kapittel 54, (dyppet), til fremstilling av transportbånd eller transmisjonsbelter | |
ex | 5903.90 | - ellers |
5903.9010 | - - av monofilamenter, garn eller bånd fra kapittel 54, (dyppet), til fremstilling av transportbånd eller transmisjonsbelter | |
59.06 | Gummiert tekstilstoff, unntatt tekstilstoff som hører under posisjon 59.02. | |
- ellers: | ||
ex | 5906.99 | - - annet |
5906.9910 | - - - av monofilamenter, tråd eller bånd nevnt i kapittel 54, (dyppet), brukt til fremstilling transportbånd eller transmisjonsbelter | |
5906.9920 | - - - transparent stoff og bånd av enkel polyamid tråd, dyppet, med bredde ikke over 165 cm, med flatevekt over 80 g pr. m2, men ikke over 300 g pr. m2 | |
ex 59.07 | Tekstilstoff som er impregnert, overtrukket eller belagt på annen måte; malte teaterkulisser, atelierbaktepper eller lignende, av tekstilvevnad. | |
5907.0010 | - av monofilamenter, tråd eller bånd nevnt i kapittel 54, (dyppet), brukt til fremstilling transportbånd eller transmisjonsbelter | |
59.08 | Veker av vevde, flettede eller strikkede tekstilmaterialer, til lamper, ovner, tennere, lys eller lignende; gassglødenett og rundstrikkede varer til framstilling av slike, også impregnerte. | |
59.09 | Slanger og lignende varer av tekstilmateriale, også med fóring, armering eller tilbehør av andre materialer. | |
59.10 | Drivreimer og transportbånd av tekstilmateriale, også impregnert, overtrukket, belagt eller laminert med plast, eller forsterket med metall eller annet materiale. | |
59.11 | Tekstilvarer til teknisk bruk, som spesifisert i note 7 til dette kapittel. | |
ex | 5911.10 | - tekstilstoff, filt og vevnad fôret med filt, som er overtrukket, belagt eller laminert med gummi, lær eller annet materiale, av det slag som brukes til fremstilling av kardebeslag samt liknende stoffer av det slag som nyttes til annen teknisk bruk, herunder vevde bånd av fløyel som er impregnert med gummi, for overtrekk av vevespindler |
- - stoffer av fløyel impregnert med gummi, beregnet til dekker for vev spindler | ||
5911.1090 | - - andre | |
5911.20 | - sikteduk, ferdige eller som metervare | |
- tekstilstoff og filt, endeløse eller forsynt med forbindelsesutstyr, av det slag som brukes i papirmaskiner eller lignende maskiner (f.eks. for papirmasse eller asbestsement): | ||
5911.31 | - - med vekt under 650 gram per m2 | |
5911.32 | - - med vekt minst 650 gram per m2 | |
5911.40 | - presseduk av det slag som nyttes i oljepresser eller lignende, herunder presseduk av menneskehår | |
ex | 5911.90 | - ellers |
5911.9010 | - - av monofilamenter, tråd eller bånd nevnt i kapittel 54, (dyppet), brukt til fremstilling transportbånd eller transmisjonsbelter | |
5911.9020 | - - presseduk for oljepresser | |
61.15 | Strømpebukser, strømper, sokker og lignende, herunder strømper som brukes av personer med åreknuter, og fottøy uten påsatt såle, av trikotasje. | |
- ellers: | ||
ex | 6115.91 | - - av ull eller fine dyrehår |
- - - strikket eller heklet, ikke elastisk eller gummiert | ||
- - - andre | ||
6115.9191 | - - - - strømper som brukes av personer med åreknuter | |
ex | 6115.92 | - - av bomull |
- - - strikket eller heklet, ikke elastisk eller gummiert | ||
- - - andre: | ||
6115.9291 | - - - - strømper som brukes av personer med åreknuter | |
ex | 6115.93 | - - av syntetiske tekstilfibre |
- - - strikket eller heklet, ikke elastisk eller gummiert | ||
- - - andre: | ||
6115.9391 | - - - - strikket eller heklet, ikke elastisk eller gummiert | |
ex | 6115.99 | - - av andre tekstilmaterialer |
- - - strikket eller heklet, ikke elastisk eller gummiert | ||
- - - andre: | ||
6115.9991 | - - - - strømper som brukes av personer med åreknuter | |
62.14 | Sjal, skjerf, halstørklær, mantiljer, slør og lignende varer. | |
6214.10 | - av silke eller silkeavfall | |
62.15 | Slips og lignende varer. | |
6215.10 | - av silke eller silkeavfall | |
63.10 | Nye eller brukte filler, avfall fra tauverk samt utslitte varer av tauverk, av tekstilmateriale. | |
ex | 6310.10 | - sortert |
6310.1010 | - - for produksjon av industrivarer eller vaskefiller for industrien | |
ex | 6310.90 | - ellers |
6310.9010 | - - for produksjon av industrivarer eller vaskefiller for industrien | |
66.01 | Paraplyer og parasoller (herunder stokkparaplyer, hageparasoller og lignende). | |
- ellers: | ||
6601.91 | - - med teleskopisk skaft | |
6601.99 | - - andre | |
66.02 | Spasérstokker, sittestokker, sveper, ridepisker og lignende. | |
66.03 | Deler, utstyr og tilbehør til varer som hører under posisjon 66.01 eller 66.02. | |
67.01 | Skinn og andre deler av fugler med fjær eller dun, fjær og deler derav og dun samt varer av nevnte materialer (unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 05.05, og bearbeidede fjærposer og -skaft). | |
67.02 | Kunstige blomster, lauvverk og frukter samt deler derav; varer av kunstige blomster, lauvverk eller frukter. | |
67.03 | Menneskehår, parallellagt med rotendene i samme retning, tynnet, bleiket eller bearbeidet på annen måte; ull, andre dyrehår eller tekstilmaterialer, bearbeidet for parykkmakerarbeid. | |
67.04 | Parykker, skjegg, øyenbryn, øyenvipper, fletter og liknende, av menneske- eller dyrehår eller av tekstilmaterialer; varer av menneskehår, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
69.09 | Laboratorieutstyr og varer til kjemisk eller teknisk bruk, av keramiske materialer; keramiske krybber, kar og lignende beholdere av det slag som brukes i landbruket; keramiske krukker og lignende beholdere av det slag som brukes til transport eller emballering av varer. | |
69.14 | Andre varer av keramiske materialer. | |
70.01 | Glasskår og annet glassavfall; glassmasse. | |
70.02 | Glass i kuler (unntatt mikrosfærer (refleksperler) som hører under posisjon 70.18), stenger eller rør, ubearbeidede. | |
70.03 | Støpt eller valset glass i plater eller profiler, også med et absorberende, reflekterende eller ikke-reflekterende belegg, men ikke bearbeidd på annen måte. | |
70.04 | Trukket eller blåst glass i plater, også med et absorberende, reflekterende eller ikke-reflekterende belegg, men ikke bearbeidd på annen måte. | |
70.05 | «Float glass» og planslipt eller polert glass i plater, også med et absorberende, reflekterende eller ikke-reflekterende belegg, men ikke bearbeidd på annen måte. | |
70.06 | Glass som hører under posisjon 70.03, 70.04 eller 70.05, bøyd, med bearbeidede kanter, gravert, gjennomhullet, emaljert eller bearbeidet på annen måte, men ikke innrammet eller i forbindelse med andre materialer | |
70.08 | Isolasjonsglass som består av flere lag. | |
70.10 | Ballonger, flasker, flakonger, krukker, ampuller og andre beholdere, av glass, av det slag som brukes til transport eller emballering av varer; konserveringsglass; propper, lokk og andre lukkeanordninger, av glass. | |
- andre, med rominnhold: | ||
ex | 7010.93 | - - over 0,15 l, men høyst 0,33 l |
- - - ballonger, flasker, kolber, mugger, krukker, ampuller for tabletter og andre beholdere av typen brukt for oppbevaring eller pakking av varer | ||
- - - - av gjennomsiktig glass, ikke gravert eller gjort gjenstand for matting, kun dekorert ved støping, med rominnhold mindre enn 260 centiliter: | ||
7010.9311 | - - - - - for detaljsalg pakking av farmasøytiske produkter produsert i Marokko av industri spesielt registrert for denne virksomhet, importert på vegne av berørt industri og levert direkte til de aktuelle produksjonssteder | |
7010.9319 | - - - - - for konservering av blod og humant plasma og importert av eller på vegne av den nasjonale blodbank | |
7010.94 | - - ikke over 0.15 l | |
- - - ballonger, flasker, kolber, mugger, krukker, amouller for tabletter og andre beholdere av typen brukt for oppbevaring eller pakking av varer | ||
- - - - av gjennomsiktig glass, ikke gravert eller gjort gjenstand for matting, kun dekorert ved støping: | ||
7010.9411 | - - - - - for detaljsalg pakking av farmasøytiske produkter produsert i Marokko av industri spesielt registrert for denne virksomhet, importert på vegne av berørt industri og levert direkte til de aktuelle produksjonssteder | |
7010.9419 | - - - - - for konservering av blod og humant plasma og importert av eller på vegne av den nasjonale blodbank | |
70.11 | Åpne glasskolber og åpne, bearbeidde glassrør samt deler dertil av glass, uten tilbehør, for glødelamper, lysrør, katodestrålerør eller lignende. | |
70.12 | Glassbeholdere til termosflasker eller til andre, vakuumisolerte beholdere. | |
70.14 | Glass til signalutstyr og optiske varer av glass (unntatt glass som hører under posisjon 70.15), ikke optisk bearbeidede. | |
70.15 | Urglass og lignende samt ikke-korrigerende eller korrigerende brilleglass, buede, bøyde eller lignende, ikke optisk bearbeidede; hule glasskuler og segmenter derav til fremstilling av urglass og lignende samt brilleglass. | |
70.16 | Blokker, fliser, plater og andre varer av presset eller støpt glass, også med trådinnlegg, av det slag som brukes i bygninger eller andre konstruksjoner; terninger og andre små biter av glass, også på et underlag, til mosaikkarbeider eller lignende dekorative formål; glass i blyinnfatning og lignende; celleglass eller skumglass i form av blokker, plater eller lignende. | |
70 .18 | Glassperler, imiterte perler, imiterte edle eller halvedle steiner og lignende små glassvarer, samt varer derav, unntatt bijouterivarer; glassøyne ikke til bruk for mennesker; statuetter og andre dekorasjonsgjenstander framstilt ved såkalt «lampearbeid», unntatt bijouterivarer; mikrosfærer av glass (refleksperler) med diameter høyst 1 mm. | |
70.19 | Glassfibre (herunder glassull) og varer derav (f.eks. garn, vevnader). | |
71.01 | Natur- eller kulturperler, også bearbeidde eller sorterte, men ikke trædd på snor, og ikke monterte eller innfattede; natur- eller kulturperler som av transporthensyn er midlertidig trædd på snor. | |
71.02 | Diamanter, også bearbeidde, men ikke monterte eller innfattede. | |
71.03 | Edle steiner (unntatt diamanter) og halvedle steiner, også bearbeidde eller sorterte, men ikke trædd på snor, og ikke monterte eller innfattede; usorterte, edle steiner (unntatt diamanter) og halvedle steiner, som av transporthensyn er midlertidig trædd på snor. | |
71.04 | Syntetiske eller rekonstruerte edle eller halvedle steiner, også bearbeidde eller sorterte, men ikke trædd på snor, og ikke monterte eller innfattede; usorterte, syntetiske eller rekonstruerte edle eller halvedle steiner, som av transporthensyn er midlertidig trædd på snor. | |
71.05 | Støv og pulver av naturlige eller syntetiske edle eller halvedle steiner. | |
71.06 | Sølv (herunder forgylt eller platinert sølv), ubearbeidd eller som halvfabrikater eller i pulverform. | |
71.07 | Uedelt metall plettert med sølv, ikke videre bearbeidd enn som halvfabrikater. | |
71.08 | Gull (herunder platinert gull), ubearbeidd eller som halvfabrikater eller i pulverform. | |
71.09 | Uedelt metall eller sølv, plettert med gull, ikke videre bearbeidd enn som halvfabrikater. | |
71.10 | Platina, ubearbeidd eller som halvfabrikater eller i pulverform. | |
71.11 | Uedelt metall, sølv eller gull, plettert med platina, ikke videre bearbeidd enn som halvfabrikater. | |
71.12 | Avfall og skrap av edelt metall eller av metall plettert med edelt metall; annet avfall og skrap som inneholder edelt metall eller forbindelser av edelt metall, av det slag som hovedsakelig brukes til gjenvinning av edelt metall. | |
71.13 | Smykkevarer og deler derav, av edelt metall eller av metall plettert med edelt metall. | |
71.14 | Gull- og sølvsmedarbeider og deler derav, av edelt metall eller av metall plettert med edelt metall. | |
71.15 | Andre varer av edelt metall eller av metall plettert med edelt metall. | |
71.16 | Varer av natur- eller kulturperler eller av edle eller halvedle steiner (naturlige, syntetiske eller rekonstruerte). | |
71.17 | Andre smykkevarer (bijouterivarer). | |
71.18 | Mynter. | |
72.01 | Råjern og speiljern i barrer, blokker eller i andre ubearbeidde former. | |
72.02 | Ferrolegeringer. | |
72.03 | Jern- og stålprodukter framstilt ved direkte reduksjon av jernmalm og andre jern- og stålsvamper, i klumper, pelleter eller lignende former; jern med en renhet av minst 99,94 vektprosent, i klumper, pelleter ellee lignende former. | |
72.04 | Avfall og skrap av jern eller stål; blokker (ingots) framstilt ved omsmelting av skrap av jern eller stål. | |
72.05 | Granulater og pulver av råjern, speiljern, jern eller stål. | |
72.06 | Jern og ulegert stål i blokker (ingots) eller andre ubearbeidde former (unntatt jern som hører under posisjon 72.03). | |
72.07 | Halvfabrikater av jern eller ulegert stål. | |
72.08 | Flatvalsede produkter av jern eller ulegert stål, med bredde minst 600 mm, varmvalsede, uten plettering, belegg eller overdrag. | |
72.09 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, cold-rolled (cold-reduced), not clad, plated or coated. | |
72.10 | Flatvalsede produkter av jern eller ulegert stål, med bredde minst 600 mm, med plettering, belegg eller overdrag. | |
- belagt eller overtrukket med tinn: | ||
ex | 7210.11 | - - med tykkelse over 0,5 mm |
- - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 i vektprosent tilsammen | ||
- - - andre, kuttet til kvadrater eller rektangler, ikke videre bearbeidet | ||
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - tinnplater med innsnitt | ||
7210.1199 | - - - - andre | |
ex | 7210.12 | - - med tykkelse under 0.5 mm |
- - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 i vektprosent tilsammen | ||
- - - andre, kuttet til kvadrater eller rektangler, ikke videre bearbeidet | ||
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - tinnplater med innsnitt | ||
7210.1299 | - - - - andre | |
7210.50 | - plettert eller belagt med kromoksyder eller med krom og kromoksyder | |
- plettert eller belagt med aluminium: | ||
7210.61 | - - plettert eller belagt med aluminium-sink legeringer | |
7210.69 | - - andre | |
72.11 | Flatvalsede produkter av jern eller ulegert stål, med bredde under 600 mm, uten plettering, belegg eller overdrag. | |
72.12 | Flatvalsede produkter av jern eller ulegert stål, med bredde under 600 mm, med plettering, belegg eller overdrag. | |
7212.10 | - belagt eller overtrukket med tinn | |
ex | 7212.40 | - malt, lakkert eller plastbelagt |
- - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 i vektprosent tilsammen | ||
- - andre, kalt magnetiske | ||
- - andre: | ||
- - - med maksimum bredde 500 mm og største tykkelse 6 mm men ikke over en tidel av bredden: | ||
7212.4031 | - - - - malt, polert, plettert eller dekket med plastikk, kan være korrugert, men ikke ytterligere bearbeidet | |
ex | 7212.50 | - på annen måte plettert eller dekket |
7212.5010 | - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over o,07vektprosent tilsammen | |
7212.5020 | - - andre, kalt «magnetiske» | |
- - andre: | ||
- - - med maksimum bredde 500 mm og største tykkelse 6 mm men ikke over en tidel av bredden: | ||
- - - - enkelt plettert eller dekket, også korrugert, men ikke videre bearbeidet: | ||
7212.5031 | - - - - - plettert med edelt metall | |
7212.5032 | - - - - - emaljert | |
7212.5033 | - - - - - tilsatt bly | |
7212.5039 | - - - - - andre (kobberplettert, kunstig oksydert, nikkel-plettert, parkesert, trykket etc.) | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - andre enn plettert eller dekket med bly, med en slett overflate, ikke videre bearbeidet, med bredde under 0,5 mm | ||
- - - - andre enn plettert eller dekket med bly, korrugert, ikke videre bearbeidet, med bredde under 0,5 mm | ||
- - - - andre enn plettert eller dekket med bly, kan være korrugert, ikke videre bearbeidet | ||
- - - - på annen måte plettert eller dekket også korrugert, ikke videre bearbeidet | ||
7212.5061 | - - - - - plettert med edelt metall | |
7212.5062 | - - - - - emaljert | |
- - - - - plettert eller belagt med krom og preget | ||
7212.5064 | - - - - - plettert eller belagt med krom | |
7212.5069 | - - - - - andre | |
ex | 7212.60 | - plettert |
7212.6010 | - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent tilsammen | |
- - andre: | ||
- - - med maksimum bredde 500 mm og største tykkelse 6 mm men ikke over en tidel av bredden: | ||
- - - - belagt, også korrugert, ikke videre bearbeidet | ||
7212.6021 | - - - - - varmvalset | |
7212.6029 | - - - - - kaldvalset | |
- - - andre: | ||
7212.6091 | - - - - belagt, også korrugert, ikke videre bearbeidet | |
72.13 | Stenger av jern eller ulegert stål, varmvalsede, i uregelmessig oppkveilede ringer eller ruller. | |
ex | 7213.10 | - som inneholder fordypninger, rifler, riller eller liknende fremkommet under valseprosessen |
7213.1010 | - - med ett vinkelrett snitt i form av en ellipse eller et modifisert rektangel | |
7213.20 | - andre, av automatstål | |
- andre: | ||
ex | 7213.91 | - - med ett vinkelrett snitt mindre enn 14 mm i diameter |
7213.9110 | - - - som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon | |
7213.99 | - - ellers | |
72.14 | Andre stenger av jern eller ulegert stål, smidde, varmvalsede, varmtrukne eller varmstrengpressede, også de som er vridde etter valsingen, men ikke videre bearbeidde. | |
7214.10 | - smidde | |
ex | 7214.20 | - som inneholder fordypninger, rifler, riller eller liknende fremkommet under valseprosessen, eller vridde etter valsingen |
7214.2020 | - - med ett vinkelrett snitt i form av en ellipse eller et modifisert rektangel | |
7214.30 | - andre, av automatstål | |
- andre: | ||
7214.91 | - - med rektangulært tverrsnitt | |
ex | 7214.99 | - - ellers |
7214.9910 | - - - med ett vinkelrett snitt i form av en ellipse | |
- - - andre: | ||
7214.9999 | - - - - andre enn armeringsjern | |
72.15 | Andre stenger av jern eller ulegert stål. | |
7215.10 | - av automatstål, ikke videre bearbeidde enn kaldbearbeidde eller kalibrerte | |
ex | 7215.50 | - andre, ikke videre bearbeidde enn kaldbearbeidde eller kalibrerte |
- - med ett vinkelrett snitt i form av en ellipse eller et modifisert rektangel | ||
7215.5010 | - - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent tilsammen | |
7215.5090 | - - andre | |
ex | 7215.90 | - andre |
- - med ett vinkelrett snitt i form av en ellipse eller et modifisert rektangel | ||
7215.9011 | - - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent tilsammen | |
7215.9090 | - - andre | |
72.16 | Profiler av jern eller ulegert stål. | |
72.17 | Tråd av jern eller ulegert stål. | |
ex | 7217.10 | - ikke-plettert eller belagt,også polert |
7217.1010 | - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent tilsammen | |
ex | 7217.20 | - belagt eller overtrukket med sink |
7217.2010 | - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent tilsammen | |
- - andre: | ||
7217.2091 | - - - med diameter ikke over 0,85 mm | |
ex | 7217.30 | - belagt eller overtrukket med andre uedle metaller |
7217.3010 | - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent tilsammen | |
- - andre: | ||
7217.3099 | - - - andre enn plettert eller belagt med kobber for sveising, importert i ruller | |
ex | 7217.90 | - andre |
7217.9010 | - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent tilsammen | |
7217.9020 | - - andre, på annen måte plettert eller belagt | |
72.18 | Rustfritt stål i blokker (ingots) eller andre, ubearbeidde former; halvfabrikater av rustfritt stål. | |
72.19 | Flatvalsede produkter av rustfritt stål, med bredde minst 600 mm. | |
72.20 | Flatvalsede produkter av rustfritt stål, med bredde under 600 mm. | |
72.21 | Stenger av rustfritt stål, varmvalsede, i uregelmessig oppkveilede ringer eller ruller. | |
72.22 | Andre stenger av rustfritt stål; profiler av rustfritt stål. | |
72.23 | Tråd av rustfritt stål. | |
72.24 | Annet legert stål i blokker (ingots) eller andre, ubearbeidde former; halvfabrikater av annet legert stål. | |
72.25 | Flatvalsede produkter av annet legert stål, med bredde minst 600 mm. | |
72.26 | Flatvalsede produkter av annet legert stål, med bredde under 600 mm. | |
72.27 | Stenger av annet legert stål; varmvalsede, i uregelmessig oppkveilede ringer eller ruller. | |
72.28 | Andre stenger av annet legert stål; profiler av annet legert stål; hule borstenger av legert eller ulegert stål. | |
72.29 | Tråd av annet legert stål. | |
73.01 | Spundveggjern av jern eller stål, også med hull eller sammensatte; sveisede profiler av jern eller stål. | |
7301.10 | - spundveggjern | |
73.02 | Følgende skinnemateriell av jern eller stål, til jernbaner eller sporveger: skinner, motskinner og tannskinner, sporvekseltunger, sporkryss, sporvekselstag og andre deler til sporveksler, sviller, lasker, skinnestoler, stolkiler, underlagsplater, klemplater, traversjern og annet spesielt materiell til sammenføyning eller festing av skinner. | |
ex | 7302.10 | - skinner |
7302.1010 | - - strømførende, med deler av andre metaller enn jern | |
7302.20 | - sviller | |
ex | 7302.90 | - ellers |
7302.9010 | - - styreskinne | |
7302.9020 | - - tannskinne | |
73.03 | Rør og hule profiler, av støpejern. | |
73.04 | Rør og hule profiler, sømløse, av jern (unntatt støpejern) eller stål. | |
7304.10 | - rør av det slag som brukes til olje- eller gassledninger («pipelines») | |
- fôringsrør, produksjonsrør og borerør av det slag som brukes ved boring etter olje eller gass: | ||
7304.21 | - - borerør | |
7304.29 | - - andre | |
- andre, med sirkelrundt tverrsnitt, av jern eller ulegert stål: | ||
7304.31 | - - kaldtrukne eller kaldvalsede | |
7304.39 | - - ellers | |
- andre, med sirkelrundt tverrsnitt, av rustfritt stål: | ||
7304.41 | - - kaldtrukne eller kaldvalsede | |
7304.49 | - - ellers | |
- andre, med sirkelrundt tverrsnitt, av annet legert stål: | ||
7304.51 | - - kaldtrukne eller kaldvalsede | |
7304.59 | - - ellers | |
7304.90 | - andre | |
73.05 | Andre rør (f.eks. sveisede, naglede eller falsede) med sirkelrunde tverrsnitt og med ytre diameter over 406,4 mm, av jern eller stål. | |
- rør av det slag som brukes til olje- eller gassledninger («pipelines»): | ||
ex | 7305.11 | - - sveisede på langs med pulverdekket lysbue |
- - - med tykkelse over 4 mm | ||
7305.1199 | - - - - andre enn med konisk form | |
ex | 7305.12 | - - andre, sveisede på langs |
- - - med tykkelse over 4 mm | ||
7305.1299 | - - - - andre enn med konisk form | |
ex | 7305.19 | - - ellers |
- - - med tykkelse over 4 mm | ||
7305.1999 | - - - - andre enn med konisk form | |
ex | 7305.20 | - fôringsrør av det slag som brukes ved boring etter olje eller gass |
- - med tykkelse over 4 mm | ||
7305.2099 | - - - andre enn med konisk form | |
- andre, sveiste: | ||
ex | 7305.31 | - - andre, sveisede på langs |
- - - med indre diameter over 400 mm, og med veggtykkelse over 10,5 mm | ||
- - - andre, med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | ||
- - - ellers: | ||
- - - - konisk formet | ||
7305.3199 | - - - - ellers | |
ex | 7305.39 | - - ellers |
- - - med indre diameter over 400 mm, og med veggtykkelse over 10,5 mm | ||
- - - andre, med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | ||
- - - ellers: | ||
- - - - konisk formet | ||
7305.3999 | - - - - ellers | |
ex | 7305.90 | - ellers |
- - - med indre diameter over 400 mm, og med veggtykkelse over 10,5 mm | ||
- - - andre, med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | ||
- - - ellers: | ||
- - - - konisk formet | ||
7305.9099 | - - - - andre | |
73.06 | Andre rør og hule profiler (f.eks. med åpen søm, sveisede, naglede eller falsede), av jern eller stål. | |
ex | 7306.10 | - rør av det slag som brukes til olje- eller gassledninger («pipelines»): |
- - med tykkelse over 4 mm | ||
7306.1099 | - - - andre enn pyramideform eller konisk form med sirkelformet tverrsnitt | |
ex | 7306.20 | - fôringsrør og produksjonsrør av det slag som brukes ved boring etter olje eller gass |
- - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | ||
7306.2099 | - - - andre enn pyramideform eller konisk form med sirkelformet tverrsnitt | |
ex | 7306.30 | - andre, sveisede, med sirkelrundt tverrsnitt, av jern eller ulegert stål |
- - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | ||
7306.3099 | - - - andre enn konisk formet | |
ex | 7306.40 | - andre, sveisede, med sirkelrundt tverrsnitt, av rustfritt stål |
- - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | ||
7306.4099 | - - - andre enn konisk formet | |
ex | 7306.50 | - andre, sveisede, med sirkelrundt tverrsnitt, av annet legert stål |
- - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | ||
7306.5099 | - - - andre enn konisk formet | |
ex | 7306.60 | - andre, sveisede, med annet tverrsnitt enn sirkelrundt |
- - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | ||
7306.6099 | - - - andre enn pyramideform | |
ex | 7306.90 | - ellers |
- - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | ||
7306.9099 | - - - andre enn med pyramidisk eller konisk form med sirkelrundt tverrsnitt | |
73.12 | Tau, liner, kabler, flettede bånd, stropper og lignende, av jern eller stål, uten elektrisk isolasjon. | |
ex | 7312.10 | - tau, liner og kabler |
7312.1010 | - - tau og kabler bestående av stålwire plettert eller belagt, med høy bruddstyrke (120 kg pr kvadrat mm), med diameter ikke over 1,4 mm | |
7312.1020 | - - messingbelagt wire bestående av stålwire, med bruddstyrke høyere enn 200 kg pr kvadrat mm | |
73.15 | Kjeder og kjettinger samt deler dertil, av jern eller stål. | |
73.18 | Skruer, bolter, muttere, skinneskruer (franske treskruer), skruekroker, nagler, kiler, splittpinner, underlagsskiver (herunder sprengskiver) og lignende varer, av jern eller stål. | |
- gjengede varer: | ||
ex | 7318.12 | - - andre treskruer |
7318.1210 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
ex | 7318.13 | - - skruekroker og øyeskruer |
7318.1310 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
ex | 7318.14 | - - selvgjengende skruer |
7318.1410 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
ex | 7318.15 | - - andre skruer og bolter, også med tilhørende muttere eller underlagsskiver |
7318.1510 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
ex | 7318.16 | - - muttere |
7318.1610 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
ex | 7318.19 | - - ellers |
7318.1910 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
- ikke-gjengede produkter: | ||
ex | 7318.21 | - - sprengskiver og andre låseskiver |
7318.2110 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
ex | 7318.22 | - - andre underlagsskiver |
7318.2210 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
ex | 7318.23 | - - nagler |
7318.2310 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
ex | 7318.24 | - - kiler og splittpinner |
7318.2410 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
ex | 7318.29 | - - ellers |
7318.2910 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
73.21 | Ovner (herunder slike som kan benyttes til sentraloppvarming), kaminer, komfyrer, griller, kullpanner, gassapparater, tallerkenvarmere og lignende ikke-elektriske husholdningsapparater samt deler dertil, av jern eller stål. | |
ex | 7321.90 | - deler |
7321.9010 | - - gass brennere med 6, 8 eller 12 rettlinjede elementer | |
74.01 | Kobbermatte; sementkobber (utfelt kobber). | |
74.02 | Uraffinert kobber; kobberanoder for elektrolytisk raffinering. | |
74.03 | Raffinert kobber og kobberlegeringer, i ubearbeidet form.. | |
74.04 | Avfall og skrap av kobber | |
74.05 | Kobberforlegeringer. | |
74.06 | Pulver og flak av kobber. | |
74.07 | Stenger og profiler av kobber. | |
74.08 | Tråd av kobber. | |
- av raffinert kobber: | ||
7408.11 | - - med største tverrsnitt over 6 mm | |
ex | 7408.19 | - - annen |
7408.1990 | - - - andre enn formet ved utpressing eller trekking | |
- av kobberlegeringer: | ||
ex | 7408.21 | - - av legeringer av kobber-sink (messing) |
- - - med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
7408.2110 | - - - - med rektangulært tverrsnitt ikke over 6 mm | |
- - - - andre: | ||
7408.2129 | - - - - - andre enn formet ved utpressing eller trekking | |
- - - andre: | ||
7408.2130 | - - - - av kobberlegering med minst 10 vektprosent sink | |
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - valset, pressformet eller trukket, ikke videre bearbeidet, også avskallet: | ||
7408.2141 | - - - - - - med rektangulært tverrsnitt ikke over 15 mm | |
- - - - - andre: | ||
7408.2191 | - - - - - - plettert med sølv eller gull | |
ex | 7408.22 | - - av legeringer av kobber-nikkel (kupro-nikkel) eller av legeringer av kobber-nikkel-sink (nysølv) |
7408.2210 | - - - som inneholder mer enn 10 vektprosent nikkel | |
- - - andre | ||
- - - - med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
7408.2229 | - - - - - andre enn formet ved utpressing eller trekking | |
- - - - andre: | ||
7408.2230 | - - - - - av kobberlegering med minst 10 vektprosent sink | |
- - - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - - valset, pressformet eller trukket, ikke videre bearbeidet, også avskallet: | ||
7408.2241 | - - - - - - - med største tverrsnitt 15 mm | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
7408.2291 | - - - - - - - plettert med sølv eller gull | |
ex | 7408.29 | - - annen |
7408.2910 | - - - legeringer som inneholder mer enn 10 vektprosent nikkel | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
7408.2929 | - - - - - andre enn pressformet eller trukket | |
- - - - andre: | ||
7408.2931 | - - - - - av kobberlegering med minst 10 vektprosent sink | |
7408.2939 | - - - - - av kobber-beryllium legering | |
- - - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - - valset, pressformet eller trukket, ikke videre bearbeidet, også avskallet: | ||
7408.2941 | - - - - - - - med største tverrsnitt 15 mm | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
7408.2991 | - - - - - - - plettert med sølv eller gull | |
74.09 | Plater og bånd av kobber med tykkelse over 0,15 mm. | |
74.10 | Folier av kobber (også trykte eller med underlag av papir, papp, plast eller lignende materiale), med tykkelse høyst 0,15 mm (underlag ikke medregnet). | |
74.15 | Spiker, stifter, tegnestifter, kramper (unntatt de heftestifter som hører under posisjon 83.05) og lignende varer, av kobber eller av jern eller stål med hode av kobber; skruer, bolter, muttere, skruekroker, nagler, kiler, splittpinner, underlagsskiver (herunder sprengskiver) og lignende varer, av kobber. | |
- andre varer, ikke gjengede: | ||
ex | 7415.21 | - - underlagsskiver (herunder sprengskiver) |
7415.2110 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av, eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
ex | 7415.29 | - - ellers |
7415.2910 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av, eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
- andre gjengede varer: | ||
ex | 7415.31 | - - treskruer |
7415.3110 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av, eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
ex | 7415.32 | - - andre skruer; bolter og muttere |
7415.3210 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av, eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
ex | 7415.39 | - - ellers |
7415.3910 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av, eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
74.19 | Andre varer av kobber. | |
- andre: | ||
ex | 7419.91 | - - støpte, utstansede eller smidde, men ikke videre bearbeidete |
7419.9130 | - - - messing plater, matriser og upregede mynter av messing, matriser for produksjon av urskiver | |
ex | 7419.99 | - - ellers |
7419.9930 | - - - messing plater, matriser og upregede mynter av messing, matriser for produksjon av urskiver | |
75.01 | Nikkelmatte, nikkeloksidsintere og andre mellomprodukter ved framstilling av nikkel. | |
75.02 | Ubearbeidet nikkel. | |
75.03 | Avfall og skrap av nikkel. | |
75.04 | Pulver og flak av nikkel. | |
75.05 | Stenger, profiler og tråd av nikkel. | |
75.06 | Plater, bånd og folier av nikkel. | |
75.07 | Rør og rørdeler (fittings) (f.eks. forbindelsesstykker, knær, muffer), av nikkel. | |
75.08 | Andre varer av nikkel. | |
ex | 7508.90 | - andre |
7508.9010 | - - anoder for galvanisering også slike fremstilt ved elektrolyttisk avleiring, ikke videre bearbeidet | |
- - spiker, stifter korrugert spiker, øyestifter og lignende, (varer for stifting og skruing) og underlagsskive også sprengskiver og stoppskiver: | ||
7508.9021 | - - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av, eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
76.01 | Ubearbeidet aluminium. | |
76.02 | Avfall og skrap av aluminium. | |
76.03 | Pulver og flak av aluminium. | |
76.04 | Stenger og profiler av aluminium. | |
ex | 7604.10 | - av aluminium, ikke legert |
- - hule profiler | ||
- - andre, med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
- - - valsede: | ||
7604.1031 | - - - - ikke belagt eller dekket | |
- - andre: | ||
- - - valset, pressformet eller trukket, ikke videre bearbeidet, også avskallet: | ||
7604.1040 | - - - - stenger med største tverrsnitt 15 mm | |
- - - - andre: | ||
7604.1051 | - - - - - stenger | |
- - - andre: | ||
7604.1091 | - - - - stenger | |
- av aluminiums legeringer | ||
ex | 7604.29 | - - andre: |
- - - produkter med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
- - - - valsede: | ||
7604.2921 | - - - - - ikke belagt eller dekket | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - valset, pressformet eller trukket, ikke videre bearbeidet, også avskallet: | ||
7604.2930 | - - - - - stenger med største tverrsnitt 15 mm | |
- - - - - andre: | ||
7604.2941 | - - - - - - stenger | |
- - - - andre: | ||
7604.2991 | - - - - - stenger | |
76.05 | Tråd av aluminium. | |
- av aluminium, ikke legert: | ||
7605.11 | - - med tverrsnitt over 7 mm | |
ex | 7605.19 | - - annen |
- - - tråd med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
- - - - valsede: | ||
7605.1921 | - - - - - ikke belagt eller dekket | |
7605.1990 | - - - andre | |
- av aluminiums legeringer: | ||
7605.21 | - - med største tverrsnitt over 7 mm | |
ex | 7605.29 | - - annen |
- - - tråd med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
- - - - valsede: | ||
7605.2921 | - - - - - ikke belagt eller dekket | |
7605.2990 | - - - andre | |
76.06 | Plater og bånd av aluminium med tykkelse over 0,2 mm. | |
- rektangulære, også kvadratiske: | ||
7606.11 | - - av ulegert aluminium | |
7606.12 | - - av legert aluminium | |
- andre: | ||
7606.91 | - - av ulegert aluminium | |
7606.92 | - - av aluminium legeringer | |
76.07 | Folier av aluminium (også trykte eller med underlag av papir, papp, plast eller lignende materiale), med tykkelse høyst 0,2 mm (underlag ikke medregnet). | |
- uten underlag: | ||
7607.11 | - - valsede, men ikke videre bearbeidet | |
ex | 7607.19 | - - andre |
7607.1910 | - - - ikke videre bearbeidet enn hamret eller kunstig oksydert | |
76.16 | Andre varer av aluminium. | |
ex | 7616.10 | - spiker, stifter, kramper (unntatt de hakestifter som hører under posisjon 83.05), skruer, bolter, muttere, skruekroker, nagler, kiler, splittpinner, underlagsskiver og lignende varer |
7616.1010 | - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | |
- andre: | ||
ex | 7616.99 | - - ellers |
7616.9910 | - - - spiler til korsetter, og lignende utstyr og tilbehør til klær | |
7616.9950 | - - - skiver, underlagsskiver, upregede mynter små ringer med diameter over 6 mm, for produksjon av ytterrør eller fleksible slanger | |
78.01 | Ubearbeidet bly. | |
78.02 | Avfall og skrap av bly. | |
78.03 | Stenger, profiler og tråd av bly. | |
78.04 | Plater, bånd og folier av bly; pulver og flak av bly. | |
78.05 | Rør og rørdeler (fittings) (f.eks. forbindelsesstykker, knær, muffer), av bly. | |
78.06 | Andre varer av bly. | |
79.01 | Ubearbeidet sink | |
79.02 | Avfall og skrap av sink. | |
79.03 | Støv, pulver og flak av sink. | |
79.04 | Stenger, profiler og tråd av sink. | |
79.05 | Plater, bånd og folier av sink. | |
80.01 | Ubearbeidet tinn. | |
80.02 | Avfall og skrap av tinn. | |
81.01 | Wolfram og varer derav, herunder avfall og skrap. | |
81.02 | Molybden og varer derav, herunder avfall og skrap. | |
81.03 | Tantal og varer derav, herunder avfall og skrap. | |
81.04 | Magnesium og varer derav, herunder avfall og skrap. | |
81.05 | Koboltmatte og andre mellomprodukter fra koboltframstillingen; kobolt og varer derav, herunder avfall og skrap. | |
81.06 | Vismut og varer derav, herunder avfall og skrap. | |
81.07 | Kadmium og varer derav, herunder avfall og skrap. | |
81.08 | Titan og varer derav, herunder avfall og skrap. | |
81.09 | Zirkonium og varer derav, herunder avfall og skrap. | |
81.10 | Antimon og varer derav, herunder avfall og skrap. | |
81.11 | Mangan og varer derav, herunder avfall og skrap. | |
81.12 | Beryllium, krom, germanium, vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium, niob (kolumbium), rhenium og tallium samt varer av disse metaller, herunder avfall og skrap. | |
81.13 | Cermeter og varer derav, herunder avfall og skrap. | |
82.01 | Håndverktøy og håndredskaper av følgende slag: spader, skuffer, rotøkser, hakker, skyfler, greip, høygafler, river og raker; økser og lignende hoggeredskaper; beskjæresakser, alle slags; ljåer, sigder, hekksakser, tømmerkiler og andre håndredskaper av de slag som brukes i jord-, hage- eller skogbruk. | |
8201.20 | - gafler | |
8201.50 | - beskjæresakser til bruk for en hånd (herunder tranchersakser) | |
8201.60 | - hekksakser, beskjæresakser og lignende sakser til bruk for to hender | |
82.02 | Håndsager; blad for alle slags sager (herunder spalte- og slissesagblad og sagblad uten tenner). | |
8202.10 | - håndsager | |
82.05 | Håndverktøy eller håndredskaper (herunder glasskjærediamanter), ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; blåselamper; skrustikker, skrutvinger og lignende, unntatt deler og tilbehør til verktøymaskiner; ambolter; feltesser; slipeskiver og slipesteiner med stativ, for hånd- eller fotkraft. | |
- annet håndverktøy (også glass-skjæreverktøy): | ||
8205.51 | - - verktøy og redskaper til husholdningsbruk | |
8205.90 | - sett av varer fra to eller flere av de foregående underposisjoner | |
82.10 | Hånddrevne, mekaniske redskaper av vekt høyst 10 kg, som brukes ved tilberedning eller servering av matvarer eller drikkevarer. | |
82.12 | Barberkniver, barberhøvler og barbermaskiner (ikke-elektriske) samt barberblad (herunder emner til barberblad i lengder). | |
82.13 | Sakser, skreddersakser og lignende sakser som ikke hører under noen annen posisjon i dette kapittel, samt blad dertil. | |
83.08 | Knepplåser, bøyler og rammer med knepplås, spenner, hekter, kroker, maljer og lignende, av uedelt metall, av det slag som brukes til klær, fottøy, markiser, håndvesker, reiseeffekter eller andre ferdige varer; rør- og splittnagler av uedelt metall; perler og paljetter av uedelt metall. | |
84.07 | Stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med gnisttenning og med frem- og tilbakegående eller roterende stempel. | |
8407.10 | - motorer for luftfartøyer | |
- fremdriftsmotorer for fartøyer: | ||
8407.29 | - - andre | |
- motorer med frem- og tilbakegående stempel av det slag som brukes til fremdrift av motorkjøretøyer som hører under kapittel 87: | ||
8407.33 | - - med sylindervolum over 250 ccm, men høyst 1000 ccm | |
8407.34 | - - med sylindervolum over 1000 ccm | |
8407.90 | - andre motorer | |
84.08 | Stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning (diesel- eller semidieselmotorer). | |
ex | 8408.10 | - fremdriftsmotorer for fartøyer |
8408.1010 | - - utenbordsmotorer | |
84.50 | Vaskemaskiner til bruk i husholdninger og vaskerier, herunder kombinerte vaske- og tørkemaskiner | |
8450.20 | - maskiner for mer enn 10 kg tørt tøy | |
8450.90 | - deler | |
84.83 | Drivaksler (herunder kamaksler og veivaksler) og veiver; lagerhus og glidelagre; faste gir og utvekslinger; kule- eller rulleskruer; regulerbare gir og andre hastighetsvariatorer, herunder momentomformere; svinghjul, reimskiver og tauskiver, herunder blokker; friksjonskoplinger og andre akselkoplinger (herunder universalledd). | |
ex | 8483.10 | - drivaksler (herunder kamaksler og veivaksler) og veiver |
- - for motorer til kjøretøyer under kap 84.07 and 84.08 | ||
- - - kamaksler og veivaksler: | ||
- - - - veivaksler til mopedmotorer med største sylindervolum 50 ccm | ||
8483.1019 | - - - - andre | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - til mopedmotorer med største sylindervolum 50 ccm | ||
8483.1029 | - - - - andre | |
8483.1090 | - - andre | |
8483.20 | - lagerhus med isittende kule- eller rullelagre | |
8483.30 | - lagerhus uten isittende kule- eller rullelagre; glidelagre | |
8483.40 | - faste gir og utvekslinger, unntatt tannhjul, kjedehjul og andre kraftoverføringsdeler som foreligger særskilt; kule- eller rulleskruer; regulerbare gir og andre hastighetsvariatorer, herunder momentomformere | |
ex | 8483.60 | - friksjonskoplinger og andre akselkoplinger (herunder universalledd) |
8483.6090 | - for motorer, untatt mopedmotorer med største sylindervolum 50 ccm. | |
85.04 | Elektriske transformatorer, statiske omformere (f.eks. likerettere) og induktorer. | |
- transformatorer med dielektrisk væske: | ||
ex | 8504.21 | - - med ytelse høyst 650 kVA |
8504.2110 | - - - instrument transformatorer | |
ex | 8504.22 | - - med ytelse over 650 kVA, men ikke over 10.000 kVA |
8504.2210 | - - - instrument transformatorer | |
ex | 8504.23 | - - med ytelse over 10.000 kVA |
8504.2310 | - - - instrument transformatorer | |
- Andre transformatorer: | ||
ex | 8504.31 | - - med ytelse høyst 1 kVA |
- - - beregnet for leketøy eller modeller med redusert størrelse for hobby bruk | ||
- - - andre: | ||
8504.3191 | - - - - instrument transformatorer | |
ex | 8504.32 | - - med ytelse over 1 kVA, men ikke over 16 kVA |
- - - beregnet for leketøy eller modeller med redusert størrelse for hobby bruk | ||
- - - andre: | ||
8504.3291 | - - - - instrument transformatorer | |
ex | 8504.33 | - - med ytelse over 16 kVA, men ikke over 500 kVA |
8504.3310 | - - - instrument transformatorer | |
ex | 8504.34 | - - med ytelse over 500 kVA |
8504.3410 | - - - instrument transformatorer | |
8504.90 | - deler | |
85.07 | Elektriske akkumulatorer, herunder skilleplater til slike, også kvadratiske og rektangulære. | |
8507.90 | - deler | |
85.10 | Barbermaskiner, hårklippemaskiner og hårfjerningsapparater, sammenbygd med elektrisk motor. | |
85.11 | Elektrisk start- og tenningsutstyr av det slag som brukes til forbrenningsmotorer med gnist- eller kompresjonstenning (f.eks. tennmagneter, magnetdynamoer, tennspoler, tennplugger, glødeplugger, startmotorer); generatorer (f.eks. dynamoer og vekselstrømsgeneratorer) og vipper av det slag som brukes i forbindelse med slike forbrenningsmotorer. | |
85.12 | Elektrisk lys- og signalutstyr (unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 85.39), elektriske vinduspussere og defrostere, av de slag som brukes til sykler eller motorkjøretøyer. | |
8512.10 | - lysutstyr og visuelt signalutstyr av det slag som brukes på sykler | |
8512.20 | - annet lysutstyr og visuelt signalutstyr | |
ex | 8512.30 | - lydsignalutstyr |
- - sett til signalutstyr nevnt i tilleggsnote 3 til Marokkos tolltariff | ||
8512.3090 | - - andre | |
8512.40 | - vinduspussere og defrostere | |
8512.90 | - deler | |
85.13 | Bærbare, elektriske lykter som virker ved egen strømkilde (f.eks. batterier, akkumulatorer eller dynamoer), unntatt lysutstyr som hører under posisjon 85.12. | |
85.16 | Elektriske varmtvannsberedere, varmtvannsbeholdere og varmekolber; elektriske jord- og romoppvarmingsapparater; elektrotermiske hårpleieapparater (f.eks. hårtørkeapparater, hårkrølleapparater, krølltangvarmere) og håndtørkeapparater; elektriske strykejern; andre elektrotermiske apparater av det slag som brukes i husholdningen; elektriske hetelegemer, unntatt slike som hører under posisjon 85.45. | |
- elektrotermiske hår-, eller handtørke apparater: | ||
8516.31 | - - hårtørrere | |
8516.32 | - - andre apparater for hårbehandling | |
8516.33 | - - håndtørrere | |
8516.40 | - elektriske strykjern | |
8516.50 | - mikrobølgeovner | |
- andre elektro-termiske apparater: | ||
8516.71 | - - kaffe- og tetrakteapparater | |
8516.72 | - - brødristere | |
8516.79 | - - ellers | |
85.17 | Elektriske apparater for linjetelefoni eller linjetelegrafi, herunder linjetelefonapparater med trådløse mikrotelefoner og telekommunikasjonsapparater for bærefrekvenssystemer eller for digitale linjesystemer; bildetelefoner. | |
85.18 | Mikrofoner og stativer dertil; høyttalere, også med kabinett, ramme e.l.; høretelefoner, også kombinert med mikrofon; elektriske hørefrekvensforsterkere; elektriske lydforsterkeranlegg. | |
85.19 | Platespillere uten innebygd forsterker («record-decks»), andre platespillere, kassettspillere og andre apparater for gjengivelse av lyd, uten utstyr for opptak av lyd. | |
85.20 | Magnetiske lydbåndopptakere og andre apparater for opptak av lyd, også med utstyr for gjengivelse av lyd. | |
8520.10 | - dikteringsmaskiner som ikke kan virke uten ytre strømkilde | |
8520.20 | - telefonsvarere | |
- andre magnetiske lydbåndopptakere med utstyr for gjengivelse av lyd: | ||
ex | 8520.32 | - - av digitaltypen |
8520.3210 | - - - fastmonterte apparater for studiobruk til fjernsynsselskaper autoriserte av Marokkanske myndigheter og for Maghreb Arab Press agency | |
ex | 8520.33 | - - andre, av kassettypen |
8520.3310 | - - - fastmonterte apparater for studiobruk til fjernsynsselskaper autoriserte av Marokkanske myndigheter og for Maghreb Arab Press agency | |
8520.39 | - - ellers | |
8520.90 | - andre | |
85.21 | Apparater for opptak eller gjengivelse av videosignaler, også med innebygd videotuner. | |
85.22 | Deler og tilbehør som utelukkende eller fortrinnsvis kan brukes til apparater som hører under posisjonene 85.19 - 85.21. | |
85.23 | Preparert, uinnspilt materiell for opptak av lyd eller liknende opptak av andre fenomener, unntatt varer som hører under kapittel 37. | |
85.24 | Plater, bånd og annet innspilt materiell med lyd eller andre fenomener, herunder matriser for fremstilling av grammofonplater, men unntatt varer som hører under kapittel 37. | |
8524.10 | - grammofonplater | |
- plater for laseravlesningsystemer: | ||
ex | 8524.31 | - - for gjengivelse av andre fenomener enn lyd eller bilde |
- - - for programvare | ||
8424.3190 | - - - andre | |
8524.32 | - - bare for gjengivelse av lyd | |
ex | 8524.39 | - - andre |
8524.3910 | - - - fastmonterte apparater for studiobruk til fjernsynsselskaper autoriserte av Marokkanske myndigheter og for Maghreb Arab Press agency | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - CD-ROM | ||
8524.3999 | - - - - andre | |
ex | 8524.40 | - magnetisk tape for gjengivelse av andre fenomener enn lyd og bilde |
- - for programvare | ||
8524.4090 | - - andre | |
- andre magnetbånd: | ||
8524.51 | - - med største bredde 4 mm | |
8524.52 | - - av bredde over 4 mm, men ikke over 6.5 mm | |
8524.53 | - - med bredde over 6.5 mm | |
ex | 8524.60 | - kort med magnetstripe |
8524.6010 | - - for fjernsynsselskaper autoriserte av Marokkanske myndigheter og for Maghreb Arab Press agency | |
- - andre: | ||
- - - for programvare | ||
8524.6099 | - - - andre: | |
- andre: | ||
ex | 8524.91 | - - for gjengivelse av andre fenomener enn lyd eller bilde |
- - - programvare | ||
8524.9190 | - - - andre | |
8524.99 | - - ellers | |
85.25 | Sendere for radiotelefoni, radiotelegrafi, radiokringkasting eller fjernsyn, også sammenbygd med mottakere eller apparater for opptak eller gjengivelse av lyd; fjernsynskameraer; videokameraer for stillbilder og andre videokameraopptakere. | |
85.26 | Radarapparater, radionavigasjonsapparater og radiofjernstyringsapparater. | |
- andre: | ||
8526.92 | - - radiofjernstyringsapparater | |
85.27 | Mottakere for radiotelefoni, radiotelegrafi eller radiokringkasting, også kombinert i felles kabinett eller kasse med apparater for opptak eller gjengivelse av lyd eller med et ur: | |
85.28 | Mottakere for fjernsyn, også med innebygde radiomottakere for kringkasting eller med apparater for opptak eller gjengivelse av lyd eller videosignaler: videomonitorer og videoprojektorer. | |
85.29 | Deler som utelukkende eller fortrinnsvis kan brukes til apparater som hører under posisjonene 85.25 - 85.28: | |
ex | 8529.10 | - antenner og antennereflektorer av alle slag; deler til slike |
8529.1010 | - - for fjernsynsselskaper autoriserte av marokkanske myndigheter og for Maghreb Arab Press agency | |
- - andre: | ||
- - - antenner: | ||
- - - - for fjernsynsmottakere og dets komponenter | ||
8529.1022 | - - - - - parabolantenner og lignende | |
8529.1029 | - - - - andre | |
8529.1090 | - - - andre | |
8529.90 | - andre | |
85.35 | Elektriske apparater til å slutte, bryte, sikre eller forbinde elektriske strømkretser (f.eks. brytere, sikringer, lynavledere, spenningsbegrensere, støtspenningsdempere, støpsler og koplingsbokser), for spenninger over 1000 V. | |
8535.40 | - lynavledere, spenningsbegrensere og støtspenningsdempere | |
85.39 | Elektriske glødelamper eller lysstofflamper, herunder «sealed beam» lamper og lamper for ultrafiolett eller infrarødt lys; buelamper. | |
85.40 | Elektronrør (varmkatode-, kaldkatode- eller fotokatoderør), herunder vakuumrør og damp- eller gassfylte rør, kvikksølvlikeretterrør, katodestrålerør og rør til fjernsynskameraer. | |
85.44 | Isolert (herunder lakkert eller anodisert) tråd, kabel (herunder koaksialkabel) og andre isolerte, elektriske ledere, også med forbindelsesdeler; optiske fiberkabler sammensatt av fibrer som er skjermet fra hverandre, også med forbindelsesdeler. | |
- tråd til vikling av spoler: | ||
8544.19 | - - andre | |
8544.30 | - - tenningskabelsett og andre kabel-/ledningssett av det slag som brukes i kjøretøyer, luftfartøyer eller skip | |
8544.70 | - optiske fiberkabler | |
85.48 | Avfall og skrap fra galvaniske elementer, batterier og elektriske akkumulatorer; brukte galvaniske elementer og batterier samt brukte elektriske akkumulatorer; elektriske deler til maskiner eller apparater, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted i dette kapittel. | |
87.01 | Traktorer (unntatt traktorer som hører under posisjon 87.09). | |
ex | 8701.20 | - trekkvogner til semitrailere |
- - med gnisttenning, forbrenningsmotorer enten rotasjon eller stempel, stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning | ||
8701.2011 | - - - importerte demonterte, CKD (Completely Knocked Down) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | |
- - med andre motorer | ||
8701.2091 | - - - importerte demonterte, CKD (Completely Knocked Down) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | |
87.02 | Motorkjøretøyer for transport av ti eller flere personer, herunder føreren. | |
ex | 8702.10 | - med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med kompresjonstenning (diesel eller semidiesel). |
- - importerte demonterte, CKD (Completely Knocked Down) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
8702.1010 | - - - med motorer med sylindervolum under 3000 ccm | |
ex | 8702.90 | - andre |
8702.9010 | - - importerte demonterte, CKD (Completely Knocked Down) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | |
87.04 | Motorkjøretøyer for transport av gods. | |
ex | 8704.10 | - dumpere konstruert for bruk utenfor veinettet |
8704.1010 | - - importerte demonterte, CKD (Completely Knocked Down) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene,forbrenningsmotorer med gnist- eller kompresjons-tenning, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | |
- andre, stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning (diesel eller semi-diesel): | ||
ex | 8704.21 | - - med totalvekt høyst 5 tonn |
8704.2110 | - - - importerte demonterte, CKD (Completely Knocked Down) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | |
ex | 8704.22 | - - med totalvekt over 5 tonn, men ikke over 20 tonn |
8704.2210 | - - - importerte demonterte, CKD (Completely Knocked Down) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | |
ex | 8704.23 | - - med totalvekt over 20 tonn |
8704.2310 | - - - importerte demonterte, CKD (Completely Knocked Down) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | |
- andre, med stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med gnisttenning | ||
ex | 8704.31 | - - med totalvekt høyst 5 tonn |
8704.3110 | - - - importerte demonterte, CKD (Completely Knocked Down) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | |
ex | 8704.32 | - - med totalvekt over 5 tonn |
8704.3210 | - - - importerte demonterte, CKD (Completely Knocked Down) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | |
ex | 8704.90 | - andre |
8704.9010 | - - Off- road kjøretøyer med firehjuls-trekk (med differensial gear),importerte demonterte, CKD (Completely Knocked Down) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | |
87.08 | Deler og tilbehør til motorkjøretøyer som hører under posisjonene 87.01 - 87.05. | |
8708.40 | - girkasser | |
8708.50 | - drivaksler med differensial, også utstyrt med andre transmisjonsdeler | |
8708.60 | - bæreaksler og deler dertil | |
8708.70 | - hjul samt deler og tilbehør dertil | |
ex | 8708.80 | - støtdempere |
- - for samlebåndsindustri: traktorer betjent av gående under 87.01, motorkjøretøyer beregnet for transport av personer, også kombinertbiler, med mindre enn 15 sitteplasser, motorkjøretøyer for varetransport, med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med gnisttenning og sylindervolum mindre enn 2800ccm, eller med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med kompresjonstenning med sylindervolum under 2500 ccm, spesialkjøretøyer under 87.05 | ||
- - andre: | ||
- - - monterte | ||
- - - deler: | ||
- - - - aksler, sylindre, understell | ||
8708.8099 | - - - - andre | |
8708.93 | - - clutcher og deler dertil | |
8708.94 | - - ratt, rattstammer og snekkehus | |
87.10 | Tanks og andre motordrevne, pansrede stridsvogner, også utstyrt med våpen, samt deler til slike kjøretøyer. | |
90.01 | Optiske fibrer og optiske fiberbunter; optiske fiberkabler, unntatt de som hører under posisjon 85.44; ark og plater av polariserende materiale; linser (herunder kontaktlinser), prismer, speil og andre optiske elementer, av ethvert materiale, uinnfattede, unntatt slike elementer av ikke-optisk bearbeidet glass. | |
9001.20 | - ark og plater av polariserende materiale | |
9001.30 | - kontaktlinser | |
9001.40 | - brillelinser av glass | |
9001.50 | - brillelinser av andre materialer | |
9001.90 | - andre | |
90.02 | Linser, prismer, speil og andre optiske elementer, av ethvert materiale, innfattede, som utgjør deler eller tilbehør til instrumenter eller apparater, unntatt slike elementer av ikke-optisk bearbeidet glass. | |
90.05 | Kikkerter (monokulære og binokulære) og andre optiske teleskoper samt stativer til slike; andre astronomiske instrumenter og stativer til slike, men ikke instrumenter for radioastronomi. | |
90.06 | Fotoapparater (unntatt filmopptakere); lynlysapparater og lynlyspærer til fotografisk bruk, unntatt lysstofflamper som hører under posisjon 85.39. | |
9006.40 | - fotoapparater for øyeblikksfilm («instant print») | |
- andre kameraer: | ||
9006.51 | - - enøyde speilreflekskameraer (SLR) for rullefilm med bredde høyst 35 mm | |
9006.52 | - - andre, for rullefilm med bredde under 35 mm | |
9006.53 | - - andre, for rullefilm med bredde 35 mm | |
9006.59 | - - ellers | |
- lynlysapparater og lynlyspærer til fotografisk bruk: | ||
9006.61 | - - elektroniske lynlysapparater | |
9006.62 | - - lynlyspærer, lynlysterninger og lignende | |
9006.69 | - - andre | |
- deler og tilbehør: | ||
9006.99 | - - andre | |
90.07 | Filmopptakere og filmfremvisere, med eller uten innebygget apparat for opptak eller gjengivelse av lyd. | |
- filmopptakere: | ||
9007.11 | - - for film med bredde under 16 mm eller for dobbel-8 mm film | |
9007.19 | - - andre | |
ex | 9007.20 | - filmfremvisere |
- - for filmer med bredde under 16 mm: | ||
9007.2011 | - - - for Maghreb Arab Press Agency | |
9007.2019 | - - - andre | |
- - andre: | ||
9007.2020 | - - - for Maghreb Arab Press Agency | |
- deler og tilbehør: | ||
9007.91 | - - for filmopptakere | |
ex | 9007.92 | - - for filmfremvisere |
9007.9210 | - - - for Maghreb Arab Press Agency | |
90.08 | Stillbildeprojektorer; fotografiske forstørrelses- og forminskelsesapparater. | |
90.28 | Forbruks- og produksjonsmålere for gasser, væsker eller elektrisitet, herunder justeringsmålere for nevnte målere. | |
ex | 9028.90 | - deler og tilbehør |
9028.9011 | - - mekanismer til vannmålere | |
91.01 | Armbåndsur, lommeur og lignende ur, herunder stoppeur, med kasse av edelt metall eller av metall plettert med edelt metall. | |
91.02 | Armbåndsur, lommeur og lignende ur, herunder stoppeur, unntatt de som hører under posisjon 91.01. | |
91.03 | Andre ur med lommeurverk, unntatt ur som hører under posisjon 91.04. | |
91.04 | Ur til instrumentbord og lignende ur for kjøretøyer, luftfartøyer, romfartøyer eller båter. | |
91.05 | Andre ur. | |
91.06 | Apparater for regulering, måling eller kontroll av tid, forsynt med urverk eller synkronmotor (f.eks. tidsstemplingsur, tidskontrollur). | |
91.07 | Tidsstrømbrytere med urverk eller synkronmotor. | |
91.08 | Komplette og sammensatte lommeurverk. | |
91.09 | Andre komplette og sammensatte urverk. | |
91.10 | Komplette urverk, usammensatte eller delvis sammensatte (urverksett); ukomplette urverk, sammensatte; råurverk. | |
91.11 | Urkasser og deler dertil, til ur som hører under posisjon 91.01 eller 91.02. | |
91.12 | Andre urkasser og lignende kasser til andre varer som hører under dette kapittel samt deler dertil. | |
91.13 | Urarmbånd og deler dertil. | |
91.14 | Andre urdeler.. | |
92.01 | Pianoer, herunder automatiske pianoer; cembaloer og andre strengeinstrumenter med klaviatur.. | |
92.02 | Andre strengeinstrumenter (f.eks. gitarer, fioliner, harper). | |
92.03 | Pipeorgler med klaviatur; harmonier og lignende instrumenter med klaviatur og med frittsvingende metalltunger. | |
92.04 | Trekkspill og lignende instrumenter; munnspill. | |
92.05 | Andre blåseinstrumenter (f.eks. klarinetter, trompeter, sekkepiper). | |
92.06 | Slaginstrumenter (f.eks. trommer, xylofoner, cymbaler, kastanjetter, maracas). | |
92.07 | Musikkinstrumenter hvor lyden frambringes eller må forsterkes elektrisk (f.eks. orgler, gitarer, trekkspill). | |
92.08 | Spilledåser, orkestrions, lirekasser, mekaniske sangfugler, musikksager og andre musikkinstrumenter som ikke hører under andre posisjoner i dette kapittel; lokkepiper, alle slags; signalfløyter, signalhorn og andre signalinstrumenter som blåses med munn. | |
92.09 | Deler og tilbehør til musikkinstrumenter (f.eks. mekanismer til spilledåser og kort, plater og ruller til mekaniske instrumenter); metronomer, stemmegafler og stemmepiper, alle slags. | |
95.01 | Leketøyskjøretøyer for barn (f.eks. trehjulssykler, sparkesykler, tråbiler); dukkevogner. | |
95.02 | Dukker som utelukkende forestiller mennesker. | |
95.03 | Annet leketøy; miniatyrmodeller og lignende modeller til hobbybruk, også mekaniske; puslespill, alle slags. | |
95.04 | Selskapsspill, herunder spilleautomater og lignende, biljardspill, spesialbord for kasinospill og automatisk utstyr til bowlingbaner. | |
9504.10 | - elektroniske spill (videospill) av det slag som brukes sammen med en fjernsynsmottaker | |
9504.20 | - artikler og tilbehør til biljardspill | |
9504.30 | - andre spill som virker ved hjelp av mynter eller sjetonger, unntatt utstyr til bowlingbaner | |
9504.90 | - andre | |
95.05 | Pynt for høytider, karnevalsartikler eller andre underholdningsartikler, herunder utstyr for tryllekunster samt morosaker. | |
95.06 | Apparater og utstyr for alminnelig fysisk trening, gymnastikk, friidrett, annen sport (herunder bordtennis) eller utendørsspill, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted i dette kapittel; badebasseng og plaskebasseng. | |
- ski (til bruk på snø) og annet skiutstyr: | ||
9506.11 | - - ski | |
9506.12 | - - skibindinger | |
9506.19 | - - andre | |
- vannski, surfingbrett, seilbrett og annet utstyr for vannsport: | ||
9506.21 | - - seilbrett | |
9506.29 | - - annet | |
- golfkøller og annet golfutstyr: | ||
9506.31 | - - køller, komplette | |
9506.32 | - - baller | |
9506.39 | - - annet | |
9506.40 | - artikler og utstyr for bordtennis | |
- racketer for tennis, badminton eller lignende, med eller uten strenger: | ||
9506.51 | - - tennisracketer, med eller uten strenger | |
9506.59 | - - ellers | |
- baller, unntatt golfballer og bordtennisballer: | ||
9506.61 | - - tennisballer | |
9506.62 | - - oppblåsbare baller | |
9506.69 | - - andre | |
9506.70 | - skøyter og rulleskøyter, også med påsittende støvler | |
- andre: | ||
9506.99 | - - ellers | |
95.07 | Fiskestenger, fiskekroker og annet redskap for snørefiske; fiskehåver, sommerfuglhåver og lignende; lokkefugler (unntatt de som hører under posisjon 92.08 eller 97.05) og lignende jaktutstyr. | |
95.08 | Karuseller, husker, skytebaner og annet utstyr til fornøyelsesparker; sirkus, menasjerier og teatre, ambulerende. | |
96.02 | Vegetabilske eller mineralske materialer til utskjæring, bearbeidede samt varer av disse materialer; støpte eller utskårne varer av voks, parafin, stearin, naturlige gummier, naturlige harpikser, modellermasse og andre støpte eller utskårne varer, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; bearbeidet, uherdet gelatin (unntatt gelatin som hører under posisjon 35.03) og varer av uherdet gelatin | |
96.05 | Reiseetuier for toalettbruk, for sying eller for rengjøring av sko eller klær. | |
96.06 | Knapper, trykknapper og lignende, knappeformer og andre deler til disse varer; knappeemner. | |
96.12 | Fargebånd til skrivemaskiner og lignende fargebånd innsatt med farge eller behandlet på annen måte slik at de gir avtrykk, også på spoler eller i kassetter; stempelputer med eller uten eske, også uten farge. | |
96.13 | Sigarettennere og andre tennere, også mekaniske eller elektriske samt deler dertil, unntatt stifter og veker. | |
96.14 | Piper (herunder pipehoder), sigar- og sigarettmunnstykker samt deler dertil. | |
96.17 | Termosflasker og andre vakuumisolerte beholdere, komplette; deler dertil, unntatt glassbeholdere. | |
96.18 | Modellfigurer, utstillingsfigurer og lignende; automatiske eller andre bevegelige gjenstander for vindusutstilling. |
Tabell B til vedlegg III omtalt i artikkel 4, punkt 3 Tollavgifter ved innførsel og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning
Tollavgifter og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning skal ved innførsel til Marokko av produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat opplistet i Tabell B, gradvis avskaffes i samsvar med følgende tidstabell:
tre år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 90 % av basistollsatsen;
fire år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 80 % av basistollsatsen;
fem år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 70 % av basistollsatsen;
seks år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 60 % av basistollsatsen;
syv år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 50 % av basistollsatsen;
åtte år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 40 % av basistollsatsen;
ni år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 30 % av basistollsatsen;
ti år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 20 % av basistollsatsen;
elleve år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 10 % av basistollsatsen;
tolv år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal gjenværende tollavgifter og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning avskaffes.
Tabell 1.27 Tabell B til vedlegg III
62.14 | Sjal, skjerf, halstørklær, mantiljer, slør og liknende varer. | |
6214.20 | - av ull eller fine dyrehår | |
6214.30 | - av syntetiske tekstilfibre | |
6214.40 | - av kunstige tekstilfibre | |
6214.90 | - av andre tekstilmaterialer | |
62.15 | Slips og liknende varer. | |
6215.20 | - av kunstige eller syntetiske tekstilfibrer | |
6215.90 | - av andre tekstilmaterialer | |
62.16 | Hansker, vanter og votter. | |
62.17 | Annet ferdig tilbehør til klær; deler til klær eller deler til tilbehør til klær, unntatt deler som hører under posisjon 62.12. | |
63.01 | Tepper og pledd. | |
63.02 | Sengelinnet, dekketøy, toalett- og kjøkkenhåndklær og liknende. | |
63.03 | Gardiner (herunder draperier) og rullegardiner; gardinkapper og sengeforheng. | |
63.04 | Andre utstyrsvarer, unntatt de som hører under posisjon 94.04. | |
63.05 | Sekker og poser, av det slag som brukes som emballasje. | |
63.06 | Presenninger og markiser; telt; seil til båter, seilbrett eller seilvogner; campingartikler. | |
63.07 | Andre ferdige varer, herunder snittmønstre. | |
6307.10 | - gulvkluter, skurekluter, oppvaskkluter, støvkluter og lignende kluter til rengjøring | |
6307.90 | - ellers | |
63.08 | Sett som består av vevnader og garn, også med tilbehør, til framstilling av tepper, tapisserier, broderte bordduker eller servietter, eller lignende tekstilvarer, i pakninger for detaljsalg. | |
63.10 | Nye eller brukte filler, avfall fra tauverk samt utslitte varer av tauverk, av tekstilmateriale. | |
ex | 6310.10 | - sortert |
6310.1090 | - - andre enn for produksjon av industrivarer eller vaskefiller for industrien | |
ex | 6310.90 | - ellers |
6310.9090 | - - andre enn for produksjon av industrivarer eller vaskefiller for industrien | |
64.01 | Vanntett fottøy med yttersåle og overdel av gummi eller plast, og hvor overdelen verken er festet til sålen eller satt sammen med søm, nagler, stifter, skruer, plugger eller lignende. | |
64.02 | Annet fottøy med yttersåle og overdel av gummi eller plast. | |
64.03 | Fottøy med yttersåle av gummi, plast, lær eller kunstlær og overdel av lær. | |
64.04 | Fottøy med yttersåle av gummi, plast, lær eller kunstlær og overdel av tekstilmateriale. | |
64.05 | Annet fottøy. | |
64.06 | Deler til fottøy (herunder overdeler, også om de er festet til andre såler enn yttersåler); løse innleggssåler, kippekapper og lignende innlegg; gamasjer, leggings og liknende varer samt deler dertil. | |
65.01 | Hatteemner av filt (filtstumper), verken formpresset eller med tildannet brem; plane og sylindriske hatteemner av filt. | |
65.02 | Hatteemner, flettede eller fremstilt ved sammensetting av strimler av ethvert materiale, verken formpressede eller med tildannet brem og heller ikke fórede eller garnerte. | |
65.03 | Hatter og andre hodeplagg av filt, fremstilt av de hatteemner som hører under posisjon 65.01, også fórede eller garnerte. | |
65.04 | Hatter og andre hodeplagg, flettede eller fremstilt ved sammensetting av strimler av ethvert materiale, også fórede eller garnerte. | |
65.05 | Hatter og andre hodeplagg av trikotasje eller av blonder, kniplinger, filt eller andre tekstilmetervarer (men ikke strimler), også fórede eller garnerte; hårnett av ethvert materiale, også fórede eller garnerte. | |
65.06 | Andre hodeplagg, også fórede eller garnerte. | |
65.07 | Svettereimer, fôr, trekk, underformer, hattestell, lueskygger og hakereimer, til hodeplagg. | |
66.01 | Paraplyer og parasoller (herunder stokkparaplyer, hageparasoller og liknende). | |
6601.10 | - hageparasoller eller lignende | |
68.01 | Gatestein, kantstein og heller av naturlig stein (unntatt skifer). | |
68.02 | Bearbeidet monument- og bygningsstein (unntatt skifer) og varer derav, unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 68.01; mosaikkterninger og lignende, av naturlig stein (herunder skifer), også på et underlag; kunstig fargede korn, splinter og pulver av naturlig stein (herunder skifer). | |
68.03 | Bearbeidd skifer og varer av naturlig eller agglomerert skifer. | |
68.04 | Møllesteiner, slipesteiner, slipeskiver og lignende, uten stativer, for sliping, kvessing, polering, avretting eller skjæring, bryne- eller polérsteiner for hånd, og deler dertil, av naturlig stein, av agglomererte, naturlige eller kunstige slipestoffer eller av keramisk materiale, også med deler av andre materialer: | |
68.05 | Naturlige eller kunstige slipestoffer i form av pulver eller korn på underlag av tekstilmateriale, papir, papp eller andre materialer, også tilskåret, sydd eller på annen måte sammenføyd. | |
68.06 | Slaggull, steinull og lignende mineralsk ull; ekspandert vermikulitt, ekspandert leire, skumslagg og lignende ekspanderte mineralske materialer; blandinger og varer av varmeisolerende, lydisolerende eller lydabsorberende mineralske materialer, unntatt slike som hører under posisjon 68.11 eller 68.12 eller kapittel 69: | |
68.07 | Varer av asfalt eller av lignende materialer (f.eks. av petroleumsbitumen eller steinkulltjærebek). | |
68.08 | Plater, paneler, fliser, blokker og lignende varer av vegetabilske fibrer, av halm eller av spon, sagflis eller annet avfall av tre, agglomererte med sement, gips eller andre mineralske bindemidler. | |
68.09 | Varer av gips eller av blandinger på basis av gips. | |
68.10 | Varer av sement, betong eller kunstig stein, også armerte. | |
68.11 | Varer av asbestsement, cellulosesement eller lignende. | |
68.12 | Bearbeidede asbestfibrer; blandinger på basis av asbest eller på basis av asbest og magnesiumkarbonat; varer av slike blandinger eller av asbest (f.eks. tråd, vevnader, klær, hodeplagg, fottøy, pakninger), også forsterkede, unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 68.11 eller 68.13. | |
68.13 | Friksjonsmateriale og varer derav (f.eks. plater, ruller, bånd, segmenter, skiver, ringer, klosser), ikke monterte, til bremser, koblinger eller lignende, på basis av asbest, andre mineralske stoffer eller cellulose, også i forbindelse med tekstilmateriale eller andre materialer. | |
68.14 | Bearbeidet glimmer og varer av glimmer, herunder agglomerert eller rekonstruert glimmer, også på underlag av papir, papp eller andre materialer. | |
68.15 | Varer av stein eller av andre mineralske stoffer (herunder karbonfibrer og varer derav samt varer av torv), ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
6815.20 | - varer av torv | |
- andre varer : | ||
6815.91 | - - som inneholder magnesitt, dolomitt eller kromitt | |
6815.99 | - - ellers | |
69.01 | Murstein, blokker, fliser og andre keramiske varer av kiselholdig fossilmel (f.eks. kiselgur, trippel eller diatoméjord) eller av lignende kiselholdige jordarter. | |
69.02 | Ildfast murstein, ildfaste blokker, fliser og liknende ildfaste, keramiske bygningsvarer, unntatt slike som er fremstilt av kiselholdig fossilmel eller lignende kiselholdige jordarter. | |
6902.20 | - med innhold av mer enn 50 vektprosent aluminiumoksid (Al2O3), silisiumdioksid (SiO2) eller en blanding eller forbindelse av disse produkter | |
6902.90 | - ellers | |
69.03 | Andre ildfaste, keramiske varer (f.eks. retorter, digler, mufler, dyser, stoppere, rør og stenger), unntatt slike som er fremstilt av kiselholdig fossilmel eller lignende kiselholdige jordarter. | |
6903.20 | - med innhold av mer enn 50 vektprosent aluminiumoksid (Al2O3) eller en blanding eller forbindelse av aluminiumoksid og silisiumdioksid (SiO2) | |
6903.90 | - ellers | |
69.04 | Keramiske murstein, blokker, hulstein og lignende. | |
69.05 | Takstein, skorsteinspiper, pipehatter, gesimser, bygningsornamenter og andre keramiske bygningsvarer. | |
69.06 | Rør, renner og rørdeler (fittings), keramiske | |
69.07 | Keramiske golv-, vegg- og bruleggingsfliser, uglasserte; keramiske mosaikkterninger og liknende, uglasserte, også på et underlag. | |
69.08 | Keramiske golv-, vegg- og bruleggingsfliser, glasserte; keramiske mosaikkterninger og lignende, glasserte, også på et underlag: | |
69.10 | Oppvaskkummer, vasker, vaskeunderstell, badekar, bidet- og klosettskåler, spylesisterner, urinaler og lignende sanitærutstyr for fast installasjon, av keramiske materialer. | |
69.11 | Bordservise, kjøkkenutstyr og andre husholdningsartikler samt toalettartikler, av porselen. | |
69.12 | Bordservise, kjøkkenutstyr og andre husholdningsartikler samt toalettartikler, av andre keramiske materialer enn porselen. | |
69.13 | Statuetter og andre dekorasjonsartikler, av keramiske materialer. | |
70.07 | Sikkerhetsglass som består av herdet eller laminert glass. | |
70.09 | Speil av glass, med eller uten ramme, herunder kjørespeil og lignende. | |
70.10 | Ballonger, flasker, flakonger, krukker, ampuller og andre beholdere, av glass, av det slag som brukes til transport eller emballering av varer; konserveringsglass; propper, lokk og andre lukkeanordninger, av glass. | |
7010.10 | - ampuller | |
7010.20 | - propper, lokk og andre lukkeanordninger | |
- ellers, med rominnhold: | ||
7010.91 | - - over 1 l: | |
7010.92 | - - over 0.33 l men høyst 1 l: | |
ex | 7010.93 | - - over 0,15 l, men høyst 0,33 l: |
- - - ballonger, flasker, kolber, mugger, krukker, ampuller for tabletter og andre beholdere av typen brukt for oppbevaring eller pakking av varer | ||
- - - - av gjennomsiktig glass, ikke gravert eller gjort gjenstand for matting, kun dekorert ved støping, med rominnhold mindre enn 260 centiliter: | ||
- - - - - for detaljsalgspakking av farmasøytiske produkter , importert på vegne av berørt industri | ||
- - - - - for konservering av blod og humant plasma og importert av eller på vegne av den nasjonale blodbank | ||
7010.9320 | - - - - av gjennomsiktig glass, ikke gravert eller gjort gjenstand for matting, kun dekorert ved støping, for detaljsalgspakking av farmasøytiske produkter , importert på vegne av berørt industri | |
7010.9330 | - - - - av glass med lav ekspansjonskoeffisient | |
7010.9340 | - - - - andre | |
7010.9390 | - - - andre | |
ex | 7010.94 | - - ikke over 0.15 l |
- - - ballonger, flasker, kolber, mugger, krukker, ampuller for tabletter og andre beholdere av typen brukt for oppbevaring eller pakking av varer: | ||
- - - - av gjennomsiktig glass, ikke gravert eller gjort gjenstand for matting, kun dekorert ved støping, med rominnhold mindre enn 260 centiliter : | ||
- - - - - for detaljsalg pakking av farmasøytiske produkter , importert på vegne av berørt industri | ||
- - - - - for konservering av blod og humant plasma og importert av eller på vegne av den nasjonale blodbank | ||
7010.9420 | - - - - av gjennomsiktig glass, ikke gravert eller gjort gjenstand for matting, kun dekorert ved støping, for detaljsalgspakking av farmasøytiske produkter , importert på vegne av berørt industri | |
7010.9430 | - - - - av glass med lav ekspansjonskoeffisient | |
7010.9440 | - - - - andre | |
7010.9490 | - - - andre | |
70.13 | Husholdnings- og toalettartikler, kontorutstyr, innendørs dekorasjonsgjenstander eller lignende, av glass (unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 70.10 eller 70.18). | |
70.20 | Andre varer av glass. | |
72.10 | Flatvalsede produkter av jern eller ulegert stål, med bredde minst 600 mm, med plettering, belegg eller overdrag. | |
- belagt eller overtrukket med tinn : | ||
ex | 7210.11 | - - med tykkelse over 0,5 mm |
7210.1110 | - - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent tilsammen | |
7210.1120 | - - - andre, kuttet til kvadrater eller rektangler, ikke videre bearbeidet | |
- - - andre: | ||
7210.1191 | - - - - tinnplater med innsnitt | |
ex | 7210.12 | - - med tykkelse under 0.5 mm |
7210.1210 | - - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent tilsammen | |
7210.1220 | - - - andre, kuttet til kvadrater eller rektangler, ikke videre bearbeidet | |
- - - andre: | ||
7210.1291 | - - - - tinnplater med innsnitt | |
7210.20 | - belagt eller overtrukket med bly, herunder mattblikk | |
7210.30 | - elektrolytisk belagt eller overtrukket med sink | |
- belagt eller overtrukket med sink på annen måte: | ||
7210.41 | - - korrugerte | |
7210.49 | - - andre | |
7210.70 | - malt, lakkert eller plastbelagt | |
7210.90 | - andre | |
72.12 | Flatvalsede produkter av jern eller ulegert stål, med bredde under 600 mm, med plettering, belegg eller overdrag. | |
7212.20 | - elektrolytisk belagt eller overtrukket med sink | |
7212.30 | - belagt eller overtrukket med sink på annen måte: | |
ex | 7212.40 | - malt, lakkert eller plastbelagt |
7212.4010 | - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent tilsammen | |
7212.4020 | - - andre, kalt magnetiske | |
- - andre: | ||
- - - med maksimum bredde 500 mm og største tykkelse 6 mm men ikke over en tidel av bredden: | ||
- - - - malt, polert, plettert eller dekket med plastikk, kan være korrugert, men ikke ytterligere bearbeidet | ||
7212.4039 | - - - - andre | |
- - - andre | ||
7212.4091 | - - - - malt, polert, plettert eller dekket med plastikk, kan være korrugert, men ikke ytterligere bearbeidet | |
7212.4099 | - - - - andre | |
ex | 7212.50 | - belagt eller overtrukket på annen måte |
- - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent tilsammen | ||
- - andre, kalt magnetiske | ||
- - andre: | ||
- - - med maksimum bredde 500 mm og største tykkelse 6 mm men ikke over en tidel av bredden: | ||
- - - - plettert eller dekket, også korrugert, men ikke videre bearbeidet: | ||
- - - - - plettert med edelt metall | ||
- - - - - emaljert | ||
- - - - - tilsatt bly | ||
- - - - - andre (kobberplettert, kunstig oksydert, nikkel-plettert, parkesert, trykket etc.) | ||
7212.5040 | - - - - andre | |
- - - andre: | ||
7212.5051 | - - - - plettert eller dekket med bly, med en slett overflate, ikke videre bearbeidet, med bredde under 0,5 mm | |
7212.5052 | - - - - plettert eller dekket med bly, korrugert, ikke videre bearbeidet, med bredde under 0,5 mm | |
7212.5059 | - - - - andre, plettert eller dekket med bly, kan være korrugert, ikke videre bearbeidet | |
- - - - på annen måte plettert eller dekket også korrugert, ikke videre bearbeidet | ||
- - - - - plettert med edelt metall | ||
- - - - - emaljert | ||
7212.5063 | - - - - - plettert eller belagt med krom og preget | |
- - - - - plettert eller belagt med krom | ||
- - - - - andre | ||
7212.5090 | - - - - andre | |
ex | 7212.60 | - plettert |
- - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent til sammen | ||
- - andre: | ||
- - - med maksimum bredde 500 mm og største tykkelse 6 mm men ikke over en tidel av bredden: | ||
- - - - belagt, også korrugert, ikke videre bearbeidet | ||
7212.6030 | - - - - andre | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - belagt, også korrugert, ikke videre bearbeidet | ||
7212.6099 | - - - - andre | |
72.13 | Stenger av jern eller ulegert stål, varmvalsede, i uregelmessig oppkveilede ringer eller ruller. | |
ex | 7213.10 | - som inneholder fordypninger, rifler, riller eller liknende fremkommet under valseprosessen |
7213.1090 | - - med ett vinkelrett snitt i form av en ellipse eller et modifisert rektangel | |
- andre: | ||
ex | 7213.91 | - - med ett sirkelrundt tverrsnitt som måler under 14 mm i diameter |
7213.9190 | - - - som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon | |
72.14 | Andre stenger av jern eller ulegert stål, smidde, varmvalsede, varmtrukne eller varmstrengpressede, også de som er vridde etter valsingen, men ikke videre bearbeidde. | |
ex | 7214.20 | - som inneholder fordypninger, rifler, riller eller liknende fremkommet under valseprosessen, eller vridd etter valsing |
7214.2090 | - - med ett vinkelrett snitt i form av en ellipse eller et modifisert rektangel | |
- andre: | ||
ex | 7214.99 | - - andre |
- - - med ett vinkelrett snitt i form av en ellipse eller et modifisert rektangel | ||
7214.9991 | - - - armeringsjern | |
72.15 | Andre stenger av jern eller ulegert stål. | |
ex | 7215.50 | - andre, ikke videre bearbeidde enn kaldbearbeidde eller kalibrerte |
- - med ett vinkelrett snitt i form av en ellipse eller et modifisert rektangel | ||
- - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent til sammen | ||
- - - andre: | ||
7215.5021 | - - - - med tverrsnitt ikke over 13 mm, trukket | |
7215.5029 | - - - - andre | |
ex | 7215.90 | - andre |
- - med ett vinkelrett snitt i form av en ellipse eller et modifisert rektangel | ||
- - - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent til sammen | ||
7215.9019 | - - - andre | |
72.17 | Tråd av jern eller ulegert stål. | |
ex | 7217.10 | - ikke belagt eller overtrukket, også polert |
- - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent til sammen | ||
7217.1020 | - - andre, med diameter over 4 mm men ikke over 6,5 mm, som inneholder under 0,17 % karbon, som inneholder under 0,5 % mangan, som inneholder ikke over 0,02 % svovel, som inneholder ikke over 0.02 % fosfor, som inneholder ikke over 0,05 % silisium | |
7217.1090 | - - andre | |
ex | 7217.20 | - belagt eller overtrukket med sink |
- - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent til sammen | ||
- - andre | ||
- - - med diameter ikke over 0,85 mm | ||
7217.2099 | - - - andre | |
ex | 7217.30 | - belagt eller overtrukket med andre uedle metaller |
- - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent til sammen | ||
- - andre | ||
7217.3091 | - - - andre enn plettert eller belagt med kobber for sveising, i ruller | |
ex | 7217.90 | - andre |
- - av stål som inneholder minst 0,6 vektprosent karbon, med innhold av enten svovel eller fosfor under 0,04 vektprosent hver, og ikke over 0,07 vektprosent til sammen | ||
- - andre, på annen måte plettert eller belagt | ||
7217.9090 | - - andre | |
73.01 | Spundveggjern av jern eller stål, også med hull eller sammensatte; sveisede profiler av jern eller stål. | |
7301.20 | - profiler | |
73.05 | Andre rør (f.eks. sveisede, naglede eller falsede) med sirkelrunde tverrsnitt og med ytre diameter over 406,4 mm, av jern eller stål. | |
- rør av det slag som brukes til olje- eller gassledninger («pipelines»): | ||
ex | 7305.11 | - - sveisede på langs med pulverdekket lysbue |
7305.1110 | - - - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - - andre: | ||
7305.1191 | - - - - konisk | |
ex | 7305.12 | - - andre, sveisede på langs |
7305.1210 | - - - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - - andre: | ||
7305.1291 | - - - - konisk | |
ex | 7305.19 | - - ellers |
7305.1910 | - - - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - - andre: | ||
7305.1991 | - - - - konisk | |
ex | 7305.20 | - fôringsrør av det slag som brukes ved boring etter olje eller gass |
7305.2010 | - - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - andre: | ||
7305.2091 | - - - konisk | |
- andre, sveisede: | ||
ex | 7305.31 | - - andre, sveisede på langs |
7305.3110 | - - - med indre diameter over 400 mm, og med veggtykkelse over 10,5 mm | |
7305.3120 | - - - andre, med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - - ellers: | ||
7305.3191 | - - - - konisk | |
ex | 7305.39 | - - ellers |
7305.3910 | - - - med indre diameter over 400 mm, og med veggtykkelse over 10,5 mm | |
7305.3920 | - - - andre, med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - - andre: | ||
7305.3991 | - - - - konisk | |
ex | 7305.90 | - ellers |
7305.9010 | - - med indre diameter over 400 mm, og med veggtykkelse over 10,5 mm | |
7305.9020 | - - andre, med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - ellers: | ||
7305.9091 | - - - konisk | |
73.06 | Andre rør og hule profiler (f.eks. med åpen søm, sveisede, naglede eller falsede), av jern eller stål. | |
ex | 7306.10 | - rør av det slag som brukes til olje- eller gassledninger («pipelines«): |
7306.1010 | - - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - andre: | ||
7306.1091 | - - - i pyramideform eller konisk form med sirkelformet tverrsnitt | |
ex | 7306.20 | - fôringsrør og produksjonsrør av det slag som brukes ved boring etter olje eller gass |
7306.2010 | - - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - andre: | ||
7306.2091 | - - - i pyramideform eller konisk form med sirkelformet tverrsnitt | |
ex | 7306.30 | - andre, sveisede, med sirkelrundt tverrsnitt, av jern eller ulegert stål |
7306.3010 | - - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - andre: | ||
7306.3091 | - - - konisk | |
ex | 7306.40 | - andre, sveisede, med sirkelrundt tverrsnitt, av rustfritt stål |
7306.4010 | - - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - andre: | ||
7306.4091 | - - - konisk | |
ex | 7306.50 | - andre, sveisede, med sirkelrundt tverrsnitt, av annet legert stål |
7306.5010 | - - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - andre: | ||
7306.5091 | - - - konisk | |
ex | 7306.60 | - andre, sveisede, med annet tverrsnitt enn sirkelrundt |
7306.6010 | - - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - andre: | ||
7306.6091 | - - - med pyramideform | |
ex | 7306.90 | - andre |
7306.9010 | - - med tykkelse ikke over 4 mm | |
- - andre: | ||
7306.9091 | - - - pyramidisk; konisk form med sirkelrundt tverrsnitt | |
73.07 | Rørdeler (fittings) (f.eks. forbindelsesstykker, knær, muffer) av jern eller stål. | |
73.08 | Jern- og stålkonstruksjoner (unntatt prefabrikerte bygninger som hører under posisjon 94.06) og deler dertil (f.eks. bruer og bruseksjoner, sluseporter, tårn, master, tak, taksperrer, dører og vinduer samt rammer og karmer dertil og dørterskler, skodder, rekkverk, søyler og pilarer), av jern eller stål; plater, stenger, profiler, rør og lignende av jern eller stål, bearbeidde til bruk i konstruksjoner. | |
ex 73.09 | Tanker, kar og lignende beholdere, av jern eller stål, for ethvert materiale (unntatt beholdere for komprimerte eller flytende gasser), med rominnhold over 300 liter, også fóret eller varmeisolert, men uten mekanisk eller termisk utstyr. | |
7309.0010 | - for transport og pakking | |
7309.0020 | - andre: | |
- - for gasser | ||
- - for væsker | ||
- - - med isolerende dekke | ||
7309.0039 | - - - andre | |
7309.0080 | - - for tørrvarer | |
73.10 | Tanker, fat, tromler, spann, bokser, esker og lignende beholdere, av jern eller stål, for ethvert materiale (unntatt beholdere for komprimerte eller flytendegasser), med rominnhold høyst 300 liter, også fóret eller varmeisolert, men uten mekanisk eller termisk utstyr. | |
ex 73.11 | Beholdere av jern eller stål for komprimerte eller flytende gasser. | |
- sømløs | ||
7311.0090 | - ellers | |
73.12 | Tau, liner, kabler, flettede bånd, stropper og lignende, av jern eller stål, uten elektrisk isolasjon. | |
ex | 7312.10 | - tau, liner og kabler |
- - tau og kabler bestående av stålwire belagt eller dekket, med høy bruddstyrke (120 kg pr. mm2 eller mer), med diameter ikke over 1,4 mm | ||
- - flertrådet kabel bestående av stålwire, messingbelagt eller dekket, med bruddstyrke over 200 kg pr. mm2 | ||
7312.1090 | - - ellers | |
7312.90 | - andre | |
73.13 | Piggtråd av jern eller stål; vridd, flat tråd eller bånd, med eller uten pigger, samt løst snodd, dobbel tråd av det slag som brukes til gjerdetråd, av jern eller stål. | |
73.14 | Duk (også endeløs), gitter og netting av jern- eller ståltråd; strekkmetall av jern eller stål. | |
73.17 | Spiker, stifter, tegnestifter, bølgestifter, kramper (unntatt de heftestifter som hører under posisjon 83.05) og lignende varer, av jern eller stål, også med hode av annet materiale, men unntatt slike varer med hode av kopper. | |
73.18 | Skruer, bolter, muttere, skinneskruer (franske treskruer), skruekroker, nagler, kiler, splittpinner, underlagsskiver (herunder sprengskiver) og lignende varer, av jern eller stål. | |
- gjengede varer : | ||
7318.11 | - - skinneskruer (franske treskruer) | |
ex | 7318.12 | - - andre treskruer |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7318.1290 | - - - andre | |
ex | 7318.13 | - - skruekroker og øyeskruer |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7318.1390 | - - - andre | |
ex | 7318.14 | - - selvgjengende skruer |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7318.1490 | - - - andre | |
ex | 7318.15 | - - andre skruer og bolter, også med tilhørende muttere eller underlagsskiver |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7318.1590 | - - - other | |
ex | 7318.16 | - - muttere |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7318.1690 | - - - andre | |
ex | 7318.19 | - - andre |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7318.1990 | - - - andre | |
- ugjengede varer : | ||
ex | 7318.21 | - - sprengskiver og andre låseskiver |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7318.2190 | - - - andre | |
ex | 7318.22 | - - andre underlagsskiver |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7318.2290 | - - - andre | |
ex | 7318.23 | - - nagler |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
- - - andre | ||
- - - - av automatstål, med stammetykkelse av eller gjennomgående ikke over 6 mm i diameter | ||
7318.2321 | - - - - - nagler uten hode og lignende | |
7318.2329 | - - - - - andre | |
- - - - andre: | ||
7318.2391 | - - - - - nagler uten hode og lignende varer | |
7318.2399 | - - - - - andre | |
ex | 7318.24 | - - kiler og splittpinner |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7318.2490 | - - - andre | |
ex | 7318.29 | - - andre |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7318.2990 | - - - andre | |
73.20 | Fjærer og fjærblad av jern eller stål. | |
73.21 | Ovner (herunder slike som kan benyttes til sentraloppvarming), kaminer, komfyrer, griller, kullpanner, gassapparater, tallerkenvarmere og lignende ikke-elektriske husholdningsapparater samt deler dertil, av jern eller stål. | |
- apparater for matlaging samt tallerkenvarmere: | ||
7321.11 | - - for gass eller både for gass og annet brensel | |
7321.12 | - - for flytende brensel | |
7321.13 | - - for fast brensel | |
- andre apparater: | ||
7321.81 | - - for gass eller både for gass og annet brensel | |
7321.82 | - - for flytende brensel | |
7321.83 | - - for fast brensel | |
ex | 7321.90 | - deler |
- - gass brennere med 6, 8 eller 12 rettlinjede elementer | ||
7321.9090 | - - ellers | |
73.22 | Radiatorer for sentraloppvarming, ikke elektrisk oppvarmet, og deler dertil, av jern eller stål; varmluftaggregater og varmluftfordelere (herunder apparater som også kan avgi frisk eller kondisjonert luft), ikke elektrisk oppvarmet, med motordrevet vifte eller blåser, samt deler dertil, av jern eller stål. | |
73.23 | Husholdningsartikler og deler dertil, av jern eller stål; stålull; gryteskrubber, skure- og pussehansker og lignende, av jern eller stål. | |
73.24 | Sanitærartikler og deler dertil, av jern eller stål. | |
73.25 | Andre støpte varer av jern eller stål. | |
73.26 | Andre varer av jern eller stål. | |
74.08 | Tråd av kobber. | |
- av raffinert kobber: | ||
ex | 7408.19 | - - annen |
7408.1910 | - - - formet ved utpressing eller trekking | |
- av kobberlegeringer: | ||
ex | 7408.21 | - - av legeringer av kobber-sink (messing) |
- - - med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
- - - - med rektangulært tverrsnitt ikke over 6 mm | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
7408.2121 | - - - - - pressformet eller trukket | |
- - - - - ellers | ||
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - av kobberlegering med minst 10 % sink | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - valset, pressformet eller trukket, ikke videre bearbeidet, også avskallet: | ||
- - - - - - med største tverrsnitt 15 mm: | ||
7408.2149 | - - - - - - andre | |
- - - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - - plettert med sølv eller gull | ||
7408.2199 | - - - - - - andre | |
ex | 7408.22 | - - av legeringer av kobber-nikkel (kupro-nikkel) eller av legeringer av kobber-nikkel-sink (nysølv) |
- - - av nikkellegeringer, som inneholder mer enn 10 % nikkel | ||
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
7408.2221 | - - - - - pressformet eller trukket | |
- - - - - ellers | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - av kobberlegering med minst 10 % sink | ||
- - - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - - valset, pressformet eller trukket, ikke videre bearbeidet, også avskallet: | ||
- - - - - - - med største tverrsnitt 15 mm: | ||
7408.2249 | - - - - - - - andre | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - - - plettert med sølv eller gull | ||
7408.2299 | - - - - - - - andre | |
ex | 7408.29 | - - annen |
- - - av legeringer som inneholder mer enn 10 % nikkel | ||
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
7408.2921 | - - - - - pressformet eller trukket | |
- - - - - ellers | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - av kobberlegering med minst 10 % sink | ||
- - - - - av kobber-beryllium legering | ||
- - - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - - valset, pressformet eller trukket, ikke videre bearbeidet, også avskallet: | ||
- - - - - - - med største tverrsnitt 15 mm | ||
7408.2949 | - - - - - - - andre | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - - - plettert med sølv eller gull | ||
7408.2999 | - - - - - - - andre | |
74.11 | Rør av kobber. | |
74.12 | Rørdeler (fittings) (f.eks. forbindelsesstykker, knær, muffer) av kobber. | |
74.13 | Tau, liner, kabler, flettede bånd og lignende varer av kobber, uten elektrisk isolasjon. | |
74.14 | Duk (også endeløs), gitter og netting av kobbertråd; strekkmetall av kobber. | |
74.15 | Spiker, stifter, tegnestifter, kramper (unntatt de heftestifter som hører under posisjon 83.05) og lignende varer, av kobber eller av jern eller stål med hode av kobber; skruer, bolter, muttere, skruekroker, nagler, kiler, splittpinner, underlagsskiver (herunder sprengskiver) og lignende varer, av kobber. | |
7415.10 | - spiker og stifter, tegnestifter, kramper og lignende varer | |
- andre varer, ikke gjengede : | ||
ex | 7415.21 | - - underlagsskiver (herunder sprengskiver) |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av, eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
- - - av automatstål, med stammetykkelse av eller gjennomgående ikke over 6 mm i diameter | ||
7415.2121 | - - - - stoppskiver og sprengskiver | |
7415.2129 | - - - - andre | |
- - - andre | ||
7415.2191 | - - - - stoppskiver og undelagsskiver | |
7415.2199 | - - - - andre | |
ex | 7415.29 | - - ellers |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av, eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
- - - av automatstål, med stammetykkelse av eller gjennomgående ikke over 6 mm i diameter | ||
7415.2921 | - - - - nagler uten hode og lignende varer | |
7415.2929 | - - - - andre | |
- - - andre: | ||
7415.2991 | - - - - nagler uten hode og lignende varer | |
7415.2999 | - - - - andre | |
- andre varer, gjengede : | ||
ex | 7415.31 | - - treskruer |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av, eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7415.3190 | - - - andre | |
ex | 7415.32 | - - andre skruer; bolter og muttere |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av, eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7415.3290 | - - - andre | |
ex | 7415.39 | - - andre |
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av, eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7415.3990 | - - - andre | |
74.16 | Fjærer av kobber. | |
74.17 | Koke- og varmeapparater av de slag som brukes i husholdningen, ikke elektriske, samt deler dertil, av kobber. | |
74.18 | Husholdningsartikler og deler dertil av kobber; gryteskrubber, skure- og pussehansker og lignende varer av kobber; sanitærartikler og deler dertil av kobber. | |
74.19 | Andre varer av kobber. | |
7419.10 | - kjeder og kjettinger samt deler dertil | |
- andre : | ||
ex | 7419.91 | - - støpte, utstansede eller smidde, men ikke videre bearbeidete |
7419.9110 | - - - reservoar, tanker, kjeler og lignende beholdere for hvilket som helst materiale (unntatt komprimert eller flytende gass) av kobber, med rominnhold over 300 liter, ikke utstyrt med mekanisk eller termisk utstyr, også kledd eller isolert | |
7419.9120 | - - - tilbehør for kraftlinjer og trekking av disse (opphengsdetaljer, festeanordninger, løftebommer etc.) | |
- - - messing plater, matriser og upregede mynter av messing, matriser for produksjon av urskiver | ||
7419.9140 | - - - pyntegjenstander | |
7419.9190 | - - - andre | |
ex | 7419.99 | - - ellers |
7419.9910 | - - - reservoirer, tanker, kjeler og lignende beholdere for hvilket som helst materiale (unntatt komprimert eller flytende gass) av kobber, med rominnhold over 300 liter, ikke utstyrt med mekanisk eller termisk utstyr, også kledd eller isolert | |
7419.9920 | - - - tilbehør for kraftlinjer og trekking av disse (opphengsdetaljer, festeanordninger, løftebommer etc.) | |
- - - messing plater, matriser og upregede mynter av messing, matriser for produksjon av urskiver | ||
7419.9940 | - - - pyntegjenstander | |
7419.9990 | - - - ellers | |
75.08 | Andre varer av nikkel. | |
7508.10 | - duk, gitter og netting, av nikkeltråd | |
ex | 7508.90 | - andre |
- - anoder for galvanisering også slike fremstilt ved elektrolyttisk avleiring, ikke videre bearbeidet | ||
- - spiker, stifter korrugert spiker, øyestifter og lignende, (varer for stifting og skruing) og underlagsskive også sprengskiver og stoppskiver: | ||
- - - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av, eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7508.9029 | - - - andre | |
7508.9030 | - - dekketøy og pyntegjenstander | |
7508.9090 | - - ellers | |
76.04 | Stenger og profiler av aluminium. | |
ex | 7604.10 | - av ulegert aluminium |
7604.1010 | - - hule profiler | |
- - andre, med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
7604.1020 | - - - pressformet eller trukket | |
- - - valsede: | ||
7604.1039 | - - - - belagt eller dekket | |
- - andre: | ||
- - - valset, pressformet eller trukket, ikke videre bearbeidet, også avskallet: | ||
- - - - stenger med største tverrsnitt 15 mm | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
7604.1059 | - - - - - profiler | |
- - - andre: | ||
7604.1099 | - - - - profiler | |
- av aluminiums-legeringer: | ||
7604.21 | - - hule profiler | |
ex | 7604.29 | - - andre |
- - - produkter med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
7604.2910 | - - - - valset, pressformet eller trukket, ikke videre bearbeidet, også avskallet: | |
- - - - valsede: | ||
7604.2929 | - - - - - belagt eller dekket | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - valset, pressformet eller trukket, ikke videre bearbeidet, også avskallet: | ||
- - - - - stenger med største tverrsnitt 15 mm | ||
- - - - - andre: | ||
7604.2949 | - - - - - - profiler | |
- - - - andre: | ||
7604.2999 | - - - - - profiler | |
76.05 | Tråd av aluminium. | |
ex | 7605.19 | - - annen |
- - - tråd med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
7605.1910 | - - - - pressformet eller trukket | |
- - - - valsede: | ||
7605.1929 | - - - - - belagt eller dekket | |
- av aluminiums-legeringer : | ||
ex | 7605.29 | - - annen |
- - - med største tverrsnitt 6 mm: | ||
7605.2910 | - - - - pressformet eller trukket | |
- - - - valsede: | ||
7605.2929 | - - - - - belagt eller dekket | |
76.07 | Folier av aluminium (også trykte eller med underlag av papir, papp, plast eller lignende materiale), med tykkelse høyst 0,2 mm (underlag ikke medregnet). | |
- uten underlag : | ||
ex | 7607.19 | - - andre |
- - - ikke videre bearbeidet enn hamret eller kunstig oksydert | ||
7607.1990 | - - - andre | |
7607.20 | - med underlag | |
76.08 | Rør av aluminium. | |
76.09 | Rørdeler (fittings) (f.eks. forbindelsesstykker, knær, muffer) av aluminium. | |
76.10 | Konstruksjoner av aluminium (unntatt prefabrikerte bygninger som hører under posisjon 94.06) og deler dertil (f.eks. bruer, bruseksjoner, tårn, master, tak, taksperrer, dører og vinduer samt rammer og karmer dertil og dørterskler, rekkverk, søyler og pilarer); plater, stenger, profiler, rør og lignende av aluminium, bearbeidete til bruk i konstruksjoner. | |
76.11 | Tanker, kar og lignende beholdere, av aluminium, for ethvert materiale (unntatt beholdere for komprimerte eller flytende gasser), med rominnhold over 300 liter, også fóret eller varmeisolert, men uten mekanisk eller termisk utstyr. | |
76.12 | Tanker, fat, tromler, spann, bokser, esker og lignende beholdere, av aluminium (herunder rørformede beholdere og tuber), for ethvert materiale (unntatt beholdere for komprimerte eller flytende gasser), med rominnhold høyst 300 liter, også fóret eller varmeisolert, men uten mekanisk eller termisk utstyr. | |
76.13 | Beholdere av aluminium for komprimerte eller flytende gasser. | |
76.14 | Tau, liner, kabler, flettede bånd og lignende varer, av aluminium, uten elektrisk isolasjon. | |
76.15 | Husholdningsartikler og deler dertil, av aluminium; gryteskrubber, skure- og pussehansker og lignende, av aluminium; sanitærartikler og deler dertil, av aluminium. | |
76.16 | Andre varer av aluminium. | |
ex | 7616.10 | - spiker, stifter, kramper (unntatt de hakestifter som hører under posisjon 83.05), skruer, bolter, muttere, skruekroker, nagler, kiler, splittpinner, underlagsskiver og lignende varer |
- - for å feste ortopedisk materiale eller for kirurgisk og/eller medisinsk bruk, importert av eller på vegne av, profesjonelle brukere | ||
7616.1020 | - - skruer, muttere, nagler, skiver og lignendet, med stammetykkelse av eller største tykkelse 6 mm | |
7616.1090 | - - ellers | |
- andre : | ||
7616.91 | - - duk, gitter, netting av aluminiumtråd | |
ex | 7616.99 | - - ellers |
- - - spiler til korsetter, og lignende utstyr og tilbehør til klær | ||
7616.9920 | - - - nett og gjerder, uttrukket | |
7616.9930 | - - - spoler, bobiner, trådsneller og lignende | |
7616.9940 | - - - tilbehør for kraftlinjer og trekking av disse (opphengsdetaljer, festeanordninger, løftebommer etc.) | |
- - - skiver, underlagsskiver, upregede mynter små ringer med diameter over 6 mm | ||
7616.9960 | - - - pyntegjenstander | |
7616.9990 | - - - andre | |
79.06 | Rør og rørdeler (fittings) (f.eks. forbindelsesstykker, knær, muffer), av sink. | |
79.07 | Andre varer av sink. | |
7907.0010 | - små ringer og skiver, også sekskantede former, senksmidd senkeformet fra metallformer på samlebåndet, produkter i rå form gjenging eller senksmiing, stykker av sink, importert på vegne av batteriprodusenter | |
- anoder | ||
7907.0090 | - andre | |
80.03 | Stenger, profiler og tråd av tinn. | |
80.04 | Plater og bånd av tinn, med tykkelse over 0,2 mm. | |
80.05 | Folier av tinn (også trykte eller med et underlag av papir, papp, plast eller liknende materiale), med tykkelse høyst 0,2 mm (underlag ikke medregnet); pulver og flak av tinn. | |
80.06 | Rør og rørdeler (fittings) (f.eks. forbindelsesstykker, knær, muffer), av tinn. | |
80.07 | Andre varer av tinn. | |
82.01 | Håndverktøy og håndredskaper av følgende slag: spader, skuffer, rotøkser, hakker, skyfler, greip, høygafler, river og raker; økser og lignende hoggeredskaper; beskjæresakser, alle slags; ljåer, sigder, hekksakser, tømmerkiler og andre håndredskaper av de slag som brukes i jord-, hage- eller skogbruk. | |
8201.10 | - spader og skuffer | |
8201.30 | - rotøkser, hakker, skyfler, river og raker | |
8201.40 | - økser og lignende hoggeredskaper | |
8201.90 | - andre håndredskaper av de slag som brukes i jord-, hage- eller skogbruk | |
82.02 | Håndsager; blad for alle slags sager (herunder spalte- og slissesagblad og sagblad uten tenner) | |
8202.20 | - båndsagblad | |
- sirkelsagblad (herunder spalte- og slissesagblad): | ||
8202.31 | - - med arbeidende del av stål | |
8202.39 | - - andre, herunder deler | |
8202.40 | - kjedesagblad | |
- andre sagblad: | ||
8202.91 | - - rette sagblad for metallbearbeiding | |
8202.99 | - - ellers | |
82.05 | Håndverktøy eller håndredskaper (herunder glasskjærediamanter), ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; blåselamper; skrustikker, skrutvinger og lignende, unntatt deler og tilbehør til verktøymaskiner; ambolter; feltesser; slipeskiver og slipesteiner med stativ, for hånd- eller fotkraft. | |
8205.20 | - hammere og slegger | |
ex | 8205.59 | - - ellers |
8205.5910 | - - - mureskje | |
- - - annet | ||
8205.5920 | - - - - urmakerverktøy | |
8205.5940 | - - - - diamantskjærer | |
82.09 | Umonterte plater, spisser, skjær og lignende for verktøy, av cermeter. | |
82.11 | Kniver som ikke hører under noen annen posisjon i dette kapittel, med skjærende egg, også sagtakket (herunder gartnerkniver), og blad dertil. | |
8211.10 | - sett av forskjellige artikler | |
- ellers : | ||
8211.91 | - - bordkniver med faste blad | |
8211.92 | - - andre kniver med faste blad | |
8211.93 | - - andre kniver enn de med faste blad | |
8211.94 | - - blad | |
82.14 | Andre skjære- og klipperedskaper (f.eks. hårklippere, kløyve-, hogge- og hakkeredskaper for slaktere eller til kjøkkenbruk, papirkniver); artikler og sett for manikyr eller pedikyr (herunder neglefiler). | |
82.15 | Skjeer, gafler, øser, sleiver, hullsleiver, kakespader, fiske- og smørkniver, sukkerklyper og lignende husholdningsartikler. | |
83.01 | Hengelåser og låser (nøkkellåser, kombinasjonslåser eller elektriske låser), av uedelt metall; bøyler og rammer med lås, av uedelt metall; nøkler til ovennevnte varer, av uedelt metall. | |
83.02 | Beslag og lignende varer, av uedelt metall, til møbler, dører, trapper, vinduer, rullegardiner, karosserier, salmakerarbeider, kofferter, kister, skrin eller lignende; knaggrekker, knagger, knekter og lignende utstyr, av uedelt metall; trinser med festeinnretninger av uedelt metall; automatiske dørlukkere av uedelt metall. | |
83.03 | Pansrede eller forsterkede pengeskap og safer, dører og sikkerhetsbokser for kassahvelv, penge- eller dokumentskrin og lignende, av uedelt metall. | |
83.04 | Arkiv- og kartotekskap, brevkurver, manuskriptholdere, penneskåler, stempeloppsatser og lignende kontor- eller skrivebordutstyr, av uedelt metall, unntatt kontormøbler som hører under posisjon 94.03. | |
83.05 | Mekanismer av uedelt metall til løsbladpermer eller brevmapper, brevklemmer, hjørneklemmer, binders, signalmerker til registre og lignende kontorrekvisitter, av uedelt metall; hefter i remser (f.eks. til kontorbruk, møbelstopning, emballering) av uedelt metall. | |
83.06 | Klokker, bjeller, gongonger og lignende, ikke elektriske, av uedelt metall; statuetter og andre pyntegjenstander, av uedelt metall; rammer til fotografier, malerier eller lignende, av uedelt metall; speil av uedelt metall. | |
83.07 | Bøyelige rør av uedelt metall, med eller uten rørdeler (fittings). | |
83.09 | Propper, kapsler og lokk (herunder «crowncorks«, skrukorker og skjenkepropper), flaskekapsler, gjengede spunser, spunsdeksler, segl og annet emballasjetilbehør, av uedelt metall. | |
83.10 | Skilter, navneplater, adresseplater og lignende skilter, tall, bokstaver og andre tegn, av uedelt metall, unntatt de som hører under posisjon 94.05. | |
83.11 | Tråd, stenger, rør, plater, elektroder og lignende produkter av uedelt metall eller av metallkarbider, overtrukket eller fylt med flussmiddel, av det slag som brukes til lodding, slaglodding, sveising og lignende av metall eller av metallkarbider; tråd og stenger av agglomerert, uedelt metallpulver som brukes til metallsprøyting. | |
84.02 | Kjeler for vanndamp eller annen damp (unntatt sentralvarmtvannskjeler som også kan produsere lavtrykksdamp); hetvannskjeler. | |
ex | 8402.12 | - - vannrørskjeler med dampproduksjon høyst 45 tonn/h |
- - - lokomotivkjeler og skipskjeler | ||
- - - andre: | ||
8402.1291 | - - - - for trykk av 10 kg pr. cm2 eller mer eller som produserer 2000 kg eller mer damp pr. time | |
8402.1299 | - - - - andre | |
ex | 8402.19 | - - andre dampkjeler, herunder hybridkjeler |
- - - lokomotivkjeler og skipskjeler | ||
- - - andre: | ||
8402.1991 | - - - - for trykk av 10 kg pr. cm2 eller mer eller som produserer 2000 kg eller mer damp pr. time | |
8402.1999 | - - - - andre | |
8402.20 | - hetvannskjeler | |
84.03 | Sentralvarmekjeler, unntatt kjeler som hører under posisjon 84.02 | |
84.07 | Stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med gnisttenning og med frem- og tilbakegående eller roterende stempel. | |
- motorer med frem- og tilbakegående stempel av det slag som brukes til fremdrift av motorkjøretøyer som hører under kapittel 87: | ||
8407.31 | - - med sylindervolum høyst 50 cm3 | |
8407.32 | - - med sylindervolum over 50 cm3, men høyst 250 cm3 | |
84.08 | Stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning (diesel- eller semidieselmotorer). | |
8408.20 | - motorer av det slag som brukes for fremdrift av motorkjøretøyer som hører under kapittel 87 | |
8408.90 | - andre motorer (8408.9090: Se tabell E) | |
84.09 | Deler som utelukkende eller fortrinnsvis kan brukes til motorer som hører under posisjon 84.07 eller 84.08: | |
- andre : | ||
ex | 8409.91 | - - som utelukkende eller fortrinnsvis kan brukes til stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med gnisttenning |
- - - rå støpte utkast | ||
- - - sylinderblokk, sylindertopp, sylidere: | ||
8409.9121 | - - - - for motorsykkelmotorer med slagvolum høyst 50 cm3 | |
- - - - andre | ||
- - - stempelstenger og stempler: | ||
8409.9130 | - - - - aluminium eller lettmetallsstempler, også stempelforinger | |
- - - - andre: | ||
8409.9141 | - - - - - for motorsykkelmotorer med slagvolum høyst 50 cm3 | |
- - - - - andre | ||
8409.9150 | - - - sylinderforinger | |
- - - andre | ||
ex | 8409.99 | - - ellers |
- - - rå støpte utkast | ||
- - - sylinderblokk, sylindertopp, sylindere: | ||
8409.9921 | - - - - for bilmotorer | |
8409.9929 | - - - - andre | |
- - - stempelstenger og stempler: | ||
8409.9930 | - - - - aluminium eller lettmetallsstempler, også stempelforinger | |
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - for bilmotorer | ||
- - - - - andre | ||
8409.9950 | - - - motorforinger | |
- - - andre | ||
84.14 | Luft- eller vakuumpumper, luft- eller andre gasskompressorer og vifter; ventilasjons- eller resirkulasjonshetter med innebygd vifte, også med filter. | |
- vifter : | ||
ex | 8414.51 | - - bord-, golv-, vegg-, vindu- og takvifter sammenbygd med elektromotor med en effekt av høyst 125 W |
8414.5111 | - - - spiralformet sentrifugal takvifte, med diameter 75 cm og over | |
ex | 8414.59 | - - andre |
8414.5910 | - - - til hjemmebruk | |
ex | 8414.60 | - ventilasjons- eller resirkulasjonshetter med horisontal side som måler høyst 120 cm |
8414.6010 | - - - til hjemmebruk | |
84.17 | Industri- og laboratorieovner, herunder forbrenningsovner, ikke elektriske. | |
8417.20 | - bakeriovner, herunder ovner for steking av kjeks | |
84.18 | Kjøleskap, frysere og annet kjøle- eller fryseutstyr, også elektriske; varmepumper, unntatt luftkondisjoneringsapparater som hører under posisjon 84.15. | |
8418.10 | - kombinerte kjøle- og fryseskap forsynt med separate, utvendige dører (brukte produkter se tabell E) | |
- kjøleskap av husholdningstypen: | ||
8418.21 | - - av kompresjonstypen (brukte produkter se tabell E) | |
8418.22 | - - av absorbsjonstypen, elektriske (brukte produkter se tabell E) | |
8418.29 | - - andre (brukte produkter se tabell E) | |
8418.30 | - frysebokser med kapasitet høyst 800 l | |
8418.40 | - fryseskap med kapasitet høyst 900 l | |
8418.50 | - andre disker, bokser, skap og liknende møbler for kjøling eller frysing | |
- deler : | ||
8418.91 | - - møbler som er innrettet for kjøle- eller fryseutstyr | |
84.19 | Apparater og andre innretninger, også med elektrisk oppvarming, for behandling av materialer ved en prosess som krever endring i temperatur, f.eks. oppvarming, koking, steking, destillering, rektifisering, sterilisering, pasteurisering, damping, tørking, fordamping, kondensering eller kjøling, unntatt husholdningsapparater; ikke elektriske varmtvannsberedere av gjennomstrømnings- eller magasineringstype. | |
- ikke-elektriske varmtvannsberedere av gjennomstrømnings- eller magasineringstype: | ||
8419.11 | - - gassfyrte varmtvannsberedere av gjennomstrømningstypen | |
8419.19 | - - andre | |
- andre maskiner, verktøy og utstyr : | ||
ex | 8419.81 | - - for fremstilling av varme drikker eller for koking, steking eller oppvarming av mat |
8419.8120 | - - - komfyrer for hoteller og storhusholdninger | |
ex | 8419.90 | - deler |
8419.9010 | - - for hurtigvarmere og baderomsvarmere | |
8419.9020 | - - for komfyrer | |
84.21 | Sentrifuger, herunder tørkesentrifuger; apparater for filtrering eller rensing av væsker eller gasser. | |
- apparater for filtrering eller rensing av væsker: | ||
8421.23 | - - olje- eller bensinfilter til forbrenningsmotorer | |
ex | 8421.29 | - - andre |
8421.2910 | - - - for motorer | |
- apparater for filtrering eller rensing av gasser: | ||
8421.31 | - - luftinnsugingsfilter til forbrenningsmotorer | |
ex | 8421.39 | - - andre |
8421.3910 | - - - for motorer | |
- deler : | ||
ex | 8421.99 | - - andre |
8421.9921 | - - - maskiner og apparater for filtrering og rensing av væsker, til motorer for kjøretøyer | |
8421.9991 | - - - maskiner og apparater for filtrering og rensing av gasser, til motorer for kjøretøyer | |
84.24 | Mekaniske apparater (også for håndkraft) for spredning, sprøyting eller forstøvning av væsker eller pulver; brannslokningsapparater, også ladde; sprøytepistoler og liknende; dampblåse- eller sandblåsemaskiner og liknende. | |
8424.10 | - brannslokningsapparater, også ladde | |
84.26 | Lossebommer til skip; kraner, herunder kabelkraner; mobile løfterammer; portaltrucker og krantrucker. | |
- traverskraner, løpekraner, portalkraner, brukraner, mobile løfterammer og portaltrucker: | ||
ex | 8426.11 | - - traverskraner på stasjonært understell |
8426.1110 | - - - traverskraner | |
84.31 | Deler som utelukkende eller fortrinnsvis kan brukes til maskiner og apparater som hører under posisjonene 84.25- 84.30. | |
- til maskiner og apparater som hører under posisjon 84.28: | ||
ex | 8431.39 | - - andre |
8431.3910 | - - - hylser og ruller for transportbånd | |
- til maskiner og apparater som hører under posisjon 84.26, 84.29 eller 84.30: | ||
8431.41 | - - bøtter, spann, skuffer, grabber og gripere | |
8431.42 | - - bulldoser- eller angeldoserblad | |
ex | 8431.49 | - - andre |
- - - til maskiner i kapittel 84.26: | ||
- - - - for mobil kraner (på belter eller hjul, ikke tilpasset skinner): | ||
- - - - - kran uten understell for montering på kjøretøy, beskrevet i kapittel 8426.91 | ||
- - - - - andre | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
8431.4921 | - - - - - for kraner med løftekapasitet inntil 10 tonn | |
- - - - - for kraner med løftekapasitet over 10 tonn | ||
8431.4923 | - - - - - for portal kraner med løftekapasitet høyst 30 tonn | |
8431.4924 | - - - - - for traverskraner | |
- - - - - andre | ||
- - - hydrauliske stempelhammere og deler dertil | ||
8431.4990 | - - - andre | |
84.32 | Maskiner og apparater for landbruk, hagebruk eller skogbruk for bearbeiding eller kultivering av jord; ruller (tromler) for plener og sportsplasser. | |
8432.10 | - ploger | |
8432.90 | - deler | |
84.38 | Maskiner og apparater som ikke hører under andre posisjoner i dette kapittel, for industriell behandling eller fremstilling av matvarer eller drikkevarer, unntatt maskiner og apparater for ekstraksjon eller behandling av animalske eller fete vegetabilske oljer eller fett. | |
ex | 8438.10 | - bakerimaskiner og maskiner og apparater for fremstilling av makaroni, spaghetti og liknende |
8438.1010 | - - blande og forme maskiner | |
8438.80 | - andre maskiner | |
8438.8010 | - - for fremstilling og tilberedning av kaffe og te | |
84.42 | Maskiner, apparater og utstyr (unntatt verktøymaskiner som hører under posisjonene 84.56- 84.65), for typestøping eller typesetting, eller for behandling eller fremstilling av klisjeer, plater, sylindrer eller andre trykkformer; trykktyper, klisjeer, plater, sylindrer og andre trykkformer; plater, sylindrer og litografiske steiner preparert for grafisk bruk (f.eks. slipte, kornede eller polerte). | |
ex | 8442.40 | - deler til forannevnte maskiner, apparater og utstyr |
8442.4010 | - - for type-støping og type-sette maskiner for arabiske tegn | |
84.50 | Vaskemaskiner til bruk i husholdninger og vaskerier, herunder kombinerte vaske- og tørkemaskiner | |
- maskiner for høyst 10 kg tørt tøy | ||
8450.11 | - - helautomatiske maskiner (8450.1110: brukte produkter se tabell E) | |
8450.12 | - - andre maskiner, sammenbygd med tørkesentrifuge (8450.1210: brukte produkter se tabell E) | |
8450.19 | - - andre (8450.1910:brukte produkter se tabell E) | |
84.74 | Maskiner og apparater for sortering, sikting, harping, vasking, knusing, maling, blanding eller elting av jord, stein, malm eller andre faste, mineralske materialer (herunder pulver og pasta); maskiner og apparater for pressing eller forming av fast brensel, keramisk masse, sement, kalk eller andre mineralske produkter i pulver- eller pastaform; maskiner til fremstilling av sandstøpeformer. | |
- maskiner for blanding eller elting: | ||
ex | 8474.31 | - - betong- eller mørtelblandere |
8474.3111 | - - - betong- og mørtelblandere med kapasitet under 1 kubikkmeter | |
8474.90 | - deler | |
84.81 | Kraner, ventiler og liknende innretninger for rør, kjeler, tanker, kar og liknende, herunder reduksjonsventiler og termostatventiler. | |
84.83 | Drivaksler (herunder kamaksler og veivaksler) og veiver; lagerhus og glidelagre; faste gir og utvekslinger; kule- eller rulleskruer; regulerbare gir og andre hastighetsvariatorer, herunder momentomformere; svinghjul, reimskiver og tauskiver, herunder blokker; friksjonskoplinger og andre akselkoplinger (herunder universalledd). | |
ex | 8483.10 | - drivaksler (herunder kamaksler og veivaksler) og veiver |
- - for motorer til kjøretøyer under kapittel 84.07 og 84.08: | ||
- - - veivaksler og kamaksler: | ||
8483.1011 | - - - - veivaksler for motorsykkelmotorer med slagvolum høyst 50 ccm | |
- - - andre: | ||
8483.1021 | - - - - for motorsykkelmotorer med slagvolum høyst 50 ccm | |
8483.50 | - svinghjul, reimskiver og tauskiver, herunder blokker | |
ex | 8483.60 | - friksjonskoplinger og andre akselkoplinger (herunder universalledd) |
8483.6010 | - - veivaksler for motorsykkelmotorer med slagvolum høyst 50 ccm | |
8483.90 | - deler | |
84.84 | Pakninger av metallplater i forbindelse med andre materialer eller av to eller flere lag av metall; sett eller utvalg av pakninger av forskjellige slags materialer, pakket i poser, konvolutter eller liknende; mekaniske pakninger. | |
84.85 | Deler til maskiner og apparater, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted i dette kapittel, og som ikke er utstyrt med elektriske forbindelsesdeler, isolatorer, spoler, kontakter eller andre elektriske innretninger. | |
8485.90 | - andre | |
85.02 | Elektriske generatoraggregater og roterende, elektriske omformere. | |
- generatoraggregater med stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning (diesel- eller semidieselmotorer): | ||
8502.11 | - - med ytelse høyst 75 kVA | |
85.04 | Elektriske transformatorer, statiske omformere (f.eks. likerettere) og induktorer. | |
8504.10 | - induktorer («ballasts«) for lysstofflamper | |
- transformatorer med dielektrisk væske: | ||
ex | 8504.21 | - - med ytelse høyst 650 kVA |
- - - instrument transformatorer | ||
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - også med frekvensområde 25 til 60 Hz, brukt i industrien , med effekt: | ||
8504.2181 | - - - - - ikke over 0.5 kVA | |
8504.2189 | - - - - - andre | |
8504.2199 | - - - - andre | |
ex | 8504.22 | - - med ytelse over 650 kVA, men ikke over 10.000 kVA |
- - - instrument transformatorer | ||
- - - andre: | ||
8504.2291 | - - - - også med frekvensområde 25 til 60 Hz, brukt i industrien , med effekt: | |
8504.2299 | - - - - andre | |
ex | 8504.23 | - - med ytelse over 10.000 kVA |
- - - instrument transformatorer | ||
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - også med frekvensområde 25 til 60 Hz, brukt i industrien , med effekt: | ||
8504.2381 | - - - - - ikke over 20.000 kVA | |
8504.2389 | - - - - - andre | |
8504.2399 | - - - - andre | |
- andre transformatorer : | ||
ex | 8504.31 | - - med ytelse høyst 1 kVA |
8504.3110 | - - - beregnet for leketøy eller modeller med redusert størrelse for hobby bruk | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - instrument transformatorer | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - også med frekvensområde 25 til 60 Hz, brukt i industrien , med effekt: | ||
8504.3192 | - - - - - - ikke over 0.5 kVA | |
8504.3193 | - - - - - - andre | |
8504.3198 | - - - - - andre | |
ex | 8504.32 | - - med ytelse over 1 kVA men høyst 16 kVA |
8504.3210 | - - - beregnet for leketøy eller modeller med redusert størrelse for hobby bruk | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - instrument transformatorer | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
8504.3292 | - - - - - også med frekvensområde 25 til 60 Hz, brukt i industrien , med effekt: | |
8504.3298 | - - - - - andre | |
ex | 8504.33 | - - med ytelse over 16 kVA men høyst 500 kVA |
- - - instrument transformatorer | ||
- - - andre: | ||
8504.3391 | - - - - også med frekvensområde 25 til 60 Hz, brukt i industrien , med effekt: | |
8504.3399 | - - - - andre | |
ex | 8504.34 | - - med ytelse høyst 500 kVA |
- - - instrument transformatorer | ||
- - - ellers: | ||
- - - - også med frekvensområde 25 til 60 Hz, brukt i industrien , med effekt: | ||
8504.3481 | - - - - - ikke over 20.000 KVA | |
8504.3489 | - - - - - andre | |
8504.3499 | - - - - andre | |
8504.40 | - statiske omformere | |
8504.50 | - andre induktorer | |
85.06 | Galvaniske elementer og batterier. | |
8506.10 | - av mangandioksid | |
8506.30 | - av kvikksøloksid | |
8506.40 | - av sølvoksid | |
8506.50 | - av litium | |
8506.60 | - av luft-sink | |
8506.80 | - ellers | |
ex | 8506.90 | - deler |
8506.9090 | - - andre enn tørr-batterier | |
85.07 | Elektriske akkumulatorer, herunder skilleplater til slike, også kvadratiske og rektangulære. | |
8507.10 | - blyakkumulatorer av typer som brukes til starting av stempelmotorer | |
8507.20 | - andre blyakkumulatorer | |
8507.30 | - nikkel-kadmiumakkumulatorer | |
8507.40 | - nikkel-jernakkumulatorer | |
8507.80 | - andre akkumulatorer | |
85.16 | Elektriske varmtvannsberedere, varmtvannsbeholdere og varmekolber; elektriske jord- og romoppvarmingsapparater; elektrotermiske hårpleieapparater (f.eks. hårtørkeapparater, hårkrølleapparater, krølltangvarmere) og håndtørkeapparater; elektriske strykejern; andre elektrotermiske apparater av det slag som brukes i husholdningen; elektriske hetelegemer, unntatt slike som hører under posisjon 85.45. | |
8516.10 | - elektriske varmtvannsberedere; varmtvannsbeholdere og varmekolber | |
- elektriske jord- og romoppvarmingsapparater: | ||
8516.21 | - - radiatorer som lagrer varme | |
8516.29 | - - andre | |
8516.60 | - andre ovner; kokeapparater, kokeplater, kokespiraler, griller og stekeapparater (brukte produkter se tabell E) | |
8516.80 | - elektriske hetelegemer | |
8516.90 | - deler | |
85.29 | Deler som utelukkende eller fortrinnsvis kan brukes til apparater som hører under posisjonene 85.25- 85.28: | |
ex | 8529.10 | - antenner og antennereflektorer av alle slag; deler til slike |
- - for fjernsynsselskaper autoriserte av marokkanske myndigheter og for Maghreb Arab Press agency | ||
- - andre: | ||
- - - antenner: | ||
- - - - for fjernsynsmottakere og dets komponenter | ||
- - - - - parabolantenner og lignende | ||
8529.1023 | - - - - - andre | |
85.35 | Elektriske apparater til å slutte, bryte, sikre eller forbinde elektriske strømkretser (f.eks. brytere, sikringer, lynavledere, spenningsbegrensere, støtspenningsdempere, støpsler og koplingsbokser), for spenninger over 1000 V. | |
8535.10 | - sikringer | |
- automatiske overbelastningsbrytere : | ||
8535.21 | - - for spenninger under 72.5 kV | |
8535.29 | - - andre | |
8535.30 | - skillebrytere og effektbrytere | |
8535.90 | - andre | |
85.36 | Elektriske apparater til å slutte, bryte, sikre eller forbinde elektriske strømkretser (f.eks. brytere, releer, sikringer, støtspenningsdempere, støpsler, stikkontakter, lampeholdere og koplingsbokser), for spenninger på høyst 1000 V. | |
8536.10 | - sikringer | |
8536.20 | - automatiske overbelastningsbrytere : | |
8536.30 | - andre apparater for å beskytte elektriske strømkretser | |
- releer : | ||
8536.50 | - andre brytere | |
- lampeholdere, støpsler og stikkontakter: | ||
8536.61 | - - lampeholdere | |
8536.69 | - - andre | |
ex | 8536.90 | - andre apparater |
8536.9010 | - - forbindelsesledninger for kontakt i elektriske kretser, andre enn for telekommunikasjon eller for instrumentell bruk | |
- - kontakter og kontaktelementer for telekommunikasjon og instrumentell bruk | ||
- - sett av kvalitetstennplugger med innebygget støyskjerming, beskrevet i tilleggsnote 4 i dette kapittel | ||
8536.9090 | - - andre | |
85.37 | Plater, tavler, konsoller, pulter, kabinetter og liknende, utstyrt med to eller flere apparater som hører under posisjon 85.35 eller 85.36, for elektrisk kontroll eller fordeling av elektrisitet, også med instrumenter eller apparater som hører under kapittel 90, samt numeriske kontrollapparater, unntatt velgere som hører under posisjon 85.17. | |
85.38 | Deler som utelukkende eller fortrinnsvis kan brukes til apparater som hører under posisjon 85.35, 85.36 eller 85.37. | |
85.44 | Isolert (herunder lakkert eller anodisert) tråd, kabel (herunder koaksialkabel) og andre isolerte, elektriske ledere, også med forbindelsesdeler; optiske fiberkabler sammensatt av fibrer som er skjermet fra hverandre, også med forbindelsesdeler. | |
- tråd til vikling av spoler | ||
8544.11 | - - av kobber | |
8544.20 | - koaksialkabler og andre koaksialledere | |
- andre elektriske ledere for spenninger på høyst 80 V: | ||
8544.41 | - - med forbindelsesdeler | |
8544.49 | - - ellers | |
- andre elektriske ledere, for spenninger over 80 V men ikke over 1,000 V: | ||
8544.51 | - - med forbindelsesdeler | |
8544.59 | - - ellers | |
8544.60 | - andre elektriske ledere for spenninger over 1000 V | |
86.05 | Passasjervogner for jernbaner eller sporveier, uten egen fremdriftsmotor; bagasjevogner, postvogner og andre spesialvogner for jernbaner eller sporveier, uten egen fremdriftsmotor (unntatt de som hører under posisjon 86.04). | |
86.06 | Godsvogner og lastevogner for jernbaner eller sporveier, uten egen framdriftsmotor. | |
8606.l0 | - tankvogner og lignende | |
- andre: | ||
8606.91 | - - tildekkede og lukkede | |
8606.92 | - - åpne, med faste sider med høyde over 60 cm | |
8606.99 | - - ellers | |
87.01 | Traktorer (unntatt traktorer som hører under posisjon 87.09). | |
ex | 8701.20 | - trekkvogner til semitrailere |
- - med gnisttenning, forbrenningsmotorer enten rotasjon eller stempel, stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning | ||
- - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
8701.2019 | - - - andre (brukte produkter se tabell E) | |
- - med andre motorer: | ||
- - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
8701.2099 | - - - andre | |
ex | 8701.90 | - andre |
- - med gnisttenning, forbrenningsmotorer enten rotasjon eller stempel, stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning | ||
- - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
- - - - hjulgående traktorer for jordbruk | ||
- - - - andre traktorer: | ||
- - - - - traktorer utstyrt med vinsjer | ||
- - - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - - trekkvogner for vei, også trekkvogner med hjelpeutstyr for transport av varer | ||
- - - - - - andre | ||
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - hjulgående traktorer for jordbruk | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - traktorer utstyrt med vinsjer | ||
ex | 8701.9042 | - - - - - trekkvogner for vei, også trekkvogner med hjelpeutstyr for transport av varer |
8701.904210 | - - - - - - nye | |
87.02 | Motorkjøretøyer for transport av ti eller flere personer, herunder føreren. | |
ex | 8702.10 | - med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning (diesel eller semi-diesel) |
- - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
- - andre: | ||
8702.1091 | - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | |
ex | 8702.1092 | - - - busser for persontransport |
8702.109210 | - - - - nye | |
ex | 8702.1099 | - - - andre |
- - - - med motorer med sylindervolum høyst 3000 ccm | ||
8702.109911 | - - - - - nye | |
- - - - andre | ||
8702.109991 | - - - - - nye | |
ex | 8702.90 | - stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med gnisttenning eller rotasjonsmotorer med gnisttenning eller stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning, andre |
- - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
- - andre: | ||
- - - forbrenningsmotorer, stempeldrevne og rotasjonsmotorer, med gnisttenning | ||
8702.9021 | - - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | |
ex | 8702.9022 | - - - - busser for persontransport |
8702.902210 | - - - - - nye | |
ex | 8702.9029 | - - - - andre |
- - - - - med slagvolum høyst 3,000 ccm | ||
8702.902911 | - - - - - - nye | |
- - - - - andre | ||
8702.902991 | - - - - - - nye | |
8702.9090 | - - - kjøretøyer med elektrisk eller annen motor | |
87.03 | Biler og andre motorkjøretøyer hovedsakelig konstruert for transport av personer (unntatt de som hører under posisjon 87.02), herunder stasjonsvogner og racerbiler. | |
8703.10 | - kjøretøyer spesielt konstruert for å kjøre på snø; kjøretøyer for golfbaner og lignende kjøretøyer | |
- andre kjøretøyer med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med gnisttenning: | ||
ex | 8703.21 | - - med sylindervolum høyst 1 000 ccm |
- - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
- - - andre: | ||
8703.2120 | - - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | |
- - - - kjøretøyer med firehjulstrekk for terreng (med differensialgearkasse) med nyttelast 500 kg eller mer men under 900 kg, ikke helt lukket: | ||
8703.2131 | - - - - - nye | |
8703.2139 | - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8703.22 | - - med slagvolum over 1,000 ccm men høyst 1,500 ccm |
- - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
- - - andre: | ||
8703.2220 | - - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | |
- - - - kjøretøyer med firehjulstrekk for terreng (med differensialgearkasse) med nyttelast 500 kg eller mer men under 900 kg, ikke helt lukket: | ||
8703.2231 | - - - - - nye | |
8703.2239 | - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8703.23 | - - med slagvolum over 1,500 ccm men høyst 3,000 ccm |
- - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
- - - andre: | ||
8703.2320 | - - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | |
- - - - kjøretøyer med firehjulstrekk for terreng (med differensialgearkasse) med nyttelast 500 kg eller mer men under 900 kg, ikke helt lukket: | ||
8703.2331 | - - - - - nye | |
8703.2339 | - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med slagvolum høyst 1,800 ccm | ||
- - - - - med slagvolum over 1,800 ccm, men høyst 2.200 ccm: | ||
- - - - - - utrustede ambulanser | ||
8703.2353 | - - - - - - andre nye kjøretøyer | |
8703.2358 | - - - - - - andre brukte kjøretøyer | |
- - - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - - utrustede ambulanser | ||
8703.2383 | - - - - - - andre nye kjøretøyer | |
8703.2388 | - - - - - - andre brukte kjøretøyer | |
ex | 8703.24 | - - med slagvolum over 3,000 ccm (unntatt 8703.2482: ambulanser og 8703.2483: andre nye kjøretøyer) |
8703.2410 | - - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | |
- - - andre: | ||
8703.2420 | - - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | |
- - - - kjøretøyer med firehjulstrekk for terreng (med differensialgearkasse) med nyttelast 500 kg eller mer men under 900 kg, ikke helt lukket: | ||
8703.2431 | - - - - - nye | |
8703.2439 | - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - utstyrte ambulanser | ||
8703.2483 | - - - - - andre nye kjøretøyer | |
8703.2488 | - - - - - andre brukte kjøretøyer | |
- andre kjøretøyer med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning (diesel eller semi-diesel) : | ||
ex | 8703.31 | - - med slagvolum høyst 1,500 ccm |
- - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
- - - andre: | ||
8703.3120 | - - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | |
- - - - kjøretøyer med firehjulstrekk for terreng (med differensialgearkasse) med nyttelast 500 kg eller mer men under 900 kg, ikke helt lukket: | ||
8703.3131 | - - - - - nye | |
8703.3139 | - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8703.32 | - - med slagvolum over 1,500 ccm men høyst 2,500 ccm |
- - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
- - - andre: | ||
8703.3220 | - - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | |
- - - - kjøretøyer med firehjulstrekk for terreng (med differensialgearkasse) med nyttelast 500 kg eller mer men under 900 kg, ikke helt lukket: | ||
8703.3231 | - - - - - nye | |
8703.3239 | - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med slagvolum høyst 1,800 ccm | ||
- - - - - med slagvolum over 1,800 ccm, men høyst 2.200 ccm: | ||
- - - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - - utstyrte ambulanser | ||
8703.3283 | - - - - - - andre nye kjøretøyer | |
8703.3288 | - - - - - - andre brukte kjøretøyer | |
8703.33 | - - med slagvolum over 2,500 ccm | |
8703.3310 | - - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | |
- - - andre: | ||
8703.3320 | - - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | |
- - - - kjøretøyer med firehjulstrekk for terreng (med differensialgearkasse) med nyttelast 500 kg eller mer men under 900 kg, ikke helt lukket: | ||
8703.3331 | - - - - - nye | |
8703.3339 | - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - utstyrte ambulanser | ||
8703.3383 | - - - - - andre nye kjøretøyer | |
8703.3388 | - - - - - andre brukte kjøretøyer | |
87.04 | Motorkjøretøyer for transport av gods. | |
ex | 8704.10 | - dumpere konstruert for bruk utenfor veinettet |
- - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
- - andre: | ||
8704.1020 | - - - totalvekt ikke over 5 tonn, med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med gnist- eller kompresjonstenning eller rotasjonsmotor med gnisttenning | |
- - - totalvekt over 5 tonn, med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med gnist- eller kompresjonstenning eller rotasjonsmotor med gnisttenning | ||
8704.1030 | - - - - med slagvolum under 3,000 ccm | |
- - - - med slagvolum 3,000 ccm eller mer | ||
- - - - - totalvekt over 15 tonn for gruver eller steinbrudd | ||
8704.1049 | - - - - - - brukte | |
8704.1050 | - - - - - andre | |
8704.1080 | - - - kjøretøyer med elektrisk eller annen motor | |
- andre, med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med kompresjonstenning (diesel eller semi-diesel) : | ||
ex | 8704.21 | - - totalvekt høyst 5 tonn |
- - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
ex | 8704.2190 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | ||
8704.219011 | - - - - - med slagvolum under 3000 ccm | |
8704.219019 | - - - - - andre | |
- - - - kjøretøyer med firehjulstrekk for terreng (med differensialgearkasse) med nyttelast 500 kg eller mer men under 900 kg, ikke helt lukket: | ||
8704.219021 | - - - - - nye | |
8704.219029 | - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med slagvolum under 3000 ccm | ||
- - - - - - tankvogner | ||
8704.219031 | - - - - - - - nye | |
8704.219040 | - - - - - - vogner og trekkvogner spesialkonstruert for transport av høyradioaktivt materiale | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.219051 | - - - - - - - nye | |
8704.219059 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - med slagvolum 3000 ccm eller mer | ||
- - - - - - van og pick-up: | ||
8704.219061 | - - - - - - - nye | |
- - - - - - tankvogner | ||
8704.219071 | - - - - - - - nye | |
8704.219080 | - - - - - - vogner og trekkvogner spesialkonstruert for transport av høyradioaktivt materiale | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.219091 | - - - - - - - nye | |
ex | 8704.22 | - - totalvekt over 5 tonn men høyst 20 tonn |
- - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
ex | 8704.2290 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | ||
8704.229011 | - - - - - med slagvolum under 3000 ccm | |
8704.229019 | - - - - - andre | |
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med slagvolum under 3000 ccm | ||
- - - - - - tankvogner: | ||
8704.229021 | - - - - - - - nye | |
8704.229030 | - - - - - - vogner og trekkvogner spesialkonstruert for transport av høyradioaktivt materiale | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.229041 | - - - - - - - nye | |
- - - - - med slagvolum 3,000 ccm eller mer | ||
- - - - - - tankvogner: | ||
8704.229051 | - - - - - - - nye | |
8704.229060 | - - - - - - vogner og trekkvogner spesialkonstruert for transport av høyradioaktivt materiale | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.229091 | - - - - - - - nye | |
ex | 8704.23 | - - totalvekt over 20 tonn |
- - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
ex | 8704.2390 | - - - andre |
8704.239010 | - - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | |
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med slagvolum under 3,000 ccm | ||
- - - - - - tankvogner: | ||
8704.239021 | - - - - - - - nye | |
8704.239030 | - - - - - - vogner og trekkvogner spesialkonstruert for transport av høyradioaktivt materiale | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.239041 | - - - - - - - nye | |
- - - - - med slagvolum 3,000 ccm eller mer: | ||
- - - - - - tankvogner: | ||
8704.239051 | - - - - - - - nye | |
8704.239060 | - - - - - - vogner og trekkvogner spesialkonstruert for transport av høyradioaktivt materiale | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.239091 | - - - - - - - nye | |
- andre, med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med gnisttenning : | ||
ex | 8704.31 | - - med totalvekt over 5 tonn |
- - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
ex | 8704.3190 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | ||
8704.319011 | - - - - - med slagvolum under 3,000 ccm | |
8704.319019 | - - - - - andre | |
- - - - kjøretøyer med firehjulstrekk for terreng (med differensialgearkasse) med nyttelast 500 kg eller mer men under 900 kg, ikke helt lukket: | ||
8704.319021 | - - - - - nye | |
8704.319029 | - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med slagvolum under 3,000 ccm: | ||
- - - - - - tankvogner | ||
8704.319031 | - - - - - - - nye | |
8704.319040 | - - - - - - vogner og trekkvogner spesialkonstruert for transport av høyradioaktivt materiale | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.319051 | - - - - - - - nye | |
8704.319059 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - med slagvolum 3,000 ccm eller mer: | ||
- - - - - - van og pick-up: | ||
8704.319061 | - - - - - - - nye | |
- - - - - - tankvogner: | ||
8704.319071 | - - - - - - - nye | |
8704.319080 | - - - - - - vogner og trekkvogner spesialkonstruert for transport av høyradioaktivt materiale | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.319091 | - - - - - - - nye | |
ex | 8704.32 | - - med totalvekt over 5 tonn |
- - - importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
ex | 8704.3290 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell til motorkjøretøyer med førerhus | ||
8704.329011 | - - - - - med slagvolum under 3,000 ccm | |
8704.329019 | - - - - - andre | |
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med slagvolum under 3,000 ccm | ||
- - - - - - tankvogner: | ||
8704.329021 | - - - - - - - nye | |
8704.329030 | - - - - - - vogner og trekkvogner spesialkonstruert for transport av høyradioaktivt materiale | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.329041 | - - - - - - - nye | |
- - - - - med slagvolum 3,000 ccm eller mer: | ||
- - - - - - tankvogner: | ||
8704.329051 | - - - - - - - nye | |
8704.329060 | - - - - - - vogner og trekkvogner spesialkonstruert for transport av høyradioaktivt materiale | |
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.329091 | - - - - - - - nye | |
ex | 8704.90 | - andre |
- - Off- road kjøretøyer med firehjuls-trekk (med differensial gear),importerte demonterte, CKD ( Completely Knocked Down ) komponenter, sendt til samlebånd-montering autorisert av myndighetene, unntatt komponenter listet i tilleggsnote 1 til dette kapittel i Marokkos tolltariff | ||
8704.9090 | - - andre | |
87.05 | Motorkjøretøyer for spesielle formål (f.eks. bergingsbiler, kranbiler, brannbiler, betongblandebiler, feiebiler, sprøytebiler, verkstedbiler, røntgenbiler), unntatt de som hovedsakelig er konstruert for transport av personer eller gods. | |
ex | 8705.10 | - kranbiler |
8705.100010 | - - nye | |
ex | 8705.90 | - andre |
8705.9010 | - - utstyrt videobuss for fjernsynsselskap autorisert av myndighetene og for Maghred Arab Press Agency | |
- - andre: | ||
- - - ambulanser utstyrt for operasjoner | ||
ex | 8705.9099 | - - - andre |
- - - - bergningsbil og kranbil : | ||
8705.909911 | - - - - - nye | |
8705.909919 | - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - andre: | ||
8705.909991 | - - - - - nye | |
87.06 | Understell med motor til kjøretøyer som hører under posisjonene 87.01- 87.05. | |
87.07 | Karosserier (herunder førerhus) til motorkjøretøyer som hører under posisjonene 87.01- 87.05. | |
87.08 | Deler og tilbehør til motorkjøretøyer som hører under posisjonene 87.01- 87.05. | |
8708.10 | - støtfangere og deler dertil | |
- andre deler og tilbehør til karosserier (herunder førerhus): | ||
8708.21 | - - sikkerhetsseler | |
8708.29 | - - andre | |
- bremser og servobremser samt deler dertil: | ||
8708.31 | - - monterte bremsebelegg | |
8708.39 | - - andre | |
ex | 8708.80 | - støtdempere |
8708.8010 | - - for samlebåndsindustri: traktorer betjent av gående under 87.01, motorkjøretøyer beregnet for transport av personer, også kombinertbiler, med mindre enn 15 sitteplasser, motorkjøretøyer for varetransport, med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med gnisttenning og sylindervolum mindre enn 2800 ccm, eller med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med kompresjonstenning med sylindervolum under 2500 ccm, spesialkjøretøyer under 87.05 | |
- - andre: | ||
8708.8020 | - - - monterte | |
- - - reservedeler: | ||
8708.8091 | - - - - aksler, sylindre, karosserier og bunnplater til karosserier | |
- andre deler og tilbehør : | ||
8708.91 | - - radiatorer | |
8708.92 | - - eksospotter og eksosrør | |
8708.99 | - - andre | |
87.11 | Motorsykler (herunder mopeder) og sykler med hjelpemotor, med eller uten sidevogn; sidevogner.(8711.1011: brukte scootere og brukte demonterte motorsykler se tabell E) | |
87.12 | Tohjulssykler og andre sykler (herunder trehjuls varesykler), uten motor. (brukte produkter se tabell E) | |
87.13 | Invalidevogner, med eller uten motor eller annen mekanisk drivanordning. | |
87.14 | Deler og tilbehør til kjøretøyer som hører under posisjonene 87.11- 87.13. | |
87.15 | Barnevogner og deler dertil. | |
87.16 | Tilhengere og semitrailere; andre kjøretøyer uten mekanisk drivanordning; deler dertil. | |
8716.10 | - tilhengere og semitrailere av husvogntypen bestemt for boformål eller camping | |
8716.20 | - selv-lastende eller selv-tømmende tilhengere og semitrailere til bruk i landbruket | |
- andre tilhengere og semitrailere for transport av gods: | ||
ex | 8716.31 | - - tilhengere og semitrailere med tanker |
- - - importert usammensatt som: | ||
8716.3111 | - - - - i form av Completely Knocked Down (C.K.D.) komponenter | |
8716.3119 | - - - - i form av Semi Knocked Down (S.K.D) komponenter | |
ex | 8716.3190 | - - - andre |
8716.319010 | - - - - for transport av gass | |
- - - - andre: | ||
8716.319091 | - - - - - nye | |
ex | 8716.39 | - - andre |
- - - kjølevogner, semi-trailere | ||
- - - andre,importert usammensatt som: | ||
8716.3921 | - - - - i form av Completely Knocked Down (C.K.D.) komponenter | |
8716.3929 | - - - - i form av Semi Knocked Down (S.K.D) komponenter | |
ex | 8716.3980 | - - - andre |
8716.398010 | - - - - nye | |
8716.40 | - andre tilhengere og semi-trailere | |
8716.80 | - andre kjøretøyer | |
8716.90 | - deler | |
90.03 | Innfatninger for briller, beskyttelsesbriller eller lignende, og deler dertil. | |
90.04 | Briller, beskyttelsesbriller og lignende, korrigerende, beskyttende eller andre. | |
90.21 | Ortopedisk utstyr, herunder krykker, kirurgiske belter og brokkbind; skinner og annet utstyr for behandling av bruddskader; kunstige kroppsdeler; høreapparater og annet utstyr som bæres av eller på person eller implanteres i kroppen for å kompensere et defekt eller svekket organ. | |
- kunstige tenner og liknende : | ||
9021.21 | - - kunstige tenner | |
ex | 9021.30 | - andre kunstige kroppsdeler |
9021.3010 | - - plastikkposer for urin | |
90.28 | Forbruks- og produksjonsmålere for gasser, væsker eller elektrisitet, herunder justeringsmålere for nevnte målere. | |
9028.10 | - Gass målere | |
9028.20 | - væskemålere | |
9028.30 | - elektrisitets målere | |
ex | 9028.90 | - deler og tilbehør |
- - til vannmålere: | ||
- - - mekanismer | ||
9028.9019 | - - - andre | |
9028.9090 | - - andre | |
94.01 | Sittemøbler (unntatt de som hører under posisjon 94.02), også de som kan omgjøres til senger samt deler dertil. | |
94.03 | Andre møbler og deler dertil. | |
94.04 | Sengebunner; sengeutstyr og lignende varer (f.eks. madrasser, tepper, dyner og puter) forsynt med fjærer, stopning eller innlegg av ethvert materiale eller framstilt av skumgummi eller skumplast, med eller uten trekk. | |
94.05 | Lamper og annet belysningsutstyr, herunder søkelys og lyskastere samt deler dertil, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; lysskilt og lignende som har en fast montert lyskilde samt deler dertil, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
94.06 | Prefabrikerte bygninger. | |
95.04 | Selskapsspill, herunder spilleautomater og lignende, biljardspill, spesialbord for kasinospill og automatisk utstyr til bowlingbaner. | |
9504.40 | - spillkort | |
96.03 | Koster, børster, pensler og lignende (herunder børster som utgjør deler til maskiner, apparater eller kjøretøyer), mekaniske gulvfeieapparater uten motor, mopper og fjærkoster; ferdige bindler til framstilling av børster, koster og pensler; malerputer og -ruller; naler (unntatt glatteruller). | |
96.04 | Håndsikter og håndsåld. | |
96.07 | Glidelåser og deler dertil. | |
96.08 | Kulepenner; filtpenner og andre penner med porøse spisser; fyllepenner, stylografer og andre penner; stensilpenner (styluspenner); mekaniske blyanter; penneskaft, blyantforlengere og lignende; deler (herunder hetter og klips) til de forannevnte varer, unntatt de som hører under posisjon 96.09. | |
96.09 | Blyanter, herunder fargeblyanter (unntatt blyanter som hører under posisjon 96.08), fargestifter, blyantstifter, pasteller, tegnekull, skrive- eller tegnekritt samt skredderkritt. | |
96.10 | Skrive- og tegnetavler, også med rammer. | |
96.11 | Signeter, dateringsstempler, nummeringsstempler og lignende (herunder utstyr for trykking eller preging av etiketter) bestemt til bruk for hånd; trykkerisett for hånd. | |
96.15 | Kammer, hårspenner og lignende; hårnåler, krøllnåler, krøllspenner og lignende, unntatt de som hører under posisjon 85.16 samt deler dertil: | |
96.16 | Sprøyteflakonger og lignende til toalettbruk samt beslag dertil; pudderkvaster og lignende til bruk for kosmetikk- eller toalettpreparater. |
Tabell C til vedlegg III omtalt i artikkel 4, punkt 3 Tollavgifter ved innførsel og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning
Tollavgifter og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning skal ved innførsel til Marokko av produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat opplistet i Tabell C, gradvis avskaffes i samsvar med følgende tidstabell:
tre år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 97 % av basistollsatsen;
fire år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 94 % av basistollsatsen;
fem år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 91 % av basistollsatsen;
seks år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 88 % av basistollsatsen;
syv år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 73 % av basistollsatsen;
åtte år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 58 % av basistollsatsen;
ni år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 43 % av basistollsatsen;
ti år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 28 % av basistollsatsen;
elleve år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal hver tollavgift og avgift med tilsvarende virkning reduseres til 13 % av basistollsatsen;
tolv år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal gjenværende tollavgifter og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning avskaffes.
Tabell 1.28 Tabell C
H.S. pos.nr | Pos.nr. Marokkos tolltariff | Varebeskrivelse |
87.03 | Biler og andre motorkjøretøyer hovedsakelig konstruert for transport av personer (unntatt de som hører under posisjon 87.02), herunder stasjonsvogner og racerbiler. | |
ex | 8703.21 | - - med sylindervolum høyst 1 000 cm3 |
8703.2110 | - - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel i den marokkanske tolltariff | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - firehjuls drevne terrengkjøretøyer (med differensial gir), med en nyttelast på 500 kg eller mer, men mindre enn 900 kg, ikke fullstendig innelukket: | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
8703.2181 | - - - - - nye motorkjøretøyer | |
8703.2189 | - - - - - brukte motorkjøretøyer | |
8703.22 | - -med sylindervolum over 1 000 cm3, men høyst 1 500 cm3 | |
ex | 8703.2210 | - - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel i den marokkanske tolltariff |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - firehjuls drevne terrengkjøretøyer (med differensial gir), med en nyttelast på 500 kg eller mer, men mindre enn 900 kg, ikke fullstendig innelukket: | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - utstyrte ambulanser | ||
8703.2283 | - - - - - andre nye motorkjøretøyer | |
8703.2288 | - - - - - andre brukte motorkjøretøyer | |
8703.23 | - - med sylindervolum over 1 500 cm3, men høyst 3 000 cm3 | |
8703.2310 | - - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel i den marokkanske tolltariff | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - firehjuls drevne terrengkjøretøyer (med differensial gir), med en nyttelast på 500 kg eller mer, men mindre enn 900 kg, ikke fullstendig innelukket: | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum høyst 1 800 cm3: | ||
- - - - - - utstyrte ambulanser | ||
8703.2343 | - - - - - - andre nye kjøretøyer | |
8703.2348 | - - - - - - andre brukte kjøretøyer | |
- andre kjøretøyer med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med kompresjonstenning (diesel eller semidiesel): | ||
8703.31 | - -med sylindervolum høyst 1 500 cm3 | |
8703.3110 | - - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel i den marokkanske tolltariff | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - firehjuls drevne terrengkjøretøyer (med differensial gir), med en nyttelast på 500 kg eller mer, men mindre enn 900 kg, ikke fullstendig innelukket: | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum høyst 1 000 cm3 | ||
8703.3141 | - - - - - - nye kjøretøyer | |
8703.3149 | - - - - - - brukte kjøretøyer | |
- - - - - andre: | ||
8703.3181 | - - - - - - nye kjøretøyer | |
8703.3189 | - - - - - - brukte kjøretøyer | |
8703.32 | - - med sylindervolum over 1 500 cm3, men høyst 2 500 cm3 | |
8703.3210 | - - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel i den marokkanske tolltariff | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - firehjuls drevne terrengkjøretøyer (med differensial gir), med en nyttelast på 500 kg eller mer, men mindre enn 900 kg, ikke fullstendig innelukket: | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med en motor med sylindervolum høyst 1 800 cm3: | ||
- - - - - - utstyrte ambulanser | ||
8703.3243 | - - - - - - andre nye kjøretøyer | |
8703.3248 | - - - - - - andre brukte kjøretøyer | |
- - - - - med en motor med sylindervolum mindre enn 2 200 cm3: | ||
- - - - - - utstyrte ambulanser | ||
8703.3253 | - - - - - - andre nye kjøretøyer | |
8703.3258 | - - - - - - andre brukte kjøretøyer |
Tabell D til vedlegg III omtalt i artikkel 4, punkt 3 Tollavgifter ved innførsel og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning
Med forbehold for etterfølgende skal bestemmelsene i artikkel 4 ikke gjelde for produktene oppført i Tabell D:
tre år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden skal Den blandede komite foreta en ny vurdering av ordningene som gjelder for produktene oppført i tabell D. På vurderings-tidspunktet skal Den blandede komite utarbeide en tollavtrappingsplan for disse produktene.
Tabell 1.29 Tabell D
H.S. pos.nr | Pos.nr. Marokkos tolltariff | Varebeskrivelse |
73.21 | Ovner (herunder slike som kan benyttes til sentraloppvarming), kaminer, komfyrer, griller, kullpanner, gassapparater, tallerkenvarmere og liknende ikke-elektriske husholdningsapparater samt deler dertil, av jern eller stål. | |
- apparater for matlaging samt tallerkenvarmere : | ||
ex | 7321.11 | - - for gass eller både for gass og annet brensel |
7321.1111 | - - - brukte gass kokeapparater | |
7321.1121 | - - - brukte gass ovner | |
84.08 | Stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning (diesel- eller semidieselmotorer). | |
ex | 8408.90 | - andre motorer |
- - med sylindervolum høyst 3,5 liter, i form av "S.K.D." komponenter, for sammensetnings- industrien | ||
8408.9090 | - - andre, brukte | |
84.18 | Kjøleskap, frysere og annet kjøle- eller fryseutstyr, også elektriske; varmepumper, unntatt luftkondisjoneringsapparater som hører under posisjon 84.15. | |
8418.10 | - kombinerte kjøle- og fryseskap forsynt med separate, utvendige dører, brukte | |
- kjøleskap av husholdningstypen : | ||
8418.21 | - - av kompresjonstypen, brukte | |
8418.22 | - - av absorpsjonstypen, elektriske, brukte | |
8418.29 | - - andre, brukte | |
84.50 | Vaskemaskiner til bruk i husholdninger og vaskerier, herunder kombinerte vaske- og tørkemaskiner. | |
- maskiner for høyst 10 kg tørt tøy: | ||
ex | 8450.11 | - - helautomatiske maskiner |
8450.1110 | - - - for høyst 6 kg (tørt tøy), brukte | |
ex | 8450.12 | - - andre maskiner, sammenbygd med tørkesentrifuge |
8450.1210 | - - - for høyst 6 kg (tørt tøy), brukte | |
ex | 8450.19 | - - andre |
8450.1910 | - - - for høyst 6 kg (tørt tøy), brukte | |
85.16 | Elektriske varmtvannsberedere, varmtvannsbeholdere og varmekolber; elektriske jord- og romoppvarmingsapparater; elektrotermiske hårpleieapparater (f.eks. hårtørkeapparater, hårkrølleapparater, krølltangvarmere) og håndtørkeapparater; elektriske strykejern; andre elektrotermiske apparater av det slag som brukes i husholdningen; elektriske hetelegemer, unntatt slike som hører under posisjon 85.45. | |
ex | 8516.60 | - andre ovner; kokeapparater, kokeplater, kokespiraler, griller og stekeapparater, brukte |
8516.60 | - - elektriske kokeapparater og kombinerte gass-elektriske kokeapparater, brukte | |
87.11 | Motorsykler (herunder mopeder) og sykler med hjelpemotor, med eller uten sidevogn; sidevogner. | |
ex | 8711.10 | - med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med sylindervolum høyst 50 cm3 |
ex | 8711.1011 | - - sammensatte scootere and motorsykler, brukte |
87.12 | Tohjulssykler og andre sykler (herunder trehjuls varesykler), uten motor brukte |
Tabell E til vedlegg III omtalt i artikkel 4, punkt 3 Tollavgifter ved innførsel og avgifter med tilsvarende virkning
Tollavgifter skal ikke avskaffes for produkter oppført i Tabell E.
Den blandede komite skal gjennomføre en ny vurdering av ordningene fastsatt i Tabell E.
Tabell 1.30 Tabell E
H.S. pos.nr | Pos.nr. Marokkos tolltariff | Varebeskrivelse |
40.12 | Regummierte eller brukte, pneumatiske dekk av gummi; massiv- eller hulkammerringer, utskiftbare slitebaner og felgbånd av gummi. | |
4012.10 | - regummierte dekk | |
4012.20 | - pneumatiske dekk, brukte | |
ex | 4012.90 | - andre |
- - massiv- eller hulkammerringer og utskiftbare slitebaner: | ||
- - felgbånd: | ||
- - - til pneumatiske dekk til fly: | ||
4012.9029 | - - - - brukte | |
- - - andre, til pneumatiske dekk med vekt pr. enhet: | ||
- - - - over 70 kg: | ||
4012.9039 | - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 4012.9040 | - - - - over 15 kg, men høyst 70 kg: |
4012.904090 | - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 4012.9090 | - - - - høyst 15 kg: |
- - - - - over 2 kg, men høyst 15 kg: | ||
4012.909019 | - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - høyst 2 kg: | ||
4012.909090 | - - - - - - brukte | |
63.09 | Brukte klær og andre brukte varer. | |
87.01 | Traktorer (unntatt traktorer som hører under posisjon 87.09). | |
ex | 8701.20 | - trekkvogner til semitrailere |
- - med stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med gnisttenning og med frem- og tilbakegående eller roterende stempel eller stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning: | ||
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel | ||
8701.2019 | - - - andre, brukte | |
ex | 8701.90 | - andre |
- - med stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med gnisttenning og med frem- og tilbakegående eller roterende stempel eller stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning: | ||
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel | ||
- - - - landbrukstraktorer med hjul | ||
- - - - andre traktorer: | ||
- - - - - traktorer utstyrt med vinsjer | ||
- - - - - andre: | ||
ex | 8701.9042 | - - - - - - trekkvogner, herunder traktorer med tilleggsutstyr for transport av varer |
8701.904290 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - landbrukstraktorer med hjul | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - traktorer utstyrt med vinsjer | ||
- - - - - trekkvogner, herunder traktorer med tilleggsutstyr for transport av gods | ||
ex | 8701.9049 | - - - - - andre |
8701.904990 | - - - - - - brukte | |
87.02 | Motorkjøretøyer for transport av ti eller flere personer, herunder føreren. | |
ex | 8702.10 | - med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med kompresjonstenning (diesel eller semidiesel): |
- - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel | ||
- - andre: | ||
- - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
ex | 8702.1092 | - - - turistbusser |
8702.109290 | - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8702.1099 | - - - andre |
- - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3 000 cm3: | ||
8702.109919 | - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - andre: | ||
8702.109999 | - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8702.90 | - andre |
- - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel | ||
- - andre: | ||
- - - med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med gnisttenning og med frem- og tilbakegående eller roterende stempel: | ||
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
ex | 8702.9022 | - - - - turistbusser |
8702.902290 | - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8702.9029 | - - - - andre |
- - - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3000 cm3: | ||
8702.902919 | - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - andre: | ||
8702.902999 | - - - - - - brukte | |
87.04 | Motorkjøretøyer for transport av gods. | |
- andre, med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med kompresjonstenning (diesel eller semidiesel): | ||
ex | 8704.21 | - - med totalvekt høyst 5 tonn |
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel i den marokkanske tolltariff | ||
ex | 8704.2190 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - firehjuls drevne terrengkjøretøyer (med differensial gir), med en nyttelast på 500 kg eller mer, men mindre enn 900 kg, ikke fullstendig innelukket: | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3000 cm3: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.219039 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum på 3 000 cm3 eller mer: | ||
- - - - - - «vans» og «pick-ups»: | ||
8704.219069 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.219079 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.219099 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8704.22 | - - med totalvekt over 5 tonn, men høyst 20 tonn |
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel | ||
ex | 8704.2290 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3000 cm3: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.229029 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.229049 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - med sylindervolum på 3 000 cm3 eller mer: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.229059 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.229099 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8704.23 | - - med totalvekt over 20 tonn |
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel i den marokkanske tolltariff | ||
ex | 8704.2390 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3 000 cm3 | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.239029 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.239049 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - med sylindervolum på 3 000 cm3 eller mer: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.239059 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.239099 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- andre, med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med gnisttenning: | ||
ex | 8704.31 | - - med totalvekt høyst 5 tonn |
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel i den marokkanske tolltariff | ||
ex | 8704.3190 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - firehjuls drevne terrengkjøretøyer (med differensial gir), med en nyttelast på 500 kg eller mer, men mindre enn 900 kg, ikke fullstendig innelukket: | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3000 cm3: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.319039 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - med sylindervolum på 3 000 cm3 eller mer: | ||
- - - - - - «vans» og «pick-ups»: | ||
8704.319069 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.319079 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.319099 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8704.32 | - - med totalvekt over 5 tonn |
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel i den marokkanske tolltariff | ||
ex | 8704.3290 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3000 cm3: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.329029 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.329049 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - med sylindervolum på 3.000 cm3 eller mer: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.329059 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.329099 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
87.05 | Motorkjøretøyer for spesielle formål (f.eks. bergingsbiler, kranbiler, brannbiler, betongblandebiler, feiebiler, sprøytebiler, verkstedbiler, røntgenbiler), unntatt de som hovedsakelig er konstruert for transport av personer eller gods. | |
ex | 8705.10 | - kranbiler |
8705.100090 | - - brukte | |
ex | 8705.90 | - andre |
- - utstyrte videobusser for TV selskaper autorisert av regjeringen og Maghreb Arab Press Agency | ||
- - andre: | ||
- - - ambulanser utstyrt med operasjonsrom | ||
ex | 8705.9099 | - - - andre |
- - - - bergingsbiler og kranbiler | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
8705.909999 | - - - - - brukte | |
87.16 | Tilhengere og semi-trailere; andre kjøretøyer uten mekanisk drivanordning; deler dertil. | |
- andre tilhengere og semi-trailere for transport av gods: | ||
ex | 8716.31 | - - tanktilhengere og tank semi-trailere |
- - - importert usammensatt | ||
ex | 8716.3190 | - - - andre |
- - - - for transport av gass | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
8716.319099 | - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8716.39 | - - andre |
- - - semi-trailere med kjøleanlegg | ||
- - - andre, importert usammensatt | ||
ex | 8716.3980 | - - - andre: |
8716.398090 | - - - - brukte |
Tabell F til vedlegg III omhandlet i artikkel 4, punkt 4 Referansepriser
Marokko forplikter seg herved til å avskaffe referanseprisene anvendt 1. Juli 1997 for produkter med opprinnelse i EFTA-statene oppført i Tabell F, senest tre år etter Avtalens ikrafttreden.
Tabell 1.31 Tabell F
HS | Beskrivelse | Referanse pris |
40.11.10 40.11.20 40.11.40 40.11.50 40.11.91 40.11.99 | Nye, pneumatiske dekk av gummi, av de slag som brukes på biler, busser, lastebiler, motorsykler og sykler; andre dekk | 36 DH/KG |
40.13.10 | Innerslanger av de slag som brukes på biler, busser og lastebiler | 36 DH/KG |
40.13.20 | Innerslanger av de slag som brukes på sykler og sykler med hjelpemotor | 44 DH/KG | | Andre innerslanger | 36 DH/KG |
51.06 | Garn av kardet ull (kardegarn), ikke i detaljopplegging | 55 DH/KG |
51.07 | Garn av kjemmet ull (kamgarn), ikke i detaljopplegging | 100 DH/KG |
EX 51.11 | Vevnader av kardet ull som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent ull, med vekt høyst 300g/m2 | 250 DH/KG |
EX 51.11 | Andre vevnader av kardet ull som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent ull, med vekt over 300g/m2 | 200 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.11 | Vevnader av kjemmet ull som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent ull, med vekt høyst 200g/m2 | 300 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.19 | Andre vevnader av kjemmet ull som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent ull, med vekt over 200g/m2 | 300 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.20 | Andre vevnader av kjemmet ull som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent ull, blandet med syntetiske eller kunstige filamenter | 250 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.30 | Andre vevnader av kjemmet ull som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent ull, blandet med syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfiberer, med vekt over 200 g/m2 , men høyst 375 g/m2 | 250 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.30 | Andre vevnader av kjemmet ull som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent ull, blandet med syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfiberer, med vekt høyst 200 g/m2 | 300 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.90 | Vevnader av kjemmet ull som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent ull, blandet med andre materialer, med vekt over 375 g/m2 | 250 DH/KG |
EX 51.12.90 | Vevnader av kjemmet ull som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent ull, blandet med andre materialer, med vekt over 200 g/m2 , men høyst 375 g/m2 | 300 DH/KG |
52.05 52.06 | Garn av bomull, ikke i detaljopplegging | 55 DH/KG | | Vevnader av bomull som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent bomull, fargede eller trykte, toskaftbinding, med vekt over 130 g/m2 , men høyst 200 g/m2 og med bredde over 115 cm, men høyst 165 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader av bomull, som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent bomull, fargede eller trykte, toskaftbinding, med vekt over 130 g/m2 men høyst 200 g/m2 og med bredde over 165 cm | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX | Andre vevnader av bomull, som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent bomull, fargede, med vekt over 100 g/m2 men høyst 130 g/m2 og med bredde over 115 cm | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX | Andre vevnader av bomull, som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent bomull, av flerfarget garn, med vekt over 100 g/m2 , men høyst 165 g/m2 og med bredde over 85 cm | 250 DH/KG |
EX EX EX EX | Vevnader av bomull, som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent bomull, trykte, med vekt høyst 200 g/m2 og med bredde over 115 cm | 250 DH/KG | | Vevnader, som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent bomull, fargede eller trykte, med vekt over 200 g/m2 | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX EX | Vevnader, som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent bomull, av flerfarget garn, med vekt over 200 g/m2 og med bredde over 115 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader av bomull, som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent bomull, trykte, med vekt over 200 g/m2 og med bredde over 115 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Ubleikede vevnader som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent bomull, blandet utelukkende eller hovedsakelig med kunstige fibre, med vekt høyst 200 g/m2 og med bredde 85 cm eller mer | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX EX EX EX | Vevnader som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent bomull, fargede eller av flerfarget garn, med vekt høyst 200 g/m2 og med bredde 85 cm eller mer | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX | Vevnader som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent bomull, trykte, med vekt høyst 200 g/m2 og med bredde 115 cm eller mer | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX EX EX EX EX | Vevnader som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent bomull, fargede eller av flerfarget garn, med vekt over 200 g/m2 og med bredde 85 cm eller mer | 200 DH/KG |
EX EX EX | Vevnader som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent bomull, trykte, med vekt over 200 g/m2 og med bredde 115 cm eller mer | 200 DH/KG | | Andre vevnader av bomull som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent bomull, fargede eller av flerfarget garn, med vekt høyst 200 g/m2 og med bredde 85 cm eller mer | 200 DH/KG | | Andre vevnader av bomull, trykte, med vekt høyst 200 g/m2 og med bredde 85 cm eller mer | 200 DH/KG | | Andre vevnader av bomull, fargede, trykte eller av flerfarget garn, med vekt over 200 g/m2 og med bredde 85 cm eller mer | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader av lin som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent lin, ubleikede, med bredde 160 cm eller mer og med vekt høyst 400 g/m2 | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader av lin som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent lin og med bredde høyst 160 cm, unntatt bleikede eller ubleikede | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader av jute eller andre tekstilfibrer av bast som hører under posisjon 5303 | 10 DH/KG |
54.02.31 54.02.32 | Teksturert garn av nylon eller andre polyamider | 32 DH/KG |
54.02.33 | Teksturert garn av polyester | 32 DH/KG | | Teksturert garn av polyethylen eller polypropylen | 32 DH/KG | | Annet teksturert garn av kunstige filamenter andre enn acetat | 32 DH/KG | | Vevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent filamenter av nylon eller andre polyamider, ubleikede, klare, for glansing | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent teksturerte polyester filamenter, bleikede eller ubleikede, klare, for glansing | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent ikke-teksturerte polyester filamenter, bleikede, ubleikede eller rensede, klare, for glansing | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent syntetiske filamenter, bleikede eller ubleikede, klare, for glansing | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent filamenter av nylon eller andre polyamider, fargede, trykte eller av flerfarget garn, klare, for glansing | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent filamenter av nylon eller andre polyamider, fargede, trykte eller av flerfarget garn, og med bredde over 57 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Andre vevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent teksturerte filamenter av polyester, fargede, trykte eller av flerfarget garn, og med bredde over 57 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Andre vevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent ikke-teksturerte filamenter av polyester, fargede, trykte eller av flerfarget garn, og med bredde over 57 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Andre vevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent syntetiske filamenter, fargede, trykte eller av flerfarget garn, og med bredde over 57 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Jacquardvevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent syntetiske filamenter | 200 DH/KG | | Jacquardvevnader som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent syntetiske filamenter, blandet utelukkende eller hovedsakelig med bomull, fargede, trykte eller av flerfarget garn | 200 DH/KG | | Jacquardvevnader som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent syntetiske filamenter, blandet utelukkende eller hovedsakelig med bomull, fargede, trykte eller av flerfarget garn | 200 DH/KG | | Andre vevnader av garn av syntetiske filamenter, fargede, trykte eller av flerfarget garn | 200 DH/KG | | Fargede vevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent av kunstige filamenter, strimler og liknende, og med bredde over 57 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Jacquardvevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent kunstige filamenter, strimler og liknende, med bredde over 115 cm men mindre enn 140 cm, med vekt over 250 g/m2 , av flerfarget garn | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent kunstige filamenter, strimler og liknende av flerfarget garn, med lengdevekt 216,66 desitex eller mer, med bredde på 140 cm eller mer (madrass bolster) | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader av flerfarget garn som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent kunstige filamenter, strimler eller liknende, med bredde over 75 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader av flerfarget garn som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent kunstige filamenter, strimler eller liknende, med bredde over 57 cm | 200 DH/KG | | Andre vevnader av garn av kunstige filamenter, fargede, trykte eller av flerfarget garn | 200 DH/KG | | Andre jacquardvevnader av garn av kunstige filamenter, med bredde over 115 cm, men mindre enn 140 cm, med vekt 250 g/m2 | 200 DH/KG | | Andre vevnader av garn av kunstige filamenter, av flerfarget garn, med lengdevekt 216,66 desitex eller mer, med bredde på 140 cm eller mer more (madrass bolster) | 200 DH/KG |
55.09 55.10 | Garn (unntatt sytråd) av syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer, ikke i detaljopplegging | 85 DH/KG |
55.11 | Garn (unntatt sytråd) av syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer, i detaljopplegging | 55 DH/KG | | Trykte vevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent syntetiske stapelfibrer | 200 DH/KG | | Vevnader av flerfarget garn som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent syntetiske stapelfibrer | 200 DH/KG | | Trykte vevnader av syntetiske stapelfibrer som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent slike fibrer, blandet hovedsakelig eller utelukkende med bomull | 200 DH/KG | | Andre trykte vevnader, av stapelfibrer av polyester | 200 DH/KG | | Andre trykte vevnader, av stapelfibrer av akryl eller modakryl | 200 DH/KG | | Andre trykte vevnader, av andre stapelfibrer | 200 DH/KG | | Andre jacquardvevnader av stapelfibrer av polyester, med bredde over 115 cm men mindre enn 140 cm, med vekt over 250 g/m2, eller andre vevnader av flerfarget garn | 200 DH/KG | | Andre jacquardvevnader av stapelfibrer av akryl eller modakryl, med bredde over 115 cm men mindre enn 140 cm, med vekt over 250 g/m2 , eller andre vevnader av flerfarget garn | 200 DH/KG | | Andre jacquardvevnader av syntetiske stapelfibrer, med bredde over 115 cm men mindre enn 140 cm, med vekt over 250 g/m2 , eller andre vevnader av flerfarget garn | 200 DH/KG | | Trykte vevnader som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent kunstige stapelfibrer | 200 DH/KG | | Jacquardvevnader av kunstige stapelfibrer som inneholder minst 85 vektprosent slike fibrer, blandet hovedsakelig eller utelukkende med syntetiske filamenter, med bredde over 115 cm men mindre enn 140 cm, med vekt over 250 g/m2 , av flerfarget garn | 200 DH/KG | | Jacquardvevnader av kunstige stapelfibrer som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent slike fibrer, blandet hovedsakelig eller utelukkende med syntetiske filamenter, med bredde over 140 cm (madrass bolster), av flerfarget garn | 200 DH/KG | | Trykte vevnader av kunstige stapelfibrer som inneholder mindre enn 85 vektprosent slike fibrer | 200 DH/KG |
56.05 (unntatt | Metallisert garn, også omspunnet, fremstilt av tekstilgarn samt strimler og liknende som hører under posisjon 5404 eller 5405, i forbindelse med metall i form av tråd, strimler eller pulver eller overtrukket med metall | 85 DH/KG | | Chenillegarn, av silke, schappesilke, bourettesilke, spunnet garn eller garn under posisjon 5605, eller metallgarn | 85 DH/KG | | Omspunnet garn samt strimler og liknende som hører under posisjon 5404 eller 5405, omspunnet (unntatt garn, strimler og liknende som hører under posisjon 5605 og garn av tagl), omspunnet silke, schappesilke eller bourettesilke | 85 DH/KG |
57.01.901 | Gulvtepper, knyttede, ferdige eller som metervare2 | 1600 DH/m2 |
57.02 (unntatt 57.02.10 og 57.02.20) 57.03 EX 57.04 57.05 | Gulvtepper og annet gulvbelegg av tekstilmateriale2 | 800 DH/m2 400 DH/m2 |
EX 58.01 | Fløyel-, plysj- og chenillevevnader, unntatt vevnader som hører under posisjon 5806, impregnerte, overtrukket, belagt eller laminert med plast | 40 DH/KG | | Veftfløyel og veftplysj av bomull, ikke overskåret | 200 DH/KG | | Fløyels- og plysjvevnader med vekt over 350 g/m2 | 200 DH/KG | | Andre fløyels- og plysjvevnader av bomull | 200 DH/KG | | Veftfløyel- og veftplysjvevnader av syntetiske eller kunstige fibrer | 200 DH/KG | | Fløyels-, plysj- og chenillevevnader, av jute eller andre tekstilfibrer av bast (unntatt varer under posisjon 58.06), vist til i note 2 til kapittel 58 | 10 DH/KG |
EX 58.02 | Håndklefrotté og liknende frottévevnader, unntatt bånd som hører under posisjon 58.06; tuftede tekstilstoffer, unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 57.03, impregnert, overtrukket, belagt eller laminert med plast | 200 DH/KG | | Håndklefrotté og liknende frottévevnader, av ubleikede tekstiler | 200 DH/KG | | Slyngvevnader, unntatt bånd som hører under posisjon 58.06, av jute eller andre tekstilfibrer av bast som hører under posisjon 53.03 | 10 DH/KG |
EX 58.04 | Tyll og andre nettstoffer, unntatt vevde eller trikoterte stoffer, blonder og kniplinger som metervare, bånd eller motiver, impregnert, overtrukket, belagt eller laminert med plast | 40 DH/KG | | Tekstilprodukter som metervare, bestående av ett eller flere lag tekstilmateriale sammenføyd med stopningsmateriale ved søm eller på annen måte, unntatt broderier som hører under posisjon 58.10, impregnert, overtrukket, belagt eller laminert med plast | 40 DH/KG | | Tekstilprodukter som metervare, bestående av ett eller flere lag tekstilmateriale sammenføyd med stopningsmateriale ved søm eller på annen måte, unntatt broderier som hører under posisjon 58.10, av vevnader som hører under posisjon 53.10 | 10 DH/KG |
59.03 | Tekstilstoff impregnert, overtrukket, belagt eller laminert med plast, unntatt tekstilstoff som hører under posisjon 59.02 | 40 DH/KG | | Tekstiltapeter impregnert, overtrukket, belagt eller laminert med plast | 40 DH/KG |
EX | Tekstilstoff belagt med preparater på basis av tørrende oljer | 40 DH/KG |
EX 60.01.21 EX 60.01.22 EX 60.01.29 EX 60.01.91 EX 60.01.92 EX 60.01.99 | Fløyels- og plysjstoffer, av trikotasje, unntatt stoffer med lang luv, andre enn ubleikede | 200 DH/KG | | Andre stoffer, varpstrikket (herunder stoffer fremstilt på gallonstrikkemaskiner) | 200 DH/KG | | Andre stoffer av trikotasje | 200 DH/KG |
61.04.11 61.04.12 61.04.13 61.04.19 61.04.21 61.04.22 61.04.31 61.04.32 61.04.33 61.04.39 (unntatt 61.04.61 61.04.62 61.04.63 61.04.69 | Drakter, ensembler, jakker, blazere, bukser, også med frontstykke og seler, knebukser og shorts, av trikotasje, for damer eller piker | 600 DH/KG |
61.04.41 61.04.42 61.04.43 61.04.44 61.04.49 61.04.51 61.04.52 61.04.53 61.04.59 | Kjoler, skjørt, bukseskjørt, av trikotasje | 600 DH/KG |
61.06 (unntatt | Bluser, skjorter og skjortebluser, av trikotasje, for damer eller piker | 500 DH/KG |
EX 61.07 | Underbukser, truser, nattskjorter, pyjamaser, badekåper, slåbroker og liknende varer, av trikotasje, for herrer eller gutter | 350 DH/KG |
EX 61.08 | Underkjoler, underskjørt og neglisjéer, av trikotasje, for damer eller piker | 350 DH/KG |
61.09 | T-skjorter, singleter og andre undertrøyer, av trikotasje | 350 DH/KG |
61.10.10 61.10.20 61.10.30 61.10.90 (unntatt | Gensere, pullovere, cardigansett, vester og liknende varer, av trikotasje | 400 DH/KG |
61.12.11 61.12.12 61.12.19 | Treningsdrakter | 450 DH/KG |
62.03.31 62.03.32 62.03.33 62.03.39 62.04.31 62.04.32 62.04.33 62.04.39 | Jakker og blazere, for herrer eller damer | 1250 DH/ENHET |
62.03.11 62.03.12 62.03.19 62.03.21 62.03.22 62.03.23 62.03.29 62.04.11 62.04.12 62.04.13 62.04.19 62.04.21 62.04.22 62.04.23 62.04.29 | Dresser eller ensembler, for herrer eller gutter; dresser eller ensembler, for damer eller piker | 1750 DH/ENHET |
EX 62.03.41 EX 62.03.42 EX 62.03.43 EX 62.03.49 EX 62.04.61 EX 62.04.62 EX 62.04.63 EX 62.04.69 | Bukser, også med frontstykke eller seler, for herrer, gutter, damer eller piker | 500 DH/ENHET |
EX 62.04.41 EX 62.04.42 EX 62.04.43 EX 62.04.44 EX 62.04.49 (unntatt | Kjoler, unntatt av bourettesilke eller annet avfall av silke | 1000 DH/ENHET |
62.05 62.06 (unntatt 62.06.10) | Skjorter, for herrer eller gutter; bluser, skjorter og skjortebluser, for damer eller piker | 200 DH/ENHET |
63.01 (unntatt 63.01.10) | Tepper (unntatt elektriske tepper) | 150 DH/KG |
63.02 | Sengelinnet, dekketøy, toalett- og kjøkkenhåndklær og liknende | 400 DH/KG |
EX 63.05.10 EX 63.05.20 | Sekker og poser, av det slag som brukes som emballasje, av jute eller andre tekstilfibrer av bast som hører under posisjon 53.03, importert tomme | 10 DH/KG |
EX 63.05.32 EX 63.05.33 EX 63.05.39 | Sekker og poser, av det slag som brukes som emballasje, av syntetiske eller kunstige tekstilfibrer, importert tomme | 28 DH/KG |
EX 63.05.90 | Sekker og poser, av det slag som brukes som emballasje, av andre tekstilmaterialer, importert tomme | 10 DH/KG |
63.06.11 63.06.12 63.06.19 | Presenninger og markiser | 40 DH/KG |
63.06.21 63.06.22 63.06.29 | Telt | 40 DH/KG |
EX EX EX EX EX | Fottøy med yttersåle av lær og overdel av lær (som ikke dekker ankelen) | 300 DH/PAR |
EX EX EX EX EX | Annet fottøy med overdel av lær (som ikke dekker ankelen) | 300 DH/PAR |
EX EX | Annet fottøy med overdel av lær eller kunstlær | 300 DH/PAR |
EX EX | Annet fottøy | 300 DH/PAR |
68.13 | Friksjonsmateriale og varer derav (f.eks. Plater, ruller, bånd, segmenter, skiver, ringer, klosser), ikke monterte, til bremser, koplinger eller liknende, på basis av asbest, andre mineralske stoffer eller cellulose, også i forbindelse med tekstilmateriale eller andre materialer | 120 DH/KG |
69.07 (unntatt | Keramiske golv-, vegg- og bruleggingsfliser (unntatt steingods), uglasserte: - biskuitporselen til bruk for relevante industriformål - andre | 19 DH/m2 40 DH/m2 | | Keramiske golv-, vegg- og bruleggingsfliser, uglasserte, med korteste side over 5 cm: - importert av entreprenører - andre | 1,60 DH/KG 3,50 DH/KG |
69.08 (unntatt | Keramiske golv-, vegg- og bruleggingsfliser, glasserte | 3,50 DH/KG | | Keramiske fliser, terninger og mosaikkterninger, med korteste side høyst 5 cm | 60 DH/m2 |
69.10 | Oppvaskkummer, vasker, vaskeunderstell, badekar, bidet- og klosettskåler, spylesisterner, urinaler og liknende sanitærutstyr for fast installasjon, av keramiske materialer | 11 DH/KG | | Drikkeglass uten stett («tumblers»), ikke slipte, etsede, graverte eller dekorerte, av glass, unntatt av krystall eller med lav utvidelseskoeffisient: - med kapasitet mindre enn 250 ml - med kapasitet på 250 ml eller mer | 26 DH/KG 13 DH/KG | | Ovner med maksimum 4 brennere Ovner med 5 brennere, med stekeovn med volum høyst 70 liter Ovner med 5 brennere, med stekeovn med volum større enn 70 liter, eller ovner med mer enn 5 brennere | 2000 DH/E 3000 DH/E 4500 DH/E | | Rotøkser og hakker | 20 DH/KG |
EX | Skyfler | 32 DH/KG |
8205.20.00.00 | Hammere og slegger | 32 DH/KG |
83.01.30 83.01.40 | Låser | 50 DH/KG | | Sylinderblokker for mopeder med sylindervolum høyst 50 cm3 | 200 DH/KG | | Stempler for mopeder med sylindervolum høyst 50 cm3 | 300 DH/KG | | Kjøleskap med en dør Kjøleskap med to dører | 2750 DH/E 3500 DH/E | | Apparater for filtrering eller rensing av væsker eller gasser, til motorer | -80 DH/KG "CAV" TYPE -45 DH/KG ANDRE | | Vaskemaskiner (4 til 6 kg tørt tøy) | 4000 DH/ENHET | | Kraner, ventiler og liknende innretninger for bygninger | 85 DH/KG |
EX | Ovner med maksimum 4 brennere Ovner med 5 brennere, med stekeovn med volum mindre enn 70 liter Ovner med 5 brennere, med stekeovn med volum større enn 70 liter, eller ovner med mer enn 5 brennere | 2000 DH/E 3000 DH/E 4500 DH/E | | Reklamefilmer, helt produsert i utlandet5 | 50.000 DH/U | | Stenger for sammenkopling av elektriske kretser og deler til slike kretser | 80 DH/KG | EX | Brytere og deler til brytere, for husanlegg | 80 DH/KG | | Lampeholdere og deler til lampeholdere | 120 DH/KG | EX | Støpsler og stikkontakter og deler til slike, for husanlegg | 80 DH/KG |
EX 87.03 | Nye personbiler Brukte personbiler | 69500 DH/E 65000 DH/E |
EX 87.01 EX 87.02 EX 87.04 EX 87.05 | Brukte trekkvogner Brukte busser Brukte motorkjøretøyer for transport av gods Brukte spesialkjøretøyer | Se nedenstående tabellera) |
87.08.31 87.08.39 | Monterte bremsebelegg til motorkjøretøyer | 120 DH/KG | | Saler og seter til motorsykler | 70 DH/ENHET | | Saler og seter til sykler | 30 DH/ENHET |
EX EX | Nav | 25 DH/PAR |
EX EX | Kranksett | 9 DH/SETT |
EX EX | Styresett | 9 DH/SETT | | Elektrisitetsmålere for lav- og middelsspenning: - for en-fase - for tre-fase | 185 DH/ENHET 412 DH/ENHET |
1 referansepris for persiske silketepper og liknende som hører under posisjon 5701.90: 3800 DH/m2
2 referansepriser anvendes for gulvtepper og annet gulvbelegg av tekstilmaterialer som foreligger i form av ett eller flere ferdig tilpassede stykker for baderom, kjøkken eller matter til motorkjøretøyer. Referanseprisen på 800 DH/m2 anvendes ikke for dørmatter av kokosfibre som hører under posisjonene Ex 5702.20.00, Ex 5703.90.00 og Ex 5705.00.00
3 brennere anses også som brennere.
4brennere anses også som brennere
5 anvendes for alle medier for reklamefilmer, unntatt for VHS video kassetter
IBasisverdi for motorkjørtøyer for transport av gods
Kjøretøyets vekt | lastebiler med tippeplan | lastebiler, åpne | kassebiler, «pick-ups» eller isolerte lastebiler uten kompressor | kjølebiler | søppelbiler med kompressorutstyr | tankbiler | Multitipp biler | Andre lastebiler |
> 3,5 T | 170 | 160 | 180 | 230 | 380 | 220 | 360 | 300 |
3,5 T - 5,4 T | 210 | 210 | 230 | 310 | 410 | 250 | 390 | 340 |
5.5 T - 6,4 T | 270 | 260 | 290 | 390 | 450 | 270 | 410 | 370 |
6,5 T - 7,9 T | 290 | 270 | 350 | 460 | 480 | 330 | 430 | 430 |
8 T - 10,9 T | 370 | 350 | 530 | 710 | 580 | 390 | 470 | 490 |
11 T - 14,9 T | 400 | 390 | 710 | 950 | 630 | 530 | 510 | 580 |
15 T - 18,9 T | 690 | 630 | 890 | 1180 | 720 | 670 | 840 | 880 |
19 T - 25,9 T | 840 | 790 | 1070 | 1400 | 1040 | 850 | 1070 | 1250 |
26 T og mer | 940 | 890 | 1260 | 1650 | 1140 | 1020 | 1190 | 1300 |
NB: verdien er i 1.000 dirham
II Basisverdi for trekkvogner 850.000 DH
III Basisverdi for busser
Kjøretøyer | Verdi i Dirham |
Mindre enn 10 seter | 600.000 |
11 til 24 seter | 820.000 |
25 til 40 seter | 1.160.000 |
Mer enn 40 seter | 1.340.000 |
IV Basisverdi for personkjøretøyer unntatt busser
850.000 DH. Kjøretøyer uten klimaanlegg
1.100.000 DH Kjøretøyer med klimaanlegg
Reduksjonstabell for kjøretøyer til yrkes eller industriell bruk
Under ett år None
ett til to år 10 %
to til tre år 20 %
tre til fire år 30 %
fire til fem år 40 %
over fem år 50 %
Vedlegg IV Omtalt i artikkel 8, punkt 3 Kvantitative import- eller eksportrestriksjoner og tiltak med tilsvarende virkning
Kvantitative restriksjoner skal ikke avskaffes for produkter oppført i dette Vedlegg.
Den blandede komite skal gjennomføre en ny vurdering av ordningene fastsatt i dette Vedlegg.
H.S. pos.nr. | Pos.nr. Marokkos tolltariff | Varebeskrivelse |
40.12 | Regummierte eller brukte, pneumatiske dekk av gummi; massiv- eller hulkammerringer, utskiftbare slitebaner og felgbånd av gummi. | |
4012.10 | - regummierte dekk | |
4012.20 | - pneumatiske dekk, brukte | |
ex | 4012.90 | - andre |
- - massiv- eller hulkammerringer og utskiftbare slitebaner: | ||
- - felgbånd: | ||
- - - til pneumatiske dekk til fly: | ||
4012.9029 | - - - - brukte | |
- - - andre, til pneumatiske dekk med vekt pr. enhet: | ||
- - - - over 70 kg: | ||
4012.9039 | - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 4012.9040 | - - - - over 15 kg, men høyst 70 kg: |
4012.904090 | - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 4012.9090 | - - - - høyst 15 kg: |
- - - - - over 2 kg, men høyst 15 kg: | ||
4012.909019 | - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - høyst 2 kg: | ||
4012.909090 | - - - - - - brukte | |
63.09 | Brukte klær og andre brukte varer. | |
87.01 | Traktorer (unntatt traktorer som hører under posisjon 87.09). | |
ex | 8701.20 | - trekkvogner til semitrailere |
- - med stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med gnisttenning og med frem- og tilbakegående eller roterende stempel eller stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning: | ||
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel | ||
8701.2019 | - - - andre, brukte | |
ex | 8701.90 | - andre |
- - med stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med gnisttenning og med frem- og tilbakegående eller roterende stempel eller stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning: | ||
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel | ||
- - - andre | ||
- - - - landbrukstraktorer med hjul | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - traktorer utstyrt med vinsjer | ||
ex | 8701.9042 | - - - - - trekkvogner, herunder traktorer med tilleggsutstyr for transport av varer |
8701.904290 | - - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8701.9049 | - - - - - andre |
8701.904990 | - - - - - - brukte | |
87.02 | Motorkjøretøyer for transport av ti eller flere personer, herunder føreren. | |
ex | 8702.10 | - med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med kompresjonstenning (diesel eller semidiesel): |
- - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel | ||
- - andre: | ||
- - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
ex | 8702.1092 | - - - turistbusser |
8702.109290 | - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8702.1099 | - - - andre |
- - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3 000 cm3: | ||
8702.109919 | - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - andre: | ||
8702.109999 | - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8702.90 | - andre |
- - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel | ||
- - andre: | ||
- - - med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med gnisttenning og med frem- og tilbakegående eller roterende stempel: | ||
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
ex | 8702.9022 | - - - - turistbusser |
8702.902290 | - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8702.9029 | - - - - andre |
- - - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3000 cm3: | ||
8702.902919 | - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - andre: | ||
8702.902999 | - - - - - - brukte | |
87.04 | Motorkjøretøyer for transport av gods. | |
- andre, med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med kompresjonstenning (diesel eller semidiesel): | ||
ex | 8704.21 | - - med totalvekt høyst 5 tonn |
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel i den marokkanske tolltariff | ||
ex | 8704.2190 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - firehjuls drevne terrengkjøretøyer (med differensial gir), med en nyttelast på 500 kg eller mer, men mindre enn 900 kg, ikke fullstendig innelukket: | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3000 cm3: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.219039 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum på 3 000 cm3 eller mer: | ||
- - - - - - «vans» og «pick-ups»: | ||
8704.219069 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.219079 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.219099 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8704.22 | - - med totalvekt over 5 tonn, men høyst 20 tonn |
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel | ||
ex | 8704.2290 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3000 cm3: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.229029 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.229049 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - med sylindervolum på 3 000 cm3 eller mer: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.229059 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.229099 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8704.23 | - - med totalvekt over 20 tonn |
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel i den marokkanske tolltariff | ||
ex | 8704.2390 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - other: | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3 000 cm3 | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.239029 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.239049 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - med sylindervolum på 3 000 cm3 eller mer: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.239059 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.239099 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- andre, med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med gnisttenning: | ||
ex | 8704.31 | - - med totalvekt høyst 5 tonn |
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel i den marokkanske tolltariff | ||
ex | 8704.3190 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - firehjuls drevne terrengkjøretøyer (med differensial gir), med en nyttelast på 500 kg eller mer, men mindre enn 900 kg, ikke fullstendig innelukket: | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3000 cm3: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.319039 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - med sylindervolum på 3 000 cm3 eller mer: | ||
- - - - - - «vans» og «pick-ups»: | ||
8704.319069 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.319079 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.319099 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8704.32 | - - med totalvekt over 5 tonn |
- - - importert usammensatt, i form av («C.K.D.») komponenter, avsendt for samlebånd godkjent av regjeringen, unntatt komponentene oppført i tilleggsnote nr. 1 til dette kapittel i den marokkanske tolltariff | ||
ex | 8704.3290 | - - - andre |
- - - - understell med førerhus til motorkjøretøyer | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
- - - - - med sylindervolum mindre enn 3000 cm3: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.329029 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.329049 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - med sylindervolum på 3.000 cm3 eller mer: | ||
- - - - - - tankbiler: | ||
8704.329059 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
- - - - - - lastebiler spesielt konstruert for transport av sterkt radioaktive produkter | ||
- - - - - - andre: | ||
8704.329099 | - - - - - - - brukte | |
87.05 | Motorkjøretøyer for spesielle formål (f.eks. bergingsbiler, kranbiler, brannbiler, betongblandebiler, feiebiler, sprøytebiler, verkstedbiler, røntgenbiler), unntatt de som hovedsakelig er konstruert for transport av personer eller gods. | |
ex | 8705.10 | - kranbiler |
8705.100090 | - - brukte | |
ex | 8705.90 | - andre |
- - utstyrte videobusser for TV selskaper autorisert av regjeringen og Maghreb Arab Press Agency | ||
- - andre: | ||
- - - ambulanser utstyrt med operasjonsrom | ||
ex | 8705.9099 | - - - andre |
- - - - bergingsbiler og kranbiler | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
8705.909999 | - - - - - brukte | |
87.16 | Tilhengere og semitrailere; andre kjøretøyer uten mekanisk drivanordning; deler dertil. | |
- andre tilhengere og semi-trailere for transport av gods: | ||
ex | 8716.31 | - - tanktilhengere og tank semitrailere |
- - - importert usammensatt | ||
ex | 8716.3190 | - - - andre |
- - - - for transport av gass | ||
- - - - andre: | ||
8716.319099 | - - - - - brukte | |
ex | 8716.39 | - - andre |
- - - semitrailere med kjøleanlegg | ||
- - - andre, importert usammensatt | ||
ex | 8716.3980 | - - - andre: |
8716.398090 | - - - - brukte |
Vedlegg V Omtalt i artikkel 16 Beskyttelse av immaterielle rettigheter
Artikkel 1 Beskyttelse, definisjon og omfang
«Beskyttelse av immaterielle rettigheter» omfatter særlig beskyttelse av opphavsrett og tilgrensende rettigheter, blant annet til dataprogrammer og databaser, varemerker for varer og tjenester, geografiske betegnelser, herunder opprinnelsesbetegnelser, industrimønstre, patenter, plantevarianter, topografier i integrerte kretser, samt opplysninger som ikke er offentliggjort.
Artikkel 2 Internasjonale konvensjoner
Statene som er part i denne avtale, bekrefter at de akter å overholde sine forpliktelser i henhold til følgende multilaterale avtaler:
WTO-avtalen av 15. april 1994 om handelsrelaterte sider ved immaterielle rettigheter (TRIPS-avtalen);
Paris-konvensjonen av 20. mars 1883 angående beskyttelse av den industrielle eiendomsrett (Stockholms-akten 1967);
Bern-konvensjonen av 9. september 1886 om beskyttelse av litterære og kunstneriske verk (Paris-akten 1971).
Statene som er part i denne avtale og som ikke er part i en eller flere av de avtaler som er nevnt nedenfor, skal påta seg å sikre sin overholdelse av følgende multilaterale avtaler før 1. januar 1999:
Konvensjon av 19. juni 1970 om patentsamarbeid (Washington-akten, endret i 1979 og modifisert i 1984);
Protokoll av 27. juni 1989 angående Madrid-avtalen om internasjonal registrering av varemerker;
Nice-avtalen av 15. juni 1957 angående den internasjonale klassifikasjon av varer og tjenester for registrering av varemerker (Genève-akten av 1977 endret i 1979).
Statene som er part i denne avtale og som ikke er part i en eller flere av de avtaler som er nevnt nedenfor, skal påta seg å sikre sin overholdelse av følgende multilaterale avtaler før 1. januar 2000:
Budapest-konvensjonen av 28. april 1977 om internasjonal anerkjennelse av deponeringer av mikroorganismer i forbindelse med behandling av patentsaker;
Den internasjonale konvensjon av 2. desember 1961 om beskyttelse av nye plantesorter (UPOV-konvensjonen);
Den internasjonale konvensjon av 26. oktober 1961 om beskyttelse for utøvende kunstnere, fonogramprodusenter og kringkastingsinstitusjoner (Roma-konvensjonen);
Statene som er part i denne avtale, er enige om at det på en parts anmodning omgående skal holdes ekspertkonsultasjoner om virksomhet i tilknytning til de nevnte eller til fremtidige internasjonale konvensjoner om harmonisering, administrasjon og håndhevelse av immaterielle rettigheter og virksomheten i internasjonale organisasjoner, blant annet WTO og Verdensorganisasjonen for immaterialrett (WIPO), samt forbindelser mellom partene og tredjeland i saker vedrørende immaterielle rettigheter.
Artikkel 3 Materielle tilleggskrav
Statene som er part i denne avtale, skal i sin nasjonale lovgivning som et minstekrav sikre følgende:
tilstrekkelig og effektiv beskyttelse av opphavsrett, også til dataprogrammer og sammenstillinger av data, og av tilgrensende rettigheter;
tilstrekkelig og effektiv beskyttelse av varemerker for varer og tjenester, særlig av velkjente varemerker;
tilstrekkelig og effektiv beskyttelse av industrimønstre, særlig ved at det fastsettes en beskyttelsesperiode på fem år fra søknadsdato med mulighet for to påfølgende forlengelsesperioder, hver på fem år;
tilstrekkelig og effektiv patentbeskyttelse for oppfinnelser på alle teknologiske områder på et nivå tilsvarende det som gjelder i henhold til Den europeiske patentoverenskomst av 5. oktober 1973;
tilstrekkelig og effektiv beskyttelse av hemmeligholdte opplysninger;
tvangslisenser for patenter skal bare tillates på de vilkår som fremgår av artikkel 31 i TRIPS-avtalen. Lisenser gitt på grunnlag av at markedet har bruk for dem, skal bare benyttes i den utstrekning det er nødvendig for å tilfredsstille hjemmemarkedet på rimelige kommersielle vilkår.
Statene som er part i denne avtale, skal senest innen 1. januar 2000 i sin nasjonale lovgivning som et minstemål sikre følgende:
tilstrekkelige og effektive midler til å beskytte geografiske henvisninger, herunder opprinnelsesbetegnelser, med hensyn til alle produkter og tjenester;
tilstrekkelig og effektiv beskyttelse av topografier i integrerte kretser.
Artikkel 4 Erverv og opprettholdelse av immaterielle rettigheter
Når erverv av en immateriell rettighet forutsetter at rettigheten tildeles eller registreres, skal statene som er part i denne avtale sikre at prosedyrene for tildeling eller registrering er på samme nivå som foreskrevet i TRIPS-avtalen, særlig artikkel 62.
Artikkel 5 Håndhevelse av immaterielle rettigheter
Statene som er part i denne avtale, skal i sin nasjonale lovgivning gi bestemmelser om håndhevelse på samme nivå som foreskrevet i TRIPS-avtalen, særlig artikkel 41 til 61.
Vedlegg VI Om tolkning av artikkel 18 Statsstøtte
EFTA-statene og Marokko er enige om at tolkningen av artikkel 18 skal rette seg etter følgende kriterier:
Som statsstøtte kan bare de tiltak klassifiseres som resulterer i en netto overføring av midler fra statlige kilder til mottakeren gjennom direkte subsidier, eller som resulterer i tapte skatteinntekter på grunn av skattebegunstigelser; støtte som gis gjennom ordninger som fullt ut finansieres av dem som kommer inn under ordningen, er ikke statsstøtte i henhold til artikkel 18; når virkningene av statsstøtte skal vurderes, skal det tas hensyn til de samlede virkninger av alle typer støttetiltak som gis til mottakere.
Følgende tiltak kommer generelt ikke inn under artikkel 18:
kreditter og lån fra statlige kilder eller organer dersom renter og avdrag er i samsvar med aktuelle markedsvilkår;
garantier gitt av staten eller statlige organer dersom garantiprovisjonen dekker de langsiktige kostnadene med ordningen;
kapitalinnsprøytninger fra staten eller statlige organer dersom avkastningen av slike investeringer med rimelighet kan forventes å bli minst like stor som kostnadene med statlig innlån;
skattetiltak, herunder trygdeavgifter, som er en del av den generelle nasjonale inntektsnorm for skattemessige formål og som er tilgjengelige for alle foretak og anvendes ensartet i et land.
Følgende tiltak er eksempler på støtte som normalt er i tråd med bestemmelsene i artikkel 18:
støtte til forskning, utvikling og nyskapning, forutsatt at den har som sitt klare formål å stimulere slik virksomhet og at virksomheten ennå ikke har nådd et konkurransestadium; med et slikt stadium menes anvendt forskning og utvikling til og med utvikling av en første prototype; slik støtte kan gis i et omfang av inntil 50 prosent av prosjektkostnadene eller som differensierte skattesatser med tilsvarende virkning; til grunnforskning kan det gis støtte i større omfang; jo nærmere markedet et prosjekt er, desto lavere bør subsidieringsgraden være;
støtte som gis til sektorer med overkapasitetsproblemer for å rasjonalisere næringsstrukturen ved å sikre en ordnet nedtrapping av produksjon og bemanning; slike tiltak bør være av strengt begrenset varighet og være ledsaget av et tilpasningsprogram; i vurderingen av overkapasitetsproblemer må den internasjonale situasjonen i sin helhet og ikke bare situasjonen i vedkommende land tas i betraktning;
generell støtte til eksportfremmende tiltak som nasjonale uker, salgskampanjer i forretninger og industrimesser, forutsatt at slik støtte ikke knyttes til bestemte firmaer;
regional utviklingsstøtte, i den grad den ikke griper forstyrrende inn i forutsetningene for likeverdig konkurranse; hensikten med slik støtte må være å sette næringer i regionale utviklingsområder på like fot med næringer i andre deler av landet og ikke å øke kapasiteten i sektorer som allerede har overkapasitetsproblemer; statene som er part i denne avtale har alene myndighet til å definere regionale utviklingsområder, herunder områder i industriell tilbakegang, og kan bli bedt om å skaffe til veie statistikk som detaljert viser grunnlaget for utpekingen av slike områder;
støtte i form av generelle offentlige tjenesteytelser overfor handel og industri på vilkår som ikke favoriserer enkelte sektorer eller foretak;
generell støtte til etablering av nye arbeidsplasser, forutsatt at slike arbeidsplasser ikke opprettes i sektorer som allerede lider av overkapasitet;
miljøstøtte, forutsatt at den oppfyller det generelle prinsipp om at forurenseren betaler; investeringer som spesifikt har som formål å redusere forurensningen, kan støttes i et omfang av inntil 25 prosent eller med differensierte skattesatser med tilsvarende virkning; i erkjennelsen av at andre lands lovgivning eller standarder kan ha andre egenskaper og at dette kan ha innvirkning på handelen og konkurransen, skal graden av subsidiering av konkrete næringer vurderes fortløpende;
støtte til små og mellomstore bedrifter dersom den er ment å oppveie ulemper som er en direkte følge av størrelsen på den aktuelle bedrift, slike bedrifter forstås å ansette ikke flere enn 100 mennesker og har en årlig omsetning mindre enn 10 millioner ECU.
Følgende tiltak er eksempler på støtte som normalt ikke er i tråd med artikkel 18:
støtte for å kompensere for driftstap hos foretak, enten direkte eller ved å slette skyldige innbetalinger til offentlige myndigheter;
innsprøytning av egenkapital i firmaer dersom dette har samme virkning som å gi støtte for å kompensere for driftstap;
støtte til produksjon i problemsektorer som lider av overkapasitet eller til foretak i vanskeligheter, hvis de ikke ledsages av et tilpasningsprogram og er av strengt begrenset varighet;
støtte for å redde konkrete foretak, med mindre den utelukkende har som formål å gi vedkommende foretak tid til å utvikle langsiktige løsninger og å unngå akutte sosiale problemer;
støttetiltak, herunder indirekte skatter, som anvendes på en slik måte at det diskriminerer til fordel for innenlandsproduserte varer og til ulempe for varer produsert i en annen stat som er part i denne avtale;
de former for støtte til vareeksport som er beskrevet i tillegget og som gis til andre stater som er part i denne avtale.
Ordninger som innebærer tilbakeholdelse av valuta eller liknende praksis som innebærer en bonus på eksport og videreeksport.
Direkte statssubsidier til eksportører.
Ettergivelse, beregnet i forhold til eksport, av direkte skatter eller trygdeavgifter som industri- eller handelsforetak er pålagt.
Fritak for eksporterte varer fra avgifter eller skatter, bortsett fra avgifter i forbindelse med import eller indirekte skatter som på ett eller flere stadier legges på de samme varer dersom de selges til innenlands forbruk, eller, for eksporterte varers vedkommende, betaling av beløp som overstiger de beløp som faktisk innkreves for disse varene på ett eller flere stadier i form av indirekte skatter eller i form av avgifter i forbindelse med import, eller i begge former.
Leveranser fra staten eller statlige organer av importerte råvarer til eksportvirksomhet på andre vilkår enn for innenlands virksomhet, til priser som er lavere enn prisene på verdensmarkedet.
Statlige eksportkredittgarantier med premier som åpenbart er utilstrekkelige til å dekke kredittforsikringsinstitusjonenes driftskostnader og tap på lang sikt.
Innvilgning av eksportkreditt fra staten (eller egne statskontrollerte institusjoner) til lavere satser enn dem som betales for å skaffe de midler som benyttes til dette.
At staten helt eller delvis dekker de omkostninger eksportører pådrar seg ved kredittopptak.
Vedlegg VII Regler for gjennomføring av artikkel 18(3) Statsstøtte
I Årlig rapportering
1. EFTA-statene og Marokko skal årlig gi hverandre fullstendige opplysninger om statlige støttetiltak som er iverksatt. EFTA-statene kan gi disse opplysningene under ett.
2. Rapportene skal omfatte støtte fra sentrale og regionale myndigheter, og skal inneholde opplysninger om støtte fordelt på hovedkategorier, supplert av data om de viktigste støtteordninger og former for støtte som benyttes under hver slik kategori.
3. Rapporten må forelegges den annen part innen ett år etter det aktuelle budsjettår. De første rapportene skal dekke budsjettåret etter denne avtales ikrafttreden.
4. Beregningen av netto omkostninger for støttetiltak skal foretas i samsvar med de metoder som er beskrevet i tillegg 1.
5. I den grad bestemte tiltak er et resultat av lover og reguleringer vedtatt på et tidligere stadium, er datoen for mottak av støtte den dato da støtten mottas av vedkommende forretningsforetak, ikke datoen da den budsjettføres eller innbetales til en formidlingsinstitusjon.
II Framgangsmåte for underretning om nye støtteordninger
6. Med hensyn til planlagte støttetiltak skal statene som er part i denne avtale, legge fram opplysninger om planlagte støtteordninger eller vesentlige endringer i eksisterende støtteordninger så tidlig som mulig, og i ikke i noe tilfelle senere enn 60 dager etter iverksettelsesdatoen for de aktuelle tiltak, med sikte på å oppnå mest mulig innsyn.
7. Fullstendige underretninger om nye støttetiltak skal gis fra og med denne avtales ikrafttreden, og skal utferdiges på engelsk i samsvar med oppsettet i skjemaet som er gjengitt i tillegg 2.
8. Underretningen skal sendes til EFTAs sekretariat, som vil videresende den til Marokko når det gjelder en underretning gitt av en EFTA-stat og til alle EFTA-statene når det gjelder en underretning gitt av Marokko.
9. Hver EFTA-stat skal ha rett til å be om ytterligere opplysninger om et tiltak som foreslås av Marokko og å kommentere dette. Marokko skal ha samme rett med hensyn til et tiltak som foreslås av en EFTA-stat. Slike anmodninger om opplysninger og kommentarer og svar på disse skal sendes EFTAs sekretariat, som vil oversende dem til vedkommende avtalepart og sende kopier av dokumentene til andre avtaleparter til orientering. En anmodning om opplysninger eller en kommentar til en foreslått støtteordning skal ikke være til hinder for at det igangsettes konsultasjoner eller videre prosedyretiltak i henhold til artikkel 25 i denne avtale.
III Anmodninger om opplysninger
10. I tillegg til retten til å be om videre opplysninger om varslede støtteordninger, plikter EFTA-statene på Marokkos anmodning å legge fram opplysninger om enhver annen støtteordning og om enkeltsaker. Marokko har samme forpliktelse overfor EFTA-statene. Framgangsmåten som er fastsatt i nr. 9 ovenfor gjelder for slike anmodninger.
IV Andre bestemmelser
11. Disse prosedyrene vil bli gjennomgått av Den blandede komité innen utgangen av år 2000 i lys av alle relevante utviklingstrekk og erfaringer angående systemets funksjon.
Nettokostnad for tilskudd er det beløp som faktisk utbetales i ethvert år. Hvis tilskudd som allerede er gitt, omfordeles og tilbakebetales helt eller delvis, trekkes beløpet fra.
Nettokostnad for lån kalkuleres ved å regne ut påløpte rente på utestående lån i løpet av året. Rentesatsen som benyttes er gjennomsnittskostnad for statlige innlån til nye lån i vedkommende år, ikke satsen gjennom de årene lånene allerede har løpt. Rentebeløp som de offentlige myndigheter mottar, trekkes fra. Eventuelle nedskrivninger i verdien av utlån (avskrivninger) legges til nettokostnadene.
Nettokostnad for garantier er lik kostnad med garantier som innfris i et bestemt år, minus gebyrer som mottas samme år og minus tilbakeføringer.
Nettokostnad med egenkapital er forskjellen mellom kostnaden for statlig innlån og eventuell avkastning og/eller tilbakebetaling som mottas. Reduksjoner i verdien av egenkapital (f.eks. avskrivninger) legges til som en kostnad.
Tittel på støtteordning/støttetiltak
Forvaltningsnivå med ansvar for ordning/støttetiltak:
sentrale myndigheter,
regionale myndigheter,
lokale myndigheter eller
Departement eller annet administrativt organ med lovfestet ansvar for ordningen/støttetiltaket og gjennomføringen.
f.eks. lov, departementsdekret etc. med tittel og referanse.
Ny ordning eller endring i eksisterende ordning:
dersom en ny ordning erstatter en eksisterende, oppgi hvilken ordning.
Hvis endring i eksisterende ordning, angi:
tittel på ordningen
dato for forutgående underretning
angi hvilke regler og vilkår som endres og hvorfor.
Formål med ordning/støttetiltak:Angi bare én kategori; nevn eventuelle sekundære målsetninger. Horisontalt:
redning og omstrukturering
sysselsetting etc. Regionalt:
hvilke regioner, områder er aktuelle mottakere? Sektorielt:
hvilke sektorer (tresifret NACE-angivelse eller tilsvarende nasjonal nomenklatur (spesifiser)) 5 er aktuelle mottakere?
mykt lån (ta med detaljer om preferanserentesats og hvordan lånet er sikret)
skattefordel (f.eks. utsatt skatteinnbetaling), reduserte skattesatser, inntektsfradrag, reduserte sosiale utgifter etc.)
garanti (ta med detaljer om hvordan garantien er sikret og eventuelle gebyrer som kreves for garantien)
støtte knyttet til en FoU-kontrakt inngått med industrifirmaer (spesifiser)
annet (spesifiser). Vennligst angi følgende for hver støtteform:
en nøyaktig beskrivelse av regler og vilkår for anvendelsen (særlig dens intensitet) og
Angi de omkostninger som det tas hensyn til ved beregning av hver støtteform (f.eks. grunn, bygninger, utstyr, personell, opplæring, konsulenthonorarer etc.).
Angi andre støttebegrensninger eller kriterier for hver form for støtte:
spesifiser eventuelle begrensninger (antall ansatte, omsetning, totalbeløp i balanseregnskap, annet) på støttemottakerne eller andre positive betingelser som benyttes for å bestemme mottakere;
angi om støtten tildeles automatisk så snart bestemte målkriterier er oppfylt, eller om det gis rom for skjønn hos de bevilgende myndigheter.
Tilbakebetalingsordninger og straffetiltak:
eventuelle tilbakebetalingsordninger når prosjekter er vellykket;
eventuelle straffetiltak når prosjekter ikke oppfyller betingelsene for støttetildelingen.
Kumulering av støtte:
når det gis mer enn én form for støtte, angi i hvilken grad en mottaker kan kombinere forskjellige støtteformer;
angi i hvilken grad den aktuelle støtten kan kombineres med andre gjeldende støtteordninger.
Støtteordningen/støttetiltakets varighet:
ikrafttredelsesdato og opphørsdato for støtteordningen/tiltaket;
hvis eksisterende ordning, for hvilket tidsrom lenge den forlenges.
Budsjett/utgifter: Angi budsjett-/utgiftstall i nasjonal valuta:
samlet budsjett for hele ordningens/støttetiltakets løpetid;
hvis en eksisterende støtteordning skal endres, angi for de siste tre år utgifter i form av inngåtte forpliktelser (herunder anslåtte inntektstap med hensyn til skatteinngang),
årlig fordeling av budsjettet.
For ordninger som ikke har noe sektorielt eller regionalt siktemål, angi sektoriell eller regional konsentrasjon av støtte som eventuelt vil oppstå.
Anslått antall mottakere.
Informasjons-/kontrolltiltak som planlegges for å sikre at støttede prosjekter oppfyller fastlagte målsetninger.
Full redegjørelse for støtteordningen/støttetiltakets forenlighet, underbygd av nødvendige statistiske opplysninger.
Andre relevante data (f.eks. beregnet antall arbeidsplasser som skapes og opprettholdes).
Vedlegg VIII Omtalt i artikkel 24 nr. 2 Voldgiftsdomstolens oppretting og arbeidsmåte
I sin skriftlige underretning i henhold til artikkel 24 i denne avtale skal den stat som bringer tvisten inn for voldgift, utpeke ett medlem, som kan være dens statsborger.
Innen tretti dager etter mottak av den underretning som det er vist til i nr. 1, skal staten som den er rettet til, i sin tur utpeke ett medlem, som kan være dens statsborger.
Innen seksti dager etter mottak av den underretning som det er vist til i nr. 1, skal de to medlemmene som allerede er utpekt, bli enige om utpeking av et tredje medlem, som skal bekreftes av partene i tvisten innen 15 dager. Det tredje medlemmet skal ikke være borger av noen av partene i tvisten, og heller ikke ha fast bosted på noen av disse statenes territorium. Det medlem som utpekes slik, skal være voldgiftsdomstolens formann.
Hvis alle de tre medlemmene ikke er utpekt eller utnevnt innen seksti dager etter mottak av den underretning som det er vist til i nr. 1, skal de nødvendige utpekinger, på anmodning av den ene part i tvisten, foretas av presidenten for Den internasjonale domstol. Dersom presidenten har forfall i henhold til dette nr., eller er borger av en stat som er part i tvisten, skal visepresidenten foreta utpekingene. Dersom sistnevnte i sin tur har forfall eller er borger av en stat som er part i tvisten, skal utpekingene foretas av det nærmest underordnede medlem av Den internasjonale domstol som verken har forfall eller borger av en part.
Voldgiftsdomstolen skal bestemme sin egen forretningsorden og fatte sine vedtak ved stemmeflertall.
Voldgiftsdomstolen kan når som helst under forhandlingene foreslå en minnelig løsning på tvisten.
Kjennelse skal avgis innen seks måneder etter datoen da voldgiftsdomstolens formann ble utpekt. På domstolens anmodning kan Den blandede komité tillate en forlengelse av denne fristen med inntil seks måneder. I tilfelle tvist om kjennelsens betydning og rekkevidde kan enhver stat som er part i tvisten, innen seksti dager etter at kjennelsen ble meddelt, be domstolen om avklaring. Domstolen skal avgi sin avklaring innen seksti dager fra datoen da den ble forelagt saken.
Domstolens utgifter, herunder godtgjørelse til medlemmene, skal dekkes av partene i tvisten med like andeler.
Protokoll A Vedrørende produkter omtalt i avtalens artikkel 2, punkt (b) Bearbeidede landbruksvarer
Artikkel 1
Avtalens bestemmelser skal anvendes for produktene i tabell I.
Artikkel 2
For å kunne ta hensyn til kostnadsforskjellene på de landbruksråvarer som inngår i varer som er spesifisert i tabellene omtalt i artikkel 3 og 4 i denne protokoll, er denne avtale ikke til hinder for:
at det ved innførsel blir innkrevd toll;
at det anvendes tiltak ved utførsel.
Tollen som innkreves ved import skal være basert på, men ikke overskride forskjellen mellom pris innenlands og prisen på verdensmarkedet for de landbruksråvarer som inngår i de berørte varer.
Artikkel 3
For produkter oppført i tabell II, III og IV med opprinnelse i Marokko, skal henholdsvis Island, Liechtenstein/Sveits og Norge tilstå de innrømmelser som er indikert i nevnte tabeller.
Under henvisning til de tiltak som fremgår av artikkel 2 i Protokoll A, skal Island, Liechtenstein/Sveits og Norge for produkter oppført i henholdsvis tabell II, III og IV med opprinnelse i Marokko, basert på en gjennomgang som kan bli krevd av begge parter, tilstå en behandling som ikke er mindre gunstig enn den som tilstås Det europeiske fellesskap.
Artikkel 4
Marokko skal tilstå en behandling som ikke er mindre gunstig enn behandlingen som tilstås Det europeiske fellesskap for produkter oppført i tabell V med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat eller for andre bearbeidede landbruksvarer hvor Marokko har tilstått konsesjoner til Det europeiske fellesskap.
Artikkel 5
EFTA-statene skal underrette Marokko, og Marokko skal underrette EFTA-statene på et tidlig tidspunkt, senest før ikrafttredelse, om alle tiltak som blir iverksatt i henhold til artikkel 2 i denne protokoll.
Marokko og EFTA-statene skal underrette hverandre om alle endringer med hensyn til den behandling som tilstås Det europeiske fellesskap.
Artikkel 6
EFTA-statene og Marokko skal hvert annet år gjennomgå utviklingen i handelen med produkter som omfattes av denne protokoll. Den første gjennomgangen skal foretas senest etter introduksjonen av enhver endring i forholdet til Det europeiske fellesskap. EFTA-statene og Marokko skal, i lys av disse gjennomganger og idet det tas hensyn til ordninger mellom partene og Det europeiske fellesskap på dette området og i WTO, ta stilling til eventuelle endringer i tabellene II, III, IV og V til denne protokoll, samt til en eventuell utvikling av tiltakene iverksatt i henhold til artikkel 2 i denne protokoll.
Tabell 1.32 Tabell I til protokoll A
14.04 | Vegetabilske produkter ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted |
.20 | - bomull-linters |
15.16 | Animalske eller vegetabilske fettstoffer og oljer, samt deres fraksjoner, helt eller delvis hydrogenerte, interforestrede, reforestrede eller elaidiniserte, også raffinerte, men ikke videre bearbeidde |
ex .20 | - vegetabilske fettstoffer og oljer, samt deres fraksjoner: |
- - hydrogenert ricinusolje (kastorolje) | |
15.18 | Animalske og vegetabilske fettstoffer og oljer, samt deres fraksjoner, kokte, oksiderte, dehydrerte, sulfurerte, blåste, polymeriserte med varme i vakuum eller i inert gass eller på annen måte kjemisk omdannede, unntatt de som hører under posisjon 15.16; uspiselige blandinger eller produkter av animalske eller vegetabilske fettstoffer eller oljer, eller av fraksjoner av forskjellige fettstoffer eller oljer som hører under dette kapittel, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted |
ex .00 | - linoxy |
Tabell 1.33 Tabell II til Protokoll A Island
Islandsk tolltariff HS pos. nr. | Varebeskrivelse | Toll |
ex 0403 | Kjernemelk, kulturmelk (surmelk) og rømme, yoghurt, kefir og annen gjæret eller syrnet melk og fløte, også konsentrert, med eller uten tilsetning av sukker, annet søtningsstoff eller smaksstoff eller med innhold av frukt, nøtter eller kakao. | |
- yoghurt: | ||
0403.1011 | - - med innhold av kakao | * |
- - som drikk: | ||
0403.1021 | - - - med innhold av kakao | * |
0403.1022 | - - - med innhold av frukt eller nøtter | * |
- ellers: | ||
0403.9011 | - - med innhold av kakao | * |
- - som drikk: | ||
0403.9021 | - - - med innhold av kakao | * |
0403.9022 | - - - med innhold av frukt eller nøtter | * |
ex 1702 | Annet sukker, herunder kjemisk ren laktose, maltose, glukose og fruktose, i fast form; sirup og andre sukkeroppløsninger uten tilsetning av smaks- eller fargestoffer; kunsthonning, også blandet med naturlig honning karamell: | |
1702.5000 | - kjemisk ren fruktose | FRI |
- ellers, herunder invertsukker: | ||
1702.9004 | - - kjemisk ren maltose | FRI |
ex 1704 | Sukkervarer (herunder hvit sjokolade), uten innhold av kakao: | |
1704.1000 | - tyggegummi, også overtrukket med sukker | FRI |
- andre: | ||
1704.9002 | - - Masse av pulveriserte mandler, tilsatt sukker og persipan (etterlikning av pulverisert mandellmasse) i pakninger på mindre enn 5 kg. | FRI |
1704.9003 | - - formet dekorativt sukker | FRI |
1704.9007 | - - preparater av gummi arabicum | FRI |
1704.9009 | - - andre | FRI |
ex 1806 | Sjokolade og andre næringsmidler som inneholder kakao: | |
- andre varer i blokker, plater eller stenger av vekt over 2 kg, eller flytende, som pasta, pulver, granulat eller liknende, i pakninger med innhold over 2 kg: | ||
1806.2003 | - - kakaopulver inneholdende 30 vektprosent til og med 90 vektprosent tørrmelk og/eller skummet melke pudder, også inneholdene sukker eller andre søtningsstoffer, men ikke blandet med andre produkter | * |
1806.2004 | - - kakaopulver inneholdende mindre enn 30 vektprosent tørrmelk og/eller skummet tørrmelk, også inneholdene sukker eller andre søtningsstøffer, men ikke blandet med andre produkter | * |
- - andre: | ||
1806.2005 | - - - andre næringsmidler, inneholdende 30 % til 90 % tørrmelk og/eller skummet tørrmelk | * |
1806.2006 | - - - andre næringsmidler, inneholdende mindre enn 30 % tørrmelk og/eller skummet tørrmelk | * |
1806.2009 | - - ellers | FRI |
- andre i blokker, plater eller stenger: | ||
- - med fyll: | ||
1806.3101 | - - - sjokolade, også fyllt, i plater eller stenger | * |
1806.3109 | - - - andre | * |
- - uten fyll: | ||
1806.3201 | - - - sjokolade fremstillt utelukkende av kakaomasse, sukker og ikke mer enn 30 % kakao smør, i plater eller stenger | FRI |
1806.3202 | - - - sjokolade inneholdende kakaomasse, sukker, kakaosmør og tørrmelk, i plater eller stenger | * |
1806.3203 | - - - erstatningssjokolade i plater eller stenger | * |
1806.3209 | - - - andre | * |
- ellers: | ||
- - produkter til fremstilling av drikkevarer: | ||
1806.9011 | - - - tilberedte produkter til fremstilling av drikkevarer, på basis av produkter under posisjon 0401 til 0404, inneholdende mer enn 5 vektprosent kakaopulver beregnet av en helt fettfri basis, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted, sukker eller andre søtningsstoffer, i tillegg til andre mindre ingredienser og smaksstoffer | * |
1806.9012 | - - - tilberedte produkter til fremstilling av drikkevarer, inneholdende kakao sammen med proteiner og/eller andre næringselementer, også vitaminer, mineraler, plantefibrer, flerumettede fettsyrer og smakstilsetninger | FRI |
1806.9019 | - - - andre | FRI |
1806.9022 | - - næringsmidler spesiallaget til dietisk bruk | * |
1806.9023 | - - påskeegg | * |
1806.9027 | - - frokostblandinger | FRI |
1806.9028 | - - kakaopulver, unntatt produkter under posisjon 1901, inneholdende mer enn 30 vektprosent tørrmelk eller skummet melk, også inneholdende sukker eller andre søtningsstoff, men ikke blandet med andre produkter | FRI |
1806.9029 | - - kakaopulver, unntatt produkter under posisjon 1901, inneholdende mindre enn 30 vektprosent tørrmelk og/eller skummet tørrmelk, også inneholdende sukker eller andre søtningsstoff, men ikke blandet med andre produkter | * |
1806.9039 | - - andre | * |
ex 1901 | Maltekstrakt; næringsmidler av mel, stivelse eller maltekstrakt, som ikke inneholder kakao eller inneholder mindre enn 40 vektprosent kakao beregnet av en helt fettfri basis, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; næringsmidler av varer som hører under posisjonene 04.01-04.04 og som ikke inneholder kakao eller inneholder mindre enn 5 vektprosent kakao, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted: | 110 |
1901.1000 | - næringsmidler bestemt for barn, i pakninger for detaljsalg | FRI |
- blandinger og deiger til fremstilling av bakverk som hører under posisjon 19.05: | ||
- - med innhold av 3 vektprosent eller mer tørrmelk, skummet tørrmelk, egg, melkefett (som smør), ost eller kjøtt: | ||
1901.2011 | - - - til fremstilling av knekkebrød under posisjon 1905.1000 | FRI |
1901.2012 | - - - til fremstilling av honningkake under posisjon 1905.2000 | * |
1901.2013 | - - - til fremstilling av søte småkaker under posisjon 1905.3011 og 1905.3029 | * |
1901.2014 | - - - til fremstilling av ingeferkake under posisjon 1905.3021 | * |
1901.2015 | - - - til fremstilling av vafler og vaffelkjeks under posisjon 1905.3030 | * |
1901.2016 | - - - til fremstilling av kavring, ristet brød og lignende ristede produkter under posisjon 1905.4000 | * |
1901.2017 | - - - til fremstilling av brød under posisjon 1905.9011 med fyll basert på smør eller meieriprodukter | * |
1901.2018 | - - - til fremstilling av brød under posisjon 1905.9019 | * |
1901.2019 | - - - til fremstilling av alminnelig kjeks under posisjon 1905.9020 | * |
1901.2021 | - - - til fremstilling av krydret eller salt kjeks under posisjon 1905.9030 | FRI |
1901.2022 | - - - til fremstilling av kaker under posisjon 1905.9040 | * |
1901.2023 | - - - blandinger og deiger, inneholdende kjøtt, til fremstilling av pizza og liknende under posisjon 1905.9051 | * |
1901.2024 | - - - blandinger og deiger, inneholdende ingredienser andre enn kjøtt, til fremstilling av pizza og liknende under posisjon 1905.9059 | * |
1901.2025 | - - - til fremstilling av snacks, slik som skruer, ringer, kremmerhus, stenger, og liknende | FRI |
1901.2029 | - - - til fremstilling av produkter under posisjon 1905.9090 | * |
- - ellers: | ||
1901.2031 | - - - til fremstilling av knekkebrød under posisjon 1905.1000 | FRI |
1901.2032 | - - - til fremstilling av honningkake og liknende under posisjon 1905.2000 | FRI |
1901.2033 | - - - til fremstilling av søte småkaker under posisjon 1905.3011 til 1905.3029 og liknende | FRI |
1901.2034 | - - - til fremstilling av ingefærkake under posisjon 1905.3021 | FRI |
1901.2035 | - - - til fremstilling av vafler og vaffelkjeks under posisjon 1905.3030 | FRI |
1901.2036 | - - - til fremstilling av kavring, ristet brød og liknende ristede produkter under posisjon 1905.4000 | FRI |
1901.2037 | - - - til fremstilling av brød under posisjon 1905.9011 med fyll basert på smør eller meieriprodukter | FRI |
1901.2038 | - - - til fremstilling av brød under posisjon 1905.9019 | FRI |
1901.2039 | - - - til fremstilling av alminnelig kjeks under posisjon 1905.9020 | FRI |
1901.2041 | - - - til fremstilling av krydret og saltet kjeks under posisjon 1905.9030 | FRI |
1901.2042 | - - - til fremstilling av kaker under posisjon 1905.9040 | |
1901.2043 | - - - blandinger og deiger, inneholdende kjøtt, til fremstilling av pizza og liknende under posisjon 1905.9051 | FRI |
1901.2044 | - - - blandinger og deiger, inneholdende ingredienser andre enn kjøtt, til fremstilling av pizza og liknende under posisjon 1905.9059 | FRI |
1901.2045 | - - - til fremstilling av snacks, slik som skruer, ringer, kremmerhus, stenger og liknende | FRI |
1901.2049 | - - - til fremstilling av produkter under posisjon 1905.9090 | FRI |
- andre: | ||
- - produkter til fremstilling av drikkevarer: | ||
- - - tilberedte produkter for drikkevarer, med en basis av produkter under posisjon 0401 til 0404, ikke inneholdende kakao eller inneholdende mindre enn 5 vektprosent av kakao beregnet av en helt fettfri basis, sukker eller andre søtningsstoffer, i tillegg til andre små tilsetninger og søtningsstoff: | ||
ex 1901.9011 | - - - - næringsmidler av produkter under posisjonene 0401 til 0404, ikke inneholdende kakao | FRI |
1901.9019 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - ellers: | FRI | |
ex 1901.9020 | - - - maltekstrakt | FRI |
ex 1901.9020 | - - - pulver til fremstilling av desserter | FRI |
ex 1901.9020 | - - - næringsmidler under posisjon 0401 til 0404 ikke inneholdende kakao | FRI |
ex 1901.9020 | - - - spise-ispulver, ikke inneholdende kakao | FRI |
ex 1901.9020 | - - - andre, med unntak av næringsmidler under posisjon 0401 til 0404 inneholdende kakao | FRI |
ex 1902 | Pasta, også kokt eller fylt (med kjøtt eller andre produkter) eller tilberedt på annen måte, f.eks. spaghetti, makaroni, nudler, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, også tilberedt: | |
- ukokt pasta, ikke fylt eller tilberedt på annen måte: | ||
1902.1100 | - - med innhold av egg | * |
1902.1900 | - - ellers | FRI |
- fylt pasta, også kokt eller tilberedt på annen måte: | ||
- - med fisk, krepsdyr, bløtdyr og andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann: | ||
1902.2019 | - - - ellers | FRI |
- - med pølser, kjøtt, slakteavfall eller blod eller blandinger derav: | ||
1902.2022 | - - - med innhold av 3 til 20 vektprosent pølse, kjøtt, slakteavfall eller blod eller en blanding derav | * |
1902.2029 | - - - ellers | FRI |
- - fylt med ost: | ||
1902.2031 | - - - med innhold av mer enn 3 vektprosent ost | * |
1902.2039 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - fylt med kjøtt og ost: | ||
- - - fylt med mer enn 20 vektprosent kjøtt og ost: | ||
ex 1902.2041 | - - - - inneholdende under 20 vektprosent kjøtt | FRI |
1902.2042 | - - - inneholdende 3 til og med 20 vektprosent kjøtt eller ost | * |
1902.2049 | - - - andre | FRI |
1902.2050 | - - ellers | FRI |
- annen pasta: | ||
1902.3010 | - - med fisk, krepsdyr, bløtdyr og andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann | FRI |
- - med pølse, kjøtt, slakteavfall eller blod eller blandinger derav: | ||
1902.3021 | - - - inneholdende 3 til og med 20 vektprosent | * |
1902.3029 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - med ost: | ||
1902.3031 | - - - inneholdende over 3 vektprosent | * |
1902.3039 | - - - ellers | FRI |
- - med ost og kjøtt: | ||
1902.3041 | - - - med innhold av 3 til og med 20 vektprosent | * |
1902.3049 | - - - andre | FRI |
1902.3050 | - - ellers | FRI |
- couscous: | ||
1902.4010 | - - med fisk, krepsdyr, bløtdyr og andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann | FRI |
- - med pølse, kjøtt, slakteavfall eller blod eller blandinger derav: | ||
1902.4021 | - - - inneholdende 3 til og med 20 vektprosent: | * |
1902.4029 | - - - andre | FRI |
1902.4030 | ellers | FRI |
1903 | Tapioka og tapiokaerstatninger fremstilt av stivelse, i form av flak, gryn, perler eller liknende: | |
1903.0001 | - pakninger for detaljsalg med netto inntil 5 kilo | FRI |
1903.0009 | - andre | FRI |
ex 1904 | Næringsmidler tilberedt ved oppusting eller steking av korn eller kornprodukter (f.eks. «corn flakes»); korn (unntatt mais), i form av gryn eller flak eller annet bearbeidd korn (unntatt mel), forkokt eller tilberedt på annen måte, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted: | |
- næringsmidler tilberedt ved oppusting eller steking av korn eller kornprodukter: | ||
1904.1001 | - - snacks, slik som flak, skruer, ringer, kremmerhus, stenger, og liknende | FRI |
1904.1002 | - - frokostblandinger | FRI |
1904.1009 | - - ellers | FRI |
- næringsmidler fremstilt av ustekte flak av korn eller av blandinger av ustekte flak av korn og stekte flak av korn eller oppustet korn: | ||
19.04.2001 | - - - på basis av oppustet eller stekt korn eller kornprodukter | FRI |
- ellers: | ||
1904.9001 | - - med innhold av 3 til og med 20 vektprosent kjøtt | * |
1904.9009 | - - andre | FRI |
ex 1905 | Brød, kaker, kjeks og annet bakverk, også med innhold av kakao; alterbrød, tomme kapsler til farmasøytisk bruk, forseglingsoblater og liknende varer av mel eller stivelse. | |
1905.1000 | - knekkebrød | FRI |
1905.2000 | - honningkake og liknende | FRI |
- søte kjeks; vafler og vaffelkjeks: | ||
- - overtrukket eller belagt med sjokolade eller med sukkermasse inneholdende kakao: | ||
1905.3011 | - - - søte kjeks (inkl. småkaker) | * |
1905.3019 | - - - andre | * |
- - ellers: | ||
- - - søte kjeks (inkl småkaker): | ||
19.05.3021 | - - - - ingefærkake | * |
1905.3022 | - - - - søte kaker og kjeks, med innhold av mindre enn 20 vektprosent sukker | * |
1905.3029 | - - - - andre søte kaker og kjeks | * |
1905.3030 | - - - ellers | * |
1905.4000 | - kavring, ristet brød og liknende ristede produkter | * |
ex 2001 | Grønnsaker, frukter, nøtter og andre spiselige plantedeler, tilberedte eller konserverte med eddik eller eddiksyre: | |
- andre: | ||
2001. 9001 | - - sukkermais (Zea mays var. saccharata) | FRI |
ex 2005 | Andre grønnsaker, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte enn med eddik eller eddiksyre, ikke fryste: | |
- erter (Pisum sativum): | ||
ex 2005.4000 | - - næringsmidler utelukkende av erter | FRI |
- bønner (Vigna spp. Phaseolus spp.): | ||
- - andre: | ||
ex 2005.5900 | - - - næringsmidler fremstilt av mel av bønner | FRI |
2005.8000 | - sukkermais (Zea mays var. saccharata) | FRI |
- andre grønnsaker og grønnsaksblandinger: | ||
- - med innhold av 3 til og med 20 vektprosent kjøtt: | ||
ex 2005.9001 | - - - grønnsaksblandinger på basis av potet chips | * |
ex 2005.9001 | - - - blandinger på basis av grønnsaksmel | * |
- - andre: | ||
ex 2005.9009 | - - - grønnsaksblandinger på basis av potet chips | FRI |
ex 2005.9009 | - - - grønnsaksblandinger på basis av mel | FRI |
ex 2006 | Grønnsaker, frukter, nøtter, fruktskall og andre plantedeler, kandiserte, glasserte eller på annen måte tilberedt med sukker: | |
- andre grønnsaker | ||
2006.0021 | - - sukkermais (Zea mays var. saccharata) | FRI |
ex 2008 | Frukter, nøtter og andre spiselige plantedeler, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte, også tilsatt sukker eller annet søtningsstoff eller alkohol, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted: | |
- ellers, herunder blandinger, unntatt blandinger som hører under underposisjon 2008.19: | ||
2008.9100 | - - palmehjerter | FRI |
- - andre: | ||
- - - ellers: | ||
ex 2008.9909 | - - - - andre spiselige plantedeler, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | FRI |
ex 2101 | Ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater av kaffe, te eller maté, og varer fremstilt på basis av disse ekstrakter, essenser eller konsentrater eller på basis av kaffe, te eller maté; brente sikorirøtter og andre brente kaffeerstatninger samt ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater derav: | |
- ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater av kaffe, og varer fremstilt på basis av disse ekstrakter, essenser eller konsentrater eller på basis av kaffe: | ||
- - inneholdende 1.5 vektprosent eller mer melkefett, 2.5 vektprosent eller mer melkeprotein, 5 vektprosent eller mer sukker eller 5 vektprosent eller mer stivelse: | ||
ex 2101.1201 | - - - kaffepasta som består av en blanding av brent, malt kaffe og vegetabilsk fett og undertiden tilsatt andre ingredienser | FRI |
- - andre: | ||
ex 2101.1209 | - - - kaffepasta som består av en blanding av brent, malt kaffe og vegetabilsk fett og undertiden tilsatt andre ingredienser | FRI |
- ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater av te eller maté, og varer fremstilt på basis av disse ekstrakter, essenser eller konsentrater eller på basis av te eller maté: | ||
- - inneholdende 1.5 vektprosent eller mer melkefett, 2.5 vektprosent melkeprotein, 5 vektprosent eller mer sukker eller 5 vektprosent eller mer stivelse: | ||
ex 2101.2001 | - - - produkter for fremstilling av te som består av te, tørrmelk, og sukker | FRI |
- - andre: | ||
ex 2101.2009 | - - - produkter for fremstilling av te som består av te, tørrmelk, og sukker | FRI |
- brente sikorirøtter og andre brente kaffeerstatninger samt ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater derav: | ||
2101.3001 | - - andre brente kaffeerstatninger, med unntak for sikorinøtter, og ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater av andre brente kaffeerstatninger, med unntak av sikorinøtter | FRI |
2101.3009 | - - andre | FRI |
ex 2102 | Gjær (aktiv eller inaktiv); andre døde, encellede mikroorganismer (unntatt vaksiner som hører under posisjon 30.02); tilberedt bakepulver: | |
- aktiv gjær: | ||
2102.1001 | - - andre enn for baking av brød, med unntak for gjær til bruk som dyrefór | FRI |
2102.1009 | - - andre | FRI |
- inaktiv gjær; andre døde, encellede mikroorganismer, døde: | ||
2102.2001 | - - inaktiv gjær | FRI |
- tilberedt bakepulver: | ||
2102.3001 | - - i pakninger for detaljsalg med netto innhold inntil 5 kg. | FRI |
2102.3009 | - - andre | FRI |
ex 2103 | Sauser og preparater for tillaging av sauser; tilberedte smaksstoffer; sennepsmel og tilberedt sennep: | |
- andre: | ||
2103.9010 | - - produkter til fremstilling av grønnsakssauser med basisingrediensene mel, stivelse eller maltekstrakt | FRI |
2104 | Supper og buljonger samt preparater for tillaging av supper og buljonger; homogeniserte, sammensatte næringsmidler: | |
- supper og buljonger samt preparater for tillaging av supper og buljonger | ||
2104.1001 | - - produkter til fremstilling av grønnsakssuppe med basisingrediensene mel, stivelse eller maltekstrakt | * |
- - andre supper: | ||
2104.1011 | - - - inneholdende mer enn 20 vektprosent kjøtt | * |
2104.1012 | - - - inneholdende fra 3 vektprosent til og med 20 vektprosent kjøtt | * |
2104.1019 | - - - andre | * |
- - ellers: | ||
2104.1021 | - - - inneholdende mer enn 20 vektprosent kjøtt | * |
2104.1022 | - - - inneholdende fra 3 vektprosent til og med 20 vektprosent kjøtt | * |
2104.1029 | - - - andre | * |
ex 2106 | Tilberedte næringsmidler, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
2106.1000 | - proteinkonsentrater og teksturerte proteinsubstanser | FRI |
- andre: | ||
- - fruktsaft, tilberedt eller blandet mer enn spesifisert under posisjon 2009: | ||
2106.9011 | - - - ugjæret og ikke inneholdende sukker, i emballasje med innhold minst 50 kg | FRI |
2106.9019 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - tilberedte produkter til fremstilling av drikkevarer: | ||
2106.9021 | - - alkoholfrie produkter (konsentrerte ekstrakter) | FRI |
2106.9022 | - - fruktsaft tilsatt smaks- eller fargestoffer | FRI |
2106.9023 | - - - blandinger av planter og plantedeler, også blandet med ekstrakter fra planter, til fremstilling av plantesaft | FRI |
2106.9024 | - - - spesiellt tilberedt som barnemat eller til bruk for diabetikere | FRI |
2106.9025 | - - - tilberedte produkter til fremstilling av drikkevarer, inneholdende proteiner og/eller andre næringsmidler, også vitaminer, mineraler, grønnsaksfibrer, flerumettet fettsyrer og smakstilsetninger | FRI |
2106.9026 | - - - tilberedte produkter til fremstilling av drikkevarer, av ginseng ekstrakt blandet med andre ingredienser, for eksempel glucose eller lactose | FRI |
- - - sammensatte alkoholholdige produkter, med alkoholinnhold over 0,5 vol.%, av det slag som brukes til fremstilling av drikkevarer: | ||
2106.9031 | - - - - med alkoholinnhold over 0,5 vol.% til og med 2,25 vol.% | FRI |
2106.9032 | - - - - med alkoholinnhold til og med 15 vol.% | FRI |
2106.9033 | - - - - med alkoholinnhold over 15 vol.% til og med 22 vol.% | FRI |
2106.9034 | - - - - med alkoholinnhold over 22 vol.% til og med 32 vol.% | FRI |
2106.9035 | - - - - med alkoholinnhold over 32 vol.% til og med 40 vol.% | FRI |
2106.9036 | - - - - med alkoholinnhold over 40 vol.% til og med 50 vol.% | FRI |
2106.9037 | - - - - med alkoholinnhold over 50 vol.% til og med 60 vol.% | FRI |
2106.9038 | - - - - ellers | FRI |
2106.9039 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - pulver til fremstiling av desserter: | ||
2106.9041 | - - - i pakninger for detaljsalg inntil 5 kg, med innhold av tørrmelk, eggehvitte eller eggeplomme | * |
2106.9042 | - - - i pakninger for detaljsalg inntil 5 kg, ikke innholdende tørrmelk, eggehvitte eller eggeplomme | FRI |
2106.9048 | - - - andre, med innhold av tørrmelk, eggehvitte eller eggeplomme | * |
2106.9049 | - - - andre, ikke innholdende tørrmelk, eggehvitte eller eggeplomme | FRI |
2106.9061 | - - drops, uten innhold av sukker eller kakao | FRI |
2106.9062 | - - fruktsupper og grøt | FRI |
2202 | Vann, herunder mineralvann og karbonisert vann, tilsatt sukker, andre søtningsstoffer eller smaksstoffer, og andre alkoholfrie drikkevarer, unntatt frukt- og grønnsaksafter som hører under posisjon 20.09: | |
- vann, herunder mineralvann og karbonisert vann, tilsatt sukker, andre søtningsstoffer eller smaksstoffer: | ||
2202.1001 | - - karbonisert vann | FRI |
2202.1002 | - - spesiellt tilberedt som barnemat eller til diabetisk bruk | FRI |
2202.1009 | - - andre | FRI |
- ellers: | ||
2202.9001 | - - av meieriprodukter med annet innhold dersom meieriproduktene utgjør minst 75 vektprosent av nettovekten | * |
2202.9002 | - - spesiellt tilberedt som barnemat eller til diabetisk bruk | FRI |
2202.9009 | - - andre | FRI |
2203 | Øl fremstilt av malt: | |
2203.0001 | - øl med en alkoholstyrke over 0.5, men høyst 2.25 volumprosent | FRI |
2203.0002 | - med en alkoholstyrke høyst 15 volumprosent | FRI |
2203.0009 | - andre | FRI |
ex 2204 | Vin av friske druer, herunder vin tilsatt alkohol; druemost, unntatt den under posisjon 20.09: | |
- annen vin; druemost hvor gjæringen er hindret eller avbrutt ved tilsetning av alkohol: | ||
- - på emballasje med innehold høyst 2 liter: | ||
- - - druemost tilsatt alkohol: | ||
2204.2111 | - - - - med alkoholstyrke over 0.5, men høyst 2.25 volumprosent | FRI |
2204.2112 | - - - - med alkoholstyrke høyst 15 volumprosent | FRI |
2204.2113 | - - - - med alkoholstyrke over 15, men høyst 22 volumprosent | FRI |
2204.2114 | - - - - med alkoholstyrke over 22, men høyst 32 volumprosent | FRI |
2204.2119 | - - - - andre | FRI |
- - ellers: | ||
- - - druemost tilsatt alkohol: | ||
2204.2911 | - - - - med alkoholstyrke over 0.5, men høyst 2.25 volumprosent | FRI |
2204.2912 | - - - - med alkohostyrke høyst 15 volumprosent | FRI |
2204.2913 | - - - - med alkoholstyrke over 15, men høyst 22 volumprosent | FRI |
2204.2914 | - - - - med alkoholstyrke over 22, men høyst 32 volumprosent | FRI |
2204.2919 | - - - - andre | FRI |
2205 | Vermut og annen vin av friske druer, tilsatt aromatiske planter eller smaksstoffer: | |
- på emballasje med innhold høyst 2 liter: | ||
2205.1001 | - - med alkoholstyrke over 0.5, men høyst 2.25 volumprosent | FRI |
2205.1002 | - - med alkoholstyrke høyst 15 volumprosent | FRI |
2205.1003 | - - med alkoholstyrke over 15, men høyst 22 volumprosent | FRI |
2205.1009 | - - andre | FRI |
- ellers: | ||
2205.9001 | - - med alkoholstyrke over 0.5, men høyst 2.25 volumprosent | FRI |
2205.9002 | - - med alkoholstyrke høyst 15 volumprosent | FRI |
2205.9003 | - - med alkoholstyrke over 15, men høyst 22 volumprosent | FRI |
2205.9009 | - - andre | FRI |
2208 | Udenaturert etylalkohol med alkoholstyrke under 80 vol.%; likør og annet brennevin; sammensatte alkoholholdige preparater av det slag som brukes til fremstilling av drikkevarer: | |
- brennevin fremstilt ved destillasjon av druevin eller druemesk: | ||
- - cognac: | ||
2208.2011 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 32, men høyst 40 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.2012 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 40, men høyst 50 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.2013 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 50, men høyst 60 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.2019 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - ellers: | ||
2208.2091 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 32, men høyst 40 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.2092 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 40, men høyst 50 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.2093 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 50, men høyst 60 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.2099 | - - - andre | FRI |
- whisky: | ||
2208.3001 | - - med alkohostyrke over 32, men høyst 40 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.3002 | - - med alkoholstyrke over 40, men høyst 50 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.3003 | - - med alkoholstyrke over 50, men høyst 60 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.3009 | - - andre | FRI |
- rom og taffia: | ||
2208.4001 | - - med alkoholstyrke over 32, men høyst 40 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.4002 | - - med alkoholstyrke over 40, men høyst 50 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.4003 | - - med alkoholstyrke over 50, men høyst 60 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.4009 | - - andre: | FRI |
- gin og genever: | ||
- - gin: | ||
2208.5011 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 32, men høyst 40 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.5012 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 40, men høyst 50 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.5013 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 50, men høyst 60 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.5019 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - genever | ||
2208.5021 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 32, men høyst 40 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.5022 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 40, men høyst 50 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.5023 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 50, men høyst 60 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.5029 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - vodka: | ||
2208.6001 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 32, men høyst 40 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.6002 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 40, men høyst 50 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.6003 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 50, men høyst 60 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.6009 | - - - andre | FRI |
- likør: | ||
- - inneholdende mer enn 5 vektprosent tilsatt sukker: | ||
2208.7011 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 0.5, men høyst 2.25 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7012 | - - - med alkoholstyrke høyst 15 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7013 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 15, men høyst 22 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7014 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 22, men høyst 32 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7015 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 32, men høyst 40 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7016 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 40, men høyst 50 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7017 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 50, men høyst 60 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7019 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - ellers: | ||
2208.7091 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 0.5, men høyst 2.25 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7092 | - - - med alkoholstyrke høyst 15 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7093 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 15, men høyst 22 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7094 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 22, men høyst 32 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7095 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 32, men høyst 40 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7096 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 40, men høyst 50 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7097 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 50, men høyst 60 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.7099 | - - - andre | FRI |
- ellers: | ||
- - akevitt (brennivín): | ||
2208.9011 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 32, men høyst 40 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.9012 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 40, men høyst 50 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.9013 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 50, men høyst 60 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.9019 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - akevitt: | ||
2208.9051 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 32, men høyst 40 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.9052 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 40, men høyst 50 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.9053 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 50, men høyst 60 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.9059 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - ellers: | ||
2208.9091 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 0.5, men høyst 2.25 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.9092 | - - - med alkoholstyrke høyst 15 volumprosent: | FRI |
2208.9093 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 15, men høyst 22 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.9094 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 22, men høyst 32 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.9095 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 32, men høyst 40 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.9096 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 40, men høyst 50 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.9097 | - - - med alkoholstyrke over 50, men høyst 60 volumprosent | FRI |
2208.9099 | - - - ellers | FRI |
ex 2520 | Gipsstein; anhydritt; gips (som består av kalsinert gipsstein eller kalsiumsulfat), også farget eller med små tilsetninger for regulering av herdingen: | |
- gips: | ||
2520.2001 | - - gips til dental bruk | FRI |
ex 2839 | Silikater; kommersielle alkalimetallsilikater: | |
ex 2839.9000 | - andre, unntatt kommersielle metallsilikater (litium-, rubidium-, cæsium- og fransium silikater). | FRI |
ex 29.05 | Asykliske alkoholer og deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater: | |
- mettede, enverdige alkoholer: | ||
2905.1200 | - - propan- (propylalkohol) og propan- (isopropylalkohol) | FRI |
2905.1300 | - - butan-1-ol (n-butylalkohol) | FRI |
2905.1400 | - - andre butanoler | FRI |
2905.1500 | - - pentanol (amylalkohol) og isomerer derav | FRI |
2905.1600 | - - oktanol (oktylalkohol) og isomerer derav | FRI |
2905.1700 | - - dodekan- (laurylalkohol), heksadekan- (cetylalkohol) og oktadekan- (stearylalkohol) | FRI |
2905.1900 | - - andre | FRI |
- umettede, enverdige alkoholer: | ||
2905.2200 | - - asykliske terpenalkoholer | FRI |
2905.2900 | - - andre | FRI |
- toverdige alkoholer: | ||
2905.3200 | - - propylenglykol (propan-1, 2-diol) | FRI |
2905.3900 | - - andre | FRI |
- andre flerverdige alkoholer: | ||
2905.4100 | - - 2- (hydroksymetyl)propan-1,3-diol (trimetylolpropan) | FRI |
2905.4200 | - - pentaerytritol | FRI |
2905.4300 | - - mannitol | FRI |
2905.4400 | - - D-glucitol (sorbitol) | FRI |
2905.4900 | - - andre | FRI |
2905.5000 | - halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater av asykliske alkoholer | FRI |
2911.0000 | Acetaler og hemiacetaler, også med annen oksygenfunksjon, samt deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater | FRI |
ex 2915 | Mettede, asykliske monokarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-; sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater: | |
- maursyre og dens salter og estere: | ||
2915.1200 | - - salter av maursyre | FRI |
2915.1300 | - - estere av maursyre | FRI |
- eddiksyre og dens salter; eddiksyreanhydrid: | ||
2915.2100 | - - eddiksyre | FRI |
2915.2200 | - - natriumacetat | FRI |
2915.2300 | - - koboltacetat | FRI |
2915.2400 | - - eddiksyreanhydrid | FRI |
2915.2900 | - - andre | FRI |
- estere av eddiksyre: | ||
2915.3100 | - - etylacetat | FRI |
2915.3200 | - - vinylacetat | FRI |
2915.3300 | - - n-butylacetat | FRI |
2915.3400 | - - isobutylacetat | FRI |
2915.3500 | - - 2-etoksyetylacetat | FRI |
2915.3900 | - - andre | FRI |
2915.4000 | - mono-, di- eller trikloreddiksyrer og deres salter og estere | FRI |
2915.5000 | - propionsyre og dens salterog estere | FRI |
2915.6000 | - smørsyre, valeriansyre og deres salter og estere | FRI |
2915.7000 | - palmitinsyre, stearinsyre og deres salter og estere | FRI |
2915.9000 | - andre | FRI |
2916 | Umettede, asykliske monokarboksylsyrer, sykliske monokarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater: | |
- umettede, asykliske monokarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer samt deres derivater: | ||
2916.1100 | - - akrylsyre og dens salter | FRI |
2916.1200 | - - estere av akrylsyre | FRI |
2916.1300 | - - metakrylsyre og dens salter | FRI |
2916.1400 | - - estere av metakrylsyre | FRI |
2916.1500 | - - oljesyre, linolsyre eller linolensyre og deres salter og estere | FRI |
2916.1900 | - - andre | FRI |
2916.2000 | - sykloalkaniske, sykloalkeniske eller sykloterpeniske monokarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer samt deres derivater: | |
- aromatiske monokarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer samt deres derivater: | ||
2916.3100 | - - benzosyre og dens salter og estere | FRI |
2916.3200 | - - benzylperoksid og benzylklorid | FRI |
- - fenyleddiksyre og dens salter og estere: | ||
2916.3400 | - - - fenyleddiksyre og dens salter | FRI |
2916.3500 | - - - estere av fenyleddiksyre | FRI |
2916.3900 | - - ellers | FRI |
2917 | Polykarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
- asykliske polykarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer samt deres derivater: | ||
2917.1100 | - - oksalsyre og dens salter og estere | FRI |
2917.1200 | - - adipinsyre og dens salter og estere | FRI |
2917.1300 | - - azelainsyre, sebasinsyre og deres salter og estere | FRI |
2917.1400 | - - maleinsyreanhydrid | FRI |
2917.1900 | - - andre | FRI |
2917.2000 | - sykloalkaniske, sykloalkeniske eller sykloterpeniske polykarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer samt deres derivater: | |
- aromatiske polykarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer samt deres derivater: | ||
2917.3100 | - - dibutylortoftalater | FRI |
2917.3200 | - - dioktylortoftalater | FRI |
2917.3300 | - - dinonyl- eller didecylortoftalater | FRI |
2917.3400 | - - andre estere av ortoftalsyre | FRI |
2917.3500 | - - ftalsyreanhydrid | FRI |
2917.3600 | - - tereftalsyre og dens salter | FRI |
2917.3700 | - - dimetyltereftalat | FRI |
2917.3900 | - - andre | FRI |
2918 | Karboksylsyrer som i tillegg har annen oksygenfunksjon og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater: | |
- karboksylsyrer med alkoholfunksjon, men uten annen oksygenfunksjon, og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider peroksysyrer samt deres derivater: | ||
2918.1100 | - - melkesyre og dens salter og estere | FRI |
2918.1200 | - - vinsyre | FRI |
2918.1300 | - - salter og estere av vinsyre | FRI |
2918.1400 | - - sitronsyre | FRI |
2918.1500 | - - salter og estere av sitronsyre | FRI |
2918.1600 | - - glukonsyre og dens salter og estere | FRI |
2918.1700 | - - fenylglykolsyre (mandelsyre) og dens salter og estere | FRI |
2918.1900 | - - andre | FRI |
- karboksylsyrer med fenolfunksjon, men uten annen oksygenfunksjon, og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer samt deres derivater: | ||
2918.2100 | - - salisylsyre og dens salter | FRI |
2918.2200 | - - o-acetylsalisylsyre og dens salter og estere | FRI |
2918.2300 | - - andre estere av salisylsyre og deres salter | FRI |
2918.2900 | - - andre | FRI |
2918.3000 | - karboksylsyrer med aldehyd- eller ketonfunksjon, men uten annen oksygenfunksjon, og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer samt deres derivater | |
2918.9000 | - andre | FRI |
29.32 | Heterosykliske forbindelser med bare oksygen som heteroatom(er). | |
- forbindelser som i strukturen inneholder en ukondensert furanring (også hydrogenert): | ||
2932.1100 | - - tetrahydrofuran | FRI |
2932.1200 | - - 2-furaldehyd (furfuraldehyd) | FRI |
2932.1300 | - - furfurylalkohol og tetrahydrofurfurylalkohol | FRI |
2932.1900 | - - andre | FRI |
- laktoner: | ||
2932.2100 | - - kumarin, metylkumariner og etylkumariner | FRI |
2932.2900 | - - andre laktoner | FRI |
- andre: | ||
2932.9100 | - - isosafrole | FRI |
2932.9200 | - - I-(1,3-benzodioxol-5yl)propan-2-on | FRI |
2932.9300 | - - piperonal | FRI |
2932.9400 | - - safrole | FRI |
- - andre: | ||
2932.9910 | - - - benzofuran (cumarone) | FRI |
2932.9930 | - - - indre etere | FRI |
2932.9950 | - - - epoksider med 4-leddet ring | FRI |
- - - sykliske acetaler og indre hemiacetaler, også med andre oksygen funksjoner, og deres halogenerte, sulfonerte, nitro- eller nitroso derivater | ||
2932.9071 | - - - 3,4 metylendioksid fenylpropan-2-on | FRI |
2932.9079 | - - - andre | FRI |
2932.9090 | - - ellers | FRI |
ex 2933 | Heterosykliske forbindelser med bare nitrogen som heteroatom(er); nukleinsyrer og deres salter: | |
- forbindelser som i strukturen inneholder en ukondensert pyrazolring (også hydrogenert): | ||
2933.1100 | - - fenazon (antipyrin) og dets derivater | FRI |
2933.1900 | - - andre | FRI |
- forbindelser som i strukturen inneholder en ukondensert imidazolring (også hydrogenert): | ||
2933.2900 | - - andre | FRI |
- forbindelser som i strukturen inneholder en ukondensert pyridinring (også hydrogenert): | ||
2933.3100 | - - pyridin og dets salter | FRI |
2933.3200 | - - piperidin og dets salter | FRI |
- - andre: | ||
2933.3910 | - - - iproniazid: ketobemidone hydrochloride; pyridostigmine bromid | FRI |
2933.3980 | - - - andre | FRI |
2933.3990 | - - ellers | FRI |
2933.4000 | - forbindelser som inneholder et kinolin- eller isokinolinringsystem (også hydrogenert), ikke videre kondensert | |
- forbindelser som i strukturen inneholder en pyrimidinring (også hydrogenerte) eller piperazinring; nukleinsyrer og deres salter: | ||
2933.5900 | - - andre | FRI |
- forbindelser som i strukturen inneholder en ukondensert triazinring (også hydrogenert): | ||
2933.6100 | - - melamin | FRI |
2933.6900 | - - andre | FRI |
- laktamer: | ||
2933.7100 | - - 6-heksenlaktam (epsilon-kaprolaktam) | FRI |
2933.7900 | - - andre laktamer | FRI |
2933.9000 | - ellers | FRI |
2934 | Andre hetrosykliske forbindelser | |
2934.1000 | - forbindelser som i strukturen inneholder en ukondensert tiazolring (også hydrogenert) | FRI |
2934.2000 | - forbindelser som inneholder et benzotiazolringsystem (også hydrogenert), ikke videre kondensert | FRI |
2934.3000 | - forbindelser som inneholder et fenotiazinringsystem (også hydrogenert), ikke videre kondensert | FRI |
2934.9000 | - andre | FRI |
2940.0000 | Sukkerarter, kjemisk rene, unntatt sakkarose, laktose, maltose, glukose og fruktose; sukkeretere, sukkerestere og deres salter, unntatt produkter som hører under posisjon 29.37, 29.38 eller 29.39. | FRI |
2941 | Antibiotika | |
2941.1000 | - penicilliner og deres derivater med penicillinsyrestruktur: salter derav | FRI |
2941.2000 | - streptomyciner og deres derivater; salter derav | FRI |
2941.3000 | - tetrasykliner og deres derivater; salter derav | FRI |
2941.4000 | - kloramfenikol og dens derivater; salter derav | FRI |
2941.5000 | - erythromycin og dens derivater; salter derav | FRI |
2941.9000 | - andre | FRI |
ex 3006 | Farmasøytiske varer som er nevnt i note 3 til dette kapittel. | FRI |
- tannsement og andre tannfyllingsmaterialer; beinsement: | ||
3006.4002 | - - amalgam av sølv til tannfyllinger | FRI |
- kjemiske, befruktningshindrende preparater på basis av hormoner eller spermicider: | ||
ex 3006.6000 | - kjemiske befruktningshindrende preparater på basis av hormoner | FRI |
ex 3403 | Tilberedte smøremidler (herunder tilberedte bore- og skjæreoljer, preparater til løsning av bolter eller muttere, rusthindrende eller korrosjonshindrende preparater og formslippmidler, på basis av smøremidler) samt preparater av det slag som brukes til olje- eller fettbehandling av tekstilmaterialer, lær, pelsskinn eller andre materialer, men unntatt produkter som inneholder som grunnbestanddel minst 70 vektprosent jordolje eller oljer utvunnet av bituminøse mineraler: | |
- med innhold av jordolje eller oljer utvunnet av bitumøse mineraler | ||
- - preparater for behandlling av tekstilmaterialer, lær, pelsskinn eller andre materialer | ||
ex 3403.1100 | - - - vannoppløselige tekstilsmørepreparater som inneholder en stor del overflateaktive stoffer sammen med mineraloljer og andre kjemikalier | FRI |
- - andre: | ||
- - - rusthidrende preparater: | ||
ex 3403.1901 | - - - - rusthindrende preparater på basis av lanolin og oppløst i mineralterpentin («white spirit»), selv om innholdet av «white spirit» er 70 vektprosent eller høyere | FRI |
ex 3407 | Modellérmasse, også ferdiglaget til bruk for barn; voks og avtrykksmasse til dentalbruk, i sett, i pakninger for detaljsalg eller i form av plater, hestesko, stenger eller liknende; andre preparater til dentalbruk på basis av gips (av kalsinert gips eller kalsiumsulfat): | |
3407.0001 | - preparater til dentalbruk på basis av gips | FRI |
3501 | Kasein, kaseinater og andre kaseinderivater; kaseinlim: | |
3501.1000 | - kasein | FRI |
- andre | ||
3501.9001 | - - til næringsmidler | FRI |
3501.9009 | - - andre | FRI |
3505 | Dekstrin og annen modifisert stivelse (f.eks. pregelatinert eller forestret stivelse); lim på basis av stivelse, dekstrin eller annen modifisert stivelse: | |
- dekstrin og annen modifisert stivelse | ||
3505.1001 | - - stivelse, esterifisert eller eterifisert | FRI |
3505.1009 | - - andre | FRI |
3505.2000 | - lim | FRI |
3506 | Tilberedt lim og andre tilberedte klebemidler ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; produkter anvendelige som lim eller klebemidler i pakninger for detaljsalg som lim eller klebemidler med nettovekt høyst 1 kg: | |
3506.1000 | - produkter anvendelige som lim eller klebemidler i pakninger for detaljsalg som lim eller klebemidler med nettovekt høyst 1 kg | FRI |
- andre: | ||
3506.9100 | - - klebemidler på basis av gummi eller plast (herunder kunstharpiks) | FRI |
3506.9900 | - - andre | FRI |
ex 3801 | Kunstig grafitt; kolloidal eller halvkolloidal grafitt; preparater på basis av grafitt eller annet kull i form av pastaer, blokker, plater eller andre halvfabrikater: | |
- kolloidal eller halvkolloidal grafitt: | ||
ex 3801.2000 | - - kolloidal grafitt i suspensjon i olje; halvkollodial grafitt | FRI |
ex 3801.3000 | - karbonholdige elektrodemasser og lignende masser til foringer i ovner, med unntak av karboner brukt til fremstilling av kullbørster | FRI |
- andre: | ||
ex 3801.9000 | - - preparater på basis av grafitt eller kull i form av masse blandet med olje | FRI |
ex 3804.0000 | Avlut fra fabrikasjon av tremasse, også konsentrert, avsukret eller kjemisk behandlet, herunder ligninsulfonater, men ikke tallolje som hører under posisjon 38.03, med unntak av konsentrert sulfitt soda: | FRI |
ex 3805 | Balsam-, tre- eller sulfatterpentin og andre terpentinholdige oljer fremstilt ved destilasjon eller annen behandling av bartrær; rå dipenten; rå cymen (cymol) og annen rå paracymen; «pine oil» med innhold av alfaterpinol som hovedbestandel; | |
- andre: | ||
ex 3805.9000 | - - rå paracymen unntatt råcymen (cymol) | FRI |
3809 | Midler for etterbehandling og preparater for å framskynde farging eller feste fargestoffer samt andre produkter eller preparater (f.eks. appretur og beisemidler) av det slag som brukes i tekstil-, papir- og lærindustrien eller lignende industrier, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted: | |
3809.1000 | - på basis av stivelse eller stivelsesprodukter | FRI |
- andre: | ||
3809.9100 | - - av det slag som brukes i tekstilindustrien eller liknende industrier | FRI |
3809.9200 | - - av det slag som brukes i papirindustrien eller liknende industrier | FRI |
3809.9300 | - - av det slag som brukes i lærindustrien eller liknende industrier | FRI |
ex 3811 | Preparater for tilsetning i mineraloljer (herunder bensin) eller i andre væsker som brukes til de samme formål som mineraloljer, for å forbedre viskositeten, motvirke motorbank, oksydasjon, korrosjon, sotdannelse eller lignende: | |
- antibankemidler: | ||
ex 3811.1100 | - - på basis av blyforbindelser, medregnet bensin, med unntak av mineraloljer | FRI |
ex 3811.1900 | - - andre, medregnet bensin, unntatt mineraloljer | FRI |
- tilsetninger for smøreoljer: | ||
ex 3811.2100 | - - med innhold av jordolje eller oljer utvunnet av bitumøse mineraler, unntatt mineraloljer | FRI |
ex 3811.2900 | - - andre, unntatt mineraloljer | FRI |
ex 3811.9000 | - andre, medregnet bensin, unntatt mineraloljer | FRI |
ex 3812 | Tilberedte vulkaniseringsakseleratorer; sammensatte myknere for gummi eller plast, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; antioksidasjonsmidler og andre sammensatte stabilisatorer for gummi eller plast: | |
3812.2000 | - sammensatte myknere for gummi eller plast | FRI |
3812.3000 | - antioksidasjonsmidler og andre sammensatte stabilisatorer for gummi eller plast | FRI |
3817 | Blandede alkylbenzener og blandede alkylnaftalener, unntatt produkter som hører under posisjon 27.07 eller 29.02: | |
3817.1000 | - blandede alkylbenzener | FRI |
3817.2000 | - blandede alkylnaftalener | FRI |
3818.0000 | Kjemiske grunnstoffer dopet for elektronisk bruk, i form av skiver eller lignende; kjemiske forbindelser dopet for elektronisk bruk: | FRI |
ex 3823 | Tilberedte bindemidler for støpeformer eller støpekjerner; kjemiske produkter og preparater fra kjemiske eller beslektede industrier (herunder slike som består av blandinger av naturprodukter), ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; restprodukter fra kjemiske eller beslektede industrier, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted: | FRI |
ex 3823.1000 | - tilberedte bindemidler til støpeformer eller støpekjerner, unntatt støpeformer på basis av naturlige restprodukter | FRI |
3823.3000 | - ikke-agglomererte metallkarbider, blandet innbyrdes eller med metalliske bindemidler | FRI |
3823.5000 | - ikke ildfast mørtel og betong | FRI |
3823.6000 | - sorbitol, unntatt sorbitol som hører under varenummer 29.05.44 | FRI |
- - blandinger inneholdende perhalogenat derivater av asykliske hydrokarboner inneholdende to eller flere forskjellige halogener: | ||
3823.7100 | - - inneholdende asykliske hydrokarboner perhalogert kun med fluor og klorin | FRI |
3823.7900 | - - andre | FRI |
- andre: | ||
- - ellers: | ||
3823.9001 | - - - råmaterialer eller hjelpepreparater for produksjon av industrielle varer | FRI |
3823.9002 | - - - tilberedte herdere | FRI |
3823.9003 | - - - uorganiske sammensatte løsemidler og tynnere | FRI |
3823.9004 | - - - rustfjernemidler | FRI |
3823.9005 | - - - kjølevæsker | FRI |
3823.9006 | - - - restprodukter fra kjemiske eller beslektede industrier, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | FRI |
3823.9007 | - - - blandinger av sakarin eller dets salter og kjemiske substanser, slik som sodium bikarbonat og tartarsyre, i detaljpakkninger på høyst 1 kg | FRI |
3823.9009 | - - - - andre | FRI |
ex 3919 | Selvklebende plater, duk, film, folier, tape, bånd og andre flate produkter av plast, også i ruller: | |
- andre: | ||
3919.9010 | - - vegg og takkledning | FRI |
- - ellers: | ||
3919.9021 | - - - av vulkanisert fiber | FRI |
3919.9022 | - - - trykt med reklame på fremmed språk | FRI |
3919.9029 | - - - andre | FRI |
ex 3920 | Andre plater, duk, film, folier og bånd, av plast, unntatt skumplast og ikke forsterket, laminert eller på lignende måte forbundet med andre materialer og uten underlag: | |
- av polymerer av etylen: | ||
3920.1001 | - - matpapir | FRI |
3920.1002 | - - med en tykkelse over 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.1009 | - - ellers | FRI |
- av polymer av propylen: | ||
3920.2001 | - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer ikke spesifisert andre steder | FRI |
3920.2002 | - - bånd av den typen som brukes til innpakning, med en tykkelse 0.50 til 1 mm og en bredde 7 til 15 mm | FRI |
3920.2009 | - - andre | FRI |
- av polymerer av styren: | ||
3920.3001 | - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer ikke spesifisert andre steder | FRI |
3920.3009 | - - andre | FRI |
- av polymerer av vinylklorid: | ||
- - uelastisk: | ||
3920.4101 | - - - med en tykkelse 0,2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.4102 | - - - plater til fotokjemigrafi | FRI |
3920.4109 | - - - - andre | FRI |
- - fleksibel: | ||
3920.4201 | - - - til transportbånd | FRI |
3920.4202 | - - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.4203 | - - - plater til fotokjemigrafi | FRI |
3920.4209 | - - - andre | FRI |
- av akrylpolimerer: | ||
- - av polymetyl metakryl: | ||
3920.5101 | - - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.5109 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - ellers: | ||
3920.5901 | - - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.5909 | - - - andre | FRI |
- av polykarbonater, alkydharpikser, polyallylestere eller andre polyestere: | ||
- - av polykarbonater: | ||
3920.6101 | - - - med en tykkelse på 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.6109 | - - - ellers | FRI |
- - av polyetylen tereftalat: | ||
3920.6201 | - - - med en tykkelse på 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.6209 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - av umettet polyester: | ||
3920.6301 | - - - med en tykkelse på 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.6309 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - av andre polyestere: | ||
3920.6901 | - - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.6909 | - - - andre | FRI |
- av cellulose eller dets kjemikalske derivater: | ||
3920.7101 | - - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.7109 | - - - - andre | FRI |
3920.7200 | - - av vulkanisert fiber | FRI |
- - av cellulose asetat: | ||
3920.7301 | - - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.7309 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - av andre cellulose derivater: | ||
3920.7901 | - - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.7909 | - - - andre | FRI |
- av annen plastikk: | ||
- - av polyvinylbutyral: | ||
3920.9101 | - - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.9109 | - - - ellers | FRI |
- - av polyamider: | ||
3920.9201 | - - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.9209 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - av aminoharpikser: | FRI | |
3920.9301 | - - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.9309 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - av fenolharpikser: | ||
3920.9401 | - - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.9409 | - - - ellers | FRI |
- - av annen plast: | ||
3920.9901 | - - - til transportbånd | FRI |
3920.9902 | - - - med en tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3920.9909 | - - - ellers | FRI |
ex 3921 | Andre plater, duk, film, folier og bånd, av plast: | |
- skummplastprodukter: | ||
- - av polymerer av styren: | ||
3921.1101 | - - - til varme isolasjon | FRI |
3921.1109 | - - - andre | FRI |
- - polymerer av vinylklorid: | FRI | |
3921.1201 | - - - til polstring eller varme isolasjon | FRI |
3921.1209 | - - - andre | FRI |
3921.1300 | - - av polyuretan | FRI |
3921.1400 | - - av regenerert cellulose | FRI |
- - av annen plast: | ||
3921.1901 | - - - gjennomtrukket avsperringsgitter av utvidet polyester | FRI |
3921.1902 | - - - til polstring eller varmeisolasjon | FRI |
3921.1909 | - - - andre | FRI |
- ellers: | ||
3921.9001 | - - til transportbånd | FRI |
3921.9002 | - - med tykkelse 0.2 mm eller mer | FRI |
3921.9003 | - - plater til fotokjemigrafi | FRI |
3921.9004 | - - av vulkanisert fiber | FRI |
3921.9009 | - - andre | FRI |
* = Fast avgift i samsvar med artikkel 2.1 (a) til denne Protokoll (I Kr. per kilo) Fr i = Ingen fast avgift i samsvar med artikkel 2.1 (a) anvendt
Tabell 1.34 Tabell III til protokoll A Liechtenstein og Sveits
Posisjon i tolltariffen HS | Varebeskrivelse | Tollsats(*) fr/100 kg brutto |
04.03 | Kjernemelk, kulturmelk (surmelk) og yoghurt, kefir og annen gjæret eller syrnet melk og fløte, også konsentrert, med eller uten tilsetning av sukker, annet søtnings- eller smaksstoff eller med innhold av frukt, nøtter eller kakao. | |
- yoghurt: | ||
10.10 | - - med innhold av kakao | * |
10.20 | - - med innhold av smaksstoff eller frukt | 100,- |
07.10 | Grønnsaker (også dampkokte eller kokte i vann), fryste. | |
40.00 | - sukkermais | * |
13.02 | Vegetabilske safter og ekstrakter; pektinstoffer, pektinater og pektater; agaragar og annet planteslim samt andre fortykningsmidler, også modifiserte, utvunnet av vegetabilske stoffer. | |
- vegetabilske safter og ekstrakter, også modifiserte, utvunnet av vegetabilske stoffer: | ||
ex 31.00 | - - agar-agar: | |
- modifisert | FRI | |
- planteslim og fortykningsmidler, også modifiserte, utvunnet av johannesbrød, av frø av johannesbrød eller av guarfrø: | ||
ex 32.10 | - - - til teknisk bruk: | |
- modifiserte | FRI | |
ex 32.90 | - - - ellers: | |
- modifiserte | FRI | |
ex 39.00 | - - ellers: | |
- modifiserte | FRI | |
17.02 | Annet sukker, herunder kjemisk ren laktose, maltose, glukose og fruktose, i fast form; sirup og andre sukkeroppløsninger uten tilsetning av smaks- eller fargestoffer; kunsthonning, også blandet med naturlig honning; karamell. | |
50.0 | - kjemisk ren fruktose | FRI |
- ellers, herunder invertsukker: | ||
ex 90.29 | - - i fast form: | |
- kjemisk ren maltose | FRI | |
17.04 | Sukkervarer (herunder hvit sjokolade), uten innhold av kakao. | |
- tyggegummi, også overtrukket med sukker: | ||
10.10 | - - med innhold over 70 vektprosent sakkarose | * |
10.20 | - - med innhold over 60 vektprosent, men høyst 70 vektprosent sakkarose | * |
10.30 | - - med innhold høyst 60 vektprosent sakkarose | * |
- andre: | ||
90.10 | - - hvit sjokolade | * |
90.20 | - - sukkervarer av alle slag, med innhold av frukt også fruktmasse, nougat, marsipan og liknende) | * |
- - sukkervarer av alle slag, fremstilt av saft fra lakrisrot, med følgende innhold av sakkarose: | ||
90.31 | - - - over 10 vektprosent | * |
- - andre formede sukkervarer: | ||
- - - uten innhold av fett, heller ikke vegetabilsk fett, med følgende innhold av sakkarose: | ||
90.41 | - - - - over 70 vektprosent | * |
90.42 | - - - - over 50 vektprosent, men høyst 70 vektprosent | * |
90.43 | - - - - høyst 50 vektprosent | * |
90.50 | - - - med innhold av vegetabilsk fett, men ikke melkefett | * |
90.60 | - - - med innhold av melkefett | * |
- - ellers, med følgende innhold av sakkarose: | ||
90.91 | - - - over 70 vektprosent | * |
90.92 | - - - over 50 vektprosent, men høyst 70 vektprosent | |
90.93 | - - - høyst 50 vektprosent | * |
18.06 | Sjokolade og andre næringsmidler som inneholder kakao. | |
- kakaopulver tilsatt sukker eller søtningsstoff: | ||
10.10 | - - med innhold minst 65 vektprosent sakkarose | * |
10.20 | - - med innhold høyst 65 vektprosent sakkarose | * |
- andre varer i blokker eller plater av vekt over 2 kg, eller flytende, som pasta, pulver, granulat eller liknende, i pakninger med innhold over 2 kg: | ||
- - andre: | ||
- - - masse i blokker: | ||
- - - - med innhold av ingredienser utvunnet av melk, inneholdende: | ||
20.91 | - - - - - over 6 vektprosent melkefett | * |
20.92 | - - - - - over 3 vektprosent, men høyst 6 vektprosent melkefett | * |
20.93 | - - - - - høyst 3 vektprosent melkefett | * |
20.94 | - - - - uten innhold av ingredienser utvunnet av melk | * |
- - - ellers: | ||
- - - - med innhold av ingredienser utvunnet av melk: | ||
20.95 | - - - - - med innhold av fett som stammer fra andre produkter enn melk (med eller uten innhold av melkefett) | * |
20.96 | - - - - - andre | * |
- - - - uten innhold av ingredienser utvunnet av melk: | ||
20.97 | - - - - - med innhold av fett | * |
20.99 | - - - - - ellers | * |
- andre, i blokker, plater eller stenger: | ||
- - med fyll: | ||
- - - med innhold av ingredienser utvunnet av melk: | ||
31.11 | - - - - med innhold av fett som stammer fra andre produkter enn melk (med eller uten innhold av melkefett) | * |
31.19 | - - - - andre | * |
- - - uten innhold av ingredienser utvunnet av av melk: | ||
31.21 | - - - - med innhold av fett | * |
31.29 | - - - - andre | * |
- - uten fyll: | ||
- - - melkesjokolade, med innhold av: | ||
32.11 | - - - - over 6 vektprosent melkefett | * |
32.12 | - - - - over 3 vektprosent, men høyst 6 vekt- prosent melkefett | * |
32.13 | - - - - høyst 3 vektprosent melkefett | * |
32.90 | - - - ellers | * |
- andre: | ||
- - med innhold av ingredienser utvunnet av melk: | ||
90.11 | - - - med innhold av fett som stammer fra andre produkter enn melk (med eller uten innhold av melkefett) | * |
90.19 | - - - ellers | * |
- - uten innhold av ingredienser utvunnet av melk: | ||
90.21 | - - - med innhold av fett | * |
90.29 | - - - andre | * |
19.01 | Maltekstrakt; næringsmidler av mel, stivelse eller maltekstrakt, som ikke inneholder kakao- pulver eller inneholder mindre enn 50 vektprosent kakaopulver, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; næringsmidler av varer som hører under posisjonene 04.01 - 04.04 og som ikke inneholder kakaopulver eller inneholder mindre enn 10 vektprosent kakaopulver, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
- næringsmidler bestemt for barn, i pakninger for detaljsalg: | ||
- - av varer som hører under posisjonene 04.01 - 04.04: | ||
10.11 | - - - med innhold over 12 melkefett | * |
10.12 | - - - med innhold over 3 vektprosent, men høyst 12 vektprosent melkefett | * |
10.13 | - - - uten innhold av melkefett, eller med innhold av høyst 3 vektprosent melkefett | * |
- - uten innhold av varer som hører under posisjonene 04.01 - 04.04: | ||
10.21 | - - - med innhold av sukker | * |
10.22 | - - - uten innhold av sukker | * |
- blandinger og deiger til fremstilling av bakverk som hører under posisjon 19.05: | ||
- - andre, med innhold av varer som hører under posisjonene 04.01 - 04.04: | ||
ex 20.81 | - - - med innhold over 25 vektprosent melkefett: | |
- i beholdere med netto innhold høyst 2 kg | * | |
ex 20.82 | - - - med innhold over 12 vektprosent, men høyst 25 vektprosent melkefett: | |
- i beholdere med netto innhold høyst 2 kg | * | |
20.83 | - - - med innhold høyst 12 vektprosent melkefett | * |
- - andre, uten innhold av varer som hører under posisjonene 04.01 - 04.04: | ||
ex 20.91 | - - - med innhold over 25 vektprosent melkefett: | |
- i beholdere med netto innhold høyst 2 kg | * | |
ex 20.92 | - - - med innhold over 12 vektprosent, men høyst 25 vektprosent melkefett: | |
- i beholdere med netto innhold høyst 2 kg | * | |
- - - uten innhold av melkefett eller med innhold av høyst 12 vektprosent melkefett: | ||
20.93 | - - - - med innhold av fett | * |
20.99 | - - - - andre | * |
- - ellers: | ||
- - - maltekstrakt, med tørrstoffinnhold: | ||
90.51 | - - - - over 80 vektprosent | * |
90.52 | - - - - høyst 80 vektprosent | * |
- - - næringsmidler som hører under posisjonene 04.01 - 04.04: | ||
- - - - andre (enn pulver, granulater eller annen fast form): | ||
- - - - - med innhold av melkefett med et fettinnhold på: | ||
90.71 | - - - - - - over 50 vektprosent | * |
90.72 | - - - - - - over 20 vektprosent, men høyst 50 vektprosent | * |
90.73 | - - - - - - over 3 vektprosent, men høyst 20 vektprosent | * |
90.74 | - - - - - - høyst 3 vektprosent | * |
90.75 | - - - - - uten innhold av melkefett | * |
- - - varer som hører under posisjonene 04.01- 04.04 (andre enn de som hører under varenummer 19.01.9061 - 19.01.9075): | ||
ex 90.81 | - - - - med innhold over 25 vektprosent melkefett: | |
- i beholdere med netto innhold høyst 2 kg | * | |
ex 90.82 | - - - - med innhold over 12 vektprosent, men høyst 25 vektprosent melkefett: | |
- i beholdere med netto innhold høyst 2 kg | * | |
90.89 | - - - - andre | * |
- - - andre varer: | ||
ex 90.91 | - - - - med innhold over 25 vektprosent melkefett: | |
- i beholdere med netto innhold høyst 2 kg | * | |
ex 90.92 | - - - - med innhold over 12 vektprosent, men høyst 25 vektprosent melkefett: | |
- i beholdere med netto innhold høyst 2 kg | * | |
- - - - uten innhold av melkefett eller med innhold under 12 vektprosent melkefett: | ||
- - - - - fremstilt av mel, stivelse eller maltekstrakt: | ||
90.93 | - - - - - - med innhold av fettstoffer | * |
90.94 | - - - - - - uten innhold av fettstoffer | * |
- - - - - andre: | ||
90.95 | - - - - - - med innhold av fettstoffer | * |
- - - - - - uten innhold av fettstoffer: | ||
90.96 | - - - - - - - med innhold av sukker eller egg | * |
90.99 | - - - - - - - andre | * |
19.02 | Pasta, også kokt eller fylt (med kjøtt eller andre produkter) eller tilberedt på annen måte, f.eks. spaghetti, makaroni, nudler, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, også tilberedt. | |
- ukokt pasta, ikke fylt eller tilberedt på annen måte: | ||
11.00 | - - med innhold av egg | * |
19.00 | - - ellers | * |
20.00 | - fylt pasta, også kokt eller tilberedt på annen måte | * |
30.00 | - annen pasta | * |
- couscous: | ||
40.10 | - - rå, ikke tilberedt | * |
40.90 | - - ellers | * | | Tapioka og tapiokaerstatninger fremstilt av stivelse, i form av flak, gryn, perler eller liknende. | |
19.04 | Næringsmidler tilberedt ved oppusting eller steking av korn eller kornprodukter (f.eks. «corn flakes»); korn, unntatt mais, i form av gryn, eller flak eller annet bearbeidet korn (unntatt mel), forkokt eller tilberedt på annen måte, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
- næringsmidler tilberedt ved oppusting eller steking av korn eller kornprodukter: | ||
10.10 | - - «Müesli»-liknende næringsmidler | * |
10.90 | - - andre | 20,- |
20.00 | - tilberedte næringsmidler fremstilt av ustekte flak av korn eller av blandinger av ustekte flak av korn og stekte flak av korn eller oppustet korn: | * |
- ellers: | ||
- - andre: | ||
90.20 | - - - forkokt ris (parboiled) | 24,- |
- - - andre | ||
90.91 | - - - - bulgur | 110.- |
90.99 | - - - - andre | * |
19.05 | Brød, kaker, kjeks og annet bakverk, også med innhold av kakao; alterbrød, tomme kapsler til farmasøytisk bruk, forseglingsoblater og liknende varer av mel eller stivelse. | |
- knekkebrød: | ||
10.10 | - - uten innhold av sukker eller andre søtningsstoffer | * |
10.20 | - - med innhold av sukker eller andre søtningsstoffer | * |
- honningkake («gingerbread») og liknende: | ||
20.10 | - - med innhold av melkefett | * |
20.20 | - - med innhold av annet fett | * |
20.30 | - - uten innhold av fett | * |
- søte kjeks og småkaker; vafler og vaffelkjeks: | ||
- - søte kjeks: | ||
30.11 | - - - med innhold av melkefett | * |
30.19 | - - - andre | * |
- - vafler og vaffelkjeks: | ||
30.21 | - - - uten innhold av sukker eller andre søtningsstoffer | * |
30.22 | - - - med innhold av sukker eller andre søtningsstoffer | * |
- kavringer, ristet brød og liknende ristede produkter: | ||
40.10 | - - uten innhold av sukker eller andre søtningsstoffer | * |
- - med innhold av sukker eller andre søtningsstoffer: | ||
40.21 | - - - kavringer | * |
40.29 | - - - annet | * |
- ellers: | ||
- - brød og andre vanlige bakervarer, uten innhold av sukker eller andre søtningsstoffer, honning, egg, fett, ost eller frukt: | ||
- - - ikke pakket for detaljsalg: | ||
90.11 | - - - - brødsmuler | * |
90.12 | - - - - andre | * |
- - - pakket for detaljsalg: | ||
90.13 | - - - - påskebrød (usyret brød) | * |
90.14 | - - - - brødsmuler | * |
90.19 | - - - - andre | * |
90.20 | - - alterbrød, tomme kapsler til farmasøytisk bruk, forseglingsoblater og liknende varer av mel eller stivelse | 32,- |
- - andre: | ||
90.92 | - - - andre, uten innhold av sukker eller andre søtningsstoffer | * |
- - - andre, med innhold av sukker eller andre søtningsstoffer: | ||
90.93 | - - - - med innhold av melkefett | * |
90.94 | - - - - med innhold av annet fett | * |
90.95 | - - - - uten innhold av fett | * |
20.01 | Grønnsaker, frukter, nøtter og andre spiselige plantedeler, tilberedte eller konserverte med eddik eller eddiksyre. | |
- andre: | ||
- - grønnsaker og andre spiselige plantedeler: | ||
90.20 | - - - sukkermais (Zea mays var. saccharata) | * |
20.04 | Andre grønnsaker, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte enn med eddik eller eddiksyre, fryste, andre enn produkter tillhørende under posisjon 2006: | |
- andre grønnsaker samt grønnsakblandinger: | ||
- - i pakninger med vekt høyst 5 kg: | ||
90.43 | - - - sukkermais (Zea mays var. saccharata) | * |
20.05 | Andre grønnsaker, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte enn med eddik eller eddiksyre, ikke fryste, andre enn produkter tilhørende under posisjon 2006. | |
- poteter: | ||
- - næringsmidler i form av mel eller flak på basis av poteter: | ||
20.11 | - - - med innhold over 80 vektprosent poteter | * |
20.12 | - - - med innhold høyst 80 vektprosent poteter | * |
80.00 | - sukkermais (Zea mays var. saccharata) | * |
20.08 | Frukter, nøtter og andre spiselige plantedeler, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte, også tilsatt sukker eller annet søtningsstoff eller alkohol, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
- nøtter, jordnøtter samt andre kjerner og frø, også blandede: | ||
- - jordnøtter: | ||
11.10 | - - - peanøttsmør | * |
- ellers, herunder blandinger, unntatt blandinger som hører under varenummer 2008.19: | ||
91.00 | - - palmehjerter | FRI |
- - annet: | ||
- - - andre: | ||
99.98 | - - - - mais, annen enn sukkermais (Zea mays var. saccharata) | * |
21.01 | Ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater av kaffe, te eller maté, og varer fremstilt på basis av disse ekstrakter, essenser eller konsentrater eller på basis av kaffe, te eller maté; brente sikorirøtter og andre brente kaffeerstatninger samt ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater derav. | |
- ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater av kaffe, og varer fremstilt på basis av disse ekstrakter, essenser eller konsentrater eller på basis av kaffe: | ||
12.90 | - - ellers | * |
- ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater, av te eller maté, og produkter på basis av disse ekstrakter, essenser eller konsentrater eller på basis av te eller maté: | ||
20.90 | - - ellers | * |
ex 30.00 | - brente kaffeerstatninger, essenser og konsentrater derav, unntatt brente sikori- røtter og ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater derav: | |
- - hele eller i stykker | 1,60 | |
- - ellers | * | |
21.02 | Gjær (aktiv eller inaktiv); andre døde, encellede mikroorganismer (unntatt vaksiner som hører under posisjon 30.02); tilberedt bakepulver. | |
ex 20.19 | - inaktiv gjær; andre døde, encellede mikroorganismer: | |
- - død, naturlig gjær | 4,- | |
21.03 | Sauser og preparater for tillaging av sauser; tilberedte smaksstoffer; sennepsmel og tilberedt sennep. | |
10.00 | - soyasaus | FRI |
20.00 | - tomatketchup og annen tomatsaus | FRI |
90.00 | - andre | FRI |
21.04 | Supper og buljonger samt preparater for tillaging av supper og buljonger; homogeniserte, sammensatte næringsmidler. | |
10.00 | - supper og buljonger samt preparater for tillaging av supper og buljonger | FRI |
21.05 | Spise-is, også med innhold av kakao. | |
- med innhold av kakao | ||
- ellers | ||
21.06 | Tilberedte næringsmidler, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | |
- proteinkonsentrater og teksturerte protein- substanser: | ||
10.11 | - - med innhold av melkefett, annet fett eller sukker | * |
10.19 | - - andre | * |
- ellers: | ||
- - blandinger og ekstrakter og konsentrater av grønnsaksprodukter av det slag som brukes til fremstilling av drikkevarer: | ||
- - - ikke alkoholholdige | ||
90.21 | - - - - med innhold av sukker eller annet søtningsmiddel, med innhold over 60 vektprosent sakkarose | * |
90.22 | - - - - med innhold av sukker eller annet søtningsmiddel, med innhold over 50 vektprosent, men høyst 60 vektprosent sakkarose | * |
90.23 | - - - - med innhold av sukker eller annet søtningsmiddel, med innhold høyst 50 vektprosent sakkarose | * |
90.24 | - - - - uten innhold av sukker eller annet søtningsmiddel | |
90.30 | - - proteinhydrolysater og gjærautolysater | 20,- |
90.40 | - - tyggegummi og søtsaker, drops, pastiller og liknende produkter, uten innhold av sukker | * |
- - andre tilberedte næringsmidler: | ||
- - - andre: | ||
- - - - inneholdende: | ||
90.81 | - - - - - over 50 vektprosent melkefett | * |
90.82 | - - - - - over 20 vektprosent, men høyst 50 vektprosent melkefett | * |
90.83 | - - - - - over 3 vektprosent, men høyst 20 vektprosent melkefett | * |
90.84 | - - - - - høyst 3 vektprosent melkefett, uten innhold av varer som hører under varenummer 2106.9091 | * |
- - - - med innhold av annet fett, med et fettinnhold på: | ||
90.91 | - - - - - over 40 vektprosent | * |
90.92 | - - - - - over 10 vektprosent, men høyst 40 vektprosent | * |
90.93 | - - - - - høyst 10 vektprosent | * |
- - - - uten innhold av fett: | ||
- - - - - inneholdende sukker, med et sukker- innhold på: | ||
90.94 | - - - - - - over 50 vektprosent | * |
90.95 | - - - - - - høyst 50 vektprosent | * |
90.96 | - - - - - med innhold av kornslag, malt ekstrakter eller egg (uten innhold av sukker) | * |
90.99 | - - - - - andre | * |
22.02 | Vann, herunder mineralvann og karbonisert vann, tilsatt sukker, andre søtningsstoffer eller smaksstoffer, og andre alkoholfrie drikkevarer, unntatt frukt- og grønnsaksafter som hører under posisjon 20.09 | |
10.00 | - vann, herunder mineralvann og karbonisert vann, tilsatt sukker, andre søtningsstoffer eller smaksstoffer | 6,40 |
- ellers: | ||
90.90 | - - andre | 6,40 |
22.03 | Øl fremstilt av malt. | |
00.10 | - i beholdere som inneholder over 2 hektoliter | 6,- |
00.20 | - i beholdere som inneholder over 2 liter, men ikke over 2 hektoliter | 3,50 |
- i beholdere som ikke inneholder over 2 liter: | ||
00.31 | - - i flasker av glass | 6,- |
00.39 | - - andre | 8,- |
22.05 | Vermut og annen vin av friske druer, tilsatt aromatiske planter eller smaksstoffer. | |
- i beholdere inneholdende høyst 2 liter: | ||
10.10 | - - med alkoholstyrke høyst 18 vol.% | FRI |
10.20 | - - med alkoholstyrke over 18 vol.% | FRI |
- andre: | ||
90.10 | - - med alkoholstyrke høyst 18 vol.% | FRI |
90.20 | - - med alkoholstyrke over 18 vol.% | FRI |
22.08 | Udenaturert etylalkohol med alkoholstyrke under 80 vol.%; likør og annet brennevin; sammensatte, alkoholholdige preparater av det slag som brukes til fremstilling av drikkevarer. | |
ex 70.00 | - likør, inneholdende sukker eller egg | 45,- |
- andre: | ||
ex 90.99 | - - andre: | |
- andre søtede brenneviner, også med innhold av smaksstoff; med innhold av sukker eller egg | 45,- | |
29.05 | Asykliske alkoholer og deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
- andre flerverdige alkoholer: | ||
43.00 | - - mannitol | * |
44.00 | - - D-glucitol (sorbitol) | * |
ex 29.15 | Mettede, asykliske monokarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-; sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater | |
- estere av mannitol eller sorbitol | FRI | |
ex 29.16 | Umettede, asykliske monokarboksylsyrer, sykliske monokarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater | |
- estere av mannitol eller sorbitol | FRI | |
29.17 | Polykarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
- asykliske polykarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer, deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro eller nitrosoderivater: samt deres derivater: | ||
ex 19.90 | - - andre: | |
- itakonsyre, dens salter og estere | FRI | |
29.18 | Karboksylsyrer som i tillegg har annen oksygenfunksjon og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater. | |
- karboksylsyrer med alkoholfunksjon, men uten annen oksygenfunksjon, og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer samt deres derivater: | ||
- - melkesyre og dens salter og estere | ||
11.10 | - - siklaktat | FRI |
11.90 | - - andre | FRI |
14.00 | - - sitronsyre | FRI |
15.00 | - - salter og estere av sitronsyre | FRI |
16.90 | - - glukonsyre, dens salter og estere | FRI |
ex 19.90 | - - andre: | |
- glyserinsyre, glykolsyre, sukkersyre, isosukkersyre, heptasukkersyre, deres salter og estere | FRI | |
29.32 | Heterosykliske forbindelser med bare oksygen som heteroatom(er). | |
- forbindelser som i strukturen inneholder en ukondensert furanring (også hydrogenert): | ||
ex 19.00 | - - andre: | |
- vannfrie mannitol- og sorbitol- forbindelser (f.eks.sorbitan), unntatt maltol og isomaltol | FRI | |
ex 90.00 | - andre: | |
- alfametyllglykosid | FRI | |
ex 29.40 | Sukkerarter, kjemisk rene, unntatt sakkarose, laktose, maltose, glukose og fruktose; sukkeretere, sukkerestere og deres salter, unntatt produkter som hører under posisjon 29.37, 29.38 eller 29.39 | |
ex00.90 | - sorbose, dets salter og estere | FRI |
29.41 | Antibiotika | |
ex 10.00 | - penicilliner og deres derivater med penicillinsyrestruktur; salter derav: | |
- penicillin | FRI | |
30.01 | Kjertler og andre organer til organoterapeutisk bruk, tørkede, også pulveriserte; ekstrakter av kjertler eller andre organer eller av deres sekreter, til organoterapeutisk bruk; heparin og dets salter; andre stoffer fra mennesker eller | |
dyr, tilberedte for terapeutisk eller | ||
profylaktisk bruk, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | ||
ex 90.00 | - ellers: | |
- heparin og dets salter | FRI | |
35.01 | Kasein, kaseinater og andre kaseinderivater; kaseinlim | |
- ellers: | ||
ex 90.10/90.90 | - kaseinlim | 15,- |
35.05 | Dekstrin og annen modifisert stivelse (f.eks. pregelatinert eller forestret stivelse); lim på basis av stivelse, dekstrin eller annen modifisert stivelse | |
- dekstrin og annen modifisert stivelse: | ||
10.90 | - forestrert eller eterisert stivelse | FRI |
- andre | 4,80 | |
- lim | ||
20.90 | -- andre | 4,80 |
35.06 | Tilberedt lim og andre tilberedte klebemidler ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; produkter anvendelige som lim eller klebemidler i pakninger for detaljsalg som lim eller klebemidler med nettovekt høyst 1 kg | |
ex 10.00 | - produkter anvendelige som lim eller klebemidler i pakninger for detaljsalg som lim eller klebemidler med nettovekt høyst 1 kg: | |
- på basis av emulsjoner av natriumsilikat | FRI | |
- ellers: | ||
- - andre: | ||
ex 99.90 | - - - ellers | |
- på basis avemulsjoner av natriumsilikat | FRI | |
35.07 | Enzymer; tilberedte enzymer ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | |
ex 90.90 | -andre: | |
- tilberedte enzymer med innhold av substanser med næringsgivende verdi | * | |
38.09 | Midler for etterbehandling og preparater for å fremskynde farging eller feste fargestoffer samt andre produkter eller preparater (f.eks. appretur og beisemidler) av det slag som brukes innenfor tekstil-, papir- og lærindustrien eller liknende industrier, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
- på basis av stivelse eller stivelsesprodukter: | ||
ex 10.90 | - - andre - tilberedt lim og klister; ferdig primer | FRI |
38.23 | Industrielle monokarboxylfettsyrer, raffinasjons-fettsyrer, industrielle fettalkoholer. | |
- industrielle monokarboksylfettsyrer: | ||
13.00 | - - talloljefettsyrer | FRI |
38.24 | Tilberedte bindemidler for støpeformer eller støpekjerner; kjemiske produkter og preparater fra kjemiske eller beslektede industrier (herunder slike som består av blandinger av naturprodukter), ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; restprodukter fra kjemiske eller beslektede industrier, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
- tilberedte bindemidler for støpeformer eller støpekjerner: | ||
ex 10.90 | - - andre | |
- på basis av kunstharpiks | FRI | |
60.00 | - sorbitol, unntatt sorbitol som hører under varenummer 29.05.44 | FRI |
- andre: | ||
- - ellers: | ||
ex 90.99 | - - - andre | |
- crackingprodukter av sorbitol | FRI | |
39.11 | Petroleumsharpikser, kumaron-indenharpikser, polyterpener, polysulfider, polysulfoner og andre produkter nevnt i note 3 til dette kapittel, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted, i ubearbeidde former | |
- petroleumsharpikser, kumaronharpikser, indenharpikser, kumaron-indenharpikser og polyterpener: | ||
ex 10.10 | - - i dispersjon eller i ikke-vannholdig oppløsning: | |
- lim på basis av emulsjoner av disse harpikser | FRI | |
ex 10.90 | - - andre: | |
- lim på basis av emulsjoner av disse harpikser | FRI | |
ex 90.90 | - andre: | |
- lim på basis av emulsjoner av disse harpikser | FRI | |
39.13 | Naturlige polymerer (f.eks. alginsyre) og modifiserte, naturlige polymerer (f.eks. herdede proteiner, kjemiske derivater av naturgummi), ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted, i ubearbeidde former. | |
ex 90.00 | - andre: | |
- dekstriner og andre produkter enn herdede proteiner | FRI |
Tabell 1.35 Tabell IV til protokoll A NORGE
Posisjon i Tolltariffen (HS) | Varebeskrivelse | Tollsats NOK pr kg/% ad valorem |
04.03 | Kjernemelk, kulturmelk (surmelk) og rømme, yoghurt, kefir og annen gjæret eller syrnet melk og fløte også konsentrert, med eller uten smaksstoff eller med innhold av frukt, nøtter eller kakao | |
- yoghurt: | ||
- - med innhold av frukt, nøtter eller bær: | ||
10.2 | - - - som pulver, granulat eller i annen fast form | * + 0,50 |
10.3 | - - - ellers | * + 0,50 |
ex 10.9 | - - ellers: | |
- - - med innhold av smaksstoff eller kakao | * | |
ex 90.0 | - annen: | |
- - med innhold av smaksstoff eller kakao | * | |
- - med innhold av frukt, nøtter eller bær | * + 0,50 | |
07.10 | Grønnsaker (også dampkokte eller kokte i vann), fryste | |
40.9 | - sukkermais (Zea mays var. saccharata) | fri |
07.11 | Grønnsaker, midlertidig konserverte (f.eks. med svoveldioksidgass, i saltlake, i svovelsyrlingvann eller i andre konserverende oppløsninger), men utjenelige til direkte forbruk i den foreliggende tilstand | |
- andre grønnsaker; grønnsakblandinger: | ||
90.2 | - - sukkermais (Zea mays var. saccharata) | fri |
13.02 | Vegetabilske safter og ekstrakter; pektinstoffer, pektinater og pektater; agar-agar og annet planteslim samt andre fortykningsmidler, også modifiserte, utvunnet av vegetabilske stoffer | |
- planteslim og fortykningsmidler, også modifiserte, utvunnet av vegetabilske stoffer: | ||
ex 31.0 | - - agar-agar: | |
- - - modifisert | fri | |
ex 32.0 | - - planteslim og fortykningsmidler, også modifiserte, utvunnet av johannesbrød, av frø av johannesbrød eller av guarfrø | fri |
ex 39.0 | - - ellers: | |
- - - modifiserte | fri | |
17.02 | Annet sukker, herunder kjemisk ren laktose, maltose, glukose og fruktose, i fast form; sirup og andre sukkeroppløsninger uten tilsetning av smaks- eller fargestoffer; kunsthonning, også blandet med naturlig honning; karamell | |
50.9 | - kjemisk ren fruktose | fri |
- ellers, herunder invertsukker: | ||
ex 90.9 | - - annet: | |
- - - kjemisk ren maltose | fri | |
17.04 | Sukkervarer (herunder hvit sjokolade), uten innhold av kakao | * |
18.06 | Sjokolade og andre næringsmidler som inneholder kakao | |
10.0 | - kakaopulver, tilsatt sukker eller annet søtningsstoff | * |
- andre varer i blokker, plater eller stenger av vekt over 2 kg, eller flytende, som pasta, pulver, granulat eller liknende, i pakninger med innhold over 2 kg: | ||
20.1 | - - spise-ispulver og puddingpulver | * |
20.9 | - - ellers | * |
- ellers | ||
31.0 | - - med fyll | * |
32.0 | - - uten fyll | * |
- ellers: | ||
90.1 | - - annen sjokolade, herunder sukkervarer med innhold av kakao | * |
90.2 | - - spise-ispulver og puddingpulver | * |
90.9 | - - andre næringsmidler | * |
19.01 | Maltekstrakt; næringsmidler av mel, stivelse eller maltekstrakt, som ikke inneholder kakao eller inneholder mindre enn 40 vektprosent kakao, beregnet av en helt fettfri basis, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; næringsmidler av varer som hører under posisjonene 04.01 - 04.04, og som ikke inneholder kakao eller inneholder mindre enn 5 vektprosent kakao, beregnet av en helt fettfri basis, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | |
- næringsmidler bestemt for barn, i pakninger for detaljsalg: | ||
10.1 | - - av varer som hører under posisjonene 04.01 - 04.04 | * + 0,50 |
10.9 | - - ellers | * + 0,50 |
- blandinger og deiger til fremstilling av bakverk som hører under posisjon 19.05: | ||
20.1 | - - kakemiks i beholdere med netto innhold inntil 2 kg | * |
20.9 | - - ellers | * + 0,50 |
- ellers: | ||
90.1 | - - maltekstrakt | fri |
90.9 | - - andre | * + 0,50 |
19.02 | Pasta, også kokt eller fylt (med kjøtt eller andre produkter) eller tilberedt på annen måte, f.eks. spaghetti, makaroni, nudler, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, også tilberedt | |
- ukokt pasta, ikke fylt eller tilberedt på annen måte: | ||
11.0 | - - med innhold av egg | * + 0,20 |
19.0 | - - ellers | * + 0,20 |
- fylt pasta, også kokt eller tilberedt på annen måte: | ||
20.9 | - - ellers | * |
30.0 | - annen pasta | * |
40.0 | - couscous | * + 0,20 |
19.03 | Tapioka og tapiokaerstatninger fremstilt av stivelse, i form av flak, gryn, perler eller liknende | * + 0,20 |
19.04 | Næringsmidler tilberedt ved oppusting eller steking av korn eller kornprodukter (f.eks. «corn flakes»); korn (unntatt mais) i form av gryn eller flak eller annet bearbeidd korn (unntatt mel), forkokt eller tilberedt på annen måte, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | |
- næringsmidler tilberedt ved oppusting eller steking av korn eller kornprodukter: | ||
10.1 | - - «corn flakes» | * |
10.9 | - - andre | * |
- ellers: | ||
- - forkokt ris uten tilsetning av andre ingredienser: | ||
90.2 | - - - til andre formål enn dyrefôr | * |
90.9 | - - annet | * |
19.05 | Brød, kaker, kjeks og annet bakverk, også med innhold av kakao; alterbrød, tomme kapsler til farmasøytisk bruk, forseglingsoblater og liknende varer av mel eller stivelse | |
10.0 | - knekkebrød | * + 10 % |
20.0 | - honningkake («gingerbread») og liknende | * |
30.0 | - søte kjeks og småkaker, vafler og vaffelkjeks | * |
40.0 | - kavringer, ristet brød og liknende ristede produkter | * |
- ellers: | ||
- - pizza, herunder porsjonspizza o.l: | ||
90.1 | - - - med innhold av pølse, kjøtt eller slakteavfall | * |
90.2 | - - - ellers, herunder pizzabunner | * |
90.3 | - - andre kaker, flatbrød, wienerbrød (herunder wienerbrødstang o.l.), samt kjeks, unntatt søte kjeks som hører under varenummer 19.05.3001 | * |
90.9 | - - annet | * |
20.01 | Grønnsaker, frukter, nøtter og andre spiselige plantedeler, tilberedte eller konserverte med eddik eller eddiksyre | |
- andre: | ||
- - grønnsaker: | ||
- - - sukkermais (Zea mays var. saccharata): | ||
90.4 | - - - - til annen bruk enn dyrefôr | fri |
20.04 | Andre grønnsaker, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte enn med eddik eller eddiksyre, fryste, unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 20.06 | |
- poteter: | ||
- - næringsmidler i form av mel eller flak, på basis av poteter: | ||
10.1 | - - - som inneholder minst 75 vektprosent av poteter | * + 0,20 |
10.2 | - - - ellers | * + 0,20 |
- andre grønnsaker samt grønnsakblandinger: | ||
- - sukkermais (Zea mays var. saccharata): | ||
90.2 | - - - til annen bruk enn dyrefôr | * |
20.05 | Andre grønnsaker, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte enn med eddik eller eddiksyre, ikke fryste, unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 20.06 | |
- poteter: | ||
- - næringsmidler i form av mel eller flak, på basis av poteter: | ||
20.1 | - - - som inneholder minst 75 vektprosent av poteter | * + 0,20 |
20.2 | - - - ellers | * + 0,20 |
- sukkermais (Zea mays var. saccharata): | ||
80.9 | - - til annen bruk enn dyrefôr | * |
20.08 | Frukter, nøtter og andre spiselige plantedeler, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte, også tilsatt sukker eller annet søtningsstoff eller alkohol, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | |
- nøtter, jordnøtter samt andre kjerner og frø, også innbyrdes blandede: | ||
- - jordnøtter: | ||
11.1 | - - - peanøttsmør | fri |
21.01 | Ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater av kaffe, te eller maté, og varer fremstilt på basis av disse ekstrakter, essenser eller konsentrater eller på basis av kaffe, te eller maté; brente sikorirøtter og andre brente kaffeerstatninger samt ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater derav | |
- ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater av kaffe, og varer fremstilt på basis av disse ekstrakter, essenser eller konsentrater eller på basis av kaffe: | ||
ex 12.0 | - - varer fremstilt på basis av kaffe | fri |
- ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater av te eller maté, og varer fremstilt på basis av disse ekstrakter, essenser eller konsentrater eller på basis av te eller maté: | ||
ex 20.9 | - - varer fremstilt på basis av te eller maté | fri |
30.0 | - brente sikorirøtter og andre brente kaffeerstatninger samt ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater derav | fri |
21.02 | Gjær (aktiv eller inaktiv); andre døde, encellede mikroorganismer (unntatt vaksiner som hører under posisjon 30.02); tilberedt bakepulver | |
- aktiv gjær: | ||
10.1 | - - vingjær | * |
10.9 | - - ellers | * |
- inaktiv gjær; andre døde, encellede mikroorganismer: | ||
20.1 | - - gjær til fôr | fri |
20.2 | - - annen inaktiv gjær | * |
21.03 | Sauser og preparater for tillaging av sauser; tilberedte smaksstoffer; sennepsmel og tilberedt sennep | |
10.0 | - soyasaus | fri |
- tomatketchup og annen tomatsaus: | ||
20.1 | - - tomatketchup | * |
20.2 | - - annen tomatsaus | * |
- andre: | ||
90.1 | - - majones og remulade | * |
90.9 | - - ellers: | |
- - - flytende «mango chutney» | fri | |
- - - ellers | * | |
21.04 | Supper og buljonger samt preparater for tillaging av supper og buljonger; homogeniserte, sammensatte næringsmidler | |
- supper og buljonger samt preparater for tillaging av supper og buljonger: | ||
- - i lufttett, lukket emballasje: | ||
10.1 | - - - kjøttsuppe (buljong) | * |
10.2 | - - - grønnsaksuppe, også innkokt, uten innhold av kjøtt, flesk eller ekstrakter derav | * |
10.3 | - - - fiskesuppe (inneholdende minst 25 vektprosent fisk) | * |
10.4 | - - - annen | * |
- - ellers: | ||
10.5 | - - - med innhold av kjøtt, flesk eller ekstrakter derav | * |
10.6 | - - - fiskesuppe (inneholdende minst 25 vektprosent fisk) | * |
10.9 | - - - annen | * |
21.05 | Spise-is, også med innhold av kakao | |
00.1 | - med innhold av kakao | * + 0,90 |
- ellers: | ||
00.2 | - - med innhold av fett | * + 1,70 |
00.9 | - - annen | * |
21.06 | Tilberedte næringsmidler, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | |
10.0 | - proteinkonsentrater og teksturerte proteinsubstanser | * |
- andre: | ||
90.1 | - - sammensatte, alkoholfrie produkter tilberedte på basis av ekstrakter som hører under posisjon 13.02, av det slag som brukes til fremstilling av drikkevarer | * |
90.2 | - - tilberedte produkter av saft av epler eller solbær, til fremstilling av drikkevarer | * + 10 % |
90.3 | - - andre tilberedte produkter til fremstilling av drikevarer | * |
90.4 | - - drops og tyggegummi, uten innhold av sukker | * |
- - ellers: | ||
90.5 | - - - fløteerstatninger | * |
90.6 | - - - fettemulsjoner og liknende produkter som inneholder mer enn 15 vektprosent melkefett | * + 25 % |
90.9 | - - - andre | * |
22.02 | Vann, herunder mineralvann og karbonisert vann, tilsatt sukker, andre søtningsstoffer eller smaksstoffer, og andre alkoholfrie drikkevarer, unntatt frukt- og grønnsaksafter som hører under posisjon 20.09 | * |
22.03 | Øl fremstilt av malt | * |
22.05 | Vermut og annen vin av friske druer, tilsatt aromatiske planter eller smaksstoffer | fri |
22.08 | Udenaturert etylalkohol med alkoholstyrke under 80 vol.%; likør og annet brennevin | |
ex 70 | - likør, med innhold av egg eller eggeplommer og/eller sukker (sakkarose eller invertsukker) | fri |
29.05 | Asykliske alkoholer og deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater | |
- andre flerverdige alkoholer: | ||
43.0 | - - mannitol | fri |
44.0 | - - D-glucitol (sorbitol) | fri |
29.15 | Mettede, asykliske monokarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og perokysyrer; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater | |
- maursyre og dens salter og estere: | ||
ex 13.0 | - - estere av maursyre: | |
- - - estere av mannitol og estere av sorbitol | fri | |
- estere av eddiksyre: | ||
ex 39.0 | - - andre: | |
- - - estere av mannitol og estere av sorbitol | fri | |
- mono-, di- eller trikloreddiksyrer og deres salter og estere: | ||
ex 40.2 | - - salter og estere: | |
- - - estere av mannitol og estere av sorbitol | fri | |
- propionsyre og dens salter og estere: | ||
ex 50.2 | - - salter og estere av propionsyre: | |
- - - estere av mannitol og estere av sorbitol | fri | |
- smørsyre, valeriansyre og deres salter og estere: | ||
ex 60.2 | - - salter og estere av smørsyre og valeriansyre: | |
- - - estere av mannitol og estere av sorbitol | fri | |
- palmitinsyre, stearinsyre og deres salter og estere: | ||
ex 70.2 | - - salter og estere av palmetinsyre og stearinsyre: | |
- - - estere av mannitol og estere av sorbitol | fri | |
- andre: | ||
ex 90.9 | - - ellers: | |
- - - estere av mannitol og estere av sorbitol | fri | |
29.16 | Umettede, asykliske monokarboksylsyrer, sykliske monokarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater | |
- umettede, asykliske monokarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer samt deres derivater: | ||
ex 12.0 | - - estere av akrylsyre: | |
- - - estere av mannitol og estere av sorbitol | fri | |
ex 14.0 | - - estere av metakrylsyre: | |
- - - estere av mannitol og estere av sorbitol | fri | |
- - oljesyre, linolsyre eller linolensyre og deres salter og estere: | ||
ex 15.2 | - - - salter og estere av oljesyre, linolsyre eller linolensyre: | |
- - - - estere av mannitol og estere av sorbitol | fri | |
- - andre: | ||
ex 19.9 | - - - ellers: | |
- - - - estere av mannitol og estere av sorbitol | fri | |
29.17 | Polykarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater | |
- asykliske polykarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer samt deres derivater: | ||
- - andre: | ||
ex 19.1 | - - - itakonsyre og dens salter | fri |
ex 19.9 | - - - estere av itakonsyre | fri |
29.18 | Karboksylsyrer som i tillegg har annen oksygenfunksjon og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater | |
- karboksylsyrer med alkoholfunksjon, men uten annen oksygenfunksjon, og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer samt deres derivater: | ||
- - melkesyre og dens salter og estere: | ||
11.1 | - - - melkesyre og dens salter | fri |
11.2 | - - - estere av melkesyre | fri |
14.0 | - - sitronsyre | fri |
- - salter og estere av sitronsyre: | ||
15.1 | - - - salter | fri |
15.2 | - - - estere | fri |
- - andre: | ||
- - - glyserinsyre, glykolsyre, sukkersyre, isosukkersyre og heptasukkersyre, deres salter og estere: | ||
ex 19.1 | - - - - syrer og salter | fri |
ex 19.9 | - - - - estere | fri |
29.32 | Hetrosykliske forbindelser med bare oksygen som heteroatom(er) | |
- forbindelser som i strukturen inneholder en ukondensert furanring (også hydrogenert): | ||
ex 19.0 | - - andre: | |
- - - anhydrider av mannitol og sorbitol, unntatt maltol og isomaltol | fri | |
ex 99.0 | - andre: | |
- - metyllglykosider | fri | |
- - anhydrider av mannitol og sorbitol, unntatt maltol og isomaltol | fri | |
29.40 | Sukkerarter, kjemisk rene, unntatt sakkarose, laktose, maltose, glukose og fruktose; sukkeretere, sukkerestere og deres salter, unntatt produkter som hører under posisjon 29.37, 29.38 eller 29.39 | |
ex 00.0 | - andre enn rhamnose, raffinose og mannose | fri |
29.41 | Antibiotika | |
10.0 | - penicilliner og deres derivater med penicillinsyrestruktur; salter derav | fri |
30.01 | Kjertler og andre organer til organoterapeutisk bruk, tørkede, også pulveriserte; ekstrakter av kjertler eller andre organer eller av deres sekreter, til organoterapeutisk bruk; heparin og dets salter; andre stoffer fra mennesker eller dyr; tilberedte for terapeutisk eller profylaktisk bruk, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | |
ex 90.0 | - ellers: | |
- - heparin og dets salter | fri | |
35.01 | Kasein, kaseinater og andre kaseinderivater; kaseinlim | |
10.0 | - kasein | * |
- ellers: | ||
90.1 | - - kaseinater og andre kaseinderivater | * |
90.2 | - - kaseinlim | fri |
35.05 | Dekstrin og annen modifisert stivelse (f.eks. pregelatinert eller forestret stivelse); lim på basis av stivelse, dekstrin eller annen modifisert stivelse | |
10.0 | - dekstrin eller annen modifisert stivelse | * |
20.0 | - lim | fri |
35.06 | Tilberedt lim og andre tilberedte klebemidler ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; produkter anvendelige som lim eller klebemidler i pakninger for detaljsalg som lim eller klebemidler med nettovekt høyst 1 kg | |
ex 10.0 | - produkter anvendelige som lim eller klebemidler i pakninger for detaljsalg som lim eller klebemidler med nettovekt høyst 1 kg: | |
- - på basis av emulsjoner av natriumsilikat | fri | |
- ellers: | ||
ex 99.0 | - - andre: | |
- - - på basis av emulsjoner av natriumsilikat eller av harpiksemulsjoner | fri | |
35.07 | Enzymer; tilberedte enzymer ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | |
ex 90.0 | - andre: | |
- - tilberedte enzymer med innhold av næringsmidler | fri | |
38.09 | Midler for etterbehandling og preparater for å fremskynde farging eller feste fargestoffer samt andre produkter eller preparater (f.eks. appretur og beisemidler) av det slag som brukes innenfor tekstil-, papir- og lærindustrien eller liknende industrier, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | |
10.0 | - på basis av stivelse eller stivelsesprodukter | fri |
- ellers: | ||
ex 91.0 | - - av det slag som brukes i tekstilindustrien eller liknende industrier: | |
- - - med innhold av stivelse eller stivelsesprodukter | fri | |
ex 92.0 | - - av det slag som brukes i papirindustrien eller liknende industrier: | |
- - - med innhold av stivelse eller stivelsesprodukter | fri | |
ex 93.0 | - - av det slag som brukes i lærindustrien eller liknende industrier: | |
- - - med innhold av stivelse eller stivelsesprodukter | fri | |
38.23 | Industrielle, monokarboksylfettsyrer; raffinasjonsfettsyrer; industrielle fettalkoholer | |
- industrielle, monokarboksylfettsyrer; raffinasjonsfettsyrer: | ||
- - talloljefettsyrer: | ||
13.1 | - - - til dyrefôr | fri |
13.9 | - - - ellers | fri |
38.24 | Tilberedte bindemidler for støpeformer eller støpekjerner; kjemiske produkter og preparater fra kjemiske eller beslektede industrier (herunder slike som består av blandinger av naturprodukter), ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; restprodukter fra kjemiske eller beslektede industrier, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | |
ex 10.0 | - tilberedte bindemidler for støpeformer eller støpekjerner: | |
- - på basis av kunstharpikser | fri | |
60.0 | - sorbitol, unntatt sorbitol som hører under varenummer 2905.44 | fri |
ex 90.0 | - ellers: | |
- - crackingprodukter av sorbitol | fri | |
39.11 | Petroleumsharpikser, kumaron-indenharpikser, polyterpener, polysulfider, polysulfoner og andre produkter nevnt i note 3 til dette kapittel, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted, i ubearbeidde former | |
ex 10.0 | - petroleumsharpikser, kumaronharpikser, indenharpikser, kumaronindenharpikser og polyterpener: | |
- - klister på basis av harpiksemulsjoner | fri | |
- andre: | ||
ex 90.9 | - - ellers: | |
- - - klister på basis av harpiksemulsjoner | fri | |
39.13 | Naturlige polymerer (f.eks. alginsyre) og modifiserte, naturlige polymerer (f.eks. herdede proteiner, kjemiske derivater av naturgummi), ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted, i ubearbeidde former | |
90.0 | - andre | fri |
*= toll i samsvar med artikkel 2.1 (a) i denne protokollen fri = ingen toll i samsvar med artikkel 2.1 (a) anvendt
Tabell 1.36 Tabell V til Protokoll A Marokko
Posisjon i tolltariffen (HS) | Varebeskrivelse | Kvoter (i T) |
04.03 | Kjernemelk, kulturmelk (surmelk) og rømme, yoghurt, kefir og annen gjæret eller syrnet melk og fløte, også konsentrert, med eller uten tilsetning av sukker, annet søtningsstoff eller smaksstoff eller med innhold av frukt, nøtter eller kakao. | |
07.10 | Grønnsaker (også dampkokte eller kokte i vann), fryste. | |
40 | - sukkermais | |
07.11 | Grønnsaker, midlertidig konserverte (f.eks. med svoveldioksidgass, i saltlake, i svovelsyrlingvann eller i andre konserverende oppløsninger), men utjenlige til direkte forbruk i den foreliggende tilstand: | |
- andre grønnsaker; grønnsakblandinger: | ||
ex 9094 | - - sukkermais ( Zea mays var. saccharata ) annet enn konservert med svoveldioksidgass | |
15.05 | Ullfett og fettstoffer utvunnet derav (herunder lanolin). | |
15.06 | Andre animalske fettstoffer og oljer samt deres fraksjoner, også raffinerte, men ikke kjemisk omdannede. | |
15.17 | Margarin; spiselige blandinger og produkter av animalske eller vegetabilske fettstoffer og oljer, eller av fraksjoner av forskjellige fettstoffer og oljer som hører under dette kapittel, unntatt spiselige fettstoffer og oljer, samt deres fraksjoner, som hører under posisjon 15.16. | |
15.18 | Animalske og vegetabilske fettstoffer og oljer, samt deres fraksjoner, kokte, oksiderte, dehydrerte, sulfurerte, blåste, polymeriserte med varme i vakuum eller i inert gass eller på annen måte kjemisk omdannede, unntatt de som hører under posisjon 15.16; uspiselige blandinger eller produkter av animalske eller vegetabilske fettstoffer eller oljer, eller av fraksjoner av forskjellige fettstoffer eller oljer som hører under dette kapittel, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
15.20 | Glyserol, rå; glyserolvann og glyserollut. | |
15.22 | Degras; reststoffer etter behandling av fettstoffer eller animalsk og vegetabilsk voks. | |
17.02 | Annet sukker, herunder kjemisk ren laktose, maltose, glukose og fruktose, i fast form; sirup og andre sukkeroppløsninger uten tilsetning av smaks- eller fargestoffer; kunsthonning, også blandet med naturlig honning karamell. | |
50 | - kjemisk ren fruktose | |
- ellers, herunder invertsukker: | ||
ex 9021 | - - kjemisk ren maltose | |
17.04 | Sukkervarer (herunder hvit sjokolade), uten innhold av kakao. | 13 |
18.03 | Kakaomasse, også avfettet. | |
18.04 | Kakaosmør, -fett og -olje. | |
18.05 | Kakaopulver, uten tilsetning av sukker eller annet søtningsstoff. | |
18.06 | Sjokolade og andre næringsmidler som inneholder kakao. | 45 |
19.01 | Maltekstrakt; næringsmidler av mel, stivelse eller maltekstrakt, som ikke inneholder kakao eller inneholder mindre enn 40 vektprosent kakao, beregnet av en helt fettfri basis, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; næringsmidler av varer som hører under posisjonene 04.01-04.04, og som ikke inneholder kakao eller inneholder mindre enn 5 vektprosent kakao, beregnet av en helt fettfri basis, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
19.02 | Pasta, også kokt eller fylt (med kjøtt eller andre produkter) eller tilberedt på annen måte, f.eks. spaghetti, makaroni, nudler, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, også tilberedt. | 305 |
19.03 | Tapioka og tapiokaerstatninger fremstilt av stivelse, i form av flak, gryn, perler eller liknende. | |
19.04 | Næringsmidler tilberedt ved oppusting eller steking av korn eller kornprodukter (f.eks. «corn flakes»); korn (unntatt mais) i form av gryn eller flak eller annet bearbeidd korn (unntatt mel), forkokt eller tilberedt på annen måte, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | 21 |
19.05 | Brød, kaker, kjeks og annet bakverk, også med innhold av kakao; alterbrød, tomme kapsler til farmasøytisk bruk, forseglingsoblater og liknende varer av mel eller stivelse. | 77 |
20.01 | Grønnsaker, frukter, nøtter og andre spiselige plantedeler, tilberedte eller konserverte med eddik eller eddiksyre. | |
20.04 | Andre grønnsaker, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte enn med eddik eller eddiksyre, fryste, unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 20.06. | |
- poteter: | ||
- - homogeniserte næringsmidler | ||
- - ellers: | ||
- - - bare kokte | ||
- - - ellers: | ||
ex 1091 | - - - - næringsmidler i form av mel eller flak | |
- andre grønnsaker samt grønnsakblandinger: | ||
ex 9020 | - - sukkermais (Zea mays var. saccharata), som gryn eller i kolbeform, forkokt eller tilberedt på annen måte | |
20.05 | Andre grønnsaker, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte enn med eddik eller eddiksyre, ikke fryste, unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 20.06. | |
20.08 | Frukter, nøtter og andre spiselige plantedeler, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte, også tilsatt sukker eller annet søtningsstoff eller alkohol, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
21.01 | Ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater av kaffe, te eller maté, og varer fremstilt på basis av disse ekstrakter, essenser eller konsentrater eller på basis av kaffe, te eller maté; brente sikorirøtter og andre brente kaffeerstatninger samt ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater derav. | |
21.02 | Gjær (aktiv eller inaktiv); andre døde, encellede mikroorganismer (unntatt vaksiner som hører under posisjon 30.02); tilberedt bakepulver. | |
21.03 | Sauser og preparater for tillaging av sauser; tilberedte smaksstoffer; sennepsmel og tilberedt sennep. | |
21.04 | Supper og buljonger samt preparater for tillaging av supper og buljonger; homogeniserte, sammensatte næringsmidler. | |
21.05 | Spise-is, også med innhold av kakao. | 19 |
21.06 | Tilberedte næringsmidler, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted. | |
22.01 | Vann, herunder naturlig eller kunstig mineralvann og karbonisert vann, ikke tilsatt sukker, andre søtningsstoffer eller smaksstoffer; is og snø. | |
10 | - mineralvann og karbonisert vann | |
22.02 | Vann, herunder mineralvann og karbonisert vann, tilsatt sukker, andre søtningsstoffer eller smaksstoffer, og andre alkoholfrie drikkevarer, unntatt frukt- og grønnsaksafter som hører under posisjon 20.09. | |
22.03 | Øl fremstilt av malt. | 134 |
22.05 | Vermut og annen vin av friske druer, tilsatt aromatiske planter eller smaksstoffer. | |
22.07 | Udenaturert etylalkohol med alkoholstyrke minst 80 vol.%; etylalkohol og brennevin, denaturert, uansett styrke. | |
22.08 | Udenaturert etylalkohol med alkoholstyrke under 80 vol.%; likør og annet brennevin. | |
22.09 | Eddik samt eddikerstatninger fremstilt av eddiksyre. | |
24.02 | Sigarer, cerutter, sigarilloer og sigaretter av tobakk eller tobakkerstatninger. | |
24.03 | Annen bearbeidd tobakk samt andre varer fremstilte av tobakkerstatninger; «homogenisert» eller «rekonstituert» tobakk; tobakkekstrakter og tobakkessenser. | |
38.23 | Industrielle, monokarboksylfettsyrer; raffinasjonsfettsyrer; industrielle fettalkoholer. |
Protokoll B Vedrørende definisjonen av begrepet «opprinnelsesprodukter» og metoder for administrativt samarbeid
Artikkel 1 Definisjoner
I denne protokoll forstås med:
«fremstilling»: all slags bearbeiding eller foredling herunder sammensetting og montering eller spesielle prosesser;
«materiale»: enhver bestanddel, råmateriale, komponent eller del o.l. som er brukt i fremstillingen av produktet;
«produkt»: det produktet som blir fremstilt, selv om det er bestemt for senere bruk i en annen produksjonsprosess;
«varer»: både materialer og produkter;
«tollverdi»: verdien fastsatt i samsvar med avtalen om gjennomføring av artikkel VII i Generalavtalen om tolltariffer og handel i 1994 (WTO-avtalen om tollverdi);
«pris fra fabrikk»: prisen som betales for produktet fritt fabrikk til produsenten i det foretak der den siste bearbeiding eller foredling er utført, inkludert verdien av alle anvendte materialer, fratrukket eventuelle interne avgifter som er eller kan bli tilbakebetalt når det fremstilte produktet eksporteres;
«verdien av materialer»: tollverdien på innførselstidspunktet av anvendte ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialer, eller dersom denne ikke er kjent og ikke kan påvises, den første påviselige pris som er betalt for materialene i angjeldende territorier;
«verdien av opprinnelsesmaterialer»: tollverdien av slike materialer som definert i bokstav g), anvendt med nødvendige tillempninger;
«kapitler» og «posisjoner»: kapitler og posisjoner (fire-sifret kode) anvendt i nomenklaturen som utgjør «Det harmoniserte system for beskrivelse og koding av varer», i denne protokoll kalt «Det harmoniserte system» eller «HS»;
«tariffert»: tarifferingen av et produkt eller et materiale under en bestemt posisjon;
«sending»: produkter som enten er sendt samtidig fra en eksportør til en mottaker eller produkter omfattet av ett enkelt transportdokument omfattende forsendelsen fra eksportør til mottaker, eller i mangel av slikt transportdokument, av en enkelt faktura.
Artikkel 2 Generelle vilkår
For anvendelse av avtalen og med forbehold for bestemmelsene i artikkel 3 og 4 i denne protokoll, skal følgende produkter anses som:
produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat:
produkter fremstilt i sin helhet i en EFTA-stat i henhold til artikkel 5 i denne protokoll;
produkter fremstilt i en EFTA-stat inneholdende materialer som ikke har blitt fremstilt i sin helhet der, forutsatt at slike materialer har vært gjenstand for tilstrekkelig bearbeiding eller foredling i en EFTA-stat i henhold til artikkel 6 i denne protokoll;
produkter med opprinnelse i Marokko:
produkter fremstilt i sin helhet i Marokko i henhold til artikkel 5 i denne protokoll;
produkter fremstilt i Marokko inneholdende materialer som ikke har blitt fremstilt i sin helhet der, forutsatt at slike materialer har vært gjenstand for tilstrekkelig bearbeiding eller foredling i Marokko i henhold til artikkel 6 i denne protokoll.
Artikkel 3 Bilateral Kumulasjon
Uten hensyn til artikkel 2 nr 1 b og nr 2 b, materialer med opprinnelse i en avtalepart i samsvar med denne protokoll skal anses som materialer med opprinnelse i en annen avtalepart og det skal ikke være nødvendig at slike materialer har gjennomgått tilstrekkelig bearbeiding eller foredling der, forutsatt at de har gjennomgått bearbeiding eller foredling utover det som er nevnt i artikkel 7 i denne protokoll.
Uten hensyn til bestemmelsene i artikkel 2, produkter som har opprinnelse i en avtalepart i samsvar med denne protokoll og som er eksportert fra en stat til en annen i uforandret stand eller som ikke har gjennomgått bearbeiding eller foredling i den eksporterende stat utover det som er nevnt i artikkel 7, beholder sin opprinnelse.
For anvendelse av nr 2, når produkter med opprinnelse i to eller flere avtaleparter er anvendt og disse produktene ikke har gjennomgått bearbeiding eller foredling i den eksporterende stat utover det som er nevnt i artikkel 7, fastsettes opprinnelsen etter produktet med den høyeste tollverdien eller hvis denne ikke er kjent og ikke kan påvises, den høyeste påviselige pris betalt for produktene i denne staten.
Artikkel 4 Diagonal kumulasjon med materialer med opprinnelse i Tunisia
Uten hensyn til artikkel 2 nr 1 b og med forbehold for bestemmelsene i nr 3, skal materialer med opprinnelse i Tunisia i henhold til protokoll B til avtalen mellom EFTA-statene og Tunisia anses å ha opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat og det skal ikke være nødvendig at slike materialer har gjennomgått tilstrekkelig bearbeiding eller foredling, på vilkår av at de har gjennomgått bearbeiding eller foredling utover det som er nevnt i artikkel 7 i denne protokoll.
Uten hensyn til artikkel 2 nr 2 b og med forbehold for bestemmelsene i nr 3, skal materialer med opprinnelse i Tunisia i henhold til opprinnelsesprotokollen til avtalen mellom Marokko og Tunisia anses å ha opprinnelse i Marokko og det skal ikke være nødvendig at slike materialer har gjennomgått tilstrekkelig bearbeiding eller foredling, på vilkår av at de har gjennomgått bearbeiding eller foredling utover det som er nevnt i artikkel 7 i denne protokoll.
Uten hensyn til nr 1 og 2, skal materialer med opprinnelse i Tunisia i henhold til avtalen mellom EFTA-statene og Tunisia og som er eksportert fra en avtalepart til en annen i uforandret stand eller som ikke har gjennomgått bearbeiding eller foredling i den eksporterende stat utover det som er nevnt i artikkel 7, beholde sin opprinnelse.
Bestemmelsene i nr 1 og 3 angående materialer med opprinnelse i Tunisia skal bare gjelde såfremt handelen mellom EFTA-statene og Tunisia, og mellom Marokko og Tunisia, er regulert av identiske opprinnelsesregler.
Artikkel 5 Produkter fremstilt i sin helhet
For såvidt gjelder artikkel 2 nr 1 a og artikkel 2 nr 2 a, skal følgende anses som «fremstilt i sin helhet» enten i en EFTA-stat eller i Marokko:
mineralske produkter utvunnet av deres jord eller havbunn;
vegetabilske produkter høstet der;
levende dyr født og alet der;
produkter av levende dyr alet der;
produkter fra jakt og fiske drevet der;
produkter fra sjøfiske og andre produkter tatt opp av havet av deres fartøyer;
produkter fremstilt på deres fabrikkskip utelukkende av produkter som er nevnt under bokstav f);
brukte varer innsamlet der bare egnet til gjenvinning av råstoffer, inkludert brukte dekk bare egnet til regummiering eller til bruk som avfall;
avfall og skrap fra fabrikasjonsvirksomhet som har funnet sted der;
produkter utvunnet fra havbunnen eller havundergrunnen utenfor deres sjøterritorium forutsatt at de har enerett til å utnytte denne havbunn eller havundergrunn;
varer fremstilt der utelukkende av produkter angitt under bokstav a) til j).
Betegnelsene «deres fartøyer» og «deres fabrikkskip» i nr 1 bokstav f) og g) gjelder kun fartøyer og fabrikkskip:
som er registrert eller anmeldt i en EFTA-stat eller i Marokko,
som fører flagg tilhørende en EFTA-stat eller Marokko,
som med en andel av minst 50 % eies av statsborgere i en EFTA-stat eller i Marokko, eller av et selskap med hovedsete i en EFTA-stat eller i Marokko, hvor administrerende direktør eller direktører, styrets eller representantskapets formann og flertallet av medlemmene i disse organer er statsborgere i EFTA-statene eller i Marokko, og videre når det gjelder ansvarlige selskaper eller selskaper med begrenset ansvar, hvorav minst halvparten av kapitalen tilhører EFTA-stater eller Marokko eller offentlige sammenslutninger eller statsborgere i EFTA-statene eller Marokko,
hvor skipsføreren og skipets offiserer er statsborgere i EFTA-stater eller i Marokko, og
hvor minst 75% av mannskapet er statsborgere i EFTA-stater eller i Marokko.
Uttrykkene «EFTA-stater» og «Marokko» skal også omfatte de territorialfarvann som omgir EFTA-statene og Marokko. Fartøyer som opererer på det åpne hav, herunder fabrikkskip hvor fangsten blir bearbeidet eller foredlet ombord, skal anses som del av territoriet til EFTA-statene eller til Marokko, forutsatt at de oppfyller betingelsene i nr 2.
Artikkel 6 Produkter tilstrekkelig bearbeidet eller foredlet
For anvendelse av artikkel 2, skal ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialer anses å være tilstrekkelig bearbeidet eller foredlet når det fremstilte produktet tarifferes under en annen posisjon enn den som hvert av de benyttede ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialer tarifferes under, med forbehold for bestemmelsene i nr 2 og artikkel 7.
For et produkt nevnt i kolonne 1 og 2 i Lista i Vedlegg II, må vilkårene i kolonne 3 for det angjeldende produktet være oppfylt istedenfor regelen i nr 1.For produkter i kapitlene 84 til 91 kan eksportøren som et alternativ til vilkårene fastsatt i kolonne 3, i stedet velge å anvende vilkårene fastsatt i kolonne 4.Hvis det i Lista til Vedlegg II er gitt en prosentregel for bestemmelse av opprinnelsesstatus på et produkt fremstilt i en EFTA-stat eller i Marokko, skal verdien tilført gjennom bearbeiding eller foredling tilsvare prisen fra fabrikk på det fremstilte produktet, fratrukket verdien av tredjelandsmaterialer som er importert til den angjeldende EFTA-stat eller Marokko.
Disse vilkårene angir for alle produkter som er omfattet av avtalen, den bearbeiding eller foredling som må utføres på de ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialer som er brukt i fremstillingen av disse produktene, og gjelder bare i forhold til slike materialer. I samsvar med dette følger at hvis et produkt som har oppnådd opprinnelsesstatus ved å oppfylle betingelsene fastsatt i listen for dette produktet, blir brukt i fremstillingen av et annet produkt, skal de vilkår som gjelder for dette produktet som det førstnevnte produktet inkorporereres i ikke gjelde for det, og det skal ikke tas hensyn til de ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialene som måtte ha blitt brukt til fremstillingen av det.
Artikkel 7 Utilstrekkelig bearbeiding eller foredling
For anvendelse av artikkel 6 skal følgende anses som utilstrekkelig bearbeiding eller foredling til å gi status som opprinnelsesprodukter, uansett om det finner sted et posisjonsskifte:
behandlinger som har til hensikt å bevare produktene i sin opprinnelige tilstand under transport eller lagring (lufting, utspredning, tørking, kjøling, nedleggelse i saltlake, svovelsyrling eller andre vandige oppløsninger, fjerning av beskadigede deler, og liknende behandlinger);
enkle behandlinger som avstøvning, sikting eller utskilling, sortering, klassifisering, sammenstilling, (innbefattet samling av varer til sortiment eller sett), vasking, maling. oppskjæring;
skifting av emballasje samt oppdeling og sammensetning av emballasje (kolli);
enkel fylling i flasker, flakonger, sekker, etuier, esker, befestigelse til plater osv., og all annen enkel emballering;
anbringelse av merker, etiketter eller andre liknende kjennemerker på produkter eller deres emballasje;
enkel blanding av produkter, også av forskjellige slag, når en eller flere bestanddeler i blandingen ikke oppfyller vilkårene fastsatt i denne protokoll for å kunne anses å ha opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat eller i Marokko;
enkel sammensetning av deler for å fremstille et komplett produkt;
kombinasjon av to eller flere av de behandlinger som er angitt under bokstav a) til f);
slakting av dyr.
Artikkel 8 Kvalifiserende enheter
Ved anvendelse av bestemmelsene i denne protokoll skal den kvalifiserende enhet være det bestemte produkt som gir produktet dets karakter ved bestemmelse av tariffering i henhold til Det harmoniserte system. I samsvar med dette følger at:
når et produkt bestående av en gruppe eller samling av artikler er tariffert i h.t. Det harmoniserte system i én posisjon, utgjør alt den kvalifiserende enhet;
når en sending består av et antall like produkter som tarifferes under samme posisjon i Det harmoniserte system, må hvert enkelt produkt vurderes hver for seg ved anvendelse av bestemmelsene i denne protokoll.
Når emballasje er inkludert sammen med produktet i tarifferingsøyemed i h.t. alminnelig fortolkningsregel 5 i Det harmoniserte system, skal emballasjen anses å utgjøre en helhet med produktet for bestemmelse av opprinnelse.
Artikkel 9 Tilbehør, reservedeler og verktøy
Tilbehør, reservedeler og verktøy sendt sammen med en utrustning, en maskin, et apparat eller et kjøretøy, som er standardutstyr og innbefattet i prisen eller som ikke er særskilt fakturert, skal anses som en enhet sammen med den aktuelle utrustning, maskin, apparat eller kjøretøy.
Artikkel 10 Sett
Sett, som definert i h.t. alminnelig fortolkningsregel 3 i Det harmoniserte system, skal anses som opprinnelsesprodukter dersom alle komponentene i settet er opprinnelsesprodukter. Når et sett består av opprinnelsesprodukter og ikke-opprinnelsesprodukter, skal likevel settet i sin helhet anses som et opprinnelsesprodukt, under forutsetning av at verdien av ikke-opprinnelsesproduktene ikke overstiger 15% av settets pris fra fabrikk.
Artikkel 11 Nøytrale elementer
For å bestemme om et produkt har opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat eller i Marokko er det ikke nødvendig å fastslå om energi, drivstoff, anlegg og utstyr samt maskiner og verktøy som er anvendt til fremstilling av et slikt produkt, eller om andre varer som er brukt i løpet av produksjonen som ikke inngår og som ikke var forutsatt å inngå i den endelige sammensetningen av produktet, har opprinnelse eller ikke.
Artikkel 12 Territorialitetsprinsipp
De vilkår som er fastsatt i avdeling II angående ervervelse av opprinnelsesstatus, må være oppfylt uten avbrudd i en EFTA-stat eller i Marokko, med forbehold for bestemmelsene i artikkel 4.
Artikkel 13 Gjeninnførsel av varer
Dersom opprinnelsesprodukter som er utført fra en EFTA-stat eller Marokko til et annet land returneres, må de, med de unntak som følger av artikkel 4, anses som ikke-opprinnelsesprodukter med mindre det på tilfredsstillende måte ovenfor tollmyndighetene kan godtgjøres at:
de gjeninnførte varer er de samme varene som de som ble utført; og
de ikke har gjennomgått noen behandling utover det som har vært nødvendig for å bevare dem i opprinnelig tilstand mens de har vært i dette landet eller mens de har vært utført.
Artikkel 14 Direkte transport
Preferansebehandling i henhold til avtalen gjelder bare for produkter eller materialer, som er transportert mellom territoriene tilhørende EFTA-statene og Marokko eller, når bestemmelsene i artikkel 4 kommer til anvendelse, tilhørende Tunisia, uten komme inn på andre lands territorier. Imidlertid kan produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat eller Marokko og som utgjør en enkel sending som ikke er delt opp, transporteres gjennom andre territorier enn de som tilhører EFTA-statene eller Marokko eller, når bestemmelsene i artikkel 4 kommer til anvendelse, tilhørende Tunisia, eventuelt med omlasting eller midlertidig lagring på slike territorier, forutsatt at varene har vært under tollvesenets kontroll i transitt- eller lagringslandet, og at de ikke har gjennomgått annen behandling enn lossing og lasting eller annen behandling med sikte på å bevare dem i sin opprinnelige tilstand. Produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat eller i Marokko kan transporteres i rørledninger gjennom andre territorier enn de som tilhører EFTA-statene eller Marokko.
Bevis for at vilkårene fastsatt i nr. 1 er oppfylt, kan gis tollmyndighetene i importlandet ved fremleggelse av:
et gjennomgangskonnossement utstedt i eksportlandet som dekker forsendelsen gjennom transittlandet; eller
et sertifikat utstedt av tollmyndighetene i transittlandet, som:
gir en nøyaktig beskrivelse av produktene;
angir datoene for lossing og lasting av produktene og eventuelt navn på de fartøyer som er benyttet; og
bekrefter de forhold produktene har vært oppbevart under i transittlandet; eller
i mangel av forannevnte, andre fyllestgjørende dokumentasjoner.
Artikkel 15 Utstillinger
Produkter som er sendt fra en avtalepart for utstilling i et tredjeland og som etter utstillingen blir solgt for å bli innført til en annen avtalepart, skal ved innførselen nyte godt av bestemmelsene i avtalen på vilkår av at produktene oppfyller bestemmelsene i denne protokoll som gjør det mulig å anse dem for å ha opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat eller i Marokko og forutsatt at det på tilfredsstillende måte overfor tollmyndighetene blir godtgjort at:
en eksportør har sendt disse produktene fra en av avtalepartene til det land hvor utstillingen holdes og har utstilt dem der;
denne eksportøren har solgt eller på annen måte overdratt produktene til en person i en annen avtalepart;
produktene har blitt sendt under utstillingen eller umiddelbart etterpå til sistnevnte avtalepart, i samme stand som da de ble sendt til utstillingen; og
produktene fra det øyeblikk de ble sendt til utstillingen, ikke har vært brukt til andre formål enn demonstrasjon på utstillingen.
Et opprinnelsesbevis må utferdiges eller utstedes i samsvar med bestemmelsene i avdeling IV og fremlegges for tollmyndighetene i importlandet på vanlig måte. Utstillingens navn og adresse skal være påført opprinnelsesbeviset. Om nødvendig kan det kreves lagde frem ytterligere dokumentasjon vedrørende produktenes beskaffenhet og om under hvilke vilkår de ble stilt ut.
Nr. 1 skal gjelde for alle handels-, industri-, landbruks- eller håndverksutstillinger samt varemesser eller offentlige utstillinger av liknende art, hvor produktene forblir under tollvesenets kontroll, unntatt slike utstillinger som organiseres til private formål i butikker og forretningslokaler med sikte på salg av utenlandske produkter.
Artikkel 16 Varesertifikat EUR.1
Bevis for produkters opprinnelsesstatus i henhold til denne protokoll skal gis i form av et varesertifikat EUR.1, hvis mønster fremgår av vedlegg III til denne protokoll.
Artikkel 17 Fremgangsmåte for utstedelse av varesertifikat EUR.1
Et varesertifikat EUR.1 skal utstedes av tollmyndighetene i eksportlandet etter skriftlig søknad fra eksportøren eller dennes bemyndigede representant under eksportørens ansvar.
For dette formål skal eksportøren eller hans bemyndigede representant fylle ut både varesertifikatet EUR.1 og søknadsskjemaet, hvis mønster fremgår av vedlegg III. Disse skjemaene skal fylles ut på et av avtalepartenes offisielle språk eller på engelsk, i samsvar med bestemmelsene i eksportlandets nasjonale lovgivning. Dersom de fylles ut for hånd, skal dette gjøres med blekk og med «trykte» bokstaver. Varebeskrivelsen må anføres i rubrikken beregnet for dette formål uten at det etterlates linjer som ikke er fylt ut. Dersom rubrikken ikke fylles helt ut, skal en horisontal strek trekkes umiddelbart under siste linje med varebeskrivelse og det ledige felt krysses over.
Den eksportør som søker om utstedelse av et varesertifikat EUR.1 må til enhver tid være forberedt på å fremlegge, på forlangende av tollmyndighetene i eksportlandet hvor varesertifikatet er utstedt, alle nødvendige dokumenter som beviser de berørte produkters opprinnelsesstatus samt at de øvrige vilkår i denne protokoll er oppfylt.
Varesertifikat EUR.1 skal utstedes av tollmyndighetene i en EFTA-stat såfremt de varer som skal eksporteres kan anses som produkter med opprinnelse i den berørte EFTA-stat i henhold til artikkel 2 nr 1 i denne protokoll. Varesertifikat EUR.1 skal utstedes av tollmyndighetene i Marokko såfremt de varer som skal eksporteres kan anses som produkter med opprinnelse i Marokko i henhold til artikkel 2 nr 2 i denne protokoll.
Når kumulasjonsbestemmelsene i artikkel 3 og 4 kommer til anvendelse, kan tollmyndighetene i en EFTA-stat eller Marokko utstede varesertifikater EUR.1 etter vilkårene fastsatt i denne protokoll såfremt de varer som skal eksporteres kan anses som opprinnelsesprodukter i henhold til denne protokoll og forutsatt at produktene omfattet av varesertifikatene EUR.1 befinner seg i denne avtalepart.I disse tilfeller skal varesertifikater EUR.1 utstedes mot fremleggelse av det opprinnelsesbevis som er utstedt eller utferdiget tidligere. Dette opprinnelsesbeviset skal oppbevares i minst 3 år av den eksporterende stats tollmyndigheter.
De utstedende tollmyndigheter skal ta alle nødvendige skritt for å fastslå varenes opprinnelsesstatus og oppfyllelsen av de øvrige vilkårene i denne protokoll. I denne forbindelse har de rett til å forlange alle bevismaterialer, og til å utøve enhver kontroll av eksportørens regnskaper eller enhver annen kontroll som anses nødvendig. De utstedende tollmyndigheter skal også påse at skjemaene nevnt i nr. 2 er behørig utfylt. De skal særlig påse at rubrikken for beskrivelse av vareslag er utfylt på en slik måte at enhver mulighet for ulovlige tilføyelser er utelukket.
Dato for utstedelse av varesertifikatet EUR.1 skal fremgå av den delen av sertifikatet som er reservert for tollmyndighetene.
Et varesertifikat EUR.1 skal utstedes av tollmyndighetene i den eksporterende stat i forbindelse med utførselen av de produkter det refererer seg til. Det skal stilles til eksportørens rådighet så snart den reelle eksport har funnet sted eller er sikret.
Artikkel 18 Varesertifikater EUR.1utstedt senere
Uten hensyn til artikkel 17 nr 8, kan et varesertifikat EUR.1 unntaksvis utstedes etter at varene det refererer seg til er eksportert, dersom:
det ikke ble utstedt på utførselstidspunktet på grunn av feil, utilsiktede forsømmelser eller på grunn av spesielle forhold; eller
det på tilfredsstillende måte overfor tollmyndighetene kan godtgjøres at et utstedt varesertifikat EUR.1 ikke ble akseptert ved innførselen på grunn av tekniske årsaker.
For anvendelse av nr 1 må eksportøren i søknadsskjemaet påføre sted og dato for utførselen av de produktene som varesertifikatet EUR.1 refererer seg til, og oppgi årsakene til søknaden.
Tollmyndighetene kan bare utstede et varesertifikat EUR.1 med tilbakevirkende kraft etter å ha kontrollert at de opplysninger som er gitt i eksportørens søknad stemmer overens med de tilsvarende opplysninger i eksportdokumentene.
Varesertifikater EUR.1 som er utstedt med tilbakevirkende kraft skal gis påtegning med et av følgende uttrykk:
arabisk versjon
De påtegninger som er nevnt i nr 4, skal påføres i rubrikken for «Merknader» i varesertifikatet EUR.1.
Artikkel 19 Utstedelse av et duplikat varesertifikat EUR.1
I tilfelle av tyveri, tap eller ødeleggelse av et varesertifikat EUR.1, kan eksportøren søke vedkommende tollmyndighet som utstedte sertifikatet, om at det på grunnlag av de eksportdokumenter som er i deres besittelse, blir utstedt et duplikat.
Et duplikat som utstedes på denne måten skal påtegnes et av de følgende ord:
arabisk versjon
De påtegninger som er nevnt i nr 2 samt datoen for utstedelse og serienummeret på det originale sertifikatet skal påføres rubrikken for «Merknader» i duplikat varesertifikatet EUR.1.
Duplikatet, som skal påføres utstedelsesdatoen for det originale varesertifikatet EUR.1, skal ha gyldighet fra samme dato.
Artikkel 20 Erstatningssertifikater
Det skal alltid være adgang til å erstatte ett eller flere varesertifikater EUR.1 med ett eller flere andre sertifikater, såfremt dette foretas ved det tollkontor som er ansvarlig for kontrollen av varene.
Erstatningssertifikatet skal anses som et endelig varesertifikat EUR.1 med henblikk på anvendelse av denne protokoll, inkludert bestemmelsene i denne artikkel.
Erstatningssertifikatet skal utstedes på bakgrunn av en skriftlig anmodning fra reeksportøren, etter at de ansvarlige myndigheter har kontrollert opplysningene som er gitt i søkerens anmodning. Dato og serienummer på det originale varesertifikat EUR.1 skal påføres i rubrikk 7.
Artikkel 21 Forenklede prosedyrer ved utstedelse av varesertifikat EUR.1
Som unntak fra artikkel 17, 18 og 19 i denne protokoll, kan en forenklet prosedyre ved utstedelse av varesertifikater EUR.1 benyttes i samsvar med de etterfølgende bestemmelser.
Tollmyndighetene i den eksporterende stat kan autorisere enhver eksportør, heretter kalt «godkjent eksportør», som jevnlig foretar eksportforretninger for hvilke varesertifikater EUR.1 kan utstedes og som på tilfredsstillende måte ovenfor tollmyndighetene kan gi alle nødvendige garantier for at varenes opprinnelsesstatus kan kontrolleres, til på eksporttidspunktet ikke å fremlegge for tollmyndighetene i den eksporterende stat eller territorium verken varene eller søknaden om et varesertifikat EUR.1 for angjeldende varer, for å oppnå et varesertifikat EUR.1 på de vilkår som er fastsatt i artikkel 17 i denne protokoll.
Autorisasjonen som er nevnt i nr 2 skal fastsette etter tollmyndighetenes valg, at rubrikk 11 «Tollvesenets påtegning» i varesertifikatet EUR.1, må:
enten på forhånd være forsynt med et avtrykk av stemplet til vedkommende tollkontor i den eksporterende stat og signaturen til en tjenestemann ved nevnte kontor skrevet for hånd eller ikke; eller
av den godkjente eksportøren være påført at avtrykk av et spesielt stempel som er godkjent av den eksporterende stats tollmyndigheter som skal være likt det mønster som er vist i vedlegg V til denne protokoll. Slike stempelavtrykk kan være forhåndstrykket på blankettene.
I de tilfeller som er nevnt i nr 3 a, skal en av følgende påtegninger anføres i rubrikk 7 «Merknader» i varesertifikatet EUR.1:
arabisk versjon
Rubrikk 11 «Tollvesenets påtegning» på varesertifikatet EUR.1 skal om nødvendig fylles ut av eksportøren.
Den godkjente eksportøren skal om nødvendig i rubrikk 13 «Anmodning om kontroll» i varesertifikater EUR.1, anføre navn og adresse til vedkommende myndighet som er kompetent til å foreta etterkontroll av et slikt varesertifikat.
Når forenklet prosedyre blir anvendt kan tollmyndighetene i den eksporterende stat bestemme at det ved bruk av varesertifikat EUR.1 skal anvendes et spesielt kjennetegn som gjør at de kan identifiseres.
I autorisasjonen nevnt i nr 2 skal tollmyndighetene særlig spesifisere følgende:
de vilkår som gjelder for utferdigelse av søknader om varesertifikater EUR.1;
de vilkår som gjelder for oppbevaring av disse søknader i minst 3 år;
i de tilfeller som er nevnt i nr 3 b, den myndighet som er kompetent til å utføre slike etterkontroller som er nevnt i artikkel 31 i denne protokoll.
Tollmyndighetene i den eksporterende stat kan unnta visse varekategorier fra de lettelser som er nevnt i nr 2.
Tollmyndighetene skal nekte å gi slik autorisasjon som nevnt i nr 2 til eksportører som ikke kan gi alle de garantier som de anser nødvendig. De kompetente myndigheter kan når som helst trekke autorisasjonen tilbake. Dette må de gjøre når den godkjente eksportør ikke lenger oppfyller vilkårene eller ikke lenger kan gi disse garantier.
Det kan kreves av den godkjente eksportør at han varsler tollmyndighetene, i henhold til de regler de fastsetter, om forestående varesendinger, slik at disse myndigheter gis anledning til å foreta enhver kontroll som de finner nødvendig før varene blir avsendt.
Tollmyndighetene i den eksporterende stat kan utføre enhver kontroll hos den autoriserte eksportøren som de anser nødvendig. Slike eksportører må tillate at disse kontroller gjennomføres.
Bestemmelsene i denne artikkel skal ikke ha innvirkning på de regler avtalepartene anvender når det gjelder tollformaliteter og bruken av tolldokumenter.
Artikkel 22 Gyldighet av opprinnelsesbevis
Et varesertifikat EUR.1 har en gyldighetstid på 4 måneder regnet fra utstedelsesdatoen i eksportlandet, og må fremlegges for tollmyndighetene i importlandet innenfor nevnte periode.
Varesertifikater EUR.1 som fremlegges for tollmyndighetene i importlandet etter den siste dato for fremleggelse som angitt i nr 1, kan godkjennes for innrømmelse av preferansebehandling i tilfeller der dokumentene ikke ble fremlagt innen tidsfristens utløp på grunn av force majeureeller ekstraordinære omstendigheter.
I andre tilfeller av for sen fremleggelse, kan tollmyndighetene i importlandet godkjenne varesertifikatene EUR.1 dersom produktene har blitt fremlagt for dem før utløpet av nevnte tidsfrist.
Artikkel 23 Fremleggelse av opprinnelsesbevis
Varesertifikater EUR.1 skal fremlegges for tollmyndighetene i importlandet i samsvar med de prosedyrer som er fastsatt i dette landet. Disse myndigheter kan forlange en oversettelse av et varesertifikat EUR.1 eller fakturaerklæring. De kan også kreve at innførselsdeklarasjonen ledsages av en erklæring fra importøren om at produktene oppfyller de vilkår som kreves for anvendelse av avtalen.
Artikkel 24 Innførsel i delsendinger
På anmodning av importøren og på vilkår fastsatt av tollmyndighetene i importlandet, når demonterte eller usammensatte produkter som nevnt i alminnelig fortolkningsregel 2 a i Det harmoniserte system og som hører under kapitlene 84 og 85 i Det harmoniserte system innføres i delsendinger, skal et enkelt opprinnelsesbevis for slike produkter fremlegges for tollmyndighetene ved innførselen av den første delsendingen.
Artikkel 25 Fakturaerklæring
Uten hensyn til artikkel 16, kan bevis for opprinnelsesstatus i henhold til denne protokoll gis i form av en fakturaerklæring, hvis tekst fremkommer av vedlegg IV til denne protokoll, påført av eksportøren på en faktura, en følgeseddel eller annet handelsdokument som beskriver de berørte produktene tilstrekkelig detaljert til å kunne identifisere dem (heretter kalt «fakturaerklæring») for sendinger som kun inneholder opprinnelsesprodukter og hvis verdi ikke overstiger 6000 regneenheter pr. sending.
Fakturaerklæringen skal utferdiges og undertegnes av eksportøren i samsvar med denne protokoll.
En fakturaerklæring skal utferdiges for hver sending.
Den eksportør som har utferdiget en fakturaerklæring skal på forlangende av tollmyndighetene i den eksporterende stat fremlegge alle nødvendige grunnlagsdokumenter relatert til bruken av denne fakturaerklæring.
Artikkel 22 og 23 skal med nødvendige tillempninger også gjelde for fakturaerklæringer.
Artikkel 26 Fritak for formelt opprinnelsesbevis
Produkter sendt som småsendinger fra privatperson til privatperson eller som medbringes av reisende som personlig bagasje, skal anses som opprinnelsesprodukter uten at det kreves fremlagt et formelt opprinnelsesbevis, forutsatt at importen av slike produkter ikke har handelsmessig karakter og at de har blitt erklært å oppfylle vilkårene i denne protokoll og det ikke er tvil om påliteligheten av en slik erklæring. I tilfeller hvor produktene er sendt pr. post, kan denne erklæringen gis på tolldeklarasjonen C2/CP3 eller på et ark papir vedheftet dette dokumentet.
Importen anses ikke å ha handelsmessig karakter når varene bare blir tilfeldig importert og utelukkende er til personlig bruk for mottakerne eller de reisende eller deres familier og det tydelig fremgår av varenes art og mengde at de ikke er bestemt for handelsformål.
Videre skal den samlede verdi av disse produktene ikke overstige 500 regneenheter når det gjelder småsendinger eller 1.200 regneenheter når det gjelder produkter som utgjør del av reisendes personlige bagasje.
Artikkel 27 Oppbevaring av opprinnelsesbevis og grunnlagsdokumenter
Den eksportør som søker om utstedelse av et varesertifikat EUR.1 skal oppbevare i minst 3 år de dokumenter som er nevnt i artikkel 17 nr 1 og 3.
Den eksportør som utferdiger en fakturaerklæring skal oppbevare i minst 3 år en kopi av fakturerklæringen samt dokumenter som er nevnt i artikkel 25 nr 1.
Tollmyndighetene i det eksportlandet som utsteder et varesertifikat EUR.1 skal oppbevare i minst 3 år søknadsskjemaet nevnt i artikkel 17 nr. 2.
Tollmyndighetene i importlandet skal oppbevare i minst 3 år de varesertifikater EUR.1 og fakturaerklæringer som har blitt fremlagt for dem.
Artikkel 28 Uoverensstemmelser og formelle feil
Oppdagelsen av mindre uoverensstemmelser mellom opplysninger gitt i et varesertifikat EUR.1 eller i en fakturaerklæring og de opplysninger som er gitt i de dokumenter som blir fremlagt for tollvesenet med sikte på tollbehandling av produkter ved innførsel, skal ikke i seg selv medføre at varesertifikatet EUR.1 eller fakturaerklæringen blir kjent ugyldig, såfremt det blir behørig godtgjort at dette dokumentet stemmer overens med de fremlagte produkter.
Åpenbare formelle feil slik som skrivefeil på et varesertifikat EUR.1 eller fakturaerklæring bør ikke medføre at dokumentet blir avvist, med mindre disse feilene er egnet til å skape tvil om riktigheten av de opplysninger som er gitt i dokumentet.
Artikkel 29 Beløp uttrykt i regneenheter
Beløpene angitt i eksportlandets nasjonale valuta som tilsvarer beløpene uttrykt i regneenheter, skal fastsettes av eksportlandet og meddeles de andre avtalepartene. Når beløpene overstiger de tilsvarende beløp fastsatt av importlandet, skal sistnevnte godta dem dersom produktene er fakturert i eksportlandets valuta eller i valutaen til et annet land nevnt i artikkel 4 i denne protokoll. Dersom varene er fakturert i valuta tilhørende en annen avtalepart, skal importstaten anerkjenne det beløpet som er meddelt av vedkommende land.
Til og med 30. april 2002, skal de beløp som skal benyttes i en gitt nasjonal valuta, tilsvare beløpene uttrykt i regneenheter den 1. oktober 1997 i den aktuelle nasjonale valuta.For hver etterfølgende fem-års periode, skal beløpene uttrykt i regneenheter og deres tilsvarende beløp uttrykt i avtalepartenes nasjonale valutaer gjennomgås på nytt av Den blandede komité med utgangspunkt i de valutakurser som gjelder for regneenhetene på den første arbeidsdag i oktober året umiddelbart forut for denne fem-års perioden.Under denne gjennomgangen skal Den blandede komité sikre at det ikke blir noen reduksjon av de beløpene som skal anvendes i de nasjonale valutaer, samt dessuten vurdere om det er ønskelig å opprettholde effekten av de angjeldende verdigrensene i reell forstand. For dette formål kan den bestemme å endre beløpene uttrykt i regneenheter.
Artikkel 30 Utveksling av stempler og adresser
Tollmyndighetene i EFTA-statene og Marokko skal gjennom EFTA Sekretariatet oversende hverandre prøver av avtrykk av de stempler som deres tollkontorer bruker ved utstedelse av varesertifikater EUR.1, samt adressene til de tollmyndigheter som er ansvarlige for utstedelse av varesertifikater EUR.1 og for etterkontroll av disse sertifikater og fakturaerklæringer.
Artikkel 31 Verifisering av varesertifikater EUR.1 og fakturaerklæringer
Etterskuddsvise verifiseringer av varesertifikater EUR.1 og fakturaerklæringer skal utføres på stikkprøvebasis eller når importlandets tollmyndigheter har rimelig grunn til å betvile slike dokumenters ekthet, de omhandlede produkters opprinnelsesstatus eller hvorvidt de øvrige vilkår i denne protokoll er oppfylt.
For anvendelse av bestemmelsene i nr 1 skal importlandets tollmyndigheter returnere varesertifikatet EUR.1, fakturaerklæringen eller en kopi av disse dokumentene, til eksportlandets tollmyndigheter, eventuelt med opplysninger om årsakene til forespørselen. Som hjelp til verifiseringen, skal tollmyndighetene formidle alle opplysninger og dokumenter som er skaffet til veie, og som tyder på at opplysningene gitt i varesertifikatet EUR.1 eller fakturaerklæringen er uriktige.
Verifiseringen skal utføres av eksportlandets tollmyndigheter. For dette formål skal de ha rett til å kreve ethvert bevis og til å utføre enhver undersøkelse av eksportørens regnskaper eller enhver annen kontroll som de anser hensiktsmessig.
Dersom importlandets tollmyndigheter beslutter å utsette innrømmelse av preferansebehandling for vedkommende produkter i påvente av resultatene fra verifiseringen, skal de med forbehold for de forholdsregler som måtte anses nødvendig, tilby å stille varene til fri rådighet for importøren.
De tollmyndigheter som anmoder om verifisering skal senest innen 10 måneder meddeles resultatene av undersøkelsen. Disse resultatene må klart indikere om dokumentene er ekte og om de berørte produkter kan anses som opprinnelsesprodukter og oppfyller de øvrige vilkår i denne protokoll.
I tilfeller hvor det er rimelig grunn til tvil og det ikke er mottatt svar innen 10 måneder eller dersom svaret ikke inneholder tilstrekkelig informasjon til å kunne fastslå dokumentets ekthet eller produktenes egentlige opprinnelse, skal de anmodende tollmyndigheter, med unntak for i særlige tilfeller, nekte berettigelse til preferanse.
Artikkel 32 Tvisteløsning
Når det i forbindelse med verifiseringsprosedyrene i artikkel 31 oppstår tvister som ikke kan avgjøres mellom de tollmyndigheter som anmoder om verifisering og de tollmyndigheter som er ansvarlige for å utføre verifiseringen, eller når de reiser spørsmål med hensyn til fortolkningen av denne protokoll, skal slike saker fremlegges for Den blandede komité.
I alle tilfeller skal tvisteløsninger mellom importøren og tollmyndighetene i den importerende stat være underlagt lovgivningen i angjeldende stat.
Artikkel 33 Straffetiltak
Det skal anvendes straffetiltak mot enhver person som utferdiger eller medvirker til utferdigelse av et dokument som inneholder uriktige opplysninger i den hensikt å oppnå preferansebehandling for produkter.
Artikkel 34 Frisoner
EFTA-statene og Marokko skal gjøre alt for å sikre at produkter handlet med under dekke av et varesertifikat EUR.1 eller en fakturaerklæring og som under transporten legges inn i en frisone beliggende i deres territorium, ikke blir erstattet av andre varer og at de ikke gjennomgår andre behandlinger enn det som er normalt for å hindre dem i å bli forringet.
Som et unntak fra bestemmelsene i nr 1, når produkter med opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat eller Marokko er innført til en frisone under dekke av et varesertifikat EUR.1 eller fakturaerklæring og der gjennomgår behandling eller foredling, må berørte tollmyndigheter på eksportørens anmodning utstede et nytt varesertifikat EUR.1, dersom den utførte behandling eller foredling er i samsvar med bestemmelsene i denne protokoll.
Artikkel 35
Underkomité av eksperter i toll- og opprinnelsessaker
Det skal opprettes en underkomité bestående av eksperter i toll- og opprinnelsessaker under Den blandede komité i samsvar med artikkel 31 nr 5 i denne avtale for å assistere den med å utføre sine forpliktelser og for å sikre en kontinuerlig informasjons- og konsultasjonsprosess mellom eksperter.
Den skal være sammensatt av eksperter fra avtalepartene som er ansvarlige for spørsmål knyttet til toll- og opprinnelsessaker.
Artikkel 36 Vedlegg
Vedleggene til denne protokoll skal utgjøre en integrert del av denne.
Artikkel 37 Avtaler med Tunisia
Medlemsstatene skal ta alle nødvendige skritt for å avtale ordninger med Tunisia som vil muliggjøre anvendelse av denne protokoll. Avtalepartene skal informere hverandre om hvilke tiltak som gjøres i denne forbindelse.
Artikkel 38 Varer i transitt eller på lager
Bestemmelsene i denne avtalen kan anvendes for varer som oppfyller bestemmelsene i denne protokoll og som på datoen for avtalens ikrafttredelse befinner seg enten i transitt eller i en EFTA-stat eller Marokko, eller såfremt bestemmelsene i artikkel 3 og 4 kommer til anvendelse, i Tunisia og der befinner seg for midlertidig lagring på tollager eller i frisoner, forutsatt at det innen fire måneder etter nevnte dato fremlegges for tollmyndighetene i den importerende stat et varesertifikat EUR.1 utstedt i etterhånd av de kompetente myndigheter i den eksporterende stat sammen med dokumenter som viser at varene har blitt transportert direkte.
Vedlegg I til protokoll B Innledende anmerkninger til listen i vedlegg II
Disse anmerkninger skal gjelde, der de passer, for alle fremstilte produkter hvor det er anvendt ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialer, selv om de ikke er underlagt spesielle vilkår omfattet av listen i vedlegg II, men i steden er underlagt regelen om posisjonsskifte gitt i artikkel 6 nr 1.
Anmerkning 1:
1.1 De to første kolonnene i listen beskriver den fremstilte vare. Den første kolonnen angir posisjonsnummeret eller kapittelnummeret i Det harmoniserte system (HS), og den annen kolonne angir varebeskrivelsen som er brukt i systemet for vedkommende posisjon eller kapittel. For hver anførsel i de to første kolonnene er det fastsatt en regel i kolonne 3 eller 4. Når, som i noen tilfeller, anførselen i første kolonne begynner med «ex», betyr dette at reglene i kolonne 3 eller 4 bare gjelder for den delen av posisjonen eller kapittelet som er beskrevet i kolonne 2.
1.2 Når flere posisjonsnummer er gruppert sammen eller et kapittelnummer er angitt i kolonne 1, og varebeskrivelsene i kolonne 2 derfor er angitt i generelle vendinger, gjelder de tilhørende regler i kolonne 3 eller 4 for alle produkter som i HS er tariffert under posisjoner i dette kapittel eller i enhver av de posisjoner som er gruppert sammen i kolonne 1.
Anmerkning 2:
2.1 For en posisjon eller del av en posisjon som ikke er nevnt i Lista, gjelder regelen om «posisjonsskifte» gitt i artikkel 6 nr 1. Dersom et «posisjonsskifte» vilkår skal gjelde for varer som er nevnt i Lista, er dette i så fall omfattet av regelen i kolonne 3.
2.2 Den bearbeiding eller foredling som kreves av en regel i kolonne 3 skal bare gjelde i forhold til anvendte ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialer. De begrensninger som er omfattet av en regel i kolonne 3 skal likeledes bare gjelde for anvendte ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialer.
2.3 Når en regel fastsetter at «materialer fra enhver posisjon» kan benyttes, kan også materialer som hører under den samme posisjon som produktet benyttes, dog med forbehold for eventuelle særlige begrensninger som også kan være omfattet av regelen. Med uttrykket «fremstilling av materialer fra enhver posisjon, også fra andre materialer under posisjon ...» menes imidlertid at bare slike materialer, tariffert under samme posisjon som produktet, som har en annen beskrivelse enn selve produktet i kolonne 2 i Lista kan benyttes.
2.4 Dersom et produkt som er fremstilt av ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialer har oppnådd opprinnelsesstatus gjennom fremstillingen i kraft av regelen med posisjonsskifte eller produktets egen regel i Lista, og dette produktet anvendes som materiale ved fremstillingen av en annen vare, da skal ikke den regelen som gjelder for produktet som dette materialet inkorporereres i gjelde for det.
En motor under posisjon 84.07, der regelen fastsetter at verdien av ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialer som kan benyttes ikke må overstige 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, er fremstilt av «annet legert stål i form av råsmidde emner» under posisjon ex 72.24.
Dersom dette smiemnet er smidd i det berørte land av en blokk (ingot) av ikke-opprinnelse, har smiemnet allerede oppnådd opprinnelse i kraft av regelen for posisjon ex 72.24 i listen. Smiemnet kan siden inngå som opprinnelsesprodukt i verdiberegningen for maskinen uavhengig av om den er fremstilt i den samme bedriften eller i en annen bedrift. Verdien av blokken (ingot) av ikke-opprinnelse blir følgelig ikke regnet med når verdien av de medgåtte ikke-opprinnelsesprodukter legges sammen.
2.5 Selv om regelen om posisjonsskifte eller de andre regler i Lista er oppfylt, vil en vare ikke oppnå opprinnelse dersom bearbeidingen som er utført sett under ett, er utilstrekkelig i henhold til artikkel 7.
Anmerkning 3:
3.1 Regelen i listen beskriver det minimum av bearbeiding eller foredling som kreves, og en videre bearbeiding eller foredling gir også opprinnelsesstatus; omvendt, vil mindre bearbeiding eller foredling ikke gi opprinnelsesstatus. Dersom en regel sier at ikke-opprinnelsesprodukter bearbeidet eller foredlet til et bestemt nivå kan benyttes i produksjonen, er bruken av slike materialer på et tidligere trinn i produksjonen tillatt og bruken av slike materialer på et senere trinn er ikke tillatt.
3.2 Når en regel i listen fastsetter at en vare kan være fremstilt av flere enn ett materiale, menes at ett eller flere av materialene kan benyttes. Det kreves ikke at alle skal benyttes.
Regelen for tekstilstoffer, sier at naturlige fibrer kan benyttes og at bl.a. kjemiske materialer også kan benyttes. Dette betyr ikke at begge må benyttes; en kan bruke det ene eller det annet, eller begge to.
Imidlertid, dersom en begrensning gjelder for ett materiale og en annen begrensning gjelder for andre materialer i samme regel, da skal begrensningene bare gjelde for de materialer som faktisk er benyttet.
Regelen for symaskiner fastsetter at både mekanismen for overtrådtilførselen og styreorganene for sik-sak sting som er benyttet skal være opprinnelsesprodukter; disse to begrensningene skal bare gjelde dersom vedkommende mekanismer faktisk er innebygd i symaskinen.
3.3 Når en regel i listen fastsetter at en vare må være fremstilt av et bestemt materiale, hindrer dette vilkåret selvsagt ikke bruk av andre materialer som på grunn av deres naturlige beskaffenhet ikke kan tilfredsstille regelen.
Regelen for posisjon 19.04 som spesielt utelukker bruk av korn og produkter derav, hindrer ikke bruk av mineralsalter, kjemikalier og andre tilsetningsstoffer som ikke er fremstilt av korn.
I et tilfelle hvor en vare er fremstilt av fiberduk, og det for denne type vare bare er tillatt å benytte garn av ikke-opprinnelse som utgangsmateriale, er det ikke tillatt å starte produksjonen fra fiberduk selv om fiberduk vanligvis ikke kan fremstilles av garn. I slike tilfeller skal utgangsmaterialet normalt være slik det fremstår på produksjonstrinnet før garn, d.v.s. som fibrer.
Se også anmerkning 6.3 i forbindelse med tekstiler.
3.4 Dersom det i en regel i listen er angitt to eller flere prosentsatser for maksimumsverdien av ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialer som kan benyttes, kan disse prosentsatsene ikke legges sammen. Maksimumsverdien for alle ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialer som er benyttet kan aldri overstige den høyeste prosentsatsen som er angitt. Videre, må ikke de enkelte prosentsatsene overstiges for de bestemte materialer de gjelder for.
Anmerkning 4:
4.1 Uttrykket «naturfibrer» er brukt i listen for å vise til andre fibrer enn kunstige eller syntetiske fibrer. Uttrykket er begrenset til å gjelde stadiet før spinning foretas, medregnet avfall, og med mindre annet er fastsatt, omfatter det fibrer som er blitt kardet, kjemmet eller behandlet på annen måte, men ikke spunnet.
4.2 Uttrykket «naturfibrer» omfatter tagl under posisjon 05.03, silke under posisjon 50.02 og 50.03, og likeledes ullfibrene, fine eller grove dyrehår under posisjon 51.01 til 51.05, bomullsfibrene under posisjon 52.01 til 52.03 og de andre vegetabilske fibrene under posisjon 53.01 til 53.05.
4.3 Uttrykkene «spinnmasse», «kjemiske materialer» og «materialer til fremstilling av papir» er brukt i listen for å beskrive materialer som ikke er tariffert i kapitlene 50 til 63, som kan anvendes til fremstilling av kunstige-, syntetiske- eller papirfibrer eller garn.
4.4 Uttrykket «syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer» er brukt i listen for å vise til syntetisk eller kunstig fiberkabel, stapelfibrer eller avfall, under posisjon 55.01 til 55.07.
Anmerkning 5:
5.1 Dersom det for et gitt produkt i listen er henvist til denne anmerkning, skal vilkårene fastsatt i kolonne 3 i listen ikke gjelde for basis-tekstilmaterialer anvendt ved fremstillingen av dette produktet som tilsammen utgjør 10 % eller mindre av den totale vekten av alle basis-tekstilmaterialene som er benyttet. (Se også anmerkning 5.3 og 5.4 nedenfor).
5.2 Imidlertid, toleransen nevnt i nr. 5.1 kan bare anvendes for blandede produkter som har blitt fremstilt av to eller flere basis-tekstilmaterialer.
Følgende er basis-tekstilmaterialer:
grove dyrehår,
fine dyrehår,
materialer til fremstilling av papir samt papir,
jute og andre tekstilfibrer av bast,
sisal og andre tekstilfibrer av slekten Agave,
kokos-, abaca-, rami- og andre vegetabilske tekstilfibrer,
syntetiske filamenter,
kunstige filamenter,
syntetiske stapelfibrer,
kunstige stapelfibrer.
Et garn under posisjon 52.05 fremstilt av bomullsfibrer under posisjon 52.03 og syntetiske stapelfibrer under posisjon 55.06 er et blandingsgarn. Derfor kan syntetiske stapelfibrer som ikke oppfyller opprinnelsesreglene (som i dette tilfellet krever fremstilling fra kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse) anvendes i en mengde opp til 10 % av vekten av garnet.
En vevnad av ull under posisjon 51.12 fremstilt av ullgarn under posisjon 51.07 og syntetisk garn av stapelfibrer under posisjon 55.09, er en blandingsvevnad. Derfor kan syntetisk garn som ikke oppfyller opprinnelsreglene (som i dette tilfellet krever fremstilling fra kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse), eller ullgarn som ikke oppfyller opprinnelsesreglene (som i dette tilfellet krever fremstilling fra naturlige fibrer, ikke kardet, kjemmet eller på annen måte klargjort for spinning) eller en blanding av disse anvendes i en mengde opp til 10 % av vekten av vevnaden.
Tuftede tekstilstoffer under posisjon 58.02 fremstilt av bomullsgarn under posisjon 52.05 og bomullsvevnad under posisjon 52.10 er bare et blandingsprodukt dersom bomullsvevnaden selv er en blandingsvevnad som er fremstilt av garn som hører under to forskjellige posisjoner eller dersom det anvendte bomullsgarnet selv er blandet.
Dersom det omhandlede tuftede tekstilstoffet hadde vært fremstilt av bomullsgarn under posisjon 52.05 og syntetisk vevnad under posisjon 54.07, er de anvendte garnene to forskjellige basis-tekstilmaterialer og det tuftede tekstilstoffet er følgelig et blandingsprodukt.
Et teppe med luv bestående av både kunstig garn og bomullsgarn og med underlag av jute, er et blandingsprodukt fordi tre hovedtekstilmaterialer er benyttet. Følgelig kan ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialer på et senere produksjonstrinn enn hva regelen tillater anvendes, forutsatt at deres totale vekt ikke overstiger 10 % av vekten til tekstilmaterialene i teppet. Således kan underlaget av jute og/eller det kunstige garnet være importert på dette produksjonstrinn, forutsatt at vektvilkårene er oppfylt.
5.3 For produkter inneholdende «garn fremstilt av polyuretan, segmentert med fleksible segmenter av polyeter, også omspunnet», er toleransen 20 % for dette garnet.
5.4 For produkter inneholdende «strimler med en kjerne av aluminiumsfolie eller en kjerne av plastfilm også dekket av aluminiumspulver, med bredde høyst 5 mm, limt mellom to plastfilmer», er toleransen 30 % for disse strimlene.
Anmerkning 6:
6.1 For tekstilprodukter som i listen er merket med en fotnote som henviser til denne anmerkning, kan tekstilmaterialer, med unntak av fôr og skredderlerret, som ikke tilfredsstiller regelen i kolonne 3 i listen for den aktuelle ferdigvaren, anvendes forutsatt at de skifter posisjon og verdien av dem ikke overstiger 8 % av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk.
6.2 Materialer som ikke hører under kapittel 50 til 63 kan benyttes fritt, også om de inneholder tekstiler.
Dersom en regel i listen sier at det for en bestemt tekstilartikkel, f.eks. en bukse, må anvendes garn, hindrer ikke dette bruk av metallartikler, f.eks. knapper, fordi knapper hører ikke under kapittel 50 til 63. Av samme grunn forhindres ikke bruken av glidelås selv om glidelåser normalt inneholder tekstiler.
6.3 Der en prosentregel gjelder, må verdien av medgåtte materialer som ikke hører under kapittel 50 til 63, regnes med når verdien av ikke-opprinnelsesmaterialer beregnes.
Anmerkning 7:
7.1 Som «spesielle prosesser» under posisjon ex 27.07, 27.13 til 27.15, ex 29.01, ex 29.02 og ex 34.03, anses følgende:
omdestillasjon ved en meget nøyaktig fraksjoneringsprosess;
ekstraksjon ved hjelp av selektive løsningsmidler;
en prosess som omfatter samtlige følgende behandlinger: behandling med konsentrert svovelsyre, oleum (rykende svovelsyre) eller svoveltrioxid; nøytralisering med alkali-stoffer, bleiking og rensing med naturlig aktiv jord, aktivert jord, aktivert kull eller bauxitt;
7.2 Som «spesielle prosesser» under posisjon ex 27.10, 27.11 og 27.12, anses følgende:
omdestillasjon ved en meget nøyaktig fraksjoneringsprosess;
ekstraksjon ved hjelp av selektive løsningsmidler;
en prosess som omfatter alle de følgende behandlinger: behandling med konsentrert svovelsyre, oleum (rykende svovelsyre) eller svoveltrioxid; nøytralisering med alkali-stoffer, bleiking og rensing med naturlig aktiv jord, aktivert jord, aktivert kull eller bauxitt;
gjelder kun for tungoljer som tarifferes under posisjon 27.10: avsvovling med hydrogen som innebærer minst 85 % reduksjon av svovelinnholdet i det bearbeidede produkt (metode ASTM D 1266-59 T);
gjelder kun for produkter som tarifferes under posisjon 27.10: avparafinering (avvoksing) på annen måte enn ved filtrering;
gjelder kun for tungoljer som tarifferes under posisjon 27.10: behandling med hydrogen ved et trykk på over 20 bar og en temperatur på over 250 °C med bruk av en katalysator, dersom hydrogenet danner et aktivt element i en kjemisk reaksjon og ikke bare anvendes som middel til avsvovling. Videre hydrering av smøreoljer under posisjon ex 27.10 (f.eks. hydrofinishing eller avfarging) for særlig å forbedre farge eller stabilitet, skal imidlertid ikke regnes som en spesiell prosess;
gjelder kun for fyringsoljer som tarifferes under posisjon ex 27.10: atmosfærisk destillasjon, under forutsetning av at mindre enn 30 volumprosent av disse produktene destillerer (inklusive destilleringstap) ved 300 o C i henhold til ASTM D 86-metoden;
gjelder kun for andre tungoljer enn gassoljer eller fyringsoljer som tarifferes under posisjon ex 27.10: bearbeiding gjennom elektrisk høyfrekvensutladning.
7.3 Når det gjelder varer under posisjon ex 27.07, 27.13 til 27.15, ex 29.01, ex 29.02 og ex 34.03, skal enkle operasjoner som rensing, dekantering, avsalting, vannseparering, filtrering, farging, merking, blanding av produkter med ulikt svovelinnhold for å oppnå et bestemt svovelinnhold, eller kombinasjoner av disse eller liknende prosesser, ikke gi status som opprinnelsesprodukter.
Vedlegg II til protokoll B Liste over bearbeiding eller foredling som kreves utført på ikkeopprinneliges materialer for at det fremstilte produkt kan oppnå opprinnelsesstatus
02.01 | Kjøtt av storfe, ferskt eller fryst | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, unntatt kjøtt av storfe, fryst, under posisjon 02.02 | ||
02.02 | Kjøtt av storfe, fryst | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, unntatt kjøtt av storfe, ferskt eller kjølt, under posisjon 02.01 | ||
02.06 | Spiselig slakteavfall av storfe, svin, sauer, geiter, hester, esler, muldyr eller mulesler, ferskt, kjølt eller fryst | Fremstilling av materialer fra enhver posisjon, unntatt slakt under posisjonene 02.01 til 02.05 | ||
02.10 | Kjøtt og spiselig slakteavfall, saltet, i saltlake, tørket eller røykt; spiselig mel og pulver av kjøtt eller slakteavfall | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, unntatt kjøtt og slakteavfall under posisjonene 02.01 til 02.06 og 02.08 eller lever fra fjærfe under posisjon 02.07 | ||
03.02 til 03.05 | Fisk, andre enn levende | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 3 må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
04.02, 04.04 til 04.06 | Meieriprodukter | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, unntatt melk eller fløte under posisjonene 04.01 eller 04.02 | ||
04.03 | Kjernemelk, kulturmelk (surmelk) og rømme, yoghurt, kefir og annen gjæret eller syrnet melk og fløte, også konsentrert, med eller uten tilsetning av sukker, annet søtningsstoff eller smaksstoff eller med innhold av frukt, nøtter eller kakao | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 4 må være fremstilt i sin helhet, og - alle anvendte fruktsafter (unntatt safter av ananas, lime eller grapefrukt) fra posisjon 20.09 allerede må være opprinnelsesprodukter, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
04.08 | Fugleegg uten skall samt eggeplommer, friske, tørkede, dampkokte eller kokte i vann, pressede, fryste eller konserverte på annen måte, også tilsatt sukker eller annet søtningsstoff | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, unntatt fugleegg under posisjon 04.07 | ||
ex 05.02 | Bust og hår av svin | Rengjøring, desifisering, sortering og utglatting av bust og hår | ||
ex 05.06 | Bein og hornkjegler ubearbeidd | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 2 må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
ex 07.10 til ex 07.13 | Spiselige grønnsaker, fryste eller tørket, midlertidig konserverte, unntatt posisjonene ex 07.10 og ex 07.11, hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle fremstilte grønnsaker må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
ex 07.10 | Sukkermais (også dampkokte eller kokte i vann), fryste | Fremstilling fra fersk eller kjølt sukkermais | ||
ex 07.11 | Sukkermais, midlertidig konservert | Fremstilling av fersk eller kjølt sukkermais | ||
08.11 | Frukter og nøtter (også dampkokte eller kokte i vann), fryste, også tilsatt sukker eller annet søtningsstoff | |||
- tilsatt sukker | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke må overstige 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- ellers | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte frukter og nøtter må være fremstilt i sin helhet | |||
08.12 | Frukter og nøtter, midlertidig konserverte (f.eks. med svoveldioksidgass, i saltlake, i svovelsyrlingvann eller i andre konserverende oppløsninger), men utjenelig til direkte forbruk i den foreliggende tilstand | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte frukter og nøtter må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
08.13 | Frukter, tørkede, som ikke hører under posisjonene 08.01 til 08.06; blandinger av nøtter eller tørkede frukter som hører under dette kapittel | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte frukter og nøtter må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
08.14 | Skall av sitrusfrukter eller meloner (herunder vannmeloner), friske, fryste, tørkede eller midlertidig konseverte i saltlake, i svovelsyrlingvann eller i andre konserverende oppløsninger | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte frukter og nøtter må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
ex kapittel 11 | Mølleprodukter; malt; stivelse; inulin; gluten av hvete; unntatt: posisjon ex 11.06 hvor etterfølgende regel gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alt anvendt korn, spiselige grønnsaker, røtter og rotknoller under posisjon 07.14, eller alle anvendte frukter, må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
ex 11.06 | Mel og pulver av tørkede belgfrukter som hører under posisjon 07.13 | Tørking og maling av belgfrukter under posisjon 07.08 | ||
13.01 | Skjellakk og liknende; naturlige gummier, harpikser, gummiharpikser og oleoresiner (f.eks. balsamer) | Fremstilling hvor verdien på alle anvendte materialer fra posisjon 13.01 ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
15.01 | Svinefett (herunder smult) og fjærfefett, unntatt det som hører under posisjon nr. 02.09 eller 15.03: | |||
- fett fra ben eller avfall | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon unntatt de under posisjonene 02.03, 02.06 eller 02.07, eller ben under posisjon 05.06 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra kjøtt eller spiselig slakteavfall fra svin under posisjonene 02.03 eller 02.06, eller kjøtt og spiselig avfall av fjærfe under posisjon 02.07 | |||
15.02 | Talg og annet fett av storfe, sauer eller geiter, rå eller smeltet, også presset eller oppløsende ekstrakter | |||
- fett fra ben eller avfall | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon unntatt de under posisjonene 02.01, 02.02, 02.04 eller 02.06, eller ben under posisjon 05.06 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 2 må være fremstilt i sin helhet | |||
15.04 | Fett og oljer samt deres fraksjoner, av fisk eller sjøpattedyr, også raffinerte, men ikke kjemisk omdannede: | |||
- faste fraksjoner av fiskeoljer og fett og oljer av sjøpattedyr | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, herunder andre materialer fra posisjon 15.04 | |||
- annet | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer fra kapitlene 2 og 3 må være fremstilt i sin helhet | |||
ex 15.05 | Raffinert lanolin | Fremstilling fra rått ullfett under posisjon 15.05 | ||
15.06 | Andre animalske fettstoffer og oljer samt deres fraksjoner, også raffinerte, men ikke kjemisk omdannede: | |||
- faste fraksjoner | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, herunder andre materialer fra posisjon 15.06 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 2 må være fremstilt i sin helhet | |||
15.07 til 15.15 | Vegetabilske oljer og deres fraksjoner: | |||
- faste fraksjoner, med unntak av faste fraksjoner av jojobaolje | Fremstilling fra andre materialer under posisjonene 15.07 til 15.15 | |||
- andre, unntatt: - - kinesisk olje; myrtevoks og japanvoks - - slike som er bestemt for teknisk eller industriell bruk annet enn til fremstilling av næringsmidler | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer må være fremstilt i sin helhet | |||
ex 15.16 | Animalske eller vegetabilske fettstoffer og oljer, samt deres fraksjoner, helt eller delvis hydrogenerte, interforestrede, reforestrede eller elaidiniserte, og raffinerte, men ikke videre bearbeidede | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte animalske og vegetabilske materialer må være fremstillt i sin helhet. | ||
ex 15.17 | Spiselige, flytende blandinger av vegetabilske oljer under posisjonene 18.07 til 15.15. | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte vegetabilske materialer må være fremstilt i sin helhet. | ||
ex 15.19 | Industrielle fettalkoholer med kunstig voksaktig karakter. | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, herunder fettsyrer fra posisjon 15.19. | ||
16.01 | Pølser og liknende produkter av kjøtt, flesk, slakteavfall eller blod; tilberedte næringsmidler på basis av disse produkter | Fremstilling fra dyr fra kapittel 1 | ||
16.02 | Annet tilberedt eller konservert kjøtt, flesk, slakteavfall eller blod | Fremstilling fra dyr fra kapittel 1 | ||
16.03 | Ekstrakter og safter av kjøtt, fisk, krepsdyr, bløtdyr og andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann | Fremstilling av dyr fra kapittel 1. Imidlertid må all anvendt fisk, krepsdyr, bløtdyr eller andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
16.04 | Fisk, tilberedt eller konservert; kaviar og kaviaretterlikninger av rogn | Fremstilling hvor all anvendt fisk og rogn må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
16.05 | Krepsdyr, bløtdyr og andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann, tilberedte eller konserverte | Fremstilling hvor alle krepsdyr, bløtdyr eller andre virvelløse dyr som lever i vann må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
ex 17.01 | Rør- og betesukker samt kjemisk ren sakkarose, i fast form, tilsatt smaks- eller fargestoffer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
17.02 | Annet sukker, herunder kjemisk ren laktose, maltose, glukose og fruktose, i fast form; sirup og andre sukkeroppløsninger uten tilsetning av smaks- eller fargestoffer; kunsthonning, også blandet med naturlig honning; karamell: | |||
- kjemisk ren maltose og fruktose | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, herunder andre materialer fra posisjon 17.02 | |||
- annet sukker i fast form, tilsatt smaks- eller fargestoffer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer må være opprinnelsesprodukter | |||
ex 17.03 | Melasse fremstilt ved utvinning eller raffinering av sukker, tilsatt smaks- eller fargestoffer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
17.04 | Sukkervarer ( herunder hvit sjokolade), uten innhold av kakao | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
18.06 | Sjokolade og andre næringsmidler som inneholder kakao | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
19.01 | Maltekstrakt; næringsmidler av mel, stivelse eller maltekstrakt, som ikke inneholder kakao eller inneholder mindre enn 40 vektprosent kakao beregnet av en helt fettfri basis, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; næringsmidler av varer som hører under posisjonene 04.01 til 04.04 og som ikke inneholder kakao eller inneholder mindre enn 5 vektprosent kakao beregnet av en helt fettfri basis, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted: | |||
- maltekstrakt | Fremstilling fra korn fra kapittel 10 | |||
- ellers | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
19.02 | Pasta, også kokt eller fylt (med kjøtt eller andre produkter) eller tilberedt på annen måte, f.eks. spaghetti, makaroni, nudler, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, også tilberedt: | Fremstilling hvor alt anvendt korn og produkter derav (unntatt durumhvete og produkter derav) må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
19.03 | Tapioka og tapiokaerstatninger fremstilt av stivelse, i form av flak, gryn, perler eller liknende | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, unntatt potetstivelse fra posisjon 11.08 | ||
19.04 | Næringsmidler tilberedt ved oppusting eller steking av korn eller kornprodukter (f.eks. «corn flakes»); korn (unntatt mais), i form av gryn eller flak eller annet bearbeidet korn (unntatt mel), forkokt eller tilberedt på annen måte, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | |||
- uten innhold av kakao | Fremstilling hvor - alt anvendt korn og mel (med unntak av durumhvete og produkter derav) må være fremstilt i sin helhet og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- med innhold av kakao | Fremstilling fra materialer som ikke hører under posisjon 18.06, forutsatt at verdien av materialer under kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
19.05 | Brød, kaker, kjeks og annet bakverk, også med innhold av kakao; alterbrød, tomme kapsler til farmasøytisk bruk, forseglingsoblater og liknende varer av mel eller stivelse | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, unntatt fra materialer fra kapittel 11 | ||
20.01 | Grønnsaker, frukter, nøtter og andre spiselige plantedeler, tilberedte eller konserverte med eddik eller eddiksyre | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte frukter, nøtter eller grønnsaker må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
20.02 | Tomater, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte enn med eddik eller eddiksyre | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte tomater må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
20.03 | Sopper og trøfler, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte enn med eddik eller eddiksyre | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte sopper og trøfler må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
20.04 og 20.05 | Andre grønnsaker, tilberedte på annen måte enn med eddik eller eddiksyre, fryste eller ikke fryste | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte grønnsaker må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
20.06 | Grønnsaker, frukter, nøtter, fruktskall og andre plantedeler, kandiserte, glasserte eller på liknende måte tilberedte med sukker | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
20.07 | Syltetøy, fruktgele, marmelade samt puré og pasta av frukter eller nøtter, fremstilt ved koking eller annen varmebehandling, også tilsatt sukker eller annet søtningsstoff | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
20.08 | Frukter, nøtter og andre spiselige plantedeler, tilberedte eller konserverte på annen måte, også tilsatt sukker eller annet søtningsstoff eller alkohol, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | |||
- Frukter og nøtter kokt på annen måte enn ved dampkoking eller koking i vann, ikke tilsatt sukker, fryste | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte frukter og nøtter må være fremstilt i sin helhet | |||
- nøtter, uten tilsetninger av sukker eller alkohol | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte nøtter og oljefrø under posisjonene 08.01, 08.02 og 12.02 til 12.07 ikke overstiger 60% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
ex 20.09 | Frukt- og grønnsaksafter (herunder druemost), ugjærede og ikke tilsatt alkohol, også tilsatt sukker eller annet søtningsstoff | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 21.01 | Brente sikorirøtter samt ekstrakter, essenser og konsentrater derav | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte sikorirøtter må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
ex 21.03 | Sauser og preparater for tillaging av sauser; tilberedte smaksstoffer | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan sennepsmel og tilberedt sennep anvendes | ||
- tilberedt sennep | Fremstilling fra sennepsmel | |||
ex 21.04 | - Supper og buljonger samt preparater for tillaging av supper og buljonger | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon unntatt tilberedte eller konserverte grønnsaker under posisjonene 20.02 til 20.05 | ||
ex 21.04 | - Homogeniserte, sammensatte næringsmidler | Regelen for den posisjon hvor varen hadde blitt tariffert, dersom den var innført i bulk skal gjelde | ||
ex 21.06 | Sirup med tilsetning av smaks eller fargestoffer | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
22.01 | Vann, herunder naturlig eller kunstig mineralvann og karbonisert vann, ikke tilsatt sukker, andre søtningsstoffer eller smaksstoffer; is og snø | Fremstilling hvor alt anvendt vann må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
22.02 | Vann, herunder mineralvann og karbonisert vann, tilsatt sukker, andre søtningsstoffer eller smaksstoffer, og andre alkoholfrie drikkevarer, unntatt frukt- og grønnsaksafter som hører under posisjon 20.09 | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 17 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - alle anvendte fruktsafter (unntatt safter av ananas, lime og grapefrukt) må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
ex 22.04 | Vin av friske druer, herunder sterkvin, og druemost med tilsetning av alkohol | Fremstilling fra annen druemost | ||
22.05, ex 22.07, ex 22.08 og ex 22.09 | Følgende, med innhold av drueprodukter: - Vermut og annen vin av friske druer, tilsatt aromatiske planter eller smaksstoffer; - etylalkohol og annen sprit, denaturert eller ikke; likør og annet brennevin, sammensatte, alkoholholdige preparater av det slag som brukes til fremstilling av drikkevarer; - eddik | Fremstilling av materialer fra enhver posisjon, unntatt druer og drueprodukter | ||
ex 22.08 | Whisky med alkoholstyrke under 50 vol.% | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alt anvendt kornbrennevin ikke overstiger 15% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 23.03 | Reststoffer fra stivelsesfremstilling fra mais (med unntak av konsentrert maisstøpvann), med et proteininnhold beregnet av tørrstoff substansen på mer enn 40 vektprosent | Fremstilling hvor all anvendt mais må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
ex 23.06 | Oljekaker og andre faste reststoffer fra ekstraksjon av oliven olje, inneholdende mer enn 3 vektprosent olivenolje | Fremstilling hvor all anvendt oliven må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
23.09 | Tilberedte produkter av det slag som brukes til dyrefór | Fremstilling hvor alt anvendt korn, sukker eller melasse, kjøtt eller melk må være fremstilt i sin helhet | ||
24.02 | Sigarer, cerutter, sigarilloer og sigaretter av tobakk eller tobakkerstatninger | Fremstilling hvor minst 70 vektprosent av den ubearbeidede tobakken eller avfall av tobakk fra posisjon 24.01 må være opprinnelsesprodukter | ||
ex 24.03 | Røyketobakk | Fremstilling hvor minst 70 vektprosent av den ubearbeidede tobakken eller avfall av tobakk fra posisjon 24.01 må være opprinnelsesprodukter | ||
ex kapittel 25 | Salt; svovel; jord og stein; gips, kalk og sement; unntatt for posisjonene ex 25.04, ex 25.15, ex 25.16, ex 25.18, ex 25.19, ex 25.20, ex 25.24, ex 25.25 og ex 25.30 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 25.04 | Naturlig krystallinsk grafitt, med innhold av anriket karbon, renset og pulverisert | Anriking av karboninnholdet, rensing og pulverisering av krystallinsk rå grafitt | ||
ex 25.15 | Marmor, grovt oppdelt ved saging eller på annen måte i kvadratiske eller rektangulære blokker eller plater, med tykkelse 25 cm eller mindre | Oppdeling, ved saging eller på annen måte, av marmor (også allerede sagd), med tykkelse over 25 cm | ||
ex 25.16 | Granitt, porfyr, basalt, sandstein og annen monument- eller bygningsstein, grovt oppdelt ved saging eller på annen måte i kvadratiske eller rektangulære blokker eller plater, med tykkelelse 25 cm eller mindre | Oppdeling, ved saging eller på annen måte, av stein (også allerede sagd), med tykkelse over 25 cm | ||
ex 25.18 | Brent dolomitt | Brenning av ubrent dolomitt | ||
ex 25.19 | Naturlig magnesiumkarbonat (magnesitt), knust, i lufttett lukket emballasje og magnesiumoksid, også i ren tilstand, annet enn sammensmeltet magnesia eller sintret magnesia | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan naturlig magnesium karbonat anvendes | ||
ex 25.20 | Gips spesielt tilberedt for tannlegebruk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 25.24 | Asbestfibrer, naturlige | Fremstilling fra asbestkonsentrat | ||
ex 25.25 | Glimmerpulver | Maling av glimmer eller glimmeravfall | ||
ex 25.30 | Jordfarger, brendt eller pulverisert | Brenning eller maling av jordpigment | ||
kapittel 26 | Malm, slagg og aske | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex kapittel 27 | Mineralsk brensel, mineralske oljer og destillasjonsprodukter derav; bituminøse stoffer; mineralsk voks; unntatt posisjonene ex 27.07 og 27.09 til 27.15 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 27.07 | Oljer hvor vekten av de aromatiske bestanddeler overstiger vekten av de ikkearomatiske bestanddeler og som tilsvarer jordoljer utvunnet ved destillasjon av høytemperaturtjære av steinkull, hvor mer enn 65 volumprosent destillerer ved temperaturer opptil 250°C (herunder blandinger av bensin og bensol), til bruk som drivstoff eller brensel | Raffinering og/eller én eller flere spesiell(e) prosess(er)1, ELLER andre operasjoner hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 27.09 | Jordolje utvunnet av bituminøse mineraler | Nedbrytningsdestillering av bituminøse mineraler | ||
27.10 til 27.12 | Jordoljer og oljer utvunnet av bituminøse mineraler, unntatt råolje; produkter ikke nevnt eller inbefattet annet sted, som inneholder minst 70 vektprosent jordolje eller oljer utvunnet av bituminøse mineraler, og med disse oljer som basis for produktene | Raffinering og/eller én eller flere spesiell(e) prosess(er)2, ELLER | ||
Jordoljegasser og andre gassformige hydrokarboner | andre operasjoner hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
Vaselin; parafinvoks, mikrokrystallinsk jordoljevoks, «slack wax», ozokerett, montanvoks, torvvoks og annen mineralsk voks samt liknende produkter fremstilt syntetisk eller på annen måte, også farget | ||||
27.13 til 27.15 | Petrolkoks, jordoljebitumen og andre reststoffer fra jordolje eller fra oljer utvunnet av bituminøse mineraler | Raffinering og/eller én eller flere spesiell(e) prosess(er)2, ELLER | ||
Naturlig bitumen og naturasfalt; bituminøs skifer eller oljeskifer samt tjæresand; asfaltitter og asfaltholdige bergarter Bituminøse blandinger på basis av naturasfalt, naturlig bitumen, jordoljebitumen, mineralsk tjære eller mineraltjærebek (f.eks. bituminøse mastiks, «cut-backs») | andre operasjoner hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
ex kapittel 28 | Uorganiske kjemikalier; organiske eller uorganiske forbindelser av edle metaller, av sjeldne jordmetaller, av radioaktive stoffer eller av isotoper; unntatt posisjonene ex 28.05, ex 28.11, ex 28.33 og ex 28.40 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 28.05 | «Mischmetall» | Fremstilling ved termisk eller elektrolytisk behandling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 28.11 | Svoveltrioksid | Fremstilling fra svoveldioksid | ||
ex 28.33 | Aluminiumsulfat | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 28.40 | Natrium perborat | Fremstilling fra disodiumtetraborat pentahydrat | ||
ex kapittel 29 | Organiske kjemikalier; unntatt posisjonene ex 29.01. ex 29.02, ex 29.05, 29.15, 29.32, 29.33 og 29.34 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 29.01 | Asykliske hydrokarboner til bruk som drivstoff eller brensel | Raffinering og/eller én eller flere spesiell(e) prosess(er)3, ELLER andre operasjoner hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 29.02 | Syklaner og syklener (unntatt azulener), benzen, toluen, xylener,til bruk som drivstoff eller brensel | Raffinering og/eller én eller flere spesiell(e) prosess(er)3, ELLER andre operasjoner hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 29.05 | Metallalkoholater av alkoholer under denne posisjon og av etanol eller glyserol | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, også fra andre materialer fra posisjon 29.05. Imidlertid kan metallalkoholater fra denne posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
29.15 | Mettede, asykliske monokarboksylsyrer og deres anhydrider, halogenider, peroksider og peroksysyrer; deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon. Imidlertid kan verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra posisjonene 29.15 og 29.16 ikke overstige 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
29.32 | Indre etere og deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosoderivater: | |||
- interne etere og deres halogen, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosodderivater | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon. Imidlertid kan verdien av alle anvendte materialer som tarifferes under posisjon 29.09 ikke overstige 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- sykliske acetaler og indre hemiacetaler og deres halogen-, sulfo-, nitro- eller nitrosod-derivater | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor elle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan verdien av alle anvendte materialer som tarifferes under samme posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstige 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
29.33 | Heterosykliske forbindelser med bare nitrogen som heteroatom(er) | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon. Imidlertid kan verdien av alle anvendte materialer som tarifferes under posisjonene 29.32 og 29.33 ikke overstige 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
29.34 | Andre heterosykliske forbindelser | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon. Imidlertid kan verdien av alle anvendte materialer som tarifferes under posisjonene 29.32, 29.33 og 29.34 ikke overstige 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 30 | Farmasøytiske produkter; unntatt posisjonene 30.02, 30.03 og 30.04 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
30.02 | Blod fra mennesker; blod fra dyr tilberedt for terapautisk, profylaktisk eller diagnostisk bruk; immunsera og andre bestanddeler av blod samt modifiserte immunologiske produkter, også fremstilt ved bioteknologiske prosesser; vaksiner, toksiner, kulturer av mikroorganismer (unntatt gjær) og liknende produkter: | |||
- produkter bestående av to eller flere bestandeler som har blitt blandet for terapeutisk eller profylaktisk bruk eller ublandede produkter til slik bruk, i oppmålte doser eller i ferdige pakninger for detaljsalg | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, også andre materialer fra posisjon 30.02. Materialer under denne varebeskrivelsen kan også anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- ellers: | ||||
- - menneskeblod | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, også andre materialer fra posisjon 30.02. Materialer under denne varebeskrivelsen kan også anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- - dyreblod tilberedt for terapeutisk eller profylaktisk bruk | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, også andre materialer fra posisjon 30.02. Materialer under denne varebeskrivelsen kan også anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- - blodfraksjoner, unntatt antisera, hemaglobulin og serumglobulin | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, også andre materialer fra posisjon 30.02. Materialer under denne varebeskrivelsen kan også anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- - hemaglobulin, blodglobulin og serumglobulin | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, også andre materialer fra posisjon 30.02. Materialer under denne varebeskrivelsen kan også anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- - ellers | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, også andre materialer fra posisjon 30.02. Materialer under denne varebeskrivelsen kan også anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
30.03 og 30.04 | Legemidler (unntatt varer og som hører under posisjon 30.02, 30.05 og 30.06): | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer fra posisjonene 30.03 og 30.04 anvendes dersom deres verdi sammenlagt ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 31 | Gjødsel, unntatt posisjon ex 31.05 hvor etterfølgende regel gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 31.05 | Mineralsk eller kjemisk gjødsel som inneholder to eller tre av gjødselelementene nitrogen, fosfor og kalium; annen gjødsel; varer som hører under dette kapittel, i form av tabletter eller liknende former eller i pakninger med bruttovekt høyst 10 kg, unntatt: - natriumnitrat - kalsiumcyanamid - kaliumsulfat - kaliummagnesiumsulfat | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 32 | Garvestoff- og fargestoffekstrakter; tanniner og deres derivater; farger, pigmenter og andre fargestoffer; malinger og lakker; kitt og andre fyllings- og tetningsmidler; trykkfarger, blekk og tusj; unntatt: | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 32.01 | Tanniner og deres salter, etere, estere og andre derivater | Fremstilling fra garvestoffekstrakter av vegetabilsk opprinnelse | ||
32.05 | Substratpigmenter; preparater som nevnt i note 3 til dette kapittel, på basis av substratpigmenter4 | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, unntatt posisjonene 32.03, 32.04 og 32.05. Imidlertid kan materialer fra posisjon 32.05 anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 33 | Flyktige, vegetabilske oljer og resinoider; parfymer, kosmetikk eller toalettpreparater, unntatt: | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
33.01 | Flyktige, vegetabilske oljer (også terpenfrie) herunder «konkreter» og «absolutter»; resinoider; ekstraherte oleoresiner; konsentrater av flyktige, vegetabilske oljer i fett, fete oljer, voks eller liknende stoffer, utvunnet ved enfleurage eller maserasjon; terpenholdige biprodukter fra avterpenisering av flyktige, vegetabilske oljer; vandige destillater og vandige oppløsninger av flyktige, vegetabilske oljer | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, også fra materialer fra en annen «gruppe»5 under denne posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer fra samme gruppe anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 34 | Såpe, organiske, overflateaktive stoffer, vaskemidler, smøremidler, kunstig voks og tilberedt voks, polér- eller skuremidler, lys og liknende varer, modellérmasse, «dentalvoks» og dentalpreparater på basis av gips; unntatt: posisjonene ex 34.03 og 34.04 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 34.03 | Tilberedte smøremidler inneholdende mindre enn 70 vektprosent olje utvunnet fra jordolje eller oljer utvunnet av bituminøse mineraler | Raffinering og/eller én eller flere spesiell(e) prosess(er)6, ELLER andre operasjoner hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
34.04 | Kunstig voks og tilberedt voks: | |||
- på basis av parafin, voks av olje, voks av bituminøse mineraler, «slack wax» eller «scale wax» | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- ellers | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, unntatt: - hydrogenerte oljer som har karakter av voks under posisjon 15.16, eller - fettsyrer, ikke kjemisk definert eller industrielle fettalkoholer som har karakter av voks, under posisjon 38.23, eller - materialer fra posisjon 34.04. | |||
Imidlertid kan disse materialer anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||||
ex kapittel 35 | Proteiner, modifisert stivelse; klebemidler; enzymer; unntatt posisjonene 35.05 og 35.07 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
35.05 | Dekstrin og annen modifisert stivelse (f.eks. pregelatinert eller forestret stivelse); lim på basis av stivelse, dekstrin eller annen modifisert stivelse: | |||
- stivelses etere og estere | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, også andre materialer under posisjon 35.05 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling av materialer fra enhver posisjon, unntatt posisjon 11.08 | |||
ex 35.07 | Tilberedte enzymer ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
kapittel 36 | Krutt og sprengstoffer; pyrotekniske produkter; fyrstikker; pyrofore legeringer; visse brennstoffpreparater | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 37 | Varer til fotografisk eller kinematografisk bruk, unntatt posisjonene 37.01, 37.02 og 37.04 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
37.01 | Fotografiske plater og fotografisk planfilm, sensitive for lys eller annen bestråling, ueksponerte, av andre materialer enn papir, papp eller tekstilstoff; øyeblikksplanfilm, sensitiv for lys eller annen bestråling, ueksponert, også i kassetter: | |||
- øyeblikksfilm for fargefotografering, i kassetter | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer tarifferes under andre posisjoner enn 37.01 eller 37.02. Imidlertid kan materialer som tarifferes under posisjon 37.02 anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer tarifferes under andre posisjoner enn 37.01 eller 37.02. Imidlertid kan materialer som tarifferes under posisjon 37.01 og 37.02 anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
37.02 | Fotografisk film, sensitiv for lys eller annen bestråling, ueksponert, i ruller, av andre materialer enn papir, papp eller tekstilstoff; øyeblikksfilm i ruller, sensitivt for lys eller annen bestråling, ueksponert | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer tarifferes under andre posisjoner enn 37.01 eller 37.02 | ||
37.04 | Fotografiske plater, film, papir, papp og tekstilstoff, eksponerte, men ikke fremkalte | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer tarifferes under andre posisjoner enn 37.01 til 37.04 | ||
ex kapittel 38 | Diverse kjemiske produkter, unntatt posisjonene 38.01, ex 38.03, ex 38.05, ex 38.06, ex 38.07, 38.08 til 38.14, 38.18 til 38.20, 38.22 og 38.23 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
38.01 | Kunstig grafitt; kolloidal eller halvkolloidal grafitt; preparater på basis av grafitt eller annet kull i form av pastaer, blokker, plater eller andre halvfabrikater | |||
- kollodial grafitt i suspensjon i olje og halvkollodial grafitt; karbonholdige pastaer for elektroder | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- grafitt i form av pasta, som er en blanding av grafitt og mineraloljer, der grafitten utgjør mer enn 30 vektprosent | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer som tarifferes under posisjon 34.03 ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
ex 38.03 | Tallolje, raffinert | Raffinering av rå tallolje | ||
ex 38.05 | Sulfatterpentin, renset | Rensing som består i destillasjon eller raffinering av rå sulfatterpentin | ||
ex 38.06 | Esterharpikser («estergums») | Fremstilling fra harpikssyrer | ||
ex 38.07 | Bek utvunnet av tjære | Destillasjon av tretjære | ||
38.08 | Insekt-, sopp- og ugrasbekjempende midler, rottegift, antigromidler og plantevekstregulerende midler, desinfeksjonsmidler og liknende produkter, i former eller pakninger for detaljsalg eller som preparater eller artikler (f. eks. svovelimpregnerte bånd, veker og lys samt fluepapir) | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
38.09 | Midler for etterbehandling og preparater for å fremskynde farging eller feste fargestoffer samt andre produkter eller preparater (f.eks. appretur og beisemidler) av det slag som brukes innenfor tekstil-, papir- og lærindustrien eller liknende industrier, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
38.10 | Beisemidler for metaller; flussmidler og andre hjelpepreparater for lodding eller sveising; pulvere og pastaer for lodding eller sveising, som består av metall og andre stoffer; preparater av det slag som brukes som kjerne eller overdrag for sveiseelektroder eller sveisetråd. | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
38.11 | Preparater for tilsetning i mineraloljer (herunder bensin) eller i andre væsker som brukes til de samme formål som mineraloljer, for å forbedre viskositeten, motvirke motorbank, oksydasjon, korrosjon, sotdannelse eller liknende: | |||
- tilberedte preparater for smøreolje, inneholdende jordolje eller olje utvunnet av bituminøse mineraler | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra posisjon 38.11 ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
38.12 | Tilberedte vulkaniseringsakseleratorer; sammensatte myknere for gummi eller plast, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; antioksidasjonsmidler og andre sammensatte stabilisatorer for gummi eller plast | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
38.13 | Preparater og ladninger for brannslokningsapparater; brannslokningsgranater og brannslokningsbomber | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
38.14 | Sammensatte, organiske oppløsnings- og fortynningsmidler, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; tilberedte maling- og lakkfjernere | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
38.18 | Kjemiske grunnstoffer dopet for elektronisk bruk, i form av skiver eller liknende; kjemiske forbindelser dopet for elektronisk bruk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
38.19 | Bremsevæske og andre tilberedte væsker for hydrauliske overføringer, som ikke inneholder eller som inneholder mindre enn 70 vektprosent jordolje eller oljer utvunnet fra bituminøse mineraler | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
38.20 | Frostvæsker og tilberedte væsker for avising | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
38.22 | Reagenser for diagnostisk bruk eller laboratoriebruk på et underlag samt tilberedte reagenser for diagnostisk bruk eller laboratoriebruk, også på et underlag, unntatt slike som hører under posisjon 30.02 eller 30.06 | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
38.23 | Industrielle, monokarboksylfettsyrer; raffinasjonsfettsyrer; industrielle fettalkoholer: | |||
Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||||
- Følgende produkter under denne posisjon: | ||||
- - tilberedte bindemidler for støpeformer eller støpekjerner basert på naturlige harpiksholdige produkter | ||||
- - naftensyrer, deres ikkevannoppløselige salter samt deres estere | ||||
- - sorbitol, unntatt sorbitol som tarifferes under posisjon 29.05 | ||||
- - jordoljesulfonater, unntatt jordoljesulfonater av alkalimetaller, av ammonium eller etanolaminer; tiofenerte sulfonsyrer av oljer av bituminøse mineraler, samt deres salter | ||||
- - ionebyttere | ||||
- - «gettere» (getterstoff) for vakuumrør | ||||
- - alkalisk jernoksyd for rensing av gass | ||||
- - ammoniakkgassvann og brukt gassrensemasse produsert i rensing av kull gass | ||||
- - sulfonaftensyrer, deres ikkevannoppløselige salter samt deres estere | ||||
- - fuselolje og dippelsolje | ||||
- - blanding av salter med forskjellige anioner | ||||
- - kopieringspasta på basis av gelatin, også på underlag av papir eller tekstil | ||||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
39.01 til 39.15 | Plast i ubearbeidede former, avfall, klipp og skrap av plast; unntatt varer under posisjon ex 39.07 for hvilke etterfølgende regel gjelder: | |||
- addisjonshomopolymerisasjonsprodukter | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 39 ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk7 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 39 ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk7 | |||
ex 39.07 | Kopolymerer, fremstilt av polykarbonat og akrylonitrilbutadienstyren kopolymerer (ABS) | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan materialer som ikke skifter posisjon anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk7 | ||
ex 39.16 til 39.21 | Halvfabrikater og varer av plast, unntatt varer under posisjonene ex 39.16, ex 39.17, ex 39.20 og ex 39.21, for hvilke etterfølgende gjelder: | |||
- flate produkter, videre bearbeidet enn bare overflatebehandlet eller tilskåret i annen kvadratisk eller rektangulær form; andre produkter, bearbeidet mer enn bare overflatebehandling | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 39 ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre: | ||||
- - addisjonshomopolymerisasjonsprodukter | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendet materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra kapittel 39 ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk8 | |||
- - ellers | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer som tarifferes under kapittel 39 ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk8 | |||
ex 39.16 og ex 39.17 | Profiler og rør | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer som ikke skifter posisjon ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 39.20 | Plater og film av ionomer | Fremstilling fra et termoplastisk partielt salt som er en kopolymer av etylen og metakrylsyre delvis nøytralisert med metallioner, hovedsakelig sink og natrium | ||
ex 39.21 | Metallbelagte bånd av plastmateriale | Fremstilling fra svært gjennomskinnelige bånd i polyester med en tykkelse på mindre enn 23 mikron9 | ||
39.22 til 39.26 | Varer av plast | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 40 | Gummi og varer derav; unntatt posisjonene ex 40.01, 40.05, 40.12 og ex 40.17 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 40.01 | Laminerte plater av rågummi til sko | Laminering av plater av naturgummi | ||
40.05 | Blandet gummi, uvulkanisert, i ubearbeidde former eller i form av plater, duk eller bånd | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer, unntatt naturgummi, ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
40.12 | Regummierte eller brukte, pneumatiske dekk av gummi; massiv- eller hulkammerringer, utskiftbare slitebaner og felgbånd av gummi: | |||
- regummierte pneumatiske dekk, massiv- eller hulkammerringer, av gummi | Regummiering av brukte dekk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling av materialer fra enhver posisjon, unntatt posisjonene 40.11 eller 40.12 | |||
ex 40.17 | Varer av hardgummi | Fremstilling fra hardgummi | ||
ex kapittel 41 | Rå huder og skinn (andre enn pelsskinn) og lær; unntatt: | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 41.02 | Rå, avhårede huder av sau og lam | Avhåring av huder av sau og lam | ||
41.04 til 41.07 | Lær, uten hår eller ull, unntatt lær som hører under posisjonene 41.08 eller 41.09 | Garving av forgarvet lær, ELLER Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
41.09 | Lakklær og imitert lakklær; metallisert lær | Fremstilling fra lær fra posisjonene 41.04 til 41.07 forutsatt at deres verdi ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
kapittel 42 | Varer av lær; salmakerarbeider, reiseeffekter, håndvesker og liknende beholdere; varer av tarmer (unntatt av wormgut) | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex kapittel 43 | Pelsskinn (også kunstig) og varer derav; unntatt posisjonene ex 43.02 og 43.03 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 43.02 | Garvede eller beredte pelsskinn, sammensatte: | |||
- plater, kryss og liknende | Bleking eller farging samt tilskjæring og sammensying av usammensatte garvede eller beredte pelsskinn | |||
- ellers | Fremstilling fra usammensatte garvede eller beredte pelsskinn | |||
43.03 | Klær, tilbehør til klær og andre varer av pelsskinn | Fremstilling fra usammensatte garvede eller beredte pelsskinn fra posisjon 43.02 | ||
ex kapittel 44 | Tre og trevarer; trekull; unntatt posisjonene ex 44.03, ex 44.07, ex 44.08, 44.09, ex 44.10 til ex 44.13, ex 44.15, ex 44.16, 44.18 og ex 44.21 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 44.03 | Tømmer, grovt tilhogd eller tilskåret | Fremstilling fra tømmer, også befridd for bark eller bare grovrenset | ||
ex 44.07 | Trelast saget eller kuttet i lengderetningen, knivskåret eller skrelt, høvlet, pusset eller fingerskjøtt, av tykkelse over 6 mm | Høvling, pussing eller fingerskjøting | ||
ex 44.08 | Finér, av tykkelse høyst 6 mm, sammenskjøtt, og annen trelast saget i lengderetningen, knivskåret eller skrelt, av tykkelse høyst 6 mm, høvlet, pusset eller fingerskjøtt | Sammenskjøting, høvling, pussing, eller fingerskjøting | ||
44.09 | Trelast (herunder usammensatt parkettstav), fortløpende profilert (pløyd, falset, avrundet eller forsynt med fas, staff eller lignende) langs kanter eller flater også høvlet, pusset eller fingerskjøtt: | |||
- pusset eller fingerskjøtt | Pussing eller fingerskjøting | |||
- profilert og ornamentert listverk | Profilering eller ornamentering | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | |||
ex 44.10 til ex 44.13 | Profilert og ornamentert listverk | Profilering eller ornamentering | ||
ex 44.15 | Pakkasser, esker, sprinkelkasser, dunker og liknende emballasje av tre | Fremstilling fra bord som ikke allerede er tilskåret i passende lengder | ||
ex 44.16 | Fat, tønner, kar, baljer og annet bøkkerarbeid samt deler dertil av tre | Fremstilling fra emner til tønnestaver, ikke videre bearbeidet enn tilsagd på begge bredsider | ||
44.18 | Bygningssnekker- og tømmermannsarbeider, herunder lamellplater med innvendig hulrom (celleplater), sammensatt parkett og takspon («shingles» og «shakes»), av tre: | |||
- bygningssnekker- og tømmermannsarbeider av tre | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan lamellplater med innvendig hulrom (celleplater) og takspon («shingles» og «shakes») anvendes | |||
- profilert og ornamert listverk | Profilering eller ornamentering Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | |||
ex 44.21 | Fyrstikkemner, skoplugg | Fremstilling fra tre fra enhver posisjon, unntatt tretråd under posisjon 44.09 | ||
ex kapittel 45 | Kork og korkvarer; unntatt posisjon 45.03 hvor etterfølgende regel gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
45.03 | Varer av naturlig kork | Fremstilling fra kork under posisjon 45.01 | ||
kapittel 46 | Varer av strå, halm, esparto eller andre flettematerialer; kurvmakerarbeid | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
kapittel 47 | Tremasse eller masse av andre cellulosefibermaterialer; papir eller papp for resirkulasjon (avfall) | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex kapittel 48 | Papir og papp; varer av papirmasse, papir eller papp; unntatt posisjonene ex 48.11, 48.16, 48.17, ex 48.18, ex 48.19, ex 48.20 og ex 48.23 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 48.11 | Papir og papp, linjert eller rutet | Fremstilling fra materialer til produksjon av papir under kapittel 47 | ||
48.16 | Karbonpapir, selvkopierende papir og annet kopipapir eller overføringspapir (unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 48.09), stensiler og offsetplater av papir, også i esker | Fremstilling fra materialer til produksjon av papir under kapittel 47 | ||
48.17 | Konvolutter, kortbrev, brevkort (ikke illustrerte) og korrespondansekort av papir eller papp; esker, mapper og liknende av papir eller papp, som inneholder et utvalg av brevpapir, konvolutter og liknende | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 48.18 | Toalettpapir | Fremstilling fra materialer til produksjon av papir under kapittel 47 | ||
ex 48.19 | Esker, kasser, sekker, poser og annen emballasje av papir, papp, cellulosevatt eller duk av cellulosefibrer | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 48.20 | Skriveblokker | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 48.23 | Annet papir og annen papp, cellulosevatt og duk av cellulosefibrer, tilskåret til bestemt størrelse eller form | Fremstilling fra materialer til produksjon av papir under kapittel 47 | ||
ex kapittel 49 | Bøker, aviser, bilder og andre trykksaker; håndskrevne eller maskinskrevne arbeider samt arbeidstegninger; unntatt posisjonene 49.09 og 49.10 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
49.09 | Trykte eller illustrerte postkort; trykte kort med personlige hilsninger, meddelelser eller bekjentgjørelser, også illustrerte, med eller uten konvolutter eller utstyr | Fremstilling fra materialer som ikke tarifferes under posisjon 49.09 eller 49.11 | ||
49.10 | Kalendere, alle slags, trykte, herunder kalenderblokker: | |||
- evighetskalendere eller kalendere med utskiftbare blokker montert på et underlag av andre materialer enn papir og papp | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra materialer som ikke tarifferes under posisjon 49.09 eller 49.11 | |||
ex kapittel 50 | Silke; unntatt posisjonene ex 50.03, 50.04 til ex 50.06 og 50.07 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 50.03 | Silkeavfall (herunder kokonger ikke anvendelig til avhesping, garnavfall og opprevne filler), kardet eller kjemmet | Karding eller kjemming av silkeavfall | ||
50.04 til ex 50.06 | Garn av silke og garn spunnet av silkeavfall | Fremstilling fra10: - råsilke eller silkeavfall, kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - andre naturfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - materialer til fremstilling av papir | ||
50.07 | Vevnader av silke eller silkeavfall: | |||
- som inneholder tråd av gummi | Fremstilling fra enkelt garn11 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra11: - garn av kokosfibrer, - naturfibrer, - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - papir ELLER Trykking samt minst to forberedende eller ferdig- og etterbehandlende operasjoner (f.eks. rensing, bleking, mercerisering, varmebehandling, ruing, pressing, antikrympebehandling, sluttbehandling, dekatering, impregnering, stopping og nupping) hvor verdien av den ikketrykte vevnaden ikke overstiger 47,5% ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
ex kapittel 51 | Ull, fine eller grove dyrehår; garn og vevnader av tagl; unntatt posisjonene 51.06 til 51.10 og 51.11 til 51.13 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
51.06 til 51.10 | Garn av ull, av fine eller grove dyrehår eller av tagl | Fremstilling fra11: - råsilke eller silkeavfall, kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - naturfibrer, ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - materialer til fremstilling av papir | ||
51.11 til 51.13 | Vevnader av ull av fine eller grove dyrehår eller tagl: | |||
- som inneholder tråder av gummi | Fremstilling fra enkelt garn11 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra12: - garn av kokosfibrer, - naturfibrer, - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - papir ELLER Trykking samt minst to forberedende eller ferdig- og etterbehandlende operasjoner (f.eks. rensing, bleking, mercerisering, varmebehandling, ruing, pressing, antikrympebehandling, sluttbehandling, dekatering, impregnering, stopping og nupping) hvor verdien av den ikketrykte vevnaden ikke overstiger 47,5% ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
ex kapittel 52 | Bomull; unntatt posisjonene 52.04 til 52.07 og 52.08 til 52.12 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
52.04 til 52.07 | Garn og tråd av bomull | Fremstilling fra12: - råsilke eller silkeavfall kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - naturfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - materialer til fremstilling av papir | ||
52.08 til 52.12 | Vevnader av bomull: | |||
- som inneholder tråder av gummi | Fremstilling fra enkelt garn12 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra13: - garn av kokosfibrer, - naturfibrer, - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - papir ELLER Trykking samt minst to forberedende eller ferdig- og etterbehandlende operasjoner (f.eks. rensing, bleking, mercerisering, varmebehandling, ruing, pressing, antikrympebehandling, sluttbehandling, dekatering, impregnering, stopping og nupping) hvor verdien av den ikketrykte vevnaden ikke overstiger 47,5% ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
ex kapittel 53 | Andre vegetabilske tekstilfibrer; papirgarn og vevnader derav; unntatt posisjonene 53.06 til 53.08 og 53.09 til 53.11 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
53.06 til 53.08 | Garn av andre vegetabilske tekstilfibrer; papirgarn | Fremstilling fra13: - råsilke eller silkeavfall kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - naturfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - materialer til fremstilling av papir | ||
53.09 til 53.11 | Vevnader av andre vegetabilske fibrer; vevnader av papirgarn: | |||
- som inneholder tråder av gummi | Fremstilling fra enkelt garn13 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra14: - garn av kokosfibrer, - naturfibrer, - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - papir ELLER Trykking samt minst to forberedende eller ferdig- og etterbehandlende operasjoner (f.eks. rensing, bleking, mercerisering, varmebehandling, ruing, pressing, antikrympebehandling, sluttbehandling, dekatering, impregnering, stopping og nupping) hvor verdien av den ikketrykte vevnaden ikke overstiger 47,5% ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
54.01 til 54.06 | Garn; monofilamenter og tråd av syntetiske eller kunstige tekstilfibrer | Fremstilling fra14: - råsilke eller silkeavfall kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - naturfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - materialer til fremstilling av papir | ||
54.07 og 54.08 | Vevnader av syntetiske eller kunstige tekstilfibrer: | |||
- som inneholder tråder av gummi | Fremstilling fra enkelt garn14 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra:15 - garn av kokosfibrer, - naturfibrer, - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - papir ELLER Trykking samt minst to forberedende eller ferdig- og etterbehandlende operasjoner (f.eks. rensing, bleking, mercerisering, varmebehandling, ruing, pressing, antikrympebehandling, sluttbehandling, dekatering, impregnering, stopping og nupping) hvor verdien av den ikketrykte vevnaden ikke overstiger 47,5% ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
55.01 til 55.07 | Syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer | Fremstilling fra kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse | ||
55.08 til 55.11 | Garn og sytråd av syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer | Fremstilling fra15: - råsilke eller silkeavfall kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - naturfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - materialer til fremstilling av papir | ||
55.12 til 55.16 | Vevnader av syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer: | |||
- som inneholder tråder av gummi | Fremstilling fra enkelt garn15 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra16: - garn av kokosfibrer, - naturfibrer, - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - papir ELLER Trykking samt minst to forberedende eller ferdig- og etterbehandlende operasjoner (f.eks. rensing, bleking, mercerisering, varmebehandling, ruing, pressing, antikrympebehandling, sluttbehandling, dekatering, impregnering, stopping og nupping) hvor verdien av den ikketrykte vevnaden ikke overstiger 47,5% ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
ex kapittel 56 | Vatt, filt og fiberduk («non-wovens»); spesialgarn; hyssing, snører, liner og tau samt varer derav; unntatt posisjonene 56.02, 56.04, 56.05 og 56.06 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling fra16: - garn av kokosfibrer, - naturfibrer, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse - materialer til fremstilling av papir | ||
56.02 | Filt, også impregnert, overtrukket, belagt eller laminert: | |||
- nålefilt | Fremstilling fra:16 - naturfibrer, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse Imidlertid kan: - polypropylen filamenter under posisjon 54.02, - polypropylen fibrer under posisjonene 55.03 eller 55.06, eller - polypropylen fiberkabel under posisjon 55.01 anvendes dersom en enkelt fiber eller filament er mindre enn 9 desitex og deres verdi ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra17: - naturfibrer, - syntetiske eller kunstige staplefibrer fremstilt fra kasein, eller - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse | |||
56.04 | Tråd og snor av gummi overtrukket med tekstilmateriale; tekstilgarn samt strimler og liknende som hører under posisjon 54.04 eller 54.05, impregnert, overtrukket, belagt eller omsluttet med gummi eller plast: | |||
- tråd og snor av gummi, overtrukket med tekstilmateriale | Fremstilling fra tråd og snor av gummi, ikke overtrukket med tekstilmateriale | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra17: - naturfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - materialer til fremstilling av papir | |||
56.05 | Metallisert garn, også omspunnet, fremstilt av tekstilgarn, strimler eller liknende som hører under posisjon 54.04 eller 54.05, sammen med metall i form av tråd, strimler eller pulver, eller overtrukket med metall | Fremstilling fra17: - naturfibrer - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - materialer til fremstilling av papir | ||
56.06 | Omspunnet garn, samt strimler og liknende som hører under posisjon 54.04 eller 54.05, omspunnet (unntatt garn, strimler og liknende som hører under posisjon 56.05 og omspunnet garn av tagl); chenillegarn; «chainettegarn» | Fremstilling fra17: - naturfibrer - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse, eller - materialer til fremstilling av papir | ||
kapittel 57 | Gulvtepper og annet gulvbelegg av tekstilmateriale: | Fremstilling fra17: - naturfibrer, eller - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse | ||
- av nålefilt | Imidlertid kan: - polypropylen filamenter under posisjon 54.02, - polypropylen fibrer under posisjonene 55.03 eller 55.06, eller - polypropylen fiberkabel under posisjon 55.01 anvendes dersom en enkelt fiber eller filament er mindre enn 9 desitex og deres verdi ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- av annen filt | Fremstilling fra18: - naturfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, eller - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra:18 - garn av kokosfibrer, - syntetisk eller kunstig filamentgarn, - naturfiberer, eller - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning | |||
kapittel 58 | Spesielle vevnader; tuftede tekstilstoffer; blonder og kniplinger; tapisserier; possement; broderier; unntatt posisjonene 58.05 og 58.10 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | |||
- som inneholder tråder av gummi | Fremstilling fra enkelt garn18 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra19: - naturfibrer - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, eller - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse ELLER Trykking samt minst to forberedende eller ferdig- og etterbehandlende operasjoner (f.eks. rensing, bleking, mercerisering, varmebehandling, ruing, pressing, antikrympebehandling, sluttbehandling, dekatering, impregnering, stopping og nupping) hvor verdien av den ikketrykte vevnaden ikke overstiger 47,5% ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
58.05 | Håndvevde tapisserier av typene Gobeliner, Flandern, Aubusson, Beauvaise og liknende samt håndbroderte tapisserier (f.eks. «petite point» og korsstingsbroderier), ferdige eller som metervarer | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
58.10 | Broderier som metervare, bånd eller motiver | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
59.01 | Tekstilstoff overtrukket med naturlige gummier eller stivelsesholdige stoffer, av det slag som brukes til fremstilling av bokpermer eller liknende; kalkerlerret; preparert malerlerret; «rulle-book» og liknende stivet tekstilstoff av det slag som brukes til fremstilling av hatter | Fremstilling fra garn | ||
59.02 | Kordvev for dekk av høystyrkegarn av nylon eller andre polyamider, polyestere eller viskoserayon: | |||
- inneholdende høyst 90 vektprosent tekstilmaterialer | Fremstilling fra garn | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse | |||
59.03 | Tekstilstoff impregnert, overtrukket, belagt eller laminert med plast, unntatt tekstilstoff som hører under posisjon 59.02 | Fremstilling fra garn | ||
59.04 | Lineoleum, også tilskåret; gulvbelegg som består av tekstilbunn med belegg, også tilskåret | Fremstilling fra garn20 | ||
59.05 | Tekstiltapet: | |||
- impregnert, overtrukket, belagt eller laminert med gummi, plast eller andre materialer | Fremstilling fra garn | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra20: - garn av kokosfibrer - naturlige fibrer - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, eller - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse ELLER Trykking samt minst to forberedende eller ferdig- og etterbehandlende operasjoner (f.eks. rensing, bleking, mercerisering, varmebehandling, ruing, pressing, antikrympebehandling, sluttbehandling, dekatering, impregnering, stopping og nupping) hvor verdien av den ikketrykte vevnaden ikke overstiger 47,5% ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
59.06 | Gummiert tekstilstoff, unntatt tekstilstoff som tarifferes under posisjon 59.02: | |||
- stoffer av trikotasje | Fremstilling fra21: - naturlige fibrer, - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, eller - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse | |||
- andre stoffer fremstilt fra syntetisk filamentgarn, inneholdende minst 90 vektprosent tekstilmaterialer | Fremstilling fra kjemiske materialer | |||
- ellers | Fremstilling fra garn | |||
59.07 | Tekstilstoff som er impregnert, overtrukket eller belagt på annen måte, malte teaterkulisser, atelierbaktepper eller liknende, av tekstilvevnad | Fremstilling fra garn | ||
59.08 | Veker av vevde, flettede eller strikkede tekstilmaterialer, til lamper, ovner, tennere, lys eller liknende; gassglødenett og rundstrikkede varer til fremstilling av slike, også impregnerte: | |||
- gassglødenett, impregnerte | Fremstilling fra rundstrikkede varer av gassglødenett | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | |||
59.09 til 59.11 | Tekstilvarer anvendelige til bruk i industrien: | |||
- pusseskiver eller ringer av annet materiale enn filt under posisjon 59.11 | Fremstilling fra garn eller fra stoffavfall eller filler under posisjon 63.10 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra21: - garn av kokosfiber - naturfibrer - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, eller - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse | |||
kapittel 60 | Trikoterte stoffer | Fremstilling fra22: - naturfibrer - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, eller - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse | ||
kapittel 61 | Klær og tilbehør til klær, av trikotasje: | |||
- fremstilt ved å sy eller på annen måte sette sammen, to eller flere deler av trikotasjestoff som enten er tilskåret eller fremstilt i en bestemt form | Fremstilling fra garn23 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra22: - naturfibrer, - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibre ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, eller - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse | |||
ex kapittel 62 | Klær og tilbehør til klær, unntatt trikotasje; unntatt posisjonene ex 62.02, ex 62.04, ex 62.06, ex 62.09, ex 62.10, 62.13, 62.14, ex 62.16 og 62.17 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling fra garn22, 23 | ||
ex 62.02, ex 62.04, ex 62.06 og ex 62.09 | Klær til damer, piker og småbarn og tilbehør til klær til småbarn, brodert | Fremstilling fra garn22 ELLER Fremstilling fra ubrodert vevnad, forutsatt at verdien til den ubroderte vevnaden ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk22 | ||
ex 62.10 og ex 62.16 | Brannsikre klær av vevnader belagt med en folie av aluminisert polyester | Fremstilling fra garn22 ELLER Fremstilling fra ubelagt vevnad, forutsatt at verdien til den ubelagte vevnaden ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk22 | ||
62.13 og 62.14 | Lommetørklær, sjal, skjerf, halstørklær, mantiljer, slør, og liknende varer: | |||
- broderte | Fremstilling fra ubleiket enkelt garn24, 25 ELLER Fremstilling fra ubrodert vevnad, forutsatt at verdien til den ubroderte vevnaden ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk24 | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra ubleiket enkelt garn24, 25 | |||
62.17 | Annet ferdig tilbehør til klær; deler til klær eller deler til tilbehør til klær, unntatt deler som hører under posisjon 62.12: | |||
- broderte | Fremstilling fra garn24 ELLER Fremstilling fra ubrodert vevnad, forutsatt at verdien til den ubroderte vevnaden ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk24 | |||
- brannsikre klær av vevnader belagt med en folie av aluminisert polyester | Fremstilling fra garn24 ELLER Fremstilling fra ubelagt vevnad, forutsatt at verdien til den ubelagte vevnaden ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk24 | |||
- innleggsstoff til snipper og mansjetter, ferdig tilskåret | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra garn24 | |||
ex kapittel 63 | Andre ferdige tekstilvarer; sett; brukte klær og andre brukte tekstilvarer; filler; unntatt posisjonene 63.01 til 63.04, 63.05, 63.06, ex 63.07 og 63.08 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
63.01 til 63.04 | Tepper og pledd, sengelinnet m.v.; gardiner m.v.; andre utstyrsvarer: | |||
- av filt, og av fiberduk («non-wovens») | Fremstilling fra26 - naturfibrer, eller - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse | |||
- andre: | ||||
- - broderte | Fremstilling fra ubleiket enkelt garn26, 27 ELLER Fremstilling fra ubrodert stoff, (annet enn trikotert) forutsatt at verdien av det ubroderte stoffet ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- - ellers | Fremstilling fra ubleiket enkelt garn26, 27 | |||
63.05 | Sekker og poser, av det slag som brukes som emballasje | Fremstilling fra27: - naturfibrer, - syntetiske eller kunstige stapelfibrer ikke kardet eller kjemmet eller på annen måte bearbeidet for spinning, eller - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse | ||
63.06 | Presenninger og markiser; telt; seil til båter, seilbrett eller seilvogner; campingartikler: | |||
- av fiberduk («nonwovens») | Fremstilling fra27 - naturlige fibrer, eller - kjemiske materialer eller spinnmasse | |||
- andre | Fremstilling fra ubleiket enkelt garn27 | |||
63.07 | Andre ferdige varer, herunder snittmønstre | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
63.08 | Sett som består av vevnader og garn, også med tilbehør, til fremstilling av tepper, tapisserier, broderte bordduker eller servietter, eller liknende tekstilvarer, i pakninger for detaljsalg | Opprinnelsesregelen som gjelder for hver enkelt artikkel i settet må være oppfylt. Imidlertid kan ikkeopprinnelsesprodukter inngå i settet dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 15% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
64.01 til 64.05 | Fottøy | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon unntatt fra sammensatte deler bestående av fottøyoverdeler påsatt bindsåle eller andre bunndeler under posisjon 64.06 | ||
64.06 | Deler til fottøy (herunder overdeler, også om de er festet til andre såler enn yttersåler); løse innleggssåler, kippekapper og liknende innlegg; gamasjer, leggings og liknende varer samt deler dertil | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex kapittel 65 | Hodeplagg og deler dertil; unntatt 65.03 og 65.05 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
65.03 | Hatter og andre hodeplagg av filt, fremstilt av de hatteemner som hører under posisjon 65.01, også fôrede eller garnerte | Fremstilling fra garn eller tekstilfibrer28 | ||
65.05 | Hatter og andre hodeplagg av trikotasje eller av blonder, kniplinger, filt eller andre tekstilmetervarer (men ikke strimler), også fôrede eller garnerte; hårnett av ethvert materiale, også fôrede eller garnerte | Fremstilling fra garn eller tekstilfibrer28 | ||
ex kapittel 66 | Paraplyer, parasoller, spaserstokker, sittestokker, sveper, ridepisker og deler dertil; unntatt posisjon 66.01 hvor etterfølgende regel gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
66.01 | Paraplyer og parasoller (herunder stokkparaplyer, hageparasoller og liknende) | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
kapittel 67 | Bearbeidede fjær og dun samt varer derav; kunstige blomster; varer av menneskehår | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex kapittel 68 | Varer av stein, gips, sement, asbest, glimmer eller liknende materialer; unntatt posisjonene ex 68.03, ex 68.12 og ex 68.14 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 68.03 | Varer av naturlig eller agglomerert skifer | Fremstilling fra bearbeidet skifer | ||
ex 68.12 | Varer av asbest; varer av blandinger på basis av asbest eller av blandinger på basis av asbest og magnesiumkarbonat | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon | ||
ex 68.14 | Varer av glimmer; herunder agglomerert eller rekonstruert glimmer, på underlag av papir, papp eller andre materialer | Fremstilling fra bearbeidet glimmer (herunder agglomerert eller rekonstruert glimmer) | ||
kapittel 69 | Keramiske produkter | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex kapittel 70 | Glass og glassvarer; unntatt posisjonene 70.06, 70.07, 70.08, 70.09, 70.10, 70.13 og ex 70.19 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
70.06 | Glass som hører under posisjon 70.03, 70.04 eller 70.05, bøyd, med bearbeidede kanter, gravert, gjennomhullet, emaljert eller bearbeidet på annen måte, men ikke innrammet eller i forbindelse med andre materialer | Fremstilling fra materialer fra posisjon 70.01 | ||
70.07 | Sikkerhetsglass som består av herdet eller laminert glass | Fremstilling fra materialer fra posisjon 70.01 | ||
70.08 | Isolasjonsglass som består av flere lag | Fremstilling fra materialer fra posisjon 70.01 | ||
70.09 | Speil av glass, med eller uten ramme, herunder kjørespeil og liknende | Fremstilling fra materialer fra posisjon 70.01 | ||
70.10 | Ballonger, flasker, flakonger, krukker, ampuller og andre beholdere, av glass, av det slag som brukes til transport eller emballering av varer; konserveringsglass; propper, lokk og andre lukkeanordninger, av glass | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon ELLER Sliping av glassgjenstander, forutsatt at verdien av det uslipte glasset ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
70.13 | Husholdnings- og toalettartikler, kontorutstyr, innendørs dekorasjonsgjenstander eller liknende, av glass (unntatt varer som hører under posisjon 70.10 eller 70.18) | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon ELLER Sliping av glassgjenstander, forutsatt at verdien av det uslipte glasset ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk ELLER Dekorering utført for hånd (unntatt silketrykk) av munnblåste glassgjenstander, forutsatt at deres verdi ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 70.19 | Varer av glassfibrer (annet enn garn) | Fremstilling fra: - ufargede lunter, forgarn, garn og oppskårne bunter, eller - glassull | ||
ex kapittel 71 | Natur- eller kulturperler, edle eller halvedle steiner, edle metaller, metaller plettert med edelt metall, og varer derav; bijouterivarer; mynter; unntatt posisjonene ex 71.02, ex71.03, ex 71.04, 71.06, ex 71.07, 71.08, ex 71.09, 71.10, ex 71.11, 71.16 og 71.17 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 71.02, ex 71.03 og ex 71.04 | Bearbeidede edle eller halvedle steiner (naturlige, syntetiske eller rekonstruerte) | Fremstilling fra ubearbeidede edle eller halvedle steiner | ||
71.06, 71.08 og 71.10 | Edle metaller: | |||
- ubearbeidede | Fremstilling fra materialer som ikke tarifferes under posisjon 71.06, 71.08 eller 71.10 ELLER Elektrolytisk, termisk eller kjemisk separering av edle metaller fra posisjon 71.06, 71.08 eller 71.10 ELLER Legering av edle metaller fra posisjon 71.06, 71.08 eller 71.10, med hverandre eller med uedelt metall | |||
- halvfabrikata, eller i pulverform | Fremstilling fra ubearbeidet edelt metall | |||
ex 71.07, ex 71.09 og ex 71.11 | Metaller plettert med edelt metall, som halvfabrikata | Fremstilling fra metaller belagt med ubearbeidede edle metaller | ||
71.16 | Varer av natur- eller kulturperler eller av edle eller halvedle steiner (naturlige, syntetiske eller rekonstruerte) | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
71.17 | Andre smykkevarer (bijouterivarer) | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon ELLER Fremstilling fra uedle metalldeler, uten belegg av edle metaller, forutsatt at verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 72 | Jern og stål; unntatt posisjonene 72.07, 72.08 til 72.16, 72.17, ex 72.18, 72.19 til 72.22, 72.23, ex 72.24, 72.25 til 72.27, 72.28 og 72.29 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
72.07 | Halvfabrikater av jern eller ulegert stål | Fremstilling fra materialer fra posisjonene 72.01, 72.02, 72.03, 72.04 eller 72.05 | ||
72.08 til 72.16 | Flatvalsede produkter, stenger og profiler, av jern eller ulegert stål | Fremstilling fra blokker (ingots) eller andre ubearbeidede former fra posisjon 72.06 | ||
72.17 | Tråd av jern eller ulegert stål | Fremstilling fra halvfabrikatmaterialer fra posisjon 72.07 | ||
ex 72.18 og 72.19 til 72.22 | Halvfabrikater, flatvalsede produkter, stenger og profiler av rustfritt stål | Fremstilling fra blokker (ingots) eller andre ubearbeidede former fra posisjon 72.18 | ||
72.23 | Tråd av rustfritt stål | Fremstilling fra halvfabrikatmaterialer fra posisjon 72.18 | ||
ex 72.24 og 72.25 til 72.27 | Halvfabrikater, flatvalsede produkter, varmvalsede stenger, i uregelmessige oppkveilede ringer eller ruller; profiler av annet legert stål; hule borstenger av legert eller ulegert stål | Fremstilling fra blokker (ingots) eller andre ubearbeidede former fra posisjon 72.24 | ||
72.28 | Andre stenger av annet legert stål; profiler av annet legert stål; hule borstenger av legert eller ulegert stål | Fremstilling fra halvfabrikatmaterialer fra posisjon 72.06, 72.18 eller 72.24 | ||
72.29 | Tråd av annet legert stål | Fremstilling fra halvfabrikatmaterialer fra posisjon 72.24 | ||
ex kapittel 73 | Varer av jern eller stål; unntatt posisjonene ex 73.01, 73.02, 73.04, 73.05, 73.06, ex 73.07, 73.08 og ex 73.15 | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 73.01 | Spundveggjern | Fremstilling fra materialer fra posisjon 72.06 | ||
73.02 | Følgende skinnemateriell av jern eller stål, til jernbaner eller sporveier: skinner, motskinner og tannskinner, sporvekseltunger, sporkryss, sporvekselstag og andre deler til sporveksler, sviller, lasker, skinnestoler, stolkiler, underlagsplater, klemplater, traversjern og annet spesielt materiell til sammenføying eller festing av skinner | Fremstilling fra materialer fra posisjon 72.06 | ||
73.04, 73.05 og 73.06 | Rør og hule profiler, av jern (unntatt støpejern) eller stål | Fremstilling fra materialer fra posisjon 72.06, 72.07, 72.18 eller 72.24 | ||
ex 73.07 | Rørdeler (fittings) av rustfritt stål (ISO No. X5CrNiMo 17.12) bestående av flere komponenter | Dreiing, boring, brotsjing, gjenging, avgrading og sandblåsing av smidde emner, hvor verdien av emnene ikke overstiger 35% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
73.08 | Jern- og stålkonstruksjoner (unntatt prefabrikerte bygninger som hører under pos. 94.06) og deler dertil (f.eks. bruer og bruseksjoner, sluseporter, tårn, master, tak, taksperrer, dører og vinduer samt rammer og karmer dertil og dørterskler, skodder, rekkverk, søyler og pilarer), av jern eller stål; plater, stenger, profiler, rør og liknende av jern eller stål, bearbeidede til bruk i konstruksjoner | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan ikke sveisede profiler under posisjon 73.01 benyttes | ||
ex 73.15 | Snøkjettinger | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer fra posisjon 73.15 ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 74 | Kopper og varer derav; unntatt posisjonene 74.01, 74.02, 74.03, 74.04 og 74.05 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
74.01 | Koppermatte; sementkopper (utfelt kopper) | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
74.02 | Uraffinert kopper; kopperanoder for elektrolytisk raffinering | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
74.03 | Raffinert kopper og kopperlegeringer, i ubearbeidet form: | |||
- raffinert kopper | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | |||
- kopperlegeringer og raffinert kopper inneholdende andre elementer | Fremstilling fra raffinert kopper, ubearbeidet, eller avfall og skrap av kopper | |||
74.04 | Avfall og skrap av kopper | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
74.05 | Kopperforlegeringer | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex kapittel 75 | Nikkel og varer derav; unntatt posisjonene 75.01 til 75.03 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
75.01 til 75.03 | Nikkelmatte, nikkeloksidsintere og andre mellomprodukter ved fremstilling av nikkel; ubearbeidet nikkel; avfall og skrap av nikkel | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex kapittel 76 | Aluminium og varer derav; unntatt posisjonene 76.01, 76.02 og ex 76.16 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
76.01 | Ubearbeidet aluminium | Fremstilling ved termisk eller elektrolytisk behandling av ulegert aluminium eller avfall og skrap av aluminium | ||
76.02 | Avfall og skrap av aluminium | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 76.16 | Varer av aluminium, unntatt duk, netting, gitter og liknende varer (herunder endeløse bånd) av aluminiumstråd, og strekkmetall av aluminium | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, imidlertid kan duk, netting, gitter og liknende varer (herunder endeløse bånd) av aluminiumstråd, eller strekkmetall av aluminium benyttes, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 78 | Bly og varer derav; unntatt posisjonene 78.01 og 78.02 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
78.01 | Ubearbeidet bly: | |||
- raffinert bly | Fremstilling fra «blokkbly» eller «verkbly» | |||
- annet | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan avfall og skrap fra posisjon 78.02 ikke benyttes | |||
78.02 | Avfall og skrap av bly | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex kapittel 79 | Sink og varer derav; unntatt posisjonene 79.012 og 79.02 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
79.01 | Ubearbeidet sink | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan avfall og skrap fra posisjon 79.02 ikke benyttes | ||
79.02 | Avfall og skrap av sink | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex kapittel 80 | Tinn og varer derav; unntatt posisjonene 80.01, 80.02 og 80.07 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
80.01 | Ubearbeidet tinn | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan avfall og skrap under posisjon 80.02 ikke benyttes | ||
80.02 og 80.07 | Avfall og skrap av tinn; andre varer av tinn | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
Kapittel 81 | Andre uedle metaller; cermeter; varer derav: | |||
- andre uedle metaller, bearbeidede; varer derav | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer som ikke skifter posisjon ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | |||
ex kapittel 82 | Verktøy, redskaper, kniver, skjeer og gafler av uedelt metall; deler dertil av uedelt metall; unntatt posisjonene 82.06, 82.07, 82.08, ex 82.11, 82.14 og 82.15 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
82.06 | Verktøy og redskaper fra to eller flere av posisjonene 82.02- 82.05, pakket i sett for detaljsalg | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer tarifferes under andre posisjoner enn 82.02 til 82.05. Imidlertid kan verktøy og redskaper fra posisjonene 82.02 til 82.05 være bestanddeler i settet forutsatt at deres verdi ikke overstiger 15% av settets pris fra fabrikk | ||
82.07 | Utskiftbart verktøy for håndverktøy, også mekaniske, eller for verktøymaskiner (f.eks. for pressing, preging, stansing, gjenging, boring, rømming, brotsjing, fresing, dreiing eller skrutrekking), herunder trekkskiver eller pressdyser for metall, samt verktøy for berg- eller jordboring | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
82.08 | Kniver og knivblad for maskiner eller mekaniske redskaper | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 82.11 | Kniver, med skjærende egg, også sagtakket, unntatt kniver under posisjon 82.08 | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan knivblad og skaft av uedelt metall anvendes | ||
82.14 | Andre skjære- og klipperedskaper (f.eks. hårklippere, kløyve-, hogge- og hakkeredskaper for slaktere eller til kjøkkenbruk, papirkniver); artikler og sett for manikyr eller pedikyr (herunder neglefiler) | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan skaft av uedelt metall anvendes | ||
82.15 | Skjeer, gafler, øser, sleiver, hullsleiver, kakespader, fiske- og smørkniver, sukkerklyper og liknende husholdningsartikler | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan skaft av uedelt metall anvendes | ||
ex kapittel 83 | Forskjellige varer av uedelt metall; unntatt posisjon ex 83.06 hvor etterfølgende regel gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 83.06 | Statuetter og andre pyntegjenstander av uedelt metall | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan de andre materialene under posisjon 83.06 anvendes dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 84 | Kjernereaktorer, kjeler, maskiner, apparater og mekaniske redskaper; samt deler dertil; unntatt posisjonene ex 84.01, 84.02, 84.03, ex 84.04, 8406 til 84.09, 84.11, 84.12, ex 84.13, ex 84.14, 84.15, 84.18, ex 84.19, 84.20, 84.23, 84.25 til 84.30, ex 84.31, 84.39, 84.41, 84.44 til 84.47, ex 84.48, 84.52, 84.56 til 84.66, 84.69 til 84.72, 84.80, 84.82, 84.84 og 84.85 hvor etterfølgene regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
ex 84.01 | Kjernebrenselelementer29 | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon29 | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
84.02 | Kjeler for vanndamp eller annen damp (unntatt sentralvarmtvannskjeler som også kan produsere lavtrykksdamp); hetvannskjeler | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
84.03 og ex 84.04 | Sentralvarmekjeler, unntatt kjeler som hører under posisjon 84.02, og hjelpeapparater for sentralvarmekjeler | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer tarifferes under andre posisjoner enn 84.03 eller 84.04 | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
84.06 | Dampturbiner | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
84.07 | Stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med gnisttenning og med frem- og tilbakegående eller roterende stempel | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
84.08 | Stempeldrevne forbrenningsmotorer med kompresjonstenning (diesel- eller semidieselmotorer) | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
84.09 | Deler som utelukkende eller fortrinnsvis kan brukes til motorer som hører under posisjon 84.07 eller 84.08 | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
84.11 | Turbojetmotorer, turbopropmotorer og andre gassturbiner | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
84.12 | Andre kraftmaskiner og motorer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 84.13 | Rotasjonspumper | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
ex 84.14 | Industrielle vifter, blåsere og liknende | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
84.15 | Luftkondisjoneringsapparater som består av en motordrevet vifte og elementer for endring av temperatur og fuktighet, herunder slike apparater der fuktigheten ikke kan reguleres særskilt | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
84.18 | Kjøleskap, frysere og annet kjøle- eller fryseutstyr også elektriske; varmepumper, unntatt luftkondisjoneringsapparater som hører under posisjon 84.15 | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - hvor verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
ex 84.19 | Apparater for tre, papirmasse og pappindustrien | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som ikke skifter posisjon utgjør høyst 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
84.20 | Kalandrer og andre valsemaskiner, unntatt valsemaskiner for metall eller glass, samt valser dertil | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som ikke skifter posisjon utgjør høyst 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
84.23 | Vekter og veieinnretninger (unntatt slike som er følsomme for 50 mg eller mindre) herunder telle- og kontrollvekter; lodder til vekter, alle slags | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
84.25 til 84.28 | Maskiner for løfting, håndtering, lasting eller lossing | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som tarifferes under posisjon 84.31 ugjør høyst 10% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
84.29 | Bulldosere, angeldosere, veihøvler, skrapemaskiner, mekaniske skyfler, gravemaskiner, lastemaskiner, stampemaskiner og veivalser, med egen framdrift: | |||
- veivalser | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som tarifferes under posisjon 84.31 utgjør høyst 10% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
84.30 | Andre maskiner og apparater for flytting, planering, skraping, graving, stamping, valsing, utvinning eller boring av jord, mineraler eller malmer; påledrivere og påleopptrekkere; snøploger og snøfresere | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som tarifferes under posisjon 84.31 utgjør høyst 10% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
ex 84.31 | Deler til mekanisk drevne veivalser | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
84.39 | Maskiner og apparater for fremstilling av papirmasse av cellulosefibermaterialer eller for fremstilling eller etterbehandling av papir eller papp | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som ikke skifter posisjon utgjør høyst 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
84.41 | Andre maskiner og apparater for videre bearbeiding av papirmasse, papir eller papp, herunder alle slags papir- og pappskjæremaskiner og -apparater | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som ikke skifter posisjon utgjør høyst 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
84.44 til 84.47 | Maskiner fra disse posisjoner til bruk i tekstilindustrien | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 84.48 | Hjelpemaskiner og -apparater til maskiner under pos. 84.44 og 84.45 | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
84.52 | Symaskiner, unntatt symaskiner for hefting av bøker under posisjon 84.40; møbler, stativer og deksler spesielt innrettet for symaskiner, symaskinnåler: | |||
- symaskiner (kun spolesøm) hvor overdelens vekt er høyst 16 kg uten motor eller 17 kg med motor | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer som er anvendt ved monteringen av overdelen (uten motor) ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer, og - mekanismer for overtrådtilførsel, gripere med betjeningsmekanismer og styreorganer for siksak sting, allerede er opprinnelsesprodukter | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
84.56 til 84.66 | Verktøymaskiner og maskiner samt deler og tilbehør som hører under posisjonene 84.56 til 84.66 | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
84.69 til 84.72 | Kontormaskiner (f.eks. skrivemaskiner, regnemaskiner, automatiske databehandlingsmaskiner, duplikatorer, stiftemaskiner) | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
84.80 | Formrammer for metallstøping; underlagsplater til støpeformer; støpeformmodeller; støpeformer for metall (unntatt kokiller til støping av blokker (ingots), metallkarbider, glass, mineralske materialer, gummi eller plast | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
84.82 | Kule- eller rullelagre | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
84.84 | Pakninger av metallplater i forbindelse med andre materialer eller av to eller flere lag av metall; sett eller utvalg av pakninger av forskjellige slags materialer, pakket i poser, konvolutter eller liknende; mekaniske pakninger | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
84.85 | Deler til maskiner og apparater, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted i dette kapittel, og som ikke er utstyrt med elektriske forbindelsesdeler, isolatorer, spoler, kontakter eller andre elektriske innretninger | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 85 | Elektriske maskiner, apparater og materiell, samt deler dertil; apparater for opptak eller gjengivelse av lyd og apparater for opptak eller gjengivelse av bilder og lyd for fjernsyn, samt deler og tilbehør til slike apparater; unntatt posisjonene85.01, 85.02, ex 85.18, 85.19 til 85.29, 85.35 til 85.37, ex 85.41, 85.42, 85.44 til 85.48 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
85.01 | Elektriske motorer og generatorer (unntatt generatoraggregater) | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som tarifferes under posisjon 85.03 utgjør høyst 10% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
85.02 | Elektriske generatoraggregater og roterende, elektriske omformere | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som tarifferes under posisjonene 85.01 eller 85.03 til sammen utgjør høyst 10% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
ex 85.18 | Mikrofoner og stativer dertil; høyttalere, også med kabinett; elektriske hørefrekvensforsterkere; elektriske lydforsterkeranlegg | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
85.19 | Platespillere uten innebygd forsterker («record decks»), andre platespillere, kassettspillere og andre apparater for gjengivelse av lyd, uten utstyr for opptak av lyd | |||
- elektriske platespillere | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
85.20 | Magnetiske lydbåndopptakere og andre apparater for opptak av lyd, også med utstyr for gjengivelse av lyd | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
85.21 | Apparater for opptak eller gjengivelse av videosignaler, også med innebygd videotuner | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
85.22 | Deler og tilbehør som utelukkende eller fortrinnsvis kan brukes til apparater som hører under posisjonene 85.19 til 85.21 | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
85.23 | Preparert, uinnspilt materiell for opptak av lyd eller liknende opptak av andre fenomener, unntatt varer som hører under kapittel 37 | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
85.24 | Plater, bånd og annet innspilt materiell med lyd eller andre fenomener, herunder matriser for fremstilling av grammofonplater, men unntatt varer som hører under kapittel 37: | |||
- matriser for fremstilling av grammofonplater | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som tarifferes under posisjon 85.23 utgjør høyst 10% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
85.25 | Sendere for radiotelefoni, radiotelegrafi, radiokringkasting eller fjernsyn, også sammenbygd med mottakere eller apparater for opptak eller gjengivelse av lyd; fjernsynskameraer; videokameraer for stillbilder og andre videokameraopptakere | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
85.26 | Radarapparater, radionavigasjonsapparater og radiofjernstyringsapparater | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
85.27 | Mottakere for radiotelefoni, radiotelegrafi eller radiokringkasting, også kombinert i felles kabinett eller kasse med apparater for opptak eller gjengivelse av lyd eller med et ur | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
85.28 | Mottakere for fjernsyn, også med innebygde radiomottakere for kringkasting eller med apparater for opptak eller gjengivelse av lyd eller videosignaler; videomonitorer og videoprojektorer | |||
- videomonitorer eller videprojektorer | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
85.29 | Deler som utelukkende eller fortrinnsvis kan brukes til apparater som hører under posisjonene 85.25 til 85.28: | |||
- som utelukkende eller fortrinnsvis kan brukes til apparater for opptak eller gjengivelse av videosignaler | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
85.35 og 85.36 | Elektriske apparater til å slutte, bryte, sikre eller forbinde elektriske strømkretser | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som tarifferes under posisjon 85.38 utgjør høyst 10% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
85.37 | Plater, tavler (herunder numeriske kontrolltavler), konsoller, pulter, kabinetter og liknende, utstyrt med to eller flere apparater som hører under pos. 85.35 eller 85.36, for elektrisk kontroll eller fordeling av elektrisitet, også med instrumenter eller apparater som hører under kap.90, unntatt velgere som hører under posisjon 85.17 | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som tarifferes under posisjon 85.38 utgjør høyst 10% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
ex 85.41 | Dioder, transistorer og liknende halvlederkomponenter, unntatt ikke oppdelte skiver («wafers») | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
85.42 | Elektroniske, integrerte kretser og elektroniske mikrobyggeelementer | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som tarifferes under posisjon 85.41 eller 85.42 til sammen utgjør høyst 10% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
85.44 | Isolert (herunder lakkert eller anodisert) tråd, kabel (herunder koaksialkabel) og andre isolerte, elektriske ledere, også med forbindelsesdeler; optiske fiberkabler sammensatt av fibrer som er skjermet fra hverandre, også med forbindelsesdeler | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
85.45 | Kullelektroder, kullbørster, lampekull, batterikull og andre varer av kull, også med metall, av det slag som brukes til elektriske formål | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
85.46 | Elektriske isolatorer, uansett materiale | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
85.47 | Isolasjonsdetaljer (unntatt isolatorer som tarifferes under pos. 85.46) til elektriske maskiner, apparater eller til elektrisk materiell, som består helt av isolerende materiale, bortsett fra mindre komponenter av metall (f.eks. gjengede hylser, muffer og liknende) som er istøpt utelukkende for sammenføyning; elektriske ledningsrør og forbindelsesdeler dertil, av uedelt metall fôret med isolerende materiale | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
85.48 | Avfall og skrap fra galvaniske elementer, batterier og elektriske akkumulatorer; brukte galvaniske elementer og batterier samt brukte elektriske akkumulatorer; elektriske deler til maskiner eller apparater, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted i dette kapittel | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
86.01 til 86.07 | Lokomotiver eller annet rullende materiell for jernbaner eller sporveger samt deler dertil | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
86.08 | Stasjonært materiell for jernbaner eller sporveger; mekanisk (herunder elektromekanisk) signal-, sikkerhets- eller trafikkreguleringsutstyr for jernbaner, sporveger, veger, gater, elver, kanaler, parkeringsplasser, havneanlegg eller flyplasser; deler til overnevnte materiell og utstyr | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
86.09 | Beholdere (containere)(herunder beholdere for transport av flytende varer) spesielt bestemt og utstyrt for transport med ett eller flere slags transportmidler | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 87 | Kjøretøyer samt deler og tilbehør dertil, unntatt rullende materiell for jernbaner og sporveger; unntatt posisjonene 87.09 til 87.11, ex 87.12, 87.15 og 87.16 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder: | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
87.09 | Trucker med egen fremdriftsmotor, ikke utstyrt med løfte- eller håndteringsutstyr, av den type som brukes i fabrikker, lagre, havneområder eller flyplasser for korte transporter av gods; traktorer av den type som brukes på jernbaneperronger; deler til kjøretøyer som tarifferes under denne posisjon | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
87.10 | Tanks og andre motordrevne, pansrede stridsvogner, også utstyrt med våpen, samt deler til slike kjøretøyer | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
87.11 | Motorsykler (herunder mopeder) og sykler med hjelpemotor, med eller uten sidevogn; sidevogner: | |||
- med stempeldrevet forbrenningsmotor med sylindervolum: | ||||
- høyst 50 cm3 | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 20% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
- over 50 cm3 | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 87.12 | Sykler uten kulelager | Fremstilling fra materialer som ikke tarifferes under posisjon 87.14 | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
87.15 | Barnevogner og deler dertil | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
87.16 | Tilhengere og semitrailere; andre kjøretøyer uten mekanisk drivanordning; deler dertil | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
ex kapittel 88 | Luftfartøyer, romfartøyer og deler dertil; unntatt posisjonene ex 88.04 og 88.05 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
ex 88.04 | Roterende fallskjermer, «rotochutes» | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, herunder andre materialer fra posisjon 88.04 | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
88.05 | Utskytingsutstyr for luftfartøyer; innbremsingsutstyr for fly til bruk ombord i hangarskip eller liknende utstyr; stasjonære flytreningsmaskiner; deler til ovennevnte varer | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
Kapittel 89 | Skip, båter og annet flytende materiell | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan ikke skrog under posisjon 89.06 anvendes | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
ex kapittel 90 | Instrumenter og apparater til optisk, fotografisk, kinematografisk, medisinsk eller kirurgisk bruk samt måle-, kontroll- eller presisjonsinstrumenter og apparater; deler og tilbehør dertil; unntatt posisjonene 90.01, 90,.02, 90.04, ex 90.05, ex 90.06, 90.07, 90.11, ex 90.14, 90.15 til 90.20 og 90.24 til 90.33 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
90.01 | Optiske fibrer og optiske fiberbunter; optiske fiberkabler, unntatt de som hører under posisjon 85.44; ark og plater av polariserende materiale; linser (herunder kontaktlinser), prismer, speil og andre optiske elementer, av ethvert materiale, uinnfattede, unntatt slike elementer av ikkeoptisk bearbeidet glass | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.02 | Linser, prismer, speil og andre optiske elementer, av ethvert materiale, innfattede, som utgjør deler eller tilbehør til instrumenter eller apparater, unntatt slike elementer av ikkeoptisk bearbeidet glass | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.04 | Briller, beskyttelsesbriller og liknende, korrigerende, beskyttende eller andre | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 90.05 | Kikkerter (monokulære og binokulære), og andre optiske teleskoper samt stativer til slike, unntatt astronomiske prismeteleskoper og stativer til slike | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
ex 90.06 | Fotoapparater (unntatt filmopptakere); lynlysapparater og lynlyspærer andre enn elektrisk tennende | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
90.07 | Filmopptakere og filmfremvisere, med eller uten innebygget apparat for opptak eller gjengivelse av lyd | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
90.11 | Optiske mikroskoper, herunder mikroskoper for fotomikrografi, kinefotomikrografi eller mikroprojeksjon | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
ex 90.14 | Andre navigasjonsinstrumenter og -apparater | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.15 | Geodetiske (herunder fotogrammetriske), hydrografiske, oseanografiske, hydrologiske, meteorologiske eller geofysiske instrumenter og apparater, unntatt kompasser; avstandsmålere | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.16 | Vekter følsomme for 50 mg eller mindre, også med lodder | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.17 | Tegne-, risse- og regneinstrumenter (f.eks. tegnemaskiner, pantografer, vinkelmålere, tegne- og rissebestikk, regnestaver, regneskiver); instrumenter for lengdemåling til bruk i hånden (f.eks. målestokker ogbånd, mikrometermål, alle slags lærer), ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted i dette kapittel | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.18 | Instrumenter og apparater til medisinsk, kirurgisk, dental eller veterinær bruk, herunder scintigrafer, andre elektromedisinske apparater og instrumenter for synsprøving: | |||
- tannlegestoler med innebygd tannlegeutstyr eller spyttefontener | Fremstilling fra materialer fra enhver posisjon, herunder andre materialer under posisjon 90.18 | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.19 | Mekanoterapeutisk utstyr; massasjeapparater; psykotekniske apparater; apparater for oson-, surstoff- eller aerosolterapi samt apparater for kunstig åndedrett eller andre terapeutiske pusteapparater | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
90.20 | Annet pusteutstyr og gassmasker, unntatt beskyttelsesmasker som verken har mekaniske deler eller utskiftbare filtre | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
90.24 | Maskiner og apparater for prøving av hardhet, styrke, trykkfasthet, elastisitet eller andre mekaniske egenskaper hos materialer (f.eks. metaller, tre, tekstiler, papir, plast) | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.25 | Flytevekter (aerometre, densimetre) og liknende instrumenter basert på flyteprinsippet, termometre, pyrometre, barometre, hygrometre og psykrometre, også med registreringsutstyr samt kombinasjoner av slike instrumenter | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.26 | Instrumenter og apparater for måling eller kontroll av gjennomstrømning, nivå, trykk eller andre variable forhold ved væsker eller gasser (f.eks. gjennomstrømningsmålere, nivåmålere, manometre, varmemålere), unntatt instrumenter og apparater som hører under pos. 90.14, 90.15, 90.28 eller 90.32 | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.27 | Instrumenter og apparater for fysiske eller kjemiske analyser (f.eks. polarimetre, refraktometre, spektrometre, gass- eller røykanalyseapparater); instrumenter og apparater for måling eller kontroll av viskositet, porøsitet, utvidelse, overflatespenning eller liknende; instrumenter og apparater for måling eller kontroll av varme-, lyd- eller lysmengder (herunder eksponeringsmålere); mikrotomer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.28 | Forbruks- og produksjonsmålere for gasser, væsker eller elektrisitet, herunder justeringsmålere for nevnte målere: | |||
- deler og tilbehør | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.29 | Omdreiningstellere, produksjonstellere, taksametre, kilometertellere, skritt-tellere og liknende; hastighetsmålere og tachometre, unntatt de som hører under posisjon 90.14 eller 90.15; stroboskoper | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.30 | Oscilloskoper, spektralanalysatorer og andre instrumenter og apparater for måling eller kontroll av elektriske mengder, unntatt måleapparater som hører under posisjon 90.28; instrumenter og apparater for måling eller registrering av alfa-, beta-, gamma- eller røntgenstråler, kosmiske eller andre ioniserende stråler | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.31 | Instrumenter, apparater og maskiner for måling eller kontroll, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted i dette kapittel; profilprojektorer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.32 | Instrumenter og apparater for automatisk regulering eller kontroll | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
90.33 | Deler og tilbehør (ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted i dette kapittel) til maskiner, instrumenter eller apparater som hører under kapittel 90 | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 91 | Ur og urdeler; unntatt: posisjonene 91.05 og 91.09 til 91.13 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
91.05 | Andre ur | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
91.09 | Andre komplette og sammensatte urverk | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - verdien av alle anvendte ikkeopprinnelsesmaterialer ikke overstiger verdien av anvendte opprinnelsesmaterialer | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
91.10 | Komplette urverk, usammensatte eller delvis sammensatte (urverksett); ukomplette urverk, sammensatte; råurverk | Fremstilling hvor: - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk, og - uten å overstige ovennevnte verdibegrensning, verdien av anvendte materialer som tarifferes under pos. 91.14 utgjør høyst 10% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
91.11 | Urkasser og deler dertil, til ur som hører under posisjon 91.01 eller 91.02 | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
91.12 | Andre urkasser og liknende kasser til andre varer som hører under dette kapittel, samt deler dertil | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |
91.13 | Urarmbånd og deler dertil: | |||
- av uedelt metall, også belagt, eller plettert med edelt metall | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
- andre | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | |||
Kapittel 92 | Musikkinstrumenter; deler og tilbehør til slike instrumenter | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 40% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
Kapittel 93 | Våpen og ammunisjon; deler og tilbehør dertil | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 94 | Møbler; sengebunner og sengeutstyr, som f.eks. madrasser, puter og liknende stoppede varer; lamper og annet belysningsutstyr, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; lysskilt og liknende; prefabrikerte bygninger; unntatt posisjonene 94.01, ex 94.03, 94.05 og 94.06 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 94.01 og ex 9403 | Møbler av uedelt metall, trukket med ustoppet bomullsvevnad av vekt høyst 300 g. pr. m2 | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon ELLER Fremstilling fra bomullsvevnad satt sammen ferdig til bruk for posisjon 94.01 eller 94.03, forutsatt at: - dens verdi ikke overstiger 25% av ferdigvarens pris, og - alle andre anvendte materialer allerede er opprinnelsesprodukter og tarifferes under andre posisjoner enn 94.01 eller 94.03 | ||
94.05 | Lamper og annet belysningsutstyr, herunder søkelys og lyskastere samt deler dertil, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted; lysskilt og liknende som har en fast montert lyskilde, samt deler dertil ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
94.06 | Prefabrikerte bygninger | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex kapittel 95 | Leketøy, spill og sportsartikler samt deler og tilbehør dertil; unntatt posisjonene 95.03 og 95.06 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
95.03 | Annet leketøy; miniatyrmodeller og liknende modeller til hobbybruk, også mekaniske; puslespill, alle slags | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - forutsatt at verdien på alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 95.06 | Apparater og utstyr for gymnastikk, friidrett, annen sport (untatt bordtennis) eller utendørsspill, ikke nevnt eller innbefattet annet sted i dette kapittel; badebasseng og plaskebasseng | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon. Imidlertid kan grovt tildannede blokker til fremstilling av golfkøllehoder anvendes | ||
ex kapittel 96 | Forskjellige varer; unntatt posisjonene ex 96.01, ex 96.02, ex 96.03, 96.05, 96.06, 96.12, ex 96.13 og ex 96.14 hvor etterfølgende regler gjelder | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon | ||
ex 96.01 og ex 96.02 | Varer av animalske, vegetabilske eller mineralske utskjæringsmaterialer | Fremstilling fra bearbeidet utskjæringsmateriale fra samme posisjon | ||
ex 96.03 | Koster og børster, pensler og liknende (unntatt sopelimer og liknende og børster laget av hår fra mår eller ekorn), mekaniske gulvfeieapparater uten motor, maleputer og ruller; naler (unntatt glattruller) | Fremstilling hvor verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvaren pris fra fabrikk | ||
96.05 | Reiseetuier for toalettbruk, for sying eller for rengjøring av sko eller klær | Opprinnelsesregelen som gjelder for hver enkelt artikkel må være oppfylt. Imidlertid kan ikkeopprinnelsesprodukter inngå i settet dersom deres verdi ikke overstiger 15% av settets pris fra fabrikk | ||
96.06 | Knapper, trykknapper og liknende, knappeformer og andre deler til disse varer; knappeemner | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
96.12 | Fargebånd til skrivemaskiner og liknende fargebånd innsatt med farge eller behandlet på annen måte slik at de gir avtrykk, også på spoler eller i kassetter; stempelputer med eller uten eske, også uten farge | Fremstilling hvor: - alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon, og - verdien av alle anvendte materialer ikke overstiger 50% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 96.13 | Tennere med piezoelektrisk tenningsanordning | Fremstilling hvor verdien av anvendte materialer fra posisjon 96.13 ikke overstiger 30% av ferdigvarens pris fra fabrikk | ||
ex 96.14 | Piper eller pipehoder | Fremstilling fra grovt tildannede blokker | ||
Kapittel 97 | Kunstverker, samlergjenstander og antikviteter | Fremstilling hvor alle anvendte materialer skifter posisjon |
1 For de spesielle vilkår knyttet til «spesiell(e) prosess(er)», se Innledende Anmerkninger 7.1 og 7.3.
2 For de spesielle vilkår knyttet til «spesiell(e) prosess(er)», se Innledende Anmerkninger 7.1 og 7.3.
3 For de spesielle vilkår knyttet til «spesiell(e) prosess(er)», se Innledende Anmerkninger 7.1 og 7.3.
4 Note 3 til kapittel 32 fastsetter at disse preparater er slike som brukes til farging av ethvert materiale eller som bestanddeler ved fremstilling av fargemidler, forutsatt at de ikke tarifferes i en annen posisjon i kapittel 32.
5 En «gruppe» er å anse som en del av en posisjon, skilt ut fra resten av posisjonen med et semikolon.
6 For de spesielle vilkår knyttet til «spesiell(e) prosess(er)», se Innledende Anmerkninger 7.1 og 7.3.
7 For produkter sammensatt av materialer under både posisjonene 39.01 til 39.06 på den ene side, og under 39.07 til 39.11 på den annnen side, skal denne begrensningen bare gjelde for den gruppen av materialer som utgjør den største vektandelen i produktet.
8 For produkter sammensatt av materialer under både posisjonene 39.01 til 39.06 på den ene side, og under 39.07 til 39.11 på den annnen side, skal denne begrensningen bare gjelde for den gruppen av materialer som utgjør den største vektandelen i produktet.
9 Følgende folier skal anses som svært gjennomskinnelige: folier med optisk dimensjon under 2%, målt i samsvar med ASTM-D 1003-16 av Garner Hazemeter (dvs. Hazemeter)
10 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
11 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
12 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
13 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
14 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
15 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
16 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
17 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
18 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
19 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
20 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
21 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
22 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
23 Se Innledende Anmerkning 6.
24 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
25 Se Innledende Anmerkning 6.
26 Se Innledende Anmerkning 6.
27 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
28 For spesielle betingelser for varer laget av blandede tekstilmaterialer, se Innledende Anmerkning 5.
29Denne regel skal gjelde frem til og med 31. desember 1998
Vedlegg III til Protokoll B
Varesertifikat EUR. 1 og søknad om varesertifikat EUR. 1
Varesertifikater EUR. 1 skal utferdiges i samsvar med det mønster som er inntatt i dette vedlegg. Dette formularet skal trykkes på et av avtalepartenes offisielle språk eller på engelsk. Sertifikatene skal fylles ut på et av disse språk og i samsvar med bestemmelsene i eksportlandets nasjonale lovgivning. Dersom de fylles ut for hånd, skal dette gjøres med blekk og med «trykte» bokstaver.
Hvert formular skal være 210 x 297 mm. Det tillates dog en toleranse på høyst 5 mm mer i lengden. Papiret som skal benyttes skal være hvitt, trefritt, limt skrivepapir med en vekt på minst 25 gr. pr. m2. Det skal være forsynt med et trykt, grønt guillochert bakgrunnsmønster, slik at enhver forfalskning foretatt med mekaniske eller kjemiske midler vil bli klart synlig.
De kompetente myndigheter i en EFTA-stat eller i Marokko kan selv trykke formularene eller overlate trykkingen til trykkerier som har fått deres godkjennelse. I sistnevnte tilfelle, skal det på hvert varesertifikat EUR.1 finnes en henvisning til denne godkjennelse. Hvert formular skal være forsynt med trykkeriets navn og adresse eller med et kjennetegn som gjør det mulig å identifisere trykkeriet. Det skal dessuten være forsynt med et serienummer, trykket eller ikke, slik at det kan identifiseres.

Figur 1-1N

Figur 1-2N

Figur 1-3N

Figur 1-4N
Vedlegg IV til Protokoll B
Fakturaerklæring som nevnt i artikkel 25
Undertegnede eksportør av de i dette dokument omfattede varer erklærer at varene, med mindre annet er angitt 6), oppfyller betingelsene for å oppnå opprinnelsestatus i preferansesamhandelen med 7 og har opprinnelse i 8
(Sted og dato)
(Eksportørens underskrift må tilføyes navnet på den som undertegner med trykte bokstaver)
Fakturaerlæring som nevnt i artikkel 25 i arabisk, fransk, tysk, islandsk, italiensk og engelsk språkversjon
Je soussigné, exportateur des marchandises couvertes par le présent document, déclare que, sauf indication contraire, ces marchandises répondent aux conditions fixées pour obtenir le caractère originaire dans les échanges préférentiels avec ......... et sont originaires de/du ......
Der Unterzeichnete, Ausführer der Waren, auf die sich diese Handelsrechnung bezieht, erklärt, dass diese Waren, soweit nicht anders angegeben, die Voraussetzungen für die Erlangung der Ursprungseigenschaft im präferenzbegünstigten Warenverkehr mit ....... erfüllen und dass das Ursprungsland der Waren ......... ist.
Undirritaður, útflytjandi vara sem skjal þetta tekur til, lysir þvi yfir að vörurnar, nema annars sé getið, uppfylla skilyrði til að hljóta upprunaréttindi i friðindaviðskiptum við ...... og upprunaland varanna er .........
Io sottoscritto, esportatore delle merci contemplati nel presente documento, dichiaro che, salvo indicazione contraria, le merci rispondono alle condizione fissate per ottenere il carattere originario negli scambi preferenziali con .......... e sono originarie di ..........
Undertegnede eksportør av de i dette dokument omfattede varer erklærer at varene, med mindre annet er angitt, oppfyller betingelsene for å oppnå opprinnelsestatus i preferansesamhandelen med ........... og har opprinnelse i ............
Vedlegg V til protokoll B
Mønster for stempelavtrykk vist til i artikkel 21 nr 3 bokstav b)

Figur 1-5N
1Eksportlandets kjenningsbokstav eller riksvåpen.
2Nødvendige opplysninger for identifikasjon av den godkjente eksportør.
Protokoll C Monopoler som ikke tilpasses i samsvar med artikkel 10 Liechtenstein/Sveits
Artikkel 10 i denne avtale skal gjelde for Liechtenstein og Sveits med hensyn til statsmonopoler på salt og krutt bare i den utstrekning disse statene vil måtte oppfylle tilsvarende forpliktelser i henhold til sine handelsforbindelser med Det europeiske fellesskap og EFTA-statene.
Protokoll D Om den behandling Liechtenstein og Sveits kan anvende på import av visse produkter i henhold til ordning med oppbygging av obligatoriske reservelagre
Liechtenstein og Sveits kan bestemme at produkter som er uunnværlige for befolkningens overlevelse, og, hva Sveits angår, for Forsvaret, skal inngå i en ordning med obligatoriske reservelagre. Liechtenstein og Sveits skal praktisere denne ordningen på en måte som ikke innebærer forskjellsbehandling, direkte eller indirekte, mellom de produkter som importeres og tilsvarende nasjonale produkter eller nasjonale erstatningsprodukter.
Protokoll E Omtalt i artikkel 36 Territoriell anvendelse
Ved ratifikasjon av denne avtale skal Kongeriket Norge ha rett til å holde territoriet Svalbard utenfor anvendelsen av denne avtale med unntak av handel med varer.
1 NACE is the Central Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Communities; see Council Regulation (EEC) No 3037/90 of 9 October 1990 on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community, OJ No L 293/1, as amended by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 761/93 of 24 March 1993, OJ No L 83/1.
2 When an invoice also includes products not originating in an EFTA State or in Morocco the exporter must clearly indicate them.
3 Iceland, Morocco, Norway, or Switzerland.
4 Reference can be made to a specific column of the invoice in which the country of origin of each product is entered.
5 NACE er Standard for næringsgruppering innen De europeiske fellesskap; se Rådsforordning (EØF) nr. 3037/90 av 9. oktober 1990 om statistisk klassifikasjon av økonomiske aktiviteter i Det europeiske fellesskap, EFT nr. L 293/1, endret ved Kommisjonsforordning (EØF) nr. 761/93 av 24. mars 1993, EFT nr. L 83/1.
6 Når en faktura også inneholder produkter som ikke har opprinnelse i en EFTA-stat eller i Marokko, skal eksportøren tydelig indikere disse.
7 Island, Marokko, Norge eller Sveits.
8 Det kan refereres til en særskilt kolonne i fakturaen hvor opprinnelseslandet kan anføres ut for det enkelte produkt.