
Facts 2006 Energy and water resources in Norway

Facts 2006 Energy and water resources in Norway

The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy publishes an English translation of this facts sheet on energy and water resources in Norway every other year.

In this publication stationary energy supply and central aspects of the management of water resources are described. It provides an overview of the energy resources, management, research, production, transport, trade and use of energy, special emphasis being laid on hydropower. This publication is published to provide pure factual information on energy in Norway.

All production, transport and use of energy have an impact on the environment. Great emphasis is placed on environmental aspects, when making decisions in the energy area. The environmental perspective is described for different areas in this publication.

In an appendix, a more comprehensive presentation of one area in particular is presented each year. This year, the government’s work on establishing a value chain for CO 2 is reviewed. A value chain includes the capture of CO 2 from releases, CO 2 transport and use of CO 2 to increase oil extraction.

Every effort has been made to present the most up-to-date statistical material available. In most areas, the figures are for 2005.

This edition went to press on 26 April 2006.

Facts 2006 in pdf

1 Introduction
2 Electricity generation
3 Energy use and heat production
4 The legal framework for hydropower development
5 Owners and organization of power supplies
6 The transmission grid
7 The power market
8 Research and development
9 International cooperation
10 Water resource management