
Historical archive

Facts 2014 – All you need to know about Norwegian petroleum activities

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

This article is about the annual book on the Norwegian petroleum sector for 2014, Facts 2014, which now is replaced by NorwegianPetroleum.no

In cooperation with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has published a new edition of its annual book on the Norwegian petroleum sector, Facts 2014. The Facts-book is now replaced by NorwegianPetroleum.no

The publication gives a comprehensive overview of the petroleum activity on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). New versions of the Oil Facts app are at the same time released for Android and WindowsPhone.

2013 was yet another year marked by high level of activity, substantial value creation and a strong sense of optimism. With solid footing in an effective and well founded regulatory framework, Norwegian authorities are working to ensure optimal conditions for positive long term development. Such continuous and focused efforts are necessary to ensure high value creation from the sector for decades to come. Clear and predictable ground rules, access to new, promising acreage and improved recovery from existing fields are some main points.

Facts 2014 contains a comprehensive overview of the Norwegian petroleum sector:

·         Resources on the NCS

·         Regulatory framework and state organization

·         The Norwegian petroleum industry – from well to market

·         The future petroleum industry

A newcomer this year is a separate chapter on the Norwegian service and supply industry – a highly skilled and internationally competitive branch of the Norwegian petroleum sector.

The printed publication does not contain key information about all operational fields anymore. Up to date field information is available on the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s website and through our “Oil Facts” app.

The Oil Facts app
New native apps for Windows, iOS and Android phones are now available. The apps are based on data from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s fact pages and maps, and are available both in Norwegian and English. 

The app gives updated information on:

·         All the fields

·         All the wells

·         All the production

·         All the operators

·         All the licenses

·         News, maps and more

Search functions, easy filtering of data, graphics, maps and export options makes this app the ideal tool for people who want to get insights in upstream activities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

The app is continuously updated both in terms of data and functionality.   

Download the Oil Fact app here:

·         iPhone

·         Android

·         WindowsPhone – new version available this week