
UN 2015 How can Norway contribute to reforms and to strengthening the UN?

A project report

This report is an edited and slightly updated summary of a projectreport on UN reform issues entitled “FN (UN)-2015”, commissioned by the Department for UN, peace and humanitarian Affairs in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and presented (in Norwegian) in September 2011. The text builds on existing Norwegian positions on UN reform, but on some issues contains proposals that go somewhat beyond those.

This report is an edited and slightly updated summary of a projectreport on UN reform issues entitled “FN (UN)-2015”, commissioned by the Department for UN, peace and humanitarian Affairs in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and presented (in Norwegian) in September 2011.

The text builds on existing Norwegian positions on UN reform, but on some issues contains proposals that go somewhat beyond those.

The project report will be used as input to a government white paper to Parliament on Norway’s UN policies, which will be presented later in 2012.

UN 2015 How can Norway contribute to reforms and to strengthening the UN? (pdf)