
NOU 2016: 14

More to gain — Better learning for students with higher learning potential

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To the Ministry of Education and Research

A Committee for high achieving students was appointed by the King in the Council of State on 18 September 2015 to assess the background and facts and propose concrete measures so that more students can perform on higher and more advanced levels in basic education, and that high achieving students have a better school programme. This is the Committee's report.

Oslo, 15 September 2016

Jan Sivert Jøsendal (Chairperson)

Susanne Skeid Fossum

Stefan Hermann

Ella C. Idsøe

Bjørn Tore Kjellemo

Terje Lohndal

Mona Nosrati

Mirjam Harkestad Olsen

Stein Erik Ulvund

Anne Magdalena Solbu Kleiven (Head of Secretariat)

Mary Ann Ronæs

Trude Slemmen Wille

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