
Meld. St. 29 (2015–2016)

Financial Markets Report 2015

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1 Introduction

The Ministry of Finance annually submits a report to the Storting on developments in Norwegian and international financial markets. This year, selected sections of the report are made available in English.

Chapter 2 addresses the financial stability outlook in Norway. The chapter includes reviews and assessments of market conditions, risk outlook for financial institutions, and the solvency, liquidity and earnings of such institutions.

Chapter 3 discusses a holistic approach to financial markets policy. It covers topics such as structure and competition in the Norwegian financial market, and access to capital for Norwegian businesses.

Chapter 4 provides a summary of implemented regulatory changes in 2015.

Chapter 5 contains a review of Norges Bank’s conduct of monetary policy and the Ministry’s assessment of this. The chapter corresponds to section 6.5 of the Norwegian version of the report.

In addition to the chapters included in the English version, the Norwegian version of the report includes chapters on key legislative initiatives, and the activities of Norges Bank, Finanstilsynet and Folketrygdfondet (which manages the Government Pension Fund Norway).

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