
Historisk arkiv

Norwegian general assumes command of the NATO-led force in Kosovo

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg I

Utgiver: Forsvarsdepartementet

Press release:The Norwegian General Thorstein Skiaker has of today, April 6, taken over the position of Commander for the NATO-led force in Kosovo – KFOR. "General Skiaker will be faced with challenging and high profiled tasks, but I am convinced that General Skiaker and his staff will meet these challenges in an exemplary manner", states the Norwegian Minister of Defence, Mr. Bjørn Tore Godal.

Press release

No.: 12/2001
Date: 06.04.01

Norwegian general assumes command of the NATO-led force in Kosovo

The Norwegian General Thorstein Skiaker has of today taken over the position of Commander for the NATO-led force in Kosovo – KFOR. "General Skiaker will be faced with challenging and high profiled tasks, but I am convinced that General Skiaker and his staff will meet these challenges in an exemplary manner", states the Norwegian Minister of Defence, Mr. Bjørn Tore Godal. Norway will act as Lead Nation for KFOR for a period of six months. This does not mean that Norway is in charge of KFOR or running the operation. KFOR is a NATO-led operation and General Skiaker has been granted the position as Commander of KFOR by virtue of his position as the NATO Commander Joint Sub-Regional Headquarters North, located at Jåtta, Norway.

The NATO Council decided on 24 July 2000 that the core staff of the KFOR Headquarters for the fifth period should be provided from NATO’s Northern Region. On 8 August 2000, following consultations between Norway and Denmark, the NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) nominated General Skiaker as Commander KFOR (5) and Norway as Lead Nation. Norway’s responsibility as Lead Nation is essentially to ensure that Commander KFOR (5) General Skiaker is able to carry out his demanding tasks in the best way possible.

Personnel to the KFOR (5)-Headquarters have been drawn from NATO Joint Sub-Regional Headquarters in Karup, Denmark and Jåtta, Norway. KFOR (5)-Headquarters will lead the forces for a period of six months starting 6 April 2001. In addition to the existing Norwegian battalion in Kosovo of approx. 12 00 personnel, Norway will support General Skiaker by providing some 200 Norwegian officers and soldiers to different support units. This includes transport helicopters, a cartographic service, medical and ambulance teams, sentries, a translation service and personal security arrangements.

Norway’s participation in KFOR underlines her will and ability to make substantial contribution to NATO’s demanding international operations. At the same time participation in these types of operations gives valuable experience, which in turn will strengthen Norway’s national defence.

The NATO-lead force in Kosovo – KFOR consists today of approx. 42 000 personnel from 39 countries. The mission entrusted to KFOR is based on a UN mandate set out in Security Council Resolution 1244, which outlines the principles for a political solution.

For more information: www.mod.no