
Pyrotechnic articles

The regulation establishes the essential safety requirements which pyrotechnic articles are to fulfil with a view to their being made available on the market.

Instructions and safety information, as well as any labelling in Norwegian.

The import of pyrotechnic articles categorized as F2, F3, F4, T1, T2 and P2 according to Directive 2013/29/EU  require a permit and may be subject to additional controls to preserve public safety and security.

Only category F1 fireworks and category F2 and F3 fireworks set out in Annex III in Regulations 3 October 2013 No. 1199 on Pyrotechnic Articles, and category P1 pyrotechnic articles may be made available to the consumer.

The handling of pyrotechnic articles is regulated in Regulation 26 June 2002 No. 922 on the Handling of Explosive Substances, and it sets outs requirements concerning, permits to sell and store fireworks, and training programs and certificates for the professional use of fireworks and distribution of fireworks available to the consumer. 

A new regulation repealing and replacing current regulation concerning pyrotechnic articles will be in force on 1 January 2022.

Forskrift 26 juni 2002 nr.922 om håndtering av eksplosjonsfarlig stoff