
Regulation No 391 of 8 April 2013 on cosmetics and personal care products

Supplementary national provisions regarding labelling. Supplementary national provisions regarding notification.

Labelling (§§ 2 – 4): 4. National language requirements. Information according to article 19 (1) (d) and (f) in EC regulation 1223/2009 shall be in Norwegian.

The products referred to in Article 19 (2), (3) and (4) shall also be labelled in Norwegian.

Information provided in article 19 (1) (b) and (c) shall also be in Norwegian or a language in which the meaning and spelling is similar to Norwegian.

Notification (§§ 5 – 6):

§ 6. Norwegian importers and producers of cosmetics are obliged to fill in a form to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority to register their Norwegian firm/business. To register, the firm has to have a Norwegian business address.