
EU-erklæring på den internasjonale dagen mot rasediskriminering

24. mars sluttet Norge seg til en EU-erklæring i anledning den internasjonale dagen mot rasediskriminering.

In a Europe shaken by the Russian Federation’s unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine and its population, the EU confirms, on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the firm commitment to act against all human rights violations and to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance worldwide.

This same day, dedicated to the memory of the Sharpeville massacre, we convene member states, partner countries, international organizations and civil society to the second EU Anti-racism Summit, to delve deeper into the fight against racism and persistent structural inequities and to take stock of what has been achieved since the adoption of the EU anti-racism action plan.

2022 is the European Year of Youth, and the Summit will pay special attention to the critical role young people play in combating racism and discrimination and will look at critical areas for action such as law enforcement, environmental racism, and racism in education and in culture.

The EU anti-racism action plan calls for a better enforcement of EU law, fair policing, protection of minority groups and stronger national measures defined in national action plans. This is an opportunity to review our policies and activities under a non-discrimination and equal opportunities perspective and to launch new initiatives in sectors such as education, health and social inclusion.

Racist hate speech and hate crime must be stopped. To this end, we are strengthening the implementation of the laws already in place and extending the criminal law response at EU level to face new challenges.

Cooperation with our partners is central to EU strategies and policies against racial discrimination. This translates into multiple actions, ranging from promoting the ratification and the implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination to strengthening support to civil society organisations’ engagement against xenophobic attitudes towards migrants.

As reaffirmed by the Council in its recent Recommendation on Roma equality and Conclusions on racism and antisemitism, the EU is fully committed to eliminating racism in all its forms. We will join efforts with the relevant institutions, organizations and individuals to ensure that every human being can enjoy the same dignity and rights.