
EU-erklæring om solidaritet med Albania og bekymring etter ondsinnet cyberaktivitet i juli

13. september sluttet Norge seg til en EU-erklæring om ondsinnede cyberhandlinger i kontekst av et angrep rettet mot kritisk infrastruktur som gikk ut over offentlige tjenester til mennesker og virksomheter i Albania.

The European Union, together with NATO and international partners, expresses full solidarity with Albania and concern following the malicious cyber activities in July. The attack directly targeted critical infrastructure and affected the delivery of public services to people and businesses in Albania. We strongly condemn such unacceptable behaviour in cyberspace, which goes against agreed norms of responsible state behaviour, as repeatedly endorsed by all UN Member States.

Such destabilizing and irresponsible behaviour seeking to threaten Albania's integrity and security, democratic values and principles, and attempting to undermine democratic institutions and societies at large, is unacceptable.

The European Union, together with NATO and international partners, stands ready to support Albania’s cyber resilience building on our existing cooperation on cybersecurity.

In line with the EU Cybersecurity Strategy and the Strategic Compass, the European Union is determined to prevent cyberattacks through enhanced resilience and by responding firmly to cyberattacks against the EU and its Member States and is committed to assisting building up cyber security resilience in candidate and other countries, using all available EU tools. We continue to monitor the situation carefully and stand ready to take further steps where necessary to support Albania.