
EU-erklæring om cyberangrep mot Ukraina

25. januar sluttet Norge seg til en EU-erklæring som fordømmer cyberangrepet mot Ukraina 14. januar.

The European Union strongly condemns the cyberattack against Ukraine on 14 January.

This cyber-attack against the Ukrainian government websites is unacceptable. Such actions aim at destabilizing Ukraine and spreading disinformation and could contribute to further escalation of the already tense situation.

Ukraine has reacted quickly and decisively to the attacks thanks to its increased cyber resilience.

The European Union and its Member States are in contact with Ukraine and stand ready to provide additional, direct, technical assistance to Ukraine to remediate this attack and further support Ukraine against any destabilizing actions, including by further building up its resilience against hybrid and cyber threats.

We reconfirm our unequivocal support to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.