
EU-erklæring om Burundi

3. november sluttet Norge seg til en EU-erklæring om restriktive tiltak sett i lys av situasjonen i Burundi.

The European Union (EU) has reviewed its restrictive measures in view of the situation in Burundi and has decided to renew the regime of restrictive measures as established by Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1763 for one year, and to delist three individuals.

The EU welcomes the intensified engagement with Burundi over the past two years on human rights, good governance and rule of law, and recalls the commitments by the Government of Burundi in those areas, as foreseen under the frame of the EU-Burundi political dialogue. The EU reiterates its readiness to actively support the efforts of Burundian authorities.

However, the EU is seriously concerned that major challenges remain unaddressed and unresolved, as referred to by the UN Human Rights Council’s resolution adopted on 7 October 2022. The EU urges Burundi to fully cooperate with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the human rights treaty bodies and the UN Special Rapporteur as established by the UN Human Rights Council Resolution A/HRC/RES/48/16 of 13 October 2021.

The EU calls on the Burundian government to translate its commitments into effective and concrete actions to improve the human rights and rule of law situation in the country, including in terms of political and civil rights, protecting human rights defenders, releasing political prisoners, facilitating the return and reintegration of refugees and ensuring the independence of the judiciary as well as the accountability for human rights abuses and violations by state and non-state actors, and fight against corruption.

The EU recalls its ambition to maintain a substantive political dialogue as an integral element of its engagement with Burundi. The political dialogue, including on economic and human rights challenges, is key in fostering mutual understanding and constructive cooperation, paving the way for further progress in the EU-Burundi relations.

The EU keeps developments in Burundi under constant review and can decide to modify its regime of restrictive measures or to amend the list of persons, entities and bodies subject to restrictive measures based on developments on the ground.