
EU-erklæring om Myanmar/Burma

7. mai sluttet Norge seg til en EU-erklæring om Myanmar/Burma og resultatet av Asean-ledernes møte.

The five-point consensus reached at the Leaders’ Meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Jakarta on 24 April is a positive and important first step to begin a process of de-escalation and the return to the democratic transition in Myanmar/Burma. The European Union underlines the need for their swift and faithful implementation.

The European Union stands ready to support ASEAN, its Chair, its Secretary General and the Special Envoy in facilitating a constructive dialogue with all key stakeholders with a view to bringing Myanmar/Burma back to its democratic path.

The European Union stands in solidarity with all those advocating for and working towards an inclusive democracy and the respect of Human rights and fundamental freedoms. In this context, the EU welcomes the efforts of the Committee Representing the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) as well as the National Unity Government (NUG) and other pro-democracy forces working towards a peaceful resolution of the current crisis. Their voices represent the democratic wishes of the people of Myanmar/Burma and they must be key stakeholders in any genuine and inclusive political dialogue. The EU underlines the need to respect the results of the elections of 8 November 2020.

The European Union reiterates its calls on the military junta to immediately end all acts of violence, to exercise utmost restraint and respect international law and human rights, including by ceasing arbitrary detentions and torture, to restore power to the elected civilian government, to release immediately and without conditions all those arbitrarily detained in connection with the coup, including President U Win Myint and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

The European Union continues to fully support the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy’s efforts to secure a peaceful return of Myanmar/Burma to its democratic path.

The European Union is also deeply concerned by the renewed escalation of armed conflict and recent clashes and military action which have caused civilian casualties and displaced several thousands. The European Union calls for the immediate and effective enforcement of the ceasefire and for the avoidance of any further escalation.

The European Union will continue to provide humanitarian assistance, in accordance with the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence and stands ready to cooperate with the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance in this respect. The European Union stresses the importance for Myanmar/Burma to ensure that all refugees, displaced persons and people in need have rapid, safe and unhindered access to humanitarian aid.