
EU-erklæring om Iran

18. januar sluttet Norge seg til EU-erklæringen om Iran hvor EU gjentar sin forpliktelse og fortsatt støtte til Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

The EU reiterates its strong commitment to and continued support for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The JCPoA is a key element of the global nuclear non-proliferation architecture and an achievement of multilateral diplomacy, endorsed unanimously by the UN Security Council through resolution 2231.

We deeply regret the worrying steps taken by Iran over the last two years and recall that the EU has repeatedly called on Iran to reverse all actions that are inconsistent with Iran's JCPoA commitments. The initiation of uranium enrichment to up to 20% by Iran at the underground Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant, which was confirmed by the IAEA on 4 January, is a very serious development and a matter of deep concern. Iran's action is also inconsistent with the JCPoA's clear provisions on Fordow and has potentially severe proliferation implications. At this critical juncture, Iran's action also risks undermining efforts aimed at building upon the existing diplomatic process. We urge Iran to refrain from further escalation and reverse this course of action without delay. Continued full and timely cooperation with the IAEA remains critical.

We acknowledge the issues arising from the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the agreement and the re-imposition of its sanctions. The EU has upheld its JCPoA commitments, including regarding sanctions lifting as foreseen in the Agreement. Despite the severe challenges to the JCPoA, the EU has continued to work hard to preserve it. We take note of the Ministerial statement of JCPoA Participants of 21 December 2020. We express support for the ongoing diplomatic efforts in the framework of the Joint Commission, with the EU High Representative as its coordinator, to ensure full JCPoA implementation. In this context, we also express our support to intensive diplomacy with the goal of facilitating a US return to the JCPoA and Iran's return to full JCPoA implementation.

We welcome President-elect Biden's positive statements on the JCPoA, and look forward to working with the incoming US-Administration.