
Peace, Security and Development

The 2015 report to the Storting on policy coherence

The Government's latest report to the Storting on policy coherence for development examines how Norwegian policies affect development in fragile states, with particular focus on the security situation in those countries. It concentrates on areas other than development policy, but also considers the synergies between development policy and other policy areas.

The report is divided into two parts. The first looks at the various ways in which peace and security are crucial for development and discusses the Norwegian policies that promote peace and security. The second part considers how various policies that promote development can also promote peace and security. It also examines how such policies can help prevent conflict and terrorism in developing countries and other states, and looks at the role played by Norway in this respect.

The Norwegian version of the report forms Chapter 13 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2016 budget proposition to the Storting.

The English version can be downloaded here.