
IPA - Coping with Conflict, Crisis, and Change

Coping with Conflict, Crisis, and Change

Applicant: International Peace Academy (IPA)
Application approved: October 2005
Reference in the MFA: 1051330

The project “Coping with Conflict, Crisis, and Change: The United Nations and Evolving Capacities for International Crisis Management” intends to assist the United Nations and key partners in its current process of reform. The project includes three components: The first component addresses “core competencies” of the UN in conflict management with the aim to increase the UN’s effectiveness in peace-making and peace-building. The second component addresses issues “new” to the UN’s peace and security agenda and examines how the UN can contribute to broader efforts to cope with these new challenges. The third component examines linkages between different actors (UN, regional organizations, specialized agencies, states, NGOs, etc.) in contexts of crisis and conflict in order to develop policy recommendations, explore prospects of building partnerships between international institutions, and point to the challenges of adapting to the new threats. IPA will cooperate with a range international partners on different components of the project.

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