
Sustainable Development, National Agenda 21

Indicators for Policies to Enhance Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development,
National Agenda 21

The Norwegian Government presented a National Action Plan for Sustainable Development, National Agenda 21, to the Parliament in the National Budget for 2004. One of the proposals in National Agenda 21 was to ask an Official Commission to develop a core set of indicators for sustainable development with the preliminary set presented in the National Budget 2004 as a point of departure. The proposals were presented to the Norwegian Minister of Finance in March 2005.

Members of the Commission have been Knut H. Alfsen, Øyvind Lone, Else Marie Løbersli, Thorvald Moe and Karine Nyborg. This is an English Summary of our proposals, mainly based on chapters 3 and 5 in the official Norwegian Report, NOU 2005:5.

The Commission was composed of one biologist, one geographer, one physicist and two economists. This group, representing both physical and social science, agreed on a core set of 16 indicators as an aid for assessment of policies to enhance sustainable development in Norway.

Indicators for Policies to Enhance Sustainable Development