
Evaluation of the grant scheme for Norwegian – Russian collaboration projects in health and related social issues 2009-2011

The purpose of the evaluation was to obtain information about the ability of the Grant Scheme for the period 2009-2011 to contribute to the aims outlined in the collaboration programme (Samarbeidsprogram 2009), in the 3rd Barents Collaboration Programme in Health and Related Social Issues 2008 - 2011 and in The Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being (NDPHS) strategy.

The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services (MOHCS) has administered a grant scheme for Russian-Norwegian collaboration in health and related social issues (Grant Scheme) with approximately 15 million NOK (2, 2 million Euros) annually since the late 1990´s. The main priorities of the Grant Scheme collaboration are to prevent and combat communicable diseases; to prevent life-style related social and health problems and promote healthy lifestyles; to develop and integrate primary and specialist health services and social services. The main target groups of the Grant Scheme are vulnerable groups of the population, and, where appropriate, indigenous people and residents of sparsely populated areas. The Grant Scheme covers the area of the Barents region, particularly in the Russian Federation (RF) – North-West region and Kaliningrad Oblast.

The purpose of the evaluation was to obtain information about the ability of the Grant Scheme for the period 2009-2011 to contribute to the aims outlined in the collaboration programme (Samarbeidsprogram 2009), in the 3rd Barents Collaboration Programme in Health and Related Social Issues 2008 - 2011 and in The Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being (NDPHS) strategy. Specific objectives of the evaluation were to provide conclusions and recommendations and draw lessons for future policies through assessment of the Grant Scheme in relation to relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and coherence of the projects financed by the scheme.

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