Business and industry in Norway - Shipping
Brosjyre/veiledning | Dato: 28.06.2001 | Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet
Opprinnelig utgitt av: Nærings- og handelsdepartementet
Norwegians on board | 15765 | |
Norwegians onshore | 5025 | |
Foreigners on board | 48355 | |
Number of ships | NIS (01.10.00) | 764 |
NOR (31.10.00) | 933 | |
Foreign flag (01.10.00) | 650 | |
Shipping companies | ca. 450 | |
Export share (1999) | 87 | |
Gross product in percentage (1999) | 1,4 |
Norwegian interests control the world’s third-largest fleet, which comprises almost a tenth of the total global trading tonnage, thus making Norway a major maritime power. Of all the traditional shipping countries, Norway is the one with the highest share of its fleet under its own flag. The most important geographical markets for the Norwegian shipping industry are the EU, the USA and Japan. Norwegian shipowners are particularly active in the international tanker, bulk-carrier, chemical-carrier, gas-carrier, car-ferry and cruise markets.
International shipping is characterised by free competition and few restrictions. The competitive situation has led to changes in the way ships sailing in international waters are operated, with an extensive use of ship personnel from countries with low labour costs. Due to this, the Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS) was formed in 1987. Its purpose was to improve the competitive situation for ships operating abroad under the Norwegian flag by making conditions suitable for flexible manning arrangements.
Shipping is important both to the Norwegian transport industry and for transporting export products. Shipping is also a key part of Norway’s wide-ranging maritime environment. A broad range of companies in areas such as shipbuilding, the equipment industry, shipbroking, ship financing and insurance, etc, has grown up around the shipping companies. The annual export revenues from the shipping industry are around NOK 52 billion.
Skipsfarten er viktig både for transportvirksomheten i Norge og for transport av eksportprodukter. Skipsfarten utgjør dessuten et sentralt ledd i et bredt sammensatt maritimt miljø i Norge. Rundt rederiene er det vokst fram et bredt spekter av virksomheter innenfor områder som skipsbygging, utstyrsindustri, skipsmegling, skipsfinansiering og forsikring m.m. Årlige eksportinntekter fra skipsfartsnæringen er på om lag 52 mrd. kroner.
NIS: Norwegian International Ship Register.
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NOR: Norwegian Ordinary Register.
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