Launch of a new oil app
Historisk arkiv
Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II
Utgiver: Olje- og energidepartementet
Pressemelding | Nr: 062E | Dato: 28.08.2012
In cooperation with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (MPD), the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE) has developed “Oil Facts”, an application (app) about the Norwegian petroleum industry. The app provides key figures, maps, facts and news updates. It also features an analysis function and an energy calculator.
In cooperation with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (MPD), the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE) has developed “Oil Facts”, an application (app) about the Norwegian petroleum industry. The app provides key figures, maps, facts and news updates. It also features an analysis function and an energy calculator.
The app gives everyone who is interested in the Norwegian petroleum industry access to a high-quality, comprehensive reference database of up-to-date information. The app is based on the annual publication Facts – The Norwegian petroleum sector, which MPE and MPD publish jointly. The app was developed by the company Applaud.
“I believe that everyone who is interested in the Norwegian oil and gas industry will discover that this is a helpful, easy-to-use tool. The app is full of useful information. I hope that it will help to increase knowledge about the Norwegian petroleum industry,” says Minister of Petroleum and Energy Ola Borten Moe.
“Oil Facts” is currently only available to Iphone and Ipad users. The app is free, and can be downloaded from or via the App Store.

Pictures of the Minister of Petroleum and Energy Mr. Borten Moe when he shows HM King Harald the app can be downloaded : (free use/photo: Rist/MPE) .