Speech at the ONS conference
Historisk arkiv
Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II
Utgiver: Olje- og energidepartementet
Nyhet | Dato: 29.08.2012
“The world has a great need for more energy to generate growth, reduce poverty and raise living standards. Energy efficiency is important, but insufficient to overcome the challenges involved. At the same time, we need to cut greenhouse gas emissions. This requires major changes in the global energy system over time,” said Borten Moe in his speech.
Minister of Petroleum and Energy Ola Borten Moe today gave a speech at the ONS conference in Stavanger.
The theme of this year’s ONS conference is “confronting energy paradoxes”. One paradox is that global energy demand is growing at the same time as greenhouse gas emissions need to be contained.
“The world has a great need for more energy to generate growth, reduce poverty and raise living standards. Energy efficiency is important, but insufficient to overcome the challenges involved. At the same time, we need to cut greenhouse gas emissions. This requires major changes in the global energy system over time,” said Borten Moe in his speech.
Read the minister’s speech here.

(Free use by photocred: Rist/OED)