
Historisk arkiv

Nordic and Baltic ministers convene in Norway

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Landbruks- og matdepartementet

Ten ministers from 9 Nordic and Baltic countries have confirmed their participation to the Ministerial meeting to be held November 7-8 2006 at Thorbjørnrud Hotel at Jevnaker, Norway to provide further progress of the co-operation in the Nordic-Baltic Region.

Nordic and Baltic ministers convene in Norway


Ten ministers from 9 Nordic and Baltic countries have confirmed their participation to the Ministerial meeting to be held November 7-8 2006 at Thorbjørnrud Hotel at Jevnaker, Norway to provide further progress of the co-operation in the Nordic-Baltic Region.

The Norwegian Chair to the Council of Ministers for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MR-FJLS) invited the Nordic and Baltic Ministers responsible for agriculture, forestry, food related issues and fisheries to a meeting in Norway in November.

Focus on bioenergy and local food production
Over 80 delegates will participate in an excursion the day after the ministerial meeting, to focus on rural development, particularily local initiatives concerning bioenergy and activities in connection to local foods.

There will be a visit to The Energy Farm www.energigarden.no in Oppland County, with presentations of the farm’s resources, activities, the farm as a competence centre, networking and bioenergy in theory and practice. The Ministers will plant energy crops, marking the occasion of the Baltic and Nordic Ministers’ venue.

Furtheron the excursion will give insight to local food production, marketing and sale in the Hadeland region by local producers.

Program: Senior adviser, mr Eivind Berg, Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food,
e-mail: eivind.berg@lmd.dep.no, telephone: + 47 22 24 93 40

Practical arrangements: Higher executive officer ms Astraea Antal, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food,
e-mail: astraea.antal@lmd.dep.no, telephone: + 47 22 24 91 60.
