The Norwegian National Statement: The UN Climate Conference in Madrid, 2019
Historisk arkiv
Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg
Utgiver: Klima- og miljødepartementet
Tale/innlegg | Dato: 10.12.2019
The Norwegian Natonal Statement at the UN Climate Conference (The COP25) in Madrid 2019. Held by Minister Ola Elvestuen Tuesday 10th of December.

Mr. President, Indigenous Peoples delegations, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.
In one way the last year has been encouraging. Youth mobilisation for climate is loud and clear. Last week, 500.000 were demonstrating in the streets of Madrid.
The young school strikers build on science. So must we. And science tells us two important stories: The world is getting warmer, the weather more extreme, and biodiversity is lost at a scale never seen before.
But science also tells us that we still can change the course. But to do that we must act now. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, restoring nature and turning financial flows from brown to green.
We must recognise that climate action is an opportunity for better and more inclusive growth.
Through a green transition we can save money and resources, improve people's health and livelihoods, and build a better future.
To help in this transition, we need to look to nature.
We need more, not less nature. Tropical forests are where the climate, nature and biodiversity issues come to life. Protecting them is our best nature-based solution.
Protecting our oceans is crucial. Better ocean and coastal management can build climate resilience, help food security, protect against flooding and extreme events, safeguard livelihoods and preserve natural carbon sinks.
Many countries have pledged stronger climate targets under the Paris Agreement, including Norway. However, we are still waiting for some of the biggest emitters.
We will not reach the 1.5 degrees target without these countries on board.
Cooperation between countries can help us raise ambition. Article 6 is a tool to achieve more emission reductions and help us finance low-carbon solutions. We need a robust framework with high environmental integrity and no room for emission reductions to be used twice.
We also need a robust transparency framework, and I regret that we could not make progress on this important matter here at the COP.
Already millions of people are put at risk because of the changing climate. Adaptation efforts must therefore go hand in hand with mitigation measures.
And nature-based solutions give the best examples of that.
No one must be left behind on the road to a climate resilient and low-emission society.
Thank you!