
Historisk arkiv

The Norwegian National Statement: The UN Climate Conference in Katowice, 2018

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg

Utgiver: Klima- og miljødepartementet

The Norwegian Natonal Statement at the UN Climate Conference (The COP24) in Katowice 2018. Held by Minister Ola Elvestuen Wednesday 12th of December.

The Norwegian Statement
- We must increase our ambitions by 2020. If not, the goal of the Paris Agreement will fall out of reach, Minister Ola Elvestuen at the COP24 in Katowice, 2018. Foto: Jo Randen

Mr. President, Heads of States and Governments, Indigenous Peoples delegations, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.

The signal given from the IPCC special report on 1,5 degrees is loud and clear: the target is still within reach, but the coming years are critical. 

We must increase our ambitions by 2020. If not, the goal of the Paris Agreement will fall out of reach.

The Talanoa Dialogue this year has provided a space for an open and honest discussion. The dialogue must give a strong and clear signal about urgency of action. The science is clear.  Now we have to follow.

We will also consider our own 2030-target. Norway aims to increase the ambition of our nationally determined contribution to be communicated in 2020.

Increased ambition also depends on a robust and effective guidance. This will help parties to deliver their nationally determined contributions and build capacity over time. In order to be helpful, it needs to have necessary detail, and be common for all.

Norway will do its utmost to push for a solid outcome. The 1.5 degree report shows  that we all have a strong self-interest in a Paris Agreement that delivers.

Ensuring increased support for developing countries is a key issue. Finance, capacity building and technology are all essential to enable all countries to implement the Paris agreement effectively. 

We will seek to increase our support to developing countries and be transparent about actions towards the 100 billion USD goal. 

The replenishment of the Green Climate Fund is important. Norway will double our contribution to the Green  Climate Fund.

Increased action to reduce deforestation in the world forests is crucial. It has the potential to deliver one third of the emission reductions needed by 2030 to be on a path consistent with 1,5 degrees. Norway will therefore maintain funding at high levels for REDD+ until 2030.

More support for climate change adaptation is also needed. Already millions of people are put at risk because of global warming and its effect. Adaptation efforts must therefore go hand in hand with mitigation measures.

No one must be left behind on the road to a climate resilient and low-emission society.

For this reason, we also commend you, Mr. President, for focusing on the need for a just transition.

A low emission society will only happen by mobilising all forces of society. The grand coalition of national and subnational governments, cities, work life and businesses is the key to success.

We must ensure that equity, poverty alleviation, social inclusion, human rights and the vulnerability of groups are integrated concerns in our transformative efforts.

Norway stands by its commitments. We will work together with parties and all stakeholders to secure pre-2020 action and the goals of the Paris Agreement.