
Historisk arkiv

Nordic solutions. Parental leave - a key to prosperity

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Utenriksminister Børge Brendes innledning på høynivåpanelet om likestilling i arbeidslivet under FNs generalforsamling i New York.

Dear friends,

Thank you Madam Phumzile for taking the initiative to discuss Nordic experiences and solutions here at the UN.

Norway and the other Nordic countries have moved from poverty to prosperity.

And it's not just oil, car production and mobile phones that got us there.

Gender equality has played a key role.

Economic growth depends on optimal use of the workforce.

Getting women back to work after having children enables both men and women to contribute.

Affordable childcare and parental leave make it possible for both parents to have a career.

We are proud to say that Nordic men take more paternity leave and spend more time with their children than fathers anywhere else in the world.

The Nordic experience has international relevance.

Reaching the Sustainable Development Goal on gender equality will help us reach the other goals.

Equality is our most valuable investment.

Thank you.