
Historisk arkiv

Innlegg på støttekonferanse for Syria

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

New York, 21. september 2016

Utenriksminister Børge Brendes innlegg på konferansen til støtte for Syria og regionen - en oppfølging av London-konferansen i februar i år.

Excellencies, dear friends,

  • Seven months ago, we gathered in London and demonstrated our strong commitment to support the Syrian people. An impressive 12 billion USD was pledged.
  • One commitment stands out: To deliver quality education for 1.7 million refugee children and vulnerable children in host communities. And to increase access to learning for 2.1 million children who are out of school inside Syria.
  • Together, we have come a long way in delivering on our promises for this year. But there is still a long way to go. We must redouble our efforts to ensure that all pledges are delivered upon – both this year, and in all the years up to 2020.


  • The armed conflict inside Syria has lasted for longer than the Second World War. As we meet here today, there is still no end in sight.
  • This was the week that we finally should have seen life-saving aid reaching civilians in Aleppo.
  • Instead we have seen one of the deadliest attacks on humanitarian workers during this terrible war. I am appalled and horrified by this turn of events.
  • We urge all parties to get the political process back on track. The hostilities must cease. Civilians must be granted immediate access to humanitarian relief.
  • It remains more important than ever that we confirm our commitment to the Syrian people, and to the neighbors affected by the crisis.
  • Needless to say: The main burden of the Syrian crisis is carried by the Syrian people - and the countries in the region.
  • We must honor the extra-ordinary efforts of the neighboring governments and host communities.
  • They deserve our full support.
  • We should all deliver on what we have promised – to save lives today, and to support the future generations of Syria.