
Historisk arkiv

Global Health Summit - ACT-A session

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Speech by Prime Minister Erna Solberg at the Global Health Summit, the ACT-A session, 21 May 2021.

Statsminister Erna Solberg
Statsminister Erna Solberg taler på Global Health Summit, the ACT-A session, 21 May 2021. Foto: Arvid Samland/Statsministerens kontor

There is an urgent need to increase global access to tests, treatments, and vaccines.

ACT-A can only deliver on its mandate if it has sufficient resources.

President Ramaphosa and I have been working hard to mobilise financial support.

We need full financing of ACT-A to beat the pandemic.  

There is a funding gap of 18,5 billion USD.

This amount may seem high - but it is small compared to the cost of inaction.

We have spent much more on economic stimulus packages.

Countries need to tap into their fiscal stimulus funding to contribute to ACT-A.

This is a social investment and a macro-economic investment.

We have developed a financing framework for how we can share the costs.

A fair burden-sharing system will benefit all countries.

I call on all of you to do your part and contribute your fair share to ACT-A.

And I thank all of you who have already provided support.

Norway is helping to share the burden.

500 million USD to ACT-A is a sound investment.

In addition, we will share surplus vaccines through COVAX when possible, as part of a Team Europe effort.

Our current estimate is 5 million vaccine doses.

Fast and fair global access is crucial.

We must all contribute funding.

And we must also share vaccines, tests, and treatments.

It is the right thing to do.

And it is the smart thing to do.

Let’s end this crisis together now.