
Historisk arkiv

Ocean Wave

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Statement by Prime Minister Erna Solberg at the Ocean Wave-reception in New York, 24 September 2019.

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Foto: Pontus Höök

Your Royal Highness,


Ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you for being part of the ‘Ocean Wave’ this evening.

As coastal nations we share a common bond. Because the oceans tie us together.

The level of threat currently facing the oceans is unprecedented.

Loss of biodiversity, marine pollution, climate change and over-exploitation of marine resources are just some of challenges.    

At the same time, the oceans are a vital source of food, energy, medicine, and employment.

Safeguarding the oceans for future generations is a matter of global urgency.

Over the next two years, ocean action will be high on the global agenda.

It is our shared responsibility to use this momentum to ensure that our oceans are healthy and productive – now and in the future.

To guide us, a string of high-level ocean events will take us:

  • from New York to Oslo for the Our Ocean conference
  • to Chile for the Blue CoP,
  • to Lisbon for the UN Ocean Conference
  • and then to Palau for the 2020 Our Ocean conference.  

I see many ocean champions gathered here today. I am confident that, if we work together, we can mobilise a global wave of action for the oceans.

Together with my good friend, President Remengesau (Tommy), I co-chair the High-level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy.

Along with Portugal, Kenya and eleven other heads of states and government we are currently working on a to-do list for the oceans.

We gave a preview of this list when we presented our ambitious recommendations at the Climate Summit yesterday.

The oceans hold the key to reaching many of the SDGs.

Much more can be done to scale up the various segments of ocean economy.  

Doing so will not only provide employment and food for millions of people; it can also help to lower emissions and protect the marine environment.

It is possible to combine a prosperous ocean-based economy with a healthy marine environment.

As always, this will depend on sound environmental standards based on knowledge, sustainable ocean management, and strong partnerships.

Let us work together and use the current momentum to turn the tide. To ensure healthy productive oceans – for our common future.

Thank you.