
Historisk arkiv

Climate Action Summit

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Speech by Prime Minister Erna Solberg at the Climate Action Summit in New York, 23 September 2019.

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Statsminister Erna Solberg holder sitt innlegg på Climate Action Summit 2019
Statsminister Erna Solberg holder innlegget sitt på Climate Action Summit 2019 i New York. Foto: Trude Måseide/SMK

Excellencies, delegates,

We need to step up, speed up and scale up.

This is the message from young people across the world.

It is reinforced by images of devastating natural disasters – most recently from the Bahamas.

Norway is responding with increased ambition and action.

We will strengthen our nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement.

We urge others to do the same.

We will also submit a low emission strategy to the UN.

I am pleased to confirm that we follow through on our Paris commitment to double contributions to the Green Climate Fund.

In addition, we continue to provide substantial support to countries that reduce deforestation.

Allow me to say a few words on behalf of the High-level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy.

The Panel is comprised of 14 heads of state and government from across the globe.

Together, we are calling on the world to step up ocean-based climate action.

The oceans are severely affected by climate change.

But today we released a study showing how the oceans can also provide solutions.

At scale.

Ocean-based climate action can reduce the emissions gap by up to 21 % by 2050.

A sustainable and healthy ocean economy will be crucial for fighting climate change.

It will provide jobs and food security, and will help to protect biodiversity.

We urge all of you to join us in accelerating key ocean-based climate actions.

This will help us to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. We want to:

  • invest in nature-based climate solutions;
  • scale up offshore and ocean-based renewables;
  • rapidly decarbonise ocean industries;
  • promote sustainable, resilient and low-carbon sources of food from the ocean;
  • advance the deployment of carbon capture and storage below the seabed; and
  • scale up ocean observation and research.

Coalitions of committed ocean industries are joining us in this work.

Let’s make COP25 a “Blue COP” and use the UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon to secure real ocean solutions to climate change.