
Historisk arkiv

An urgent call for countries to partner for Climate Action and support the GCF Replenishment

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Speech by Prime Minister Erna Solberg at the Climate Summit High-level luncheon in New York, 22 September 2019.

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Prime Minister Holness
Heads of Government,
Executive Director,
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

Young people all over the world are calling on us to step up climate action.

We need to raise our ambitions, reinforce our commitment to the Paris Agreement, and work together.

The Green Climate Fund –  GCF – is unique. It is the largest multilateral fund in support of climate action.

It brings both developed and developing countries together.

And it channels climate finance to those who need it most.

We now have a critical window of opportunity to act against climate change.

An empowered GCF will enable the global community to drive transformative change.

The UN Secretary-General has called for an ambitious replenishment of the Fund.

At COP 21 in Paris, I announced that Norway would double its contribution to GCF.

Norway is a consistent partner. I am pleased to confirm today that we are following up on our promise: We will double our contribution from 2020.

Norway and Germany were the two first countries to announce a doubling of support. I am pleased that France and the UK have followed suit.

Now we must encourage all developed countries – and the developing countries that are in a position to do so – to increase their support. The Climate Action Summit will be a good venue for announcing new commitments.

For us, the doubling of our contribution reflects our confidence in the role of GCF to translate ambition into action.

However, in moving forward, the Fund needs to become more effective.

It needs to be more transparent. It needs to be scaled up. And the most vulnerable countries need easier access.

I am pleased to note the reform efforts that are being implemented under the leadership of Executive Director Yannick Glemarec, his team and the Board. Governance reform is vital in order to strengthen the Fund and make it more effective.


The need for climate action is perhaps the strongest case for multilateralism. We have to work together!

Let us respond to the call from our young people and step up our efforts – together.

Norway will continue to be a consistent partner to the GCF.

Thank you.