
Historisk arkiv

Norges hovedinnlegg i generaldebatten CRPD 2018

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg

Utgiver: Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet

Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet ledet Norges delegasjon til det 11. statspartsmøtet i forbindelse med FN-konvensjonen om rettighetene til mennesker med nedsatt funksjonsevne.


Persons with disabilities shall have equal rights and opportunities for personal development, participation and self-realisation.

With the UN Convention, these rights have been given a solid international basis and framework.

Today I want to emphazise the following:

Firstly : Inclusion and awareness. 

"Nothing about us without us" must turn from slogan to reality. Civil society should be able to participate and have influence on policies and programs. Not only those concerning them directly, but also to secure that disability is being mainstreamed. This applies also to the SDGs. 

Negative attitudes towards persons with disabilities, and lack of awareness, can be found not only among the general public, but is palpable also in administrations and institutions, probably in all countries represented here today. Continued efforts are required to run awareness and knowledge programs on the situation for persons with disabilities.

Secondly: Knowledge and statistics.

Access to statistics and indicators of high quality is vital. Tracking inclusion is necessary to ensure that inclusion actually takes place. Both at the national and international level. We need to enhance our efforts to improve the quality and comparability of disability statistics internationally.

Last, but not least: Education

Education is the key for inclusion and prosperity, especially for women and girls.

It is important that all state parties ensure that women and girls with disabilities have equal access to education and employment, and access to justice and equal recognition before the law. We consider these rights to be essential to the empowerment of women and girls with disabilities, their ability to make decisions about their own lives and to be included in society on an equal basis.

Thank you.