
Historisk arkiv

The government proposes additional allocation of NOK 300 million for assistance for disaster victims

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

The government will submit a proposal to the Storting for an additional development assistance allocation of NOK 300 million for the victims of natural disasters. According to the proposal, the main share would be earmarked for those affected by the disasters in Pakistan and Central America. (12.10)

Press release

No.: 179/05
Date: 11.10.2005

The government proposes additional allocation of NOK 300 million for assistance for disaster victims

The government will submit a proposal to the Storting for an additional development assistance allocation of NOK 300 million for the victims of natural disasters.According to the proposal, the main share would be earmarked for those affected by the disasters in Pakistan and Central America, but some of it would go to other acute crises.

“The magnitude of last week’s natural disasters has made a deep impression on us all. Norway attaches great importance to meeting the humanitarian needs as quickly as possible. We will therefore request the Storting to make an additional allocation so that the many victims can be helped. We are particularly concerned about the critical situation in Pakistan,” said Minister of International Development Hilde F. Johnson.

So far the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made NOK 18.4 million available for emergency relief for the victims of the earthquake in South Asia and the victims of the flooding and landslides in Central America.

“But we must not forget the victims that are outside the media spotlight, such as the many people in Africa who are suffering from chronic food shortages due to failed harvests. They will also benefit from the additional allocation,” said the Minster.

It is proposed that the disaster assistance should be channelled through the UN, the Red Cross system and NGOs. The Foreign Ministry has maintained close contact with these organisations since the disasters occurred. The relevant Norwegian aid organisations have been invited to an information meeting at the Foreign Ministry on Tuesday 11 October at 11.00.

Press contact: Information Adviser Wera Helstrøm, tel. 99 40 93 23