
Historisk arkiv

Sustainable oil and gas activity

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Olje- og energidepartementet

Press release

No.: 80E/02
Date: 28.06.2002

Contact: Sissel Edvardsen, +47 22 24 61 09

Sustainable oil and gas activity

- The government emphasises that the petroleum activities will continue to take place within a sound environmental framework and in coexistence with other users of the sea. This is a precondition for further developing the resource potential on the Norwegian continental shelf, says Mr. Einar Steensnæs, Minister of Petroleum and Energy.

Good management of our petroleum resources means taking due account of environmental concerns and other natural resources. Ever since the petroleum activities started on the Norwegian continental shelf more than 30 years ago, the authorities have emphasised the need to secure that the activities are carried out in co-existence with other industries and that environmental concerns are implemented. Regulations and framework have been established to ensure that environmental and fishery concerns are properly handled throughout all phases of the petroleum activities, from the exploration and production phases throughout the closing down and disposal of the installations.

In terms of production the North Sea is still Norway's most important petroleum province. However, there is a clear trend implying that the Norwegian petroleum activities are moving further north and into more coastal areas. This development means increased focus on the relationship between the petroleum activities, the environment and natural resources in the Norwegian and Barents Seas. The government's policy as regards environmental and resource concerns will reflect these new challenges, and will be based on continued and strengthened coexistence as the petroleum activities move further north.

In the White Paper the government introduces several measures in addition to the extensive environmental regulations that already have contributed to Norwegian petroleum activities being in the environmental forefront for several decades. New measures introduced are increasing the knowledge of the long-term effects of discharges to sea as well as a separate impact assessment of carrying out the petroleum activities in the northern seas throughout the year.

- The government has initiated an impact assessment of carrying out petroleum activities in the area covering Lofoten and the Barents Sea throughout the year. This will ensure a solid decision basis for sustainable petroleum activities in the northern waters, states Mr. Steensnæs, Minister of Petroleum and Energy.

The assessment program is now subject to public hearing.

There is a general agreement that more knowledge is needed regarding the long-term effects of discharges to sea from the petroleum activities. The government thus wants to increase the efforts in this area, and will already this year in co-operation with the industry, launch a separate research program through The Norwegian Research Council.

The government will ensure that the goal of zero discharge to sea before 2005 of environmentally harmful substances is reached. This zero discharge strategy is an important framework condition for ensuring that the oil and gas activities take place within an acceptable environmental framework, and the government will make sure that the co-operation between authorities and industry aiming at reaching this goal is further developed.