
Norway supports the EU Military Assistance Mission for Ukraine with approximately NOK 150 million

Dette innholdet er mer enn 2 år gammelt.

The EU has established a training mission for the training of Ukrainian soldiers. Norway will provide approximately NOK 150 million in support to this initiative.

– Ukraine depends on support from other countries, not least to obtain sufficient weapons and material to stand up to Russian warfare. Norway has provided considerable support and will continue to contribute with donations of military material. It is important for Norwegian and European security that Russia does not win its war against Ukraine. Ukrainian forces are fighting an important battle for democracy and justice, says Minister of Defence Bjørn Arild Gram.

Norway supports the EU Military Assistance Mission for Ukraine

The EU has established a training mission for both basic and specialist training for Ukrainian soldiers in EU countries.

The mandate will be flexible and scalable to meet Ukrainian needs in a long-term and sustainable manner. Initially, the EU aims to train 15,000 personnel. Norway aims to contribute by supporting the training mission's operating budget with around NOK 150 million through the European Peace Facility (EPF).

Norway is also financing parts of an Estonian donation of a field hospital to Ukraine, as well as donating five military ambulance buses.

More information in Norwegian here. 

Norwegian support to Ukraine and neighbouring countries

Previously, Norway has announced support to both NATO-led and UK-led support funds for Ukraine. An overview of Norway’s support to Ukraine and its neighbouring countries in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is available at: Norwegian support to Ukraine and neighbouring countries - regjeringen.no