On this page you can find speeches and statements from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.
Speeches and statements
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Financing change: Norway’s experience in sharing wealth
25/07/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of FinanceTaxing the riches of nature: sharing in the prosperity from national resources
By Minister of Finance Trygve Slagsvold Vedum At a business event 24 July in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, prior to G20 Finance Ministers meeting
State Secretary Maria Varteressian's speech for EU ambassadors about the EEA
22/07/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign AffairsSpeech Delivered to EU Ambassadors at the Belgian Residence, Celebrating Belgium’s EU Presidency.
By State Secretary Maria Varteressian 14 May 2024
Press conference March 18, 2022: Post by the Minister of Justice and Public Security
19/03/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of Justice and Public Security(The post must be compared with the post delivered) Thank you, Minister of Defence. The security situation in Europe has changed. This means that emergency preparedness in Norway must adapt correspondingly. The Norwegian Government wishes to
By Minister of Justice and Public Security Emilie Enger Mehl Press conference March 18, 2022
EERA DeepWind 2022
19/01/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of EnergyMinister of Petroleum and Energy Marte Mjøs Persen gave this digital speech to the EERA DeepWind 2022 conference in Trondheim on 19th January 2022.
Statement at the Forest and Land-use Event
02/11/2021 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterYour Royal Highness, Presidents and Prime Ministers, ladies and gentlemen, there is progress being made here at COP 26.
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre COP26, Glasgow, Scotland
Statement at the Ocean Panel meeting in Glasgow
02/11/2021 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterWe are members of the Ocean Panel because we agree that the oceans are essential to human survival and to solving some of the greatest challenges humanity has ever faced. Not least, climate change.
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre COP26
Minister Eide’s remarks at U.S. Independence Day Celebration
19/06/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign AffairsRemarks by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Espen Barth Eide, at the United States of America’s 248th anniversary of independence.
By Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide U.S. Residence, Oslo, Norway. 18 June 2024
Minister Eide’s remarks at the launch of Norway's new humanitarian strategy
24/05/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs(as delivered) High Commissioner, dear Filippo, dear Anne Beathe, dear humanitarian friends. It's fantastic to be here. Anne Beathe said it all, basically, but I would also like to underline a few points that matter a lot in this context from my
By Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide May 15 at Oslo Concert Hall
Opening address by the Prime Minister at the One Ocean Summit
15/04/2024 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister'At home we are working on new shipping segments like ferries, aquaculture vessels and offshore vessels, making them electric, non-pollutant, helped with support from Enova and other mechanisms. We are also establishing marine climate partnerships,
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre Bergen
Minister Eide’s opening remarks at international partner meeting on Palestine
30/05/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs‘Our message to our Palestinian friends and partners today should be our joint commitment to the survival and strengthening of the Palestinian institutions in the whole of Palestine. In words but also in deeds’, Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide
By Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide Brussels, 26 May 2024
Remarks by the Prime Minister at the Interactive dialogue on a common digital future
23/09/2024 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister'We must remember that all human rights fully apply in the digital space. Digital technologies should be designed to minimize the risk of violating rights and doing harm, in particularly to minors and children. They must be safe to use and meet the
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre United Nations General Assembly, New York
Speech by the Prime Minister at the naming ceremony for "Höegh Borealis" in China
11/09/2024 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister'Norway and China have made a joint statement where we agree to strengthen our cooperation on the green transition. This agreement invites you, the industry, to move forward based on common initiatives to do climate and environmentally friendly
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre China Merchants Heavy Industry, Haimen, Nantong, China
Statement by Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide at the 79th UN General Assembly
28/09/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign AffairsBy Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide The 79th UN General Assembly, 28 September 2024
Statement at the Ministerial round table at the UN Commission on the Status of Women
23/03/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign AffairsState Secretary Bjørg Sandkjær’s statement at Ministerial round table at the UN Commission on the Status of Women: “Mobilizing financing for gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. Policies and strategies to end women's and
Innlegg European Hydrogen Week
21/11/2023 Speech/statement Ministry of EnergyOlje- og energiminister Terje Aasland holdt dette innlegget på EU Hydrogen Week 20.november i Brüssel.
Statement at the conference to support Ukraine's civilian resilience
13/12/2022 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterPresident Macron, President Zelensky, Prime Minister Shmyhal, Colleagues, friends. Let me first thank the Government of France for hosting today’s Conference.
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre Paris
Afghanistan in the Security Council
20/12/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign AffairsStatement by the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anniken Huitfeldt, in the Security Council meeting on Afghanistan, 20 December 2022.
By Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Anniken Huitfeldt New York, 20 December
Opening Speech at Berlin Security Conference
30/11/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs'Our security environment has changed dramatically over the past year. We have taken unprecedented actions to adjust and support Ukraine', State Secretary Eivind Vad Petersson said in his opening speech at the conference..
By State Secretary Eivind Vad Petersson Berlin, 30 November
Minister Huitfeldt’s address to ambassadors
16/05/2023 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign AffairsAddress at a breakfast meeting hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for ambassadors to Norway, 16 May 2023.
By Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Anniken Huitfeldt Hotel Continental, Oslo
Informal Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Oslo: Speech by Prime Minister Støre at the Memorial Event for the 22 July 2011 Acts of Terrorism
31/05/2023 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterThe most important safeguards are to be found within each and every one of us - individually, and as communities. Our resistance - individually, collectively - to intolerance, hatred and extremism - and our support for equality, diversity and human