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All travellers arriving in Norway must take a test after arrival
02/12/2021 News story Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe Norwegian Government is introducing stricter test requirements at the border in order to delay and limit the spread of the new Omicron virus variant. From Friday 3 December at 12 am, any person who arrives in Norway must get tested, regardless
New white paper highlights Sámi perspectives in public health work
19/03/2024 News story Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe Government believes that public health policy has paid too little attention to factors that affect public health and living conditions in the Sámi population. This will change with the white paper that was passed in the Council of State on
Norway will take the lead in European public health cooperation
17/02/2023 News story Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe EU has invested 75 million euros into public health, and has asked Norway to lead this project.
Deferral of decision regarding a second dose for 12 to 15-year-olds
25/10/2021 News story Ministry of Health and Care ServicesOne dose of the COVID-19 vaccine has been offered to children aged 12 to 15 since the beginning of September. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has considered whether they should also be offered a second dose, but has recommended waiting for
Norway proposes ban to protect children from the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages
22/08/2024 News story Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Education and ResearchThe Norwegian government today sent on public consultation a proposal to ban the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages aimed at children under the age of 18.