A wide-reaching and well maintained road network is one of the important premises for road safety, wealth creation and developing and sustaining demographics nationwide.

Information for professional drivers: Trucker's guide
Important information that heavy vehicle operators need to know in order to drive safely in Norway.

Information for professional drivers: Permits
As a professional driver you need various permits.

National Tourist Routes in Norway
18 selected routes from Varanger in the north to Jæren in the south, offering high visual quality of scenic viewpoints and picnic areas along the routes.
Latest on roads
What's new
- Ukrainian refugees are having their right to drive in Norway expanded Press release 27/01/2023
- Ukrainian refugees are having their right to drive in Norway expanded Press release 19/12/2022
- Norway sending bridges to Ukraine Press release 13/12/2022
- Ukrainian refugees will be granted an extension of the right to drive cars in Norway Press release 22/04/2022
- NOU 2023: 25 - The transition to low emissions Norwegian Official Report (NOU) 27/10/2023
- Meld. St. 20 (2020–2021) - National Transport Plan 2022–2033 Report to the Storting 19/03/2021
- Meld. St. 9 (2018–2019) - Wholesale and retail trade – when the customer is always online Report to the Storting 30/11/2018
- Meld. St. 33 (2016–2017) - National Transport Plan 2018–2029 Report to the Storting 05/04/2017
- NOU 2015: 15 - Environmental Pricing (Summary) Norwegian Official Report (NOU) 09/12/2015
Public Roads Section
+ 47 22 24 81 97
Postboks 8010 Dep, 0030 Oslo
Visitor address:
Akersgata 59 (R5), Oslo