
The Advisory Panel on Fiscal Policy Analysis

The Advisory Panel on Fiscal Policy Analysis (formerly the Ministry of Finance’s Advisory Panel on Macroeconomic Models and Methods) provides professional advice on the Ministry of Finance’s work on macroeconomic issues and fiscal sustainability.

The Advisory Panel on Fiscal Policy Analysis has an advisory function for the Ministry of Finance in questions regarding fiscal policy analysis and in model and methodological issues related to macroeconomics. The panel shall also strengthen the contact between the Ministry and economic professionals in the field. Additionally, the panel arranges open seminars on related topics.

In June 2021, the panel’s mandate was extended to give professional assessments and advise on long-term sustainability of government finances and to assess whether the government’s fiscal policy is compatible with such considerations. The panel shall give a brief annual statement on these assessments. At the same time, the panel changed its name to The Advisory Panel on Fiscal Policy Analysis. The members employed by the Ministry of Finance and Norges Bank do not participate in the work of assessing the long-term sustainability of fiscal policy.

The working language of the panel is Norwegian. More information can be found here: