Introduction to the planning system and its processes
The following pages provide an introduction to the planning part of the Planning and Building Act and how the planning system works. You will find general guidelines and guidance for the individual steps and parts of a planning process, whether it takes place in your municipality, county/region or nationally.

Municipal planning functions
The municipality is the local planning authority. The municipalities are responsible for preparing a municipal master plan with a social element and a land-use element, and for creating a municipal planning strategy. In addition, the municipalities shall ensure that zoning plans are prepared in the form of area or detailed zoning plans.

Regional planning functions
Given that many planning issues affect circumstances beyond the individual municipality, the county authority is the regional planning authority. In the regional planning area, the key tools are regional planning strategy, regional planning, intermunicipal planning cooperation and the regional planning forum.

National guidelines and planning functions
The Government shall develop and communicate national goals and guidelines for planning in counties and municipalities. National expectations regarding planning, central government planning guidelines and central government planning provisions provide guidelines for land use and social development at the regional and municipal level.
Department for Planning
+47 22 24 59 01/02
Postboks 8112 Dep., 0032 Oslo
Visitor address:
Akersgt. 59, Oslo