Health and care
The Ministry of Health and Care Services has chief responsibility for health policy, public health, health services, municipal services for the elderly and disabled, health legislation and parts of social legislation in Norway. Click "More on Health and care" to find news articles, press releases and other articles related to this topic. Click "Find document" to search for all documents on related to this topic.
Latest on health and care
What's new
- Norway extends agreement on medical evacuation of Ukrainian patients Press release 24/09/2024
- Norway proposes ban to protect children from the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages News story 22/08/2024
- Norway receives award for the evacuation of Ukrainian patients to Norway and other European countries Press release 04/06/2024
- Revised National Budget: Boosting access to diabetes medications and reducing national insurance user fees News story 16/05/2024
- Revised National Budget: NOK 250 million to bolster the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority News story 16/05/2024
- The Women’s Health Strategy Plans/strategy 03/10/2024
- Meld. St. 12 (2023–2024) - White paper on public health and living conditions in the Sámi population – Summary Report to the Storting 15/03/2024
- NOU 2024: 3 - Joint efforts against extremism: Better conditions for preventive work Norwegian Official Report (NOU) 01/03/2024
- The Norwegian National Strategy for Rare Diagnoses Plans/strategy 09/02/2024
- Meld. St. 5 (2023–2024) - A Resilient Health Emergency Preparedness Report to the Storting 24/11/2023
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Ministry of Health and Care Services
+47 22 24 90 90
Postboks 8011 Dep, 0030 Oslo
Visitor address:
Teatergata 9, Oslo