
Counter-terrorism, prevention of violent extremism and the fight against organised crime

Norway attaches importance to ensuring an integrated approach to preventing and combating all forms of violent extremism and terrorism. This message is communicated in various ways: in the UN, in international negotiations, and through the provision of grant funding to civil society and international organisations.

Norway provides military forces to the anti-ISIL coalition in Iraq. Norway also leads a joint French-Norwegian specialised police team established under the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), in part as a contribution to the fight against impunity.

Norway chairs the Security Council ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee (the 1267 Sanctions Committee) and is a member of the  Counter Terrorism Committee (established under Security Council resolution 1373). As chair of the 1267 Sanctions Committee, Norway works to uphold the legitimacy and effectiveness of the sanctions regime.   

The seventh review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy was completed in June 2021. There were difficult negotiations on key topics such as human rights, humanitarian considerations, repatriation of foreign terrorist fighters, hate speech, references to new forms of extremism, and oversight of the UN counter-terrorism architecture. Norway and like-minded countries have reason to be pleased that the wording on gender equality, human rights, civil society and humanitarian considerations has been somewhat strengthened, and that the wording on prevention has not been watered down.    

Norway and Jordan co-chair the UN Group of Friends on Preventing Violent Extremism. The Group works to raise awareness of the underlying causes of violent extremism and terrorism. Norway was a founding supporter of the Christchurch Call to Action, which was established in 2019 following the far-right terrorist attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand the same year. The main purpose of the Christchurch Call is to prevent the spread of violent extremist propaganda online and on social media. Norway is also a member of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF).  

Security and development must be viewed in conjunction with each other. Organised crime affects individuals, the environment and the economy. Criminal networks can be used as tools by states and their activities are an important source of financing for both terrorist and rebel groups. The UN Security Council adopts 30-40 resolutions relating to organised crime every year.