International law
International law regulates relations between independent states and relations between states and international organisations. To an increasing extent, it also regulates the rights and obligations of individuals. International law is regulated through international treaties and customary law.
Latest on international law
What's new
- Norwegian Foreign Minister: Growing impatience on behalf of Palestinians Press release 27/09/2024
- Statement by Foreign Minister Eide on the UN Emergency Session on the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion on the Israeli occupation News story 24/09/2024
- UN Summit: Defending international law more important than ever News story 23/09/2024
- Norway recognises Palestine today News story 28/05/2024
- Foreign Minister Eide: Broad international agreement to strengthen Palestinian institutions and promote the two-state solution News story 26/05/2024
- Meld. St. 27 (2018–2019) - Norway’s Role and Interests in Multilateral Cooperation Report to the Storting 14/06/2019
- NOU 2016: 8 - A Good Ally: Norway in Afghanistan 2001–2014 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) 06/06/2016
- Meld. St. 25 (2012-2013) - Sharing for prosperity Report to the Storting 05/04/2013
- Say no to corruption - it pays! Guidelines/brochures 02/05/2008
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