Environmental, cultural and economic sustainability
Article | Last updated: 05/01/2015 | Ministry of Agriculture and Food
It is an explicit political objective to develop an efficient and market oriented Reindeer husbandry industry based on long term sustainability.

Environmental sustainability means that there are no more Reindeer than the pastures can support, and that Reindeer grazing does not encroach on other animal habitats. Setting limits for herd sizes, and increased attention to effects of e.g. construction or pollution are important tools for ensuring environmental sustainability.
This is equally important with regards to proprietary practices such as summer scooter driving and fence construction. In the end, it's all about doing Reindeer herding on nature's terms only.
Economic sustainability
Economic sustainability means that Reindeer husbandry must provide a sufficient income level for the Reindeer husbandry sector. This requires focusing on productivity, efficiency, and private as well as corporate earning potential.
It also requires a reasonable balancing of the natural resource base, market opportunities and the numbers employed in the industry.
Cultural sustainability
Cultural sustainability means that there needs to be a sufficient number of people to continue the traditions of the Reindeer husbandry way of life. Reindeer husbandry politics are inseparably connected to a wider goal of preserving Saami culture and tradition.
The objectives of environmental, cultural and economic sustainability are interrelated: Environmental sustainability constitutes the basis for economic sustainability, and together environmental and economic sustainability allow for the opportunity to preserve and develop cultural sustainability.
Realizing more opportunities for economic growth is crucial. The industry is vitally important for sustaining and developing a flourishing Saami community - economically, socially and culturally. Continuous employment and clearly defined parametersfor the individual animal owner will confirm Reindeer husbandry as a solid cornerstone of Saami culture.