Offshore wind
Norway has an ambition to allocate areas for 30,000 MW of offshore wind production by 2040. The first areas for renewable energy production at sea on the Norwegian continental shelf were opened in 2020. Since then, the authorities have been working closely with the industry and other stakeholders to establish the regulations. The Ministry of Energy announced the 2023 competition for the project area for offshore wind for the first phase of Sørlege Nordsjø II. In 2024, Belgian Ventyr SN II AS won the auction.

Sørlige Nordsjø II
The area of Sørlige Nordsjø II is located south in the North Sea, close to the border to Denmark, and was opened for renewable offshore energy production on the 12th of June with a capacity of 3000 MW. Ventyr SN II AS won the auction for the allocation of a project area for offshore wind in Sørlige Nordsjø II on the 20th of March 2024.

Utsira Nord
Utsira Nord is located outside off the coast of Rogaland, and was opened for offshore renewable energy production on the 12th of June 2020. Because of the sea depth, the area will be built with floating offshore wind.

Ventyr SN II AS won the auction for the allocation of a project area for offshore wind in Sørlige Nordsjø II
Following a successful auction, it is Ventyr SN II AS, owned by Parkwind and Ingka-group, who will be the first to develop offshore wind in Sørlige Nordsjø II. The winning bid in the auction is 115 øre/kWh. Two bidders participated in the auction.